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Field-Dependent Critical Current in Type-II Superconducting Strips: Combined

Effect of Bulk Pinning and Geometrical Edge Barrier

Andrey A. Elistratov, Denis Yu. Vodolazov, Igor L. Maksimov and John R. Clem∗
Nizhny Novgorod University, 603600 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Ames Laboratory and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011–3160, USA
(October 22, 2002)
Recent theoretical and experimental research on low-bulk-pinning superconducting strips has re-
vealed striking dome-like magnetic-field distributions due to geometrical edge barriers. The observed
magnetic-flux profiles differ strongly from those in strips in which bulk pinning is dominant. In this
paper we theoretically describe the current and field distributions of a superconducting strip under
the combined influence of both a geometrical edge barrier and bulk pinning at the strip’s critical
current Ic , where a longitudinal voltage first appears. We calculate Ic and find its dependence upon
a perpendicular applied magnetic field Ha . The behavior is governed by a parameter p, defined
as the ratio of the bulk-pinning critical current Ip to the geometrical-barrier critical current Is0 .
We find that when p > 2/π and Ip is field-independent, Ic vs Ha exhibits a plateau for small Ha ,
followed by the dependence Ic − Ip ∝ Ha−1 in higher magnetic fields.
arXiv:cond-mat/0210434 v1 20 Oct 2002

The combination of a geometrical edge barrier and 2Ha x

Kaz (x) = √ , (2)
bulk pinning recently has been shown to strongly affect W 2 − x2
the properties of low-dimensional superconductors (thin
films, single crystals, and tapes with high demagnetiz- the Meissner-state current density induced by the applied
ing factors) placed in either a perpendicular magnetic field Ha . The divergences in Eqs. (1) and (2) at |x| = W
field1–5 or a transport-current-carrying state6–9 . While are cut off when x is within Λ of the edge.
most experimental studies of the field dependence of the To account for the edge barrier, we assume that vor-
critical current Ic are being interpreted solely on the ba- tices nucleate and enter the superconductor when Kz
sis of bulk-pinning theory (see for example10–14 ), a num- at either sample edge reaches the value Ks = js d at
ber of works6,8,15,16 have shown that a geometrical edge which the barrier is overcome. For an ideal edge, js is
barrier (or surface barrier) may strongly affect Ic . In this equal to the Ginzburg-Landau depairing current density
paper we study the combined effect of a geometrical edge jGL 18,19 , but for an extremely defected edge, js may be-
barrier and bulk pinning upon the magnetic field depen- come negligibly small. When Ha = 0, the sheet √ cur-
dence of Ic for type-II superconducting strips. We shall rent at both edges is approximately KIz ≈ I/π 2W Λ,
show how the dependence of Ic upon Ha is controlled by such that the edge-barrier critical
√ current in zero exter-
the parameter p = Ip /Is0 , where Ip is the bulk-pinning nal magnetic field is Is0 ≈ πKs 2W Λ. When Ha > 0,
critical current in the absence of a geometrical edge bar- the net sheet current
√ at x = W is approximately Kz ≈
rier, and Is0 is the geometrical-barrier critical current in (I + 2πHa W )/(π 2W Λ), and the edge-barrier critical
the absence of bulk pinning. current becomes Is (Ha )/Is0 = 1 − h for small h, where
h = Ha /(Is0 /2πW ). This result is essentially the same as
We consider a superconducting strip of thickness d
that found in Ref.8 for the critical current in low applied
(|y| < d/2) and width 2W (|x| < W ) centered on the
magnetic fields for bulk-pinning-free strips.
z axis. We assume that d is less than the London pen-
We next account for bulk pinning, characterized via
etration depth λ and that W is much larger than the
a bulk-pinning critical sheet current density, Kp = jp d,
two-dimensional screening length Λ = 2λ2 /d. The strip
such that the critical current in the absence of an edge
is subjected to a perpendicular applied magnetic field
barrier is Ip = 2Kp W . We first consider the case
Ha = (0, Ha , 0), and it carries a total current I in the
of relatively weak bulk pinning when Ip < (2/π)Is0 ,
z direction described by a spatially dependent sheet cur-
i.e., p < 2/π. In low fields (0 < Ha < Hd , region I
rent density K(x) = Jd = [0, 0, Kz (x)]. We wish to deter-
of Fig. 1), vortices nucleate on the right-hand side at
mine the current-density and magnetic-field distributions
x = W when I slightly exceeds Is (H). As long as
at the critical current at which a steady-state flux-flow
Kz (x) = KIz (x) + Kaz (x) exceeds Kp , these vortices
voltage appears along the length of the strip. For a strip
are driven entirely across the strip, traveling rapidly
containing no magnetic flux, Kz (x) is the sum of two
(speed v governed solely by the force-balance equation
[Kz (x) − Kp ]φ0 = ηvd, where η is the viscous drag coef-
ficient), and annihilating with their images on the op-
KIz (x) = √ , (1) posite side of the strip. The critical current is then
π W 2 − x2 Ic (Ha , p) = Is (Ha ), and the normalized critical current
the Meissner-state current density generated by the ap-
plied current I, and ic (h, p) = Ic (Ha , p)/Is0 = 1 − h. (3)

However, Kmin , the minimum value of Kz (x), decreases The inversion procedure yields H(ζ) of the following form
with increasing Ha and reaches Kp at I = Is (Ha ) when at the critical current Ic (Ha ):
Ha = Hd , where
(ζ − a)1/2 (ζ − b)1/2 Kp
1 H(ζ) = [Ha + Q(a, b, ζ)], (6)
hd = Hd /(Is0 /2πW ) = [1 − (πp/2)2 ]. (4) (ζ 2 − W 2 )1/2 2π
Rb √
Q(a, b, ζ) = a (ζ−u)
√W 2 −u2 du (7a)
2(W +a)
IV = √ [ (W −ζ) Π( (ζ−a)(W
(ζ+W )(b−a)
+b) , q)
(W −a)(W +b) (ζ−a)
+ Π( W +b , q)], (7b)
-1 0 x' 1
h1 and

2W (b − a)
q2 = . (8)
(W − a)(W + b)
0.5 -1 0 x' 1
hd In Eq. (6), the term proportional to Ha is simply the com-
I plex field describing the Meissner-state response to the
-1 0
1 applied field Ha of two parallel superconducting strips8,22
0 (−W < x < a and b < x < W ). The term propor-
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
tional to Kp is the complex field describing the image-
current response23 of the two strips to currents Kp du
FIG. 1. Behavior at the critical current vs reduced field summed over the region a < u < b. We have evalu-
h and bulk pinning parameter p. In region I, the strip is ated the integral in Eq. (7a) in terms of complete ellip-
vortex-free [Hy (x, 0) = 0] and the sheet current density is ev- tic integrals of the third kind24–28 Π(n, k), where n is
erywhere above the bulk-pinning critical value [Kz (x) > Kp ]. called either the characteristic or the parameter, and k is
In II, there is a vortex-free zone where Kz (x) > Kp on the called the modulus. Equation (7b) can be used to evalu-
right side of the strip and a vortex dome (dot-dashed curve in ate Hy (x, 0) = ReH(x) and Kz (x) = −2ImH(x + i).
inset) where Kz (x) = Kp (solid curve in inset). In III, there For p > 2/π and small values of h, i.e., for h and p in
are three zones: two vortex-free zones on either side of a vor- region IV of Fig. 1, the vortex distribution at the critical
tex dome. In IV, there are four zones: a vortex dome where current can be described as a double dome, consisting
Hy (x, 0) > 0, an antivortex dome where Hy (x, 0) < 0, and of a vortex dome adjacent to an antivortex dome (see
two vortex-free zones where Kz (x) > Kp near the edges. The inset). Just above the critical current, vortices nucle-
curve hd (p) (solid) separates regions I and III, h1 (p) (dashed) ate at x = W (x0 = 1), where Kz (W − Λ) = Ks , move
separates III and IV, and h2 (p) (dotted) separates II and III. rapidly to the left through an otherwise vortex-free region
(b < x < W ), and then move slowly to the left through a
When p < 2/π and h > hd or when p > 2/π, i.e., for h vortex-filled region (the vortex dome), a+ < x < b. An-
and p outside region I of Fig. 1, nucleated vortices stop tivortices nucleate at x = −W , where Kz (−W +Λ) = Ks ,
inside the strip, and dome-like flux distributions occur move rapidly to the right through an otherwise vortex-
at the critical current. To determine the critical current free region (−W < x < a), and then move slowly to the
with domes present, one must first calculate the vortex right through an antivortex-filled region (the antivortex
(and antivortex) density n(x) = µ0 Hy (x, 0)/φ0 inside the dome), a < x < b− . Vortices and antivortices annihilate
dome, where Kz (x) = Kp , and the sheet current density where the two domes meet at x = b− = a+ .
Kz (x) outside, where n(x) = 0. We have obtained these Two equations must be solved simultaneously for a
mathematically by using the Cauchy integral inversion and b at the critical current Ic (Ha ) for known values of
method2,4,7,9,20 to invert the Biot-Savart law. However, h and p in region IV of Fig. 1. One condition is that
we shall use the method of complex fields21 to give a Kz (W − Λ) = Ks , which yields from Eqs. (6) and (7b)
physical interpretation of the mathematical results.
Following Ref.21 , we express the two-dimensional field
b0 −a0
(1 − a0 )(1 − b0 )h + (1 + a0 ) 1−b
p 0

distribution as an analytic function H(ζ) = Hy (x, y) + 1+b0 Π( 1+b0 , q)p

iHx (x, y) of the complex variable ζ = x + iy, such that = 1, (9)

the Biot-Savart law becomes
where we use the normalized quantities a0 = a/W and
1 Kz (u)
b0 = b/W . The other condition, that Kz (−W + Λ) = Ks ,
H(ζ) = Ha + du. (5)
2π −W ζ −u yields

b0 −a0 The condition Kz (W − Λ) = Ks , which determines
(1 + a0 )(1 + b0 )h + (1 − b0 ) 1+a
p 0
− 1−a0 Π( 1−a0 , q)p
b0 = b/W at Ic for h and p in region II of Fig. 1, be-
= 1. (10) comes
Expansion of Eq. (5) for large ζ yields H(ζ) = Ha + p p
I/2πζ + O(1/ζ 2 ). Expanding Eqs. (6) and (7a) in powers 2(1 − b0 )[h + p sinh−1 (1 + b0 )/(1 − b0 )] = 1 (15)
of ζ and making use of Eq. (9), we obtain the normalized
critical current, ic = Ic /Is0 : instead of Eq. (9), and the normalized critical current
a +b 0 can be expressed as
ic (h, p) = − √
2 (1−a0 )(1−b0 )
q 1p pp
+ 1 1+b0
− a0 )E(q) + (1 + a0 )K(q)]p, ic (h, p) = 2(1 − b0 ) + 2(1 + b0 ) (16)
2 1−a0 [(1 (11)
4 2
where a0 and b0 are determined from Eqs. (9) and (10)
for the desired values of h and p. instead of Eq. (11).
The double-dome vortex-antivortex distribution (re-
gion IV of Fig. 1) occurs at ic only for h in the range 1.6
0 < h < h1 for p > 2/π. Here, h1 (p) is the low- IV
est value of h that makes Hy (x, 0) > 0 in the region 1.2
a < x < b. Thus, one of the equations determining h1 is 1.2
Ha + (Kp /2π)Q(a, b, a + ) = 0 [see Eq. (6)], which yields 1.0

i (h,p)
√ 1

h+ 0.8
(b0 −a0 ) (1−a0 )(1+b0 ) 0.8

[(1 − a0 )(1 + b0 )E(q) − (1 + a0 )(1 − b0 )K(q) I 2/π

0 0
− (b − a )(1 − b 0
)Π( b1−a 0 , q)]p = 0. (12) 0.4
0.4 II

h1 can be determined for a given value of p as the value of 0.2

h when Eqs. (9), (10), and (12) are simultaneously solved
for a0 , b0 , and h. 0
For known values of h and p in region III of Fig. 1, the 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
left and right boundaries of the vortex dome a0 and b0 are
determined by simultaneously solving Eqs. (9) and (12);
FIG. 2. ic (h, p) (critical current normalized to Is0 ) vs re-
Eq. (12) also gives the condition that dKz (x)/dx = 0 at
duced field h for fixed values of the bulk pinning parameter p.
x = a. Once a0 and b0 are found, Eq. (11) again can be
The solid straight line and solid circles denote values of ic in
used to calculate the critical current. Just above the crit- region I, where h = hd (p); the dashed curve and solid squares
ical current, vortices nucleate at x = W , move rapidly to show ic at h = h1 (p); and the dotted curve and solid triangles
the left through the vortex-free region b < x < W , move show ic at h = h2 (p). For p < 2/π, ic decreases linearly with
slowly to the left through the vortex dome a < x < b, h [Eq. (3)] up to hd and then decreases more slowly in regions
escape from the dome, and finally move rapidly to the III [Eq. (11)] and II [Eq. (16)]. The bold curve shows ic for
left through the vortex-free region −W < x < a. the special case of p = 2/π. For p > 2/π, ic increases by a
For increasing values of h, the left boundary of the few percent in the double-dome region IV and then decreases
vortex-filled region moves closer to the left edge of the more gradually in regions III and II. In all cases, ic asymptot-
strip; a becomes equal to −W + Λ when h = h2 , which ically approaches p for large h (short dotted lines along the
can be determined for a given value of p as the value right side of the figure).
of h when Eqs. (9) and (12) are numerically solved for
b0 and h, taking a0 = −1 + Λ/W . (For Figs. 1 and 2, The reduced critical current ic as a function of h, calcu-
Λ/W = 0.01 was assumed.) For h > h2 , the field and lated from Eq. (11) or (16), is shown in Fig. 2 for various
current distributions and ic can be calculated with good values of p. For p = 0 and h > 1/2, we find ic = 1/4h, as
accuracy by simply setting a = W in Eq. (6). The com- obtained in6,8 for pin-free strips with an edge barrier. In
plex field in region II of Fig. 1 is then the opposite limit, p  1, we obtain ic ≈ p, as expected
(ζ − b)1/2 Kp for bulk-pinning-dominated behavior. For h  p, we see
HII (ζ) = 1/2
[Ha + Q(b, ζ)], (13) from Eq. (15) that b0 approaches 1, and Eq. (16) yields
(ζ − W ) 2π ic ≈ p + 1/4h. A generic feature of Fig. 2 is the plateau
where in ic vs h to the left of the dashed curve in region IV; ac-
Rb √ tually, ic increases by a few percent as h increases from 0
Q(b, ζ) = a (ζ−u) b−u du (14a) to h1 . This increase is due to a significant decrease in the
q q
(W +b)(ζ−W )
width b − a over which Kz (x) is restricted to Kp . This
W +b
= 2 sinh−1 W −b − 2 sinh−1 (W −b)(ζ+W ) . (14b) effect is partially compensated by a change in shape of

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