Lesson Plan For Electromagnetic Spectrum

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Name: Date: Lesson Start and End Time:

Elishea Reed 11/14/23
12:57pm – 1:35pm

Academic Area: Grade Level: Co-op initials with date:

Chemistry 10th -11th
Pre-Instruction Planning
Topic New Atomic Theory/Electromagnetic Spectrum
PA Anchor/Standard or 1. PS4.B: Electromagnetic Radiation
Eligible Content
o Electromagnetic radiation (e.g., radio,
microwaves, light) can be modeled as a wave of
changing electric and magnetic fields or as
particles called photons. The wave model is
useful for explaining many features of
electromagnetic radiation, and the particle
model explains other features. (HS-PS4-3)

o When light or longer wavelength

electromagnetic radiation is absorbed in matter,
it is generally converted into thermal energy
(heat). Shorter wavelength electromagnetic
radiation (ultraviolet, X-rays, gamma rays) can
ionize atoms and cause damage to living cells.

Lesson Objectives TSWBAT differentiate the different types of waves on the

electromagnetic spectrum.

TSWBAT contrast frequency and wavelength.

Materials  Smartboard
 Pencil/pen
 Station sheets
 Note sheets
 Timer
 YouTube

Planning for Learners Differentiation:
- Provide students with two different options ot fill in their
notes from the stations from

- Notes are partially filled with blanks that need to be
filled in.

Lesson Presentation
Introduction https://youtu.be/P_PVz8HrrCI?si=ImmjPmesK3K4jukW

Students will come into class and once the bell rings, the video
will be played. The students will then be asked if they have
any idea what the electromagnetic spectrum is. This will
begin a small group discussion about what they know which
attempts to activate prior knowledge.


Sequence of activities Three slide lecture just introducing topic

including assessments
Five stations will be placed around the room.

Teacher will explain how the stations work. Each station will be
5 minutes. Students will need to put down key information on
their note sheet. (key information will be place on the

Key information includes definition of wavelength and

frequency, uses of each type of waves, if the wave is harmful or
not, each waves wavelength and frequency, and where on the
wavelength graph it lays.

Students will be released to go to a station.

The timer below will be placed on the smartboard.


Once the timer is complete, each student will move stations to

collect the next set on information.

Informal assessment will be completed during this time. Teacher

will walk around and check in on students’ knowledge.

Once the final station is complete, students will return to their


Lesson Wrap-up Teacher will ask if there are any questions about what was
just read.

Teacher will ask what students thought was interesting.

Teacher will ask what students learned.

What is the difference between frequency and wavelength?

Informal assessment of students understanding of frequency and

wavelength will occur.



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