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Station One:

Wavelength and Frequency

Electromagnetic radiation travels in
waves. What are waves though? Waves
are regular patterns of motion created by
a vibrational disturbance. A wave can Electromagnetic waves do not
move through matter (such as sound). require any air to travel
Some waves can move through a vacuum through. A wave transfers
(no air to travel through). energy as it moves from one
place to another. All
electromagnetic radiation
moves at the speed of light:
3.00 x 10⁸ m/s.

There are two important properties of

waves that we need to understand:
wavelength and frequency. Wavelength
is the distance between the crests
(tops) of two waves.
The frequency of a wave is the number
of waves that pass through a given
point in a given amount of time.

The smaller the distance between

waves, the larger the frequency. The
larger the distance between waves,
the smaller the frequency.
Station Two:
Radio Waves, Microwaves, and
Infrared Waves
At the bottom of the
electromagnetic spectrum, there are
radio waves, microwaves, and
infrared waves. Radio waves have Radio stations use radio waves to
the largest wavelength and the broadcast every day. The “channel”
lowest frequency. Since radio waves, that you tune to in your car stands
for 98.1 Megahertz (MHz) or 98.1 x 106
microwaves, and infrared waves
Hertz which is a frequency! Wireless
have such low frequency, they are of
internet, cell phone signals, and
no harm to humans. AM/FM radio are all examples of radio
waves. Radio waves have frequencies
in the 10,000 meter range to
1,000,000 range.They have a
Microwaves are the types of waves that you wavelength of ~1 meter to 1,000
use to heat up your food probably every day. meters
They have a frequency of
3 x 10⁹ Hz to 3 x 10¹² Hz and a wavelength of
0.001 meter to 1 meter.
Have you ever wondered how these Infrared waves are emitted by anything
microwaves work? Microwaves operate at a that puts off heat. If you have ever
frequency that rotates water molecules. When played a video game and have used
you turn on the microwave, the microwave “heat vision goggles” to see through
shoots microwaves at your food. The walls, then you have observed this
microwaves rotate the water inside the food phenomenon. Infrared waves do not
which heats it up! have enough energy to harm you either.
Snakes and other animals can actually
“sense” infrared waves and it allows
them to capture prey! These waves have
a frequency of
3.0 x 10¹² Hz to 4.3 x 10¹⁵ Hz
and wavelength of 700 nanometers to 1
Station Three:
Visible Light
Visible light consists of light that
humans can detect with their eyes.
Visible light appears white to us, but
white light actually consists of the
rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, Visible light has a wavelength that is
blue, indigo, and violet (ROY G BIV). shorter than infrared waves, but
Violet has the shortest wavelength longer than ultraviolet light. Each
while red has the longest color has its own wavelength (the
wavelength. distance between two crests of a
wave). These waves range from 700
nanometers (red) to 380 nanometers
(violet). The frequency also cahanges
based on the color. It can be 4.3 x 10¹⁵
Hz to 7.9 x 10¹⁵ Hz

When we see colors, the color that we

are seeing is actually the color that is
being reflected! Humans can see colors
using cone-shaped cells in our eyes are
receivers that are tuned in to the
wavelengths in this narrow band of the
spectrum. Other portions of the
electromagnetic spectrum have
frequencies too large or small for us to
Station Four:
Ultraviolet Radiation
Ultraviolet radiation has long been called UV
rays. These are the rays that will give you a
UV-C radiation is the most harmful to
humans, but UV-C radiation is absorbed by a
gas in the upper atmosphere known as
Humans actually need small amounts
ozone. The frequency is 7.9 x 10¹⁵ Hz to 3.0 x
of UV light to stimulate the
10¹⁶ Hz.
production of vitamin D in their skin.
Some people believe that they are not
getting enough vitamin D because
they are not outside enough, so
people buy UV lamps to stimulate the
production of vitamin D in their skin.
The wavelength range is 380
nanometers to 10 nanometers

Sterilizer machines have been created

using UV light to disinfect items. For
example, you can now buy phone
Banks, stores and restaurants use UV sterilizers online to kill bacteria on your
light to detect fake or counterfeit bills. phone. UV-light has also been used to
Under UV light, the counterfeit bills disinfect water to prevent bacteria to
appear bright, but the real bills appear make it drinkable by humans.
Station Five:
X-rays and Gamma Rays

X-Rays and gamma rays are

extremely harmful to humans. They
have frequencies high enough to
harm you and leave you with
permanent damage. X-rays are often
used at doctor’s or dentists’ office to
see your bones. These x-rays are
actually high powered waves (3.0 x Gamma rays are the most harmful
10¹⁶ Hz to 3.0 x 10¹⁸ Hz) that are electromagnetic waves with a
produced when electrons rapidly frequency greater than 3.0 x 10¹⁸ Hz.
slow down when they hit metal. They Gamma rays cannot be stopped by
have a wavelength of 10 nanometers lead or any other material. Gamma
to 0.01 nanometers rays are produced by the sun, stars,
and unstable nuclei. Some people
think that they could become the Hulk
by being hit with a dose of gamma
rays, but the amount that hit him
would have killed him in real life, not
given him super powers.

Nuclear weapons (such as nuclear bombs

and other nuclear warheads) produce
gamma rays which are extremely
dangerous. Gamma rays have extremely
high frequencies and extremely small
wavelengths (Less than 0.01 nanometers)

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