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Chapter 5

1. During the early evening hours, a private jet, that had Rwanda’s president and
other high authority figures, was blown up while on route to land in Rwanda.
2. Romeo Dallaire is the leader of the UN Troops stationed in Rwanda.
3. Jean-Pierre came to the UN headquarters with a story about how a genocide was
possibly being planned.
4. Kofi Annan advised him to stay quiet about the possibility of genocide.
5. It is unclear who shot down the presidential plane.
6. RTLM was starting to point fingers without any information on who shot down
the plane. It then told the Hutus to kill the Tutsis.
7. Roger disappeared to his friend’s house, who lived next door, he then saw his
friend with his family all chopped up, swimming in a pool of blood.
8. Paul is alive during the early days of the killings because he was not on the ‘death
list’ because he was considered a Hutu.
9. Paul saves his family when he bargains to not be killed. Which later lead to
bribing with money

Chapter 6
1. Paul and his family got into the Hotel Mille Collines because he kindly talked to
the guards at the roadblock in front of the hotel.
2. Rwandans believed that the churches were safe because they were in the past. But
during these killings they weren’t.
3. The school was a place where UN troops were supposed to get people out of
Rwanda. Instead they only got the people with white skin or a foreign passport.
4. The United States and the UN decided to evacuate foreigners out of Rwanda, so
all the Rwandans were left behind.
5. Belgian Officers were in danger because they were untrained and only looked like
they knew what they were doing.
6. Paul’s black leather book contained the numbers and business cards of all of his
guests so he could call in for favors and assistance.
7. Commander Hambyarimana was a man Paul called to get guards to protect his
8. Commander Hambyarimana was disgusted with the killings as much as Paul was.
9. The Commander sends in troops to guard Paul’s hotel.
10. Romeo Dallaire was participating in lots of interviews and media related activities
to show the world what was happening in Rwanda.
11. They were thinking about their hometowns hoping they were safe.
12. I would have gone, nothing lasts forever and eventually it would be unsafe.
13. Paul doesn’t charge for hotel rooms because he wanted everybody to have money
incase they need to bribe from being murdered. He only charges for beer and
cocktails because they needed the supply of them.
14. I think that they were trying to forget everything that has happened, despite that it
was really hard to do so.
15. The darkness spreads fear to the guests since most of the chopped up victims had
it happen to them in the dark.
16. The pool was the source of bathing water and drinking water.
Chapter 7
1. Paul values the fax machine because it is his only communication to the outside
2. He uses the fax machine to contact governments and origanizitions about the
situation occurring at his hotel.
3. Paul’s call to the white house was unhelpful.
4. Thomas had a phone interview with a French radio station, however it was played
in Rwanda as well so the killers got really mad.
5. The first time someone came in to kill Thomas, Thomas took care of the situation.
The second time some came by, Paul took them back to share drinks.
6. They both want everybody to stay together with whatever the possible solution is.
7. Paul was happy to have the UN soldiers because they showed a lot of bravery at
his hotel.
8. Georges Rutaganda was a very high authority figure that made lots of money
from his dads investments. He saved the children’s lives when he told the
roadblockers to let them drive away.
9. 1,268 people were staying at the hotel by may of 1994.

Chapter 8
1. The Pentagon paper states that the United States should be involved but not too
involved in the situation.
2. The origin of Genocide goes back to a polish lawyer named Raphael Lemkin who
went to the UN and made genocide an illegal law.
3. Genocides have been carried out in Cambodia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Burundi, and
many other places.
4. They don’t want to call it a Genocide when they don’t have all the facts, even
though it clearly was.
6.The ministry wanted to evacuate the hotel so that the residents would be killed on
the spot. Paul responds by calling in higher authorities to cancel the evacuation.

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