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1. What are the positive and negative effects of social media on mental health?
- The impact of social media on mental health can either be positive or negative, depending on
how it is used and how you interact with it. For instance, it can cause positive affect on your mental
health by facilitating social connections allowing you to connect and interact with other people even
from a distance and social media also provides platforms that can help you express your true self
and pursuing your personal interest. But on the otherside excessive used of social media and other
people's behavior on social media can cause negative effect on your mental health, that can lead you
to low self-esteem, social comparison and addiction that effects your whole mental well-being.

2. How can individuals maintain a healthy balance between real-life interactions and social
media engagement?
- Having time management, establishing boundaries and spreading good behavior both
online and face to face interaction on other people can help you a lot to maintain healthy balance
between real-life interactions and social media, but prioritizing face-to-face interactions is more
effective specially to your personal well-being.

3. What role does social media play in shaping public opinion and influencing political
- Social media have a big role role in shaping public opinion and influencing political
discourse because many individuals utilize social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or
Instagram to share and express their opinions public. However, these systems face challenges
including the pervasive spread of misinformation. Therefore, it is crucial to exercise caution and
double-check everything encountered online to ensure accuracy and reliability.

4. How has social media impacted the way people communicate and interact with each
- Social media plays crucial role in our communication. Allowing us to communicate with our
friends, family, relatives and worldwide online, that creates global connectivity that keep us
individuals connected despite geographical distances, social media also provides global platforms
and apps for instant communication, enables real-time sharing of information, fostering quick
spreading of news and personal updates.
5. What can you say about those videos being viral nowadays? What do you feel if you
watch some gruesome/disturbing videos? How do you handle it?
- In my opinion, spreading of gruesome/disturbing viral videos like that should be stop and
restricted as it can be viewed by children potentially causing them trauma. that's why it is crucial
that social media platforms detect such disturbing videos promptly to facilitate their immediate
removal, It is also important to us individuals that if we come across such content like that we
should report it immediately to ensure that the video is going to delete. This proactive approach is
essential to maintain a safer and more responsible online environment.
STEP 1: Secured all your social media accounts make sure that the passwords is mixed numbers &
letters and avoid using the same password for multiple accounts, UNIQUE PASSWORDS FOR

STEP 2: Make sure that all of your friends and followers on social media are the people you know

STEP 3: Regularly review and adjust your social media privacy settings. Limit the information
visible to the public and be cautious, MAKE SURE THAT ALL YOUR PERSONAL

STEP 4: Cross-verify news, offers, or requests through reputable sources before trusting or sharing
them. Be mindful of the potential for misinformation and deceptive content circulating on social

STEP 5: Never automatically click a link or attachment you receive via email or text. BE

STEP 6: As much as possible don't reply to a message from unknown person, DON'T TRUST

STEP 7: Keep your device virus protection up to date and secure update, KEEP ANTI-VIRUS

STEP 8: Always monitor your social media accounts and check where devices your account log in

STEP 9: Before making online purchases, ensure the website's legitimacy by checking for secure
connections and reviews, CHECK THE SHOP IF ITS LEGIT

STEP 10: Act quickly if something feels off or too good to be true, trust your instincts. Take the
time to investigate further, seek advice from trusted friends or family, and don't rush into decisions
that could lead to potential scams. TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS
III. Read and understand the situations below. Write your answer in a bond paper.
Minimum of 5 sentences.

1. Imagine you've purchased a high-priced item online, and it never

arrives. The seller is no longer responding to your messages. What steps
would you take to address this potential scam?
- The first thing I'm going to do is report the incident to consumer protection
agencies and if it's not feasible, I will proceed to the nearest police station in our area.
There I will provide all the essential details including the name of the person or
company involved, the date and place of the scam, and the amount of money
involved. After that I will report the account or shop used in the scam to ensure it is
banned. And last I'm going to post the details of the incident, including the
information the scammer used, to alert others and prevent them from falling victim to
the same scam.

2. You receive a message on social media from a friend claiming to be in

a foreign country and urgently needing financial assistance due to an
unforeseen emergency. How would you confirm the legitimacy of the
message before deciding to send any money?
- At first I will invite him/her for a video call or a phone call to ensure that the
person I'm talking to is actually my friend. And if it's not feasible, I will start asking
questions that only my friend and I would know. After that I'm going to check his/her
social media account and check when was her last post and updates and then I will
consult our mutual friends to inquire if they have received similar messages that I
received and then validate the authenticity of the situation. Lastly I will request
evidence or proof regarding the purpose where the money will be used.

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