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The decade of the developing brain
Thomas M Jessell* and Joshua R Sanes†
Our understanding of neural development has advanced Why study neural development?
dramatically over the past decade. Significant insights have Some view the early development of the nervous system as
now been obtained into seven fundamental developmental a suitable arena for addressing fundamental issues in devel-
processes: first, induction of the neural plate; second, opmental biology because, although not especially tractable,
regionalization of the neural tube along the dorsoventral and it is especially interesting. If it is almost as easy to under-
anteroposterior axes; third, generation of neurons and glia from stand the differentiation of a neuron as a keratinocyte, why
multipotential precursors; fourth, apoptotic cell death; fifth, not choose the neuron? Others take the view that under-
migration of neurons; sixth, guidance of axons to their targets; standing how the diversity of neuronal cell types is
and seventh, formation of synapses. generated may provide some insights into a later and more
distinctive aspect of neural development, the formation of
Addresses neuronal circuits. That is, as one moves downstream from
*Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Howard the transcriptional regulators that specify cell fate, it may be
Hughes Medical Institute, Columbia University, 701 West 168th Street, possible to define sets of effector molecules — intercellular
New York, NY 10032, USA; e-mail:
† Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Washington University signals or intracellular signaling factors — that control con-
School of Medicine, 660 South Euclid Avenue, St Louis, MO 63110, nectivity. It is even possible that aspects of the logic of these
USA; e-mail: later developmental steps will emerge from earlier decisions
about neuronal subtype identity.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2000, 10:599–611

0959-4388/00/$ — see front matter Regardless of individual motivation, for students of these
© 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. early stage of neural development — the ones in which
Abbreviations neurons most resemble other cells types — progress has been
bHLH basic helix-loop-helix remarkable, and key steps are understood at a much more
BMP bone morphogenetic protein profound level now than they were a decade ago. Moreover,
FGF fibroblast growth factor
LDL low-density lipoprotein
studies of processes such as neural induction, neurogenesis,
NGF nerve growth factor and neuronal survival have provided us with core biochemi-
TGF transforming growth factor cal programs of great explanatory power. Even though many
fundamental questions remain unanswered, clear strategies
Introduction have emerged for addressing them, and many tools with
We have not yet read the other reviews in this special which to achieve further progress are now available.
anniversary issue, but it is a safe bet that most of them
point to the unprecedented pace of discovery during the Another group of neurobiologists is most interested in the
past decade. Here, we make the same claim for studies of later developmental steps that make the brain unique
neural development. Indeed, perhaps because develop- among organs. These steps include the migration of neu-
mental neurobiology was still an immature field a decade rons to appropriate nuclei and laminae, the growth of axons
ago, it may be that its progress is even more striking than towards their targets, the elaboration of dendritic arbors,
that of some other areas of neuroscience. Yet, the rising and the formation of synapses. Together, these phenomena
tide of progress has not lifted all developing boats to an account for the most remarkable physical feature of the ner-
equal extent. Indeed, as we try to explain below, the vous system, the specificity with which its component cells
developmental neurobiologists’ view of progress should interconnect. In these middle stages, progress has been
vary in rosiness in accord with the stage of development striking, albeit not overwhelming. Core programs with a
under examination. consistent logic continue to prove elusive; indeed, it is not
yet clear whether they exist. But, in marked contrast to the
In this brief review, we first outline why one might be situation in 1990, we now know the names of many key
interested in the field’s progress. Then, rather than focus- molecules and are, therefore, in a favorable position to ask
ing on specific experiments or discoveries, we pinpoint critical questions about how these processes are controlled.
seven areas that we, as well as many colleagues canvassed
for their views in the course of preparing this review, For a third group of neurobiologists, those interested in
believe have advanced in impressive ways over the past still later events such as the development of behavior, the
decade. We finish with some general comments on the rea- situation is less secure. We still understand little about the
sons for this rapid progress and on the clinical implications assembly of any neural circuit that controls a defined
of the new findings. Throughout, we try to take note of the behavior. But there is solace in the thought that some of
many challenges that remain. the advances in the mechanisms of axonal growth and
600 A decade of Current neurobiology

Figure 1 focused attention on the signaling properties of a group of

embryonic cells that they called the organizer. For much of
A molecular pathway for neural induction the past century, the identification of the organizer’s neural
inducing signals was viewed as arguably the most
Ectodermal Default Neural important task for students of early neural development.
cell cell
Progress in understanding vertebrate neural induction can
be subdivided into three phases, which precede, span and
conclude the decade of the 1990s around which this review
BMP BMP is focused. Prior to 1990, the molecular nature of neural
RNA protein inducing factors remained obscure and biochemical
attempts to isolate such factors failed. With hindsight,
these pioneering attempts can be viewed as premature,
Chordin because the assay systems used to monitor neural differen-
FGFs Noggin
(pre-gastrula) tiation and the biochemical tools used to purify relevant
Other BMP inhibitors
factors were too primitive.

During the early 1990s, this situation changed radically

with the introduction both of definitive neural markers that
could be used to report the state of neural differentiation
and of expression cloning methods that finessed the need
for protein purification. Once these advances were in place,
many candidate neural inducing factors emerged — nog-
Current Opinion in Neurobiology
gin, follistatin, chordin, Xnr3 and their relatives — largely
from functionally based expression screens in Xenopus
A molecular pathway for neural induction in the vertebrate embryo. embryos. As more and more inducers were discovered, it
Model of signaling pathways currently thought to regulate the became clear that they shared the ability to inhibit signals
tranformation of ectodermal cells into neural cells. In the absence of
any extrinsic signals, ectodermal cells would acquire a neural fate by
transmitted by members of a family of secreted factors pre-
‘default’. However, this neural differentiation is normally prevented by viously implicated in skeletal development, the bone
tonic BMP signaling between ectodermal cells. Prior to gastrulation, morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). In parallel, in vitro assays
FGF signaling promotes neural differentiation by repressing the began to indicate that undifferentiated ectodermal cells
expression of BMP genes from prospective neural regions of the
ectoderm. During gastrulation, antagonists of BMP protein activity
could acquire neural markers on their own, in the absence
such as noggin and chordin are secreted by the Organizer (node) of any of the putative inducers. Together, these data sug-
region and ensure the progression of neural differentiation. For further gested a model of neural induction in which ectodermal
details, see text. cells are fated to give rise to epidermal derivatives unless
ongoing BMP signaling within the ectoderm is inhibited by
factors derived from the organizer region (Figure 1).
synaptic connectivity should begin to have an impact on
the development of behavior in the coming years. Although the BMP-inhibitor model was attractive in its
simplicity, several apparently inconsistent results surfaced
Finally, some neurobiologists are motivated by a desire to near the end of the 1990s. Mouse mutants lacking genes
understand the origin of neurological and psychiatric diseases encoding candidate neural inducers expressed by the orga-
and to use this information to effect cures. For this group, nizer region (the node in mouse), still exhibited neural
development is a newfound passion, fueled by the deepen- differentiation. Moreover, genetic elimination of the
ing conviction that many such maladies, including some of mouse node in its entirety similarly failed to block neural
the most poorly understood, result from aberrant develop- differentiation. How can these findings be reconciled with
mental programs. A decade ago, such a clinically directed the simple mid-1990s version of events? It now appears
endeavor seemed — and, in fact, was — hopeless, but now is that neural induction begins prior to the formation of the
an area of considerable, if as yet unfulfilled, promise. organizer region and thus must be initiated by signals
derived from other cell types. In addition, members of
Making neurons: from experimental other families of signaling molecules, notably the fibrob-
embryology to core programs last growth factors (FGFs) have now been proposed as
Neural induction [1–3] early-acting factors that initiate neural induction. So the
A fundamental early step in neural development, at least suppression of BMP signaling may maintain rather than
in vertebrates, is the allocation of a group of ectodermal initiate the process of neural differentiation.
cells as precursors of the entire nervous system. This
process involves an inductive interaction first appreciated On the other hand, these new findings may, in the long run,
by Spemann and Mangold in the 1920s. Their experiments serve to expand rather than overturn the BMP-inhibition
Development Jessell and Sanes 601

hypothesis. FGFs have been shown to function, at least in (Figure 2b). In some instances, the combinatorial actions
part, by repressing the expression of BMP genes at a tran- of several factors acting on a single region or cell appear to
scriptional level, in contrast to the organizer-derived factors establish regional pattern and neuronal diversity. In other
such as noggin and chordin, which act extracellularly to cases, inductive factors, most notably Sonic hedgehog, can
block BMP activity. Thus, the new data are not inconsistent act as gradient signals, or morphogens — inducing distinct
with the idea that suppression of BMP signaling, by hook or neuronal subtypes at different concentration thresholds.
by crook, lies at the heart of neural induction (Figure 1).
In parallel with the definition of extrinsic signaling mole-
In retrospect then, we began the 1990s knowing nearly cules, advances in the biochemical characterization of
nothing about the cellular or molecular bases of neural transcriptional regulatory mechanisms in mammalian
induction, passed through a brief period when the process cells, combined with the molecular cloning of genes
appeared to be simple and straightforward, and leave the responsible for homeotic transformations of body parts in
decade with a richer, more complex, and hopefully more Drosophila melanogaster in the late 1980s, propelled
realistic view. That is, we now appreciate neural induction sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins — loosely, tran-
as a multistep process, with distinct signaling factor scription factors — into the forefront of studies on cell
requirements at successive steps. Although current views fate determination in the nervous system. Current esti-
remain somewhat fragmentary, we expect they will soon mates, admittedly still subject to wild fluctuation, indicate
blend into a more harmonious account of this fundamental that there are thousands of transcription factors in the
aspect of neural development. mammalian genome. The little we know about the subset
of these factors that are expressed in the developing
Regionalization of the neural tube [1,4–6] nervous system indicates that different categories of tran-
In the 1940s and 1950s, experimental embryological studies scriptional regulators, many containing homeodomains,
by Roach, Jacobson and others provided evidence that cells play pivotal roles at several successive steps in neural
in the neural tube acquire their regional identity by virtue induction (e.g. Sox genes), regional patterning (e.g. Pax
of the position that they occupy along two primary neural and Nkx genes; see Figure 2a), and cell fate determina-
axes: dorsoventral and anteroposterior. Inherent in this tion (e.g. LIM and POU genes). The sheer number of
model was the idea that the position of a cell defines its transcription factors recognized to exhibit cell-type-
identity through exposure to regionally restricted signaling specific patterns of expression in the nervous system has
factors that operate over these two neural axes. This idea posed the additional question of whether some of them
provided a fundamental framework for many subsequent act in a dedicated manner to direct specific cell fates.
studies of regional neural patterning. Unfortunately, techni-
cal limitations similar to those described above for neural As a result of the deluge of recent information about sig-
induction slowed progress over the ensuing three decades, nals and transcriptional regulators, there is now quite a bit
so this framework remained skeletal and lacked validation. of flesh on the bones of the model outlined by Roach and
During the 1990s, however, many neural patterning factors Jacobson. Moreover, there are clear and testable ideas
were identified. Moreover, it has been possible to pinpoint about how to solve a major remaining problem: linking
the cellular source of many of these factors, and promising extrinsic signals to the nuclear events that define cell-spe-
first steps have been taken in elucidating the intracellular cific patterns of gene expression. Nonetheless, a critical
signaling pathways through which they act. ‘systems-level’ question remains largely unresolved: how
are dorsoventral and anteroposterior patterning mecha-
With these advances, neural cell groups that previously nisms integrated within individual cells to specify their
represented anatomical curiosities of obscure nomencla- unique identities?
ture and function — the floor plate, the roof plate, the
isthmus and the zona limitans intrathalamica, to name but Neurogenesis [7–10]
four — have come to be appreciated as key sources of By 1990, descriptive studies of neuronal lineages had pro-
secreted factors that establish regional pattern. In addition, vided evidence that the developmental potential of neural
it has become apparent that a relatively small number of progenitors is restricted progressively with time and
signaling factor families — notably, TGF-βs (including advancing cell division, and that cells become committed to
BMPs), hedgehogs, FGFs, Wnts and retinoids — can particular fates only late in their developmental history.
account for many features of regional cell specialization Related studies had also raised the possibility that the deci-
within the neural tube. Along the dorsoventral axis, the sion of a newborn cell to become either a new progenitor or
two primary signaling factors appear to belong to the a neuron is related to the way in which the progenitor
hedgehog and BMP families. A useful oversimplification is divides. One influential suggestion was that symmetrical
that the hedgehogs mark the ventral and BMPs the dorsal divisions of stem cells generate more stem cells whereas
limit of the axis (Figure 2a). Along the anteroposterior axis, asymmetrical divisions give rise to differentiated progeny.
the situation is somewhat more complex, with retinoids, However, there was no understanding of the mechanisms
FGFs, hedgehogs, Wnts and BMPs all proposed to func- that regulate the mode of mitosis or govern the transforma-
tion in different locations or developmental windows tion of an undifferentiated cell into a neuron or glial cell.
602 A decade of Current neurobiology

Figure 2

Inductive signals and regional patterning of the neural tube

(a) Dorsoventral
Roof plate MATH 1

Pax7 D1


boundary Nkx6.1 V2

Floor plate Nkx2.2



(b) Rostrocaudal M
FGF noid



Forebrain Midbrain Hindbrain Spinal cord

(F) (M) (H) (SC)
Current Opinion in Neurobiology

Some of the factors proposed to establish regional pattern along the dorsal (D) and ventral (V) neuronal subtypes. DV, dorsoventral; MN, motor
dorsoventral and rostrocaudal axes of the neural tube. (a) Dorsoventral. neuron. Adapted from [1]. (b) Rostrocaudal. Specialized neural cell
Sonic hedgehog (Shh)-mediated signals from the notochord and floor groups arrayed along the rostrocaudal axis of the neural tube, such as the
plate and BMP-mediated signals from the roof plate initiate the zona limitans intrathalamica and isthmus, provide a source of secreted
dorsoventral patterning of the neural tube. The regional differentiation of factors that establish regional identity and neuronal fate in adjacent
neural progenitor cells is marked by the expression of transcription factors domains of the neural tube. Cells of the isthmus secrete FGFs and Wnts,
of the homeodomain and bHLH families. The combination of transcription both of which are required for the differentiation and patterning of the
factors expressed by progenitor cells determines the subtype identity of midbrain and hindbrain. Adapted from [1].

Over the past decade, we have obtained such a rich generation of excess neurons at the expense of support-
understanding of these processes that we can begin to ing cells. These studies also led to the idea that the
define a core program of neurogenesis. Once again, key selection of the neural fate depended on a lateral, inter-
insights into this issue derived from studies in cellular signaling process that operated between
Drosophila. Here, earlier work had identified a set of neighbors, directing one to become a neuronal precursor
neurogenic genes, the loss of which resulted in the and the other to acquire a non-neural fate. Molecular
Development Jessell and Sanes 603

Figure 3

Regulation of neurogenesis by Notch

signaling and bHLH transcription factors. (a) Initially, Notch signaling between cells is balanced
Diagram shows the interplay between Notch Delta Notch
signals and bHLH factor expression during
neurogenesis in Drosophila. A similar series Achaete-
of interactions is thought to control scute
neurogenesis in vertebrates. (a) Notch proteins
signaling between cells is initially similar in
the proneural region of the ectoderm that
expresses bHLH transcription factors of the
achaete-scute class. (b) A slight imbalance
in Notch signaling develops between cells.
One cell begins to express higher levels of
Delta and thus activates Notch to a higher
level in the neighboring cell. (c) The initial Achaete-
imbalance in the level of Notch signaling is scute
amplified by a feedback pathway mediated proteins
by bHLH proteins. Cells in which Notch Notch Delta
signaling is relatively low become neuroblast
precursors, and cells in which Notch
(b) An imbalance in Notch signaling develops
signaling is high become glial/epidermal
cells. Modified from [7].
Achaete- Suppressor
scute of hairless

Enhancer Enhancer
of split of split
proteins proteins

Suppressor scute
of hairless proteins

(c) The imbalance is quickly amplified, leading to development of a neuronal precursor

Achaete- Suppressor
scute of hairless

bHLH of split
proteins proteins


Cell becomes a Cell becomes a

neuronal precursor glial/epidermal cell

Current Opinion in Neurobiology

analysis revealed that key neurogenic genes encoded inhibition of Notch signaling promotes neuronal differ-
components of this signaling pathway, including the entiation (Figure 3). Moreover, it has become apparent
membrane-associated ligands, Delta and Serrate, and that the Notch signaling pathway is highly conserved
their transmembrane receptor, Notch. Activation of and also exerts a pivotal role in the control of neuro-
Notch signaling biases cells towards non-neural fates and genesis in vertebrates.
604 A decade of Current neurobiology

The analysis of Notch signaling in Drosophila has also led of Levi-Montalcini and Hamburger on naturally occurring
to the identification of intracellular proteins that regulate (now called programmed) neuronal cell death culminated
Notch function. Prominent among these is the Numb pro- in the characterization and isolation of nerve growth factor
tein. In many cells, Numb appears to bind to Notch and (NGF) in the 1950s. NGF has a place in the developmen-
inhibit Notch signaling, thus promoting neuronal cell fates. tal neurobiologists’ pantheon somewhat equivalent to that
This interaction appears to be a critical part of the elabo- of acetylcholine, the first neurotransmitter substance to be
rate cellular machinery used to endow sibling cells with isolated. By the end of the 1980s, the neurotrophic hypoth-
distinct fates following asymmetric divisions. Numb and esis was firmly entrenched, and NGF was appreciated to
many other proteins are concentrated at one pole of prolif- be the pioneer member of a large and still expanding group
erative neural precursors, and so they are segregated to one of secreted factors that control whether neurons live or die.
or both daughters, depending on the mitotic plane. As a What was lacking was any understanding of what pro-
consequence, the symmetry (or asymmetry) of a cell divi- grammed death, or apoptosis, actually entailed. Lacking
sion may influence the nature of the progeny via this knowledge, it was impossible to know how neuro-
symmetrical (or asymmetrical) intracellular partitioning of trophic factors actually controlled survival. Perhaps the
the same Notch pathway components that are activated major advance in this area over the past decade has been
extracellularly by neighboring cells. As many of the same the eludication of key mechanisms of apopotosis.
proteins exist in developing vertebrate neural cells, it is
plausible to think that the same mechanisms are at play. Many of the crucial insights into the biochemical nature of
this cell death program emerged from genetic studies in
Studies of neurogenesis in Drosophila have also revealed the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans. The key func-
many of the upstream regulators and downstream effec- tions of the Ced genes in controlling cell death in the worm
tors of Notch signaling. Most notably, transcription were shown to be conserved in striking fashion in verte-
factors of the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) class have brate embryos, revealing the pivotal roles of the Bcl-2,
been shown to have central roles in defining groups of APAF and caspase families of proteins in the regulation of
proneural cells — cells that have the capacity to assume cell death. Briefly, the caspases are proteases that serve as
neural fates under the control of Notch signaling. final common agents for suicide within cells. The Bcl-2
Members of the same gene families play independent pathway is one of several that regulate the activity of the
roles in directing the progression of neuronal differentia- caspases, holding them in check or promoting their activi-
tion once fate has been determined. Close relatives of ty. One major function of neurotrophic factors appears to
these genes have been identified in vertebrates and be to suppress the apoptotic program (Figure 4), providing
shown to have strikingly similar functions in controlling a satisfying link between an initially arcane aspect of
the decision of progenitor cells to remain proliferative or neuroembryology and a phenomenon of fundamental
to acquire neuronal or glial fates. importance to all multicellular systems.

With the definition of this core neurogenic program, it By the end of the decade, the combination of genetic stud-
may now be possible to address crucial mechanistic ques- ies in worms and flies and of the biochemical dissection of
tions. For example, the decision of progenitor cells to protein function in vertebrates has resulted in a detailed
express neuronal properties is often tightly linked to the understanding of the complex but evolutionarily con-
decision to exit the cell cycle, yet little is known about the served set of signaling pathways through which extrinsic
integration of these two programs. Recent evidence sug- factors trigger cell-intrinsic programs that regulate the life
gests that certain neurogenic bHLH proteins can drive or death of cells. Few cells are immune to the effects of
neural precursor cells out of the cell cycle, but it remains this program, thus defining a biochemical program that is
uncertain whether this is a general property of these pro- as pervasive and fundamental as many of the metabolic
teins, and the biochemical basis of the intersection pathways defined earlier in 20th century.
between bHLH transcription factors and cell cycle
machinery is obscure. In addition, the concept of lateral Making connections: from bioassays to key
signaling as a method of forcing binary cell fate decisions molecules
during neural development implies a high degree of feed- The migration of neural cells [14–16]
back control during the period that cells make these Early in the past century, it became clear that most central
decisions, but as yet few of the proteins that mediate such neurons arise in a transient layer, the ventricular zone, and
feedback interactions have been identified. Thus, despite then migrate to their definitive nuclei or laminae before or
many striking advances in understanding basic programs as they differentiate. Between 1960 and 1990, some of the
of neurogenesis in vertebrates, details of the pathway of major features of this migratory process were elucidated by
neuronal differentiation remain sketchy. Sidman, Rakic and others. One feature was that the neu-
roblasts migrate along the surfaces of radial glial
Neuronal survival and apoptosis [7,11–13] cells — cells that themselves span the thickness of the
Studies on the control of neuronal survival have an illustri- neural tube, from ventricle to pia. In vitro studies later con-
ous history in neural development. The pioneering studies firmed that neurons use radial glia as migratory guides.
Development Jessell and Sanes 605

Figure 4

Model showing how neurotrophic factor

deprivation triggers a core apoptotic pathway. Regulation of a core apoptotic pathway by neurotrophins
(a) In the presence of neurotrophins, Trk
(a) In the presence of neurotrophin (b) In the absence of neurotrophin
receptor signaling is thought to activate anti-
apoptotic factors of the Bcl-2 (Ced-9) class.
Activation of these Bcl-2-like proteins inhibits
the activity of Apaf-1 (Ced-4) class proteins
and blocks the cleavage of caspase (Ced-3) Neurotrophin
class proteins. (b) Removal of neurotrophins
permits cleavage of pro-caspases and triggers
cell death. Modified from [7]. Extracellular

Intracellular Trk

Bcl-2 Bcl-2

Apaf-1 Apaf-1

Caspase Cleaved
(inactive) (active)

Cell survival Cell death

Current Opinion in Neurobiology

Second, in some regions — most notably the cerebral cor- Sidman’s original hope that the mutated genes would
tex — there is a systematic relationship between the time encode key players in the biology of CNS development.
a neuron is ‘born’ (that is, exits the cell cycle) and its lam-
inar fate. In the cortex, the earliest born neurons populate In reeler mice, late-migrating neurons fail to pass their older
layer 6, then succeeding cohorts migrate past their older siblings, leading to a scrambling of the normal inside-out
siblings to form layer 5, then layer 4 and so on. relationship between birthdate and laminar position. The
reeler gene turns out to encode a large secreted molecule
These phenomena imply the existence of signals on or near called reelin, which is concentrated in the superficial corti-
radial glia that first promote migration of neuroblasts in cal laminae and seems to promote dissociation of
appropriate directions, and then arrest movement at appro- neuroblasts from the radial glial surface. Once reeler was
priate locations. A major advance in the past decade has identified, further progress required an analysis of its
been the identification of the first few components of this effects on neuroblasts. Here again, genetics has been criti-
migratory machinery. Progress has been driven in large part cal: mouse mutants lacking a cytoplasmic adaptor protein,
by genetics: positional cloning of genes mutated in humans mdab-1, and double mutants lacking two members of the
and mice with cortical defects, and unexpected phenotypes low-density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR and ApoER2)
of knockout and transgenic mice generated for other nefar- family have phenotypes very similar to that of reeler, and
ious purposes. A particularly gratifying historical note is that mutants lacking integrin alpha 3 have a distinct but relat-
the first key molecular insights into migration came from ed phenotype. These remarkable discoveries motivated
the isolation of a new allele of a mouse mutant, reeler, that biochemical studies that now permit the assembly of a
Sidman, Rakic and colleagues had earlier used to elucidate rudimentary genetic pathway in which reelin is a ligand,
cellular features of neuron–glia interactions. So, advances in LDL receptors and integrins are reelin receptors, and
molecular technology allowed a new generation to realize mdab-1 is a critical component of the intracellular signal
606 A decade of Current neurobiology

Figure 5 rapid progress in elucidating the biochemical pathway

responsible for neuronal nucleokinesis.
Control of CNS cell migration by reelin signaling
Pial surface
As always, attempts at simplification were promptly
XXXX XXX countered by growing evidence of complexity. For many
XX X years, it had been apparent that whereas many central

neurons migrated radially along radial glia, others migrat-

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Fukutin ed non-radially along other guides, including axons and
/////////// ////////
//// //////// ////// extracellular matrices. The extent of non-radial migration
/ ////// /////
was clearly great in subcortical structures such as the

////// / /

/ / / ///
Reelin tectum, but remained a matter of controversy in the
cortex, where migration has traditionally been studied
most intensively. In the late 1990s, it was found that a
large fraction of cortical interneurons arise in subcortical
Neuroblast areas rather than in the cortical ventricular zone, and
Integrin migrate tangentially into the cortex. The structures and
mdab-1 molecules that guide this migratory path — a much
longer and more convoluted one than that guided by
radial glia — remain to be discovered.
Microtubules The guidance of axons [17–24]
Doublecortin Beginning in the 1970s, studies of cultured neurons
Radial showed that neurite outgrowth is promoted and guided
cell by a variety of cell-derived glycoproteins. Taken togeth-
er with Sperry’s influential chemospecificity theory,
which derived from studies of retinotectal regeneration
Ventricle in vivo, this work led to the conviction that axonal trajec-
tories are not determined by innate programs or by
mechanical discontinuities, but rather by molecular cues
Current Opinion in Neurobiology
encountered in the terrain of the growing axon.
Naturally, students of the field were eager to identify the
A proposed signaling pathway by which reelin, its receptors, and
intracellular transduction proteins arrest the radial migration of
relevant cues and the receptors used by growth cones to
cortical neurons. Migrating neuroblasts express two major classes recognize them.
of reelin receptors: members of the VLDLR/ApoER2 families of
transmembrane proteins, and β1 integrins. Migration of Initial attention focused on the neurite-outgrowth-promot-
neuroblasts towards the pial surface brings them into contact with
ing activities of short-range signals embedded in cellular
an extracelllular source of reelin, which activates reelin receptors
and triggers an intracellular transduction pathway that involves membranes and matrix. In some studies, known matrix-
mdab-1. In turn, mdab-1 signaling is thought to regulate derived proteins or cell adhesion molecules were assayed for
cytoskeletal organization in the neuroblasts. Other proteins their ability to promote outgrowth from cultured neurons. In
expressed by migrating neuroblasts, such as LIS1, doublecortin, others, growth-promoting materials were fractioned and
Cdk5 and the Cdk5 regulator p35, also contribute to the migration
of neuroblasts. extracted to isolate novel active components. In parallel, a
variety of more elaborate bioassays were devised, and these
revealed the existence of additional signals: soluble,
transduction apparatus that leads neurons to change course chemotropic factors that acted at a distance from their
when they encounter reelin (Figure 5). source; inhibitory cues that led neurites to retract, collapse
or change course; and cues present in graded amounts in
If reelin arrests migration, what propels it in the first their target field. By 1990, several candidate short-range
place? Here, the picture is less satisfactory, but analysis of neurite-outgrowth-promoting factors had been identified,
mouse and human mutants has led to the identification of such as the laminins, N-cadherin, and a few immunoglobu-
several components, including LIS1 and doublecortin lin superfamily cell adhesion molecules. The candidates
(mutated in human lissencephalies), filamin 1 (mutated were, however, few in number, and debates ranged about
in periventricular heterotopia), and cdk5 and p35 (as whether a few or a few thousand such factors remained to be
revealed by unexpected phenotypes of knockout mice). defined. Worse, there was little indication of which (if any)
In an even more striking example of the power of genet- were important, and viable candidates for inhibitory and
ics, LIS1 turns out to be homologous to the product of the chemotropic activities were nowhere to be seen.
NudC gene, which was identified in a screen for nuclear
migration defects in the mold, Aspergillus. This mold is Over the past decade, and for two main reasons, this situa-
little studied but genetically tractable, and may permit tion has changed dramatically. First, the newly established
Development Jessell and Sanes 607

bioassays were used in conjunction with ever-improving Figure 6

biochemical and molecular biological methods to isolate
active molecules. Second, genetic studies in worms and Molecular mechanisms of axonal growth and guidance
flies led to identification of many guidance molecules, an + Long-range
astonishingly high proportion of which have turned out to + attractive
possess functionally important vertebrate orthologues. As a + cues
+ +
result, we ended the millennium with an impressive inven- Short-range + + (e.g. netrins)
tory of guidance cues and neuronal receptors (Figure 6). attractive cues ++
Most turn out to be members of families of moderate size, (e.g. laminins) + +
ranging from a few to a dozen or so members: some of the +
principal ones are the semaphorins and their receptors, the – – – – –
neuropilins and plexins; the netrins and their receptors, – –– –– –
DCC/neogenin and the Unc5s; the slits and their receptors, Short-range – –
– Long-range
the robos; and the laminins and their receptors, the inte- inhibitory cues – repulsive
(e.g. ephrins) –
grins. In addition, the larger cadherin and immunoglobulin cues
superfamilies grew by leaps and bounds. Most importantly, (e.g. semaphorins)
Current Opinion in Neurobiology
as the decade came to an end, genetic studies in worms,
flies and mice provided evidence that a significant fraction
Molecular mediators of axonal growth and guidance. Four major
of these ligand/receptor pairs play critical roles in the guid-
classes of signals contribute to the guidance of developing axons:
ance of defined axonal populations. A particularly striking short- and long-range attraction and short- and long-range repulsion.
illustration of the phylogenetic conservation that has pro- For each class, a single important molecular family is listed. Laminins
pelled the field forward is that at least some similar represent one major family of short-range attractive or growth-
mechanisms (e.g. chemoattraction and chemorepulsion) promoting cues, netrins represent a major family of long-range
attractants, ephrins represent a major family of short-range inhibitory
and molecules (e.g. netrins and perhaps slits) guide axonal cues, and semaphorins represent a family of long-range repulsive cues.
growth across the midline in all three species. The diagram is an oversimplification in that some molecules can act as
either attractants or repellents depending on the situation. Moreover,
Among the many families of candidate guidance mole- additional families of guidance cues and receptors for most of the
family have been identified and are listed in the text.
cules, two that were completely unknown in 1990 are
worthy of special note. First are the ephrins and their
receptors the Eph kinases (or vice versa). One member of
this family was discovered by Bonhoeffer and colleagues in Nonetheless, there is a feeling abroad in the land that
a directed search for the presumed molecular gradients on many — perhaps even a majority — of the key players
retinal axons and their tectal targets that account for form- have been discovered, thus providing a solid foundation
ation of the retinotopic map. It was this map that led for asking biologically important questions about the
Sperry to his chemospecificity hypothesis, so elucidation strategies that axons use to reach their targets in vivo.
of its molecular basis became a central question in devel-
opmental neurobiology. Results from many groups have The formation of synapses [25–28]
now shown that gradients of ephrins along the anteropos- Axons can grow on their own, but it takes two cells (or
terior axis of the tectum and of Eph kinases along the three, counting glia) to make a synapse. For this simple
anteroposterior axis of the retina are among the ‘locks and reason, our understanding of how axons connect with their
keys’ that Sperry envisioned so long ago. targets has lagged behind knowledge of how they reach
their targets. Nonetheless, during the 1970s and 1980s,
Second are huge sets of G-protein-coupled receptors, dis- work by Cohen, Fischbach, McMahan, and many others
covered in a search for the proteins that recognize odorants documented some of the basic phenomena that underlie
in the nose. Genetic studies led to the riveting result that this crucial process. These included the organization of
these proteins are not only bona fide olfactory receptors but presynaptic differentiation (especially the clustering of
also play critical (albeit still mysterious) roles in the target- neurotransmitter-containing vesicles) by components of
ing of individual subclasses of olfactory receptors to the the postsynaptic apparatus, the organization of postsynap-
specific glomeruli within which they synapse on neurons tic differentiation (especially the clustering of
in the brain. These studies provide an inkling of a chemo- neurotransmitter receptors) by the nerve terminal, and the
specificity mechanism quite different from that of localized synthesis of synaptic components at synaptic
molecular gradients, and raise the question of whether sites. Moreover, several candidate organizing or inducing
maps of connectivity in different parts of the brain are con- molecules were identified, based on their localization or
structed by fundamentally different mechanisms. bioactivities. Much of this work was done in vitro, and
almost all of it utilized a single, rather atypical synapse, the
As we enter the new millennium, we have an embarrass- vertebrate skeletal neuromuscular junction. Nonetheless,
ment of riches. Still missing is a clear picture of how even these studies provided a basis for rapid progress during the
a single axon guidance decision is determined. 1990s, three aspects of which we mention here.
608 A decade of Current neurobiology

First, genetic studies in mice provided solid evidence that question of how epigenetic influences such as neural activity
some of the candidate organizing molecules do, in fact, play interact with genetic instructions to form and modify circuits.
critical roles in the formation of the neuromuscular junction
in vivo. Pride of place goes to agrin, a nerve-derived orga- At the beginning of this decade, thinking about such expe-
nizer of postsynaptic differentiation. In the manner noted rience-dependent rearrangement was deeply influenced
above for neuronal migration, related phenotypes of other by two compelling sets of data. The first, mentioned
mouse mutants led to the elucidation of a genetic pathway: above, was the evidence that target-derived neurotrophic
in this case, one in which agrin is the signal, the tyrosine factors affect the growth and survival of neural inputs. It
kinase MuSK is (a component of) the agrin receptor, the was natural to extend this neurotrophic hypothesis to
cytoplasmic protein rapsyn is an effector, and the dys- synapses, and to suggest that activity-dependent release of
trophin–glycoprotein complex (and especially its related or even identical factors might provide a mecha-
cytoplasmic component, α-dystrobrevin) modulates matura- nism by which activity could affect synaptic strength.
tion and maintenance of the postsynaptic apparatus Indeed, many results were viewed as consistent with such
(Figure 7a). By similar means, synaptic laminins have been a ‘synaptotrophic’ mechanism.
identified as retrograde messengers, though their precise
roles remain poorly defined. Disappointingly, none of these The second data set was largely that of Hubel and Wiesel
molecules appear to play major roles at central synapses, but and their students on ocular dominance, visual deprivation,
they do provide models of a molecular and cellular logic that and critical periods in cats and monkeys. Their results pro-
may be generally applicable. vided seemingly irrefutable evidence that the relative
level and synchrony of activity exerted a powerful influ-
Second, in the mid-1990s, several groups initiated a direct ence on brain circuitry. The implication that “neurons that
assault on central synaptogenesis. A key here was the fire together wire together” was later supported by several
development of culture systems in which isolated independent lines of evidence. Amongst this evidence was
hippocampal pyramidal cells received excitatory the discovery of patterned waves of electrical activity in
glutamatergic synapses from each other as well as retina — even before eye-opening — revealing that neu-
GABAergic synapses from nearby inhibitory interneurons. rons that wire together do, indeed, begin by firing
Using these preparations, molecules essential for construc- together. Taken together, then, these results led to an intu-
tion of the postsynaptic apparatus have been characterized, itively satisfying model in which synchronous presynaptic
including a large group of PDZ-domain proteins (including and postsynaptic activity could couple release and uptake
PSD-95, Grip and Homer) at excitatory synapses of synaptotrophins, thereby weakening or strengthening
(Figure 7b) and gephyrin at inhibitory synapses. For one of connections in rough accord with Hebb’s postulate.
these, gephyrin, the phenotype of mutant mice confirms a
critical (rapsyn-like) clustering role in vivo. Given this promising start, it is frustrating that the ‘smoking
synaptotrophic gun’ remains undiscovered, or at least unrec-
Third, in just the past few years, the first reports have ognized. That is, despite clear evidence that neurotrophins
appeared on the results of large-scale screens in worms and modulate connectivity and synaptic efficacy, their precise
flies designed to identify genes important for synapse for- role in linking activity to plasticity remains obscure.
mation. The first few candidates (e.g. liprin and Likewise, despite clear evidence that activity modulates
highwire/rpm-1) may or may not turn out to be central neural circuitry, there remains considerable controversy
players, or lead to identification of vertebrate orthologues. about which of the many effects of activity are permissive
However, the enormous success of comparable screens in and which are instructive [32,33]. This unfulfilled state of
identifying key players in neurogenesis, apoptosis and affairs, however, should not be grounds for discouragement:
axonal guidance, as mentioned above, provides ample it is little wonder that such complex, ‘systems-level’ phe-
cause for optimism. nomena are slower to yield to cellular analysis than many of
the unitary processes discussed above. Indeed, in our opti-
Making circuits: from an attractive hypothesis mistic view, it should soon be possible to subject the
to a new beginning [29—31] synaptotrophic hypothesis to more critical tests, and there is
Some simple behaviors, and even some moderately complex every expectation that at least some of its main elements will
ones, are mediated by circuits that are ‘hard-wired’ — that is, receive direct support.
they form in embryos without obvious need for activity or
experience. These include reflexes, motor programs, and Making medicine: from bench to biotech
even some social behaviors that ethologists have shown to be Over the past decade, neurology has advanced from a dis-
‘innate’. In contrast, more complex behaviors, including those cipline dominated by diagnostic rigor to one in which
that seem to be most deeply human, are shaped by experi- therapies for previously intractable maladies can be envi-
ence. Indeed, at least in vertebrates, experience, once sioned. Recent contributions of neurobiological
transduced into action potentials, shapes each nervous system underpinnings of the revolution in neurology are covered
to the unique needs of its owner. At the intersection of devel- elsewhere in this issue (see the review, in this anniversary
opmental neurobiology and psychology is the fascinating issue, by Zoghbi, Gage and Choi [pp 655–660]). Here, we
Development Jessell and Sanes 609

Figure 7

Proteins that control the organization of

peripheral and central synapses. (a) Agrin Proteins involved in organization of peripheral and central synapses
released by motor nerve terminals activates (a) Peripheral synapse
the tyrosine kinase MuSK to trigger
organization of the postsynaptic membrane at
Motor axon Motor nerve
the skeletal neuromuscular junction. A critical
growth cone terminal
aspect of postsynaptic differentiation is
clustering of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) Agrin
by the cytoplasmic protein, rapsyn. Muscle-
derived organizers of presynaptic β2-laminins
differentiation are less well described, but
appear to include the β2-laminins. (b) A
glutamatergic synapse in the brain may
contain multiple receptor subtypes (i.e. MuSK AChR rapsyn
NMDA, AMPA/kainate, and metabotropic),
each of which is associated with putative
clustering proteins, many containing PDZ
domains. Roles of specific organizing
(b) Central synapse
molecules remain to be determined, but at
least three links between pre- and Presynaptic
postsynaptic membranes have been proposed terminal
to play critical roles: cadherin—cadherin,
neuroligin—neurexin, and ephrin—Eph kinase.
MINT Ca2+ ephrin
Cadherin channel

Cadherin AMPAR NMDAR Eph
Neuroligin kinase Homer
terminal GRIP PSD-95
Current Opinion in Neurobiology

note briefly three advances that have come directly from radial glial origin, or both? Second, with the possible excep-
basic research in neural development. tion of neural crest stem cells, it is not yet feasible to control
in any rational way, the pathway of differentiation of such
Stem cells [34] progenitor cells, of either embryonic or adult origin. Third,
Stem cell biology is very much in the news these days, and for neurodegenerative disorders involving projection neurons,
there is considerable optimism that it will be possible to it is not clear how reintroduction of a newly generated neu-
direct the differentiation of progenitor cells along predefined ron will solve the problem of long-distance axonal growth
and therapeutically relevant pathways of differentiation. To and selective synapse formation in an adult environment.
realize this potential, it is important to establish a set of rele- Here, advances in nerve regeneration may have to proceed
vant progenitor cell characteristics and behaviors. During the hand in hand with the new stem cell biology. Despite these
past decade, developmental neurobiologists have begun to reservations, only the most reactionary of developmental
achieve this aim for neural progenitors. It is now clear, for neurobiologists would deny the intriguing and perhaps enor-
example, that embryonic progenitor cells can differentiate mous potential of applied stem cell research to the treatment
into postmitotic neurons in an adult environment. In addi- of degenerative disorders of the nervous system.
tion, the mature mammalian CNS also appears to contain
progenitor cells; these are normally relatively quiescent but Apoptosis [13]
can be goaded into proliferative activity by insult in vivo or The realization that many neural insults unleash a com-
by exposure to mitogenic factors in vitro. Moreover, some of mon biochemical cell death program and the elucidation of
these cells can even differentiate into neurons when reintro- the sequential steps in this pathway have enormous thera-
duced into the adult CNS. peutic potential for the treatment of neurotrauma and
neurodegenerative disorders. This point has not been
Although these advances are exciting, many key issues overlooked by the pharmaceutical and biotech industries,
remain unresolved. First, the origin of adult CNS stem cells and the design of caspase inhibitors and Bcl-2 activators
remains a matter of debate. Are such cells of ependymal or has reached a chemical sophistication that is likely, in the
610 A decade of Current neurobiology

near future, to herald the introduction of the first anti- We believe that the most stunning advances of the past
apoptotic drugs. Just how useful these compounds will decade may be the deep appreciation and exploitation of
prove to be again remains a matter of conjecture, but it is this remarkable conservatism. This alone goes a long way
hard to imagine that the diversity of small molecule targets toward explaining the advances we have summarized, and
revealed through elucidation of the biochemical compo- also helps to explain the inverse relationship that exists
nents of the cell death pathway will not have some between developmental stage and our understanding of
practical outcome. mechanisms of neuronal differentiation at the end of the
1990s. The challenge for the next decade is to redress this
Developmental diseases [14,35] imbalance and in the process, hopefully, to provide a com-
As noted above, the past decade has witnessed the identifi- pelling account of the entire spectrum of events that control
cation of genes that control cortical migration — for example, the assembly of neural circuits in the mammalian brain.
the genes responsible for heterotopias and lissencephalies.
Likewise, a few congenital neurological diseases have now Acknowledgements
been found to result from mutations of genes that encode We thank the many colleagues who took the time to respond to our
axon guidance molecules. Defining the function of these invitation to provide us with their views of the important advances of the
1990s. While we have failed to represent adequately the entire spectrum of
genes is likely to require a more profound appreciation of the opinion that emerged, their responses were influential in shaping and
normal mechanisms of cortical development. If we achieve limiting the scope of this review. Indeed, the seven areas on which we chose
this level of understanding, there is the possibility of provid- to focus were those most often mentioned by this group.
ing satisfying cellular and molecular explanations of the role
of developmental defects in cognitive disorders — Williams
syndrome, for example, or, conceivably, even schizophrenia The field has moved so fast that the number of key papers vastly exceeds
or autism. These are distant and daring goals certainly, but the number of citations permitted for this review. Moreover, our aim has
goals that are clearly visible and thus worth striving for. been to outline recent progress and current status in broad strokes rather
than to highlight individuals or their achievements. For both reasons, we
have chosen to cite recent reviews rather than primary sources.
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