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By: Science Group 3 8B

The term meteor comes from the Greek meteoron,
meaning phenomenon in the sky.

According to NASA, Meteoroids are

objects in space that range in size from
dust grains to small asteroids. Meteors
are also commonly known as shooting
who discovered meteors?

Early American astronomer named Andrew Ellicot in 1833

witnessed the Leonids meteor shower and described it as
" the whole heaven appeared as if illuminated with sky
rockets". It was the first meteor shower recorded in North
( Editors, 2010)
Types of meteorites:
Most iron meteorites are thought to be the cores of

IRON asteroids. These meteorites consist mostly of iron-nickel

metal with small amounts of sulphide and carbide

STONY These meteorites consist of iron-nickel metal and

silicate materials, along with precious and semi-
-IRON precious gemstones. They are considered one of the
most beautiful meteorites.

STONY Majority of meteors are stony. These consist of silicate
Types of stony-iron meteorites
It's a rare type of meteorite that contain olivine
PallasiteS (Peridot) "space gems" fixed in an iron nickel

Mesosiderite meteorites are breccias, a variety

mESOSiDERITE of rock composed of broken fragments of

minerals or rock cemented together by a finer
Types of meteorites:
Most iron meteorites are thought to be the cores of

IRON asteroids. These meteorites consist mostly of iron-nickel

metal with small amounts of sulphide and carbide

STONY These meteorites consist of iron-nickel metal and

silicate materials, along with precious and semi-
-IRON precious gemstones. They are considered one of the
most beautiful meteorites.

STONY Majority of meteors are stony. These consist of silicate
Types of stony meteorites
Chondrites are some of the most primitive and
Chondrites pristine rocks in the solar system and have never
been melted.

Achondrites include meteorites from asteroids, Mars and

the Moon. They are igneous, meaning at some point they
Achondrites were melted into magma. When magma cools and
crystallises, it creates a concentric layered structure. This
process is known as igneous differentiation.
Meteor Showers
It's an event when many small particles of rock

1 and dust enter the atmosphere and more

meteors than usual are seen.

Meteor showers occur when Earth moves

2 through the debris left behind by comets and

asteroids. Approximately 30 meteor showers
occur each year.
Meteor showers
how often do
meteors hit the
According to the
American Meteor Society,
it is estimated that 10 to
50 meteors fall every day.
FAMOUS METEORS showers!!! :)
LYRIDS Geminids Southern Delta

one of the oldest known meteors. it A favorite among the annual meteor These meteors are visible until late
is a reliable annual shower of showers, the geminids meteor august, but start becoming active
bright fast meteors, that are shower is a reliable shower which mid-july. These meteors are
associated with the Comet Thatcher. peaks during mid-december each difficult to spot, and if the Moon is
This Meteor shower peaks late year. (EARTHSKY ; NASA) visible, you will not be able to view
april. (royal museums greenwich ; them. (nasa)
pop quiz!
Question 1: Question 2:

What is the difference Who witnessed the first

between meteors and meteor shower?
pop quiz!
Question 3: Question 4:

What are the three types of Who will never give you up?
meteorites? Will never let you down?
Who will never run around?
Will never desert you?
pop quiz!
Question 5: Question 6:

What are the two types of What are the two types of
stony-iron meteorites? stony meteorites? How do
they differ?
pop quiz!
Question 7: Question 8:

What is the difference How often do meteors hit

between meteors and the Earth?
meteor showers in terms of
Earth sky events?
pop quiz!
Question 9: Question 10:

Name one meteor What differentiates the

discussed. three types of meteorites?
pop quiz!
Question 11: Question 12:

How did Andrew Ellicot Where did the term

describe seeing a meteor meteors come from?

Solar Views, Meteoroids and Meteorites

NASA, Meteors
National History Museum, Types of Meteorites
NASA, Ten Facts About Meteors, How often do asteroids and
comets hit the Earth?
‌Royal Museums Greenwich, Lyrids Meteor Shower
EarthSky, 2022 Geminid Meteor Shower
Thank You
For your time :)
Aedreanne Lationio
Alexa Ong
Beatrice Sia
Rheam Maramag
Rizbelle Tabares
Sydnee Tse
Takera Satoh
Zhanel Sara

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