Dela - Rosa - Detailed Lesson Plan

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How the different of the circulatory system work together to transport oxygen rich blood
and nutrients to the different part of the body.
The learners should be able to conduct an information dissemination activity on effective
ways of taking care of the circulatory system based on the data gathered from the school or local
health workers.
The learners should be able to explain how the circulatory system work together to
transport nutrients gases, and other molecules to and from the different part of the body
(S9LT la-b-26)
At the end of the discussion, students are expected to;
a. Identify the part and the function of the different parts of circulatory system.
b. Construct a model of circulatory system using clay.
c. Cite the importance of the circulatory system in human life.
A. Topic: Living Things and Their Environment
Sub Topic: The Circulatory System
B. Materials: Laptop, projector, power point presentation,
C. Methodology: 7E’s Approach (Elicit, Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate,
Evaluate and Extend)
D. Values integration: Participation, Collaboration
F. References:
G. Concept:
Circulatory system is the life support structure that nourishes our cells with
nutrients from the food we eat and oxygen from the air we breathe. The major parts of
the circulatory system are the heart, blood vessel which includes the arteries, veins, and
capillaries and the blood. Circulatory system is also known as cardiovascular system.
Time Teacher’s Hint Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity I.M’s
5 I. Preliminary
minute Activity

a. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning, sir!
b. Prayer

Class, let us all stand for our opening (students will stand and
c. Securing prayer. pray)
Class, before you take your seats,
kindly pick up the trash you can see
d. Checking
inside our classroom and put it in the
trash bin and also arrange your chair
(students will pick up the
trashes and arrange their
chairs properly)
Before we start, let me first check your
e. Checking attendance.
of None sir.
Is there any absent for today ?

Very Good!

Did I give you an assignment during

our previous meeting?
Yes, sir.

Now kindly submit your assignment

and I will check it later.
(students will submit their
Before we proceed into our next
discussion, let us first have a
review of what we discussed last

Who can tell the class what we

discussed last meeting?

Yes, Mika?

Very good Mika!

Last meeting, we discussed the

respiratory system, now based on “Respiratory System”
your prior knowledge what is
“Respiratory System”?

Yes, Sean?

Very good, Sean! Respiratory System is

made up of the organs in
the body that help us to
Now, who can tell me the function of
the respiratory system?
Yes, Jay?

The respiratory system is

in charge of supplying
oxygen from the nose,
nasal passageways,
windpipe, lungs, and
Very good, Jay.

It seems like you already learned about

our last topic. Let us now move on to
our next lesson.


Before we proceed to our new

discussion, I want all of you to pay
attention with this model.
A. Presentation of
the topic (The teacher will present a DIY heart
pump model)

I will need two volunteers from the

class to manipulate the model.

Jorena and Jobelle please stand

in front

All you need to do is pump the

bottles, and the rest of the class will
observe what is happening to the
system while your two classmates
are pumping it.

Is that clear?

( the assigned student will

You may now start pumping the go in front )

What did you noticed on the system

while they pumping the bottles?

Yes, Mike?
Yes, Sir
Yes, that’s right! How about the
pathway where the liquid
( the two students start
flows? pumping the bottles )

Yes, Kaila?

Very good! As it pumps, the liquid

circulates all throughout the model.

What do you think is a system in the

human body responsible for the
circulation of materials through the
different parts of the body?

Yes, Yna? I noticed the two-colored

water flowing to the
different parts of the
Very good, our topic for today is system by means of hose.
about the circulatory system.

Who wants to read our objectives for


Yes, Shiela? It undergoes circulation.

Circulatory system, Sir.

B. Presentation of
the lesson

At the end of the

discussion, students are
expected to;
a. Identify the part and the
function of the different
parts of the circulatory
b. Construct a model of
circulatory system using
c. Cite the importance of
the circulatory system in
the human life.

Now, we will be having an activity.

In this activity, you will use clay to

Pre-activity build a model of the circulatory
system, identify each component, and
write its function.

You will also present your output in

the class and choose one
representative to explain your output.

I will group you into 3 groups: the

red group, blue group, and white

Please pick your color in this box to

know your designated groups.

And now, proceed to your

respective group and form a

I will read first the rubric for our


Your group will be graded

according to this rubric.
Any question?

Are you ready class?

Here’s the material together with the

instructions. Study the procedure
among your group.

You only have 10mins. To do your

activity. Is there any question?

If you have question regarding

your activity, don’t hesitate to ask

None, sir!
Are we clear?

Activity Proper

You have 10 minutes to finish your Yes Sir.

activity, you may now start.

(Teacher will assist the students and

answer some questions)

Time is up! Kindly go back to your


Did you enjoy the activity class?

Yes, Sir.

Yes, Sir.

Yes, Sir.
EXPLAIN So, let’s begin the presentation.

Are you ready, class? Yes, Sir.

Let’s start with the Red Group

followed by Group Blue and White

Class please be quiet and listen to your

classmate. is that clear?
Yes, Sir
Red Group you may now start.

(The teacher will check his student’s

output while the student are presenting
(the representative will
their outputs)
present their model)

Teacher and classmate,

this is our output.

We have here the Heart.

It is responsible for
pumping the blood which
carries all the vital
materials throughout the
As you can see in our
model there are three types
of blood vessel .

The artery, vein, and the


Arteries carry
oxygenated blood away
from the heart.

Veins carry
deoxygenated blood
to the heart.

Thats all teacher.

(the next group will will

now present their outputs
and last to present is the
White group)

none so far sir

Very good class, I am glad that you
can now identify the components of
circulatory system.

Any question about our activity?

ELABORATE From the activity you’ve
conducted what is now
circulatory system?

Yes, Rose? Sir, circulatory is the life

support structure that
nourishes your cells with
nutrients from the food
you eat and oxygen from
the air you breath

Very good! Now let us define what is

Circulatory system

Anyone who can read?

Circulatory system or also

Yes Jorena? known as the
Cardiovascular system is
very essential in the human
(Teacher will post the definition) body because it is the life
support structure that
delivers different materials
in the body. It circulates
vital elements such as
oxygen and nutrients and
at the same time, it also
transports wastes away
from the body.

Very good!

These are functions of circulatory


● Transport nutrients, hormones

● Remove waste products

● Gaseous exchange

● Immunity

● Blood vessels transport blood

● Carries oxygen and carbon


● Also carries nutrients and


● Heart pumps blood through

blood vessels

Now, we have here the parts of the

circulatory system.

The parts of the circulatory system are

the heart, blood vessel which are the
arteries, veins, and the capillaries and
the blood

So what is the function of the heart?

(Teacher will post the definition)
Who wants to read?
Yes, Anthon?

Heart pumps the blood

which carries all the vital
materials throughout the

Do you know how big your heart is?

Yes, Teacher.
Very good!

The heart is a hollow muscle, which is

as big as your fist
Can you tell which part of the
circulatory system carries the materials
throughout the body?

It’s the blood

Very good!

Our blood consists of:

Red blood cells – to carry oxygen

White blood cells – that make up part
of the immune system
Platelets – needed for clotting
Plasma – blood cells, nutrients and
wastes float in this liquid.

(Teacher will post the definition)

Class, there are three types of blood


The artery, vein, and the capillaries

So, what do you mean by the artery?

what is its function?

(Teacher will post the definition)

Who wants to read, Mike?

Arteries carry
oxygenated blood away
How about the vein? from the heart to the
cells, tissues, and
(Teacher will post the definition) organs of the body

Yes? Michael

Veins carry
deoxygenated blood
to the heart.
What is the function of the
(Teacher will post the definition)

Yes, Mike

Very good class! Now that you know

the major parts and functions. Can you Capillaries are where
cite the importance of the circulatory gases and nutrients are
system in human life? exchanged.

Anyone? Yes, Les?

Circulatory system is very

essential in the human
body because it is the life
Very well said! How one’s lifestyle support structure that
can affect the functioning of the delivers different materials
circulatory system? in the body.

Yes, Carl?

If you have a healthy

lifestyle, you will surely
Very good! what should we do and have a good circulatory
what should we avoid having a healthy
lifestyle? system.

Yes, Prince?

To have healthy lifestyle,

we should practice
balanced diet, regular
exercise, adequate rest, and
proper hygiene. And we
should avoid cigarette
smoking and alcohol
drinking which are
What part of our lesson needs more dangerous to our health.

None Sir
Very good! It seems that you’ve
learned a lot today!

It seems that you already learned the

lesson, get ready for your quiz today.

(Student will prepare for

the quiz)
EVALUATE Class please get a ½ crosswise.
I. Choose the letter of the correct
1. ______________is the life
support structure that nourishes
your cells with nutrients from
the food you eat and oxygen
from the air you breathe.
a. Circulatory system
b. Heart
c. Blood vessel Blood
2. _____________ pumps the
blood throughout the body.
a. Arteries
b. Heart
c. Blood vessel
d. Blood
3. _____________ carries the
blood throughout the body.
a. Circulatory system
b. Heart
c. Blood vessel
d. Blood
4. ______________ carries the
materials throughout the body.
a. Circulatory system
b. Heart
c. Blood vessel
d. Blood
5. ______________ carry
oxygenated blood away from
the heart to cells, tissues, and
organs of the body.
a. Arteries
b. Veins
c. Capillaries
d. Blood vessel
II. List down 3 importance of
circulatory system.

Direction: Interview your school nurse
or medical practitioner on how to
maintain a healthy circulatory system.

Guide questions are the following:

1. What age is more prone to
heart disease?
2. What sex is more prone to
heart disease?
3. What are the different factors
that contributes to risk of
having a heart disease?
4. Is there any program offered
by DOH to promote healthy

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