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Detailed Contents #4 1. Oddand even functions A. B. G D, Definition of functions Graph of functions Properties of odd & even functions Examples of odd & even functions 2. Mathematical Induction A B. « D. EB ‘Summation Sign Logic of Mathematical induction Question Type I: Simple Question Type Il : Fraction Question Type Ill : Difference 3. Binomial Theorem PAYS ras monep Factorial nr sign Pascal’s Triangle Expansion by binomial theorem Calculator Program General Term Question Type I: () no ascending Question Type Il: () has ascending Question Type Ill: ()£() )Q) no fraction Question Type V: ( )() has fraction Proof of Binomial Theorem 4. Trigonometry "MoO >p Degree vs. Radian sec, csc, cot Special angle Trigonometric Formula ‘Compound Angle Formula MIx Compound Angle Fal A B. G D, ei ronp> Fa BADR BER PRBS FABRE SARRORS BRE OUTS SBR 1: HS BM 2: Re 3: ETEK 37020) HY 4: OAR MA 5: OAR Cate Be FE vs. SIRE sec, csc, cot seni SAAS fess BSI x WA WMottor Salle 1 © by P.2 ci Maths (M2) Detailed Contents #4 5. e&li A. Definition of e Natural logarithm Limit Slope of tangent and curve First principle rons 6. Differentiation A. Rule of Differentiation B. Second derivative 7. Application of Differentiation - Tangent A. Properties of tangents B. Question Type | : Given internal point Question Type Il: Given slope D. Question Type Ill: Given external point 8. Application of Differentiation - Rate of change A. Differentiation with 3 variables B, Establish relationship C. Keywords D. 3 Steps for rate of change question 9. Application of Differentiation - Max, min A. Max, min, greatest, least B. Methods of determining max, min 10. Application of Differenti A. Process n - Curve sketching B. Max, min, point of inflexion Shape of curves D. Asymptotes E, Demo e aR A ees B. GASB Cc. epi D. ie AIH AREAS EB SARE ‘pat AL BAER B. Shee ‘GST HEF - WER A URL B. M1: CAIARE Cc Gila: CRIP D. a3: ERISN PER - Cee AL 3 ERRATA B. TL cae D. RMS th STREAR - BK + Bl AL BK BK B. FIBA MITT ROTHER - dhe A. if B. BBA + BNR + SORE Cc. HIRE D. SHAE Ea otter Sale © © by P.3 or Maths (M2) Detailed Contents #4 11, Integration Przammongp Indefinite vs. definite integral Rules of indefinite integral Rules of definite integral Question Type I: Reverse Process Question Type Il : Produced from nothing Question Type Ill: Partial fraction Question Type IV : x Trigonometry Question Type V: Reduction formula Integration by substitution Integration by part 12. Application of integration - Area A. B. « Definite integral vs. Area Techniques of area Area x odd, even function 13. Application of integration - Volume A. B. Disc method Revolving about other lines Bo A. RE vs. ER B. RBA a D. E. FE G H. L J BUTE - HR A. BUT vs. HBL 8. HRNKOT C BR x Heer THEA - BRR A. BRA B. SEDER IES WMottor Salle 1 © by P.4 ci Maths (M2) Detailed Contents #4 14. Matrix & Determinants A. Properties of matrix B. Properties of determinant Matrix + x= 15. System of linear equation A. Concept B. Classification of question types Calculation methods Matrix inversion method Gaussian Elimination method Cramer’s method 16. 2D Vector Introduction Magnitude Unit vector Ratio Dot product Application of dot product 4 Centres ammongp> 17. 3D Vector A. Introduction Meaning of dot product Vector product / cross product Application poe SBM OL THIN AL FERRE B. ATFISURLE CBRE + — x= ETRE A HES B. ae c staae i BOER MBA SOBER RE AL Bit B. RE Cc fire D. EGE E. F G Ieee A. fdr 5. RRR Cc BER) VB D. SER otter Sale © © by PS or Maths (M2) Re A eee Content . Definition of functions BANE . Graph of functions Bae Properties of odd & even functions 743 4 SiAy 414 . Examples of odd & even functions 448 RH) HIF forte Sale ® © by P.6 Maths (M2) CE A eT pO ee om Eo otter Sale © © by P.7 o Maths (M2) Ee aT 1C. Properties of odd & even functions BRS Odd function 255418 1 f-x)=-F(e) 2. rotational symmetry about the origin S/F Shieh N18 Even function (isf1B 1 f-x)= s(x) 2. symmetric with respect to the y-axis }4 y auf 1D. Examples of odd & even functions oi lem otter Sale © © by PB o Maths (M2) Content Summation Sign Logic of Mathematical Induction Question Type | : Simple Question Type II : Fraction Question Type Ill: Difference mR BSRAeN ee BH 1: a AE 2: HR BH 3. | PA otter Sale 1 © by www. youtube.comiHermanYeung P.9 Maths (M2) CE A eT 2A. Summation Sign ANF S(k) S0)+F2)+/0)+ 14)+ 16) = f(l) a0) Srwes9 = f(0+1)+ /(l+1)+ £2+1)+ £+1)+ £(4+1) =/le+) M = 2 t(k+2) =d/le-1) otter Sale © © by P.10 ci Maths (M2) LRA eee Gea © £14942... 4/02 fle) aq © d= (14-2+3..Ho= DK 2 BSIX © i fot mv tl 0 Sy ek =| S D+ 2 vad 3°45 45) 7455, “Sl er 3= Be Patrnanes 5, Ie 2O-98 9d Bro Tapoavdugda/2 o ® ° ° 6 P BBIReD fe 343422) = Sy habe ah Aan boo £28 o0 ft otter Sale © © by www P. Maths (M2) LP Ae ee PAP el oR eel) RSRMAh Be Prove, by mathematical induction, that for all positive integers », MARS MHRA ESERR 1+3454+7+..+(2n-1) =n? Ta reet O Far n=! Lacspye * Oporrek By v Par n=tl LHS=RHs/ OF iotior Sale © © by www P.12 G1 Maths (M2) Ee 2C, Question Type I: Simple 42 1: SZ Prove, by mathematical induction, that for all positive integers n, A RES 9 ke EO BE EE 14345+7+..+(2n-1)= Solution For a muse [2272]. 11S ve the statement is true form =1 Assume 1434547 +..+(2k—1) = 2, where kis a positive integer bor hile ) LiH.6. = [42 4(2k- /)+(0k4 1) = ke + Ay | seep? =R.H Hence the statement is true for n =k +1 By the principle of mathematical induction, the statement is true for all positive integers n. otter Sale © © by P.13 ci Maths (M2) Ee 2C, Question Type I: Simple 42 1: SZ Prove, by mathematical induction, that for all positive integers n, A RES 9 ke EO BE EE 14345+74..4(2n-1) =n" Solution Sonali LHS= Hp k RIESE AR n=k+1 > (ERE M ERE EAST AEB n iE « otter Sale © © by P.14 ci Maths (M2) LR ees ee pio Meelt dR ee ee lle Umi 4 Traming~ 201 Prove, by mathematical induction, that for all positive integers > 1 ARES Oy EE SER n> 1 L 1 1 eS 1x2" 2x3 (Dan ‘Solution / . Brn=2-> LH =e : > RHS.~1-+=L Assume erty. WERE thE Pra=ke« | LHS =a tee + Ga =[- ete ew 2 / kK ‘iy — l- pay otter Sale © © by P.15 ci Maths (M2) CTE eT pA Peet ht wee Mice le) pb (a) Prove, by mathematical induction, that for all integers n. ss tes #1 FRE SS Ok ESE HEM a ee -_ on . 5 wy ae eget swam cee A) 243 HT. 14+2x2+3x2? 44x24, +1002" 149920 7b) (+2x2+ doF tes +, se *D 0: Fer p=! LAS= 24 3x25% 68 [+ aT em Rus= 29% 8 [PEST wae S b RvCub ee D+ 2xI+U.24.. ero KE keg =[2 3x24 _ bxaftola Fey he bel Cieza. 2] LG = re3x2+dx Fe ADE Hee A/a be 2 _ [Ue 2b = (Kj o2 peer ae ( - +(e) “ye = 2°" 2kee) = ae) = [eo sie SRH.S. otter Sale © © by P.16 ci Maths (M2) Pace ret ht ee SMTi Cle Ca) Ped Le A (a) Prove, by mathematical induction, that for all positive integers 7. A) RE SS Yk EH IE BERK on, 343244 .¢m(n +1) = n(n + on + 2) hrn=| LHS = [y2=2. Agume 1x242x34 74 ker) HOH e9) Por n> kel LIS = (x22: HEED) = [clle-t lker2) + (et Ne) SEAN) let vfk +2x 7] = & (ket) be) (43) ih b 12427 450 Lids. +50| = [x 2a +59 <= BOLE) Seer) 3 3 = 224/325 1 © by P.17 c Maths (M2) Wattor Salle Pacer hte SMe C-te Ca) EUR d (a) Prove, by mathematical induction, that for all integers n> 0 ARES ORME SE SH 120 14. 2x243%2? 44x27 4.4 (n+ 1)2" = nx2"" 41 (b) Using the formula in (a), find the sum of AA (a) MBA REAM Ae 1x24+2x2°43xK2 +...4¢0-2" a.Porn=| LHS= J+2x2'25 RUS = 1X27) =5 a Moume [42x243x07%., tk) = Ex 4] Parte | Ie ct CHS= 42x24 xT. AEDS IM Hex 2" ) aera) = OM et lepey | = DM le. cD | 4 I x242x 2725. ta =f #2824 2x2 hg 3 Hate) 27] ~O42 2%. 4" = Av 2™'4 | - 14) = n-y247. intior Sale © © by P.18 Gi Maths (M2) pacer hte a SMCs ta) EUR amd Traming~ 24 (@) (b) © @ © Prove, by mathematical induction, that for all positive integers n. #1 RE SG ON EAE BER Paros? e + =Ln(n+DQn+) Evaluate sf 1? +2? +3? +... +100? Evaluate 3+ 51? +52? +53? +...4+1007 Evaluate 3} # 2? +4? +6? +...+100* Evaluate sf 4 1? 43° +5? +...4997 b lio) (toot) 2ooe') z 33350 Cc [les ! Mf 2b tor] [8 18] 3383 50-— TIPS) ((0}) 295425 4.2*Hr. Phos” =o p 222% be 221142 Be... 07] @ . = 33630 —1 )/)e- = 166680 Wattor Salle 1 © by P.19 Maths (M2)

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