Outdoor Activities in The Form of Children

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Outdoor activities in the form of children’s development are very important.

can create such facility of life standard which is not available in other sources.
Some people think that it is very beneficial for children. I totally agree with this

In many developed and developing countries, governments encourage parents to

allow their children to do outdoor activities. These things are very educative for
everyone. In that case, Children's will more connect with new people. They will
learn new things, gain knowledge from other things. As a result, they can make a
better place in academic life.

On the other hand, different types of outdoor sports will make them physically
and mentally fit. Such sports teach them, how to make a decision and with a
team how to win. In this fast world, we all need practical knowledge. This is
really crucial for children. If we all allow them to attend more outdoor
activities , this will not only good for them but a nation will get benefitted.
China is a very good example.

On the contrary, few people do not allow their children to participate in real
games. They find computer games are good for children. But, these computer-
based games make children lazier. Consequently, they cannot learn practical
and other activities. Even, these games can impact on their mental health.

Finally, outdoor activities are more important than any type of technological
games. Real activities grow children's mind. This is crucial for the future.

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