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Appendix A



Study Scheme

Master of Arts Programme in Psychology (Full-time and Part-time)

1. Coursework Requirement

Students are required to complete a total of 27 units, made up of 24 units for successful completion
of academic subjects and one independent study (i.e. 3 units)

i. Required courses: 24 units

PSYC5110, 5120, 5130, 5140, 5150, 5160, 5170, 5190

ii. Elective courses:

1 course from the following:

PSYC5210, 5220, 5230, 5240 3 units

Total: 27 units

2. Other Requirements

(a) Students must fulfill the Term Assessment Requirement of the Graduate School. For details,
please refer to Section 13.0 “Unsatisfactory Performance and Discontinuation of Studies” of the
General Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies which can be accessed from the Graduate
School Homepage:
(b) Students must fulfill the additional term assessment requirements of the Programme. A student who
receives two or more grades of F or below will be required to discontinue studies, unless special
approval is granted by the Faculty Board.
(c) Students are required to achieve a minimum grade of “C-“ in the courses taken during the study
which will be counted towards the total number of units required for graduation. Any student fails to
achieve this, he/she will have to re-take the same course(s) in another term when the course(s)
is(are) offered again and pass it(them) with a “C-” or above grade. Students are allowed to re-take
Appendix A

each failed course only once.

(d) A student must achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in order to fulfill the
graduation requirement, unless special approval is granted by the Graduate Council.

3. Remarks

(a) Course and Unit Exemption:

Students may apply for course and unit exemption for a maximum of 4 courses (12 units).
(b) Units for Graduation:
Students are not allowed to take more than 9 courses (i.e. 27 units) from the required and
elective course lists in part 1.

Course List

Code Course Title Unit

PSYC5110 Statistics and Research Design in Psychological Science 3
PSYC5120 Psychological Testing and Measurement 3
PSYC5130 Biological Psychology 3
PSYC5140 Cognitive Psychology 3
PSYC5150 Developmental Psychology 3
PSYC5160 Social Psychology 3
PSYC5170 Abnormal Psychology 3
PSYC5190 Personality Psychology 3
PSYC5210 Independent Study in Cognitive Science 3
PSYC5220 Independent Study in Human Development 3
PSYC5230 Independent Study in Social Psychology 3
PSYC5240 Independent Study in Mental Health 3

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