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Ianjay P.


05 Seatwork 1

1. Do you agree that Jollibee’s marketing campaign is effective? Why or why not?
- Yes, Jollibee's marketing campaign seems to work because people like their content, and it gets a lot of views
and shares on social media. But to be sure, we need to look at how much it helps the business in the long
run and if it's worth the money they spend on it.

2. Assuming that your company is Jollibee’s main competitor, what counteractions will you do to compete with
Jollibee’s marketing efforts/success?
- If I were Jollibee's main competitor, I would;
1. Make sure our website and social media pages are great, so more people see us online.
2. Make fun and interesting videos, pictures, and posts that people like.
3. Partner with famous people on the internet to talk about our food.
4. Make new and exciting food items to get people excited.
5. Pay attention to what people say about our food and service and make it better.
6. Make our food and ads fit what people like in each place where we have a restaurant.
7. Offer deals and prices that people like.
8. Always make sure our food is delicious and our service is good.

3. In the age of technology, should businesses heavily rely on social/mass media? Justify your answer.
- In today's digital world, businesses should use social media and mass media, but not rely on them too much.
These platforms help reach lots of people, engage with customers, save money on advertising, analyze data,
and stay updated on trends. Still, it's important to balance things out. Businesses should use a mix of
different channels, think about what their customers like, adjust for the kind of business they are, and
consider what works in their area. Also, they should plan carefully, keeping their goals and changing
technology and customer interests in mind.

4. In a marketing perspective, what are the challenges most businesses face today and how can they address it?
- There are many companies, so standing out is hard. To fix this, businesses should offer something unique and
great customer service.
- People research online before buying. Businesses should adapt by giving customers helpful information and
personalized experiences.
- Things change quickly, so businesses must keep up with new tools and data analysis to make better decisions.
- There's too much stuff on the internet, so businesses must create useful, high-quality content that people
- More people use phones, so businesses should make sure their websites and content work well on mobiles.

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