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Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3
Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources

SCIENCE Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal,

and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials
that People Use as Resources

Hi! Our topic is about recognizing that soil, water, water, rocks, coal, and other fossil fuels are Earth materials
that people use as resources. Let’s begin.

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K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

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Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3 Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3

Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources

Earth’s Resources Earth’s Resources

Soil is the top layer of the earth’s crust which is composed of
Earth Materials that People Use as Resources minerals, organic matter, and water.

Soil Water Rocks Plants and trees which are essential

source of food and raw materials grow
on soil.
Coal Fossil Fuels
Soil is one of the non-renewable
resources of the Earth.

There are different types of resources that the earth offers to men as resources such as soil, water, rocks, coal, Soil is the top layer of the earth’s crust which is composed of minerals, organic matter, and water. Plants and
and other fossil fuels. People use these resources in their everyday lives. Without these earth’s materials, men trees which are essential source of food and raw materials grow on soil. However, soil is a non-renewable
will not survive. In this lesson, we will cite some examples on how the people use these earth materials as resources of the earth.
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K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

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Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3 Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3

Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources

Earth’s Resources Earth’s Resources

Soil What is the importance of soil to the people? Water
Farming is one the oldest and most common
livelihood of the people. Farmers plant their crops
Water covers around 70% of the
on soil which are then harvested for food after earth’s surface.
several months.
There are three general
classifications of water on earth
Soil is also used as ground or foundation for such as salt water, fresh water,
construction of houses and buildings. and ground water.

People use soil in different ways. Two examples are in agriculture and construction. Farming is one the oldest Now, let’s move on water. Water covers around 70% of the earth’s surface. There are three general
and most common livelihood of the people. Farmers plant their crops on soil which are then harvested for food classifications of water on earth such as salt water, fresh water, ground water.
after several months. On the other hand, people use soil as ground or foundation for construction of houses and
Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

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Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3 Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3

Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources

Earth’s Resources Earth’s Resources

Water Water
People also use water in other
Water is an essential activities like cooking,
resources of the people. cleaning, and taking a bath. People can also get
People can get food like fish hydrothermal energy from the
and seaweeds as well as earth’s water resources.
drinking water in the earth’s
water resources.

In general, water is an essential resources of the people. People can get food like fish and seaweeds as well as People can also get hydrothermal energy from the earth’s water resources.
drinking water in the earth’s water resources. People also use water in other activities like cooking, cleaning,
and taking a bath.

Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

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Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3 Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3

Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources

Earth’s Resources Earth’s Resources

Rocks Rocks

Three Groups of Rocks or Minerals

Rocks are used by the people
in construction of houses and gold, silver, iron, copper,
infrastructures, making Metallic
iron, lead, tin, etc.
jewelries, and in producing diamonds, salt, gypsum,
other essential products for Nonmetallic
precious stones
daily use.
marble, gravel, sand,

Rocks are used by the people in construction of houses and infrastructures, making jewelries, and in producing There are three groups of rocks or minerals that are essential for human beings. These are metallic,
other essential products for daily use. nonmetallic, and rocks.

Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

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Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3 Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3

Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources

Earth’s Resources Earth’s Resources

Rocks Coal and Fossil Fuels

Salt is used in food. Copper is used in

wiring electricity. coal
Coal and fossil fuels are
materials that people use in
harnessing energy for
Iron can be used in Spoons and forks are electricity and industrial use. fossil
construction of made from
infrastructures. aluminum and steel.

Here are more examples of products that we can get from rocks or minerals. Lastly, coal and fossil fuels are materials that people use in harnessing energy for electricity and industrial use.

Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

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Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3 Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3

Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources

Coal and Fossil Fuel Coal and Fossil Fuel

Fossil Fuel Coal
The burning of fossil fuels is the
Fossil Fuel are formed from the largest source of emissions of Coal is the most common type of
remains of dead animals and carbon dioxide and greenhouse fossil fuel which is extracted
plants. gases which contribute to global deep on earth’s surface. Coal is considered as the
warming. most dangerous fossil fuel
on earth because of the
People can harness fossil fuel It is composed of carbon and danger involved in mining it
either deep underground or hydrogen and small amount of as well as the greenhouse
deep in oceans and seas. sulfur and iron. gases it emits.

Let’s learn about fossil fuel. Fossil Fuels are formed from the remains of dead animals and plants. People can Now, let’s learn more about coal. Coal is the most common type of fossil fuel which is extracted deep on earth’s
harness fossil fuel either deep underground or in oceans and seas. The burning of fossil fuels is the largest surface. It is composed of carbon and hydrogen and small amount of sulfur and iron. It is also c onsidered as
source of emissions of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming. the most dangerous fossil fuel on earth because of the danger involved in mining it as well as the greenhouse
gases it emits.
Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

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Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3 Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3

Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources

Earth Materials that People Use as Resources

Soil Water Rocks

Coal Fossil Fuels Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels
are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources

Remember! Soil, water, rocks, coal, and other fossil fuels are earth materials which people use as resources. Now, let’s answer some exercises. Are you ready?

Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

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Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3 Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3

Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources

Matching Type Matching Type

Match the products to the earth’s resources where they are either harvested or made from. Match the products to the earth’s resources where they are either harvested or made from.

1 Diamonds, paint, computers, etc. A. Fossil Fuel 1 Diamonds, paint, computers, etc. C. Rocks

2 Natural gas B. Water 2 Natural gas A. Fossil Fuel

3 Hydrothermal Energy C. Rocks 3 Hydrothermal Energy B. Water

Match the products to the earth’s resources where they are either harvested or made from. Here are the correct answers.

Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

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Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3 Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3

Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources

Matching Type Matching Type

Match the products to the earth’s resources where they are either harvested or made from. Match the products to the earth’s resources where they are either harvested or made from.

1 Carbon A. Coal 1 Carbon A. Coal

2 Root crops (rice, potato, yam, etc.) B. Water 2 Root crops (rice, potato, yam, etc.) C. Soil

3 Fish and seafoods C. Soil 3 Fish and seafood B. Water

Match the products to the earth’s resources where they are either harvested or made from. Match the products to the earth’s resources where they are either harvested or made from.

Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

19 20

Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3 Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3

Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources

Multiple Choice Multiple Choice

Select the correct answer. Select the correct answer.

ABC Steel Company needs to get energy resources in order to ABC Steel Company needs to get energy resources in order to
power its machineries. Which among the following could it use as power its machineries. Which among the following could it use as
a source of energy? a source of energy?

A. Rocks C. Coal A. Rocks C. Coal

B. Soil D. Stones B. Soil D. Stones

This is for multiple choice questions with short choices. The correct answer is C. Coal.

Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

21 22

Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3 Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3

Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources

Multiple Choice Multiple Choice

Select the correct answer. Select the correct answer.

Which among the following come from the earth’s Which among the following come from the earth’s
water resources? water resources?

A. Root crops C. Shale gas E. Pearls A. Root crops C. Shale gas E. Pearls

B. Soil D. Clams F. Crabs and shellfish B. Soil D. Clams F. Crabs and shellfish

Which among the following comes from the earth’s water resources? The correct answers are D. Clams, E. Pearls, and F. Crabs and Shelllfish.

Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

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Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3 Science 7 S7ES-IVb-3

Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources Recognizing that Soil, Water, Rocks, Coal, and Other Fossil Fuels are Earth Materials that People Use as Resources

Multiple Choice Multiple Choice

Select the correct answer. Select the correct answer.

Which among the following come from the earth’s Which among the following come from the earth’s
rock resources? rock resources?

A. Copper C. Nitrogen E. Pearls A. Copper C. Nitrogen E. Pearls

B. Oxygen D. iron F. Silverwares B. Oxygen D. iron F. Silverwares

Which among the following comes from the earth’s rock resources? The correct answers are D. iron and F. silverwares.

Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

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Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4 Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4

Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably

Earth’s Resources
Earth Materials that People
Use as Resources
Describing Ways of Using Earth's Soil
Resources Sustainably

Hi! Our topic is about describing ways of using earth’s resources sustainably. Let’s begin. We have learned already in the past that there are different types of resources on earth. Some of them are the
soil, water, rocks, and energy. However, not all of them are renewable, so let’s learn how we can use them in a
sustainable manner.

Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
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Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4 Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4

Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably

Using Earth’s Resources Sustainably Using Earth’s Resources Sustainably

Soil Soil
Soil is important in planting crops and Ways on How to Use Earth’s Resources Sustainably
trees which are used by the people as
food or as raw materials. It is also Plant more trees to protect the soil from soil erosion.
used in building houses and
Promote Crop Rotation, contour farming, and terracing in
However, since soil is a non-renewable resources, its preservation is
important for food security and sustainable future. Researching on how to stop soil degradation and restore
polluted soil resources.
Soil is important in planting crops and trees which are used by the people as food or as raw materials. It is also There are different ways which we can adapt in using our resources for a more sustainable manner. For
used in building houses and infrastructures. However, since soil is a non-renewable resources, its preservation instance, we should start planting more trees to protect the soil from soil erosion. We should also promote crop
is important for food security and sustainable future. rotation, contour farming, and terracing in farmlands to let the soil regain the nutrients it needs. Lastly, we can
start researching on how to stop soil degradation and restore polluted soil resources.
Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

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Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4 Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4

Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably

Using Earth’s Resources Sustainably Using Earth’s Resources Sustainably

Water Water
Ways on How to Use Water Resources Sustainably
Clean and adequate water
supplies are essential in the Conserve water resources by Do not throw garbage on water
lives of the people as an turning off faucet when not in resources like streams and rivers.
infected source of water can use or by using used or treated
There are countries like Ethiopia, water when cleaning and
spread various diseases and kill Cambodia, and India with no Stop illegal logging and help in planting
watering plants to lessen the
marine organisms like fish. enough source of clean water. amount of clean water that we
more trees which are important in
preventing soil erosion that pollutes
have to use.
streams and rivers .
Clean and adequate water supplies are essential in the lives of the people as an infected source of water can Now that we have grasped the importance of water in the lives of the people, here are some of the ways that we
spread various diseases and kill marine organisms like fish. However, even if the earth is composed of 70% can adapt in using water resources sustainably. First, Conserve water resources by turning off faucet when not
water, there are still countries like Ethiopia, Cambodia, and India with no enough source of clean water which in use or by using used or treated water when cleaning and watering plants. Second, we should refrain from
poses health risks to the locals aside from its already expensive cost. throwing garbage on water resources. Lastly, we should stop illegal logging and help in planting more trees.
Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

31 32

Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4 Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4

Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably

Using Earth’s Resources Sustainably Using Earth’s Resources Sustainably

Rocks Rocks
Ways on How to Use Rocks Resources Sustainably
Rocks, especially precious stones,
are harvested through mining; Man uses rocks (minerals and
stones) in making jewelries and Impose a maximum number of rocks or minerals that can be
however, mining can cause great
damage to the environment and the household materials as well as in mined for a certain period of time.
abusive harvesting of these stones harvesting construction
Use cleaner production techniques to lessen the harmful
and rocks risks can pose additional
effects of mining to the environment.
health hazard to the people.
Reduce the amount of waste produced through re-
Rocks, especially precious stones, are harvested through mining; however, mining can cause great damage to In order to use this earth’s resources sustainably there are several things that mining operations can adapt to
the environment and the abusive harvesting of these stones and rocks risks can pose additional health hazard lessen their negative impact on the environment. For instance, impose a maximum number of rocks or minerals
to the people. Man uses rocks (minerals and stones) in making jewelries and household materials as well as in that can be mined for a certain period of time. Use cleaner production techniques to lessen the harmful effects
harvesting construction materials. of mining to the environment. Lastly, reduce the amount of waste produced through re-engineering.
Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

33 34

Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4 Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4

Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably

Using Earth’s Resources Sustainably Using Earth’s Resources Sustainably

Energy (Coal & Fossil Fuels) Energy (Alternative Energy Sources)
Coal and fossil fuels are two of the most widely used energy
sources in the world, especially in running vehicles and
household and industrial electricity.

However, these energy sources are nonrenewable and harmful

to the environment that is why it is advisable to choose an
alternative source of energy. Hydroelectric
Wind energy Solar energy energy

Now, let’s move on to coal and fossil fuels. These are two of the most widely used energy sources in the world, Here are some of the alternative energy sources which we can use in substitute to coal and fossil fuels. These
especially in running vehicles and household and industrial electricity. However, these energy sources are are renewable energy sources and less harmful than the previous two.
nonrenewable and harmful to the environment that is why it is advisable to choose an alternative source of
Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
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35 36


Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4 Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4

Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably

In general, most of the earth’s resources that people use are non-renewable;
thus here are some of the sustainable manner of using these resources:

Think of alternative renewable

Do not abuse the earth’s resources.

Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources

Distribute the use of the resources Preserve and conserve non-
so as let them be replenished renewable earth’s resources, Sustainably
In general, most of the earth’s resources that people use are non-renewable; thus here are some of the ways of Now, let’s answer some exercises. Are you ready?
using these resources for a more sustainable future: Do not abuse the earth’s resources. Distribute the use of
the resources so as let them be replenished. Think of alternative renewable resources. Preserve and conserve
non-renewable earth’s resources,
Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

37 38

Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4 Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4

Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably

Multiple Choice Multiple Choice

Select the correct answer. Select the correct answer.

Which of the following is or are not sustainable Which of the following is or are not sustainable
ways of using the earth’s resources? ways of using the earth’s resources?

A. Throwing leftover foods in the river to feed the fish. A. Throwing leftover foods in the river to feed the fish.

B. Using solar energy as an alternative source of electricity. B. Using solar energy as an alternative source of electricity.

C. Cutting the trees in the forests to produce new lumbers. C. Cutting the trees in the forests to produce new lumbers.

Which of the following is not a sustainable way of using the earth’s resources? The correct answer is B. using solar energy as an alternative source of electricity.

Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

39 40

Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4 Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4

Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably

Multiple Choice Multiple Choice

Select the correct answer. Select the correct answer.

Which of the following is / are not sustainable Which of the following is / are not sustainable
ways of using the earth’s resources? ways of using the earth’s resources?

A. Dumping chemical wastes in water resources. A. Dumping chemical wastes in water resources.

B. Using organic fertilizer in farming. B. Using organic fertilizer in farming.

C. Burning of coals in producing energy sources. C. Burning of coals in producing energy sources.

Which of the following is not a sustainable way of using the earth’s resources? The correct answers are A. Dumping chemical wastes in water resources and C. Burning of coals in producing
energy sources.

Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

41 42


Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4 Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4

Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably

Multiple Choice Multiple Choice

Select the correct answer. Select the correct answer.

Ericka is thinking of how she can help in saving the earth’s water Ericka is thinking of how she can help in saving the earth’s water
resources. What are the possible things that she can do? resources. What are the possible things that she can do?

A. Conserve water by turning off the faucet when not in use. A. Conserve water by turning off the faucet when not in use.

B. Use the water used in washing clothes in cleaning the restroom. B. Use the water used in washing clothes in cleaning the restroom.

C. Throwing garbage in rivers and streams. C. Throwing garbage in rivers and streams.

Ericka is thinking of how she can help in saving the earth’s water resources. What are the possible things that The correct answers are A. Conserve water by turning off the faucet when not in use and B. Use the water
she can do? used in washing clothes in cleaning the restroom.

Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

43 44

Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4 Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4

Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably

Multiple Choice Multiple Choice

Select the correct answer. Select the correct answer.

Which of the following is a sustainable way in using the rocks Which of the following is a sustainable way in using the rocks
and mineral resources of the Earth and mineral resources of the Earth

A. Mine precious stones unchalantly until all the stones in an area is A. Mine precious stones unchalantly until all the stones in an area is
exhausted. exhausted.

B. Use dynamite or any explosive s when mining precious stones. B. Use dynamite or any explosive s when mining precious stones.

C. Impose a maximum number of rocks and stones that can be mined. C. Impose a maximum number of rocks and stones that can be mined.

Which of the following is a sustainable way in using the rocks and mineral resources of the Earth. The correct answer is C. Impose a maximum number of rocks and stones that can be mined.

Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

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Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4 Science 7 S7ES-IVc-4

Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably Describing Ways of Using Earth's Resources Sustainably

Multiple Choice Multiple Choice

Select the correct answer. Select the correct answer.

If you are asked to give an advise to farmers about using the earth’s If you are asked to give an advise to farmers about using the earth’s
resources sustainably, which among the following will you give? resources sustainably, which among the following will you give?
A. Cut down trees in the forest to be used as new farms since the soil in A. Cut down trees in the forest to be used as new farms since the soil in
these areas are full of nutrients for the plants. these areas are full of nutrients for the plants.

B. Adapt crop Rotation, contour farming, and terracing in farmlands. B. Adapt crop Rotation, contour farming, and terracing in farmlands.

C. Plant new seeds two days after the harvest period to utilize the use of the C. Plant new seeds two days after the harvest period to utilize the use of the
soil. soil.

If you are asked to give an advise to farmers about using the earth’s resources sustainably, which among the The correct answer is B. Adapt crop rotation, contour farming, and terracing in farmlands.
following will you give?

Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC

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Performing Two or More Different Operations on Whole Numbers With or Without Exponents and Grouping Symbols

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Copyright 2016-2022 Frontlearners, Inc. All rights reserved. Some texts on these slides were copied from the DepEd
K-12 Curriculum Guide. Contains AT&T Natural Voices text to speech technology licensed from Wizzard Speech LLC


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