A Multiperspective Approach To The Conceptualization of EF

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A multiperspective approach to the conceptualization of executive

Sonia Packwooda; Helen M. Hodgettsab; Sébastien Tremblaya
School of Psychology, Université Laval, Quebec, QC, Canada b School of Psychology, Cardiff
University, Cardiff, UK

First published on: 24 January 2011

To cite this Article Packwood, Sonia , Hodgetts, Helen M. and Tremblay, Sébastien(2011) 'A multiperspective approach to
the conceptualization of executive functions', Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology,, First published on:
24 January 2011 (iFirst)
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/13803395.2010.533157
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2010, iFirst, 1–15

A multiperspective approach to the conceptualization

of executive functions
Sonia Packwood,1 Helen M. Hodgetts,1,2 and Sébastien Tremblay1
School of Psychology, Université Laval, Quebec, QC, Canada
School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK

The concept of executive function (EF) is deemed unclear and difficult to operationalize. We use a multiperspective
approach to quantify and reduce the current proliferation of EFs. A literature review of 60 studies identified 68 sub-
components of EF: Through objective statistical techniques, these terms were reduced to 18 by removing semantic
overlap (using latent semantic analysis) and psychometric overlap (using hierarchical cluster analysis). However,
Downloaded By: [Universidad de Malaga] At: 19:46 12 February 2011

still such a large number of functions lacks parsimony. We therefore revisit the concept of EF and suggest that the
many proposed subcomponents are not functions per se but rather a number of task-specific behaviors.

Keywords: Executive function; Latent semantic analysis; Hierarchical cluster analysis; Neuropsychological assess-
ment; Cognitive processes.

Executive functions (EFs) are generally recognized as The diversity of taxonomies and general absence of con-
cognitive control mechanisms that direct and coordinate sensus have led to a proliferation of EFs. Since science
human behavior in an adaptive way when no preestab- is guided by the principle of parsimony—whereby only
lished schema of action is available (e.g., Lezak, 1995; the minimum of elementary causes is used to explain a
Shallice, 1988). Despite the general acceptance that such phenomenon—it would seem reasonable to seek greater
high-level functions play a role in cognition, there is unity within the field (Banich, 2009; Uttal, 2001). The
no consensus as to what these functions are, how they current paper uses a multiperspective approach to first
might be organized, or which specific test should be quantify the extent of the proliferation and then to esti-
used in the assessment of each one. Abundant research, mate the extent to which EF subcomponents overlap both
together with the wide use of EF concepts and execu- conceptually and psychometrically. This meta-analysis
tive tests in clinical neuropsychology, has contributed to will provide an objective portrayal of the current state
an extensive list of EFs including such functions as goal of affairs with regard to EF and aims towards a clearer
formation, planning, set shifting, verbal fluency, and inhi- understanding of the concept.
bition. Indeed the lack of a formal definition of EFs may Some of the earliest models to incorporate the idea of
have led to some overlap and redundancy in the number a higher order management system proposed a unitary
of terms used, but even attempts to gain a more coher- mechanism responsible for all processes involving atten-
ent structure through factorial analysis have failed to find tional control (Baddeley & Hitch, 1974; Grafman, 1989;
any consistency across studies in the type or number of Norman & Shallice, 1986; Pribram, 1960). However,
functions involved (e.g., Fisk & Sharp, 2004; Huizinga, this view of a single executive entity—often referred
Dolan, & van der Molen, 2006; Miyake et al., 2000). to as the homunculus—has been criticized for lacking

Helen M. Hodgetts is an honorary research fellow at School of Psychology, Cardiff University. This research was supported by an
operating grant to Sébastien Tremblay and a graduate scholarship to Sonia Packwood from the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Part of this work was presented at the International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany
(July, 2008). We would like to thank Daniel Lafond and Jean-François Gagnon for their significant help and suggestions with regard to
the ideas proposed in this paper. We would also like to thank Cindy Chamberland for comments on an earlier draft and to Marie-Josée
Côte for assistance with the analysis.
Address correspondence to Sonia Packwood or Sébastien Tremblay, École de Psychologie, Université Laval, Québec, G1V 0A6,
Canada (E-mail: sonia.packwood.1@ulaval.ca or sebastien.tremblay@psy.ulaval.ca).
© 2011 Psychology Press, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business
http://www.psypress.com/jcen DOI: 10.1080/13803395.2010.533157

specificity, leading subsequent research efforts to focus there follows an increasing number of terms to describe
on decomposing the proposed “black box” into more the potential processes tapped by each. Generally, any
informative subcomponents (see Baddeley, 1996; Shallice, test sensitive to frontal lobe damage is deemed to assess
2002). Much of this work has relied upon patients with “executive” processes, and some of those more com-
frontal lobe damage, for whom the higher level control monly used include the Tower of Hanoi (TOH) or
abilities associated with EF—broadly the coordination, Tower of London (TOL), verbal fluency, Stroop, and
execution, and regulation of behaviors—are noticeably the Wisconsin Card Sorting task (WCST). A problem of
impaired. That patients deficient in these everyday func- task impurity means that each task may assess a num-
tions tend to have damage to the same area indicates ber of different executive subcomponents and/or non-EF
a common mechanism, but the pattern of performance cognitive processes as well; as such, it can be very dif-
deficits between patients and across tasks is not uniform ficult to know how impairment on a particular task
and instead seems to support the existence of multiple should be interpreted. For example, verbal fluency can
dissociable executive skills. Despite copious research, the be described as a measure of fluency capacities (Baldo,
complex nature of neuropsychological impairment means Shimamura, Delis, Kramer, & Kaplan, 2001), memory
that it is difficult to determine precisely how many funda- retrieval (Rosen & Engle, 1997), set shifting (Troyer,
mentally distinct executive abilities there are (see Andrés, Moscovitch, & Winocur, 1997), or inhibition (Brosnan
2003). Different models have suggested that the func- et al., 2002). Similarly, the Stroop task is mostly con-
tions of the frontal lobe can be divided into three (Fuster, sidered a measure of inhibitory function (Miyake et al.,
1980), four (Baddeley, 1996; Luria, 1973), or five sub- 2000) but is also used to evaluate working memory (Kane
Downloaded By: [Universidad de Malaga] At: 19:46 12 February 2011

components (Shallice & Burgess, 1991; Stuss & Benson, & Engle, 2003), cognitive flexibility (Zalonis et al., 2009),
1986), and more recent factor analyses have produced impulse control (Peterson et al., 1999), selective atten-
similarly inconsistent results with models proposing up tion (Melcher & Gruber, 2006), concentration (Van Diest,
to six EFs (e.g., Fisk & Sharp, 2004; Floyd, Bergeron, & Stegen, Van de Woestijne, Schippers, & Van den Bergh,
Hamilton, 2004; Huizinga et al., 2006). Disagreement 2000), and so on. Undoubtedly the range of tasks avail-
about the taxonomies of EF extends beyond just the num- able, as well as the lack of specificity regarding what each
ber, to also the critical roles proposed for each; although task does and does not measure, has contributed to the
there are some commonalities, it seems that there is no multiplicity of terms.
one subcomponent that is shared by all models (see The ambiguity surrounding the concept of EF is a
Fournier-Vicente, Larigauderie, & Gaonac’h, 2008; Hull, problem for clinical diagnosis such that the more tax-
Martin, Beier, Lane, & Hamilton, 2008; Miyake et al., onomies we have, the less clear the executive profile is
2000). Jurado and Rosselli (2007) reported a review of 11 for each given disorder. For example, while theories sug-
papers published between 1974 and 2004 that identifies gest that EFs are at the heart of the difficulties associated
more than 30 executive subcomponents. In sum, the cur- with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
rent fractionation of the central executive is unclear and five recent studies show inconsistent executive profiles
perhaps of little more help than the original black box especially with regard to inhibition, verbal fluency, and
itself (see Banich, 2009; Logan, 2003). planning deficits (e.g., Boonstra, Oosterlaan, Sergeant,
As well as inconsistency regarding the core structure of & Buitelaar, 2005; Geurts, Verté, Oosterlaan, Roeyers, &
the central executive, the numerous terms used to describe Sergeant, 2005; Marzocchi et al., 2008; Pasini, Paloscia,
often seemingly similar functions further obfuscate the Alessandrelli, Porfirio, & Curatolo, 2007; Willcutt, Doyle,
concept of EF. In a large number of studies over the last Nigg, Faraone, & Pennington, 2005). Given the plethora
two decades or so, factorial analysis has been a privileged of executive tasks, it is perhaps not surprising that a
tool in the attempt to gain a more coherent structure of patient’s performance can differ between various tasks
EF; however, due to different researchers’ opinions on the that purport to measure the same thing and also between
processes underlying performance on different tasks, the patients who have similar diagnoses (Andrés, 2003).
results of such studies may even compound the problem Greater unity in the field of EFs will be critical to
of proliferation by providing labels for factors that vary understanding the underlying basis of neuropsycholog-
from one author to another (Séguin & Zelazo, 2005). For ical impairment. Neuropsychologists should be able to
example, it is difficult to see how the factor of “visual pro- discriminate between each EF (deficits of planning, inhi-
cessing” in one factor analysis (Floyd et al., 2004) could bition, fluency, etc) in order to provide accurate diagnosis
be considered conceptually distinct from that of “visu- and treatment. A major consequence of the wide variety
ospatial storage-and-processing coordination” in another of subcomponents of EF is that the profile of neu-
(Fournier-Vicente et al., 2008). Until researchers become ropathology is hard to determine with certainty, and so
more uniform in their terminology, it will be difficult to diagnoses and treatment may lack specificity and unifor-
compare between studies and to identify core, separable mity between clinicians.
underlying functions. The current paper aims to quantify the extent of the
The problem of proliferation is further exacerbated proliferation that we are faced with and to seek some
by the variety of tasks available to measure different coherence within the literature with regard to definitions
facets of EF. With no formal definitions, clinicians tend and the tasks used to measure each EF. Our multiper-
to use their own labels to express the functions that a spective approach uses three phases: a targeted review
neuropsychological task measures (Royall et al., 2002); of the literature, latent semantic analysis (LSA), and
furthermore, with the development of various new tasks hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). The literature review,

for which we select a large number of well-cited articles, of text (Landauer & Dumais, 1997; Landauer, Foltz, &
will reveal an estimate of the number of tasks and the Laham, 1998). It takes into account the redundancy
number of different terms used in the field. LSA is a novel between definitions associated with each subcomponent
application of an approach borrowed from social sciences and enables the grouping of those that are similarly
and the study of language: Given that there may be over- defined. The computer program uses singular value
lap and redundancy with regard to some terms obtained decomposition, a general form of factor analysis, to con-
in the review, it provides a first filter to guard against an dense a very large matrix of word-by-context data accord-
overestimation by combining semantically similar items. ing to 300–500 dimensions. These dimensions represent
HCA will then be used to reduce the number of EFs how often a word occurs within a document (defined at
still further: Those individual subcomponents that are the sentence level, the paragraph level, or in larger sec-
measured using the same types of tasks will be grouped tions of texts), and each word, sentence, or text becomes
together, since these are likely to involve the same mecha- a weighted vector. LSA takes into account the tracking
nisms and thus represent the same underlying function. of words that are semantically similar, but may not be
HCA is a well-established method of data exploration related morphologically—for example, the word mouse
used in various fields such as social sciences, archeol- has a higher LSA score when compared to cat than
ogy, and biology to cluster together common themes, but, when compared to either dog or house. Those items that
to our knowledge, it has never before been applied to are strongly connected are grouped together to avoid
the concept of EF. Our novel three-phase methodology an overestimation of the proliferation, thus leaving only
will provide an objective estimate of the multiplicity of those terms that are considered conceptually distinct. The
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terms and employs specific techniques to identify com- similarity between the resulting vectors for words and
monalities between studies and thus reduce the number contexts, as measured by the cosine of their contained
of terms used. angle, has shown to closely mimic human judgments of
meaning similarity. For example, after practicing with
about 2,000 pages of English text, the program scored
GENERAL METHOD as well as the average test-takers of the synonym por-
tion of the Educational Testing Service’s Test of English
Literature review as a Foreign Language (TOEFL; Landauer & Dumais,
1997), and after training on an introductory psychology
The purpose of this systematic review was to synthesize textbook it achieved a passing score on a multiple-choice
prior research regarding the number of EFs in current exam (Landauer et al., 1998).
use, as well as the executive tasks frequently used in In order to be entered into the program, each term
their assessment. To this end, we performed a search on needed a definition. Given that a number of terms were
the Web of Science database, one of the largest available not specifically defined by the authors, the missing defini-
databases, for published papers from 1970 up until 2007 tions were replaced by those offered by the online Webster
with the following terms: “executive function,” “executive dictionary (Parker, 2009), recognized as one of the widest
functioning,” or “frontal function.” This returned 1,443 dictionaries of modern language usage. This corresponds
articles, but in order to ensure high quality we selected to the equivalent of 500 encyclopedias and was thus
60 highly cited articles for this targeted review. Studies chosen for its impressive bank of available terminolo-
were identified that focused on the assessment of at least gies. Examples of definitions provided by the dictionary
one EF with specific executive tasks, and which had been include perseveration as the inability to switch; creativity
frequently cited given the time since publication (range as constructing a novelty without constituent compo-
of citations was between 10 and 1,235). Of course older nents; abstraction as the process of formulating general
papers had a greater opportunity for more citations to concepts by abstracting common properties of instances;
accumulate, but we considered a minimum of 10 citations and problem-solving as a learning situation involving
to be an appropriate threshold so that recently published more than one alternative from which a selection is made.
articles were not biased against. The 60 papers selected A matrix comparison was used to compare the similar-
involved a broad range of studies, including those using ity of multiple definitions within a particular LSA space,
children, adults, and elderly people, and could be con- where the LSA space is defined as “a semantic space rep-
sidered representative of the literature on how EFs are resenting a mathematical representation of a large body
generally conceptualized and measured. Each different of text” (Landauer et al., 1998). This space contained the
EF mentioned in these articles was recorded, as well as text from three college level psychology textbooks with
the task(s) used to measure them (see Table 1). each paragraph used as a document, totaling 13,902 doc-
uments and 30,119 unique terms. Each definition was
compared to all other definitions. The LSA system com-
Latent semantic analysis puted a similarity score between –1 and 1 for each sub-
mitted definition compared to all submitted definitions.
LSA was used as a first method to estimate the strength of Identical passages in meaning were given cosines of 1,
the semantic link between the different definitions of EFs unrelated ones, 0, and those of opposite meaning, –1.
identified in the review. LSA is a mathematical/statistical Definitions of subcomponents of EF that were strongly
technique for extracting and representing words and semantically connected (i.e., cosine ≥ .5) were grouped
passages similar in meaning by analyzing large bodies together.

References of the literature review

Authors Year Authors Year

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Klenberg, L., Korkman, M., & Lahti-Nuuttila, P. 2001
Anderson, V., Anderson, P., Northam, E., 2001
Jacobs, R., & Catroppa, C. Klimkeit, E. I., Mattingley, J. B., Sheppard, D. M., 2004
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Parker, G., Hickie, I., Brodaty, H., et al. Lafleche, G., & Albert, M. S. 19 9 5

Baddeley, A., DellaSala, S., Papagno, C., & Spinnler, H. 1997 Lehto, J. 1996

Barnett, R., Maruff, P., Vance, A., Luk, E. S. L., 2001 Lehto, J. E., Juujärvi, P., Kooistra, L., & 2003
Costin, J., Wood, C., & Pantelis, C. Pulkkinen, L.

Belleville, S., Rouleau, N., & Van der Linden, M. 2006 Levin, H. S., Culhane, K. A., Hartmann, J., 1991
Evankovich, K., Mattson, A. J., Harward, H.,
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Brosnan, M., Demetre, J., Hamill, S., Robson, K., 2002 Lopez, B. R., Lincoln, A. J., Ozonoff, S., & Lai, Z. 2005
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Shepherd, H., & Cody, G.

Lovejoy, D. W., Ball, J. D., Keats, M., Stutts, M. L., 1999
Bryan, J. & Luszcz, M. A. 2000 Spain, E. H., Janda, L., & Janusz, J.
Burgess, P. W., Alderman, N., Evans, J., 1998 McPherson, S., Fairbanks, L., Tiken, S., 2002
Emslie, H., & Wilson, B. A. Cummings, J. L., & Back-Madruga, C.
Burgess, P.W., & Shallice, T. 1 99 6 Mattson, S. N., Goodman, A. M., Caine, C., 1999
Busch, R. M., McBride, A., Curtiss, G., & 2005 Delis, D. C., & Riley, E. P.
Vanderploeg, R. D. Miyake, A., Friedman, N. P., Emerson, M. J., 2000
Channon, S., & Green, P. S. S. 1999 Witzki, A. H., Howerter, A., & Wager, T. D.
Coppin, A. K., Shumway-Cook, A., Saczynski, J. S., 2006 Miyake, A., Friedman, N. P., Rettinger, D. A., 2001
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Robbins, T. W., Barnes, T. R. E., & Joyce, E. M. Faraone, S. V., & Pennington, B. F.

See the Appendix for the full references.


Hierarchical cluster analysis working memory in 42%, set shifting in 32%, inhibition
in 42%, and fluency in 27%. Those taxonomies subsumed
HCA is a statistical procedure that tries to identify clus- by these umbrella terms are connected by solid lines
ters of relatively homogeneous variables based on selected (cosine ≥ .5). Items linked by dotted lines are less strongly
characteristics, in this case identifying the subcompo- associated (cosine .3–.5), and the 12 subcomponents rep-
nents of EF according to the neuropsychological tasks resented by numbered circles are those that the LSA did
with which they are measured. The analysis was per- not link semantically to any other term (cosine < .3).
formed with SPSS Version 16.0 using an agglomerative This final grouping constitutes a better estimate of the
algorithm that starts with each variable in a separate proliferation of EFs because it takes into account asso-
cluster and combines them until there is finally only ciations between their definitions. This analysis allows us
one (Finch, 2005). A binary measure of pattern dis- not only to determine the EFs that should be grouped
tance was used on the dichotomous data, whereby every together but also to estimate the proximity between each
variable is compared with every other in order to deter- of them. Table 2 provides a summary of the results
mine distance based on response pattern similarity. Those regarding which 50 components were retained, and which
with the smallest cluster-to-cluster distance at each stage 18 were sufficiently semantically related to be subsumed
were combined. Items were clustered according to Ward’s by a more common term.
method because it minimizes the variance between clus- An overlap remains, however, especially with regard to
ters at each step ensuring that they are as distinct as the tasks used to measure EFs. If the same subcompo-
possible (see Ward, 1963). nents are consistently measured by the same sets of tasks,
Downloaded By: [Universidad de Malaga] At: 19:46 12 February 2011

HCA is useful to establish a pattern regarding which then we might assume that these are not separate func-
tasks are used more often than others when measuring tions after all, but rather individual labels provided by
particular EFs and to determine the level of agreement various researchers for the same EF. HCA was employed
between authors. We postulate that two subcomponents to reduce the number of EFs further, by progressively
consistently measured with the same tasks would not grouping together subcomponents according to similar-
be functionally distinct and would therefore meet in the ity in the tasks with which they are measured. Unlike
same cluster of the analysis. These two subcomponents factor analysis that looks at individual differences in
would require similar cognitive mechanisms and thus rep- task performance, this novel approach is based upon
resent the same underlying function. In other words, by the similarities/differences in authors’ opinions regard-
establishing the similarity between the different EFs in ing what is thought to be measured by a particular task.
terms of the tests with which they are measured, the HCA It assesses whether a given task is used more frequently
helps to estimate the proximity between each EF, cluster- than another to measure a specific function, and so a pat-
ing together those that are closest and thus reducing the tern emerges regarding which tasks are associated with
overall number of individual functions. It tries to deter- particular EFs. Thus if Task A is most frequently used
mine a set of tasks that would allow us to distinguish one to measure Function X but is also used to measure
cluster of EFs from another and helps to find a recurring Functions Y and Z, we might infer that these func-
pattern of tasks that would be used mostly to measure a tions must also be associated—for example, according
particular group of subcomponents. to the literature review the Tower of Hanoi is mainly
used to measure planning, but can also be used to
measure organization and problem solving; therefore all
RESULTS three functions are associated and are combined in the
same cluster.
In our review of 60 of the most frequently cited studies, Not all the data could be entered into the cluster analy-
68 different terms for EFs were identified as well as 98 sis because 18 of the 50 EFs were idiosyncratic and listed
tasks used to assess them. We extracted only the precise only once; that is, they were not measured by a test com-
terms used by authors, and in some cases it seemed that a mon to any other EF and so could not be assigned to a
number of different labels were being used for what might cluster. Had these 18 EFs been included, the number of
essentially be a single EF—for example, inhibition, inter- separate clusters would have been artificially increased.
ference control, mental control, and control of response Table 2 indicates which EFs were eliminated at this stage
all appear to be very similar. LSA is a way to objectively (e.g., intentionality, creativity, complex integration, self-
quantify this overlap, reducing the number of terms to regulation), leaving just 32 EFs to be entered into the
only those that are conceptually distinct. HCA. Figure 2 shows the full dendrogram from the anal-
The result of the LSA suggests the presence of 50 ysis. Items are combined at each level until the clusters
EFs rather than 68. Eighteen terms were thus included are increasingly coarse-grained, and there is finally only
with one of the 50 remaining EFs because they were one. If we look just at the first level of clustering, which
strongly semantically connected (cosine ≥ .5). For exam- is the most conservative, the 32 EFs have been reduced to
ple, the terms set shifting, selective attention, attention 18. Of course, we could look at later stages of the anal-
shifting, attentional control, and cue-directed attention ysis to reduce the number of terms still further, but we
were reduced simply to set shifting. In each case, the most prefer to remain cautious rather than to suggest combin-
common term was used, and the others were absorbed ing items at too high a level. The tasks used to measure
by it. Figure 1 represents the five most common terms in the subcomponents of each of these clusters are shown
rectangles: Planning was assessed in 48% of the studies, in Table 3. From an initial set of 68 EFs we are left

develop a execute a concentration
plan plan
activation setting
and monitoring
goals goal management controlling carry out a
of actions sequence of actions

1 planning attention
motor planning sequencing 2
efficiency to retrieve
executive words from memory
motor skills executive STM
memory capacity

temporal coding
organization complex 3
resist to
distraction information
set shifting
6 selective attention
4 5
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behavior cognitive
self-regulation shift attention/vigilance
inhibition of attention
response 7
suppression attentionnal control
response 8
use of 9
impulsivity strategies
control of interference cue-directed
response control attention
programming 11 generation
attentionnal set
conceptuali- formation
mental control zation
concept maintain
formation set
verbal efficiency verbal formation
reasoning flexibility of
abstraction thinking
1. Workload 7. Generation of strategy
2. Creativity 8. Proneness to interference
3. Theoryofmind 9. Discoveringchangesinrules problem
4. Visual search 10. Affective decision making solving
5. Time sharing 11. Verification of hypothesis
6. Intentionality 12. Initiation

Figure 1. Strength of the semantic link between definitions of executive functions (EFs) according to the latent semantic analysis (LSA).
EFs represented in rectangles are the most frequently postulated in the literature review. EFs are connected by a full line (cosine of .5 or
more), connected by a dotted line (cosine between .3 and .5), or are unconnected (cosine less than .3). Note: The 12 items in the legend
correspond to the 12 items associated with the 12 circles. To view a color version of this figure, please see the online issue of the Journal.

with 18; this is quite a considerable reduction, although revealed 68 different terms and a set of 98 executive
such a large number of functions is still lacking in tasks. The sheer number of tasks and labels to describe
parsimony. EFs clearly shows the inconsistency in the literature and
illustrates the need for a more coherent approach. The
number of terms was reduced to 50 with LSA and to
DISCUSSION 18 following the HCA (or 36 if we consider the idiosyn-
cratic terms that were eliminated from this analysis), but
The concept of EF has been criticized for its lack of clar- even after three filters this still seems too large a num-
ity and profusion of terms (e.g., Andrés, 2003; Jurado & ber to suggest that the problem has been adequately
Rosselli, 2007; Miyake et al. 2000), and in the current arti- resolved. There are too many abilities, definitions, and
cle we aimed to both quantify and reduce the proposed tasks to provide any meaningful taxonomy; continuing in
number of executive subcomponents. A multiperspective this manner will not be helpful in clarifying the notion of
methodology was used that incorporated three filters: EF, and as such we suggest that the concept is revisited.
a targeted review of the literature incorporating highly The results of the literature review demonstrate the
cited EF articles, LSA, and HCA. The literature review extent of the problem with regard to EF; since clinicians

Results of the LSA: EFs retained and EFs eliminated after the analysis

EFs retained after the LSA EFs eliminated after the LSA (and terms subsumed under)

1. planning 1. goal management (planning)

2. inhibition 2. interference control (inhibition)
3. working memory (WM) 3. control of response (inhibition)
4. set shifting 4. mental control (inhibition)
5. fluency 5. efficiency to retrieve words from memory (WM)
6. cognitive flexibility 6. temporal coding (WM)
7. impulsivity 7. selective attention (set shifting)
8. sustained attention 8. shift of attention (set shifting)
9. goal setting 9. attentional control (set shifting)
10. perseveration 10. cue-directed attention (set shifting)
11. organization 11. attentional set formation (maintain set)
12. concept formation 12. response modulation (fluency)
13. initiation 13. response generation (fluency)
14. problem solving 14. response suppression (fluency)
15. generation of strategy 15. executive motor skills (motor planning)
16. executive memory 16. self-monitoring (self generative behavior)
17. resist to distraction 17. spontaneous verbal formation (verbal efficiency)
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18. sequencing 18. carry out a sequence of actions (concentration)

19. reasoning
20. maintain set
21. information processing
22.a divided attention
23. use of strategies
24. conceptualization
25.a short-term memory
26. visual search
27. central executive
28.a proneness to interference
29.a motor planning
30. develop a plan
31. execute a plan
32.a verification of hypothesis
33.a discovering changes in categorizing rules
34.a word generation
35. self-generative behavior
36. controlling of actions
37. verbal efficiency
38.a intentionality
39.a programming
40.a flexibility of thinking
41.a creativity
42. concentration
43.a complex integration
44.a activation and monitoring goals
45.a time sharing
46.a decision making
47.a workload
48.a theory of mind
49.a self-regulation
50. abstraction

Note. LSA = latent semantic analysis. EF = executive function. A total of 50 EFs were retained after the LSA,
and 18 EFs were eliminated. a The executive functions that were excluded from the hierarchical cluster analysis

often use their own terminologies based on what they coherence amongst the multiplicity of terms. LSA and
consider a task to measure, semantically overlapping HCA combine those subcomponents that do not share
and superfluous labels are increasingly created. LSA and the same label but that are defined and/or measured in
HCA are two novel approaches in the area of EF—one the same way across different authors. LSA provides an
based on semantics and the other on psychometrics— innovative method to reduce the number of EFs, allowing
that have proven useful in our attempt to gain more us to quantify the overlap at the abstract level by offering

Rescaled Distance Cluster Combine

0 5 10 15 20 25
Executive Functions

Working Memory
Strategy Generation
Maintain Set
Executive Memory
Goal Setting
Central Executive
Visual Search
Sustained Attention
Resist Distraction
Problem Solving
Controlling Actions
Downloaded By: [Universidad de Malaga] At: 19:46 12 February 2011

Develop Plan
Execute Plan
Planning g
Use Strategies
Self Monitoring
Set Shifting
Cognitive Flexibility
Concept Formation
Verbal Efficiency
Information Processing

Figure 2. Dendrogram of the cluster analysis using Ward’s method. From the left side of the figure, the first nodes represent the
18 clusters of the hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) reduced from the initial set of 32 executive functions (EFs).

a grouping of EFs based on definitions. Although intu- underlying function. Based on semantic and psychome-
itively we may consider that two descriptions in the liter- tric overlap we have reduced the number of terms to
ature are equivalent and that one can be subsumed by the 18, or 36 if we also consider those idiosyncratic terms
other, this method allows us to make that decision objec- that were excluded from the HCA. However, to regard
tively. We identified which of any corresponding terms each of these as separate functions would be unparsimo-
was the most frequently used by authors and now make nious given their number and also the lack of any clear
the recommendation that these most common terminolo- operationalization: Those terms deemed separate by the
gies become more uniform in the field of EF (see Table 2 LSA and HCA are not necessarily completely indepen-
for the most frequent terms highlighted in our review and dent of one another, just associated to a lesser degree than
those more idiosyncratic terms that could be subsumed). those terms that the analyses combined together. Since
A greater transparency in the labeling of subcomponents the 18 (or 36) EFs derived from the analyses cannot be
will better facilitate comparison between studies in this said to each represent a clear functional subcomponent,
conceptually complex area. it would be difficult to incorporate these into a mean-
HCA reduced the number of functions still further ingful or parsimonious theory of executive functioning.
by grouping together those that were strongly associ- We therefore consider another viewpoint whereby the dif-
ated in terms of the tasks used. If two subcomponents ferent subcomponents identified do not reflect separate
are consistently measured by the same types of task, functions per se, but rather task-specific manifestations
we might infer that different labels have simply evolved of behaviors. Such an explanation allows for the many
for the same EF; after all, it would seem reasonable variations in executive task performance highlighted in
to assume that those measured by the same tasks rely our review, but without the need to suggest that these are
upon the same mechanisms and therefore tap a common each functionally distinct components.

EFs and executive tasks included in each of the 18 clusters according to the HCA

1.1 Working memory/efficiency to retrieve words from memory/temporal coding

1.2 Concentration/carry out a sequence of actions
Stroop, SOPT, verbal and nonverbal fluency tasks, WCST, TOL, TMT, Delis sorting test, spatial span, digit span, CVLT,
cognitive estimates test, auditory attention and response set, Porteus mazes, delayed alternation, visual search test, A not B
task, self-ordered searching task.
2.1 Generation of strategy
2.2 Conceptualization
2.3 Maintain set/attentional set formation
Verbal and nonverbal fluency tasks, WCST, SOPT, similarities subtest, visual discrimination task.
3.1 Executive memory
Verbal and non verbal fluency tasks, CVLT, MCST.
4.1 Goal setting
4.2 Central executive
TOL, spatial learning task, verbal and nonverbal fluency tasks, cognitive estimates test.
5.1 Impulsivity
Verbal and nonverbal fluency tasks, Stroop, TOL, WCST, selective reaching task, spatial puzzle, statue.
6.1 Initiation
Verbal and nonverbal fluency tasks, COWAT, Delis sorting test, cognitive effort test, Hayling, cognitive estimates test, spatial
Downloaded By: [Universidad de Malaga] At: 19:46 12 February 2011

puzzle, list learning task.

7.1 Inhibition/interference control /control of response/mental control
7.2 Visual search
7.3 Sustained attention or vigilance
Matching familiar figures, selective reaching task, CPT, verbal and nonverbal fluency tasks, Stroop, WCST, TOL, SOPT, TMT,
six element test, go/no go task, digit span, Hayling, arithmetic subtest, cognitive estimates test, statue, change task, A not B
task, group-embedded figures test.
8.1 Resist to distraction
Stroop, digit span, arithmetic subtest.
9.1 Problem solving
9.2 Controlling of actions
WCST, TOL, TOH, 20 questions, delayed alternation.
10.1 Develop a plan
10.2 Execute a plan
10.3 Planning/goal management
TOL, TOH, WCST, TMT, cognitive effort test, selective reaching task, CFR, Porteus mazes.
11.1 Organization
TOL, COWAT, TOH, SOPT, six element test, CVLT, CFR, Porteus mazes.
12.1 Use of strategies
12.2 Self-generative behavior/self-monitoring
12.3 Set shifting/selective attention/shift of attention/attentional control/cue-directed attention
Verbal and nonverbal fluency tasks, WCST, COWAT, TMT, self-ordered searching task, Stroop, digit span, selective reaching
task, auditory attention and response set, MCST, CNT, ID/ED, visual search test.
13.1 Cognitive flexibility
Verbal and nonverbal fluency tasks, Stroop, WCST, COWAT, TMT, Delis sorting test, digit span, CNT, ID/ED, change task,
group-embedded figures test.
14.1 Concept formation
WCST, COWAT, CVLT, similarities subtest, California word context, 20 questions.
15.1 Abstraction
WCST, COWAT, Delis sorting test, 20 questions, MCST.
16.1 Fluency/response suppression/response modulation/response generation/control of response
16.2 Verbal efficiency/spontaneous verbal formation
Stroop, COWAT, WCST, TMT, object usage test, go/no go task, Hayling.
17.1 Sequencing
17.2 Information processing
COWAT, SOPT, TMT, spatial span.
18.1 Perseveration
18.2 Reasoning
WCST, TMT, verbal and nonverbal fluency tasks, COWAT, list learning task, California word context.

Note. Executive tasks in italics are most frequently postulated to measure the EFs that are within that cluster. EF = execu-
tive function. HCA = hierarchical cluster analysis. SOPT = Self-Ordered Pointing Task; WCST = Wisconsin Card Sorting Test;
TOL = Tower of London; TMT = Trail Making Test; CVLT = California Verbal Learning Test; MCST = Modified Card
Sorting Test; COWAT = Controlled Oral Word Association Test; CPT = Continuous Performance Test; TOH = Tower of Hanoi;
CNT = Contingency Naming Task; ID/ED = Intradimensional/Extradimensional; CFR = Complex Figure of Rey.

Although EFs are generally considered the managers the single neuron, many of the same specific regions of
of all decision-making processes, some models in cogni- the frontal lobe are activated by multiple kinds of cog-
tive psychology suggest that fundamental processes like nitive demands. Like the g factor, the concept of EF
memory and attention instead govern the choice of which has increased in interest due to its predictive success
behavior to adopt in a given situation (see Goldman- for many real-world activities, yet by concentrating our
Rakic, 1987; Kimberg & Farah, 1993). If complex deci- work on isolated operations such as response inhibition,
sion making is controlled by just a few key functions, we may have lost sight of the key reason why the con-
then the numerous EFs that clinicians refer to might sim- cept of EF was originally developed: to illustrate how
ply be different behaviors that result from the interaction humans address adaptive behavior. Such adaptive behav-
between these fundamental processes when performing ior usually implies complex sequential programming of
different tasks. Similar tasks or situations would generate goal-directed behaviors, and thus it seems illogical to
similar behaviors because the decision-making process reduce this holistic concept to a multitude of isolated
that one goes through in each case would be almost the functions. Indeed, it is unlikely that deficits of com-
same; for example, tasks that require the inhibition of plex behaviors can be captured by isolating operations
a usual behavior are grouped together in the HCA, but (e.g., response inhibition), when many different kinds of
inhibition is not necessarily a function, it could simply problem-solving situations require complex and multi-
be the manifestation of the interaction between key pro- component behavior (Duncan, 2010).
cesses that are required to make a decision (see MacLeod, Carpenter, Just, and Reichle (2000) also subscribe
Dodd, Sheard, Wilson, & Bibi, 2003). Evidence from neu- to this view, proposing that cognitive processes arise
Downloaded By: [Universidad de Malaga] At: 19:46 12 February 2011

roimaging suggests that such key functions (e.g., memory from networks across multiple cortical sites with inter-
and attention) could be located in the cortex and that active and overlapping functions; as such, each possible
although specific areas might be responsible for a spe- interaction could generate a different pattern of actions
cific type of information processing (e.g., either visual or behaviors depending on the task in hand, the spe-
or auditory), it is the interaction of multiple parts of cific situation, or even the cognitive skills that a person
the cortex that are necessary to make a complex deci- has developed within a particular culture: “the variety
sion or to solve a novel problem (see Smith & Jonides, and generativity of human cognition, like the variation
1999). Undoubtedly if we consider the numerous sub- observed in other complex adaptive systems, arises from
components as examples of executive behaviors rather the combinatorics of simpler elements” (Carpenter et al.,
than as executive functions, then this would represent a 2000, p. 197). Thus the interaction of a number of fac-
more parsimonious approach. tors can give rise to a multitude of possible behaviors,
Neuroimaging studies indicate that the activity of and this explanation may go some way towards under-
many neurons in the prefrontal cortex—the centre of standing why we can observe so many executive deficits
executive functioning—is task dependent (Asaad, Rainer, yet the existence of such a large number of separate, spe-
& Miller, 2000); however, although a particular task may cialized executive functions seems implausible (see Uttal,
activate a new set of neurons, one should not make the 2001).
erroneous assumption that this is then tapping into a new A good example of a more parsimonious approach
function. In basic research rather than clinical studies, the is the model of Shallice and Burgess (1996): Instead of
way to operationalize concepts is quite different: Two dif- describing executive functioning with a multitude of sub-
ferent tasks or paradigms might activate different sets of components, the authors describe three general stages
neurons but can still be considered to elicit the same cog- that one must go through when facing a new or com-
nitive function. For example, the attentional blink and plex situation (construction of temporary new schema;
the psychological refractory period (PRP) are two differ- implementation of temporary new schema; assessment
ent paradigms, but both are assumed to perform similar and verification). The output of the model is a behav-
cognitive operations (Jolicoeur, Dell’Acqua, & Crebolder, ior that emerges from these three general principles. If
1998). That is, it is clear from other areas of psychol- we consider all the EFs identified in the literature review
ogy that a number of similar but distinct paradigms can as being examples of different outputs—or as behaviors
converge upon the same fundamental cognitive function. deriving from a few basic underlying functions—then this
Research efforts to identify and characterize various model would seem to be in keeping with our viewpoint of
isolated functions only serve to further obfuscate the con- a more parsimonious representation. One further model
cept of EF; rather, EF could be defined as a system to provide an explanation as to how executive control can
responsible for the acquisition of task context and the operate as a unitary function without resorting to a mul-
implementation of rules used to guide behavior, regard- titude of separate EFs is the cascade model, based on
less of the specific behaviors or response required by functional imaging studies (see Koechlin & Summerfield,
a given task (e.g., inhibition of a prepotent response, 2007). According to this model, executive functioning
set shifting). Such a definition would shift our opera- does not comprise individual subcomponents but rather
tionalization of EF closer to the concept of the g factor chosen actions are dependent upon different contexts;
of intelligence, for which the same kind of debate has thus, there are as many possible actions as there are
occurred (see Duncan, 2010; Stiers, Mennes, & Sunaert, contexts in which an individual can be placed (or, to
2010). As Duncan and Owen (2000) state in their review, relate to our current argument, there may be as many
although there must be an increase in the local special- possible executive behaviors as there are different exec-
ization of a function as the scale of analysis approaches utive tasks to perform). The anterior portion of the

prefrontal cortex is thought to support the selection of One might argue that some of the tasks included in the
actions in multitasking contexts, whereby the individual HCA were not originally developed or validated as “exec-
must keep in mind relevant information for a future task utive measures”—for example, tasks like Stroop and Trail
whilst currently engaging in another. This component is B were first recognized as sensitive measures to differenti-
referred to in the model as branching control and may ate between patients with or without brain injury (Davids,
account for a number of proposed EFs across differ- Goldenberg, & Laufer, 1957; Houston, 1969). However,
ent contexts that require the maintenance and constant they are now commonly used in the field by researchers
updating of information whilst performing multiple tasks and neuropsychologists alike (see Miyake et al., 2000),
(e.g., planning, inhibition, working memory, cognitive and patients’ performance on these tasks is used to make
flexibility). clinical diagnoses regarding their capacity for executive
functioning and independent living. Although these tasks
might not have been developed directly from the current
Limitations and future directions executive semantic space, they are certainly widely used to
refer to this concept. Since our paper is a representation
The novel approaches of LSA and HCA offer a useful of the measures and terms currently used in the litera-
perspective within the complex field of EF, but are not of ture, these tasks are still deemed relevant in our present
course without their limitations. The LSA is constrained conceptualization of EF.
by the specific semantic space available—in the case of The 60 papers used in the literature review were fre-
psychology, the only semantic space available was that quently cited so give a good indication of the current state
Downloaded By: [Universidad de Malaga] At: 19:46 12 February 2011

of college-level text books. Ideally, an LSA space relat- of play in the cognitive and neuropsychological literature
ing more specifically to EF could be useful, but given that with regard to the conceptualization and measurement of
the definitions used were fairly simple, we believe that this EFs. As a future avenue of research it would perhaps be
was adequate for our analysis to give an initial idea of the interesting to compare this review to one that includes
semantic overlap. The output does show some surprises, articles from another research area such as neuroimaging,
however; for example, some EFs that one may consider to as this would allow us to compare the extent to which the
be highly related were not combined in the analysis. This operationalization of EFs is comparable across different
is because the semantic link between two EFs strongly domains.
depends on the specific definition used, and so it is pos- In the current paper our contribution is threefold: We
sible that some associations may have been missed, thus have quantified the extent of the problem with regard to
slightly underestimating the number of terms that could EF; we demonstrate the use of novel methods to objec-
otherwise have been combined. We acknowledge that this tively reduce the number of terms based on semantic
is a limitation of this analysis; however, we felt that using and psychometric overlap; and we have suggested a need
this approach based on objective definitions was better to revisit the concept of EF. Although researchers may
than adopting more lenient criteria whereby more items agree that the concept of EF is difficult to operational-
could have been combined on the basis of author opin- ize, this paper is critical in highlighting just how difficult
ion. A further point is that we used a high cutoff point this problem has become. If researchers continue in the
in order to ensure that the EFs grouped together after same manner—creating new executive tasks and using
the LSA were exclusively those that were strongly seman- new labels for functions that these tasks may measure—it
tically linked (cosine ≥ .5). Thus, EFs like attentional will eventually become impossible to make any mean-
control and interference control that were reasonably well ingful comparisons between studies and to understand
associated (cosine = .26) were not grouped together in the one clinician’s diagnosis relative to another’s. One of the
analysis. Our conservative criteria for objectively combin- main goals of this study was to stress the theoretical and
ing items would explain why some seemingly similar EFs psychometric inconsistency in this field. It is important
are not related in this analysis, which could be considered for both cognitive psychology and clinical practice that
an initial first step at reducing the number of terms. we make a concerted effort now to move towards greater
The HCA allowed us to determine the extent of agree- coherence and uniformity regarding these constructs. We
ment between authors regarding which EF a specific task recommend that more standardized rather than idiosyn-
is thought to measure. For some tasks there appears to cratic terms be established within the literature, perhaps
be a high level of agreement, such as the Continuous adopting those most frequent terms highlighted by the
Performance Test (CPT), which features in only one clus- LSA. Furthermore, this paper emphasizes the need to
ter (i.e., inhibition, visual search, and sustained attention) revise our view of EFs so that content is not con-
and so is closely tied to the measurement of one specific founded by form; that various types of behaviors/deficits
function. On the other hand, the WCST appears in two exhibited through the performance measures of different
thirds of clusters in the HCA (12 of 18), thus illustrat- executive tasks are just that—the expression of different
ing problems we have in the current EF literature: (a) the executive behaviors—and not necessarily a reflection of
lack of agreement between authors concerning what EF multiple separate executive “functions.”
is measured by a task, and/or (b) the use of this task to
assess many EFs at a time. Clearly, these problems make
any performance deficit on such a task difficult to inter- Original manuscript received 9 November 2009
pret, and the HCA highlights which tasks may be most Revised manuscript accepted 10 September 2010
problematic in this regard. First published online day month year

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