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A Collection of Lutheran Music

Large Print Lyrics and Melodies

‘Lutheran Service Book’ Edition

Abridged Collection
A Collection of Lutheran Music
Large Print Lyrics and Melodies

‘Lutheran Service Book’ Edition

Abridged Collection

Donald L. Vossler
Editor and Composer

Anaheim, California
© 2002-2011 Lutheran Music and Donald L. Vossler

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission.

Copyrights for individual hymn melodies and lyrics are noted as appropriate. Copyrights
for the Large Print Layout are held by Lutheran Music and Donald L. Vossler.

Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. © 1973, 1978, 1984 by
the Interational Bible Society. Quotations used by permission.

Music collections in the same series:

A Collection of Lutheran Music A Collection of Lutheran Music

Large Print Lyrics and Melodies Large Print Lyrics and Melodies
Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal Edition Lutheran Service Book Edition

A Collection of Lutheran Music A Collection of Lutheran Music

Large Print Lyrics and Melodies Large Print Lyrics and Melodies
Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary Edition Lutheran Worship Edition

A Collection of Lutheran Music A Collection of Lutheran Music

Large Print Lyrics and Melodies Large Print Lyrics and Melodies
Evangelical Lutheran Worship Edition The Lutheran Hymnal Edition

A Collection of Lutheran Music

Large Print Lyrics and Melodies
Lutheran Book of Worship Edition

ISBN: Pending
Library of Congress Catalogue Card No.: pending
Printings: Jul-2011
Wherever Christians gather together to worship and praise God, we sing songs—songs that
express our guilt due to sin, our contrition and confession, and our faith, hope and joy of God’s
grace and salvation. Throughout history Christians have joined together in singing hymns of
praise to a loving God. Lutherans in particular are blessed with a great heritage of Christian
music. The Lutheran hymnals commonly used in our American churches today are truly a
blessing from our Lord.

The goal of A Collection of Lutheran Music is to help Christians praise God with music and song,
and to increase the number of people who can enjoy listening to and playing this cherished music

The Collection offers many unique products, including:

• Hymn sheet music with piano and guitar chords;

• Large print hymn sheet music for the seeing impaired;
• Hymn lyrics for slide presentations by stanza;
• Hymn music played on a brilliant-sounding pipe organ (midi, MP3 formats, audio CDs);
• Sing-Along hymn videos synchronizing music with lyrics (SWF format and video DVDs);
• Hymnal concordances for scholarly study of hymn lyrics;
Full descriptions of these products and media formats are available at Lutheran Music’s web site,

Intended Use
Our products appeal to a large audience of amateur and professional church musicians, as well as
pastors, teachers, congregation, schools and families in the home. Pastors and teachers appreciate
the ease of playing melodies on their computers while they prepare sermons and class materials.
When an organist is not available, the music and video products may be used to lead a small
group or congregation in hymn singing for a worship service. Children who are learning to play
band instruments can use the transposed editions to play along with an organ or piano without the
difficulty of transposing “on-the-fly”. Families can join together and sing their favorite hymns in
their homes. Visits to shut-ins, nursing homes and fellowship activities can be enhanced with
familiar music from our hymnals.
Hymnal Editions
The Collection is available in seven, hymnal-specific editions. The hymnal-specific editions are
based on the following widely-used Lutheran hymnals:

• Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal (Northwestern Publishing House, 1993) [CW]

• Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary (Morning Star Music Publishers, 1996) [ELH]
• Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Augsburg Fortress, 2006) [ELW]
• Lutheran Book of Worship (Augsburg Publishing House, 1978) [LBW]
• Lutheran Service Book (Concordia Publishing House, 2006) [LSB]
• Lutheran Worship (Concordia Publishing House, 1982) [LW]
• The Lutheran Hymnal (Concordia Publishing House, 1941) [TLH]

Large Print Sheet Music Features

Our large print sheet music for the seeing impaired offers the following outstanding features for
the public domain hymns found in each hymnal:

• Hymn lyrics are provided in large size fonts approximately twice the size printed in the
pew hymnals;
• Simplified hymn melodies are provided on a single treble clef stave with large notes for
easier reading;
• Printed pages of stanzas and lyrics are landscape format and are grouped optimally to
minimize page turns, allowing less dexterous worshippers to more conveniently participate
in singing and worship.

While preparing A Collection of Lutheran Music for publication every effort has been made to
respect the intellectual property rights of the tune and lyrics copyright holders. All existing
editions of the Collection are abridged in the sense that the tunes and lyrics under copyright
protection have been omitted. Often, their place in the Collection has been reserved with a
placeholder for clarity.

All original work contained in A Collection of Lutheran Music is the intellectual property of the
editor and composer, Mr. Donald L. Vossler. Printed materials, electronic computer files,
CDs/DVDs, and web pages may not be copied or redistributed, except for personal use by the
purchaser. Notwithstanding the above copyright restriction, Lutheran Music allows usage of our
copyrighted materials in support of worship services and other fellowship activities as long as
copies of the materials are not unreasonably proliferated.
“Music is an outstanding gift of God and next to theology … I would not give up
my slight knowledge of music for a great consideration … and youth should be
taught this art … for it makes fine skillful people … I would certainly like to
praise music with all my heart as the excellent gift of God which it is and to
commend it to everyone.”

Dedicated to the glory of Christ,

Donald L. Vossler
Lutheran Music
July 2011 (first printing)

331 The Advent of Our King


1 The ad vent of our King Our prayers must now em ploy,
2 The ev er last ing Son In car nate deigns to be,
3 O Zi on’s Daugh ter, rise To meet your low ly King,
4 As judge, on clouds of light, He soon will come a gain

And we must hymns of wel come sing In strains of ho ly joy.
Him self a ser vant’s form puts on To set His ser vants free.
Nor let a faith less heart de spise The peace He comes to bring.
And His true mem bers all u nite With Him in heav’n to reign.

5 Before the dawning Day 6 All glory to the Son,

Let sin’s dark deeds be gone, Who comes to set us free,
The sinful self be put away, With Father, Spirit, ever one
The new self now put on. Through all eternity.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Ezra 3:10
When the builders laid the foundation of the temple
of the LORD, the priests in their vestments and
with trumpets, and the Levites (the sons of Asaph)
with cymbals, took their places to praise the LORD,
as prescribed by David king of Israel. (NIV)

Hymn #331: The Advent of Our King Lutheran Service Book

Text: Charles Coffin, 1676-1749 Tune: Aaron Williams, 1731-76
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

332 Savior of the Nations, Come


1 Sav ior of the na tions, come, Vir gin’s
2 Not by hu man flesh and blood, By the

3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Son, make here Your home! Mar vel now, O heav’n
Spir it of our God, Was the Word of God
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

and earth, That the Lord chose such a birth.
made flesh— Wom an’s off spring, pure and fresh.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Then stepped forth the Lord of all 6 Omitted due to copyright restrictions.
From His pure and kingly hall;
God of God, yet fully man, 7 Omitted due to copyright restrictions.
His heroic course began.
5 God the Father was His source
Back to God He ran His course.
Into hell His road went down,
Back then to His throne and crown.
8 Glory to the Father sing,
Glory to the Son, our king,
Glory to the Spirit be
Now and through eternity.

Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #332: Savior of the Nations, Come Lutheran Service Book

Text: attr. Ambrose of Milan, 340-397 Tune: Johann Walther, 1496-1570
© 2006 Concordia Publishing House (st. 3, 6, 7) Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

333 Once He Came in Blessing


1 Once He came in bless ing, All our sins re dress ing;
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Came in like ness low ly, Son of God most ho ly;
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Bore the cross to save us; Hope and free dom gave us.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Come, then, O Lord Jesus,
From our sins release us.
Keep our hearts believing,
That we, grace receiving,
Ever may confess You
Till in heav’n we bless You.

Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #333: Once He Came in Blessing Lutheran Service Book

Text: Johann Horn, c. 1490-1547 Tune: Michael Weisse, c. 1480-1534
© 2006 Concordia Publishing House (st. 2, 3) Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

334 O Lord, How Shall I Meet You


1 O Lord, how shall I meet You, How wel come You a right?

2 Your Zi on strews be fore You Green boughs and fair est palms;


Your peo ple long to greet You, My hope, my heart’s de light!
And I too will a dore You With joy ous songs and psalms.

O, kin dle, Lord most ho ly, Your lamp with in my breast

My heart shall bloom for ev er For You with prais es new

To do in spir it low ly All that may please You best.
And from Your name shall nev er With hold the hon or due.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 I lay in fetters, groaning; 5 Sin’s debt, that fearful burden,

You came to set me free. Cannot His love erase;
I stood, my shame bemoaning; Your guilt the Lord will pardon
You came to honor me. And cover by His grace.
A glorious crown You give me, He comes, for you procuring
A treasure safe on high The peace of sin forgiv’n.
That will not fail or leave me His children thus securing
As earthly riches fly. Eternal life in heav’n.
4 Love caused Your incarnation; 6 He comes to judge the nations,
Love bought You down to me. A terror to His foes,
Your thirst for my salvation A light of consolations
Procured my liberty. And blessed hope to those
Oh, love beyond all telling, Who love the Lord’s appearing.
That led You to embrace O glorious Sun, now come,
In love, all love excelling, Send forth Your beams so cheering,
Our lost and fallen race. And guide us safely home.

Hymn #334: O Lord, How Shall I Meet You Lutheran Service Book
Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76 Tune: Johann Crüger, 1598-1662, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

335 O Bride of Christ, Rejoice


1 O bride of Christ, re joice; Ex ul tant raise thy voice
2 Let shouts of glad ness rise Tri um phant to the skies.
3 A hum ble beast He rides, Yet as a King pre sides;

4 The weak and tim id find How meek He is and kind;

To hail the day of glo ry Fore told in sa cred sto ry.
Now comes the King most glo rious To reign o’er all vic to rious.
Though not ar rayed in splen dor, He makes the grave sur ren der,
To them He gives a trea sure Of bliss be yond all mea sure.



Ho san na, praise, and glo ry! Our King, we bow be fore Thee.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

5 Then go thy Lord to meet;
Strew palm leaves at His feet;
Thy garments spread before Him
And honor and adore Him.

Hymn #335: O Bride of Christ, Rejoice Lutheran Service Book

Text: Danish, c. 1600 Tune: Der Bussfertige Sünder,
Public Domain Nürnberg, 1679, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

336 Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending

HELMSLEY 87 87 12 7

1 Lo! He comes with clouds de scend ing,

2 Ev’ ry eye shall now be hold Him


Once for ev’ ry sin ner slain;

Robed in glo rious maj es ty;

Thou sand thou sand saints at tend ing

Those who set at naught and sold Him,


Swell the tri umph of His train:
Pierced and nailed Him to the tree,

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le

Deep ly wail ing, deep ly wail ing, deep ly


lu ia! Christ the Lord re turns to reign.
wail ing, Shall their true Mes si ah see.

3 Those dear tokens of His passion 4 Yea, amen, let all adore Thee,
Still His dazzling body bears, High on Thine eternal throne;
Cause of endless exultation Savior, take the pow’r and glory,
To His ransomed worshipers. Claim the kingdom as Thine own.
With what rapture, with what rapture, Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
with what rapture Thou shalt reign, and Thou alone!
Gaze we on those glorious scars!

Hymn #336: Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending Lutheran Service Book
Text: Charles Wesley, 1707-88 Tune: Thomas Olivers, 1725-99, adapt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

337 The Night Will Soon Be Ending





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #337: The Night Will Soon Be Ending Lutheran Service Book
Text: Jochen Klepper, 1903-42 Tune: Welsh hymn tune, 19th cent.
© 1998 GIA Publications, Inc. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

338 Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus


1 Come, Thou long– ex pect ed Je sus, Born to set Thy peo ple free;

2 Born Thy peo ple to de liv er, Born a child and yet a king;

From our fears and sins re lease us; Let us find our rest in Thee.
Born to reign in us for ev er, Now Thy gra cious king dom bring.
Is rael’s strength and con so la tion, Hope of all the earth Thou art,
By Thine own e ter nal Spir it Rule in all our hearts a lone;
Dear de sire of ev’ ry na tion, Joy of ev’ ry long ing heart.
By Thine all– suf fi cient mer it Raise us to Thy glo rious throne.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Isaiah 5:1
I will sing for the one I love a song
about his vineyard: My loved one had
a vineyard on a fertile hillside. (NIV)

Hymn #338: Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus Lutheran Service Book

Text: Charles Wesley, 1707-88 Tune: William Walker,
Public Domain Southern Harmony, 1835
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

339 Lift Up Your Heads, You Everlasting Doors

CONRAD 14 12 12 14


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #339: Lift Up Your Heads, You Everlasting Doors Lutheran Service Book
Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: Paul Liljestrand, b. 1931
© 2003 Stephen P. Starke © 1970 The Hymn Society
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

340 Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates

MACHT HOCH DIE TÜR 88 88 88 66

1 Lift up your heads, ye might y gates! Be hold, the King of

glo ry waits. The King of kings is draw ing near; The
Sav ior of the world is here. Life and sal va tion
He doth bring; There fore re joice and glad ly sing.

To God the Fa ther raise Your joy ful songs of praise.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 A righteous Helper comes to thee; 4 Fling wide the portals of your heart;
His chariot is humility, Make it a temple set apart
His kingly crown is holiness, From earthly use for heav’n’s employ,
His scepter, pity in distress. Adorned with prayer and love and joy.
The end of all our woe He brings; So shall your Sov’reign enter in
Therefore the earth is glad and sings. And new and nobler life begin.
To Christ the Savior raise To God alone be praise
Your grateful hymns of praise. For word and deed and grace!
3 How blest the land, the city blest, 5 Redeemer, come and open wide
Where Christ the ruler is confessed! My heart to Thee; here, Lord, abide!
O peaceful hearts and happy homes O enter with Thy grace divine;
To whom this King in triumph comes! Thy face of mercy on me shine.
The cloudless sun of joy is He Thy Holy Spirit guide us on
Who comes to set His people free. Until our glorious goal is won.
To God the Spirit raise Eternal praise and fame
Your happy shouts of praise. We offer to Thy name.

Hymn #340: Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates Lutheran Service Book
Text: Georg Weissel, 1590-1635 Tune: Geist-reiches Gesang-Buch, 1704
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

341 Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates

MILWAUKEE 88 88 88 66


1 Lift up your heads, ye might y gates! Be hold, the


King of glo ry waits. The King of kings is draw ing

near; The Sav ior of the world is here. Life and sal


va tion He doth bring; There fore re joice and glad ly sing.

To God the Fa ther raise Your joy ful songs of praise.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

2 A righteous Helper comes to thee; 4 Fling wide the portals of your heart;
His chariot is humility, Make it a temple set apart
His kingly crown is holiness, From earthly use for heav’n’s employ,
His scepter, pity in distress. Adorned with prayer and love and joy.
The end of all our woe He brings; So shall your Sov’reign enter in
Therefore the earth is glad and sings. And new and nobler life begin.
To Christ the Savior raise To God alone be praise
Your grateful hymns of praise. For word and deed and grace!
3 How blest the land, the city blest, 5 Redeemer, come and open wide
Where Christ the ruler is confessed! My heart to Thee; here, Lord, abide!
O peaceful hearts and happy homes O enter with Thy grace divine;
To whom this King in triumph comes! Thy face of mercy on me shine.
The cloudless sun of joy is He Thy Holy Spirit guide us on
Who comes to set His people free. Until our glorious goal is won.
To God the Spirit raise Eternal praise and fame
Your happy shouts of praise. We offer to Thy name.

Hymn #341: Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates Lutheran Service Book
Text: Georg Weissel, 1590-1635 Tune: August Lemke, 1820-1913
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

342 What Hope! An Eden Prophesied




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #342: What Hope! An Eden Prophesied Lutheran Service Book

Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: John Wyeth,
© 1998 Stephen P. Starke Repository of Sacred Music, Part II,
admin. Concordia Publishing House Harrisburg, 1813
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

343 Prepare the Royal Highway

BEREDEN VÄG FÖR HERRAN 76 76 77 with Refrain





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #343: Prepare the Royal Highway Lutheran Service Book

Text: Frans Mikael Franzén, 1722-1847 Tune: Swedish folk tune, 17th cent.
© 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

344 On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry


1 On Jor dan’s bank the Bap tist’s cry An nounc
2 Then cleansed be ev’ ry life from sin; Make straight

3 We hail Thee as our Sav ior, Lord, Our ref

es that the Lord is nigh; A wake and hear ken,
the way for God with in, And let us all our

uge and our great re ward; With out Thy grace we

for he brings Glad tid ings of the King of kings!
hearts pre pare For Christ to come and en ter there.
waste a way Like flow’rs that with er and de cay.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Lay on the sick Thy healing hand 5 All praise, eternal Son, to Thee
And make the fallen strong to stand; Whose advent sets Thy people free,
Show us the glory of Thy face Whom with the Father we adore
Till beauty springs in ev’ry place. And Holy Spirit, evermore.

Hymn #344: On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry Lutheran Service Book
Text: Charles Coffin, 1676-1749 Tune: Michael Prätorius, 1571-1621
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

345 Hark! A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding

MERTON 87 87

1 Hark! A thrill ing voice is sound ing! “Christ is
2 Star tled at the sol emn warn ing, Let the
3 See, the Lamb, so long ex pect ed, Comes with

near,” we hear it say. “Cast a way the works
earth bound soul a rise; Christ, its sun, all sloth
par don down from heav’n. Let us haste, with tears
of dark ness, All you chil dren of the day!”
dis pel ling, Shines up on the morn ing skies.
of sor row, One and all, to be for giv’n;

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 So, when next He comes in glory 5 Honor, glory, might, dominion
And the world is wrapped in fear, To the Father and the Son
He will shield us with His mercy With the everliving Spirit
And with words of love draw near. While eternal ages run!

Hymn #345: Hark! A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding Lutheran Service Book

Text: Latin, c. 5th-10th cent. Tune: William H. Monk, 1823-89
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

346 When All the World Was Cursed



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #346: When All the World Was Cursed Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann G. Olearius, 1635-1711 Tune: Ahasverus Fritsch, 1629-1701, alt.
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

347 Comfort, Comfort Ye My People

FREU DICH SEHR 87 87 77 88

1 “Com fort, com fort ye My peo ple, Speak ye peace!” thus

saith our God: “Com fort those who sit in dark ness, Mourn ing


’neath their sor rows’ load. Speak ye to Je ru sa lem

Of the peace that waits for them; Tell her that her

sins I cov er And her war fare now is o ver.”

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 Yea, her sins our God will pardon, 3 Hark, the herald’s voice is crying
Blotting out each dark misdeed; In the desert far and near,
All that well deserved His anger Calling sinners to repentance,
He no more will see or heed. Since the Kingdom now is here.
She hath suffered many a day, O that warning cry obey!
Now her griefs have passed away; Now prepare for God away;
God will change her pining sadness Let the valleys rise to meet Him
Into ever–springing gladness. And the hills bow down to greet Him.
4 Make ye straight what long was crooked;
Make the rougher places plain!
Let your hearts be true and humble,
As befits His holy reign.
For the glory of the Lord
Now o’er earth is shed abroad,
And all flesh shall see the token
That His Word is never broken.

Hymn #347: Comfort, Comfort Ye My People Lutheran Service Book

Text: Johann Olearius, 1611-84 Tune: Trente quatre Pseaumes de David,
Public Domain Geneva, 1551
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

348 The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns


1 The King shall come when morn ing dawns And
2 Not as of old a lit tle child, To
3 Oh, bright er than the ris ing morn When

light tri um phant breaks, When beau ty gilds the
bear and fight and die, But crowned with glo ry
Christ, vic to rious, rose And left the lone some

east ern hills And life to joy a wakes.
like the sun That lights the morn ing sky.
place of death De spite the rage of foes.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Oh, brighter than that glorious morn
Shall dawn upon our race
The day when Christ in splendor comes
And we shall see His face.
5 The King shall come when morning dawns
And light and beauty brings.
Hail, Christ the Lord! Your people pray:
Come quickly, King of kings.

Hymn #348: The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns Lutheran Service Book
Text: John Brownlie, 1859-1925 Tune: John Wyeth,
Public Domain Repository of Sacred Music, Part II,
Harrisburg, 1813
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

349 Hark the Glad Sound



1 Hark the glad sound! The Sav ior comes, The
2 He comes the pris’n ers to re lease, In
3 He comes the bro ken heart to bind, The

Sav ior prom ised long; Let ev’ ry heart pre
Sa tan’s bond age held. The gates of brass be
bleed ing soul to cure, And with the trea sures


pare a throne And ev’ ry voice a song.
fore Him burst, The i ron fet ters yield.
of His grace To en rich the hum ble poor.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Our glad hosannas, Prince of Peace,
Thy welcome shall proclaim,
And heav’n’s eternal arches ring
With Thy beloved name.

Hymn #349: Hark the Glad Sound Lutheran Service Book

Text: Philip Doddridge, 1702-51 Tune: Thomas Haweis, 1734-1820, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

350 Come, Thou Precious Ransom, Come


1 Come, Thou pre cious Ran som, come, On ly hope for

2 En ter now my wait ing heart, Glo rious King and

sin ful mor tals! Come, O Sav ior of the world!

Lord most ho ly. Dwell in me and ne’er de part,

O pen are to Thee all por tals. Come, Thy beau ty
Though I am but poor and low ly. Ah, what rich es

let us see; Anx ious ly we wait for Thee.
will be mine When Thou art my guest di vine!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 My hosannas and my palms 4 Hail! Hosanna, David’s Son!

Graciously receive, I pray Thee; Jesus hear our supplication!
Evermore, as best I can, Let Thy kingdom, scepter, crown,
Savior, I will homage pay Thee, Bring us blessing and salvation,
And in faith I will embrace, That forever we may sing:
Lord, Thy merit through Thy grace. Hail! Hosanna to our King!

Hymn #350: Come, Thou Precious Ransom, Come Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann G. Olearius, 1635-1711 Tune: Neu-verfertigtes Darmstädtisches
Public Domain Gesang-Buch, 1699, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

351 Creator of the Stars of Night



1 Cre a tor of the stars of night, Thy peo ple’s ev er
2 Thou, griev ing that the an cient curse Should doom to death a
3 Thou cam’st the Bride groom of the bride, As drew the world to

last ing Light: O Christ, Re deem er, save us all And
u ni verse, Hast found the heal ing, full of grace, To
e ven tide, The spot less Vic tim all di vine Pro

hear Thy ser vants when they call.
cure and save our ru ined race.
ceed ing from a vir gin shrine. (6) A men.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 At whose dread name, majestic now,
All knees must bend, all hearts must bow;
All things celestial Thee shall own,
And things terrestrial, Lord alone.
5 O Thou, whose coming is with dread
To judge the living and the dead,
Preserve us from the ancient foe
While still we dwell on earth below.
6 To God the Father and the Son
And Holy Spirit, Three in One,
Praise, honor, might, and glory be
From age to age eternally. Amen.

Hymn #351: Creator of the Stars of Night Lutheran Service Book

Text: Latin, c. 5th-10th cent. Tune: Sarum plainsong, Mode IV,
Public Domain c. 9th cent.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

352 Let the Earth Now Praise the Lord


1 Let the earth now praise the Lord, Who has tru ly kept His word
2 What the fa thers most de sired, What the proph ets’ heart in spired,
3 A bram’s prom ised great re ward, Zi on’s help er, Ja cob’s Lord—
4 As Your com ing was in peace, Qui et, full of gen tle ness,

And at last to us did send Christ, the sin ner’s help and friend.
What they longed for man y‿ a year, Stands ful filled in glo ry here.
Him of two fold race be hold— Tru ly came, as long fore told.
Let the same mind dwell in me Which is Yours e ter nal ly.

5 Bruise for me the serpent’s head 6 Then when You will come again
That, set free from doubt and dread, As the glorious king to reign,
I may cling to You in faith, I with joy will see Your face,
Safely kept through life and death. Freely ransomed by Your grace.

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1 Samuel 10:5b
As you approach the town, you will meet a procession
of prophets coming down from the high place with
lyres, tambourines, flutes and harps being played
before them, and they will be prophesying. (NIV)

Hymn #352: Let the Earth Now Praise the Lord Lutheran Service Book
Text: Heinrich Held, 1620-59 Tune: Johann Walther, 1496-1570
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

353 Jesus Came, the Heavens Adoring


1 Je sus came, the heav’ns a dor ing, Came with peace from realms on high;
2 Je sus comes a gain in mer cy When our hearts are worn with care;
3 Je sus comes to hearts re joic ing, Bring ing news of sins for giv’n;

Je sus came to win re demp tion, Low ly came on earth to die;
Je sus comes a gain in an swer To an ear nest, heart felt prayer;
Je sus comes with words of glad ness, Lead ing souls re deemed to heav’n.

Al le lu ia! Al le lu ia! Came in deep hu mil i ty.
Al le lu ia! Al le lu ia! Comes to save us from de spair.
Al le lu ia! Al le lu ia! Hope to all the world is giv’n.

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4 Jesus comes in joy and sorrow,
Shares alike our hopes and fears;
Jesus comes, whate’er befalls us,
Cheers our hearts and dries our tears;
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Comforts us in failing years.

Hymn #353: Jesus Came, the Heavens Adoring Lutheran Service Book
Text: Godfrey Thring, 1823-1903 Tune: Geist-reiches Gesang-Buch,
Public Domain Darmstadt, 1698
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

354 Arise, O Christian People


1 A rise, O Chris tian peo ple! Pre pare your selves to day;
2 Pre pare the way be fore Him; Pre pare for Him the best.

Pre pare to greet the Sav ior, Who takes your sins a way.
Cast out what would of fend Him, This great, this heav’n ly guest.

To us by grace a lone The truth and light were giv en;
Make straight, make plain the way: The low ly val leys rais ing,


The prom ised Lord from heav en To all the world is shown.
The heights of pride a bas ing, His path all e ven lay.

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3 The humble heart and lowly 4 Prepare my heart, Lord Jesus;

God raises up on high; Turn not from me aside,
Beneath His feet in terror And help me to receive You
The haughty soul shall lie. This blessed Adventtide.
The heart sincere and right, From stall and manger low
That heeds God’s invitation Come now to dwell within me;
And makes true preparation— I’ll sing Your praises gladly
It is the Lord’s delight. And forth Your glory show.

Hymn #354: Arise, O Christian People Lutheran Service Book

Text: Valentin Thilo, 1607-62 Tune: New Catechismus Gesangbüchlein,
Public Domain Hamburg, 1598, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

355 O Savior, Rend the Heavens Wide




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #355: O Savior, Rend the Heavens Wide Lutheran Service Book
Text: Friedrich von Spee, 1591-1635 Tune: Rheinfelssisch Deutsches Catholisches
© 1969 Concordia Publishing House Gesangbuch, Augsburg, 1666
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

356 The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came

GABRIEL’S MESSAGE 10 10 11 7 3

1 The an gel Ga bri el from heav en came,

2 “For know a bless ed moth

er thou shalt


With wings as drift ed snow, with eyes as flame;

All gen er a tions laud and hon or thee;

“All hail to thee, O Low ly maid en Mar y,

Thy son shall be Em man u el, by seers fore told,

“Most high ly fa vored la dy.” Glo ri a!
Most high ly fa vored la dy.” Glo ri a!

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3 Then gentle Mary meekly bowed her head;

“To me be as it pleaseth God,” she said.
“My soul shall praise and magnify God’s holy name.”
Most highly favored lady. Gloria!
4 Of her, Emmanuel, the Christ, was born
In Bethlehem, all on a Christmas morn,
And Christian folk throughout the world will ever say:
“Most highly favored lady.” Gloria!

Hymn #356: The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came Lutheran Service Book
Text: Basque, c. 18th cent. Tune: Basque, c. 18th cent.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

357 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel


1 O come, O come, Em man u el, And ran som

2 O come, Thou Wis dom from on high, Who or d’rest

cap tive Is ra el, That mourns in lone ly ex ile
all things might i ly; To us the path of knowl edge


here Un til the Son of God ap pear. Re joice!

show, And teach us in her ways to go.
Re joice! Em man u el! Shall come to thee, O Is ra el!

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3 O come, O come, Thou Lord of might, 5 O come, Thou Key of David, come,
Who to Thy tribes on Sinai’s height And open wide our heav’nly home;
In ancient times didst give the Law Make safe the way that leads on high,
In cloud and majesty and awe. And close the path to misery.
Refrain Refrain
4 O come, Thou Branch of Jesse’s tree, 6 O come, Thou Dayspring from on high,
Free them from Satan’s tyranny And cheer us by Thy drawing nigh;
That trust Thy mighty pow’r to save, Disperse the gloomy clouds of night,
And give them vict’ry o’er the grave. And death’s dark shadows put to flight.
Refrain Refrain

7 O come, Desire of nations, bind

In one the hearts of all mankind;
Bid Thou our sad divisions cease,
And be Thyself our King of Peace.

Hymn #357: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Lutheran Service Book

Text: Latin, c. 12th cent. Tune: Plainsong melody, 15th cent., alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

358 From Heaven Above to Earth I Come



1 “From heav’n a bove to earth I come To bear
2 “To you this night is born a child Of Mar
3 “This is the Christ, our God Most High, Who hears

good news to ev’ ry home; Glad tid ings of great
y, cho sen vir gin mild; This lit tle child of
your sad and bit ter cry; He will Him self your

joy I bring, Where of I now will say and sing:
low ly birth Shall be the joy of all the earth.
Sav ior be From all your sins to set you free.

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4 “He will on you the gifts bestow
Prepared by God for all below,
That in His kingdom, bright and fair,
You may with us His glory share.
5 “These are the signs that you shall mark:
The swaddling clothes and manger dark.
There you will find the infant laid
By whom the heav’ns and earth were made.”
6 How glad we’ll be to find it so!
Then with the shepherds let us go
To see what God for us has done
In sending us His own dear Son.
7 Come here, my friends, lift up your eyes,
And see what in the manger lies.
Who is this child, so young and fair?
It is the Christ Child lying there.
8 Welcome to earth, O noble Guest,
Through whom the sinful world is blest!
You came to share my misery
That You might share Your joy with me.
9 Ah, Lord, though You created all,
How weak You are, so poor and small,
That You should choose to lay Your head
Where lowly cattle lately fed!
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10 Were earth a thousand times as fair
And set with gold and jewels rare,
It would be far too poor and small
A cradle for the Lord of all.
11 Instead of soft and silken stuff
You have but hay and straw so rough
On which as King, so rich and great,
To be enthroned in royal state.
12 And so it pleases You to see
This simple truth revealed to me:
That worldly honor, wealth, and might
Are weak and worthless in Your sight.
13 Ah, dearest Jesus, holy child,
Prepare a bed, soft, undefiled,
A quiet chamber set apart
For You to dwell within my heart.
14 My heart for very joy must leap;
My lips no more can silence keep.
I, too, must sing with joyful tongue
That sweetest ancient cradlesong:
15 Glory to God in highest heav’n,
Who unto us His Son has giv’n!
While angels sing with pious mirth
A glad new year to all the earth.
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Colossians 3:16
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as
you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom,
and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs
with gratitude in your hearts to God. (NIV)

Hymn #358: From Heaven Above to Earth I Come Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Tune: Martin Luther, 1483-1546
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

359 Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming


1 Lo, how a rose e’er bloom ing, From ten der stem
2 I sa iah ’twas fore told it, The rose I have

hath sprung! Of Jes se’s lin eage com ing As
in mind; With Mar y we be hold it, The

proph ets long have sung, It came, a flow’r et bright, A
vir gin moth er kind. To show God’s love a right, She

mid the cold of win ter, When half– spent was the night.
bore to us a Sav ior, When half– spent was the night.

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3 This flow’r, whose fragrance tender 4 O Savior, child of Mary,

With sweetness fills the air, Who felt our human woe;
Dispels with glorious splendor O Savior, King of glory,
The darkness ev’rywhere. Who dost our weakness know:
True man, yet very God, Bring us at length we pray
From sin and death He saves us To the bright courts of heaven,
And lightens ev’ry load. And to the endless day.

Hymn #359: Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming Lutheran Service Book
Text: German, 16th cent. (st. 1-2, 4) Tune: Alte Catholische Geistliche
Friedrich L. C. Layriz, 1808-59 (st. 3) Kirchengeseng, Köln, 1599
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

360 All My Heart Again Rejoices


1 All my heart a gain re joic es As I hear Far and near
2 Hear! The Con quer or has spo ken: “Now the foe, Sin and woe,
3 Should we fear our God’s dis pleas ure, Who, to save, Free ly gave

Sweet est an gel voic es. “Christ is born!” their choirs are sing
Death and hell are bro ken!” God is man, man to de liv
His most pre cious trea sure? To re deem us He has giv
ing Till the air Ev’ ry where Now with joy is ring ing.
er, And the Son Now is one With our blood for ev er.
en His own Son From the throne Of His might in heav en.

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4 See the Lamb, our sin once taking 5 Softly from His lowly manger
To the cross, Suff’ring loss, Jesus calls One and all,
Full atonement making. “You are safe from danger.
For our life His own He tenders, Children, from the sins that
And His grace All our race grieve you
Fit for glory renders. You are freed; All you need
I will surely give you.”
6 Come, then, banish all your sadness!
One and all, Great and small,
Come with songs of gladness
We shall live with Him forever
There on high In that joy
Which will vanish never.

Hymn #360: All My Heart Again Rejoices Lutheran Service Book

Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76 Tune: Johann Crüger, 1598-1662
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

361 O Little Town of Bethlehem

ST. LOUIS 86 86 76 86

1 O lit tle town of Beth le hem, How still we see thee lie!
2 For Christ is born of Mar y, And, gath ered all a bove

A bove thy deep and dream less sleep The si lent stars go by;
While mor tals sleep, the an gels keep Their watch of won d’ring love.

Yet in thy dark streets shin eth The ev er last ing light.

O morn ing stars, to geth er Pro claim the ho ly birth,

The hopes and fears of all the years Are met in thee to night.
And prais es sing to God the king And peace to all the earth!

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3 How silently, how silently 4 O holy Child of Bethlehem,

The wondrous gift is giv’n! Descend to us, we pray;
So God imparts to human hearts Cast out our sin, and enter in,
The blessing of His heav’n. Be born in us today.
No ear may hear his coming; We hear the Christmas angels
But in this world of sin, The great glad tidings tell;
Where meek souls will receive Him, still O come to us, abide with us,
The dear Christ enters in. Our Lord Immanuel!

Hymn #361: O Little Town of Bethlehem Lutheran Service Book

Text: Phillips Brooks, 1835-93 Tune: Lewis H. Redner, 1831-1908
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

362 O Sing of Christ




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #362: O Sing of Christ Lutheran Service Book

Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: English melody, adapt.
© 1996 Stephen P. Starke Public Domain
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

363 Silent Night, Holy Night


1 Si lent night, ho ly night! All is calm, all is bright
2 Si lent night, ho ly night! Shep herds quake at the sight;
3 Si lent night, ho ly night! Son of God, love’s pure light

Round yon vir gin moth er and child. Ho ly In fant so ten der and mild,
Glo ries stream from heav en a far, Heav’n ly hosts sing, Al le lu ia!

Ra diant beams from Thy ho ly face With the dawn of re deem ing grace,

Sleep in heav en ly peace, Sleep in heav en ly peace.
Christ, the Sav ior, is born! Christ, the Sav ior is born!
Je sus, Lord, at Thy birth, Je sus, Lord, at Thy birth.

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Psalm 149:1
Praise the LORD. Sing to the LORD a new song,
his praise in the assembly of the saints. (NIV)

Hymn #363: Silent Night, Holy Night Lutheran Service Book

Text: Franz J. Mohr, 1792-1848 Tune: Franz X. Gruber, 1787-1863, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

364 Away in a Manger

AWAY IN A MANGER 11 11 11 11

1 A way in a man ger, no crib for a bed, The lit tle Lord
2 The cat tle are low ing; the ba by a wakes, But lit tle Lord
3 Be near me, Lord Je sus; I ask Thee to stay Close by me for


Je sus laid down His sweet head. The stars in the sky looked
Je sus, no cry ing He makes. I love Thee, Lord Je sus! Look

ev er and love me, I pray. Bless all the dear chil dren in

down where He lay, The lit tle Lord Je sus a sleep on the hay.
down from the sky, And stay by my cra dle till morn ing is nigh.
Thy ten der care, And take us to heav en to live with Thee there.

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1 Kings 4:32
He spoke three thousand proverbs and his
songs numbered a thousand and five. (NIV)

Hymn #364: Away in a Manger Lutheran Service Book

Text: Little Children´s Book, Tune: James R. Murray, 1841-1905
Philadelphia, 1885 (st. 1-2) Public Domain
Vineyard Songs, Louisville, 1892 (st. 3)
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

365 Away in a Manger

CRADLE SONG 11 11 11 11

1 A way in a man ger, no crib for a bed,
2 The cat tle are low ing, the ba by a wakes,

The lit tle Lord Je sus laid down His sweet head.
But lit tle Lord Je sus, no cry ing He makes.

The stars in the bright sky looked down where He lay,
I love Thee, Lord Je sus! Look down from the sky,

The lit tle Lord Je sus a sleep on the hay.
And stay by my side un til morn ing is nigh.

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3 Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask Thee to stay

Close by me forever and love me, I pray.
Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care,
And take us to heaven to live with Thee there.

Hymn #365: Away in a Manger Lutheran Service Book

Text: Little Children´s Book Tune: William J. Kirkpatrick, 1838-1921
Philadelphia, 1885 (st. 1-2) Public Domain
Vineyard Songs, Louisville, 1892 (st. 3)
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

366 It Came upon the Midnight Clear


1 It came up on the mid night clear, That glo rious song of old,

2 Still through the clo ven skies they come With peace ful wings un furled,
From an gels bend ing near the earth To touch their harps of gold;

And still their heav’n ly mu sic floats O’er all the wea ry world.
“Peace on the earth, good will to all, From heav’n’s all– gra cious king.”

A bove its sad
and low ly plains They bend

on hov’ ring wing.
The world in sol emn still ness lay To hear the an gels sing.
And ev er o’er its ba bel sounds The bless ed an gels sing.

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3 All you, beneath your heavy load, 4 For lo, the days have come to pass
By care and guilt bent low, By prophets seen of old,
Who toil along a dreary way When down into the circling years
With painful steps and slow; Came Christ as was foretold.
Look up, for golden is the hour, His word of peace shall to the earth
Come swiftly on the wing, God’s ancient promise bring,
The Prince was born to bring you peace; And all who take this gift will hear
Of Him the angels sing. The song the angels sing.

Hymn #366: It Came upon the Midnight Clear Lutheran Service Book
Text: Edmund H. Sears, 1810-76 Tune: Richard S. Willis, 1819-1900
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

367 Angels from the Realms of Glory


1 An gels from the realms of glo ry, Wing your flight o’er
2 Shep herds in the fields a bid ing, Watch ing o’er your

all the earth; Ye who sang cre a tion’s sto ry,
flocks by night, God with us is now re sid ing,


Now pro claim Mes si ah’s birth. Come and wor ship,

Yon der shines the In fant Light.


come and wor ship; Wor ship Christ, the new born King.

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3 Sages, leave your contemplations, 4 Saints before the altar bending,
Brighter visions beam afar; Watching long in hope and fear,
Seek the great Desire of nations, Suddenly the Lord, descending,
Ye have seen His natal star. In His temple shall appear.
Refrain Refrain

5 All creation, join in praising

God the Father, Spirit, Son,
Evermore your voices raising
To the eternal Three in One.

Hymn #367: Angels from the Realms of Glory Lutheran Service Book
Text: James Montgomery, 1771-1854 (st. 1-4) Tune: Henry T. Smart, 1813-79
Salisbury Hymn Book, 1857 Public Domain
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

368 Angels We Have Heard on High

GLORIA 77 77 with Refrain

1 An gels we have heard on high, Sweet ly sing ing o’er the plains,

2 Shep herds, why this ju bi lee? Why your joy ous strains pro long?

And the moun tains in re ply, Ech o ing their joy ous strains.
What the glad some tid ings be Which in spire your heav’n ly song?


Glo ri a in ex cel sis De o;


Glo ri a in ex cel sis De o.

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3 Come to Bethlehem and see
Him whose birth the angels sing;
Come, adore on bended knee
Christ the Lord, the newborn King.

Hymn #368: Angels We Have Heard on High Lutheran Service Book

Text: French Tune: Nouveau recueil de cantiques, 1855
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

369 Where Shepherds Lately Knelt

MANGER SONG 12 12 10 10

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #369: Where Shepherds Lately Knelt Lutheran Service Book

Text: Jaroslav J. Vajda, b. 1919 Tune: Carl F. Schalk, b. 1929
© 1986 Concordia Publishing House © 1986 by GIA Publications, Inc.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

370 What Child Is This

GREENSLEEVES 87 87 68 67


1 What

child is this,

who, laid
 to rest, On Mar


lap is sleep ing? Whom an gels greet with an thems sweet

While shep herds watch are keep ing? This, this is
Christ the king, Whom shep herds guard and an gels sing; Haste,

haste to bring Him laud, The babe, the son of Mar y!

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2 Why lies He in such mean estate 3 So bring Him incense, gold, and myrrh;
Where ox and ass are feeding? Come, peasant, king, to own Him.
Good Christian, fear; for sinners here The King of kings salvation brings;
The silent Word is pleading. Let loving hearts enthrone Him.
Nails, spear shall pierce Him through, Raise, raise the song on high,
The cross be borne for me, for you; The virgin sings her lullaby;
Hail, hail the Word made flesh, Joy, joy, for Christ is born,
The babe, the son of Mary! The babe, the son of Mary!

Hymn #370: What Child Is This Lutheran Service Book

Text: William C. Dix, 1837-98 Tune: English ballad, 16th cent.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

371 Let Our Gladness Banish Sadness

CAS RADOSTI 86 86 66 11 11



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Colossians 3:16
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as
you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom,
and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs
with gratitude in your hearts to God. (NIV)

Hymn #371: Let Our Gladness Banish Sadness Lutheran Service Book
Text: Juraj Tranovský, 1591-1637 Tune: Bohemian carol, 12th cent.
© 1960 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

372 O Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #372: O Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is Lutheran Service Book

Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76 Tune: Kenneth T. Kosche, b. 1947
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House © 1996 Kenneth T. Kosche

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

373 See amid the Winter’s Snow

HUMILITY 77 77 with Refrain

1 See a mid the win ter’s snow, Born for us on earth be low,

2 Lo, with in a sta ble lies He who built the star ry skies,
See, the gen tle Lamb ap pears, Prom ised from e ter nal years.
He who, throned in height sub lime, Sits a mid the cher u bim.


Hail, O ev er– bless ed morn! Hail, re demp tion’s hap py dawn!

Sing through all Je ru sa lem: “Christ is born in Beth le hem!”

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3 Sacred Infant, all divine, 4 Teach, O teach us, holy Child,
What a tender love was Thine, By Thy face so meek and mild,
Thus to come from highest bliss Teach us to resemble Thee
Down to such a world as this! In Thy sweet humility.
Refrain Refrain

Hymn #373: See amid the Winter’s Snow Lutheran Service Book
Text: Edward Caswall, 1814-78 Tune: John Goss, 1800-80
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

374 Gentle Mary Laid Her Child


1 Gen tle Mar y laid her child Low ly in a man ger;

2 An gels sang a bout His birth, Wise Men sought and found Him;

There He lay, the Un de filed, To the world a strang er.
Heav en’s star shone bright ly forth Glo ry all a round Him.

Such a babe in such a place, Can He be the Sav ior?
Shep herds saw the won drous sight, Heard the an gels sing ing;
Ask the saved of all the race Who have found His fa vor.
All the plains were lit that night, All the hills were ring ing.

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3 Gentle Mary laid her child

Lowly in a manger;
He is still the Undefiled
But no more a stranger.
Son of God of humble birth,
Beautiful the story;
Praise His name in all the earth;
Hail the King of glory!

Hymn #374: Gentle Mary Laid Her Child Lutheran Service Book
Text: Joseph S. Cook, 1859-1933 Tune: Piae Cantiones Ecclesiasticae,
Public Domain Griefswald, 1582
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

375 Come, Your Hearts and Voices Raising




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #375: Come, Your Hearts and Voices Raising Lutheran Service Book
Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76 Tune: Ein Schlesich singebüchlein,
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House Breslau, 1555
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

376 Once in Royal David’s City

IRBY 87 87 77

1 Once in roy al Da vid’s cit y Stood a low

2 He came down to earth from heav

en, Who is God

ly cat tle shed, Where a moth er laid her ba by

and Lord of all, And His shel ter was a sta ble,
In a man ger for His bed; Mar y was that moth
And His cra dle was a stall; With
 the poor and mean

er mild, Je sus Christ her lit tle child.
and low ly Lived on earth our Sav ior ho ly.

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3 For He is our childhood’s pattern, 4 And our eyes at last shall see Him,
Day by day like us He grew; Through His own redeeming love;
He was little, weak, and helpless, For that child so dear and helpless,
Tears and smiles like us He knew; Is our Lord in heav’n above;
And He feels for all our sadness, And He leads His children on
And He shares in all our gladness. To the place where He is gone.
5 Not in that poor, lowly stable
With the oxen standing by
Shall we see Him, but in heaven,
Set at God’s right hand on high.
Then like stars His children, crowned,
All in white, his praise will sound.

Hymn #376: Once in Royal David’s City Lutheran Service Book

Text: Cecil F. Alexander, 1818-95 Tune: Henry J. Gauntlett, 1805-76
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

377 On Christmas Night All Christians Sing


1 On Christ mas night all Chris tians sing To hear the news the
2 Then why should men on earth be so sad, Since our Re deem er

an gels bring, On Christ mas night all Chris tians sing To
made us glad, Then why should men on earth be so sad, Since

hear the news the an gels bring, News of great joy, news

our Re deem er made us glad, When from our sin He

of great mirth, News of our mer ci ful King’s birth.
set us free, All for to gain our lib er ty?

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3 When sin departs before His grace, 4 All out of darkness we have light,
Then life and health come in its place, Which made the angels sing this night,
When sin departs before His grace, All out of darkness we have light,
Then life and health come in its place; Which made the angels sing this night:
Angels and men with joy may sing, “Glory to God and peace to men
All for to see the newborn King. Now and forevermore. Amen.”

Hymn #377: On Christmas Night All Christians Sing Lutheran Service Book
Text: English Tune: Ralph V. Williams, 1872-1958
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

378 Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light

ERMUNTRE DICH 87 87 88 77



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #378: Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann Rist, 1607-67 Tune: Johann Schop, 1600-65, alt.
© 1973 Openbook Publishers Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

379 O Come, All Ye Faithful


1 O come, all ye faith ful, Joy ful and tri um phant! O
come ye, oh come … ye to Beth le hem;
Come and be hold Him Born the king of an gels:


O come, let us a dore Him, O come, let us a dore Him,

O come, let us a dore Him, Christ the Lord!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 Highest, most holy, 3 Sing, choirs of angels,

Light of Light eternal, Sing in exultation,
Born of a virgin, a mortal He comes; Sing, all ye citizens of heaven above!
Son of the Father Glory to God
Now in flesh appearing! In the highest:
Refrain Refrain

4 Yea, Lord, we greet Thee,

Born this happy morning;
Jesus, to Thee be glory giv’n!
Word of the Father,
Now in flesh appearing!

Hymn #379: O Come, All Ye Faithful Lutheran Service Book

Text: John F. Wade, c. 1711-86 Tune: John F. Wade, c. 1711-86, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

380 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

MENDELSSOHN 77 77 D with Refrain


1 Hark! The her ald an gels sing, “Glo ry to the new born King;

Peace on earth and mer cy mild, God and sin ners rec on ciled!”

Joy ful, all ye na tions rise, Join the tri umph of the skies;
With the an gel ic host pro claim, “Christ is born in Beth le hem!”

Hark! The her ald an gels sing, “Glo ry to the new born King!”

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 Christ, by highest heav’n adored, 3 Hail the heav’n–born Prince of Peace!

Christ, the everlasting Lord, Hail the sun of Righteousness!
Late in time behold Him come, Light and life to all He brings,
Offspring of a virgin’s womb. Ris’n with healing in His wings.
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see, Mild He lays His glory by,
Hail, the incarnate Deity! Born that we no more may die,
Pleased as Man with us to dwell, Born to raise the sons of earth,
Jesus, our Immanuel! Born to give us second birth.
Refrain Refrain

Hymn #380: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Lutheran Service Book
Text: Charles Wesley, 1707-88 Tune: Felix Mendelssohn, 1809-47, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

381 Let Our Gladness Have No End

NARODIL SE KRISTUS PÁN 74 74 with Refrain

1 Let our glad ness have no end, al le lu ia! For to earth did
2 Proph e sied in days of old, al le lu ia! God has sent Him
3 See, the love liest bloom ing rose, al le lu ia! From the branch of
4 In to flesh is made the Word, al le lu ia! He, our ref uge



Christ de scend, al le lu ia!
as fore told, al le lu ia! On this day God gave us
Jes se grows, al le lu ia!
and our Lord, al le lu ia!

Christ, His Son, to save us; Christ, His Son, to save us.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 98:8-9
Let the rivers clap their hands, let the
mountains sing together for joy; let them
sing before the LORD, for he comes to judge
the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness
and the peoples with equity. (NIV)

Hymn #381: Let Our Gladness Have No End Lutheran Service Book
Text: Bohemian, 15th cent. Tune: Bohemian carol, 15th cent.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

382 We Praise You, Jesus, at Your Birth





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #382: We Praise You, Jesus, at Your Birth Lutheran Service Book
Text: German, c. 1380 (st. 1) Tune: Eyn Enchiridion oder Handbüchlein,
Martin Luther, 1483-1546 (st. 2-7) Erfurt, 1524
© 2006 Concordia Publishing House (st. 1, 3, 5-7) Public Domain
© 1978 Concordia Publishing House (st. 2, 4)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

383 A Great and Mighty Wonder


1 A great and might y won der, A full and ho ly cure:
2 The Word be comes in car nate And yet re mains on high,
3 While thus they sing your Mon arch, Those bright an gel ic bands,


The vir gin bears the in fant With vir gin hon or pure!
And cher u bim sing an thems To shep herds from the sky.
Re joice, O vales and moun tains, And o ceans, clap your hands.

Pro claim the Sav ior’s birth: “To God on high

be glo ry And peace to all the earth!”

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


4 Since all He comes to ransom, 5 All idols then shall perish

By all be He adored, And Satan’s lying cease,
The infant born in Bethl’em, And Christ shall raise His scepter,
The Savior and the Lord. Decreeing endless peace.
Refrain Refrain

Hymn #383: A Great and Mighty Wonder Lutheran Service Book

Text: Germanus, c. 634-c. 734 Tune: Alte Catholische Geistliche
Public Domain Kirchengeseng, Köln, 1599
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

384 Of the Father’s Love Begotten



1 Of the Fa ther’s love be got ten Ere the worlds be


gan to be, He is Al pha and O me ga,

He the source, the end ing He, Of the things that are, that

have been, And that fu ture years shall see
Ev er more and ev er more. (5) A men.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

2 Oh, that birth forever blessed, 4 O ye heights of heav’n adore Him;
When the virgin, full of grace, Angel hosts, His praises sing.
By the Holy Ghost conceiving, Pow’rs, dominions, bow before Him
Bore the Savior of our race, And extol our God and King.
And the babe, the world’s Redeemer, Let no tongue on earth be silent,
First revealed His sacred face Ev’ry voice in concert ring
Evermore and evermore. Evermore and evermore.
3 This is He whom seers in old time 5 Christ, to Thee, with God the Father,
Changed of with one accord, And, O Holy Ghost, to Thee
Whom the voices of the prophets Hymn and chant and high
Promised in their faithful word. thanksgiving
Now He shines, the long–expected; And unending praises be,
Let creation praise its Lord Honor, glory, and dominion,
Evermore and evermore. And eternal victory
Evermore and evermore.

Hymn #384: Of the Father’s Love Begotten Lutheran Service Book

Text: Aurelius Clements Prudentius, 348-c. 413 Tune: Plainsong melody, Mode V, 13th cent.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

385 From East to West


1 From east to west, from shore to shore Let ev’ ry
2 Be hold, the world’s cre a tor wears The form and
3 For this how won drous ly He wrought! A maid en,
heart a wake and sing The ho ly child whom Mar
fash ion of a slave; Our ver y flesh our mak
in her low ly place, Be came, in ways be yond

y bore, The Christ, the ev er last ing king.
er shares, His fall en crea tures all to save.
all thought, The cho sen ves sel of His grace.

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4 And while the angels in the sky 5 All glory for this blessed morn
Sang praise above the silent field, To God the Father ever be;
To shepherds poor the Lord Most High, All praise to You, O Virgin–born,
The one great Shepherd, was revealed. And Holy Ghost eternally.

Hymn #385: From East to West Lutheran Service Book

Text: Coelius Sedulius, 5th cent. Tune: Martin Luther, 1483-1546
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

386 Now Sing We, Now Rejoice

IN DULCI JUBILO 66 66 66 55

1 Now sing we now re joice Now raise to heav’n our voice;

2 Come from on high to me; I can not rise to Thee.

He from whom joy stream eth Poor in a man ger lies;

Cheer my wea ried spir it, O pure and ho ly Child;
Not so bright ly beam eth The sun in yon der skies.
Through Thy grace and mer it, Blest Je sus, Lord most mild,

Thou my Sav ior art! Thou my Sav ior art!
Draw me un to Thee! Draw me un to Thee!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Now through His Son doth shine 4 Oh, where shall joy be found?
The Father’s grace divine. Where but on heav’nly ground?
Death was reigning o’er us Where the angels singing
Through sin and vanity With all His saints unite.
Till He opened for us Sweetest praises bringing
A bright eternity. In heav’nly joy and light.
May we praise Him there! Oh, that we were there!
May we praise Him there! Oh, that we were there!

Hymn #386: Now Sing We, Now Rejoice Lutheran Service Book
Text: Latin and German, 14th cent. Tune: German melody, 14th cent., alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

387 Joy to the World

ANTIOCH CM with Repeat


1 Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth re ceive
2 Joy to the earth, the Sav ior reigns! Let men their songs
its King; Let ev’ ry heart pre pare Him
em ploy, While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and

room And heav’n and na ture sing, And heav’n and na
plains Re peat the sound ing joy, Re peat the sound
ture sing, And heav’n, and heav’n and na ture
ing joy, Re peat, re peat the sound ing

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3 No more let sin and sorrows grow 4 He rules the world with truth and
Nor thorns infest the ground; grace
He comes to make His blessings And makes the nations prove
flow The glories of His righteousness
Far as the curse is found, And wonders of His love,
Far as the curse is found, And wonders of His love,
Far as, far as the curse is found. And wonders, wonders of His love.

Hymn #387: Joy to the World Lutheran Service Book

Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Tune: George F. Handel, 1685-1759, adapt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

388 Go Tell It on the Mountain

GO TELL IT 78 76 76 76


Go tell it on the moun tain, O ver the hills, and ev’ ry where;


 Go tell it on the moun tain That

Je sus Christ is born!

1 While shep herds kept their watch ing O’er si lent flocks by night,
2 The shep herds feared and trem bled When lo, a bove the earth
3 Down in a low ly man ger The hum ble Christ was born;


Be hold, through out the heav ens There shone a ho ly light.
Rang out the an gel cho rus That hailed our Sav ior’s birth.
And God sent us sal va tion That bless ed Christ mas morn.

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Psalm 89:1
I will sing of the LORD's great love forever;
with my mouth I will make your faithfulness
known through all generations. (NIV)

Hymn #388: Go Tell It on the Mountain Lutheran Service Book

Text: African American spiritual, Tune: African American spiritual,
refrain: John W. Work II, 1873-1925 c. 19th cent., alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

389 Let All Together Praise Our God




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #389: Let All Together Praise Our God Lutheran Service Book
Text: Nikolaus Herman, 1480-1561 Tune: Nikolaus Herman, 1480-1561
© 1969 Concordia Publishing House (st. 1, 3-7) Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

390 Let Us All with Gladsome Voice

LASST UNS ALLE 76 76 (Trochaic)

1 Let us all with glad some voice Praise the God of heav en,
2 To this veil of fears He comes, Here to serve in sad ness,
3 We are rich, for He was poor; Is not this a won der?
4 Christ, our Lord and Sav ior dear, Be Thou ev er near us.

Who, to make our hearts re joice, His own Son has giv en.
That with Him in heav’n’s fair homes We may reign in glad ness.
There fore praise God ev er more Here on earth and yon der.
Grant us now a glad new year. A men, Je sus, hear us.

Hymn #390: Let Us All with Gladsome Voice Lutheran Service Book
Text: German, 17th cent. Tune: Ander Theil Des Dressdenischen
Public Domain GesangBuchs, Dresden, 1632, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

391 Rejoice, Rejoice This Happy Morn

WIE SCHÖN LEUCHTET 887 887 4444 8

Re joice, re joice this hap py morn! A Sav ior un to
us is born, The Christ, the Lord of glo ry. His low ly birth

in Beth le hem The an gels from on high pro claim And sing


re demp tion’s sto ry! My soul, ex tol God’s great fa vor; Bless Him
ev er For sal va tion; Give Him praise and ad o ra tion!

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Psalm 138:1, 5
I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart;
before the gods I will sing your praise ...
May they sing of the ways of the LORD, for
the glory of the LORD is great. (NIV)

Hymn #391: Rejoice, Rejoice This Happy Morn Lutheran Service Book
Text: Birgitte K. Boye, 1742-1824 Tune: Philipp Nicolai, 1556-1608, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

392 God Loves Me Dearly

GOTT IST DIE LIEBE 55 54 with Refrain

1 God loves me dear ly, Grants me sal va tion, God
2 I was in slav’ ry, Sin, death, and dark ness; God’s
3 He sent forth Je sus, My dear Re deem er, He

loves me dear ly, Loves e ven me.
love was work ing To make me free. There fore I’ll say a

 sent forth Je sus And set me free.

gain; God loves me dear ly, God loves me dear ly, Loves e ven me.
4 Jesus, my Savior, 5 Now I will praise You,
Himself did offer; O Love Eternal;
Jesus, my Savior, Now I will praise You
Paid all I owed. All my life long.
Refrain Refrain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Romans 15:9b
Therefore I will praise you among the Gentiles;
I will sing hymns to your name. (NIV)

Hymn #392: God Loves Me Dearly Lutheran Service Book

Text: August Rische, 1819-1906 Tune: German traditional
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

393 Infant Holy, Infant Lowly

W ZLOBIE LEZY 447 447 4444 77

1 In fant ho ly, In fant low ly, For His bed a cat tle stall;
2 Flocks were sleep ing, Shep herds keep ing Vig il till the morn ing new

Ox en low ing, Lit tle know ing Christ the child is Lord of all.
Saw the glo ry, Heard the sto ry, Tid ings of a Gos pel true.

Swift ly wing ing, An gels sing ing, Bells are ring ing, Tid ings bring ing:
Thus re joic ing, Free from sor row, Prais es voic ing, Greet the mor row:

Christ the child is Lord of all! Christ the child is Lord of all!
Christ the child was born for you! Christ the child was born for you!

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2 Chronicles 29:30
King Hezekiah and his officials ordered the Levites
to praise the LORD with the words of David and
of Asaph the seer. So they sang praises with gladness
and bowed their heads and worshiped. (NIV)

Hymn #393: Infant Holy, Infant Lowly Lutheran Service Book

Text: Polish Tune: Polish carol
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

394 Songs of Thankfulness and Praise



1 Songs of thank ful ness and praise, Je sus, Lord, to

Thee we raise, Man i fest ed by the star To the


sa ges from a far, Branch of roy al Da vid’s stem
In Thy birth at Beth le hem: An thems be

to Thee ad dressed, God in man made man i fest.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 Manifest at Jordan’s stream, 4 Sun and moon shall darkened be,

Prophet, Priest, and King supreme; Stars shall fall, the heav’ns shall flee;
And at Cana, wedding guest Christ will then like lightning shine,
In Thy Godhead manifest; All will see His glorious sign;
Manifest in pow’r divine, All will then the trumpet hear,
Changing water into wine; All will see the Judge appear;
Anthems be to Thee addressed, Thou by all wilt be confessed,
God in man made manifest. God in man made manifest.
3 Manifest in making whole 5 Grant us grace to see Thee, Lord,
Palsied limbs and fainting soul; Present in Thy holy Word—
Manifest in valiant fight, Grace to imitate Thee now
Quelling all the devil’s might; And be pure, as pure art Thou;
Manifest in gracious will, That we might become like Thee
Ever bringing good from ill; At Thy great epiphany
Anthems be to Thee addressed, And may praise Thee, ever blest,
God in man made manifest. God in man made manifest.

Hymn #394: Songs of Thankfulness and Praise Lutheran Service Book

Text: Christopher Wordsworth, 1807-85 Tune: George J. Elvey, 1816-93
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

395 O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright

WIE SCHÖN LEUCHTET 887 887 4444 8


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Matthew 11:17
We played the flute for you, and you did not
dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn. (NIV)

Hymn #395: O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright Lutheran Service Book
Text: Philipp Nicolai, 1556-1608 Tune: Philipp Nicolai, 1556-1608, alt.
© 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

396 Arise and Shine in Splendor






Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #396: Arise and Shine in Splendor Lutheran Service Book

Text: Martin Opitz, 1597-1639 Tune: Heinrich Isaac, c. 1450-1517, alt.
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

397 As with Gladness Men of Old

DIX 77 77 77

1 As with glad ness men of old Did the guid ing star be hold;
2 As with joy ful steps they sped, Sav ior, to Thy low ly bed,

3 As they of fered gifts most rare At Thy cra dle, rude and bare,


As with joy they hailed its light, Lead ing on ward, beam ing bright;
There to bend the knee be fore Thee, whom heav’n and earth a dore;
So may we with ho ly joy, Pure and free from sin’s al loy,
So, most gra cious Lord, may we Ev er more be led by Thee.
So may we with will ing feet Ev er seek Thy mer cy seat.
All our cost liest trea sures bring, Christ, to Thee, our heav’n ly King.

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4 Holy Jesus, ev’ry day 5 In the heav’nly country bright
Keep us in the narrow way; Need they no created light;
And when earthly things are past, Thou its light, its joy, its crown,
Bring our ransomed souls at last Thou its sun which goes not down;
Where they need no star to guide, There forever may we sing
Where no clouds Thy glory hide. Alleluias to our King.

Hymn #397: As with Gladness Men of Old Lutheran Service Book

Text: William C. Dix, 1837-98 Tune: Conrad Kocher, 1786-1872, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

398 Hail to the Lord’s Anointed


1 Hail to the Lord’s a noint ed, Great Da vid’s great er Son!
2 He comes with res cue speed y To those who suf fer wrong,

Hail, in the time ap point ed, His reign on earth be gun!
To help the poor and need y And bid the weak be strong;

He comes to break op pres sion, To set the cap tive free,
To give them songs for sigh ing, Their dark ness turn to light,


To take a way trans gres sion And rule in eq ui ty.
Whose souls, con demned and dy ing, Were pre cious in His sight.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 He shall come down like showers 4 Kings shall fall down before Him
Upon the fruitful earth; And gold and incense bring;
Love, joy, and hope, like flowers, All nations shall adore Him,
Spring in His path to birth. His praise all people sing.
Before Him on the mountains To Him shall prayer unceasing
Shall peace, the herald, go; And daily vows ascend;
And righteousness in fountains His kingdom still increasing,
From hill to valley flow. A kingdom without end.
5 O’er ev’ry foe victorious,
He on His throne shall rest,
From age to age more glorious,
All blessing and all–blest.
The tide of time shall never
His covenant remove;
His name shall stand forever—
That name to us is Love.

Hymn #398: Hail to the Lord’s Anointed Lutheran Service Book

Text: James Montgomery, 1771-1854 Tune: Leonhart Schröter, 1532-1601
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

399 The Star Proclaims the King Is Here


1 The star pro claims the King is here; But, Her od,
2 The east ern sa ges saw from far And fol lowed

3 With in the Jor dan’s sa

cred flood The heav’n ly

why this sense less fear? For He who of fers heav’n ly
on His guid ing star; And, led by light, to light they
Lamb in meek ness stood That He, of whom no sin was

birth Seeks not the king doms of this earth.
trod And by their gifts con fessed their God.
known, Might cleanse His peo ple from their own.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 And oh, what miracle divine, 5 For this His glad epiphany
When water reddened into wine! All glory, Jesus, be to Thee,
He spoke the word, and forth it flowed Whom with the Father we adore,
In streams that nature ne’er bestowed. And Holy Spirit evermore.

Hymn #399: The Star Proclaims the King Is Here Lutheran Service Book
Text: Coelius Sedulius, 5th cent. Tune: Joseph Klug,
Public Domain Geistliche Lieder auffs new gebessert,
Wittenberg, 1535
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

400 Brightest and Best of the Stars of the Morning

MORNING STAR 11 10 11 10

1 Bright est and best of the stars of the morn ing,
2 Cold on His cra dle the dew drops are shin ing;
Dawn on our dark ness and lend us thine aid.

Low lies His head with the beasts of the stall;
Star of the East, the ho ri zon a dorn ing,

An gels a dore Him in slum ber re clin ing,

Guide where our in fant Re deem er is laid.
Mak er and Mon arch and Sav ior of all.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Shall we not yield Him, in costly devotion,

Fragrance of Edom and off’rings divine,
Gems of the mountain and pearls of the ocean,
Myrrh from the forest or gold from the mine?
4 Vainly we offer each ample oblation,
Vainly with gifts would His favor secure.
Richer by far is the heart’s adoration,
Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor.
5 Brightest and best of the stars of the morning,
Dawn on our darkness and lend us thine aid.
Star of the East, the horizon adorning,
Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid.

Hymn #400: Brightest and Best of the Stars of the Morning Lutheran Service Book
Text: Reginald Heber, 1783-1826 Tune: James P. Harding, 1850-1911, adapt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

401 From God the Father, Virgin-Born



1 From God the Fa ther, vir gin– born To us the
2 Be gin ning from His home on high, In hu man
3 Glide on, O glo rious Sun, and bring The gift of
on ly Son came down; By death the font to con se
flesh He came to die; Cre a tion by His death re
heal ing on Your wing; To ev’ ry dull and cloud ed
crate, The faith ful to re gen er ate.
stored, And shed new joys of life a broad.
sense The clear ness of Your light dis pense.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Abide with us, O Lord, we pray; 5 Lord, once You came to earth’s domain
The gloom of darkness chase away; And, we believe, shall come again;
Your work of healing, Lord, begin, Be with us on the battlefield,
And take away the stain of sin. From ev’ry harm Your people shield.
6 To You, O Lord, all glory be
For this Your blest epiphany;
To God, whom all His hosts adore,
And Holy Spirit evermore.

Hymn #401: From God the Father, Virgin-Born Lutheran Service Book
Text: Latin, c. 5th-10th cent. Tune: Antiphoner, Grenoble, 1753
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

402 The Only Son from Heaven


1 The on ly Son from heav en, Fore told by an cient seers,
2 O time of God ap point ed, O bright and ho ly morn!

By God the Fa ther giv en, In hu man form ap pears.
He comes, the king a noint ed, The Christ, the vir gin– born,

No sphere His light con fin ing, No star so
Grim death to van quish for us, To o pen

bright ly shin ing As He, our Morn ing Star.
heav’n be fore us And bring us life a gain.

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3 O Lord, our hearts awaken 4 O Father, here before You

To know and love You more, With God the Holy Ghost
In faith to stand unshaken, And Jesus, we adore You,
In spirit to adore, O pride of angel host:
That we, through this world moving, Before You mortals lowly
Each glimpse of heaven proving, Cry, “Holy, holy, holy,
May reap its fullness there. O blessed Trinity!”

Hymn #402: The Only Son from Heaven Lutheran Service Book
Text: Elisabeth Cruciger, c. 1500-35 (st. 1-3) Tune: Eyn Enchiridion oder Handbüchlein,
Lutheran Book of Worship, 1978 (st. 4) Erfurt, 1524, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

403 O Savior of Our Fallen Race

PUTNAM LM with Alleluia

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #403: O Savior of Our Fallen Race Lutheran Service Book

Text: Latin, c. 5th-10th cent. Tune: Stephen R. Johnson, b. 1966
© 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship © 2002 Stephen R. Johnson

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

404 Jesus, Once with Sinners Numbered


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #404: Jesus, Once with Sinners Numbered Lutheran Service Book
Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: William B. Roberts, b. 1947
© 1999 Stephen P. Starke © 1995 Augsburg Fortress
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

405 To Jordan’s River Came Our Lord




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #405: To Jordan’s River Came Our Lord Lutheran Service Book
Text: James P. Tiefel, b. 1949 Tune: Musicalisch Hand-Buch der
© 1993 James P. Tiefel Geistlichen Melodien, Hamburg, 1690, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

406 To Jordan Came the Christ, Our Lord

CHRIST, UNSER HERR 87 87 87 87 7





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 98:8-9
Let the rivers clap their hands, let the
mountains sing together for joy; let them
sing before the LORD, for he comes to judge
the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness
and the peoples with equity. (NIV)

Hymn #406: To Jordan Came the Christ, Our Lord Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Tune: Johann Walther, 1496-1570
© 1976 Elizabeth Quitmeyer Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

407 To Jordan Came the Christ, Our Lord

ELVET BANKS 87 87 87 87 7

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Amos 6:5
You strum away on your harps like David
and improvise on musical instruments. (NIV)

Hymn #407: To Jordan Came the Christ, Our Lord Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Tune: David Lee, b. 1956
© 1976 Elizabeth Quitmeyer © 2004 David Lee

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

408 Come, Join in Cana’s Feast



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #408: Come, Join in Cana’s Feast Lutheran Service Book

Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: Johann B. König, 1691-1758, adapt.
© 1993 The Hymn Socienty Public Domain
admin. Hope Publishing Co.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

409 Hail, O Source of Every Blessing


1 Hail, O Source of ev’ ry bless ing, Fa ther of all hu man race!
2 Once far off but now in vit ed, We ap proach Your sa cred throne,

Gen tiles now, Your grace pos sess ing, In Your courts ob tain a place.

In Your cov e nant u nit ed, Rec on ciled, re deemed, made one.

Grate ful now, we fall be fore You, In Your Church re joice to live,

Now re vealed to east ern sa ges, See the Star of Mer cy shine;


See Your glo ry and a dore You, Thank ful for the grace You give.
Mys t’ry hid in for mer a ges, Mys t’ry great of love di vine.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Hail, O all–inviting Savior!

Gentiles now their off’rings bring,
In Your temples seek Your favor,
Jesus Christ, our Lord and King.
May we, body, soul, and spirit,
Live devoted to Your praise,
Glorious realms of bliss inherit,
Grateful anthems ever raise.

Hymn #409: Hail, O Source of Every Blessing Lutheran Service Book

Text: Basil Woodd, 1760-1831 Tune: Geist-reiches Gesang-Buch,
Public Domain Halle, 1704, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

410 Within the Father’s House


1 With in the Fa ther’s house The Son has found His home,
2 The doc tors of the Law Gaze on the won drous child
3 Yet not to them is giv’n The might y truth to know,
The se cret of the Lord Es capes each hu man eye,


And to His tem ple sud den ly The Lord of life has come.
And mar vel at His gra cious words Of wis dom un de filed.
To lift the earth ly veil that hides In car nate God be low.
And faith ful pon d’ring hearts a wait The full e piph a ny.

5 Lord, visit Thou our souls 6 Till we behold Thy face

And teach us by Thy grace And know as we are known
Each dim revealing of Thyself Thee, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
With loving awe to trace Coequal Three in One.

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Romans 15:9b
Therefore I will praise you among the Gentiles;
I will sing hymns to your name. (NIV)

Hymn #410: Within the Father’s House Lutheran Service Book

Text: James R. Woodford, 1820-85 Tune: Johann B. König, 1691-1758, adapt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

411 I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light

HOUSTON 10 7 10 8 with Refrain


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


1 Kings 4:32
He spoke three thousand proverbs and his
songs numbered a thousand and five. (NIV)

Hymn #411: I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light Lutheran Service Book
Text: Kathleen Thomerson, b. 1934 Tune: Kathleen Thomerson, b. 1934
© 1970, 1975 Celebration © 1970, 1975 Celebration

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

412 The People That in Darkness Sat


1 The peo ple that in dark ness sat A glo rious light
2 To hail Thee, Sun of Righ teous ness, The gath’ ring na
3 To us the Child of hope is born, To us the Son

have seen; The light has shined on them who long In
tions come; They joy as when the reap ers bear Their
is giv’n, And on His shoul der ev er rests All

shades of death have been, In shades of death have been.
har vest trea sures home, Their har vest trea sures home.
pow’r in earth and heav’n, All pow’r in earth and heav’n.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 His name shall be the Prince of Peace, 5 His righteous government and pow’r
The Everlasting Lord, Shall over all extend;
The Wonderful, the Counselor, On judgment and on justice based,
The God by all adored, His reign shall have no end,
The God by all adored. His reign shall have no end.
6 Lord Jesus, reign in us, we pray,
And make us Thine alone,
Who with the Father ever art
And Holy Spirit, one,
And Holy Spirit, one.

Hymn #412: The People That in Darkness Sat Lutheran Service Book
Text: John Morison, 1749-98 Tune: Nikolaus Herman, 1480-1561
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

413 O Wondrous Type! O Vision Fair


1 O won drous type! O, vi sion fair Of glo ry
2 With Mo ses and E li jah nigh The in car nate
3 With shin ing face and bright ar ray Christ deigns to
that the Church may share, Which Christ up on the
Lord hold con verse high; And from the cloud the

man i fest to day What glo ry shall be

moun tain shows, Where bright er than the sun He glows!
Ho ly One Bears rec ord to the on ly Son.
theirs a bove Who joy in God with per fect love.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 And faithful hearts are raised on high 5 O Father, with the eternal Son
By this great vision’s mystery, And Holy Spirit ever one,
For which in joyful strains we raise We pray Thee, bring us by Thy grace
The voice of prayer, the hymn of praise. To see Thy glory face to face.

Hymn #413: O Wondrous Type! O Vision Fair Lutheran Service Book

Text: Sarum Breviary, Tune: English melody, 15th cent.
Salisbury, 1495 Public Domain
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

414 ’Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here


1 ’Tis good, Lord, to be here! Thy glo ry
2 ’Tis good, Lord, to be here, Thy beau ty
3 Ful fill er of the past And hope of

fills the night; Thy face and gar ments, like
to be hold Where Mo ses and E li
things to be, We hail Thy bod y glo

the sun, Shine with un bor rowed light.
jah stand, Thy mes sen gers of old.
ri fied And our re demp tion see.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Before we taste of death, 5 ’Tis good, Lord, to be here!
We see Thy kingdom come; Yet we may not remain;
We long to hold the vision bright But since Thou bidst us leave
And make this hill our home. the mount,
Come with us to the plain.

Hymn #414: ’Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here Lutheran Service Book

Text: Joseph A. Robinson, 1858-1933 Tune: Johann S. Bach, 1685-1750, adapt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

415 Jesus on the Mountain Peak

SEWARD 78 78 4

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #415: Jesus on the Mountain Peak Lutheran Service Book

Text: Brian A. Wren, b. 1936 Tune: Theodore A. Beck, 1929-2003, alt.
© 1977 Hope Publishing Co. © 1998 Theodore A. Beck

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

416 Swiftly Pass the Clouds of Glory


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Ephesians 5:19-20
Speak to one another with psalms, hymns
and spiritual songs. Sing and make music
in your heart to the Lord, always giving
thanks to God the Father for everything,
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (NIV)

Hymn #416: Swiftly Pass the Clouds of Glory Lutheran Service Book
Text: Thomas H. Kingo, 1634-1703 Tune: Amanda Husberg, b. 1940
© 1994 Oxford University Press, Inc. © 2000 Selah Publishing Co., Inc.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

417 Alleluia, Song of Gladness

LAUDA ANIMA 87 87 87

1 Al le lu ia, song of glad ness, Voice of joy that

2 Al le lu ia, thou re sound est, True Je ru sa

can not die; Al le lu ia is the an them
lem and free; Al le lu ia, joy ful moth er,

Ev er raised by choirs on high; In the house of

All thy chil dren sing with thee, But by Bab y

God a bid ing Thus they sing e ter nal ly.
lon’s sad wa ters Mourn ing ex iles now are we.

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3 Alleluia cannot always 4 Therefore in our hymns we pray Thee,

Be our song while here below; Grant us, blessed Trinity,
Alleluia, our transgressions At the last to keep Thine Easter
Make us for a while forgo; With Thy faithful saints on high;
For the solemn time is coming There to Thee forever singing
When our tears for sin must flow. Alleluia joyfully.

Hymn #417: Alleluia, Song of Gladness Lutheran Service Book

Text: Latin, c. 11th cent. Tune: John Goss, 1800-80
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

418 O Lord, throughout These Forty Days



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #418: O Lord, throughout These Forty Days Lutheran Service Book
Text: Based on Claudia F. Hernaman, 1838-98 Tune: The Psalmes of David in Prose
© 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship and Meeter, Edinburgh, 1635
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

419 Savior, When in Dust to Thee


1 Sav ior, when in dust to Thee Low we bow the a dor ing knee;
2 By Thy help less in fant years, By Thy life of want and tears,

When, re pen tant, to the skies Scarce we lift our weep ing eyes;
By Thy days of deep dis tress In the sav age wil der ness,

O, by all Thy pains and woe Suf fered once for us be low,
By the dread, mys te rious hour Of the in sult ing tempt er’s pow’r,


Bend ing from Thy throne on high, Hear our pen i ten tial cry!
Turn, O turn a fa v’ring eye; Hear our pen i ten tial cry!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 By Thine hour of dire despair, 4 By Thy deep expiring groan,

By Thine agony of prayer, By the sad sepulchral stone,
By the cross, the nail, the thorn, By the vault whose dark abode
Piercing spear, and torturing scorn, Held in vain the rising God,
By the gloom that veiled the skies O, from earth to heav’n restored,
O’er the dreadful sacrifice, Mighty, reascended Lord,
Listen to our humble sigh; Bending from Thy throne on high,
Hear our penitential cry! Hear our penitential cry!

Hymn #419: Savior, When in Dust to Thee Lutheran Service Book

Text: Robert Grant, 1779-1838 Tune: Joseph Parry, 1841-1903
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

420 Christ, the Life of All the Living


1 Christ, the Life of all the liv ing, Christ, the death of

death, our foe, Who, Thy self for me once giv ing To

the dark est depths of woe; Through Thy suf f’rings, death, and

mer it I e ter nal life in her it. Thou sand, thou

sand thanks shall be, Dear est Je sus, un to Thee.

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2 Thou, ah! Thou, hast taken on Thee
Bonds and stripes, a cruel rod;
Pain and scorn were heaped upon Thee,
O Thou sinless Son of God!
Thus didst Thou my soul deliver
From the bonds of sin forever.
Thousand, thousand thanks shall be,
Dearest Jesus, unto Thee.
3 Thou hast borne the smiting only
That my wounds might all be whole;
Thou hast suffered, sad and lonely,
Rest to give my weary soul;
Yea, the curse of God enduring,
Blessing unto me securing.
Thousand, thousand thanks shall be,
Dearest Jesus, unto Thee.
4 Heartless scoffers did surround Thee,
Treating Thee with cruel scorn
And with piercing thorns they crowned Thee.
All disgrace Thou, Lord, hast borne,
That as Thine Thou mightest own me
And with heav’nly glory crown me.
Thousand, thousand thanks shall be,
Dearest Jesus, unto Thee.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

5 Thou hast suffered me to bruise Thee
That from pain I might be free;
Falsely did Thy foes accuse thee;
Thence I gain security.
Comfortless Thy soul did languish
Me to comfort in my anguish.
Thousand, thousand thanks shall be,
Dearest Jesus, unto Thee.
6 Thou has suffered great affliction
And hast borne it patiently,
Even death by crucifixion,
Fully to atone for me.
Thou didst choose to be tormented
That my doom should be prevented.
Thousand, thousand thanks shall be,
Dearest Jesus, unto Thee.
7 Then, for all that wrought my pardon,
For Thy sorrows deep and sore,
For Thine anguish in the Garden,
I will thank Thee evermore,
Thank Thee for Thy groaning, sighing,
For Thy bleeding and Thy dying,
For that last triumphant cry,
And shall praise Thee, Lord, on high.

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2 Chronicles 9:11a
The king used the algumwood to make steps for the
temple of the LORD and for the royal palace, and
to make harps and lyres for the musicians. (NIV)

Hymn #420: Christ, the Life of All the Living Lutheran Service Book
Text: Ernst C. Homburg, 1605-81 Tune: Das grosse Cantional,
Public Domain Darmstadt, 1687, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

421 Jesus, Grant That Balm and Healing

DER AM KREUZ 87 87 77 88

1 Je sus, grant that balm and heal ing In Your ho

ly wounds I find, Ev’ ry hour that I am feel ing

Pains of bod y and of mind. Should some e vil thought with


in Tempt my treach’ rous heart to sin, Show the per il,

and from sin ning Keep me from its first be gin ning.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 Should some lust or sharp temptation 4 Ev’ry wound that pains or grieves me
Fascinate my sinful mind, By Your wounds, Lord, is made whole;
Draw me to Your cross and passion, When I’m faint, Your cross revives me,
And new courage I shall find. Granting new life to my soul.
Or should Satan press me hard, Yes, Your comfort renders sweet
Let me then be on my guard, Ev’ry bitter cup I meet;
Saying, “Christ for me was wounded,” For Your all–atoning passion
That the tempter flee confounded. Has procured my soul’s salvation.
3 If the world my heart entices 5 O my God, my rock and tower,
With the broad and easy road, Grant that in Your death I trust,
With seductive, sinful vices, Knowing death has lost his power
Let me think about the load Since You crushed him in the dust.
You were willing to endure. Savior, let Your agony
Help me flee all thoughts impure Ever help and comfort me;
And to master each temptation, When I die by my protection,
Calm in prayer and meditation. Light and life and resurrection.

Hymn #421: Jesus, Grant That Balm and Healing Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann Heermann, 1585-1647 Tune: Johann B. König, 1691-1758
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

422 On My Heart Imprint Your Image

DER AM KREUZ 87 87 77 88

On my heart im print Your im age, Bless ed Je sus, King of grace,

That life’s rich es, cares, and pleas ures Nev er may Your work e rase;


Let the clear in scrip tion be: Je sus cru ci fied for me,

Is my life, my hope’s foun da tion, And my glo ry and sal va tion!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


1 Samuel 18:6
When the men were returning home after David
had killed the Philistine, the women came
out from all the towns of Israel to meet King
Saul with singing and dancing, with joyful
songs and with tambourines and lutes. (NIV)

Hymn #422: On My Heart Imprint Your Image Lutheran Service Book

Text: Thomas H. Kingo, 1634-1703 Tune: Johann B. König, 1691-1758
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

423 Jesus, Refuge of the Weary


1 Je sus, ref uge of the wea ry, Blest Re deem er, whom we love,
2 Do we pass that cross un heed ing, Breath ing no re pen tant vow,

Foun tain in life’s des ert drea ry, Sav ior from the world a bove:
Though we see You wound ed, bleed ing, See Your thorn– en cir cled brow?

Of ten have Your eyes, of fend ed, Gazed up on the sin ner’s fall;
Yet Your sin less death has brought us Life e ter nal, peace, and rest;

Yet up on the cross ex tend ed, You have borne the pain of all.
On ly what Your grace has taught us Calms the sin ner’s deep dis tress.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Jesus, may our hearts be burning

With more fervent love for You;
May our eyes be ever turning
To behold Your cross anew
Till in glory, parted never
From the blessed Savior’s side,
Graven in our hearts forever,
Dwell the cross, the Crucified.

Hymn #423: Jesus, Refuge of the Weary Lutheran Service Book

Text: Girolamo Savonarola, 1452-98 Tune: Erbaulicher Musicalischer
Public Domain Christen-Schatz, Basel, 1745, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

424 O Christ, You Walked the Road



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #424: O Christ, You Walked the Road Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: William Daman, c. 1540-91
© 1997 GIA Publications, Inc. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

425 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross


1 When I sur vey the won drous cross On which the
2 For bid it, Lord, that I should boast Save in the
3 See, from His head, His hands, His feet Sor row and

Prince of Glo ry died, My rich est gain I count but
death of Christ, my God; All the vain things that charm me
love flow min gled down! Did e’er such love and sor row

loss And pour con tempt on all my pride.
most, I sac ri fice them to His blood.
meet Or thorns com pose so rich a crown?

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were a tribute far too small;
Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all!

Hymn #425: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Lutheran Service Book
Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Tune: Lowell Mason, 1792-1872
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

426 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross


1 When I sur vey the won drous cross On which the
2 For bid it, Lord, that I should boast Save in the

3 See, from His head, His hands, His feet Sor row and

Prince of Glo ry died, My rich est gain I
death of Christ, my God; All the vain things that

love flow min gled down! Did e’er such love and

count but loss And pour con tempt on all my pride.
charm me most, I sac ri fice them to His blood.
sor row meet Or thorns com pose so rich a crown?

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were a tribute far too small;
Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all!

Hymn #426: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Lutheran Service Book
Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Tune: Edward Miller, 1731-1807, adapt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

427 In the Cross of Christ I Glory


1 In the cross of Christ I glo ry, Tow’r ing
2 When the woes of life o’er take me, Hopes de

3 When the sun of bliss is beam ing Light and

o’er the wrecks of time. All the light of sa
ceive, and fears an noy, Nev er shall the cross

love up on my way, From the cross the ra

cred sto ry Gath ers round its head sub lime.
for sake me; Lo, it glows with peace and joy.
diance stream ing Adds more lus ter to the day.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure
By the cross are sanctified;
Peace is there that knows no measure,
Joys that through all time abide.

Hymn #427: In the Cross of Christ I Glory Lutheran Service Book

Text: John Bowring, 1792-1872 Tune: Ithamar Conkey, 1815-67
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

428 Cross of Jesus, Cross of Sorrow


1 Cross of Je sus, cross of sor row, Where the
2 Here the King of all the a ges, Throned in
3 O mys te rious con de scend ing! O a

blood of Christ was shed, Per fect man on thee
light ere worlds could be, Robed in mor tal flesh
ban don ment sub lime! Ver y God Him self

did suf fer, Per fect God on thee has bled!
is dy ing, Cru ci fied by sin for me.
is bear ing All the suf fer ings of time!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Cross of Jesus, cross of sorrow,
Where the blood of Christ was shed,
Perfect man on thee did suffer,
Perfect God on thee has bled!

Hymn #428: Cross of Jesus, Cross of Sorrow Lutheran Service Book

Text: William J. Sparrow Simpson, 1860-1952 Tune: John Stainer, 1840-1901
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

429 We Sing the Praise of Him Who Died


1 We sing the praise of Him who died, Of Him who
2 In scribed up on the cross we see In shin ing
3 The cross! It takes our guilt a way; It holds the

died up on the cross. The sin ner’s hope let
let ters, “God is Love.” He bears our sins up
faint ing spir it up; It cheers with hope the
all de ride; For this we count the world but loss.
on the tree; He brings us mer cy from a bove.
gloom y day And sweet ens ev’ ry bit ter cup.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 It makes the coward spirit brave 5 The balm of life, the cure of woe,
And nerves the feeble arm for fight; The measure and the pledge of love,
It takes the terror from the grave The sinner’s refuge here below,
And gilds the bed of death with light; The angels’ theme in heav’n above.
6 To Christ, who won for sinners grace
By bitter grief and anguish sore,
Be praise from all the ransomed race
Forever and forevermore.

Hymn #429: We Sing the Praise of Him Who Died Lutheran Service Book
Text: Thomas Kelly, 1769-1855 (st. 1-5) Tune: Daniel Read, 1757-1836
Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1861 (st. 6) Public Domain
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

430 My Song Is Love Unknown

LOVE UNKNOWN 66 66 4444

1 My song is love un known, My Sav ior’s love to

2 He came from His blest throne Sal va tion to be

me, Love to the love less shown That they might

stow; But men made strange, and none The longed– for

love ly be. Oh, who am I That for my
Christ would know. But, oh, my friend, My friend in

sake My Lord should take Frail flesh and die?

deed, Who at my need His life did spend!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Sometimes they strew His way 5 They rise and needs will have
And His sweet praises sing; My dear Lord made away;
Resounding all the day A murderer they save,
Hosannas to their King. The Prince of Life they slay.
Then “Crucify!” Is all their breath, Yet cheerful He To suff’ring goes
And for His death They thirst and cry. That He His foes From thence
4 Why, what hath my Lord done? might free.
What makes this rage and spite? 6 In life no house, no home
He made the lame to run, My Lord on earth might have;
He gave the blind their sight. In death no friendly tomb
Sweet injuries! Yet they at these But what a stranger gave.
Themselves displease And ’gainst What may I say? Heav’n was
Him rise. His home
But mine the tomb Wherein He lay.
7 Here might I stay and sing,
No story so divine!
Never was love, dear King,
Never was grief like Thine.
This is my friend, In whose sweet praise
I all my days Could gladly spend!

Hymn melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Isaiah 55:12
You will go out in joy and be led forth
in peace; the mountains and hills will burst
into song before you, and all the trees
of the field will clap their hands. (NIV)

Hymn #430: My Song Is Love Unknown Lutheran Service Book

Text: Samual Crossman, 1624-83 Tune: John N. Ireland, 1879-1962
Public Domain © John Ireland Trust

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

431 Not All the Blood of Beasts


1 Not all the blood of beasts On Jew ish al tars slain
2 But Christ, the heav’n ly Lamb, Takes all our sins a way;

3 My faith would lay its hand On that dear head of Thine,

Could give the guilt y con science peace Or wash a way the stain.
A sac ri fice of no bler name And rich er blood than they.
While as a pen i tent I stand, And there con fess my sin.

4 My soul looks back to see 5 Believing, we rejoice

The burden Thou did bear To see the curse remove;
When hanging on the cursed tree; We bless the Lamb with cheerful voice
I know my guilt was there. And sing His bleeding love.

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Psalm 147:1, 7
Praise the LORD. How good it is to sing praises
to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise
him ... Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving;
make music to our God on the harp. (NIV)

Hymn #431: Not All the Blood of Beasts Lutheran Service Book
Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Tune: William Daman, c. 1540-91
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

432 In Silent Pain the Eternal Son

REALITY 86 86 88 86


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #432: In Silent Pain the Eternal Son Lutheran Service Book
Text: Christopher M. Idle, b. 1938 Tune: John L. Bell, b. 1949
© 1992 Jubilate Hymns Ltd. © 1988, 1997 Wild Goose Resource Group
admin. Hope Publishing Co. Iona Community, Scotland

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

433 Glory Be to Jesus


1 Glo ry be to Je sus, Who in bit ter pains
2 Grace and life e ter nal In that blood I find;
3 Blest through end less a ges Be the pre cious stream
4 A bel’s blood for ven geance Plead ed to the skies;

Poured from me the life blood From His sa cred veins!
Blest be His com pas sion, In fi nite ly kind!
Which from end less tor ment Did the world re deem!
But the blood of Je sus For our par don cries.

5 Oft as earth exulting 6 Lift we, then, our voices,

Wafts its praise on high, Swell the mighty flood;
Angel hosts rejoicing Louder still and louder
Make their glad reply. Praise the precious blood!

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Hosea 2:15
There I will give her back her vineyards, and
will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope.
There she will sing as in the days of her youth,
as in the day she came up out of Egypt. (NIV)

Hymn #433: Glory Be to Jesus Lutheran Service Book

Text: Italian, c. 18th cent. Tune: Friedrich Filitz, 1804-76
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

434 Lamb of God, Pure and Holy



Lamb of God, pure and ho ly, Who on the cross didst suf fer,

Ev er pa tient and low ly, Thy self to scorn did of fer.


All sins Thou bor est for us, Else had de spair reigned o’er us:
1 Have mer cy on us, O Je sus! O Je sus!
2 Have mer cy on us, O Je sus! O Je sus!
3 Thy peace be with us, O Je sus! O Je sus!

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Judges 5:3
Hear this, you kings! Listen, you rulers! I
will sing to the LORD, I will sing; I will
make music to the LORD, the God of Israel. (NIV)

Hymn #434: Lamb of God, Pure and Holy Lutheran Service Book
Text: Nikolaus Decius, 1485-1550 Tune: Nikolaus Decius, 1485-1550
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

435 Come to Calvary’s Holy Mountain

NAAR MIT ÖIE 87 87 77

1 Come to Cal v’ry’s ho ly moun tain, Sin ners, ru ined

2 Come in pov er ty and mean ness, Come de filed, with

by the fall; Here a pure and heal ing foun tain

out, with in; From in fec tion and un clean ness,

Flows to you, to me, to all, In a full, per
From the lep ro sy of sin, Wash your robes and

pet ual tide, O pened when our Sav ior died.
make them white; Ye shall walk with God in light.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Come in sorrow and contrition, 4 They that drink shall live forever;
Wounded, impotent, and blind; ’Tis a soul–renewing flood.
Here the guilty, free remission, God is faithful; God will never
Here the troubled, peace may find, Break His covenant of blood,
Health this fountain will restore; Signed when our Redeemer died,
They that drink shall thirst no more. Sealed when He was glorified.

Hymn #435: Come to Calvary’s Holy Mountain Lutheran Service Book

Text: James Montgomery, 1771-1854 Tune: Ludvig M. Lindeman, 1812-87
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

436 Go to Dark Gethsemane


1 Go to dark Geth sem a ne, All who feel the

2 Fol low to the judg ment hall, View the Lord of

tempt er’s pow’r; Your Re deem er’s con flict see,

life ar raigned; Oh, the worm wood and the gall!


Watch with Him one bit ter hour; Turn not from His

Oh, the pangs His soul sus tained! Shun not suf f’ring,

griefs a way; Learn from Je sus Christ to pray.
shame, or loss; Learn from Him to bear the cross.

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3 Calv’ry’s mournful mountain climb; 4 Early hasten to the tomb

There, adoring at His feet, Where they laid His breathless clay;
Mark that miracle of time, All is solitude and gloom.
God’s own sacrifice complete. Who has taken Him away?
“It is finished!” hear Him cry; Christ is ris’n! He meets our eyes.
Learn from Jesus Christ to die. Savior, teach us so to rise.

Hymn #436: Go to Dark Gethsemane Lutheran Service Book

Text: James Montgomery, 1771-1854 Tune: Richard Redhead, 1820-1901
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

437 Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed


1 A las! And did my Sav ior bleed, And
2 Was it for crimes that I had done He

3 Well might the sun in dark ness hide And

did my sov’ reign die? Would He de vote that
groaned up on the tree? A maz ing pit y,
shut his glo ries in When God, the might y
sa cred head For such a worm as I?
grace un known, And love be yond de gree!
mak er, died For His own crea tures’ sin.

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4 Thus might I hide my blushing face 5 But drops of grief can ne’er repay
While His dear cross appears, The debt of love I owe;
Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, Here, Lord, I give myself away:
And melt mine eyes to tears. ’Tis all that I can do.

Hymn #437: Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed Lutheran Service Book
Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Tune: Hugh Wilson, c. 1764-1824
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

438 A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth







Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 119:172
May my tongue sing of your word, for
all your commands are righteous. (NIV)

Hymn #438: A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth Lutheran Service Book

Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76 Tune: Wolfgang Dachstein, c. 1487-1553
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

439 O Dearest Jesus, What Law Hast Thou Broken


1 O dear est Je sus, what law hast Thou
2 They crown Thy head with thorns, they smite, they

bro ken That such sharp sen tence should on Thee
scourge Thee; With cru el mock ings to the cross

be spo ken? Of what great crime hast Thou to
they urge Thee; They give Thee gall to drink, they

make con fes sion, What dark trans gres sion?
still de cry Thee; They cru ci fy Thee.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Whence come these sorrows, whence this mortal anguish?

It is my sins for which Thou, Lord, must languish;
Yea, all the wrath, the woe, Thou dost inherit,
This I do merit.
4 What punishment so strange is suffered yonder!
The Shepherd dies for sheep that loved to wander;
The Master pays the debt His servants owe Him,
Who would not know Him.
5 The sinless Son of God must die in sadness;
The sinful child of man may live in gladness;
Man forfeited his life and is acquitted;
God is committed!
6 There was no spot in me by sin untainted;
Sick with sin’s poison, all my heart had fainted;
My heavy guilt to hell had well–nigh brought me,
Such woe it wrought me.
7 O wondrous love, whose depth no heart hath sounded,
That brought Thee here, by foes and thieves surrounded!
All worldly pleasures, heedless, I was trying
While Thou wert dying.

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8 O mighty King, no time can dim Thy glory!
How shall I spread abroad Thy wondrous story?
How shall I find some worthy gifts to proffer?
What dare I offer?
9 For vainly doth our human wisdom ponder—
Thy woes, Thy mercy, still transcend our wonder.
Oh, how should I do aught that could delight Thee!
Can I requite Thee?
10 Yet unrequited, Lord, I would not leave Thee;
I will renounce whate’er doth vex or grieve Thee
And quench with thoughts of Thee and prayers most lowly
All fires unholy.
11 But since my strength will nevermore suffice me
To crucify desires that still entice me,
To all good deeds O let Thy Spirit win me
And reign within me!
12 I’ll think upon Thy mercy without ceasing,
That earth’s vain joys to me no more be pleasing;
To do Thy will shall be my sole endeavor
Henceforth forever.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

13 Whate’er of earthly good this life may grant me,
I’ll risk for Thee; no shame, no cross, shall daunt me.
I shall not fear what foes can do to harm me
Nor death alarm me.
14 But worthless is my sacrifice, I own it;
Yet, Lord, for love’s sake Thou wilt not disown it;
Thou wilt accept my gift in Thy great meekness
Nor shame my weakness.
15 And when, dear Lord, before Thy throne in heaven
To me the crown of joy at last is given,
Where sweetest hymns Thy saints forever raise Thee,
I, too, shall praise Thee!

Hymn #439: O Dearest Jesus, What Law Hast Thou Broken Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann Heermann, 1585-1647 Tune: Johann Crüger, 1598-1662
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

440 Jesus, I Will Ponder Now


1 Je sus, I will pon der now On Your ho ly pas sion;
2 Make me see Your great dis tress, An guish, and af flic tion,

With Your Spir it me en dow For such med i ta tion.
Bonds and stripes and wretch ed ness And Your cru ci fix ion;

Grant that I in love and faith May the im age cher ish
Make me see how scourge and rod, Spear and nails did wound You,

Of Your suf f’ring, pain, and death That I may not per ish.
How for them You died, O God, Who with thorns had crowned You.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Yet, O Lord, not thus alone 5 If my sins give me alarm

Make me see Your Passion; And my conscience grieve me,
But its cause to me make known Let Your cross my fear disarm;
And its termination. Peace of conscience give me.
Ah! I also and my sin Help me see forgiveness won
Wrought Your deep affliction; By Your holy passion;
This indeed the cause has been If his me He slays His Son,
Of Your crucifixion. God must have compassion!
4 Grant that I Your Passion view 6 Graciously my faith renew;
With repentant grieving. Help me bear my crosses,
Let me not bring shame to You Learning humbleness from You,
By unholy living. Peace mid pain and losses.
How could I refuse to shun May I give You love for love!
Ev’ry sinful pleasure Hear me, O my Savior,
Since for me God’s only Son That I may in heav’n above
Suffered without measure? Sing Your praise forever.

Hymn #440: Jesus, I Will Ponder Now Lutheran Service Book

Text: Sigismund von Birken, 1626-81 Tune: Melchior Vulpius, c. 1570-1615, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

441 Ride On, Ride On in Majesty



1 Ride on, ride on in maj es ty! Hark! All the
2 Ride on, ride on in maj es ty! In low ly

3 Ride on, ride on in maj es ty! The an gel


tribes ho san na cry. O Sav ior meek, pur
pomp ride on to die. O Christ, Thy tri umphs
ar mies of the sky Look down with sad and

sue Thy road, With palms and scat tered gar ments strowed.
now be gin O’er cap tive death and con quered sin.
won d’ring eyes To see the ap proach ing sac ri fice.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Ride on, ride on in majesty! 5 Ride on, ride on in majesty!
Thy last and fiercest strife is nigh. In lowly pomp ride on to die.
The Father on His sapphire throne Bow Thy meek head to mortal pain,
Awaits His own anointed Son. Then take, O Christ, Thy pow’r
and reign.

Hymn #441: Ride On, Ride On in Majesty Lutheran Service Book

Text: Henry H. Milman, 1791-1868 Tune: Musicalisch Hand-Buch der Geistlichen
Public Domain Melodien, Hamburg, 1690, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

442 All Glory, Laud, and Honor



All glo ry, laud, and hon or To You, Re deem er, King,

To whom the lips of chil dren Made sweet ho san nas ring.

1 You are the King of Is rael And Da vid’s roy al Son,
2 The com pa ny of an gels Is prais ing You on high,
3 The mul ti tude of pil grims With palms be fore You went;



Now in the Lord’s name com ing, Our King and Bless ed One.
And we with all cre a tion In cho rus make re ply.
Our praise and prayer and an thems Be fore You we pre sent.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 To You, before Your passion, 5 As You received their praises,
They sang their hymns of praise; Accept the prayers we bring,
To You, now high exalted, O Source of ev’ry blessing,
Our melody we raise. O good and gracious King.
Refrain Refrain

Hymn #442: All Glory, Laud, and Honor Lutheran Service Book
Text: Theodulf of Orléans, 760-821 Tune: Melchior Teschner, 1584-1635, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

443 Hosanna, Loud Hosanna


1 Ho san na, loud ho san na, The lit tle chil dren sang;

2 From Ol i vet they fol lowed Mid an ex ul tant crowd,

Through pil lared court and tem ple The love ly an them rang.

The vic tor palm branch wav ing And chant ing clear and loud.

To Je sus, who had blessed them, Close fold ed to His breast,

The Lord of men and heav en Rode on in low ly state

The chil dren sang their prais es, The sim plest and the best.
Nor scorned that lit tle chil dren Should on His bid ding wait.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 “Hosanna in the highest!”

That ancient song we sing;
For Christ is our Redeemer,
The Lord of heav’n our King.
Oh, may we ever praise Him
With heart and life and voice
And in His blissful presence
Eternally rejoice!

Hymn #443: Hosanna, Loud Hosanna Lutheran Service Book

Text: Jeannette Threlfall, 1821-80 Tune: M. V. Werkmeister,
Public Domain Gesang-Buch der Herzogl, Hofkapelle,
Württemberg, 1784, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

444 No Tramp of Soldiers’ Marching Feet


1 No tramp of sol diers’ march ing feet With ban ners and with drums,
2 And yet He comes. The chil dren cheer; With palms His path is strown.

No sound of mu sic’s mar tial beat: “The King of glo ry comes!”
With ev’ ry step the cross draws near; The King of glo ry’s throne.

To greet what pomp of king ly pride No bells in tri umph ring,

A stride a colt He pass es by As loud ho san nas ring,

No cit y gates swing o pen wide: “Be hold, be hold your King!”
Or else the ver y stones would cry “Be hold, be hold your King!”

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 What fading flow’rs His road adorn; 4 Now He who bore for mortals’ sake
The palms, how soon laid down! The cross and all its pains
No bloom or leaf but only thorn And chose a servant’s form to take,
The King of glory’s crown. The King of glory reigns.
The soldiers mock, the rabble cries, Hosanna to the Savior’s name
The streets with tumult ring, Till heaven’s rafters ring,
As Pilate to the mob replies, And all the ransomed host proclaim
“Behold, behold your King!” “Behold, behold your King!”

Hymn #444: No Tramp of Soldiers’ Marching Feet Lutheran Service Book

Text: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 Tune: English folk tune, 19th cent., adapt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

445 When You Woke That Thursday Morning


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #445: When You Woke That Thursday Morning Lutheran Service Book
Text: Jaroslav J. Vajda, b. 1919 Tune: Marty Haugen, b. 1950
© 1991 Concordia Publishing House © 1987 GIA Publications, Inc.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

446 Jesus, Greatest at the Table

NEW MALDEN 87 87 87

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #446: Jesus, Greatest at the Table Lutheran Service Book

Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: David McCarthy, b. 1931
© 2001 Stephen P. Starke © 1975 Stainer & Bell Ltd. and the
admin. Concordia Publishing House Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes (UK)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

447 Jesus, in Your Dying Woes


1 Je sus in Your dy ing woes, E ven while Your life blood flows,

Crav ing par don for Your foes: Hear us, ho ly Je sus.

2 Savior, for our pardon sue 5 May we in our guilt and shame
When our sins Your pangs renew, Still Your love and mercy claim,
For we know not what we do: Calling humbly on Your name:
Hear us, holy Jesus. Hear us, holy Jesus.
3 Oh, may we, who mercy need, 6 May our hearts to You incline
Be like You in heart and deed, And their thoughts Your cross entwine.
When with wrong our spirits bleed: Cheer our souls with hope divine:
Hear us, holy Jesus. Hear us, holy Jesus.
4 Jesus, pitying the sighs 7 Jesus, loving to the end
Of the thief, who near You dies, Her whose heart Your sorrows rend,
Promising him paradise: And Your dearest human friend:
Hear us, holy Jesus. Hear us, holy Jesus.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

8 May we in Your sorrows share, 14 Thirst for us in mercy still;
For Your sake all peril dare, All Your holy work fulfill;
And enjoy Your tender care: Satisfy Your loving will:
Hear us, holy Jesus. Hear us, holy Jesus.
9 May we all Your loved ones be, 15 May we thirst Your love to know.
All one holy family, Lead us in our sin and woe
Loving, since Your love we see: Where the healing waters flow:
Hear us, holy Jesus. Hear us, holy Jesus.
10 Jesus, whelmed in fears unknown, 16 Jesus, all our ransom paid,
With our evil left alone, All Your Father’s will obeyed;
While no light from heav’n is shown: By Your suff’rings perfect made:
Hear us, holy Jesus. Hear us, holy Jesus.
11 When we seem in vain to pray 17 Save us in our soul’s distress;
And our hope seems far away, Be our help to cheer and bless
In the darkness be our stay: While we grow in holiness:
Hear us, holy Jesus. Hear us, holy Jesus.
12 Though no Father seem to hear, 18 Brighten all our heav’nward way
Though no light our spirits cheer, With an ever holier ray
May we know that God is near: Till we pass to perfect day:
Hear us, holy Jesus. Hear us, holy Jesus.
13 Jesus, in Your thirst and pain, 19 Jesus, all Your labor vast,
While Your wounds Your lifeblood drain, All Your woe and conflict past,
Thirsting more our love to gain: Yielding up Your soul at last:
Hear us, holy Jesus. Hear us, holy Jesus.
Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com
20 When the death shades round us low’r, 21 May Your life and death supply
Guard us from the tempter’s pow’r, Grace to live and grace to die,
Keep us in that trial hour: Grace to reach the home on high:
Hear us, holy Jesus. Hear us, holy Jesus.

Hymn #447: Jesus, in Your Dying Woes Lutheran Service Book

Text: Thomas B. Pollock, 1836-96 Tune: Bernhard Schumacher, 1886-1978
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

447a Jesus, in Your Dying Woes
First Word


1 Je sus in Your dy ing woes, E ven while Your life blood flows,
2 Sav ior, for our par don sue When our sins Your pangs re new,
3 Oh, may we, who mer cy need, Be like You in heart and deed,

Crav ing par don for Your foes:
For we know not what we do: Hear us, ho ly Je sus.
When with wrong our spir its bleed:

Hymn #447a: Jesus, in Your Dying Woes Lutheran Service Book

Text: Thomas B. Pollock, 1836-96 Tune: Bernhard Schumacher, 1886-1978
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

447b Jesus, in Your Dying Woes
Second Word


4 Je sus, pit y ing the sighs Of the thief, who near You dies,
5 May we in our guilt and shame Still Your love and mer cy claim,
6 May our hearts to You in cline And their thoughts Your cross en twine.

Prom is ing him par a dise:
Call ing hum bly on Your name: Hear us, ho ly Je sus.
Cheer our souls with hope di vine:

Hymn #447b: Jesus, in Your Dying Woes Lutheran Service Book

Text: Thomas B. Pollock, 1836-96 Tune: Bernhard Schumacher, 1886-1978
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

447c Jesus, in Your Dying Woes
Third Word


7 Je sus, lov ing to the end Her whose heart Your sor rows rend,
8 May we in Your sor rows share, For Your sake all per il dare,
9 May we all Your loved ones be, All one ho ly fam i ly,

And Your dear est hu man friend:
And en joy Your ten der care: Hear us, ho ly Je sus.
Lov ing, since Your love we see:

Hymn #447c: Jesus, in Your Dying Woes Lutheran Service Book

Text: Thomas B. Pollock, 1836-96 Tune: Bernhard Schumacher, 1886-1978
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

447d Jesus, in Your Dying Woes
Fourth Word


10 Je sus, whelmed in fears un known, With our e vil left a lone,
11 When we seem in vain to pray And our hope seems far a way,
12 Though no Fa ther seem to hear, Though no light our spir its cheer,

While no light from heav’n is shown:
In the dark ness be our stay: Hear us, ho ly Je sus.
May we know that God is near:

Hymn #447d: Jesus, in Your Dying Woes Lutheran Service Book

Text: Thomas B. Pollock, 1836-96 Tune: Bernhard Schumacher, 1886-1978
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

447e Jesus, in Your Dying Woes
Fifth Word


13 Je sus, in Your thirst and pain, While Your wounds Your life blood drain,
14 Thirst for us in mer cy still; All Your ho ly work ful fill;
15 May we thirst Your love to know. Lead us in our sin and woe

Thirst ing more our love to gain:
Sat is fy Your lov ing will: Hear us, ho ly Je sus.
Where the heal ing wa ters flow:

Hymn #447e: Jesus, in Your Dying Woes Lutheran Service Book

Text: Thomas B. Pollock, 1836-96 Tune: Bernhard Schumacher, 1886-1978
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

447f Jesus, in Your Dying Woes
Sixth Word


16 Je sus, all our ran som paid, All Your Fa ther’s will o beyed;
17 Save us in our soul’s dis tress; Be our help to cheer and bless
18 Bright en all our heav’n ward way With an ev er ho lier ray

By Your suf f’rings per fect made:
While we grow in ho li ness: Hear us, ho ly Je sus.
Till we pass to per fect day:

Hymn #447f: Jesus, in Your Dying Woes Lutheran Service Book

Text: Thomas B. Pollock, 1836-96 Tune: Bernhard Schumacher, 1886-1978
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

447g Jesus, in Your Dying Woes
Seventh Word


19 Je sus, all Your la bor vast, All Your woe and con flict past,
20 When the death shades round us low’r, Guard us from the tempt er’s pow’r,
21 May Your life and death sup ply Grace to live and grace to die,

Yield ing up Your soul at last:
Keep us in that tri al hour: Hear us, ho ly Je sus.
Grace to reach the home on high:

Hymn #447g: Jesus, in Your Dying Woes Lutheran Service Book

Text: Thomas B. Pollock, 1836-96 Tune: Bernhard Schumacher, 1886-1978
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

448 O Darkest Woe


1 O dark est woe! Ye tears, forth flow!
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Has earth so sad a won der? God the Fa
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

ther’s on ly Son Now is bur ied yon der.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Omitted due to copyright restrictions. 6 Omitted due to copyright restrictions.

5 Omitted due to copyright restrictions. 7 Omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #448: O Darkest Woe Lutheran Service Book

Text: Friedrich von Spee, 1591-1635 (st. 1) Tune: Himmlische Harmony,
Johann Rist, 1607-67 (st. 2-7) Mainz, 1628, alt.
© Joseph Herl (st. 2-7) Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

449 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #449: O Sacred Head, Now Wounded Lutheran Service Book

Text: attr. Bernard of Clairvaux, 1091-1153 Tune: Hans L. Hassler, 1564-1612
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

450 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #450: O Sacred Head, Now Wounded Lutheran Service Book

Text: attr. Bernard of Clairvaux, 1091-1153 Tune: Hans L. Hassler, 1564-1612
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

451 Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted


1 Strick en, smit ten, and af flict ed, See Him dy ing on the tree!

2 Tell me, ye who hear Him groan ing, Was there ev er grief like His?

’Tis the Christ, by man re ject ed; Yes, my soul, ’tis He, ’tis He!
Friends through fear His cause dis own ing, Foes in sult ing His dis tress;

’Tis the long– ex pect ed Proph et, Da vid’s son, yet Da vid’s Lord;

Man y hands were raised to wound Him, None would in ter vene to save;

Proofs I see suf fi cient of it: ’Tis the true and faith ful Word.
But the deep est stroke that pierced Him Was the stroke that jus tice gave.

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3 Ye who think of sin but lightly 4 Here we have a firm foundation,

Nor suppose the evil great Here the refuge of the lost;
Here may view its nature rightly, Christ, the rock of our salvation,
Here its guilt may estimate. His the name of which we boast.
Mark the sacrifice appointed, Lamb of God, for sinners wounded,
See who bears the awful load; Sacrifice to cancel guilt!
’Tis the Word, the Lord’s Anointed, None shall ever be confounded
Son of Man and Son of God. Who on Him their hope have built.

Hymn #451: Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted Lutheran Service Book

Text: Thomas Kelly, 1769-1855 Tune: Geistliche Volkslieder,
Public Domain Paderborn, 1850
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

452 O Perfect Life of Love


1 O per fect life of love! All, all, is fin ished now,
2 No work is left un done Of all the Fa ther willed;

3 No pain that we can share But He has felt its smart;

All that He left His throne a bove To do for us be low.
His toil, His sor rows, one by one, The Scrip tures have ful filled.
All forms of hu man grief and care Have pierced that ten der heart.

4 And on His thorn–crowned head 5 In perfect love He dies;

And on His sinless soul For me He dies, for me.
Our sins in all their guilt were laid O all–atoning Sacrifice,
That He might make us whole. I cling by faith to Thee.

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6 In ev’ry time of need, 7 Yet work, O Lord, in me
Before the judgment throne, As Thou for me hast wrought;
Thy work, O Lamb of God, I’ll plead, And let me love the answer be
Thy merits, not my own. To grace Thy love has brought.

Hymn #452: O Perfect Life of Love Lutheran Service Book

Text: Henry W. Baker, 1821-77 Tune: William Daman, c. 1540-91
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

453 Upon the Cross Extended


1 Up on the cross ex tend ed See, world, your
2 Come, see these things and pon der, Your soul will

Lord sus pend ed. Your Sav ior yields His breath.
fill with won der As blood streams from each pore.

The Prince of Life from heav en Him self has free ly
Through grief be yond all know ing From His great heart came

giv en To shame and blows and bit ter death.
flow ing Sighs well ing from its deep est core.

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3 Who is it, Lord, that bruised You? 5 Your soul in griefs unbounded,
Who has so sore abused You Your head with thorns surrounded,
And caused You all Your woe? You died to ransom me.
We all must make confession The cross for me enduring,
Of sin and dire transgression The crown for me securing,
While You no ways of evil know. You healed my wounds and set me free.
4 I caused Your grief and sighing 6 Your cords of love, my Savior,
By evils multiplying Bind me to You forever,
As countless as the sands. I am no longer mine.
I caused the woes unnumbered To You I gladly tender
With which Your soul is cumbered All that my life can render
Your sorrows raised by wicked hands. And all I have to You resign.
7 Your cross I place before me;
Its saving pow’r restore me,
Sustain me in the test.
It will, when life is ending,
Be guiding and attending
My way to Your eternal rest.

Hymn #453: Upon the Cross Extended Lutheran Service Book

Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76 Tune: Heinrich Isaac, c. 1450-1517, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

454 Sing, My Tongue, the Glorious Battle


1 Sing, my tongue, the glo rious bat tle; Sing the end ing
2 Tell how, when at length the full ness Of the ap point ed

of the fray. Now a bove the cross, the tro phy,
time was come, He, the Word, was born of wom an,

Sound the loud tri um phant lay; Tell how Christ, the
Left for us His Fa ther’s home, Blazed the path of

world’s re deem er, As a vic tim won the day.
true o be dience, Shone as light a midst the gloom.

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3 Thus, with thirty years accomplished, 4 Faithful cross, true sign of triumph,
He went forth from Nazareth, Be for all the noblest tree;
Destined, dedicated, willing, None in foliage, none in blossom,
Did His work, and met His death; None in fruit thine equal be;
Like a lamb He humbly yielded Symbol of the world’s redemption,
On the cross His dying breath. For the weight that hung on thee!
5 Unto God be praise and glory;
To the Father and the Son,
To the eternal Spirit honor
Now and evermore be done;
Praise and glory in the highest
While the timeless ages run.
Hymn melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #454: Sing, My Tongue, the Glorious Battle Lutheran Service Book
Text: Venantius H. Fortunatus, 530-609 Tune: Carl F. Schalk, b. 1929
Public Domain © 1967 Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

455 The Royal Banners Forward Go


1 The roy al ban ners for ward go;

2 Where deep for us the spear was dyed,

The cross shows forth re demp tion’s flow,

Life’s tor rent rush ing from His side,

Where He, by whom our flesh was made, Our ran

To wash us in the pre cious flood Where flowed

som in His flesh has paid:

the wa ter and the blood. (6) A men.

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3 Fulfilled is all that David told 5 O tree of beauty, tree most fair,
In sure prophetic song of old, Ordained those holy limbs to bear;
That God the nations’ king should be Gone is thy shame, each crimsoned
And reign in triumph from the tree, bough
4 On whose hard arms, so widely flung, Proclaims the King of Glory now.
The weight of this world’s ransom 6 To Thee, eternal Three in One,
hung, Let homage meet by all be done;
The price of humankind to pay As by the cross Thou dost restore,
And spoil the spoiler of his prey. So guide and keep us evermore.

Hymn melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #455: The Royal Banners Forward Go Lutheran Service Book

Text: Venantius H. Fortunatus, 530-609 Tune: Paul D. Weber, b. 1949
Public Domain © 2003 Paul D. Weber

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

456 Were You There

WERE YOU THERE 10 10 14 10

1 Were you there when they cru ci fied my Lord?

2 Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree?


Were you there when they cru ci fied my Lord?
Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree?


Oh, some times it caus es me to trem ble, trem ble,

Oh, some times it caus es me to trem ble, trem ble,


trem ble, Were you there when they cru ci fied my Lord?
trem ble, Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree?

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3 Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?

Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?
Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble,
Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?
4 Were you there when God raised Him from the tomb?
Were you there when God raised Him from the tomb?
Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble,
Were you there when God raised Him from the tomb?

Hymn #456: Were You There Lutheran Service Book

Text: African American spiritual, 19th cent. Tune: African American spiritual, 19th cent., alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

457 Jesus Christ Is Risen Today

EASTER HYMN 77 77 with Alleluias

1 Je sus Christ is ris’n to day, Al le lu ia!
2 Hymns of praise then let us sing, Al le lu ia!
Our tri um phant ho ly day, Al le lu ia!

Un to Christ, our heav’n ly king, Al le lu ia!
Who did once up on the cross, Al le lu ia!
Who en dured the cross and grave, Al le lu ia!

Suf fer to re deem our loss. Al le lu ia!
Sin ners to re deem and save. Al le lu ia!

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3 But the pains which He endured, 4 Sing we to our God above,
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Our salvation have procured; Praise eternal as His love;
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Now above the sky He’s king, Praise Him, all ye heav’nly host,
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Where the angels ever sing. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Hymn #457: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today Lutheran Service Book

Text: Latin, c. 14th cent. (st. 1-3) Tune: Lyra Davidica,
Charles Wesley, 1707-88 (st. 4) London, 1708, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

458 Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands


1 Christ Je sus lay in death’s strong bands For our of fens


es giv en; But now at God’s right hand He stands

And brings us life
 from heav en. There fore let us


joy ful be And sing to God right thank ful ly

Loud songs of al le lu ia! Al le lu ia!

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2 No son of man could conquer death, 5 Here our true Paschal Lamb we see,
Such ruin sin had wrought us. Whom God so freely gave us;
No innocence was found on earth, He died on the accursed tree—
And therefore death had brought us So strong His love—to save us.
Into bondage from of old See, His blood now marks our door;
And ever grew more strong and bold Faith points to it; death passes o’er,
And held us as its captive. And Satan cannot harm us.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
3 Christ Jesus, God’s own Son, came down, 6 So let us keep the festival
His people to deliver; To which the Lord invites us;
Destroying sin, He took the crown Christ is Himself the joy of all,
From death’s pale brow forever; The sun that warms and lights us.
Stripped of pow’r, no more it reigns; Now His grace to us imparts
An empty form alone remains; Eternal sunshine to our hearts;
Its sting is lost forever. The night of sin is ended.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
4 It was a strange and dreadful strife 7 Then let us feast this Easter Day
When life and death contended; On Christ, the bread of heaven;
The victory remained with life, The Word of grace has purged away
The reign of death was ended. The old and evil leaven.
Holy Scripture plainly saith Christ alone our souls will feed;
That death is swallowed up by death, He is our meat and drink indeed;
Its sting is lost forever. Faith lives upon no other!
Alleluia! Alleluia!

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Psalm 57:9
I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations;
I will sing of you among the peoples. (NIV)

Hymn #458: Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Tune: Latin melody, c. 1100, adapt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

459 Christ Is Arisen






Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 51:14
Save me from bloodguilt, O God, the
God who saves me, and my tongue will
sing of your righteousness. (NIV)

Hymn #459: Christ Is Arisen Lutheran Service Book

Text: German, 12th-15th cent. Tune: Latin melody, c. 1100, alt.
© 1969 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

460 Christians, to the Paschal Victim



Chris tians, 
to the Pas chal Vic tim Of fer your thank ful prais es!

The Lamb the sheep has ran somed: Christ, who on ly is sin less,


Rec on cil ing sin ners to the Fa ther. Death and life have con tend ed

In that com bat stu pen dous: The Prince of life, who died, Reigns im mor tal.


1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


“Speak, Mar y, de clar ing What you saw when way far ing.”

“The tomb of Christ, who is liv ing, The glo ry of Je sus’ res ur rec tion;

Bright an gels at test ing, The shroud and nap kin rest ing.

My Lord, my hope, is a ris en; To Gal i lee He goes be fore you.”

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2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Christ in deed from death is ris en, Our new life ob tain ing.

Have mer cy, vic tor King, ev er reign ing!


3 _ _ _ _ _ _

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #460: Christians, to the Paschal Victim Lutheran Service Book

Text (Cantor): attr. Wipo of Burgundy, d. 1048 Tune (Cantor): Mode I, attr. Wipo of Burgundy,
Public Domain 11th cent.
Text (Congregation) German, 12th-15th cent. Public Domain
© 1969 Concordia Publishing House Tune (Congregation): Latin melody,
c. 1100, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

461 I Know That My Redeemer Lives


1 I know that my Re deem er lives; What com fort
2 He lives tri um phant from the grave; He lives e

3 He lives to bless me with His love; He lives to

this sweet sen tence gives! He lives, He lives, who
ter nal ly to save; He lives all– glo rious
plead for me a bove; He lives my hun gry
once was dead; He lives, my ev er liv ing head.
in the sky; He lives ex alt ed there on high.
soul to feed; He lives to help in time of need.

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4 He lives to grant me rich supply; 6 He lives my kind, wise, heav’nly friend;
He lives to guide me with His eye; He lives and loves me to the end;
He lives to comfort me when faint; He lives, and while he lives, I’ll sing;
He lives to hear my soul’s complaint. He lives, my Prophet, Priest, and King.
5 He lives to silence all my fears; 7 He lives and grants me daily breath;
He lives to wipe away my tears; He lives, and I shall conquer death;
He lives to calm my troubled heart; He lives my mansion to prepare;
He lives all blessings to impart. He lives to bring me safely there.
8 He lives, all glory to His name!
He lives, my Jesus, still the same;
Oh, the sweet joy this sentence gives;
I know that my Redeemer lives!

Hymn #461: I Know That My Redeemer Lives Lutheran Service Book

Text: Samuel Medley, 1738-99 Tune: attr. John C. Hatten, c. 1710-93
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

462 All the Earth with Joy Is Sounding

MICHAEL 87 87 33 7

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #462: All the Earth with Joy Is Sounding Lutheran Service Book
Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: Herbert Howells, 1892-1983
© 1995 Stephen P. Starke © 1968, Novello & Company, Limited,
admin. Concordia Publishing House London, UK

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

463 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today; Alleluia

LLANFAIR 77 77 with Alleluias


1 Christ the Lord is ris’n to day; Al le lu ia!
2 For the sheep the Lamb has bled, Al le lu ia!

Chris tians, has ten on your way; Al le lu ia!

Sin less in the sin ner’s stead. Al le lu ia!

Of fer praise with love re plete, Al le lu ia!
Christ the Lord is ris’n on high; Al le lu ia!


At the pas chal vic tim’s feet. Al le lu ia!
Now He lives, no more to die. Al le lu ia!

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3 Hail, the victim undefiled, 4 Christians, on this holy day,

Alleluia! Alleluia!
God and sinners reconciled, All your grateful homage pay;
Alleluia! Alleluia!
When contending death and life, Christ the Lord is ris’n on high;
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Met in strange and awesome strife. Now He lives, no more to die.
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Hymn #463: Christ the Lord Is Risen Today; Alleluia Lutheran Service Book
Text: attr. Wipo of Burgundy, d. 1048 Tune: Robert Williams, c. 1781-1821
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

464 The Strife Is O’er, the Battle Done

VICTORY 888 with Alleluias


Al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le lu ia!

1 The strife is o’er, the bat tle done;

2 The pow’rs of death have done their worst,

Now is the vic tor’s tri umph won;
But Christ their le gions hath dis persed.
Repeat Refrain after stz. 5

Now be the song of praise be gun. Al le lu ia!

Let shouts of ho ly joy out burst. Al le lu ia!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 The three sad days have quickly sped,
He rises glorious from the dead.
All glory to our risen Head!
4 He broke the age–bound chains of hell;
The bars from heav’n’s high portals fell.
Let hymns of praise His triumph tell.
5 Lord, by the stripes which wounded Thee,
From death’s dread sting Thy servants free
That we may live and sing to Thee.

Hymn #464: The Strife Is O’er, the Battle Done Lutheran Service Book
Text: Symphonia Sirenum Selectarum, Tune: Giovanni P. da Palestrina,
Köln, 1695 c. 1525-94, adapt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

465 Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds

LASST UNS ERFREUEN 888 888 with Alleluias



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Luke 7:32
They are like children sitting in the marketplace
and calling out to each other: We played the
flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang
a dirge, and you did not cry. (NIV)

Hymn #465: Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds Lutheran Service Book
Text: Paul Z. Strodach, 1876-1947 Tune: Geistliche Kirchengesänge,
© 1958 Augsburg Publishing House Köln, 1623
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

466 Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia

MFURAHINI HALELUYA 99 99 with Refrain






Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #466: Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia Lutheran Service Book

Text: Bernard Kyamanywa, b. 1938 Tune: Tanzanian
© 1977 Howard S. Olsen Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

467 Awake, My Heart, with Gladness

AUF, AUF, MEIN HERZ 76 76 66 66

1 A wake, my heart, with glad ness, See what to day is done;

2 The foe in tri umph shout ed When Christ lay in the tomb;

Now, af ter gloom and sad ness, Comes forth the glo rious sun.

 But lo, he now is

rout ed, His boast is
turned to gloom.

My Sav ior there was laid Where our bed must be made

For Christ a gain is
 free; In glo rious vic to ry

When to the realms of light Our spir it wings its flight.
He who is strong to save Has tri umphed o’er the grave.

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3 This is a sight that gladdens— 5 The world against me rages,

What peace it does impart! Its fury I disdain;
Now nothing ever saddens Though bitter war it wages,
The joy within my heart. Its work is all in vain.
No gloom shall ever shake, My heart from care is free,
No foe shall ever take No trouble troubles me.
The hope which God’s own Son Misfortune now is play,
In love for me has won. And night is bright as day.
4 Now hell, its prince, the devil, 6 Now I will cling forever
Of all their pow’r are shorn; To Christ, my Savior true;
Now I am safe from evil, My Lord will leave me never,
And sin I laugh to scorn. Whate’er he passes through.
Grim death with all its might He rends death’s iron chain;
Cannot my soul affright; He breaks through sin and pain;
It is a pow’rless form, He shatters hell’s grim thrall;
Howe’er it rave and storm. I follow Him through all.

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7 He brings me to the portal
That leads to bliss untold,
Whereon this rhyme immortal
Is found in script of gold:
“Who there My cross has shared
Find here a crown prepared;
Who there with Me has died
Shall here be glorified.”

Hymn #467: Awake, My Heart, with Gladness Lutheran Service Book

Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76 Tune: Johann Crüger, 1598-1662
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

468 I Am Content! My Jesus Ever Lives

ES IST GENUG 10 6 10 6 99 44

1 I am con tent! My Je sus ev er lives, In whom my heart is
2 I am con tent! My Je sus is my head; His mem ber I shall

pleased. He has ful filled the Law of God for me, God’s wrath He
be. He bowed His head when on the cross He died With cries of

has ap peased. Since He in death could per ish nev er, I al
ag o ny. Now death is brought in to sub jec tion For me

so shall not die for ev er. I am con tent! I am con tent!
by Je sus’ res ur rec tion. I am con tent! I am con tent!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 I am content!
My Jesus is my light,
My radiant sun of grace.
His cheering rays beam blessings forth for all,
Sweet comfort, hope, and peace.
This Easter sun has brought salvation
And everlasting exultation.
I am content! I am content!
4 I am content!
At length I shall be free,
Awakened from the dead,
Arising glorious evermore to be
With You, my living head.
The chains that hold my body, sever;
Then shall my soul rejoice forever.
I am content! I am content!

Hymn #468: I Am Content! My Jesus Ever Lives Lutheran Service Book

Text: attr. Johann J. Möller, 1660-1733 Tune: Johann R. Ahle, 1625-73, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

469 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today


1 “Christ the Lord is ris’n to day!” Saints on earth and an gels say;
2 Love’s re deem ing work is done, Fought the fight, the bat tle won;
3 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal; Christ has burst the gates of hell.
4 Lives a gain our glo rious King! Where, O death, is now your sting?

Raise your joys and tri umphs high; Sing, ye heav’ns, and earth, re ply.
Lo, Our sun’s e clipse is o’er; Lo, He sets in blood no more.
Death in vain for bids His rise; Christ has o pened par a dise.
Once He died our souls to save; Where thy vic to ry, O grave?

5 Soar we now where Christ has led; 6 Hail the Lord of earth and heav’n!
Foll’wing our exalted Head. Praise to Thee by both be giv’n!
Made like Him, like Him we rise; Thee we greet triumphant now:
Ours the cross, the grave, the skies. Hail, the resurrection, Thou!

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Psalm 89:12
You created the north and the south; Tabor
and Hermon sing for joy at your name. (NIV)

Hymn #469: Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Lutheran Service Book
Text: Charles Wesley, 1707-88 Tune: Pierre de Corbeille, d. 1221, adapt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

470 O Sons and Daughters of the King

GELOBT SEI GOTT 888 with Alleluias

1 O sons and daugh ters of the King, Whom heav’n ly
2 That Eas ter morn, at break of day, The faith ful
3 An an gel clad in white they see, Who sits and

hosts in glo ry sing, To day the grave has lost its sting!
wom en went their way To seek the tomb where Je sus lay.
speaks un to the three, “Your Lord will go to Gal i lee.”

Al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le lu ia!

4 That night the apostles met in fear; 5 When Thomas first the tidings heard
Among them came their master dear That they had seen the risen Lord,
And said, “My peace be with you here.” He doubted the disciples’ word.
Alleluias Alleluias

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6 “My pierced side, O Thomas, see 8 How blest are they who have not seen
And look upon My hands, My feet; And yet whose faith has constant been,
Not faithless but believing be.” For they eternal life shall win.
Alleluias Alleluias
7 No longer Thomas then denied; 9 On this most holy day of days
He saw the feet, the hands, the side; Be laud and jubilee and praise:
“You are my Lord and God!” he cried. To God your hearts and voices raise.
Alleluias Alleluias

Hymn #470: O Sons and Daughters of the King Lutheran Service Book
Text: attr. Jean Tisserand, d. 1494 Tune: Melchior Vulpius, c. 1570-1615, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

471 O Sons and Daughters of the King

O FILII ET FILIAE 888 with Alleluias


Al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le lu ia!
1 O sons and daugh ters of the King,
2 That Eas ter morn, at break of day,

Whom heav’n ly hosts in glo ry sing,
The faith ful wom en went their way
Repeat Refrain after stz. 9

To day the grave has lost its sting! Al le lu ia!
To seek the tomb where Je sus lay. Al le lu ia!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 An angel clad in white they see, 6 “My pierced side, O Thomas, see
Who sits and speaks unto the three, And look upon My hands, My feet;
“Your Lord will go to Galilee.” Not faithless but believing be.”
Alleluia! Alleluia!
4 That night the apostles met in fear; 7 No longer Thomas then denied;
Among them came their master dear He saw the feet, the hands, the side;
And said, “My peace be with you here.” “You are my Lord and God!” he cried.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
5 When Thomas first the tidings heard 8 How blest are they who have not seen
That they had seen the risen Lord, And yet whose faith has constant been,
He doubted the disciples’ word. For they eternal life shall win.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
9 On this most holy day of days
Be laud and jubilee and praise:
To God your hearts and voices raise.
Alleluia! Refrain

Hymn #471: O Sons and Daughters of the King Lutheran Service Book
Text: attr. Jean Tisserand, d. 1494 Tune: French, 15th cent.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

472 These Things Did Thomas Count as Real


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #472: These Things Did Thomas Count as Real Lutheran Service Book
Text: Thomas H. Kingo, 1634-1703 Tune: Stephen R. Johnson, b. 1966
© 1984 Oxford University Press, Inc. © 2003 Stephen R. Johnson

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

473 Our Paschal Lamb, That Sets Us Free

REGION THREE CM with Refrain



Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #473: Our Paschal Lamb, That Sets Us Free Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin H. Franzmann, 1907-76 Tune: Walter L. Pelz, b. 1926
© 1974 Augsburg Publishing House © 1974 Augsburg Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

474 Alleluia! Jesus Is Risen

EARTH AND ALL STARS 4 5 10 4 5 10 with Refrain


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 138:1, 5
I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart;
before the gods I will sing your praise ...
May they sing of the ways of the LORD, for
the glory of the LORD is great. (NIV)

Hymn #474: Alleluia! Jesus Is Risen Lutheran Service Book

Text: Herbert F. Brokering, b. 1926 Tune: David N. Johnson, 1922-87
© 1995 Augsburg Fortress © 1968 Augsburg Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

475 Good Christian Friends, Rejoice and Sing

GELOBT SEI GOTT 888 with Alleluias




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #475: Good Christian Friends, Rejoice and Sing Lutheran Service Book
Text: Cyril A. Alington, 1872-1955 Tune: Melchior Vulpius, c. 1570-1615, alt.
© 1958, 1986 Hymns Ancient and Modern, Public Domain
admin. Hope Publishing Co.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

476 Who Are You Who Walk in Sorrow




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 147:1, 7
Praise the LORD. How good it is to sing praises
to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise
him ... Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving;
make music to our God on the harp. (NIV)

Hymn #476: Who Are You Who Walk in Sorrow Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: William Walker,
© 2000 National Association of Pastoral Musicians Southern Harmony, 1835
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

477 Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven


1 Al le lu ia, al le lu ia! Hearts to heav’n and voic es raise:

2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Sing to God a hymn of glad ness, Sing to God a hymn of praise;

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

He who on the cross a vic tim For the world’s sal va tion bled—

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Je sus Christ, the King of Glo ry, Now is ris en from the dead.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Alleluia, alleluia!
Glory be to God on high:
Alleluia to the Savior
Who has gained the victory;
Alleluia to the Spirit,
Fount of love and sanctity!
Alleluia, alleluia
To the triune Majesty!

Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #477: Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven Lutheran Service Book

Text: Christopher Wordsworth, 1807-85 (st. 1, 3) Tune: Ludwig van Beethoven, 1770-1827, alt.
rev. Jubilate Hymns Ltd. (st. 2) Public Domain
© 1982 Jubilate Hymns Ltd.
admin. Hope Publishing Co. (st. 2)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

478 The Day of Resurrection


1 The day of res ur rec tion! Earth, tell it out a broad,
2 Our hearts be purged of e vil That we may see a right

The pass o ver of glad ness, The Pass o ver of God.
The Lord in rays e ter
nal Of res ur rec tion light


From death to life e ter nal, From sin’s do min ion free,
And, lis t’ning to His ac cents, May hear, so calm and plain,


Our Christ has brought us o ver With hymns of vic to ry.
His own “All hail!” and, hear ing, May raise the vic tor strain.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Now let the heav’ns be joyful, 4 All praise to God the Father,
Let earth her song begin. All praise to God the Son,
Let all the world keep triumph All praise to God the Spirit,
And all that is therein. Eternal Three in One!
Let all things, seen and unseen, Let all the ransomed number
Their notes of gladness blend; Fall down before the throne
For Christ the Lord has risen; And honor, pow’r, and glory
Our joy shall have no end! Ascribe to God alone!

Hymn #478: The Day of Resurrection Lutheran Service Book

Text: John of Damascus, c. 696-c. 754 Tune: Henry T. Smart, 1813-79
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

479 Christ Is Risen, Christ Is Living



Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #479: Christ Is Risen, Christ Is Living Lutheran Service Book

Text: Nicholas Martinez, 1917-72 Tune: Pablo D. Sosa, b. 1933
© 1974 Hope Publishing Co. © 1962 Pablo D. Sosa

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

480 He’s Risen, He’s Risen

WALTHER 11 11 11 11


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #480: He’s Risen, He’s Risen Lutheran Service Book

Text: Carl F. W. Walther, 1811-87 Tune: Carl F. W. Walther, 1811-87
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

481 Scatter the Darkness, Break the Gloom

BESANÇON 87 98 87


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #481: Scatter the Darkness, Break the Gloom Lutheran Service Book
Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: French
© 1995 Stephen P. Starke Public Domain
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

482 This Joyful Eastertide

VRUECHTEN 67 67 with Refrain


1 This joy ful Eas ter tide A way with sin and
2 Death’s flood has lost its chill Since Je sus crossed the

3 My flesh in hope shall rest And for a sea son

sor row! My love, the Cru ci fied,
riv er; Lov er of souls, from ill

slum ber Till trump from east to west


Has sprung to life this mor row:
My pass ing soul de liv er:
Shall wake the dead in num ber:

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com



Had Christ, who once was slain, Not burst his three– day pris on,

Our faith had been in vain: But now has Christ a ris en,

a ris en, a ris en; But now has Christ a ris en!

Hymn #482: This Joyful Eastertide Lutheran Service Book

Text: George R. Woodward, 1848-1934 Tune: Davids Psalmen,
Public Domain Amsterdam, 1684
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

483 With High Delight Let Us Unite

MIT FREUDEN ZART 448 448 44 44 8


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Zephaniah 3:14
Sing, O Daughter of Zion; shout aloud,
O Israel! Be glad and rejoice with all
your heart, O Daughter of Jerusalem! (NIV)

Hymn #483: With High Delight Let Us Unite Lutheran Service Book
Text: Georg Vetter, 1536-99 Tune: Cinquante Pseaumes,
© 1969 Concordia Publishing House Geneva, 1543, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

484 Make Songs of Joy



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #484: Make Songs of Joy Lutheran Service Book

Text: Juraj Tranovský, 1591-1637 Tune: Juraj Chorvát,
© 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship Velká Paritúra, 1936
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

485 Long before the World Is Waking

ALL SAINTS 87 87 77


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #485: Long before the World Is Waking Lutheran Service Book
Text: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 Tune: Geist-reiches Gesang-Buch,
© 1984 Hope Publishing Co. Darmstadt, 1698
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

486 If Christ Had Not Been Raised from Death


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #486: If Christ Had Not Been Raised from Death Lutheran Service Book
Text: Christopher M. Idle, b. 1938 Tune: Phillip Magness, b. 1963
© 1987 Jubilate Hymns Ltd. © 2003 Phillip Magness
admin. Hope Publishing Co.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

487 Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain


1 Come, you faith ful, raise the strain Of tri um phant glad ness!
2 ’Tis the spring of souls to day: Christ has burst His pris on
God has brought His Is ra el In to joy from sad ness,
And from three days’ sleep in death As a sun has ris en;

Loosed from Phar aoh’s bit ter yoke Ja cob’s sons and daugh ters,
All the win ter of our sins, Long and dark, is fly ing

Led them with un moist ened foot Through the Red Sea wa ters.
From His light, to whom is giv’n Laud and praise un dy ing.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Now the queen of seasons, bright 4 For today among His own
With the day of splendor, Christ appeared, bestowing
With the royal feast of feasts His deep peace, which evermore
Comes its joy to render; Passes human knowing.
Comes to gladden faithful hearts Neither could the gates of death
Which with true affection Nor the tomb’s dark portal
Welcome in unwearied strain Nor the watchers nor the seal
Jesus’ resurrection! Hold Him as a mortal.
5 Alleluia! Now we cry
To our King immortal,
Who, triumphant, burst the bars
Of the tomb’s dark portal.
Come, you faithful, raise the strain
Of triumphant gladness!
God has brought His Israel
Into joy from sadness!

Hymn #487: Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain Lutheran Service Book
Text: John of Damascus, c. 696-c. 754 Tune: Johann Horn, c. 1490-1547
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

488 He Is Arisen! Glorious Word

WIE SCHÖN LEUCHTET 887 887 4444 8


He is a ris en! Glo rious Word! Now rec on ciled

is God, my Lord; The gates of heav’n are o pen.
My Je sus did tri um phant die, And Sa tan’s ar

rows bro ken lie, De stroyed hell’s fierc est weap on.

O hear what cheer! Christ vic to rious, Ris ing glo rious,

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Life is giv ing. He was dead but now is liv ing!

Hymn #488: He Is Arisen! Glorious Word Lutheran Service Book

Text: Birgitte K. Boye, 1742-1824 Tune: Philipp Nicolai, 1556-1608, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

489a Hail Thee, Festival Day






Stz. 1, 3, 5


Stz. 2, 4, 6

3 3


3 3


Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Isaiah 26:1
In that day this song will be sung in the
land of Judah: We have a strong city; God
makes salvation its walls and ramparts. (NIV)

Hymn #489a: Hail Thee, Festival Day Lutheran Service Book

Text: Venantius H. Fortunatus, 530-609 Tune: Ralph V. Williams, 1872-1958
© 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

489b Hail Thee, Festival Day




Stz. 1, 3, 5


Stz. 2, 4, 6

3 3


3 3


Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Psalm 138:1, 5
I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart;
before the gods I will sing your praise ...
May they sing of the ways of the LORD, for
the glory of the LORD is great. (NIV)

Hymn #489b: Hail Thee, Festival Day Lutheran Service Book

Text: Venantius H. Fortunatus, 530-609 Tune: Ralph V. Williams, 1872-1958
© 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

489c Hail Thee, Festival Day






Stz. 1, 3, 5


Stz. 2, 4, 6

3 3


3 3


Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Ephesians 5:19-20
Speak to one another with psalms, hymns
and spiritual songs. Sing and make music
in your heart to the Lord, always giving
thanks to God the Father for everything,
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (NIV)

Hymn #489c: Hail Thee, Festival Day Lutheran Service Book

Text: Venantius H. Fortunatus, 530-609 Tune: Ralph V. Williams, 1872-1958
© 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

490 Jesus Lives! The Victory’s Won


1 Je sus lives! The vic t’ry’s won! Death no long er can
2 Je sus lives! To Him the throne High a bove all things

ap pall me; Je sus lives! Death’s reign is done! From
is giv en. I shall go where He is gone, Live

the grave will Christ re call me. Bright er scenes
and reign with Him in heav en. God is faith

will then com mence; This shall be my con fi dence.
ful; doubt ings, hence! This shall be my con fi dence.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Jesus lives! For me He died, 4 Jesus lives! I know full well

Hence will I, to Jesus living, Nothing me from Him shall sever.
Pure in heart and act abide, Neither death nor pow’rs of hell
Praise to Him and glory giving. Part me now from Christ forever.
All I need God will dispense; God will be my sure defense;
This shall be my confidence. This shall be my confidence.
5 Jesus lives! And now is death
But the gate of life immortal;
This shall calm my trembling breath
When I pass its gloomy portal.
Faith shall cry, as fails each sense:
Jesus is my confidence.

Hymn #490: Jesus Lives! The Victory’s Won Lutheran Service Book
Text: Christian F. Gellert, 1715-69 Tune: Johann Crüger, 1598-1662
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

491 Up through Endless Ranks of Angels


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #491: Up through Endless Ranks of Angels Lutheran Service Book

Text: Jaroslav J. Vajda, b. 1919 Tune: Henry V. Gerike, b. 1948
© 1974 Augsburg Publishing House © 1973 Henry V. Gerike

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

492 On Christ’s Ascension I Now Build

NUN FREUT EUCH 87 87 887




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #492: On Christ’s Ascension I Now Build Lutheran Service Book

Text: Josua Wegelin, 1604-40 Tune: Etlich Cristlich lider,
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House Wittenberg, 1524
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

493 A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing

LASST UNS ERFREUEN 888 888 with Alleluias



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 90:14
Satisfy us in the morning with your
unfailing love, that we may sing for
joy and be glad all our days. (NIV)

Hymn #493: A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing Lutheran Service Book

Text: The Venerable Bede, 673-735 Tune: Geistliche Kirchengesäng,
© 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship Köln, 1623, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

494 See, the Lord Ascends in Triumph


1 See, the Lord as cends in tri umph; Con qu’ring King in

roy al state, Rid ing on the clouds, His char iot, To His

heav’n ly pal ace gate. Hark! The choirs of an gel voic


es Joy ful al le lu ias sing, And the por


tals high are lift ed To re ceive their heav’n ly King.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 Who is this that comes in glory 4 Now our heav’nly Aaron enters
With the trump of jubilee? With His blood within the veil;
Lord of battles, God of armies, Joshua now is come to Canaan,
He has gained the victory. And the kings before Him quail.
He who on the cross did suffer, Now He plants the tribes of Israel
He who from the grave arose, In their promised resting place;
He has vanquished sin and Satan; Now our great Elijah offers
He by death has crushed His foes. Double portion of His grace.
3 While He lifts His hands in blessing, 5 He has raised our human nature
He is parted from His friends; On the clouds to God’s right hand;
While their eager eyes behold Him, There we sit in heav’nly places,
He upon the clouds ascends. There with Him in glory stand.
He who walked with God and Jesus reigns, adored by angels;
pleased Him, Man with God is on the throne.
Preaching truth and doom to come, By our mighty Lord’s ascension
He, our Enoch, is translated We by faith behold our own.
To His everlasting home.

Hymn #494: See, the Lord Ascends in Triumph Lutheran Service Book
Text: Christopher Wordsworth, 1807-85 Tune: Henry T. Smart, 1813-79
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

495 Look, Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious

BRYN CALFARIA 87 87 444 77

1 Look, ye saints, the sight is glo rious; See the Man of Sor rows now!
2 Crown the Sav ior! An gels crown Him! Rich the tro phies Je sus brings;
From the fight re turned vic to rious, Ev’ ry knee to Him shall bow.
On the seat of pow’r en throne Him While the vault of heav en rings.
Crown him! Crown him! Crown him! Crown him! Crown him! Crown him!
Crown him! Crown him! Crown him! Crown him! Crown him! Crown him!

Crowns be come the vic tor’s brow. Crowns be come the vic tor’s brow.
Crown the Sav ior King of kings. Crown the Sav ior, King of kings.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Sinners in derision crowned Him, 4 Hark, those bursts of acclamation!

Mocking thus the Savior’s claim; Hark, those loud triumphant chords!
Saints and angels crowd around Him, Jesus takes the highest station;
Own His title, praise His name. Oh, what joy the sight affords!
Crown him! Crown him! Crown him! Crown him! Crown him! Crown him!
Crown him! Crown him! Crown him! Crown him! Crown him! Crown him!
Spread abroad the victor’s fame. King of kings and Lord of lords!
Spread abroad the victor’s fame. King of kings and Lord of lords!

Hymn #495: Look, Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious Lutheran Service Book
Text: Thomas Kelly, 1769-1855 Tune: William Owen, 1814-93
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

496 Holy Spirit, Light Divine

SONG 13 77 77

1 Ho ly Spir it, light di vine, Shine up on this heart of mine;
2 Let me see my Sav ior’s face, Let me all His beau ties trace;
3 Ho ly Spir it, pow’r di vine, Cleanse this guilt y heart of mine;

Chase the shades of night a way, Turn the dark ness in to day.
Show those glo rious truths to me Which are on ly known to Thee.
In Thy mer cy pit y me, From sin’s bond age set me free.

4 Holy Spirit, joy divine, 5 Holy Spirit, all divine,

Cheer this saddened heart of mine; Dwell within this heart of mine;
Yield a sacred, settled peace, Cast down ev’ry idol throne,
Let it grow and still increase. Reign supreme, and reign alone.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 147:1, 7
Praise the LORD. How good it is to sing praises
to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise
him ... Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving;
make music to our God on the harp. (NIV)

Hymn #496: Holy Spirit, Light Divine Lutheran Service Book

Text: Andrew Reed, 1788-1862 Tune: Orlando Gibbons, 1583-1625, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

497 Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord







Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 71:22
I will praise you with the harp for your faithfulness,
O my God; I will sing praise to you with the
lyre, O Holy One of Israel. (NIV)

Hymn #497: Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord Lutheran Service Book
Text: German, 15th cent. (st. 1) Tune: Eyn Enchiridion oder Handbüchlein,
Martin Luther, 1483-1546 (st. 2-3) Erfurt, 1524
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

498 Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest


1 Come, Ho ly Ghost, Cre a tor blest, And make our
2 To You, the Coun sel or, we cry, To You, the

3 In You, with grac es sev en fold, We God’s al

hearts Your place of rest; Come with Your grace and
gift of God Most High; The fount of life, the
might y hand be hold While You with tongues of

heav’n ly aid, And fill the hearts which You have made.
fire of love, The soul’s a noint ing from a bove.
fire pro claim To all the world His ho ly name.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Your light to ev’ry thought impart, 6 Teach us to know the Father, Son,
And shed Your love in ev’ry heart; And You, from both, as Three in One
The weakness of our mortal state That we Your name may ever bless
With deathless might invigorate. And in our lives the truth confess.
5 Drive far away our wily foe, 7 Praise we the Father and the Son
And Your abiding peace bestow; And Holy Spirit, with them One,
With You as our protecting guide, And may the Son on us bestow
No evil can with us abide. The gifts that from the Spirit flow!

Hymn #498: Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest Lutheran Service Book
Text: attr. Rhabanus Maurus, 776-856 Tune: Joseph Klug,
Public Domain Geistliche lieder auffs new gebessert,
Wittenberg, 1533
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

499 Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest


1 Come, Ho ly Ghost, Cre a tor blest, And make our hearts
2 To You, the Coun sel or, we cry, To You, the gift
3 In You, with grac es sev en fold, We God’s al might


Your place of rest; Come with Your grace and heav’n ly aid,
of God Most High; The fount of life, the fire of love,

y hand be hold While You with tongues of fire pro claim

And fill the hearts which You have made.
The soul’s a noint ing from a bove.
To all the world His ho ly name. (7) A men.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Your light to ev’ry thought impart, 6 Teach us to know the Father, Son,
And shed Your love in ev’ry heart; And You, from both, as Three in One
The weakness of our mortal state That we Your name may ever bless
With deathless might invigorate. And in our lives the truth confess.
5 Drive far away our wily foe, 7 Praise we the Father and the Son
And Your abiding peace bestow; And Holy Spirit, with them One,
With You as our protecting guide, And may the Son on us bestow
No evil can with us abide. The gifts that from the Spirit flow!

Hymn #499: Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest Lutheran Service Book
Text: attr. Rhabanus Maurus, 776-856 Tune: Sarum plainsong,
Public Domain Mode VIII, c. 9th cent.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

500 Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid

ALL EHR UND LOB 88 88 88

1 Cre a tor Spir it, by whose aid The world’s foun da

2 O Source of un cre at ed light, The bear er of


tions first were laid, Come, vis it ev’ ry hum ble mind;
God’s gra cious might, Thrice– ho ly fount, thrice– ho ly fire,
Come, pour Your joys on hu man kind; From sin and sor

Our hearts with heav’n ly love in spire; Your sa cred, heal

row set us free; May we Your liv ing tem ples be.
ing mes sage bring To sanc ti fy us when we sing.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Giver of grace, descend from high; 4 Immortal honor, endless fame

Your sev’nfold gifts to us supply; Attend the almighty Father’s name;
Help us eternal truths receive The Savior–Son be glorified,
And practice all that we believe; Who for all humankind has died;
Give us Yourself that we may see To You, O Paraclete, we raise
The glory of the Trinity. Unending songs of thanks and praise.

Hymn #500: Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid Lutheran Service Book

Text: attr. Rhabanus Maurus, 776-856 Tune: Gesangbuch … Psalmen,
Public Domain Geistliche Lieder,
Strassburg, 1541, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

501 Come Down, O Love Divine

DOWN AMPNEY 66 11 66 11

1 Come down, O Love di vine; Seek Thou this soul of mine,

2 O let it free ly burn, Till world ly pas sions turn

And vis it it with Thine own ar dor glow ing;

To dust and ash es in its heat con sum ing;

O Com fort er, draw near; With in my heart ap pear,
And let Thy glo rious light Shine ev er on my sight,

And kin dle it, Thy ho ly flame be stow ing.
And clothe me round, the while my path il lum ing.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Let holy charity

Mine outward vesture be
And lowliness become mine inner clothing—
True lowliness of heart,
Which takes the humbler part,
And o’er its own shortcomings weeps with loathing.
4 And so the yearning strong,
With which the soul will long,
Shall far outpass the pow’r of human telling;
No soul can guess His grace
Till it become the place
Wherein the Holy Spirit makes His dwelling.

Hymn #501: Come Down, O Love Divine Lutheran Service Book

Text: Bianco da Siena, c. 1350-1434 Tune: Ralph V. Williams, 1872-1958
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

502 Holy Spirit, the Dove Sent from Heaven



Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #502: Holy Spirit, the Dove Sent from Heaven Lutheran Service Book
Text: Philip W. Blycker, b. 1939 Tune: Philip W. Blycker, b. 1939
© 2004 Stephan P. Starke © 1977 Philip W. Blycker
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

503 O Day Full of Grace





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #503: O Day Full of Grace Lutheran Service Book

Text: Scandinavian, c. 1450 Tune: Christoph E. F. Weyse, 1774-1842
© 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

504 Father Most Holy


1 Fa ther most ho ly, mer ci ful, and ten der; Je sus, our
2 Trin i ty bless ed, u ni ty un shak en, Good ness un
3 Mak er of all things, all Thy crea tures praise Thee; All from Thy

Sav ior, with the Fa ther reign ing; Spir it of com fort,
bound ed, ver y God of heav en, Light of the an gels,

wor ship were and are cre at ed; Now, as we al so

ad vo cate, de fend er, Light nev er wan ing;
joy of those for sak en, Hope of all liv ing,
wor ship Thee de vout ly, Hear Thou our voic es.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Lord God Almighty, unto Thee be glory,
One in three persons, over all exalted!
Glory we offer, praise Thee and adore Thee,
Now and forever.

Hymn #504: Father Most Holy Lutheran Service Book

Text: Latin, c. 10th cent. Tune: Antiphoner, Paris, 1681
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

505 Triune God, Be Thou Our Stay


Tri une God, be Thou our stay; Oh, let us per ish nev er!

Cleanse us from our sins, we pray, And grant us life for ev er.
Keep us from the e vil one; Up hold our faith most ho ly,

And let us trust Thee sole ly With hum ble hearts and low ly.

Let us put God’s ar mor on, With all true Chris tians run ning

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com



Our heav’n ly race and shun ning The dev il’s wiles and cun ning,
A men, a men! This be done; So sing we, “Al le lu ia!”

Hymn #505: Triune God, Be Thou Our Stay Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Tune: Johann Walther, 1496-1570
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

505a Triune God, Be Thou Our Stay


Tri une God, be Thou our stay; Oh, let us per ish nev er!

Cleanse us from our sins, we pray, And grant us life for ev er.

Keep us from the e vil one; Up hold our faith most ho ly,

And let us trust Thee sole ly With hum ble hearts and low ly.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Let us put God’s ar mor on, With all true Chris tians run ning
Our heav’n ly race and shun ning The dev il’s wiles and cun ning,

A men, a men! This be done; O Lord, have mer cy on us.

Hymn #505a: Triune God, Be Thou Our Stay Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Tune: Johann Walther, 1496-1570
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

506 Glory Be to God the Father

WORCESTER 87 87 47

1 Glo ry be to God the Fa ther, Glo ry be to God the Son,
2 Glo ry be to Him who loved us, Washed us from each spot and stain;
3 Glo ry to the King of an gels, Glo ry to the Chur ch’s King,

Glo ry be to God the Spir it: Great Je ho vah, Three
Glo ry be to Him who bought us, Made us kings with Him
Glo ry to the King of na tions; Heav’n and earth, your prais

in One! Glo ry, glo ry While e ter nal a ges run!
to reign! Glo ry, glo ry To the Lamb that once was slain!
es bring! Glo ry, glo ry To the King of glo ry sing!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Glory, blessing, praise eternal!
Thus the choir of angels sings;
Honor, riches, pow’r, dominion!
Thus its praise creation brings.
Glory, glory,
Glory to the King of kings!

Hymn #506: Glory Be to God the Father Lutheran Service Book

Text: Horatius Bonar, 1808-89 Tune: Walter G. Whinfield, 1865-1919
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

507 Holy, Holy, Holy

NICAEA 11 12 12 10

1 Ho ly, ho ly, ho ly! Lord God Al might y!

2 Ho ly, ho ly, ho ly! All the saints a dore Thee,
Ear ly in the morn ing our song shall rise to Thee;
Cast ing down their gold en crowns a round the glass y sea;

Ho ly, ho ly, ho ly, mer ci ful and might y.

Cher u bim and ser a phim fall ing down be fore Thee,

God in three per sons, bless ed Trin i ty!
Which wert and art and ev er more shall be.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Holy, holy, holy! Though the darkness hide Thee,

Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see,
Only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee,
Perfect in pow’r, in love, and purity.
4 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
All Thy works shall praise Thy name in earth
and sky and sea.
Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty!
God in three persons, blessed Trinity!

Hymn #507: Holy, Holy, Holy Lutheran Service Book

Text: Reginald Heber, 1783-1826 Tune: John B. Dykes, 1823-76
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

508 The Day Is Surely Drawing Near


1 The day is sure ly draw ing near When Je sus,
God’s a noint ed, In all His pow er shall ap
pear As judge whom God ap point ed. Then fright

shall ban ish i dle mirth, And flames on flames shall
rav age earth As Scrip ture long has warned us.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 The final trumpet then shall sound 5 My Savior paid the debt I owe
And all the earth be shaken, And for my sin was smitten;
And all who rest beneath the ground Within the Book of Life I know
Shall from their sleep awaken. My name has now been written.
But all who live will in that hour, I will not doubt, for I am free,
By God’s almighty, boundless pow’r, And Satan cannot threaten me;
Be changed at His commanding. There is no condemnation!
3 The books are opened then to all, 6 May Christ our intercessor be
A record truly telling And through His blood and merit
What each has done, both great Read from His book that we
and small, are free
When he on earth was dwelling, With all who life inherit.
And ev’ry heart be clearly seen, Then we shall see Him face to face,
And all be known as they have been With all His saints in that
In thoughts and words and actions. blest place
4 Then woe to those who scorned the Lord Which He has purchased for us.
And sought but carnal pleasures, 7 O Jesus Christ, do not delay,
Who here despised His precious Word But hasten our salvation;
And loved their earthly treasures! We often tremble on our way
With shame and trembling they In fear and tribulation
will stand O hear and grant our fervent plea:
And at the judge’s stern command Come, mighty judge, and set us free
To Satan be delivered. From death and ev’ry evil.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Proverbs 25:20
Like one who takes away a garment on a cold
day, or like vinegar poured on soda, is
one who sings songs to a heavy heart. (NIV)

Hymn #508: The Day Is Surely Drawing Near Lutheran Service Book
Text: Bartholomäus Ringwaldt, 1530-99 Tune: Joseph Klug,
Public Domain Geistliche Lieder auffs new gebessert,
Wittenberg, 1535
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

509 Christ Is Surely Coming




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #509: Christ Is Surely Coming Lutheran Service Book

Text: Christopher M. Idle, b. 1938 Tune: Ralph V. Williams, 1872-1958
© 1975 Jubilate Hymns Ltd. Public Domain
admin. Hope Publishing Co.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

510 A Multitude Comes from the East and the West


1 A mul ti tude comes from the east and the west To


sit at the feast of sal va tion With A bra ham,

I saac, and Ja cob, the blest, O bey ing the Lord’s in vi

ta tion. Have mer cy up on us, O Je sus!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

2 O God, let us hear when our Shepherd shall call
In accents persuasive and tender,
That while there is time we make haste, one and all,
And find Him, our mighty defender.
Have mercy upon us, O Jesus!
3 All trials shall be like a dream that is past,
Forgotten all trouble and mourning.
All questions and doubts have been answered at last,
When rises the light of that morning.
Have mercy upon us, O Jesus!
4 The heavens shall ring with an anthem more grand
Than ever on earth was recorded.
The blest of the Lord shall receive at His hand
The crown to the victors awarded.
Have mercy upon us, O Jesus!

Hymn #510: A Multitude Comes from the East and the West Lutheran Service Book
Text: Magnus B. Landstad, 1802-80 Tune: J. Svedberg s
Public Domain Then Swenska Psalmboken, 1695
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

511 Herald, Sound the Note of Judgment

NEW MALDEN 87 87 87


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #511: Herald, Sound the Note of Judgment Lutheran Service Book
Text: Moir A. J. Waters, 1906-80 Tune: David McCarthy, b. 1931
© 1977 Moir A. J. Waters © 1975 Stainer & Bell Ltd. and the Trustees
for Methodist Church Purposes (UK)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

512 At the Name of Jesus


1 At the name of Je sus Ev’ ry knee shall bow,
2 At His voice cre a tion Sprang at once to sight,

Ev’ ry tongue con fess Him King of glo ry now.
All the an gel fac es, All the hosts of light,


’Tis the Fa ther’s pleas ure We should call Him Lord,
Thrones and bright do min ions, Stars up on their way,

Who from the be gin ning Was the might y Word.
All the heav’n ly or ders In their great ar ray.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Humbled for a season, 5 In your hearts enthrone Him;

To receive a name There let Him subdue
From the lips of sinners All that is not holy,
Unto whom He came, All that is not true:
Faithfully He bore it Crown Him as your captain
Spotless to the last, In temptation’s hour;
Brought it back victorious Let His will enfold you
When from death He passed; In its light and pow’r.
4 Bore it up triumphant 6 Christians, this Lord Jesus
With its human light, Shall return again
Through all ranks of creatures In his Father’s glory,
To the central height, With His angel train;
To the throne of Godhead, For all wreaths of empire
To the Father’s breast, Meet upon His brow,
Filled it with the glory And our hearts confess Him
Of that perfect rest. King of glory now.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

7 Glory then to Jesus,
Who, the Prince of light,
To a world in darkness
Brought the gift of sight;
Praise to God the Father;
In the Spirit’s love
Praise we all together
Him who reigns above.

Hymn #512: At the Name of Jesus Lutheran Service Book

Text: Caroline M. Noel, 1817-77 Tune: Ralph V. Williams, 1872-1958
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

513 The Clouds of Judgment Gather






Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #513: The Clouds of Judgment Gather Lutheran Service Book

Text: Bernard of Cluny, 12th cent. Tune: Welsh hymn tune, 19th cent.
© 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

514 The Bridegroom Soon Will Call Us


1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2 There shall we see in glo ry Our dear Re deem er’s face;

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The long– a wait ed sto ry Of heav’n ly joy takes place:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The pa tri archs shall meet us, The proph ets’ ho ly band;
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A pos tles, mar tyrs greet us In that ce les tial land.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 There God shall from all evil 4 In that fair home shall never
Forever make us free, Be silent music’s voice;
From sin and from the devil, With hearts and lips forever
From all adversity, We shall in God rejoice.
From sickness, pain, and sadness, While angel hosts are raising
From troubles, cares, and fears, With saints from great to least
And grant us heav’nly gladness A mighty hymn for praising
And wipe away our tears. The Giver of the feast.

Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #514: The Bridegroom Soon Will Call Us Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann Walter, 1496-1570 Tune: Michael Prätorius, 1571-1621
© 1982 Concordia Publishing House (st. 1) Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

515 Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers


1 Re joice, re joice, be liev ers, And let your light ap pear;

2 The watch ers, on the moun tain Pro claim the Bride groom near;


The eve ning is ad vanc ing, And dark er night is near.

Go forth, as He ap proach es With al le lu ias clear.


The Bride groom is a ris ing And soon is draw ing nigh.

The mar riage feast is wait ing; The gates wide o pen stand.

Up, pray and watch and wres tle; At mid night comes the cry.
A rise, O heirs of glo ry; The Bride groom is at hand.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 The saints, who here in patience 4 Our hope and expectation,

Their cross and suff’rings bore, O Jesus, now appear;
Shall live and reign forever Arise, O Sun so longed for,
When sorrow is no more. O’er this benighted sphere.
Around the throne of glory With hearts and hands uplifted,
The Lamb you shall behold; We plead, O Lord, to see
In triumph lay before Him The day of earth’s redemption
Their shining crowns of gold. That sets Your people free!

Hymn #515: Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers Lutheran Service Book

Text: Laurentius Laurenti, 1660-1722 Tune: Swedish folk tune
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

516 Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying

WACHET AUF 898 D 664 448

1 “Wake, a wake, for night is fly ing,” The watch men on the
2 Zi on hears the watch men sing ing, And in her heart with
heights are cry ing; “A wake, Je ru sa lem, a rise!”
joy is spring ing; She wakes, she ris es from her gloom.

Mid night hears the wel come voic es And at the thrill ing
For her Lord comes down all– glo rious, The strong in grace, in

cry re joic es: “Oh, where are ye, ye vir gins wise? The Bride groom
truth vic to rious; Her star is ris’n, her light has come. “Now come, Thou

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


comes, a wake! Your lamps with glad ness take! Al le lu ia! With bri
Bless ed One, Lord Je sus, God’s own Son. Hail! Ho san na! We en

dal care Your selves pre pare To meet the Bride groom, who is near.”
ter all The wed ding hall To eat the Sup per at Thy call.

3 Now let all the heav’ns adore Thee,

Let saints and angels sing before Thee
With harp and cymbals’ clearest tone.
Of one pearl each shining portal,
Where, joining with the choir immortal,
We gather round Thy radiant throne.
No eye has seen the light,
No ear has heard the might
Of Thy glory;
Therefore will we Eternally
Sing hymns of praise and joy to Thee!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Proverbs 25:20
Like one who takes away a garment on a cold
day, or like vinegar poured on soda, is
one who sings songs to a heavy heart. (NIV)

Hymn #516: Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying Lutheran Service Book
Text: Philipp Nicolai, 1556-1608 Tune: Philipp Nicolai, 1556-1608, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

517a By All Your Saints in Warfare
Saints and Martyrs


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,

2(4) A pos tles, proph ets, mar tyrs, And all the no ble throng
Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

Who wear the spot less rai ment And raise the cease less song—
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;
For these, passed on be fore us, We of fer praise es

And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from your throne.
And, walk ing in their foot steps, Would live our lives for You.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #517a: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

517b By All Your Saints in Warfare
St. Andrew, Apostle


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,

2(5) All praise, O Lord, for An drew, The first to wel come You,
Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

Whose wit ness to his broth er Named You Mes si ah true.
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;
May we, with hearts kept o pen To You through out the year,

And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
Con fess to friend and neigh bor Your ad vent ev er near.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #517b: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

517c By All Your Saints in Warfare
St. Thomas, Apostle


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,

2(6) All praise, O Lord, for Thom as, Whose short– lived doubt ings prove
Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

Your per fect two fold na ture, The full ness of Your love.
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;
To all who live with ques tions A stead fast faith af

And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
And grant us grace to know You, True man, yet God and Lord.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #517c: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

517d By All Your Saints in Warfare
St. Stephen, Deacon and Martyr


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,
2(7) Praise for the first of mar tyrs Who saw You read y stand

Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

To help in time of tor ment, To plead at God’s right hand.
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;
Like You, our suf f’ring Sav ior, His en e

mies he blessed,
And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
With “Lord, re ceive my spir it,” His faith, by death, con fessed.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #517d: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

517e By All Your Saints in Warfare
St. John, Apostle and Evangelist


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,

2(8) For Your be lov’d dis ci ple Ex iled to Pat mos’ shore,
Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

And for his faith ful re cord, We praise You ev er more.
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;
Praise for the mys tic vi sion Through him to us re vealed;

And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
May we, in pa tience wait ing, With Your e lect be sealed.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #517e: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

517f By All Your Saints in Warfare
Holy Innocents, Martyrs


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,

2(9) All praise for in fant mar tyrs, Whom Your mys te rious love
Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

Called ear ly from their war fare To share Your home a bove.
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;

O Ra chel, cease your weep ing; They rest from earth ly cares!

And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
Lord, grant us crowns as bril liant And faith as sure as theirs.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #517f: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

517g By All Your Saints in Warfare
The Confession of St. Peter


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,
2(10) Praise for Your great a pos tle So ea ger and so bold,

Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

Thrice fall ing, yet re pen tant, Thrice charged to feed Your fold.
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;

Lord, make Your pas tors faith ful To guard Your flock from harm,

And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
And hold them when they wa ver With Your al might y arm.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #517g: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

517h By All Your Saints in Warfare
St. Timothy and St. Titus


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,

2(11) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 _ _
And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.
Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #517h: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

517i By All Your Saints in Warfare
The Conversion of St. Paul


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,
2(12) Praise for the light from heav en And for the voice of awe;

Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

All praise for glo rious vi sion The per se cu tor saw.
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;
O Lord, for Paul’s con ver sion, We bless Your name to day;

And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
Come, shine with in our dark ness, And guide us on our way.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #517i: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

517j By All Your Saints in Warfare
St. Matthias, Apostle


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,

2(13) For one in place of Ju das, Th’ a pos tles sought God’s choice;
Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

The lot fell to Mat thi as For whom we now re joice.
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;
May we like true a pos tles Your ho ly Church de fend,

And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
And not be tray our call ing But serve You to the end.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #517j: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

517k By All Your Saints in Warfare
St. Joseph, Guardian of Jesus


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,

2(14) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 _ _
And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.
Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #517k: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

518a By All Your Saints in Warfare
St. Mark, Evangelist


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,

2(15) For Mark, O Lord, we praise you, The weak by grace made strong,
Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

Whose la bors and whose Gos pel En rich our tri umph song.
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;
May we, in all our weak ness, Re flect Your ser vant life

And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
And fol low in Your foot steps, En dur ing cross and strife.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #518a: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

518b By All Your Saints in Warfare
St. Philip and St. James, Apostles


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,

2(16) We praise You, Lord, for Phil ip, Blest guide to Greek and Jew,
Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

And for young James the faith ful, Who heard and fol lowed You.
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;
Oh grant us grace to know You, The way, the truth, the life,

And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
To wres tle with temp ta tion, To tri umph in the strife.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #518b: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

518c By All Your Saints in Warfare
St. Barnabas, Apostle


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,

2(17) For Bar na bus we praise You. Who kept Your law of love
Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

And, leav ing earth ly trea sures, Sought rich es from a bove.
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;
O Christ, our Lord and Sav ior, Let gifts of grace de scend,

And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
That Your true con so la tion May through the world ex tend.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #518c: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

518d By All Your Saints in Warfare
The Nativity of St. John the Baptist


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,

2(18) We praise You for the Bap tist, Fore run ner of the Word,
Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

Our true E li jah, mak ing A high way for the Lord.
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;
The last and great est proph et, He saw the dawn ing ray

And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
Of light that grows in splen dor Un til the per fect day.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #518d: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

518e By All Your Saints in Warfare
St. Peter and St. Paul, Apostles


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,

2(19) We praise You for Saint Pe ter; We praise You for Saint Paul;
Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

They taught both Jew and Gen tile That Christ is all in all.
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;
To cross and sword they yield ed And saw Your king dom come;

And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
O God, these two a pos tles Reached life through mar tyr dom.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #518e: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

518f By All Your Saints in Warfare
St. Mary Magdalene


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,

2(20) All praise for Mary Mag da lene, Whose whole ness was re stored

Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

By You, her faith ful mas ter, Her Sav ior and her Lord.
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;
On Eas ter morn ing ear ly A word from You
 suf ficed;
And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
For she was first to see You, Her Lord, the ris en Christ.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #518f: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

518g By All Your Saints in Warfare
St. James, the Elder, Apostle


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,

2(21) O Lord, for James we praise You, Who fell to Her od’s sword;
Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

He drank your cup of suf f’ring And thus ful filled Your word.
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;
Lord, curb our vain im pa tience For glo ry

and for fame,
And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
E quip us for such suf f’rings As glo ri fy Your name.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #518g: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

518h By All Your Saints in Warfare
St. Mary, Mother of Our Lord


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,

2(22) We sing with joy of Mar y, Whose heart with awe was stirred
Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

When, youth ful and as ton ished, She heard the an gel’s word.
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;

Yet she her voice up rais es To mag ni fy God’s name,


And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
As once for our sal va tion Your moth er she be came.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #518h: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

518i By All Your Saints in Warfare
St. Bartholomew, Apostle


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,

2(23) All praise for him whose can dor Through all his doubt You saw
Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

When Phil ip at the fig tree Dis closed You in the law.
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;

Dis cern, be neath our sur face, O Lord, what we can be,

And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
That by Your truth made guile less, Your glo ry we may see.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #518i: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

518j By All Your Saints in Warfare
The Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,

2(24) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 _ _
And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.
Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #518j: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

518k By All Your Saints in Warfare
St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,
2(25) Praise, Lord, for him whose Gos pel Your hu man life de clared,

Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

Who, world ly gain for sak ing, Your path of suf f’ring shared.
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;
From all un righ teous mam mon, O raise our eyes a

And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
That we in our vo ca tion May rise and fol low You.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #518k: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

518l By All Your Saints in Warfare
St. Luke, Evangelist


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,

2(26) For that be lov’d phy si cian All praise, whose Gos pel shows
Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

The Heal er of the na tions, The one who shares our woes.
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;

Your wine and oil, O Sav ior, Up on our spir its pour,


And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
And with true balm of Gil ead A noint us ev er more.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #518l: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

518m By All Your Saints in Warfare
St. James of Jerusalem


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,

2(27) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 _ _
And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.
Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #518m: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

518n By All Your Saints in Warfare
St. Simon and St. Jude, Apostles


1 By all Your saints in war fare, For all Your saints at rest,
2(28) Praise, Lord, for Your a pos tles, Saint Si mon and Saint Jude.

Your ho ly name, O Je sus, For ev er more be blest!

One love, one hope im pelled them To tread the way, re newed.
For You have won the bat tle That they might wear the crown;
May we with zeal as ear nest The faith

of Christ main tain,
And now they shine in glo ry Re flect ed from Your throne.
Be bound in love to geth er, And life e ter nal gain.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit,
Eternal Three in One,
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne,
Ascribing pow’r and glory
And praise to God alone.

Hymn #518n: By All Your Saints in Warfare Lutheran Service Book

Text: H. B. Nelson, 1823-1913 Tune: English folk tune
(st. 1-10, 12-13, 15-23, 25-26, 28) Public Domain
H. J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 11)
G. J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 14, 24, 27)
© 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 11)
© 2006 Gregory J. Wismar (st. 14, 24, 27)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

519 In His Temple Now Behold Him


1 In His tem ple now be hold Him, See the long– ex pect ed Lord.
2 In the arms of her who bore Him, Vir gin pure, be hold Him lie,
3 Je sus, by Your pres en ta tion, When they blessed You, weak and poor,

An cient proph ets had fore told Him, God has now ful filled His word.
While His a ged saints a dore Him Ere in per fect faith they die.
Make us see Your great sal va tion, Seal us with Your prom ise sure;

Now to praise Him, His re deem ed Shall break forth with one ac cord.
Al le lu ia, al le lu ia! Lo, the in car nate God Most High!
And pre sent us in Your glo ry To Your Fa ther, cleansed and pure.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 Chronicles 9:11a
The king used the algumwood to make steps for the
temple of the LORD and for the royal palace, and
to make harps and lyres for the musicians. (NIV)

Hymn #519: In His Temple Now Behold Him Lutheran Service Book
Text: Henry J. Pye, 1825-1903 Tune: Henry Purcell, 1659-95, adapt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

520 Stars of the Morning, So Gloriously Bright

O QUANTA QUALIA 10 10 10 10

1 Stars of the morn ing, so glo rious ly bright, An gels in
2 These are Your min is ters, these are Your own, Lord God of
3 Then, when the earth was first poised in mid– space, Then, when the

heav en, re splen dent in light, These, were no dark ness the
Sab a oth, near est Your throne; These are Your mes sen gers,
plan ets first sped on their race, Then, when were end ed the

glo ry can dim, Praise the Thrice Ho ly One, serv ing but Him.
these whom You send, Help ing Your help less ones, Help er and Friend.
six days’ em ploy, Then all the sons of God shout ed for joy.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Still let them aid us and still let them fight,
Lord of angelic hosts, battling for right,
Till, where their anthems they ceaselessly pour,
We with the angels may bow and adore.

Hymn #520: Stars of the Morning, So Gloriously Bright Lutheran Service Book
Text: Joseph the Hymnographer, c. 810-86 Tune: Antiphoner, Paris, 1681
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

521 Christ, the Lord of Hosts, Unshaken


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #521: Christ, the Lord of Hosts, Unshaken Lutheran Service Book
Text: Peter M. Prange, b. 1972 Tune: Carl F. Schalk, b. 1929
© Peter M. Prange © 1967 Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

522 Lord God, to Thee We Give All Praise


1 Lord God, to Thee we give all praise, With grate ful
2 They shine with light and heav’n ly grace And con stant

3 They nev er rest nor sleep as we; Their whole de

hearts our voic es raise, That an gel hosts Thou
ly be hold Thy face; They heed Thy voice, they
light is but to be With Thee, Lord Je sus,


didst cre ate A round Thy glo rious throne to wait.
know it well, In god ly wis dom they ex cel.
and to keep Thy lit tle flock, Thy lambs and sheep.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 The ancient dragon is their foe; 6 A roaring lion, round he goes,
His envy and his wrath they know. No halt nor rest he ever knows;
It always is his aim and pride He seeks the Christians to devour
Thy Christian people to divide. And slay them by his dreadful pow’r.
5 As he of old deceived the world 7 But watchful is the angel band
And into sin and death has hurled, That follows Christ on ev’ry hand
So now he subtly lies in wait To guard His people where they go
To undermine both Church and state. And break the counsel of the foe.
8 For this, now and in days to be,
Our praise shall rise, O Lord, to Thee,
Whom all the angel hosts adore
With grateful songs forevermore.

Hymn #522: Lord God, to Thee We Give All Praise Lutheran Service Book
Text: Phillipp Melanchthon, 1497-1560 Tune: Joseph Klug,
Public Domain Geistliche Lieder,
Wittenberg, 1543, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

523 O Word of God Incarnate

MUNICH 76 76 D

1 O Word of God in car nate, O Wis dom from on high,

2 The Church from You, dear Mas ter, Re ceived the gift di vine;

O Truth un changed, un chang ing, O Light of our dark sky:

And still that light is lift ed O’er all the earth to shine.

We praise You for the ra diance That from the hal lowed page,
It is the chart and com pass That, all life’s voy age through,


A lan tern to our foot steps, Shines on from age to age.
Mid mists and rocks and quick sands Still guides, O Christ, to You.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Oh, make Your Church, dear Savior,

A lamp of burnished gold
To bear before the nations
Your true light, as of old!
Oh, teach Your wand’ring pilgrims
By this their path to trace
Till, clouds and darkness ended,
They see You face to face!

Hymn #523: O Word of God Incarnate Lutheran Service Book

Text: William W. How, 1823-97 Tune: Neu-vermehrtes… Gesangbuch,
Public Domain 3rd ed., Meiningen, 1693, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

524 How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds


1 How sweet the name of Je sus sounds In
2 It makes the wound ed spir it whole And
3 Dear name! The rock on which I build, My

a be liev er’s ear! It soothes our sor rows,
calms the heart’s un rest; It’s man na to the
shield and hid ing place; My nev er– fail ing

heals our wounds, And drives a way our fear.
hun gry soul And to the wea ry, rest.
trea sury filled With bound less stores of grace.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 O Jesus, shepherd, guardian, friend, 5 How weak the effort of my heart,
My Prophet, Priest, and King, How cold my warmest thought!
My Lord, my life, my way, my end, But when I see Thee as Thou art,
Accept the praise I bring. I’ll praise Thee as I ought.
6 Till then I would Thy love proclaim
With ev’ry fleeting breath;
And may the music of Thy name
Refresh my soul in death!

Hymn #524: How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds Lutheran Service Book
Text: John Newton, 1725-1807 Tune: Alexander R. Reinagle, 1799-1877
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

525 Crown Him with Many Crowns


1 Crown Him with man y crowns, The Lamb up on His throne;
2 Crown Him the vir gin’s Son, The God in car nate born,

Hark how the heav’n ly an them drowns All mu sic but its own.
Whose arm those crim son tro phies won Which now His brow a dorn;
A wake, my soul, and sing Of Him who died for thee,
Fruit of the mys tic rose, Yet of that rose the stem,
And hail Him as thy match less king Through all e ter ni ty.
The root whence mer cy ev er flows, The babe of Beth le hem.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Crown Him the Lord of love. 4 Crown Him the Lord of life,
Behold His hands and side, Who triumphed o’er the grave
Rich wounds, yet visible above, And rose victorious in the strife
In beauty glorified. For those He came to save.
No angels in the sky His glories now we sing,
Can fully bear that sight, Who died and rose on high,
But downward bend their wond’ring eyes Who died eternal life to bring
At mysteries so bright. And lives that death may die.
5 Crown Him the Lord of heav’n,
Enthroned in worlds above,
Crown Him the king to whom is giv’n
The wondrous name of Love.
Crown Him with many crowns
As thrones before Him fall;
Crown Him, ye kings, with many crowns,
For He is king of all.

Hymn #525: Crown Him with Many Crowns Lutheran Service Book
Text: Matthew Bridges, 1800-94 (st. 1-3, 5) Tune: George J. Elvey, 1816-93
Godfrey Thring, 1823-1903 (st. 4) Public Domain
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

526 You Are the Way; through You Alone


1 You are the way; through You a lone Can
2 You are the truth; You Word a lone True

3 You are the life; the emp ty tomb Pro

we the Fa ther find; In You, O Christ, has
wis dom can im part. You on ly can in
claims Your con qu’ring arm, And those who put their

God re vealed His heart and will and mind.
form the mind And pu ri fy the heart.
trust in You Not death nor hell shall harm.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 You are the way, the truth, the life;
Grant us that way to know,
That truth to keep, that life to win
Whose joys eternal flow.

Hymn #526: You Are the Way; through You Alone Lutheran Service Book
Text: George W. Doane, 1799-1859 Tune: The CL Psalms of David,
Public Domain Edinburgh, 1615
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

527 O Savior, Precious Savior



1 O Sav ior, pre cious Sav ior, Whom yet un seen we love;

2 O bring er of sal va tion, Who won drous ly has wrought

O name of might and fa vor, All oth er names a bove,

Thy self the rev e la tion Of love be yond our thought,

We wor ship Thee, we bless Thee, To Thee a lone we sing;
We wor ship Thee, we bless Thee, To Thee a lone we sing;
We praise Thee and con fess Thee, Our ho ly Lord and King.
We praise Thee and con fess Thee, Our gra cious Lord and King.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 In Thee all fullness dwelleth, 4 O grant the consummation

All grace and pow’r divine; Of this our song above
The glory that excelleth, In endless adoration
O Son of God, is Thine. And everlasting love;
We worship Thee, we bless Thee, Then shall we praise and bless Thee
To Thee alone we sing; Where perfect praises ring,
We praise Thee and confess Thee, And evermore confess Thee,
Our glorious Lord and King. Our Savior and our King!

Hymn #527: O Savior, Precious Savior Lutheran Service Book

Text: Frances R. Havergal, 1836-79 Tune: Arthur H. Mann, 1850-1929
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

528 Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing


1 Oh, for a thou sand tongues to sing My
2 My gra cious Mas ter and my God, As

3 Je sus! The name that charms our fears, That

great Re deem er’s praise, The glo ries of my
sist me to pro claim, To spread through all the

bids our sor rows cease; ’Tis mu sic in the

God and King, The tri umphs of His grace!
earth a broad, The hon ors of Thy name.
sin ner’s ears, ’Tis life and health and peace.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 He breaks the pow’r of canceled sin; 6 See all your sins on Jesus laid;
He sets the pris’ner free. The Lamb of God was slain.
His blood can make the foulest clean; His soul was once an off’ring made
His blood avails for me. For ev’ry soul of man.
5 Look unto Him, ye nations; own 7 To God all glory, praise, and love
Your God, ye fallen race. Be now and ever giv’n
Look and be saved through faith alone, By saints below and saints above,
Be justified by grace. The Church in earth and heav’n.

Hymn #528: Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing Lutheran Service Book
Text: Charles Wesley, 1707-88 Tune: Carl G. Gläser, 1784-1829, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

529 Since Our Great High Priest, Christ Jesus

ALL SAINTS 87 87 77


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #529: Since Our Great High Priest, Christ Jesus Lutheran Service Book
Text: Christopher M. Idle, b. 1938 Tune: Geist-reiches Gesang-Buch,
© 1973 Jubilate Hymns Ltd. Darmstadt, 1698
admin. Hope Publishing Co. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

530 No Temple Now, No Gift of Price

KIRKWOOD 886 886

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #530: No Temple Now, No Gift of Price Lutheran Service Book

Text: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 Tune: Joseph Herl, b. 1959
© 1984 Hope Publishing Co. © 1998 Joseph Herl

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

531 Hail, Thou Once Despised Jesus


1 Hail, Thou once de spis ed Je sus! Hail, Thou Gal i le an King!
2 Pas chal Lamb, by God ap point ed, All our sins on Thee were laid;

Thou didst suf fered to re lease us; Thou didst free sal va tion bring.

By al might y love a noint ed, Thou hast full a tone ment made.

Hail, Thou u ni ver sal Sav ior, Bear er of our sin and shame!

All Thy peo ple are for giv en Through the vir tue of Thy blood;

By Thy mer it we find fa vor; Life is giv en through Thy name.
O pen is the gate of heav en, Rec on ciled are we with God.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Jesus, hail! Enthroned in glory, 4 Worship, honor, pow’r, and blessing

There forever to abide; Thou art worthy to receive;
All the heav’nly host adore Thee, Highest praises, without ceasing,
Seated at Thy Father’s side. Right it is for us to give.
There for sinners Thou art pleading; Help, ye bright angelic spirits,
There Thou dost our place prepare, All your noblest anthems raise;
Ever for us interceding Help to sing our Savior’s merits,
Till in glory we appear. Help to chant Immanuel’s praise!

Hymn #531: Hail, Thou Once Despised Jesus Lutheran Service Book
Text: Hymns Addressed… Triune God, Tune: Geist-reiches Gesang-Buch,
London, 1757 (st. 1, 3a, 4a) Halle, 1704, alt.
A Collection of Psalms and Hymns, Public Domain
London, 1760 (st. 2, 3b, 4b)
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

532 The Head That Once Was Crowned with Thorns



1 The Head that once was crowned with thorns Is crowned with glo ry now;
2 The high est place that heav’n af fords Is His, is His by right,
3 The Joy of all who dwell a bove, The Joy of all be low
To them the cross, with all its shame, With all its grace, is giv’n;


A roy al di a dem a dorns The might y Vic tor’s brow.
The King of kings and Lord of lords, And heav’n’s e ter nal Light,
To whom He man i fests His love And grants His name to know.
Their name, an ev er last ing name; Their joy, the joy of heav’n.

5 They suffer with their Lord below; 6 The cross He bore is life and health,
They reign with Him above, Though shame and death to Him;
Their profit and their joy, to know His people’s hope, His people’s wealth,
The myst’ry of His love. Their everlasting theme.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Hebrews 2:12
He says, I will declare your name to
my brothers; in the presence of the congregation
I will sing your praises. (NIV)

Hymn #532: The Head That Once Was Crowned with Thorns Lutheran Service Book
Text: Thomas Kelly, 1769-1855 Tune: Jeremiah Clarke, c. 1674-1707
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

533 Jesus Has Come and Brings Pleasure




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Exodus 15:20
Then Miriam the prophetess, Aaron's sister, took
a tambourine in her hand, and all the women followed
her, with tambourines and dancing. (NIV)

Hymn #533: Jesus Has Come and Brings Pleasure Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann L. C. Allendorf, 1693-1773 Tune: Cöthen, c. 1733
© 1982 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

534 Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor

BRYN CALFARIA 87 87 444 77

1 Lord, en throned in heav’n ly splen dor, First be got ten from the dead,
2 Though the low liest form now veil You As of old in Beth le hem,

You a lone, our strong de fend er, Lift ing up Your peo ple’s
Here as there Your an gels hail You, Branch and flow’r of Jes se’s

head. Al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le lu ia! Je sus,
stem. Al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le lu ia! We in

true and liv ing bread! Je sus, true and liv ing bread!
wor ship join with them; We in wor ship join with them.

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3 Paschal Lamb, Your off’ring, finished 4 Life–imparting heav’nly manna,

Once for all when You were slain, Stricken rock with streaming side,
In its fullness undiminished Heav’n and earth with loud hosanna
Shall forevermore remain, Worship You, the Lamb who died.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Cleansing souls from ev’ry stain; Ris’n, ascended, glorified!
Cleansing souls from ev’ry stain. Ris’n, ascended, glorified!

Hymn #534: Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor Lutheran Service Book

Text: George H. Bourne, 1840-1925 Tune: William Owen, 1814-93
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

535 How Wide the Love of Christ



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #535: How Wide the Love of Christ Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: Johann M. Spiess, 1715-72
© 1997 GIA Publications, Inc. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

536 One Thing’s Needful

EINS IST NOT 87 87 12 12 11 11


1 One thing’s need ful; Lord, this trea sure Teach me high ly to re gard.

All else, though it first give pleas ure, Is a yoke that press es hard!


Be neath it the heart is still fret ting and striv ing, No true, last


ing hap pi ness ev er de riv ing. This one thing is need ful; all

oth ers are vain— I count all but loss that I Christ may ob tain!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

2 How were Mary’s thoughts devoted
Her eternal joy to find
As intent each word she noted
At her Savior’s feet reclined!
How kindled her heart, how devout was its feeling,
While hearing the lessons that Christ was revealing!
All earthly concerns she forgot for her Lord
And found her contentment in hearing His Word.
3 Wisdom’s highest, noblest treasure,
Jesus, is revealed in You.
Let me find in You my pleasure,
And my wayward will subdue,
Humility there and simplicity reigning,
In paths of true wisdom my steps ever training.
If I learn from Jesus this knowledge divine,
The blessing of heavenly wisdom is mine.
4 Nothing have I, Christ, to offer,
You alone, my highest good.
Nothing have I, Lord, to proffer
But Your crimson–colored blood.
Your death on the cross has death wholly defeated
And thereby my righteousness fully completed;
Salvation’s white raiments I there did obtain,
And in them in glory with You I shall reign.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

5 Therefore You alone, my Savior,
Shall be all in all to me;
Search my heart and my behavior,
Root out all hypocrisy.
Through all my life’s pilgrimage, guard and uphold me,
In loving forgiveness, O Jesus, enfold me.
This one thing is needful; all others are vain—
I count all but loss that I Christ may obtain!

Hymn #536: One Thing’s Needful Lutheran Service Book

Text: Johann Heinrich Schröder, 1667-99 Tune: Adam Krieger, 1634-66
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

536a One Thing’s Needful
Stanza 2 Omitted

EINS IST NOT 87 87 12 12 11 11

 1 One thing’s need ful; Lord, this trea sure Teach me high ly to re gard.
 All else, though it first give pleas ure, Is a yoke that press es hard!
 Be neath it
 the heart is still fret ting and striv ing, No true, last
 ing hap pi ness ev er de

riv ing. This one thing is need ful; all
oth ers are vain— I count all but loss that I Christ may ob tain!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

2 Omitted

3 Wisdom’s highest, noblest treasure,

Jesus, is revealed in You.
Let me find in You my pleasure,
And my wayward will subdue,
Humility there and simplicity reigning,
In paths of true wisdom my steps ever training.
If I learn from Jesus this knowledge divine,
The blessing of heavenly wisdom is mine.
4 Nothing have I, Christ, to offer,
You alone, my highest good.
Nothing have I, Lord, to proffer
But Your crimson–colored blood.
Your death on the cross has death wholly defeated
And thereby my righteousness fully completed;
Salvation’s white raiments I there did obtain,
And in them in glory with You I shall reign.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

5 Therefore You alone, my Savior,
Shall be all in all to me;
Search my heart and my behavior,
Root out all hypocrisy.
Through all my life’s pilgrimage, guard and uphold me,
In loving forgiveness, O Jesus, enfold me.
This one thing is needful; all others are vain—
I count all but loss that I Christ may obtain!

Hymn #536a: One Thing’s Needful Lutheran Service Book

Text: Johann Heinrich Schröder, 1667-99 Tune: Adam Krieger, 1634-66
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

537 Beautiful Savior


1 Beau ti ful Sav ior, King of cre a tion, Son of
2 Fair are the mead ows, Fair are the wood lands, Robed in
3 Fair is the sun shine, Fair is the moon light, Bright the

God and Son of Man! Tru ly I’d love Thee, Tru ly I’d
flow’rs of bloom ing spring; Je sus is fair er, Je sus is
spar kling stars on high; Je sus shines bright er, Je sus shines

serve Thee, Light of my soul, my Joy, my crown.
pur er; He makes our sor r’wing spir it sing.
pur er Than all the an gels in the sky.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Beautiful Savior,
Lord of the nations,
Son of God and Son of Man!
Glory and honor,
Praise, adoration
Now and forevermore be Thine!

Hymn #537: Beautiful Savior Lutheran Service Book

Text: Münsterich Gesangbuch, Tune: Schlesische Volkslieder,
Münster, 1677 Leipzig, 1842
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

538 Praise Be to Christ


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


1 Chronicles 25:1
David, together with the commanders of the army,
set apart some of the sons of Asaph, Heman and
Jeduthun for the ministry of prophesying, accompanied
by harps, lyres and cymbals. (NIV)

Hymn #538: Praise Be to Christ Lutheran Service Book

Text: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 Tune: Johann Störls… Schlag-Gesang-Und
© 1984 Hope Publishing Co. Noten-Buch, Stuttgart, 1744
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

539 Christ Is the World’s Redeemer


1 Christ is the world’s Re deem er, The lov er of the pure,

2 Christ has our host sur round ed With clouds of mar tyrs bright,

The font of heav’n ly wis dom, Our trust and hope se cure,
Who wave their palms in tri umph And fire us for the fight.

The ar mor of His sol diers, The Lord of earth and sky,

Then Christ the cross as cend ed To save a world un done
Our health while we are liv ing, Our life when we shall die.
And, suf f’ring for the sin ful, Our full re demp tion won.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Down through the realm of darkness 4 Glory to God the Father,

He strode in victory, The unbegotten One,
And at the hour appointed All honor be to Jesus,
He rose, triumphantly. His sole–begotten Son,
And now, to heav’n ascended, And to the Holy Spirit—
He sits upon the throne The perfect Trinity.
Whence He had ne’er departed, Let all the worlds give answer:
His Father’s and His own. Amen! So let it be.

Hymn #539: Christ Is the World’s Redeemer Lutheran Service Book

Text: attr. Columba, 521-97 Tune: Irish traditional melody
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

540 Christ, the Word of God Incarnate





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #540: Christ, the Word of God Incarnate Lutheran Service Book
Text: Steven P. Mueller, b. 1964 Tune: Columbian Harmony,
© Steven P. Mueller Cincinnati, 1825
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

541 “Away from Us!” the Demon Cried




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #541: “Away from Us!” the Demon Cried Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: African American spiritual,
© 2000 GIA Publications, Inc. adapt. by Harry T. Burleigh, 1866-1949
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

542 When I Behold Jesus Christ

MIN AYNET FIQIR NEW 76 76 and Refrain


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


1 Chronicles 23:5
Four thousand are to be gatekeepers and four thousand
are to praise the LORD with the musical instruments
I have provided for that purpose. (NIV)

Hymn #542: When I Behold Jesus Christ Lutheran Service Book

Text: Almaz Belhu (st. 1-3) Tune: Almaz Belhu
Joseph Herl, b. 1959 (st. 4) © 1970 Ethiopian Ev. Church Mekane Yesus
© 1970 Ethiopian Ev. Church Mekane Yesus
© 1998 Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

543 What Wondrous Love Is This

WONDROUS LOVE 12 9 66 12 9

1 What won drous love is this, O my soul, O my soul! What
2 When I was sink ing down, sink ing down, sink ing down, When

won drous love is this, O my soul! What won drous love is this That
I was sink ing down, sink ing down, When I was sink ing down Be

caused the Lord of bliss To bear the dread ful curse for my
neath God’s righ teous frown, Christ laid a side His crown for my


soul, for my soul, To bear the dread ful curse for my soul!
soul, for my soul, Christ laid a side His crown for my soul.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 To God and to the Lamb I will sing, I will sing;

To God and to the Lamb I will sing;
To God and to the Lamb,
Who is the great I AM,
While millions join the theme, I will sing, I will sing,
While millions join the theme, I will sing.
4 And when from death I’m free, I’ll sing on, I’ll sing on;
And when from death I’m free, I’ll sing on.
And when from death I’m free,
I’ll sing His love for me,
And through eternity I’ll sing on, I’ll sing on,
And through eternity I’ll sing on.

Hymn #543: What Wondrous Love Is This Lutheran Service Book

Text: A General Selection of Hymns Tune: William Walker,
and Spiritual Songs, Lynchburg, 1811 Southern Harmony, 1835
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

544 O Love, How Deep


1 O love, how deep, how broad, how high, Be yond
2 He sent no an gel to our race, Of high
3 For us bap tized, for us He bore His ho
all thought and fan ta sy, That God, the Son of
er or of low er place, But wore the robe of
ly fast and hun gered sore; For us temp ta tion
God, should take Our mor tal form for mor tals’ sake!
hu man frame, And to this world Him self he came.
sharp He knew; For us the temp er o ver threw.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 For us He prayed; for us He taught; 6 For us He rose from death again;
For us His daily works He wrought, For us He went on high to reign;
By words and signs and actions thus For us He sent His Spirit here
Still seeking not Himself but us. To guide, to strengthen, and to cheer.
5 For us, by wickedness betrayed, 7 All glory to our Lord and God
For us, in crown of thorns arrayed, For love so deep, so high, so broad,
He bore the shameful cross and death; The Trinity whom we adore
For us He gave His dying breath. Forever and forevermore.

Hymn #544: O Love, How Deep Lutheran Service Book

Text: attr. Thomas á, Kempis, 1380-1471 Tune: English melody, 15th cent.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

545 Word of God, Come Down on Earth




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #545: Word of God, Come Down on Earth Lutheran Service Book
Text: James Quinn, b. 1919 Tune: Johann R. Ahle, 1625-73, alt.
© James Quinn Public Domain
admin. Selah

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

546 O Jesus So Sweet, O Jesus So Mild

O JESULEIN SÜSS 10 8 88 10

1 O Je sus so sweet, O Je sus so mild! For

2 O Je sus so sweet, O Je sus so mild! With

sin ners You be came a child. You came from

God we now are rec on ciled. You have for

heav en down to earth In hu man flesh through

all the ran som paid, Your Fa ther’s righ teous

hu man birth. O Je sus so sweet, O Je sus so mild!
an ger stayed. O Je sus so sweet, O Je sus so mild!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 O Jesus so sweet, O Jesus so mild!

Joy fills the world which sin defiled.
Whate’er we have belongs to You;
O keep us faithful, strong, and true.
O Jesus so sweet, O Jesus so mild!

Hymn #546: O Jesus So Sweet, O Jesus So Mild Lutheran Service Book

Text: Valentin Thilo, 1607-62 Tune: Geistliche Kirchengesäng,
Public Domain Köln, 1623, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

547 The Lamb

WINTER 48 48 with Refrain


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #547: The Lamb Lutheran Service Book

Text: Gerald P. Coleman, b. 1953 Tune: Gerald P. Coleman, b. 1953
© 1987 Morning Star Music Publishers © 1987 Morning Star Music Publishers

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

548 Thanks to Thee, O Christ, Victorious

WERDE MUNTER 87 87 77 88

1 Thanks to Thee, O Christ, vic to rious! Thanks to Thee, O Lord of Life!

2 Thou hast died for my trans gres sion, All my sins on Thee were laid;

Death hath now no pow er o’er us, Thou hast con quered in the strife.
Thou hast won for me sal va tion, On the cross my debt was paid.

Thanks be cause Thou didst a rise And hast o pened par a dise!

From the grave I shall a rise And shall meet Thee in the skies.

None can ful ly sing the glo ry Of the res ur rec tion sto ry.
Death it self is tran si to ry; I shall lift my head in glo ry.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 For the joy thine advent gave me,

For Thy holy, precious Word;
For Thy Baptism, which doth save me,
For Thy blest Communion board;
For Thy death, the bitter scorn,
For Thy resurrection morn,
Lord, I thank Thee and extol Thee,
And in heav’n I shall behold Thee.

Hymn #548: Thanks to Thee, O Christ, Victorious Lutheran Service Book

Text: Thomas H. Kingo, 1634-1703 Tune: Johann Schop, 1600-65
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

549 All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name


1 All hail the pow’r of Je sus’ name! Let an gels pros trate fall;
2 Crown Him, Ye mar tyrs of our God, Who from His al tar call;
3 Ye seed of Is rael’s cho sen race, Ye ran somed from the fall,
Bring forth the roy al di a dem And crown Him Lord of all.
Ex tol the stem of Jes se’s rod And crown Him Lord of all.
Hail Him who saves you by His grace And crown Him Lord of all.

Bring forth the roy al di a dem And crown Him Lord of all.
Ex tol the stem of Jes se’s rod And crown Him Lord of all.
Hail Him who saves you by His grace And crown Him Lord of all.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Hail Him, ye heirs of David’s line, 6 Let ev’ry kindred, ev’ry tribe
Whom David Lord did call, On this terrestrial ball
The God Incarnate, man divine, To Him all majesty ascribe
And crown Him Lord of all. And crown Him Lord of all.
The God Incarnate, man divine, To Him all majesty ascribe
And crown Him Lord of all. And crown Him Lord of all.
5 Sinners, whose love can ne’er forget 7 Oh, that with yonder sacred throng
The wormwood and the gall, We at His feet may fall!
Go, spread your trophies at His feet We’ll join the everlasting song
And crown Him Lord of all. And crown Him Lord of all.
Go, spread your trophies at His feet We’ll join the everlasting song
And crown Him Lord of all. And crown Him Lord of all.

Hymn #549: All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name Lutheran Service Book
Text: Edward Perronet, 1726-92 (st. 1-5) Tune: Oliver Holden, 1765-1844
A Selection of Hymns, London, 1787 (st. 6-7) Public Domain
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

550 Lamb of God

LAMB OF GOD LM with Refrain


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #550: Lamb of God Lutheran Service Book

Text: Twila Paris, b. 1958 Tune: Twila Paris, b. 1958
© 1985 Straightway Music © 1985 Straightway Music
admin. EMI

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

551 When to Our World the Savior Came


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #551: When to Our World the Savior Came Lutheran Service Book
Text: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 Tune: Robert A. Schumann, 1810-56, adapt.
© 1984 Hope Publishing Co. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

552a O Christ, Who Shared Our Mortal Life
Raising of Jairus’ Daughter



Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #552a: O Christ, Who Shared Our Mortal Life Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: Kevin J. Hildebrand, b. 1923
© 2003 GIA Publications, Inc. © 2004 Kevin J. Hildebrand

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

552b O Christ, Who Shared Our Mortal Life
Raising of the Widow’s Son



Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #552b: O Christ, Who Shared Our Mortal Life Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: Kevin J. Hildebrand, b. 1923
© 2003 GIA Publications, Inc. © 2004 Kevin J. Hildebrand

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

552c O Christ, Who Shared Our Mortal Life
Raising of Lazarus



Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #552c: O Christ, Who Shared Our Mortal Life Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: Kevin J. Hildebrand, b. 1923
© 2003 GIA Publications, Inc. © 2004 Kevin J. Hildebrand

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

553 O Christ, Our Hope, Our Hearts’ Desire


1 O Christ, our hope, our hearts’ de sire, Cre a tion’s might y Lord,
2 How vast Your mer cy to ac cept The bur den of our sin
3 But now the bonds of death are burst, The ran som has been paid;

4 O let Your might y love pre vail To purge us of our pride
Re deem er of the fall en world, By ho ly love out poured:
And bow Your head in cru el death To make us clean with in.
You now as cend the Fa ther’s throne In robes of light ar rayed.
That we may stand be fore Your throne By mer cy pu ri fied.

5 Christ Jesus, be our present joy, 6 All praise to You, ascended Lord;
Our future great reward; All glory ever be
Our only glory, may it be To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
To glory in the Lord! Through all eternity!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 Chronicles 29:30
King Hezekiah and his officials ordered the Levites
to praise the LORD with the words of David and
of Asaph the seer. So they sang praises with gladness
and bowed their heads and worshiped. (NIV)

Hymn #553: O Christ, Our Hope, Our Hearts’ Desire Lutheran Service Book
Text: Latin, c. 5th-10th cent. Tune: Johann B. König, 1691-1758
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

554 O Jesus, King Most Wonderful


1 O Je sus, King most won der ful!
2 When once You vis it dark ened hearts,
O Je sus, Light of all be low,


O Con quer or re nowned, O Source of peace in
Then truth be gins to shine, Then earth ly van i
O fount of life and fire, Sur pass ing all the
ef fa ble, In whom all joys are found:
ty de parts, Then kin dles love di vine.
joys we know, All that we can de sire:

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 May ev’ry heart confess Your name, 5 Oh, may our tongues forever bless,
Forever You adore, May we love You alone
And, seeking You, itself inflame And ever in our lives express
To seek You more and more! The image of Your own!

Hymn #554: O Jesus, King Most Wonderful Lutheran Service Book

Text: attr. Bernard of Clairvaux, 1091-1153 Tune: John B. Dykes, 1823-76
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

555 Salvation unto Us Has Come

ES IST DAS HEIL 87 87 887

1 Sal va tion un to us has come By God’s free grace and

2 What God did in His
 Law de mand

And none to Him could

fa vor; Good works can not a vert our doom, They help and save

ren der Caused wrath and woe on ev’ ry hand For man, the vile

us nev er. Faith looks to Je sus Christ a lone, Who

fend er. Our flesh has not those pure de sires



did for all the world a tone; He is our one Re deem er.
spir it of the Law re quires, And lost is our con di tion.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 It was a false, misleading dream 6 Since Christ has full atonement made
That God His Law has given And brought to us salvation,
That sinners could themselves redeem Each Christian therefore may be glad
And by their works gain heaven. And build on this foundation.
The Law is but a mirror bright Your grace alone, dear Lord, I plead,
To bring the inbred sin to light Your death is now my life indeed,
That lurks within our nature. For You have paid my ransom.
4 From sin our flesh could not abstain, 7 Let me not doubt, but truly see
Sin held its sway unceasing; Your Word cannot be broken;
The task was useless and in vain, Your call rings out, “Come unto Me!”
Our guilt was e’er increasing. No falsehood have You spoken.
None can remove sin’s poisoned dart Baptized into Your precious name,
Or purify our guileful heart— My faith cannot be put to shame,
So deep is our corruption. And I shall never perish.
5 Yet as the Law must be fulfilled 8 The Law reveals the guilt of sin
Or we must die despairing, And makes us conscience–stricken
Christ came and has God’s anger stilled, But then the Gospel enters in
Our human nature sharing. The sinful soul to quicken.
He has for us the Law obeyed Come to the cross, trust Christ,
And thus the Father’s vengeance stayed and live;
Which over us impended. The Law no peace can ever give,
No comfort and no blessing.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

9 Faith clings to Jesus’ cross alone 10 All blessing, honor, thanks, and praise
And rests in Him unceasing; To Father, Son, and Spirit,
And by its fruits true faith is known, The God who saved us by His grace;
With love and hope increasing, All glory to His merit.
For faith alone can justify; O triune God in heav’n above,
Works serve our neighbor and supply You have revealed Your saving love;
The proof that faith is living. Your blessed name we hallow.

Hymn #555: Salvation unto Us Has Come Lutheran Service Book

Text: Paul Speratus, 1484-1551 Tune: Etlich Cristlich lider,
Public Domain Wittenberg, 1524, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

556 Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice

NUN FREUT EUCH 87 87 887

1 Dear Chris tians, one and all, re joice, With ex ul ta tion

2 Fast bound in Sa tan’s chains I lay; Death brood ed dark ly

spring ing, And with u nit ed heart and voice And
o’er me, Sin was my tor ment night and day; In


ho ly rap ture sing ing, Pro claim the won ders God has done, How
sin my moth er bore me.

But dai ly deep er still I fell; My

His right arm the vic t’ry won. What price our ran som cost Him!
life be came a liv ing hell, So firm ly sin pos sessed me.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 My own good works all came to naught, 6 The Son obeyed His Father’s will,
No grace or merit gaining; Was born of virgin mother;
Free will against God’s judgment fought, And God’s good pleasure to fulfill,
Dead to all good remaining. He came to be my brother.
My fears increased till sheer despair His royal pow’r disguised He bore,
Left only death to be my share; A servant’s form, like mine, He wore
The pangs of hell I suffered. To lead the devil captive.
4 But God had seen my wretched state 7 To me He said: “Stay close to Me,
Before the world’s foundation, I am your rock and castle.
And mindful of His mercies great, Your ransom I Myself will be;
He planned for my salvation. For you I strive and wrestle.
He turned to me a father’s heart; For I am yours, and you are Mine,
He did not choose the easy part And where I am you may remain;
But gave His dearest treasure. The foe shall not divide us.
5 God said to His beloved Son: 8 “Though he will shed My precious
“It’s time to have compassion. blood,
Then go, bright jewel of My crown, Me of My life bereaving,
And bring mankind salvation; All this I suffer for your good;
From sin and sorrow set them free; Be steadfast and believing.
Slay bitter death for them that they Life will from death the vict’ry win;
May live with You forever.” My innocence shall bear your sin,
And you are blest forever.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

9 “Now to My Father I depart, 10 “What I on earth have done and taught
From earth to heav’n ascending, Guide all your life and teaching;
And, heav’nly wisdom to impart, So shall my kingdom’s work be wrought
The Holy Spirit sending; And honored in your preaching.
In trouble He will comfort you But watch lest foes with base alloy
And teach you always to be true The heav’nly treasure should destroy;
And in all truth shall guide you. This final word I leave you.”

Hymn #556: Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Tune: Etlich Cristlich lider,
Public Domain Wittenberg, 1524
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

557 Seek Where You May to Find a Way

SUCH, WER DA WILL 447 447 44447


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Jonah 2:9
But I, with a song of thanksgiving, will
sacrifice to you. What I have vowed I will
make good. Salvation comes from the LORD. (NIV)

Hymn #557: Seek Where You May to Find a Way Lutheran Service Book
Text: Georg Weissel, 1590-1635 Tune: Johann Stobäus, 1580-1646, alt.
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

558 Not unto Us

NOT UNTO US 12 10 13 10

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #558: Not unto Us Lutheran Service Book

Text: Kurt J. Eggert, 1923-93 Tune: Kurt J. Eggert, 1923-93
© 1993 Ruth Eggert © 1993 Ruth Eggert

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

559 Oh, How Great Is Your Compassion


1 Oh, how great is Your com pas sion, Faith ful Fa ther, God of grace,
2 Your great love for this has striv en That we may, from sin made free,
3 Firm ly to our soul’s sal va tion Wit ness es Your Spir it, Lord,


That with all our fall en race In our depth of deg ra da tion
Live with You e ter nal ly. Your dear Son Him self has giv en
In Your sac ra ments and Word. There He sends true con so la tion,

You had mer cy so that we Might be saved e ter nal ly!
And ex tends His gra cious call, To His sup per leads us all.
Giv ing us the gift of faith That we fear not hell nor death.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Lord, Your mercy will not leave me; 5 I will praise Your great compassion,
Ever will Your truth abide. Faithful Father, God of grace,
Then in You I will confide. That with all our fallen race
Since Your Word cannot deceive me, In our depth of degradation
My salvation is to me You had mercy so that we
Safe and sure eternally. Might be saved eternally.

Hymn #559: Oh, How Great Is Your Compassion Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann Olearius, 1611-84 Tune: Schäffer-Belustigung… Hirthen-Lieder,
Public Domain Altdorf, 1653, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

560 Drawn to the Cross, Which Thou Hast Blessed


1 Drawn to the cross, which Thou hast blessed With
2 Thou know est all my griefs and fears, Thy

3 Wash me and take a way each stain; Let


heal ing gifts for souls dis tressed, To find in Thee
grace a bused, my mis spent years; Yet now to Thee
noth ing of my sin re main. For cleans ing, though
my life, my rest, Christ Cru ci fied, I come.
with con trite tears, Christ Cru ci fied, I come.
it be through pain, Christ Cru ci fied, I come.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 And then for work to do for Thee,
Which shall so sweet a service be
That angels well might envy me,
Christ Crucified, I come.

Hymn #560: Drawn to the Cross, Which Thou Hast Blessed Lutheran Service Book
Text: Genevieve M. Irons, 1855-1928 Tune: Joseph Barnby, 1838-96
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

561 The Tree of Life

TREE OF LIFE 88 88 88 88

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Isaiah 30:29
And you will sing as on the night you celebrate
a holy festival; your hearts will rejoice as
when people go up with flutes to the mountain
of the LORD, to the Rock of Israel. (NIV)

Hymn #561: The Tree of Life Lutheran Service Book

Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: Bruce W. Becker, b. 1952
© 1993 Stephen P. Starke © 1995 Bruce W. Becker
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

562 All Mankind Fell in Adam’s Fall


1 All man kind fell in Ad am’s fall; One com mon
2 Through all our pow’rs cor rup tion creeps And us in
3 From hearts de praved, to e vil prone, Flow thoughts and

sin in fects us all. From one to all the curse
dread ful bond age keeps; In guilt they draw our in
deeds of sin a lone; God’s im age lost, the dark

de scends, And o ver all God’s wrath im pends.
fant breath And reap its fruits of woe and death.
ened soul Seeks not nor finds its heav’n ly goal.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 But Christ, the second Adam, came 5 As by one man all mankind fell
To bear our sin and woe and shame, And, born in sin, was doomed to hell,
To be our life, our light, our way, So by one Man, who took our place,
Our only hope, our only stay. We all were justified by grace.
6 We thank You, Christ; new life is ours,
New light, new hope, new strength, new pow’rs.
This grace our ev’ry way attend
Until we reach our journey’s end.

Hymn #562: All Mankind Fell in Adam’s Fall Lutheran Service Book
Text: Lazarus Spengler, 1479-1534 Tune: Louis Bourgeois, c. 1510-c. 1561
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

563 Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness


1 Je sus, Thy blood and righ teous ness My beau ty
2 Bold shall I stand in that great day, Cleansed and re
3 Lord, I be lieve Thy pre cious blood, Which at the
are, my glo rious dress; Midst flam ing worlds, in
deemed, no debt to pay; Ful ly ab solved through

mer cy seat of God Pleads for the cap tives’

these ar rayed, With joy shall I lift up my head.
these I am From sin and fear, from guilt and shame.
lib er ty, Was al so shed in love for me.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Lord, I believe were sinners more 5 When from the dust of death I rise
Than sands upon the ocean shore, To claim my mansion in the skies,
Thou hast for all a ransom paid, This then shall be my only plea:
For all a full atonement made. Jesus hath lived and died for me.
6 Jesus be endless praise to Thee,
Whose boundless mercy hath for me,
For me, and all Thy hands have made,
An everlasting ransom paid.

Hymn #563: Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness Lutheran Service Book
Text: Nicolaus L. von Zinzendorf, 1700-60 Tune: George J. Elvey, 1816-93
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

564 Christ Sits at God’s Right Hand





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #564: Christ Sits at God’s Right Hand Lutheran Service Book
Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: Hebrew melody,
© 2002 Stephen P. Starke arr. M. Lyon, c. 1751-97
admin. Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

565 Thy Works, Not Mine, O Christ

ST. JOHN 66 66 88


1 Thy works, not mine, O Christ, Speak glad ness to this heart.
2 Thy blood, not mine, O Christ, Can heal my bruis ed soul;
3 Thy cross, not mine, O Christ, Has borne the crush ing load
4 Thy death, not mine, O Christ, Has paid the ran som due;


They tell me all is done, They bid my fear de part.
Thy stripes, not mine, con tain The balm that makes me whole.
Of sins that none could bear But the in car nate God.
Ten thou sand deaths like mine Would have been all too few.

To whom save Thee, who canst a lone For sin a tone, Lord, shall I flee?

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

5 Thy righteousness, O Christ,
Alone can cover me;
No righteousness avails
Save that which is of Thee.

Hymn #565: Thy Works, Not Mine, O Christ Lutheran Service Book
Text: Horatius Bonar, 1808-89 Tune: The Parish Choir,
Public Domain London, 1850
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

566 By Grace I’m Saved


1 By grace I’m saved, grace free and bound less; My soul, be lieve and
2 By grace! None dare lay claim to mer it; Our works and con duct

doubt it not. Why stag ger at this word of prom ise?
have no worth. God in His love sent our Re deem er,

Has Scrip ture ev er false hood taught? No! Then this word must
Christ Je sus, to this sin ful earth; His death did for our

true re main: By grace you too will life ob tain.
sins a tone, And we are saved by grace a lone.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 By grace God’s Son, our only Savior,
Came down to earth to bear our sin.
Was it because of your own merit
That Jesus died your soul to win?
No, it was grace, and grace alone,
That brought Him from His heav’nly throne.
4 By grace! This ground of faith is certain;
As long as God is true, it stands.
What saints have penned by inspiration,
What in His Word our God commands,
Our faith in what our God has done
Depends on grace—grace through His Son.
5 By grace to timid hearts that tremble,
In tribulation’s furnace tried,
By grace, in spite of fear and trouble,
The Father’s heart is open wide.
Where could I help and strength secure
If grace were not my anchor sure?
6 By grace! On this I’ll rest when dying;
In Jesus’ promise I rejoice;
For though I know my heart’s condition,
I also know my Savior’s voice.
My heart is glad, all grief has flown
Since I am saved by grace alone.
Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

1 Samuel 10:5b
As you approach the town, you will meet a procession
of prophets coming down from the high place with
lyres, tambourines, flutes and harps being played
before them, and they will be prophesying. (NIV)

Hymn #566: By Grace I’m Saved Lutheran Service Book

Text: Christian L. Scheidt, 1709-61 Tune: Cornelius H. Dretzel, 1697-1775, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

567 Not What These Hands Have Done



1 Not what these hands have done Can save this guilt y soul;
2 Not what I feel or do Can give me peace with God;
3 Thy work a lone, O Christ, Can ease this weight of sin;
4 Thy love to me, O God, Not mine, O Lord, to Thee,

Not what this toil ing flesh has borne Can make my spir it whole.
Not all my prayers and sighs and tears Can bear my aw ful load.
Thy blood a lone, O Lamb of God, Can give me peace with in.
Can rid me of this dark un rest And set my spir it free.

5 Thy grace alone, O God, 6 I bless the Christ of God,

To me can pardon speak; I rest on love divine,
Thy pow’r alone, O Son of God, And with unfalt’ring lip and heart
Can this sore bondage break. I call this Savior mine.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 9:2
I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will
sing praise to your name, O Most High. (NIV)

Hymn #567: Not What These Hands Have Done Lutheran Service Book
Text: Horatius Bonar, 1808-89 Tune: William H. Monk, 1823-89
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

568 If Your Beloved Son, O God

NUN FREUT EUCH 87 87 887

1 If Your be lov ed Son, O God, Had not to earth de scend ed
2 But now I find sweet peace and rest; De spair no more reigns o’er me.


And in our mor tal flesh and blood Had not sin’s pow er
No more am I by sin op pressed, For Christ has borne sin


end ed, Then this poor, wretch ed soul of mine In

for me. Up on the cross for me He died That,


hell e ter nal ly would pine Be cause of my trans gres sion.
rec on ciled, I might a bide With You, my God, for ev er.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 I trust in Him with all my heart; 4 All righteousness by works is vain;

Now all my sorrow ceases. The Law brings condemnation.
His words abiding peace impart; True righteousness by faith I gain;
His blood from guilt releases. Christ’s work is my salvation.
Free grace through Him I now obtain; His death, that perfect sacrifice,
He washes me from ev’ry stain, Has paid the all–sufficient price;
And pure I stand before Him. In Him my hope is anchored.
5 My guilt, O Father, You have laid
On Christ, Your Son, my Savior.
Lord Jesus, You my debt have paid
And gained for me God’s favor.
O Holy Spirit, Fount of grace,
The good in me to You I trace;
In faith and hope preserve me.

Hymn #568: If Your Beloved Son, O God Lutheran Service Book

Text: Johann Heermann, 1585-1647 (st. 1-4) Tune: Etlich Cristlich lider,
Neu-vermehries… Gesangbuch, Wittenberg, 1524
Braunschweig, 1661 (st. 5) Public Domain
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

569 In Adam We Have All Been One



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #569: In Adam We Have All Been One Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin H. Franzmann, 1907-76 Tune: William Walker,
© 1969 Concordia Publishing House Southern Harmony, 1835
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

570 Just as I Am, without One Plea


1 Just as I am, with out one plea But that Thy
2 Just as I am and wait ing not To rid my

3 Just as I am, though tossed a bout With man y‿ a

blood was shed for me And that Thou bidd’st me come to
soul of one dark blot, To Thee, whose blood can cleanse each

con flict, man y‿ a doubt, Fight ings and fears with in, with

Thee, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
spot, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
out O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind; 5 Just as I am, Thou wilt receive
Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
Yea, all I need, in Thee to find, Because Thy promise I believe,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come. O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
6 Just as I am; Thy love unknown
Has broken ev’ry barrier down.
Now to be Thine, yea, Thine alone,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Hymn #570: Just as I Am, without One Plea Lutheran Service Book
Text: Charlotte Elliott, 1789-1871 Tune: William B. Bradbury, 1816-68
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

571 God Loved the World So That He Gave


1 God loved the world so that He gave His on ly
2 Christ Je sus is the ground of faith, Who was made
3 God would not have the sin ner die; His Son with
Son the lost to save, That all who would in
flesh and suf fered death; All then who trust in
sav ing grace is nigh; His Spir it in the

Him be lieve Should ev er last ing life re ceive.
Him a lone Are built on this chief cor ner stone.
Word de clares How we in Christ are heav en’s heirs.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Be of good cheer, for God’s own Son
Forgives the sins that you have done;
And, justified by Jesus’ blood,
Your Baptism grants the highest good.
5 If you are sick, if death is near,
This truth your troubled heart can cheer:
Christ Jesus saves my soul from death;
This is the firmest ground of faith.
6 Glory to God the Father, Son,
And Holy Spirit, Three in One!
To You, O blessed Trinity,
Be praise now and eternally!

Hymn #571: God Loved the World So That He Gave Lutheran Service Book
Text: Heiliges Lippen- und Tune: George J. Elvey, 1816-93
Hertzens-Opffer, 1778 Public Domain
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

572 In the Shattered Bliss of Eden






Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


1 Chronicles 15:16
David told the leaders of the Levites to
appoint their brothers as singers to sing
joyful songs, accompanied by musical instruments:
lyres, harps and cymbals. (NIV)

Hymn #572: In the Shattered Bliss of Eden Lutheran Service Book

Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: C. Hubert H. Parry, 1848-1918
© 2002 Stephen P. Starke Public Domain
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

573 Lord, ’Tis Not That I Did Choose Thee


1 Lord, ’tis not that I did choose Thee; That, I know, could nev er be,
2 It was grace in Christ that called me, Taught my dark ened heart and mind;

For this heart would still re fuse Thee Had Thy grace not cho sen me.

Else the world had yet en thralled me, To Thy heav’n ly glo ries blind.

Thou has from the sin that stained me Washed and cleansed and set me free
Now I wor ship none a bove Thee; For Thy grace a lone I thirst,

And un to this end or dained me, That I ev er live to Thee.
Know ing well that, if I love Thee, Thou, O Lord, didst love me first.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Praise the God of all creation;

Praise the Father’s boundless love.
Praise the Lamb, our expiation,
Priest and King enthroned above.
Praise the Spirit of salvation,
Him by whom our spirits live.
Undivided adoration
To the great Jehovah give.

Hymn #573: Lord, ’Tis Not That I Did Choose Thee Lutheran Service Book
Text: Josiah Conder, 1789-1855 Tune: Erbaulicher Musicalischer
Public Domain Christen-Schatz, Basel, 1745, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

574 Before the Throne of God Above


1 Be fore the throne of God a bove I have a
2 My name is grav en on His hands, My name is
3 When Sa tan tempts me to de spair, And tells me

strong, a per fect plea: A great High Priest, whose name is
writ ten on His heart; I know that while in heav’n He
of the guilt with in, Up ward I look, and see Him

Love, Who ev er lives and pleads for me.
stands No tongue can bid me thence de part.
there Who made an end of all my sin.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Because the sinless Savior died, 5 Behold Him there! The risen Lamb!
My sinful soul is counted free; My perfect, spotless righteousness,
For God, the just, is satisfied The great unchangeable I AM,
To look on Him and pardon me. The King of glory and of grace!
6 At one with Him, I cannot die,
My soul is purchased by His blood;
My life is hid with Christ on high,
With Christ, my Savior and my God.

Hymn melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #574: Before the Throne of God Above Lutheran Service Book
Text: Charitie L. de Chenez, 1841-1923 Tune: Vernon Griffiths, 1894-1985
Public Domain © 1971 Faber Music Ltd.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

575 My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less

MAGDALEN 88 88 88

1 My hope is built on noth ing less Than Je sus’

2 When dark ness veils His love ly face, I rest on

blood and righ teous ness; No mer it of my

His un chang ing grace; In ev’ ry high and

own I claim But whol ly lean on Je sus’ name.
storm y gale My an chor holds with in the veil.


On Christ, the sol id rock, I stand; All oth er ground is sink ing sand.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 His oath, His covenant and blood 4 When He shall come with trumpet
Support me in the raging flood; sound,
When ev’ry earthly prop gives way, Oh, may I then in Him be found,
He then is all my hope and stay. Clothed in His righteousness alone,
Refrain Faultless to stand before His throne.

Hymn #575: My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less Lutheran Service Book

Text: Edward Mote, 1797-1874 Tune: John Stainer, 1840-1901
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

576 My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less

THE SOLID ROCK LM with Refrain

1 My hope is built on noth ing less Than Je sus’ blood and righ teous ness;
2 When dark ness veils His love ly face, I rest on His un chang ing grace;

No mer it of my own I claim, But whol ly lean on Je sus’ name.
In ev’ ry high and storm y gale My an chor holds with in the veil.


On Christ, the sol id rock, I stand; All oth er ground

is sink ing sand, All oth er ground is sink ing sand.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 His oath, His covenant and blood 4 When He shall come with trumpet
Support me in the raging flood; sound,
When ev’ry earthly prop give way, Oh, may I then in Him be found,
He then is all my hope and stay. Clothed in His righteousness alone,
Refrain Redeemed to stand before the throne!

Hymn #576: My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less Lutheran Service Book

Text: Edward Mote, 1797-1874 Tune: William B. Bradbury, 1816-68
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

577 Almighty God, Your Word Is Cast


1 Al might y God, Your Word is cast Like seed in to the ground;
2 Let not the sly sa tan ic foe This ho ly seed re move,
3 Let not the world’s de ceit ful cares The ris ing plant de stroy,
4 So when the pre cious seed is sown, Life– giv ing grace be stow

Now let the dew of heav’n de scend And righ teous fruits a bound.
But give it root in ev’ ry heart To bring forth fruits of love.
But let it yield a hun dred fold The fruits of peace and joy.
That all whose souls the truth re ceive Its sav ing pow’r may know.

Hymn #577: Almighty God, Your Word Is Cast Lutheran Service Book
Text: John Cawood, 1775-1852 Tune: John Day, Psalter, 1562
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

578 Thy Strong Word


3 3






3 3


3 3


3 3


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 96:2
Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim
his salvation day after day. (NIV)

Hymn #578: Thy Strong Word Lutheran Service Book

Text: Martin H. Franzmann, 1907-76 Tune: Thomas J. Williams, 1869-1944
© 1969 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

579 The Law of God Is Good and Wise



1 The Law of God is good and wise And sets His
2 Its light of ho li ness im parts The knowl edge

3 To those who help in Christ have found And would in

will be fore our eyes, Shows us the way of righ teous
of our sin ful hearts That we may see our lost es
works of love a bound It shows what deeds are His de

ness, And dooms to death when we trans gress.
tate And turn from sin be fore too late.
light And should be done as good and right.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 But those who scornfully disdain 5 The Law is good; but since the fall
God’s Law shall then in sin remain; Its holiness condemns us all;
Its terror in their ear resounds It dooms us for our sins to die
And keeps their wickedness in bounds. And has no pow’r to justify.
6 To Jesus we for refuge flee,
Who from the curse has set us free,
And humbly worship at His throne,
Saved by His grace through faith alone.

Hymn #579: The Law of God Is Good and Wise Lutheran Service Book
Text: Matthias Loy, 1828-1915 Tune: Joseph Klug,
Public Domain Geistliche Lieder,
Wittenberg, 1543, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

580 The Gospel Shows the Father’s Grace


1 The Gos pel shows the Fa ther’s grace, Who sent His
2 It sets the Lamb be fore our eyes, Who made the a
3 It brings the Sav ior’s righ teous ness To robe our


Son to save our race, Pro claims how Je sus
ton ing sac ri fice And calls the souls with
souls in roy al dress; From all our guilt it

lived and died That we might thus be jus ti fied.
guilt op pressed To come and find e ter nal rest.
brings re lease And gives the trou bled con science peace.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 It is the pow’r of God to save 5 It bears to all the tidings glad
From sin and Satan and the grave; And bids their hearts no more be sad;
It works the faith which firmly clings The weary, burdened souls it cheers
To all the treasures which it brings. And banishes their guilty fears.
6 May we in faith its message learn
Nor thanklessly its blessings spurn;
May we in faith its truth confess
And praise the Lord, our righteousness.

Hymn #580: The Gospel Shows the Father’s Grace Lutheran Service Book
Text: Matthias Loy, 1828-1915 Tune: Cantionale Germanicum,
Public Domain Gochsheim, Dresden, 1628
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

581 These Are the Holy Ten Commands





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #581: These Are the Holy Ten Commands Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 (st. 1) Tune: German melody, 13th cent., alt.
© 1980 Concordia Publishing House (st.3-5, 7, 11) Public Domain
© 2006 Concordia Publishing House (st. 1-2)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

582 God’s Word Is Our Great Heritage

REUTER 87 87 66 66 7

God’s Word is our great her i tage And shall be ours for
ev er; To spread its light from age to age Shall be our
chief en deav or. Through life it guides our way, In death it


is our stay. Lord, grant, while worlds en dure, We keep its
teach ings pure Through out all gen er a tions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 Chronicles 9:11a
The king used the algumwood to make steps for the
temple of the LORD and for the royal palace, and
to make harps and lyres for the musicians. (NIV)

Hymn #582: God’s Word Is Our Great Heritage Lutheran Service Book
Text: Nikolai F. S. Grundtvig, 1783-1872 Tune: Friedrich O. Reuter, 1863-1924
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

583 God Has Spoken by His Prophets





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #583: God Has Spoken by His Prophets Lutheran Service Book
Text: George W. Briggs, 1875-1959 Tune: Henry T. Smart, 1813-79
© 1953, 1981 The Hymn Society Public Domain
admin. Hope Publishing Co.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

584 Faith and Truth and Life Bestowing





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #584: Faith and Truth and Life Bestowing Lutheran Service Book
Text: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 Tune: Columbian Harmony,
© 1997 Hope Publishing Co. Cincinnati, 1825
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

585 Lord Jesus Christ, with Us Abide





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #585: Lord Jesus Christ, with Us Abide Lutheran Service Book
Text: Phillipp Melanchthon, 1497-1560 (st. 1) Tune: Geistliche Lieder,
Nicolaus Selnecker, 1532-92 (st. 2-6) Leipzig, 1589, alt.
© 1982 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

586 Preach You the Word




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #586: Preach You the Word Lutheran Service Book

Text: Martin H. Franzmann, 1907-76 Tune: Rheinfelssisch Deutsches Catholisches
© 1971 The Franzmann Family Gesangbuch, Augsburg, 1666
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

587 I Know My Faith Is Founded

NUN LOB, MEIN SEEL 78 78 76 76 76 76

1 I know my faith is found ed On Je sus Christ, my God and Lord;

2 In crease my faith, dear Sav ior,
For Sa tan seeks by night and day

And this my faith con fess ing, Un moved I stand on His sure Word.

To rob me of this trea sure And take may hope of bliss a way.
Our rea son can not fath om The truth of God pro found;

But, Lord, with You
be side me,

I shall be un dis mayed;

Who trusts its hu man wis dom Re lies on shift ing ground.
And led by Your good Spir it, I shall be un a fraid.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


God’s Word is all– suf fi cient, It makes di vine ly sure;


bide with me,

O Sav ior, A firm er faith be stow;

And trust ing in its wis dom, My faith shall rest se cure.
Then I shall bid de fi ance To ev’ ry e vil foe.
3 In faith, Lord, let me serve You;
Though persecution, grief, and pain
Should seek to overwhelm me,
Let me a steadfast trust retain;
And then at my departure,
Lord, take me home to You
Your riches to inherit
As all You said holds true.
In life and death, Lord, keep me
Until Your heav’n I gain,
Where I by Your great mercy
The end of faith attain.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 51:14
Save me from bloodguilt, O God, the
God who saves me, and my tongue will
sing of your righteousness. (NIV)

Hymn #587: I Know My Faith Is Founded Lutheran Service Book

Text: Erdmann Neumeister, 1671-1756 Tune: Hans Kugelmann,
Public Domain Concentus novi,
Augsburg, 1540, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

588 Jesus Loves Me

JESUS LOVES ME 77 77 with Refrain

1 Je sus loves me! This I know, For the Bi ble tells me so.
2 Je sus loves me! He who died Heav en’s gates to o pen wide.


Lit tle ones to Him be long; They are weak, but He is strong.
He has washed a way my sin, Lets His lit tle child come in.


Yes, Je sus loves me! Yes, Je sus loves me!


Yes, Je sus loves me! The Bi ble tells me so.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Luke 7:32
They are like children sitting in the marketplace
and calling out to each other: We played the
flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang
a dirge, and you did not cry. (NIV)

Hymn #588: Jesus Loves Me Lutheran Service Book

Text: Anna B. Warner, 1820-1915 Tune: William B. Bradbury, 1816-68
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

589 Speak, O Lord, Your Servant Listens

WERDE MUNTER 87 87 77 88


1 Speak, O Lord, Your ser vant lis tens, Let Your Word to


me come near; New born life and spir it give me, Let each


prom ise still my fear. Death’s dread pow’r, it in ward strife,

Wars a gainst Your Word of life; Fill me, Lord, with

love’s strong fer vor That I cling to You for ev er!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 Oh, what blessing to be near You 3 Lord, Your words are waters living
And to listen to Your voice; When my thirsting spirit pleads.
Let me ever love and hear You, Lord, Your words are bread life–giving,
Let Your Word be now my choice! On Your words my spirit feeds.
Many hardened sinners, Lord, Lord, Your words will be my light
Flee in terror at Your Word; Through death’s cold and dreary night;
But to all who feel sin’s burden Yes, they are my sword prevailing
You give words of peace and pardon. And my cup of joy unfailing!
4 As I pray, dear Jesus, hear me;
Let Your words in me take root.
May Your Spirit e’er be near me
That I bear abundant fruit.
May I daily sing Your praise,
From my heart glad anthems raise,
Till my highest praise is given
In the endless joy of heaven.

Hymn #589: Speak, O Lord, Your Servant Listens Lutheran Service Book
Text: Anna Sophia of Hesse-Darmstadt, 1638-83 Tune: Johann Schop, 1600-65
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

590 Baptized into Your Name Most Holy


1 Bap tized in to Your name most ho ly, O Fa ther, Son,
2 My lov ing Fa ther, here You take me To be hence forth

and Ho ly Ghost, I claim a place, though weak and low ly,
Your child and heir; My faith ful Sav ior, here You make me

A mong Your saints, Your cho sen host. Bur ied with Christ and
The fruit of all Your sor rows share; O Ho ly Spir it,

dead to sin, Your Spir it now shall live with in.
com fort me When threat’ ning clouds a round I see.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 My faithful God, You never fail me; 4 All that I am and love most dearly—
Your promise surely will endure. Receive it all, O Lord, from me.
O cast me not away forever Let me confess my faith sincerely;
If words and deeds become impure. help me Your faithful child to be!
Have mercy when I come defiled; Let nothing that I am or own
Forgive, lift up, restore Your child. Serve any will but Yours alone.

Hymn #590: Baptized into Your Name Most Holy Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann J. Rambach, 1693-1735 Tune: Cornelius H. Dretzel, 1697-1775, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

591 This Is the Spirit’s Entry Now


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #591: This Is the Spirit’s Entry Now Lutheran Service Book
Text: Thomas E. Herbranson, b. 1933 Tune: Roy A. Hopp, b. 1951
© Thomas E. Herbranson © 1998 Roy Hopp

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

592 Dearest Jesus, We Are Here


1 Dear est Je sus, we are here, Glad ly Your com
2 Your com mand is clear and plain, And we would o

mand o bey ing. With this child we now draw near

bey it du ly: “You must all be born a gain,


In re sponse to Your own say ing That to You it

Heart and life re new ing tru ly, Born of wa ter

shall be giv en As a child and heir of heav en.
and the Spir it, And My king dom thus in her it.”

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Therefore we have come to You, 4 Gracious head, Your member own;

In our arms this infant bearing. Shepherd, take Your lamb and feed it;
Truly here Your grace we view; Prince of Peace, make here Your throne;
May this child, Your mercy sharing, Way of Life, to heaven lead it;
In Your arms be shielded ever, Precious Vine, let nothing sever
Yours on earth and Yours forever. From Your side this branch forever.
5 Now into Your heart we pour
Prayers that from our hearts proceeded.
Our petitions heav’nward soar;
May our hearts’ desires be heeded!
Write the name we now have given;
Write it in the book of heaven!

Hymn #592: Dearest Jesus, We Are Here Lutheran Service Book

Text: Benjamin Schmolck, 1672-1737 Tune: Johann R. Ahle, 1625-73, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

593 See This Wonder in the Making


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #593: See This Wonder in the Making Lutheran Service Book
Text: Jaroslav J. Vajda, b. 1919 Tune: Lofsnger och andeliga wisor,
© 1984 Concordia Publishing House Sweden, 1873
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

594 God’s Own Child, I Gladly Say It

BACHOFEN 87 87 88 77






Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Psalm 147:1, 7
Praise the LORD. How good it is to sing praises
to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise
him ... Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving;
make music to our God on the harp. (NIV)

Hymn #594: God’s Own Child, I Gladly Say It Lutheran Service Book
Text: Erdmann Neumeister, 1671-1756 Tune: Johann C. Bachofen, 1695-1755, alt.
© 1991 Robert E. Voelker Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

595 O Blessed Spring





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #595: O Blessed Spring Lutheran Service Book

Text: Susan P. Cherwien, b. 1953 Tune: English folk melody
© Susan P. Cherwien Public Domain
admin. Augsburg Fortress

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

596 All Christians Who Have Been Baptized

NUN FREUT EUCH 87 87 887




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #596: All Christians Who Have Been Baptized Lutheran Service Book
Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76 Tune: Etlich Cristlich lider,
© 2004 Concordia Publishing House Wittenberg, 1524
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

597 Water, Blood, and Spirit Crying

FILTER 88 87

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #597: Water, Blood, and Spirit Crying Lutheran Service Book
Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: Jeffrey N. Blersch, b. 1967
© 1999 Stephen P. Starke © 2003 Jeffrey N. Blersch
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

598 Once in the Blest Baptismal Waters



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #598: Once in the Blest Baptismal Waters Lutheran Service Book
Text: Emilie Juliane von Schwarzburg- Tune: Christian Möck, 1737-1818
Rudolstadt, 1637-1706 Public Domain
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

599 O Gracious Lord, with Love Draw Near


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #599: O Gracious Lord, with Love Draw Near Lutheran Service Book
Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: Vernon Griffiths, 1894-1985
© 2003 Stephen P. Starke © 1971 Faber Music Ltd.
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

600 Mark How the Lamb of God’s Self-Offering








Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 Chronicles 5:13a
The trumpeters and singers joined in unison,
as with one voice, to give praise and thanks
to the LORD. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals
and other instruments, they raised their voices
in praise to the LORD and sang: He is good;
his love endures forever. (NIV)

Hymn #600: Mark How the Lamb of God’s Self-Offering Lutheran Service Book
Text: Carl P. Daw Jr., b. 1944 Tune: attr. Louis Bourgeois, c. 1510-c. 1561,
© 1990 Hope Publishing Co. Strasbourg Psalter, 1545
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

601 All Who Believe and Are Baptized

ES IST DAS HEIL 87 87 887

1 All who be lieve and are bap tized Shall see the Lord’s sal

2 With one ac cord, O God, we pray: Grant us Your Ho ly

va tion; Bap tized in to the death of Christ, They are a new cre

Spir it; Help us in our in fir mi ty Through Je sus’ blood and
a tion. Through Christ’s re demp tion they shall stand A

  it. Grant us to grow in grace each day That


mong the glo rious heav’n ly band Of ev’ ry tribe and na tion.
by this sac ra ment we may E ter nal life in her it.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Proverbs 25:20
Like one who takes away a garment on a cold
day, or like vinegar poured on soda, is
one who sings songs to a heavy heart. (NIV)

Hymn #601: All Who Believe and Are Baptized Lutheran Service Book
Text: Thomas H. Kingo, 1634-1703 Tune: Etlich Cristlich lider,
Public Domain Wittenberg, 1524, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

602 The Gifts Christ Freely Gives

DENBY 66 66 D



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #602: The Gifts Christ Freely Gives Lutheran Service Book
Text: Richard C. Resch, b. 1947 Tune: Charles J. Dale, 1904
© 2001 Richard C. Resch Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

603 We Know That Christ Is Raised

ENGELBERG 10 10 10 4




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #603: We Know That Christ Is Raised Lutheran Service Book

Text: John B. Geyer, b. 1932 Tune: Charles V. Stanford, 1852-1924
© John B. Geyer Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

604 I Bind unto Myself Today


1 I bind un to my self to day
2 I bind this day to me for ev er,
3 I bind un to my self to day
4 A gainst the de mon snares of sin,
5 I bind un to my self the name,


The strong name of the Trin i ty
By pow’r of faith, Christ’s in car na tion,
The pow’r of God to hold and lead,
The vice that gives temp ta tion force,
The strong name of the Trin i ty

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


By in vo ca tion of the same,
His Bap tism in the Jor dan Riv er,
His eye to watch, His might to stay,
The nat ural lusts that war with in,
By in vo ca tion of the same,

Repeat, stz. 1 only

The Three in One and One in Three.
His cross of death for my sal va tion,
His ear to hear ken to my need,
The hos tile foes that mar my course;
The Three in One and One in Three,

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(2) His burst ing from the spic ed tomb,
(3) The wis dom of my God to teach,
(4) Or few or man y, far or nigh,
(5) Of whom all na ture has cre a tion,

His rid ing up the heav’n ly way,
His hand to guide, His shield to ward,
In ev’ ry place and in all hours,
E ter nal Fa ther, Spir it, Word.

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His com ing at the day of doom,
The Word of God to give me speech,
A gainst their fierce hos til i ty,
Praise to the Lord of my sal va tion;

I bind un to my self to day.
His heav’n ly host to be my guard.
I bind to me those ho ly pow’rs.
Sal va tion is of Christ the Lord!

Hymn #604: I Bind unto Myself Today Lutheran Service Book

Text: attr. Patrick, c. 372-466 Tune: Irish
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

605 Father Welcomes




Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #605: Father Welcomes Lutheran Service Book

Text: Robin Mann, b. 1949 Tune: Robin Mann, b. 1949
© 1986 Kevin Mayhew Ltd. © 1986 Kevin Mayhew Ltd.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

606 I Lay My Sins on Jesus

MUNICH 76 76 D

1 I lay my sins on Je sus, The spot less Lamb of God;

2 I lay my wants on Je sus; All full ness swells in Him;

He bears them all and frees us From the ac curs ed load.

He heals all my dis eas es; My soul He does re deem.

I bring my guilt to Je sus To wash my crim son stains
I lay my griefs on Je sus, My bur dens and my cares;
Clean in His blood most pre cious Till not a spot re mains.
He from them all re leas es; He all my sor rows shares.

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3 I rest my soul on Jesus,

This weary soul of mine;
His right hand me embraces;
I on His breast recline.
I love the name of Jesus,
Immanuel, Christ, the Lord;
Like fragrance on the breezes
His name abroad is poured.

Hymn #606: I Lay My Sins on Jesus Lutheran Service Book

Text: Horatius Bonar, 1808-89 Tune: Neu-vermehrtes… Gesangbuch,
Public Domain 3rd ed., Meiningen, 1693, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

607 From Depths of Woe I Cry to Thee

AUS TIEFER NOT 87 87 887


1 From depths of woe I cry to Thee, In trial and

trib u la tion; Bend down Thy gra cious


to me, Lord, hear my sup pli ca tion. If Thou


re mem b’rest ev’ ry sin, Who then could heav en

ev er win Or stand be fore Thy pres ence?

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2 Thy love and grace alone avail 4 And though it tarry through the night
To blot out my transgression; And till the morning waken,
The best and holiest deeds must fail My heart shall never doubt His might
To break sin’s dread oppression. Nor count itself forsaken.
Before Thee none can boasting stand, O Israel, trust in God your Lord.
But all must fear Thy strict demand Born of the Spirit and the Word,
And live alone by mercy. Now wait for His appearing.
3 Therefore my hope is in the Lord 5 Though great our sins, yet greater still
And not in mine own merit; Is God’s abundant favor;
It rests upon His faithful Word His hand of mercy never will
To them of contrite spirit Abandon us, nor waver.
That He is merciful and just; Our shepherd good and true is He,
This is my comfort and my trust. Who will at last His Israel free
His help I wait with patience. From all their sin and sorrow.

Hymn #607: From Depths of Woe I Cry to Thee Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Tune: Martin Luther, 1483-1546, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

608 Lord, to You I Make Confession


1 Lord, to You I make con fes sion: I have sinned and

2 Yet, though con science voice ap pall me, Fa ther, I will


gone a stray, I have mul ti plied trans gres sion,

seek Your face; Though Your child I dare not call me,

Cho sen for my self my way. Led by You to

Yet re ceive me in Your grace. Do not for my


see my er rors, Lord, I trem ble at Your ter rors.
sins for sake me; Let Your wrath not o ver take me.

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3 For Your Son has suffered for me, 4 Lord, on You I cast my burden—
Giv’n Himself to rescue me, Sink it in the deepest sea!
Died to save me and restore me, Let me know Your gracious pardon,
Reconciled and set me free. Cleanse me from iniquity.
Jesus’ cross alone can vanquish Let Your Spirit leave me never;
These dark fears and soothe this anguish. Make me only Yours forever.

Hymn #608: Lord, to You I Make Confession Lutheran Service Book

Text: Johann Franck, 1618-77 Tune: Johann Crüger, 1598-1662
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

609 Jesus Sinners Doth Receive


1 Je sus sin ners doth re ceive; Oh, may all this
2 We de serve but grief and shame, Yet His words, rich

say ing pon der Who in sin’s de lu sions live
grace re veal ing, Par don, peace, and life pro claim;

And from God and heav en wan der! Here is hope for
Here, our ills have per fect heal ing. Firm ly in these

all who grieve: Je sus sin ners doth re ceive.
words be lieve: Je sus sin ners doth re ceive.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Sheep that from the fold did stray 5 Oh, how blest it is to know:
No true shepherd e’er forsaketh; Were as scarlet my transgression,
Weary souls who lost their way It shall be as white as snow
Christ, the Shepherd, gently taketh By Thy blood and bitter passion;
In His arms that they may live: For these words I now believe:
Jesus sinners doth receive. Jesus sinners doth receive.
4 I, a sinner, come to Thee 6 Now my conscience is at peace;
With a penitent confession. From the Law I stand acquitted.
Savior, mercy show to me; Christ hath purchased my release
Grant for all my sins remission. And my ev’ry sin remitted.
Let these words my soul relieve: Naught remains my soul to grieve:
Jesus sinners doth receive. Jesus sinners doth receive.
7 Jesus sinners doth receive;
Also I have been forgiven;
And when I this earth must leave,
I shall find an open heaven.
Dying, still to Him I cleave:
Jesus sinners doth receive.

Hymn #609: Jesus Sinners Doth Receive Lutheran Service Book

Text: Erdmann Neumeister, 1671-1756 Tune: Neu-verfertigtes Darmstädtisches
Public Domain Gesang-Buch, 1699, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

610 Lord Jesus, Think on Me


1 Lord Je sus, think on me And purge a way my sin;
2 Lord Je sus, think on me, By anx ious thoughts op pressed;

3 Lord Je sus, think on me A mid the bat tle’s strife;

From world ly pas sions set me free And make me pure with in.
Let me Your lov ing ser vant be And taste Your prom ised rest.
In all my pain and mis er y, O be my health and life!

4 Lord Jesus, think on me 5 Lord Jesus, think on me

Nor let me go astray; That, when the flood is past,
Through darkness and perplexity I may th’ eternal brightness see
Point out Your chosen way. And share Your joy at last.

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Psalm 126:2
Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues
with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations,
The LORD has done great things for them. (NIV)

Hymn #610: Lord Jesus, Think on Me Lutheran Service Book

Text: Synesius of Cyrene, 375-430 Tune: William Daman, c. 1540-91
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

611 Chief of Sinners Though I Be


1 Chief of sin ners though I be, Je sus shed His blood for me,
2 Oh, the height of Je sus’ love, High er than the heav’ns a bove,

3 On ly Je sus can im part Balm to heal the wound ed heart,


Died that I might live on high, Lives that I might nev er die.
Deep er than the depths of sea, Last ing as e ter ni ty!

Peace that flows from sin for giv’n, Joy that lifts the soul to heav’n,

As the branch is to the vine, I am His, and He is mine.
Love that found me— won drous thought! Found me when I sought Him not.
Faith and hope to walk with God In the way that E noch trod.

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4 Chief of sinners though I be, 5 O my Savior, help afford
Christ is all in all to me; By Your Spirit and Your Word!
All my wants to Him are known, When my wayward heart would stray,
All my sorrows are His own. Keep me in the narrow way;
He sustains the hidden life Grace in time of need supply
Safe with Him from earthly strife. While I live and when I die.

Hymn #611: Chief of Sinners Though I Be Lutheran Service Book

Text: William McComb, 1793-1870 Tune: Richard Redhead, 1820-1901
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

612 As Rebels, Lord, Who Foolishly Have Wandered

WELCOME 11 10 11 10


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #612: As Rebels, Lord, Who Foolishly Have Wandered Lutheran Service Book
Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: Jeffrey N. Blersch, b. 1967
© 1992 Stephen P. Starke © 2003 Jeffrey N. Blersch
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

613 To Thee, Omniscient Lord of All

VATER UNSER 88 88 88

1 To Thee, om ni scient Lord of all, In grief and shame I
2 My Lord and God, to Thee I pray, O cast me not in
hum bly call; I see my sins a gainst Thee, Lord,
wrath a way! Let Thy good Spir it ne’er de part,

The sins of thought and deed and word. They press me

But let Him draw to Thee my heart That tru ly


sore; I cry to Thee: O God, be mer ci ful to me!
pen i tent I be: O God, be mer ci ful to me!

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3 O Jesus, let Thy precious blood

Be to my soul a cleansing flood.
Turn not, O Lord, Thy guest away,
But grant that justified I may
Go to my house at peace with Thee:
O God, be merciful to me!

Hymn #613: To Thee, Omniscient Lord of All Lutheran Service Book

Text: Magnus B. Landstad, 1802-80 Tune: Martin Luther, 1483-1546
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

614 “As Surely as I Live,” God Said


1 “As sure ly as I live,” God said, I would not
2 And so our Lord gave this com mand: “Go forth and
3 “All those whose sins you thus re mit I tru ly

see the sin ner dead. I want him turned from er
preach in ev’ ry land; Be stow on all My pard’n
par don and ac quit, And those whose sins you will

ror’s ways, Re pen tant, liv ing end less days.”
ing grace Who will re pent and mend their ways.
re tain Con demned and guilt y shall re main.

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4 “What you will bind, that bound 6 When ministers lay on their hands,
shall be; Absolved by Christ the sinner stands;
What you will loose, that shall be free; He who by grace the Word believes
To My dear Church the keys are giv’n The purchase of His blood receives.
To open, close the gates of heav’n.” 7 All praise to You, O Christ, shall be
5 The words which absolution give For absolution full and free,
Are His who died that we might live; In which You show Your richest
The minister whom Christ has sent grace;
Is but His humble instrument. From false indulgence guard our race.
8 Praise God the Father and the Son
And Holy Spirit, Three in One,
As was, is now, and so shall be
World without end, eternally!

Hymn #614: “As Surely as I Live,” God Said Lutheran Service Book
Text: Nikolaus Herman, 1480-1561 Tune: Jeremiah Clarke, c. 1674-1707
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

615 When in the Hour of Deepest Need


1 When in the hour of deep est need We know not
2 Then is our com fort this a lone That we may
3 For You have prom ised, Lord, to heed Your chil dren’s

where to look for aid; When days and nights of
meet be fore Your throne; To You, O faith ful
cries in time of need Through Him whose name a

anx ious thought No help or coun sel yet have brought,
God, we cry For res cue in our mis er y.
lone is great, Our Sav ior and our ad vo cate.

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4 And so we come, O God, today
And all our woes before You lay;
For sorely tried, cast down, we stand,
Perplexed by fears on ev’ry hand.
5 O from our sins, Lord, turn Your face;
Absolve us through Your boundless grace.
Be with us in our anguish still;
Free us at last from ev’ry ill.
6 So we with all our hearts each day
To You our glad thanksgiving pay,
Then walk obedient to Your Word,
And now and ever praise You, Lord.

Hymn #615: When in the Hour of Deepest Need Lutheran Service Book
Text: Paul Eber, 1511-69 Tune: Louis Bourgeois, c. 1510-c. 1561
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

616 Baptismal Waters Cover Me





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #616: Baptismal Waters Cover Me Lutheran Service Book

Text: Kurt E. Reinhardt, b. 1969 Tune: Johann S. Bach, 1685-1750
© 2003 Kurt E. Reinhardt Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

617 O Lord, We Praise Thee







Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #617: O Lord, We Praise Thee Lutheran Service Book

Text: German, 14th cent. (st. 1) Tune: Joseph Klug,
Martin Luther, 1483-1546 (st. 2-3) Geysliche gesangk Buchleyn,
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House Wittenberg, 1524, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

618 I Come, O Savior, to Thy Table

ICH STERBE TÄGLICH 98 98 with Refrain





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #618: I Come, O Savior, to Thy Table Lutheran Service Book

Text: Friedrich C. Heyder, 1677-1754 Tune: Emskirchner Choralbuch,
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House Leipzig, 1756, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

619 Thy Body, Given for Me, O Savior

ICH STERBE TÄGLICH 98 98 with Refrain




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #619: Thy Body, Given for Me, O Savior Lutheran Service Book
Text: Friedrich C. Heyder, 1677-1754 Tune: Emskirchner Choralbuch,
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House Leipzig, 1756, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

620 Jesus Comes Today with Healing




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #620: Jesus Comes Today with Healing Lutheran Service Book
Text: Heinrich Puchta, 1808-58 Tune: Johann Löhner, 1645-1705, alt.
© David W. Rogner Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

621 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence

PICARDY 87 87 87

1 Let all mor tal flesh keep si lence And with fear and
2 King of kings yet born of Mar y, As of old on

trem bling stand; Pon der noth ing earth ly– mind ed,
earth He stood, Lord of lords in hu man ves ture,

For with bless ing in His hand Christ, our God, to earth de
In the bod y and the blood, He will give to all the

scend ing, Comes our hom age to de mand.
faith ful His own self for heav’n ly food.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Rank on rank the host of heaven 4 At His feet the six–winged seraph,
Spreads its vanguard on the way Cherubim with sleepless eye,
As the Light from Light, descending Veil their faces to the presence
From the realms of endless day, As with ceaseless voice they cry:
Comes the pow’rs of hell to vanquish “Alleluia, alleluia!
As the darkness clears away. Alleluia, Lord Most High!”

Hymn #621: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence Lutheran Service Book
Text: Liturgy of St. James, 5th cent. Tune: French folk tune, 17th cent.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

622 Lord Jesus Christ, You Have Prepared


1 Lord Je sus Christ, You have pre pared This feast for our sal
2 Al though You did to heav’n as cend, Where an gel hosts are
va tion; It is Your bod y and Your blood, And at your in vi
dwell ing, And in Your pres ence they be hold Your glo ry, all ex


ta tion As wea ry souls, with sin op pressed, We come to
cel ling, And though Your peo ple shall not see Your glo ry

You for need ed rest, For com fort, and for par don.
and Your maj es ty Till dawns the judg ment morn ing,

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3 Yet, Savior, You are not confined 6 Lord, I believe what You have said;
To any habitation; Help me when doubts assail me.
But You are present even now Remember that I am but dust,
And with Your congregation. And let my faith not fail me.
Firm as a rock this truth shall stand, Your supper in this vale of tears
Unmoved by any daring hand Refreshes me and stills my fears
Or subtle craft and cunning. And is my priceless treasure.
4 We eat this bread and drink this cup, 7 Grant that we worthily receive
Your precious Word believing Your supper, Lord, our Savior,
That Your true body and Your blood And, truly grieving for our sins,
Our lips are here receiving. May prove by our behavior
This Word remains forever true, That we are thankful for Your grace
All things are possible with You, And day by day may run our race,
For You are Lord Almighty. In holiness increasing.
5 Though reason cannot understand, 8 For Your consoling supper, Lord,
Yet faith this truth embraces: Be praised throughout all ages!
Your body, Lord, is even now Preserve it, for in ev’ry place
At once in many places. The world against it rages.
I leave to You how this can be; Grant that this sacrament may be
Your Word alone suffices me; A blessed comfort unto me
I trust its truth unfailing. When living and when dying.

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Psalm 90:14
Satisfy us in the morning with your
unfailing love, that we may sing for
joy and be glad all our days. (NIV)

Hymn #622: Lord Jesus Christ, You Have Prepared Lutheran Service Book
Text: Samuel Kinner, 1603-68 Tune: Peter Sohren, c. 1630-c. 1692, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

623 Lord Jesus Christ, We Humbly Pray


1 Lord Je sus Christ, we hum bly pray That we may
2 Give us, who share this won drous food, Your bod y
3 By faith Your Word has made us bold To seize the

feast on You to day; Be neath these forms of
bro ken and Your blood, The grate ful peace of
gift of love re told; All that You are we

bread and wine En rich us with Your grace di vine.
sins for giv’n, The cer tain joys of heirs of heav’n.
here re ceive, And all we are to You we give.

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4 One bread, one cup, one body, we,
Rejoicing in our unity,
Proclaim Your love until You come
To bring Your scattered loved ones home.
5 Lord Jesus Christ, we humbly pray:
O keep us steadfast till that day
When each will be Your welcomed guest
In heaven’s high and holy feast.

Hymn #623: Lord Jesus Christ, We Humbly Pray Lutheran Service Book
Text: Henry E. Jacobs, 1844-1932 Tune: Cantionale Germanicum,
Public Domain Gochsheim, Dresden, 1628
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

624 The Infant Priest Was Holy Born



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #624: The Infant Priest Was Holy Born Lutheran Service Book
Text: Chad L. Bird, b. 1970 Tune: Edward Miller, 1731-1807, adapt.
© 1997, 2003 Chad L. Bird Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

625 Lord Jesus Christ, Life-Giving Bread


1 Lord Je sus Christ, life– giv ing bread, May I in grace pos
2 To pas tures green, Lord, safe ly guide, To rest ful wa ters
sess You. Let me with ho ly food be fed, In hun ger I ad
lead me; Your ta ble well for me pro vide, Your wound ed hand now

dress You. Pre pare me well for You, O Lord, And, hum bly by
feed me. Though wea ry, sin ful, sick, and weak, Ref uge in You
my prayer im plored, Give me Your grace and mer cy.
a lone I seek, To share Your cup of heal ing.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 O bread of heav’n, my soul’s delight, 4 I do not merit favor, Lord,

For full and free remission My weight of sin would break me;
I come with prayer before Your sight In all my guilty heart’s discord,
In sorrow and contrition. O Lord, do not forsake me.
Your righteousness, Lord, cover me In my distress this comforts me
That I receive You worthily, That You receive me graciously,
Assured of Your full pardon. O Christ, my Lord of mercy!

Hymn #625: Lord Jesus Christ, Life-Giving Bread Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann Rist, 1607-67 Tune: Deutsch Kirchenamt,
Public Domain Strassburg, 1525
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

626 Come, Let Us Eat

A VA DE 10 10 10 10

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #626: Come, Let Us Eat Lutheran Service Book

Text: Billema Kwillia, b. 1925 (st. 1-3) Tune: Billema Kwillia, b. 1925
Gilbert E. Doan Jr., b. 1930 (st. 4) © Lutheran World Federation
© Lutheran World Federation (st. 1-3)
© 1972 Augsburg Fortress

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

627 Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior


1 Je sus Christ, our bless ed Sav ior, Turned a
2 As His pledge of love un dy ing, He, this
3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

way God’s wrath for ev er; By His bit ter grief
pre cious food sup ply ing, Gives His bod y with
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


and woe He saved us from the e vil foe.
the bread, And with the wine the blood He shed.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Praise the Father, who from heaven 7 Christ says: “Come, all you that labor,
To His own this food has given, And receive My grace and favor:
Who, to mend what we have done, Those who feel no want or ill
Gave into death His only Son. Need no physician’s help or skill.”
5 Firmly hold with faith unshaken 8 Omitted due to copyright restrictions.
That this food is to be taken
By the sick who are distressed, 9 If your heart this truth professes
By hearts that long for peace and rest. And your mouth your sin confesses,
6 Omitted due to copyright restrictions. You will be your Savior’s guest,
Be at His banquet truly blest.
10 Omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #627: Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior Lutheran Service Book
Text: John Hus, c. 1369-1415 Tune: Joseph Klug,
© 1980 and 2006 Concordia Publishing House Geistliche Lieder… gebessert,
(st. 6, 10 and st. 3, 8) Wittenberg, 1535
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

628 Your Table I Approach


1 Your ta ble I ap proach; Dear Sav ior hear my prayer.
2 Lord, I con fess my sins And mourn their wretch ed bands;
3 Your bod y and Your blood, Once slain and shed for me,
4 Search not how this takes place, This won drous mys ter y;

Let not an un re pen tant heart Prove hurt ful to me there.
A con trite heart is sure to find For give ness at Your hands.
Are tak en at Your ta ble, Lord, In blest re al i ty.
God can ac com plish vast ly more Than what we think could be.

5 O grant, most blessed Lord, 6 Oh, may I never fail

That earth and hell combined To thank You day and night
May not about this sacrament For Your true body and true blood,
Raise doubt within my mind. O God, my peace and light.

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Proverbs 25:20
Like one who takes away a garment on a cold
day, or like vinegar poured on soda, is
one who sings songs to a heavy heart. (NIV)

Hymn #628: Your Table I Approach Lutheran Service Book

Text: Gerhard W. Molanus, 1633-1722 Tune: Trente quatre Pseaumes de David,
Public Domain Geneva, 1551, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

629 What Is This Bread


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #629: What Is This Bread Lutheran Service Book

Text: Frederic W. Baue, b. 1946 Tune: Jean N. Baue, b. 1951
© 1991 Fred and Jean Baue © 1991 Fred and Jean Baue

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

630 Now, My Tongue, the Mystery Telling

GRAFTON 87 87 87





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #630: Now, My Tongue, the Mystery Telling Lutheran Service Book
Text: Thomas Aquinas, 1227-74 Tune: Chants ordinaires de l'Office Divin,
© Church Pension Fund Paris, 1881
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

631 Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face to Face

FARLEY CASTLE 10 10 10 10

1 Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face; Here would I
2 Here would I feed up on the bread of God, Here drink with
3 This is the hour of ban quet and of song; This is the

touch and han dle things un seen; Here grasp with firm er hand the e
Thee the roy al wine of heav’n; Here would I lay a side each
heav’n ly ta ble spread for me; Here let me feast and, feast ing,

ter nal grace, And all my wea ri ness up on Thee lean.
earth ly load, Here taste a fresh the calm of sin for giv’n.
still pro long The brief bright hour of fel low ship with Thee.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 I have no help but Thine; nor do I need
Another arm but Thine to lean upon.
It is enough, my Lord, enough indeed;
My strength is in Thy might, Thy might alone.
5 Mine is the sin, but Thine the righteousness;
Mine is the guilt, but Thine the cleansing blood;
Here is my robe, my refuge, and my peace:
Thy blood, Thy righteousness, O Lord, my God.
6 Too soon we rise; the vessels disappear;
The feast, though not the love, is past and gone;
The bread and wine remove, but Thou art here,
Nearer than ever, still my shield and sun.
7 Feast after feast thus comes and passes by;
Yet, passing, points to that glad feast above,
Giving sweet foretaste of the festal joy,
The Lamb’s great marriage feast of bliss and love.

Hymn #631: Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face to Face Lutheran Service Book
Text: Horatius Bonar, 1808-89 Tune: Henry Lawes, 1595-1662
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

632 O Jesus, Blessed Lord, to Thee


1 O Je sus, bless ed Lord, to Thee My heart felt
2 Break forth, my soul, for joy and say: What wealth is
thanks for ev er be, Who hast so lov ing ly be
come to me this day! My Sav ior dwells with in my
stowed On me Thy bod y and Thy blood.
heart: How blest am I! How good Thou art!

Hymn #632: O Jesus, Blessed Lord, to Thee Lutheran Service Book

Text: Thomas H. Kingo, 1634-1703 Tune: Louis Bourgeois, c. 1510-c. 1561
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

633 At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing


1 At the Lamb’s high feast we sing Praise to
2 Praise we Him whose love di vine Gives His
3 Where the pas chal blood is poured, Death’s dread

our vic to rious King, Who has washed us in the tide
sa cred blood for wine, Gives His bod y for the feast—

an gel sheathes the sword; Is rael’s hosts tri um phant go

Flow ing from His pierc ed side. Al le lu ia!
Christ the vic tim, Christ the priest. Al le lu ia!
Through the wave that drowns the foe. Al le lu ia!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Praise we Christ, whose blood was shed, 6 Now no more can death appall,
Paschal victim, paschal bread; Now no more the grave enthrall;
With sincerity and love You have opened paradise,
Eat we manna from above. And Your saints in You shall rise.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
5 Mighty Victim from the sky, 7 Easter triumph, Easter joy!
Hell’s fierce pow’rs beneath You lie; This alone can sin destroy;
You have conquered in the fight, From sin’s pow’r, Lord, set us free,
You have brought us life and light. Newborn souls in You to be.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
8 Father, who the crown shall give,
Savior, by whose death we live,
Spirit, guide through all our days:
Three in One, Your name we praise.

Hymn #633: At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing Lutheran Service Book
Text: Latin, c. 5th-10th cent. Tune: Bohemian Brethren,
Public Domain Kirchengeseng, Ivancice, 1566
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

634 The Death of Jesus Christ, Our Lord


1 The death of Je sus Christ, our Lord, We cel e
2 He blot ted out with His own blood The judg ment
3 That this for ev er true shall be He gives a

brate with one ac cord; It is our com fort in
that a gainst us stood; For us He full a tone
sol emn guar an tee: In this His ho ly Sup

dis tress, Our heart’s sweet joy and hap pi ness.
ment made, And all our debt He ful ly paid.
per here We taste His love, so sweet, so near.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 His Word proclaims and we believe 6 They who this Word do not believe
That in this Supper we receive This food unworthily receive,
His very body, as He said, Salvation here will never find—
His very blood for sinners shed. May we this warning keep in mind!
5 We dare not ask how this can be, 7 But blest is each believing guest
But simply hold the mystery Who in these promises finds rest;
And trust this word where life begins: For Jesus will in love remain
“Given and shed for all your sins.” With all who here His grace obtain.
8 Help us sincerely to believe
That we may worthily receive
Your Supper and in You find rest.
Amen! They who believe are blest.

Hymn #634: The Death of Jesus Christ, Our Lord Lutheran Service Book
Text: Haquin Spegel, 1645-1714 Tune: Johann S. Bach, 1685-1750
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

635 O Gracious Lord, I Firmly Am Believing

OH BUEN JESÚS 11 10 11 10 10




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 Chronicles 20:21
After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed
men to sing to the LORD and to praise him for
the splendor of his holiness as they went out
at the head of the army, saying: Give thanks to
the LORD, for his love endures forever. (NIV)

Hymn #635: O Gracious Lord, I Firmly Am Believing Lutheran Service Book

Text: Spanish or Latin American, 20th cent. Tune: H. León
© 2004 Stephan P. Starke Public Domain
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

636 Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness


1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2 Has ten as a bride to meet Him, And with


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

lov ing rev’ rence greet Him, For with words of life im

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
mor tal He is knock ing at your por tal.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
O pen wide the gates be fore Him, Say ing, as you

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
there a dore Him: Grant, Lord, that I now re

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ceive You, That I nev er more will leave You.

3 He who craves a precious treasure 4 Omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Neither cost nor pain will measure;
But the priceless gifts of heaven
God to us has freely given.
Though the wealth of earth were
None could buy the gifts here offered:
Christ’s true body, for you riven,
And His blood, for you once given.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

5 Omitted due to copyright restrictions. 7 Lord, by love and mercy driven,
You once left Your throne in heaven
6 Jesus, sun of life, my splendor, On the cross for me to languish
Jesus, friend of friends, most And to die in bitter anguish,
tender, To forgo all joy and gladness
Jesus, joy of my desiring, And to shed Your blood in sadness.
Fount of life, my soul inspiring: By this blood redeemed and living,
At Your feet I cry, my maker, Lord, I praise You with thanksgiving.
Let me be a fit partaker 8 Jesus, Lord of life, I pray You,
Of this blessed food from heaven, Let me gladly here obey You.
For our good, Your glory, given. By Your love I am invited,
Be Your love with love requited;
By this Supper let me measure,
Lord, how vast and deep love’s
Through the gift of grace You give me
As Your guest in heav’n receive me.
Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #636: Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann Franck, 1618-77 Tune: Johann Crüger, 1598-1662, alt.
© 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship (st. 1, 4-5) Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

637 Draw Near and Take the Body of the Lord

OLD 124TH 10 10 10 10

1 Draw near and take the bod y of the Lord,
2 He who His saints in this world rules and shields,
And drink the ho ly blood for you out poured;
To all be liev ers life e ter nal yields;

Of fered was He for great est and for least,
With heav’n ly bread He makes the hun gry whole,

Him self the vic tim and Him self the priest.
Gives liv ing wa ters to the thirst ing soul.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Come forward, then, with faithful hearts sincere,

And take the pledges of salvation here.
O Lord, our hearts with grateful thanks endow
As in this feast of love You bless us now.

Hymn #637: Draw Near and Take the Body of the Lord Lutheran Service Book
Text: Latin, 7th cent. Tune: Trente quatre Pseaumes de David,
Public Domain Geneva, 1551, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

638 Eat This Bread






Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com




Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #638: Eat This Bread Lutheran Service Book

Text: Robert J. Batastini, b. 1942 (Refrain and st. 3-5) Tune: Jacques Berthier, 1923-94
Taizé Community, (Refrain and st. 3-5) © 1984 Ateliers et Presses de Taizé;
S. P. Starke, b. 1955 (st. 1-2)
© 1984 Ateliers et Presses de Taizé
admin. GIA Publications, Inc.
© 1998 Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

639 Wide Open Stand the Gates



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 Chronicles 20:21
After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed
men to sing to the LORD and to praise him for
the splendor of his holiness as they went out
at the head of the army, saying: Give thanks to
the LORD, for his love endures forever. (NIV)

Hymn #639: Wide Open Stand the Gates Lutheran Service Book
Text: J. K. Wilhelm Loehe, 1808-72 Tune: Melchior Franck, c. 1573-1639
© 2002 GIA Publications, Inc. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

640 Thee We Adore, O Hidden Savior

ADORO TE DEVOTE 10 10 10 10


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #640: Thee We Adore, O Hidden Savior Lutheran Service Book

Text: Thomas Aquinas, 1227-74 (st.1, 2b, 4-5) Tune: Mode V, Processionale,
Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 (st. 2a, 3) Paris, 1697
© 1998 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

641 You Satisfy the Hungry Heart




Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #641: You Satisfy the Hungry Heart Lutheran Service Book
Text: Omer E. Westendorf, 1916-97 Tune: Robert E. Kreutz, 1922-96
© 1977 Archdiocese of Philadelphia © 1977 Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

642 O Living Bread from Heaven


1 O liv ing Bread from heav en, How well You feed Your guest!

2 My Lord, You here have led me To this most ho ly place

The gifts that You have giv en Have filled my heart with rest.
And here Your self have fed me The trea sures of Your grace;
Oh, won drous food of bless ing, Oh, cup that heals our woes!

For You have free ly giv en What earth could nev er buy,

My heart, this gift pos sess ing, With prais es o ver flows.
The bread of life from heav en, That now I shall not die.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 You gave me all I wanted; 4 Lord, grant me then, thus strengthened

This food can death destroy. With heav’nly food, while here
And You have freely granted My course on earth is lengthened,
The cup of endless joy. To serve with holy fear.
My Lord, I do not merit And when You call my spirit
The favor You have shown, To leave this world below,
And all my soul and spirit I enter, through Your merit,
Bow down before Your throne. Where joys unmingled flow.

Hymn #642: O Living Bread from Heaven Lutheran Service Book

Text: Johann Rist, 1607-67 Tune: Michael Prätorius, 1571-1621
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

643 Sent Forth by God’s Blessing

THE ASH GROVE 66 11 66 11 D





Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Isaiah 65:14
My servants will sing out of the joy of their
hearts, but you will cry out from anguish of
heart and wail in brokenness of spirit. (NIV)

Hymn #643: Sent Forth by God’s Blessing Lutheran Service Book

Text: Omer E. Westendorf, 1916-97 Tune: Welsh folk tune
© 1964 World Library Publications Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

644 The Church’s One Foundation


1 The Chur ch’s one foun da tion Is Je sus Christ, her Lord;

2 E lect from ev’ ry na tion, Yet one o’er all the earth;


She is His new cre a tion By wa ter and the Word.

Her char ter of sal va tion: One Lord, one faith, one birth.
From heav’n He came and sought her To be His ho ly bride;

One ho ly name she bless es, Par takes one ho ly food,

With His own blood He bought her, And for her life He died.
And to one hope she press es With ev’ ry grace en dued.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Though with a scornful wonder 4 Through toil and tribulation

The world sees here oppressed, And tumult of her war
By schisms rent asunder, She waits the consummation
By heresies distressed, Of peace forevermore
Yet saints their watch are keeping; Till with the vision glorious
Their cry goes up, “How long?” Her longing eyes are blest,
And soon the night of weeping And the great Church victorious
Shall be the morn of song. Shall be the Church at rest.
5 Yet she on earth has union
With God, the Three in One,
And mystic sweet communion
With those whose rest is won.
O blessed heav’nly chorus!
Lord, save us by Your grace
That we, like saints before us,
May see You face to face.

Hymn #644: The Church’s One Foundation Lutheran Service Book

Text: Samuel J. Stone, 1839-1900 Tune: Samuel S. Wesley, 1810-76
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

645 Built on the Rock


1 Built on the Rock the Church shall stand E ven
2 Sure ly in tem ples made with hands God, the
when stee ples are fall ing. Crum bled have
Most High, is not dwell ing; High a bove

spires in ev’ ry land; Bells still are chim ing
earth His tem ple stands, All earth ly tem ples

and call ing, Call ing the young and old
ex cel ling. Yet He who dwells in heav’n

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


to rest, But a bove all the soul dis

a bove Choos es to live with us in

tressed, Long ing for rest ev er last ing.
love, Mak ing our bod ies His tem ple.

3 We are God’s house of living stones, 4 Here stands the font before your eyes,
Built for His own habitation. Telling how God did receive us.
He through baptismal grace us owns Th’ altar recalls Christ’s sacrifice
Heirs of His wondrous salvation. And what His supper here gives us.
Were we but two His name to tell, Here sound the Scriptures that
Yet He would deign with us to dwell proclaim
With all His grace and His favor. Christ yesterday, today, the same,
And evermore, our Redeemer.

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5 Grant then, O God, Your will be done,
That, when the church bells are ringing,
Many in saving faith may come
Where Christ his message is bringing:
“I know My own; My own know Me.
You, not the world, My face shall see.
My peace I leave with you. Amen.”

Hymn #645: Built on the Rock Lutheran Service Book

Text: Nikolai F. S. Grundtvig, 1783-1872 Tune: Ludvig M. Lindeman, 1812-87
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

646 Church of God, Elect and Glorious



Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #646: Church of God, Elect and Glorious Lutheran Service Book
Text: James Edward Seddon, 1915-83 Tune: Cyril V. Taylor, 1907-92
© 1982 Jubilate Hymns Ltd. © 1942, 1970 Hope Publishing Co.
admin. Hope Publishing Co.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

647 Lord Jesus Christ, the Church’s Head

REUTER 87 87 66 66 7




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Jeremiah 31:7
This is what the LORD says: Sing with joy for
Jacob; shout for the foremost of the nations.
Make your praises heard, and say, O LORD, save
your people, the remnant of Israel. (NIV)

Hymn #647: Lord Jesus Christ, the Church’s Head Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann Mentzer, 1658-1734 Tune: Friedrich O. Reuter, 1863-1924
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

648 Glorious Things of You Are Spoken


1 Glo rious things of you are spo ken, Zi on, cit y

of our God; He whose word can not be bro ken Formed you

for His own a bode.

On the
 Rock of A

ges found ed,


What can shake your sure re pose? With sal va tion’s


walls sur round ed, You may smile at all your foes.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 See, the streams of living waters, 3 Round each habitation hov’ring,

Springing from eternal love, See the cloud and fire appear
Well supply your sons and daughters For a glory and a cov’ring,
And all fear of want remove. Showing that the Lord is near.
Who can faint while such a river Thus deriving from their banner
Ever will their thirst assuage? Light by night and shade by day,
Grace which, like the Lord, the giver, Safe they feed upon the manna
Never fails from age to age. Which God gives them on their way.
4 Savior, since of Zion’s city
I through grace a member am,
Let the world deride or pity,
I will glory in Your name.
Fading are the worldlings’ pleasures,
All their boasted pomp and show;
Solid joys and lasting treasures
None but Zion’s children know.

Hymn #648: Glorious Things of You Are Spoken Lutheran Service Book
Text: John Newton, 1725-1807 Tune: Franz J. Haydn, 1732-1809
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

649 Blest Be the Tie That Binds


1 Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Chris tian love;
2 Be fore our Fa ther’s throne We pour our ar dent prayers;
3 We share our mu tual woes, Our mu tual bur dens bear,

The fel low ship of kin dred minds Is like to that a bove.
Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, Our com forts and our cares.
And of ten for each oth er flows The sym pa thiz ing tear.

4 When here our pathways part, 5 From sorrow, toil, and pain,
We suffer bitter pain; And sin we shall be free
Yet, one in Christ and one in heart, And perfect love and friendship reign
We hope to meet again. Through all eternity.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 59:16-17
But I will sing of your strength, in the morning
I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress,
my refuge in times of trouble. O my Strength,
I sing praise to you; you, O God, are my fortress,
my loving God. (NIV)

Hymn #649: Blest Be the Tie That Binds Lutheran Service Book
Text: John Fawcett, 1740-1817 Tune: Lowell Mason, 1792-1872
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

650 Holy Spirit, Ever Dwelling


1 Ho ly Spir it, ev er dwell ing In the ho liest realms of light;

2 Ho ly Spir it, ev er liv ing As the Chur ch’s ver y life;

Ho ly Spir it, ev er brood ing O’er a world of gloom and night;

Ho ly Spir it, ev er striv ing Through us in a cease less strife;

Ho ly Spir it, ev er rais ing Those of earth to thrones on high;

Ho ly Spir it, ev er form ing In the Church the mind of Christ:

Liv ing life– im part ing Spir it, You we praise and mag ni fy.
You we praise with end less wor ship For Your gifts and fruits un priced.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Holy Spirit, ever working
Through the Church’s ministry;
Quick’ning, strength’ning, and absolving,
Setting captive sinners free;
Holy Spirit, ever binding
Age to age and soul to soul
In communion never ending,
You we worship and extol.

Hymn #650: Holy Spirit, Ever Dwelling Lutheran Service Book

Text: Timothy Rees, 1874-1939 Tune: Oude en Nieuwe Hollantse…
Public Domain Contradanseu, Amsterdam, c. 1710
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

651 I Love Your Kingdom, Lord


1 I love Your king dom, Lord, The place of Your a bode,
2 Be yond my high est joy I prize its heav’n ly ways,
3 I love Your Church, O God, Your saints in ev’ ry land,

The Church our blest Re deem er saved With His own pre cious blood.
Its sweet com mun ion, sol emn vows, Its hymns of love and praise.
Dear as the ap ple of Your eye And grav en on Your hand.

4 For them my tears shall fall; 5 Sure as Your truth shall last,
For them my prayers ascend; To Zion shall be giv’n
For them my cares and toils be giv’n The brightest glories earth can yield
Till toils and cares shall end. And brighter bliss of heav’n.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


1 Kings 1:40
And all the people went up after him,
playing flutes and rejoicing greatly,
so that the ground shook with the sound. (NIV)

Hymn #651: I Love Your Kingdom, Lord Lutheran Service Book

Text: Timothy Dwight, 1752-1817 Tune: Aaron Williams, 1731-76
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

652 Father, We Thank Thee



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 27:6
Then my head will be exalted above the
enemies who surround me; at his tabernacle
will I sacrifice with shouts of joy; I
will sing and make music to the LORD. (NIV)

Hymn #652: Father, We Thank Thee Lutheran Service Book

Text: Didache, 2nd cent. Tune: attr. Louis Bourgeois, c. 1510-c. 1561,
© Church Pension Fund Strasbourg Psalter, 1545
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

653 In Christ There Is No East or West


1 In Christ there is no east or west, In
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Him no south or north, But one great fel low
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _

 _ _ _ _

ship of love Through out the whole wide earth.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Join hands, disciples of the faith, 5 In Christ now meet both east and west,
Whate’er your race may be; In Him meet south and north.
Who serves my Father as His child All Christian souls are one in Him
Is surely kin to me. Throughout the whole wide earth.

Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #653: In Christ There Is No East or West Lutheran Service Book

Text: John Oxenham, 1852-1941 (st. 1, 4-5) Tune: African American spiritual,
Mark A. Jeske, b. 1952 (st. 2) adapt. by Harry T. Burleigh, 1866-1949
Michael A. Perry, 1942-96 (st. 3) Public Domain
© 1993 Mark A. Jeske (st. 2)
© 1982 Jubilate Hymns Ltd.
admin. Hope Publishing Co. (st. 3)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

654 Your Kingdom, O God, Is My Glorious Treasure


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 95:1
Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let
us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
Let us come before him with thanksgiving
and extol him with music and song. (NIV)

Hymn #654: Your Kingdom, O God, Is My Glorious Treasure Lutheran Service Book
Text: David W. Rogner, b. 1960 Tune: Joseph Herl, b. 1959
© David W. Rogner © 2003 Joseph Herl

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

655 Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word



1 Lord, keep us stead fast in Your Word; Curb those who
2 Lord Je sus Christ, Your pow’r make known, For You are

3 O Com fort er of price less worth, Send peace and

by de ceit or sword Would wrest the king dom from
Lord of lords a lone; De fend Your ho ly Church

u ni ty on earth; Sup port us in our fi

Your Son And bring to nought all He has done.
that we May sing Your praise tri um phant ly.
nal strife And lead us out of death to life.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 Chronicles 29:30
King Hezekiah and his officials ordered the Levites
to praise the LORD with the words of David and
of Asaph the seer. So they sang praises with gladness
and bowed their heads and worshiped. (NIV)

Hymn #655: Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Tune: Joseph Klug,
Public Domain Geistliche Lieder,
Wittenberg, 1543, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

656 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God


1 A might y for tress is our God, A trust y

shield and weap on; He helps us free from ev’ ry need

That hath us now o’er tak en. The old e vil


foe Now means dead ly woe; Deep guile and great might

Are his dread arms in fight; On earth is not his e qual.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 With might of ours can naught be done, 3 Though devils all the world should fill,
Soon were our loss effected; All eager to devour us,
But for us fights the valiant One, We tremble not, we fear no ill;
Whom God Himself elected. They shall not overpow’r us.
Ask ye, Who is this? This world’s prince may still
Jesus Christ it is, Scowl fierce as he will,
Of Sabaoth Lord, He can harm us none,
And there’s none other God; He’s judged; the deed is done;
He holds the field forever. One little word can fell him.
4 The Word they still shall let remain
Nor any thanks have for it;
He’s by our side upon the plain
With His good gifts and Spirit.
And take they our life,
Goods, fame, child, and wife,
Though these all be gone,
Our vict’ry has been won;
The Kingdom ours remaineth.

Hymn #656: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Lutheran Service Book

Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Tune: Martin Luther, 1483-1546
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

657 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Isaiah 42:10
Sing to the LORD a new song, his praise
from the ends of the earth, you who go
down to the sea, and all that is in it,
you islands, and all who live in them. (NIV)

Hymn #657: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Lutheran Service Book

Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Tune: Martin Luther, 1483-1546
© 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

658 Preserve Your Word, O Savior

MUNICH 76 76 D



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #658: Preserve Your Word, O Savior Lutheran Service Book

Text: Andreas Gryphius, 1616-64 Tune: Neu-vermehrtes… Gesangbuch,
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House 3rd ed., Meiningen, 1693, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

659 Lord of Our Life


1 Lord of our life and God of our sal va

2 See round Your ark the hun gry bil lows curl

tion, Star of our night and hope of ev’ ry
ing; See how Your foes their ban ners are un

na tion: Hear and re ceive Your Chur ch’s
furl ing And with great spite their fier y

sup pli ca tion, Lord God Al might y.
darts are hurl ing, O Lord, pre serve us.

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3 Lord, be our light when worldly darkness veils us;

Lord, be our shield when earthly armor fails us;
And in the day when hell itself appalls us,
Grant us Your peace, Lord:
4 Peace in our hearts, where sinful thoughts are raging,
Peace in Your Church, our troubled souls assuaging,
Peace when the world its endless war is waging,
Peace in Your heaven.

Hymn #659: Lord of Our Life Lutheran Service Book

Text: Matthäus A. von Löwenstern, 1594-1648 Tune: Antiphoner, Poitiers, 1746
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

660 Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus

WEBB 76 76 D


1 Stand up, stand up for Je sus Ye sol diers of the cross.
2 Stand up, stand up for Je sus; The trum pet call o bey;

Lift high His roy al ban ner; It must not suf fer loss.
Stand forth in might y con flict In this His glo rious day.

From vic t’ry un to vic t’ry His ar my shall He lead

Let all His faith ful serve Him A gainst un num bered foes;


Till ev’ ry foe is van quished And Christ is Lord in deed.
Let cour age rise with dan ger And strength to strength op pose.

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3 Stand up, stand up for Jesus; 4 Stand up, stand up for Jesus;
Stand in His strength alone; The strife will not be long;
The arm of flesh will fail you, This day the din of battle,
Ye dare not trust your own. The next the victor’s song.
Put on the Gospel armor; The soldiers, overcoming,
Each piece put on with prayer. Their crown of life shall see
Where duty calls or danger, And with the King of Glory
Be never wanting there. Shall reign eternally.

Hymn #660: Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus Lutheran Service Book
Text: George Duffield, Jr., 1818-88 Tune: George J. Webb, 1803-87
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

661 The Son of God Goes Forth to War



1 The Son of God goes forth to war A king ly crown to gain.

2 The mar tyr first, whose ea gle eye Could pierce be yond the grave,

His blood– red ban ner streams a far; Who fol lows in His train?

Who saw his mas ter in the sky And called on Him to save.

Who best can drink His cup of woe, Tri um phant o ver pain,

Like Him, with par don on His tongue In midst of mor tal pain,


Who pa tient bears his cross be low— He fol lows in His train.
He prayed for those who did the wrong— Who fol lows in his train?

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3 A glorious band, the chosen few,

On whom the Spirit came,
Twelve valiant saints—their hope they knew
And mocked the cross and flame.
They met the tyrant’s brandished steel,
The lion’s gory mane;
They bowed their necks the death to feel—
Who follows in their train?
4 A noble army, men and boys,
The matron and the maid,
Around the Savior’s throne rejoice,
In robes of light arrayed.
They climbed the steep ascent of heav’n
Through peril, toil, and pain.
O God, to us may grace be giv’n
To follow in their train!

Hymn #661: The Son of God Goes Forth to War Lutheran Service Book
Text: Reginald Heber, 1783-1826 Tune: Henry S. Cutler, 1824-1902
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

662 Onward, Christian Soldiers

ST. GERTRUDE 65 65 65 D

1 On ward, Chris tian sol diers, March ing as to war,

2 Like a might y ar my Moves the Church of God;

With the cross of Je sus Go ing on be fore.

Broth ers, we are tread ing Where the saints have trod.

Christ, the roy al mas ter, Leads a gainst the foe;
We are not di vid ed, All one bod y we,

For ward in to bat tle See his ban ners go!
One in hope and doc trine, One in char i ty.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com



On ward, Chris tian sol diers, March ing as to war,
With the cross of Je sus Go ing on be fore.

3 Crowns and thrones may perish, 4 Onward, then, ye faithful,

Kingdoms rise and wane, Join the happy throng,
But the Church of Jesus Blend with ours your voices
Constant will remain. In the triumph song:
Gates of hell can never Glory, laud, and honor
’Gainst that Church prevail; Unto Christ the King;
We have Christ’s own promise, This through countless ages
And that cannot fail. Men and angels sing.
Refrain Refrain

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Psalm 59:16-17
But I will sing of your strength, in the morning
I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress,
my refuge in times of trouble. O my Strength,
I sing praise to you; you, O God, are my fortress,
my loving God. (NIV)

Hymn #662: Onward, Christian Soldiers Lutheran Service Book

Text: Sabine Baring-Gould, 1834-1924 Tune: Arthur S. Sullivan, 1842-1900
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

663 Rise, My Soul, to Watch and Pray

STRAF MICH NICHT 76 76 33 66

1 Rise, my soul, to watch and pray; From your sleep a

2 Watch a gainst the dev il’s snares Lest a sleep he

wak en! Be not by the e vil day Un a wares

find you; For in deed no pains he spares To de ceive

o’er tak en; For the foe, Well we know, Is a
and blind you. Sa tan’s prey Oft are they Who se

har vest reap ing While the saints are sleep ing.
cure are sleep ing And no watch are keep ing.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Watch! Let not the wicked world 4 Watch against yourself, my soul,
With its lies defeat you Lest with grace you trifle;
Lest with bold deceptions hurled Let not self your thoughts control
It betray and cheat you. Nor God’s mercy stifle.
Watch and see Lest there be Pride and sin Lurk within,
Faithless friends to charm you, All your hopes to shatter;
Who but seek to harm you. Heed not when they flatter.
5 But while watching, also pray
To the Lord unceasing.
God protects you day by day,
Strength and faith increasing,
So that still Mind and will
Shall unite to serve Him
And forever love Him.

Hymn #663: Rise, My Soul, to Watch and Pray Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann B. Freystein, 1671-1718 Tune: Johann Rosenmüller, 1619-84, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

664 Fight the Good Fight


1 Fight the good fight with all your might; Christ
2 Run the straight race through God’s good grace; Lift

3 Cast care a side, lean on your guide; His
is your strength, and Christ your right. Lay hold on life, and
up your eyes, and seek His face. Life with its way be

bound less mer cy will pro vide. Trust, and en dur ing
it shall be Your joy and crown e ter nal ly.
fore us lies; Christ is the path, and Christ the prize.
faith shall prove Christ is your life and Christ your love.

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4 Faint not nor fear, His arms are near;
He changes not who holds you dear;
Only believe, and you will see
That Christ is Lord eternally.

Hymn #664: Fight the Good Fight Lutheran Service Book

Text: John S. B. Monsell, 1811-75 Tune: F. D. Allen,
Public Domain New York Selections, 1822, adapt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

665 Be Strong in the Lord






Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #665: Be Strong in the Lord Lutheran Service Book

Text: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 Tune: C. Hubert H. Parry, 1848-1918
© 1984 Hope Publishing Co. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

666 O Little Flock, Fear Not the Foe


1 O lit tle flock, fear not the foe Who mad ly

2 Be of good cheer; your cause be longs To Him who

seeks your o ver throw; Dread not his rage and pow’r.

can a venge your wrongs; Leave it to Him, our Lord.

And though your cour age some times faints, His seem ing
Though hid den yet from mor tal eyes, His Gid eon
tri umph o’er God’s saints Lasts but a lit tle hour.
shall for you a rise, Up hold you and His Word.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 As true as God’s own Word is true,

Not earth nor hell’s satanic crew
Against us shall prevail.
Their might? A joke, a mere facade!
God is with us and we with God—
Our vict’ry cannot fail.
4 Amen, Lord Jesus, grant our prayer;
Great Captain, now Thine arm make bare,
Fight for us once again!
So shall Thy saints and martyrs raise
A mighty chorus to Thy praise
Forevermore. Amen.

Hymn #666: O Little Flock, Fear Not the Foe Lutheran Service Book
Text: Jacob Fabricius, 1593-1654 Tune: German, Nürnberg, 1534
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

667 Saints, See the Cloud of Witnesses


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #667: Saints, See the Cloud of Witnesses Lutheran Service Book
Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: Dale Wood, 1934-2003
© 1997 Stephen P. Starke © 1974 Augsburg Publishing House
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

668 Rise! To Arms! With Prayer Employ You

WACHET AUF 898 D 664 448


1 Rise! To arms! With prayer em ploy you, O Chris
tians, lest the foe de stroy you; For Sa tan has de signed

your fall. Wield God’s Word, the weap on glo rious;

A gainst all foes be thus vic to rious. For God pro

tects you from them all. Fear not the hordes of hell,

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Here is Em man u el. Hail the Sav ior! The strong foes
yield To Christ, our shield, And we, the vic tors, hold the field.

2 Cast afar this world’s vain pleasure 3 Wisely fight, for time is fleeting;
And boldly strive for heav’nly treasure. The hours of grace are fast retreating;
Be steadfast in the Savior’s might. Short, short is this our earthly way.
Trust the Lord, who stands beside you, When the Lord the dead will waken
For Jesus from all harm will hide you. And sinners all by fear are shaken,
By faith you conquer in the fight. The saints with joy will greet that day.
Take courage, weary soul! Praise God, our triumph’s sure.
Look forward to the goal! We need not long endure Scorn
Joy awaits you. and trial.
The race well run, Your long war won, Our Savior King His own will bring
Your crown shines splendid as the sun. To that great glory which we sing.

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Psalm 137:2-3
There on the poplars we hung our harps, for
there our captors asked us for songs, our
tormentors demanded songs of joy; they said,
Sing us one of the songs of Zion! (NIV)

Hymn #668: Rise! To Arms! With Prayer Employ You Lutheran Service Book
Text: Wilhelm E. Arends, 1677-1721 Tune: Philipp Nicolai, 1556-1608, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

669 Come, We That Love the Lord


1 Come, we that love the Lord, And let our joys be
2 Let those re


to sing

Who nev er

knew our

known; Join in a song with sweet ac cord,

God; But chil dren of the heav’n ly King,


Join in a song with sweet ac cord And thus sur

But chil dren of the heav’n ly King May speak their

round the throne, And thus sur round the throne.
joys a broad, May speak their joys a broad.

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We’re march ing to Zi on, Beau ti ful, beau ti ful Zi on;


We’re march ing up ward to Zi on, The beau ti ful cit y of God.

3 The hill of Zion yields 4 Then let our songs abound,

A thousand sacred sweets And ev’ry tear be dry;
Before we reach the We’re marching through
heav’nly fields, Emmanuel’s ground,
Before we reach the We’re marching through
heav’nly fields, Emmanuel’s ground
Or walk the golden streets, To fairer worlds on high,
Or walk the golden streets. To fairer worlds on high.

Hymn #669: Come, We That Love the Lord Lutheran Service Book
Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Tune: Robert Lowry, 1826-99
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

670 Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones

LASST UNS ERFREUEN 88 88 88 with Alleluias

1 Ye watch ers and ye ho ly ones, Bright
2 O high er than the cher u bim, More
ser aphs, cher u bim, and thrones, Raise the glad strain:
glo rious than the ser a phim, Lead their prais es:
“Al le lu ia!” Cry out, do min ions, prince doms,

“Al le lu ia!” Thou bear er of the e ter nal

pow’rs, Vir tues, arch an gels, an gels’ choirs:
Word, Most gra cious, mag ni fy the Lord:

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“Al le lu ia, al le lu ia! Al le
lu ia, al le lu ia, al le lu ia!”

3 Respond, ye souls in endless rest, 4 O friends, in gladness let us sing,

Ye patriarchs and prophets blest: Supernal anthems echoing:
“Alleluia, alleluia!” “Alleluia, alleluia!”
Ye holy Twelve, ye martyrs strong, To God the Father, God the Son,
All saints triumphant, raise the song: And God the Spirit, Three in One:
Alleluias Alleluias

Hymn #670: Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones Lutheran Service Book

Text: John A. L. Riley, 1858-1945 Tune: Geistliche Kirchengesänge,
Public Domain Köln, 1623
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

671 Sing with All the Saints in Glory


1 Sing with all the saints in glo ry, Sing the res ur rec tion song!
2 Oh, what glo ry, far ex ceed ing All that eye has yet per ceived!

Death and sor row, earth’s dark sto ry, To the for mer days be long.
Ho liest hearts for a ges plead ing Nev er that full joy con ceived.

All a round the clouds are break ing; Soon the storms of time shall cease;
God has prom ised, Christ pre pares it; There on high our wel come waits.

In God’s like ness we a wak en, Know ing ev er last ing peace.
Ev’ ry hum ble spir it shares it, Christ has passed the e ter nal gates.

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3 Life eternal! Heav’n rejoices:

Jesus lives who once was dead.
Shout with joy, O deathless voices!
Child of God, lift up your head!
Life eternal! Oh, what wonders
Crowd on faith; what joy unknown,
When, amid earth’s closing thunders,
Saints shall stand before the throne!

Hymn melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #671: Sing with All the Saints in Glory Lutheran Service Book
Text: William J. Irons, 1812-83 Tune: William B. Roberts, b. 1947
Public Domain © 1995 Augsburg Fortress

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

672 Jerusalem the Golden

EWING 76 76 D

1 Je ru sa lem the gold en, With milk and hon ey blest—
2 With in those halls of Zi on Sounds forth the joy ful song,

The prom ise of sal va tion, The place of peace and rest—
As saints join with the an gels And all the mar tyr throng.
We know not, oh, we know not What joys a wait us there:
The Prince is ev er with them; The day light is se rene;

The ra dian cy of glo ry, The bliss be yond com pare!
The cit y of the bless ed Shines bright with glo rious sheen.

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3 Around the throne of David, 4 Oh, sweet and blessed country,

The saints, from care released, The home of God’s elect!
Raise loud their songs of triumph O sweet and blessed country
To celebrate the feast. That faithful hearts expect!
They sing to Christ their leader, In mercy, Jesus, bring us
Who conquered in the fight, To that eternal rest
Who won for them forever With You and God the Father
Their gleaming robes of white. And Spirit, ever blest.

Hymn #672: Jerusalem the Golden Lutheran Service Book

Text: Bernard of Cluny, 12th cent. Tune: Alexander C. Ewing, 1830-95, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

673 Jerusalem, My Happy Home


1 Je ru sa lem, my hap py home, When shall I come to thee?
2 O hap py har bor of the saints, O sweet and pleas ant soil!
3 Thy gar dens and thy gal lant walks Con tin ual ly are green;
4 There trees for ev er more bear fruit And ev er more do spring;


When shall my sor rows have an end? Thy joys when shall I see?
In thee no sor row may be found, No grief, no care, no toil.
There grow such sweet and pleas ant flow’rs As no where else are seen.
There ev er more the an gels dwell And ev er more do sing.

5 Apostles, martyrs, prophets, there 6 O Christ, do Thou my soul prepare

Around my Savior stand; For that bright home of love
And soon my friends in Christ below That I may see Thee and adore
Will join the glorious band. With all Thy saints above.

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Psalm 150:3
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise
him with the harp and lyre, praise him with tambourine
and dancing, praise him with the strings and flute,
praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him
with resounding cymbals. (NIV)

Hymn #673: Jerusalem, My Happy Home Lutheran Service Book

Text: F. B. P., 16th cent. Tune: American folk tune
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

674 Jerusalem, O City Fair and High



1 Je ru sa lem, O cit y fair and high, Your
tow’rs I yearn to see; My long ing heart to you would

glad ly fly, It will not stay with me. E li jah’s char


iot take me A bove the low er skies, To heav en’s

bliss a wake me, Re leased from earth ly ties.

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2 O happy day, O yet far happier 3 The patriarchs’ and prophets’

hour, noble train,
When will you come at last, With all Christ’s foll’wers true,
When by my gracious Father’s Who washed their robes and cleansed
love and pow’r sin’s guilty stain,
I see that portal vast? Sing praises ever new!
From heaven’s shining regions I see them shine forever,
To greet me gladly come Resplendent as the sun,
Your blessed angel legions In light diminished never,
To bid me welcome home. Their glorious freedom won.
4 Unnumbered choirs before the shining throne
Their joyful anthems raise
Till heaven’s arches echo with the tone
Of that great hymn of praise.
And all its host rejoices,
And all its blessed throng
Unite their myriad voices
In one eternal song.

Hymn #674: Jerusalem, O City Fair and High Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann M. Meyfart, 1590-1642 Tune: Melchior Franck, c. 1573-1639
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

675 Oh, What Their Joy

O QUANTA QUALIA 10 10 10 10

1 Oh, what their joy and their glo ry must be,
2 In new Je ru sa lem joy shall be found,

Those end less Sab baths the bless ed ones see!
Bless ings of peace shall for ev er a bound;

Crowns for the val iant, to wea ry ones rest;
Wish and ful fill ment are not sev ered there,

God shall be all, and in all ev er blest.
Nor the things prayed for come short of the prayer.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 We, where no trouble distraction can bring,

Safely the anthems of Zion shall sing;
While for Your grace, Lord, their voices of praise
Your blessed people shall evermore raise.
4 Now let us worship our Lord and our King,
Joyfully raising our voices to sing:
Praise to the Father, and praise to the Son,
Praise to the Spirit, to God, Three in One.

Hymn #675: Oh, What Their Joy Lutheran Service Book

Text: Peter Abelard, 1079-1142 Tune: Antiphoner, Paris, 1681
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

676 Behold a Host, Arrayed in White

DEN STORE HVIDE FLOK 88446 88446 88446

1 Be hold a host, ar rayed in white, Like thou sand
2 De spised and scorned, they so journed here; But now, how
snow– clad moun tains bright! With palms they stand; Who is this

glo rious they ap pear! Those mar tyrs stand, A priest ly
band Be fore the throne of light? These are the saints of
band, God’s throne for ev er near. On earth they wept through
glo rious fame, Who from the great af flic tion came
bit ter years; Now God has wiped a way their tears,

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


And in the flood Of Je sus’ blood Are cleansed
Trans formed their strife To heav’n ly life, And freed
from guilt and shame. They now serve God both day and night;
them from their fears. They now en joy the Sab bath rest,
They sing their songs in end less light. Their an

The heav’n ly ban quet of the blest; The Lamb,
thems ring As they all sing With an gels shin ing
their Lord, At fes tive board Him self is host and

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3 O blessed saints in bright array
Now safely home in endless day,
Extol the Lord,
Who with His Word
Sustained you on the way.
The steep and narrow path you trod;
You toiled and sowed the Word abroad;
Rejoice and bring
Your fruits and sing
Before the throne of God.
The myriad angels raise their song;
O saints, sing with that happy throng!
Lift up one voice;
Let heav’n rejoice
In our Redeemer’s song!

Hymn #676: Behold a Host, Arrayed in White Lutheran Service Book

Text: Hans A. Brorson, 1694-1764 Tune: Norwegian, 17th cent.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

677 For All the Saints

SINE NOMINE 10 10 10 with Alleluias

1 For all the saints who from their la bors rest,

2 Thou wast their rock, their for tress, and their might;

Who Thee by faith be fore the world con fessed, Thy

Thou, Lord, their cap tain in the well– fought fight;

name, O Je sus, be for ev er blest.
Thou, in the dark ness drear, their one true light.
Al le lu ia! Al le lu ia!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Oh, may Thy soldiers, faithful, true, and bold,
Fight as the saints who nobly fought of old
And win with them the victor’s crown of gold!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
4 Oh, blest communion, fellowship divine!
We feebly struggle, they in glory shine,
Yet all are one in Thee, for all are Thine.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
5 And when the fight is fierce, the warfare long,
Steals on the ear the distant triumph song,
And hearts are brave again and arms are strong.
6 The golden evening brightens in the west;
Soon, soon to faithful warriors cometh rest;
Sweet is the calm of paradise the blest.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
7 But, lo, there breaks a yet more glorious day:
The saints triumphant rise in bright array;
The King of Glory passes on His way.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
8 From earth’s wide bounds, to ocean’s farthest coast,
Through gates of pearl streams in the countless host,
Singing to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost:
Alleluia! Alleluia!

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1 Chronicles 15:16
David told the leaders of the Levites to
appoint their brothers as singers to sing
joyful songs, accompanied by musical instruments:
lyres, harps and cymbals. (NIV)

Hymn #677: For All the Saints Lutheran Service Book

Text: William W. How, 1823-97 Tune: Ralph V. Williams, 1872-1958
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

678 We Sing for All the Unsung Saints






Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #678: We Sing for All the Unsung Saints Lutheran Service Book
Text: Carl P. Daw Jr., b. 1944 Tune: Henry S. Cutler, 1824-1902
© 1996 Hope Publishing Co. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

679 Oh, How Blest Are They

O WIE SELIG 10 10 5 10

1 Oh, how blest are they whose toils are end ed, Who
2 We are still as in a dun geon liv ing, Still

3 They mean while are in their cham bers sleep ing, Qui

through death have un to God as cend ed! They have a
op pressed with sor row and mis giv ing; Our un der

et and set free from all their weep ing; No cross or

ris en From the cares which keep us still in pris on.
tak ings Are but toils and trou bles and heart– break ings.
sad ness There can hin der their un trou bled glad ness.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Christ has wiped away their tears forever;
They have that for which we still endeavor.
By them are chanted
Songs that ne’er to mortal ears were granted.
5 Come, O Christ, and loose the chains that bind us;
Lead us forth and cast this world behind us.
With You, the Anointed,
Finds the soul its joy and rest appointed.

Hymn #679: Oh, How Blest Are They Lutheran Service Book
Text: Simon Dach, 1605-59 Tune: J. Georg Stoezel,
Public Domain Choralbuch, Stuttgart, 1774
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

680 Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise

THINE 77 77 87 14

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #680: Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herbert F. Brokering, b. 1926 Tune: Carl F. Schalk, b. 1929
© 1983 Augsburg Publishing House © 1983 Augsburg Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

681 Send, O Lord, Your Holy Spirit

WERDE MUNTER 87 87 77 88


1 Send, O Lord, your Ho ly Spir it On Your ser vant now,


we pray; Let him prove a faith ful shep herd That no lamb


is led a stray. Your pure teach ing to pro claim,


To ex tol your ho ly name, And to feed Your lambs,

dear Sav ior, Make his aim and sole en deav or.

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2 You, O Lord, Yourself have called him 3 Help, Lord Jesus, help him nourish
For Your precious lambs to care; All our children with Your Word
But to prosper in his calling, That in fervent love they serve You
He the Spirit’s gifts must share. Till in heav’n their song is heard.
Give him wisdom from above, Boundless blessings, Lord, bestow
Fill his heart with holy love; On his faithful toil below
In his weakness, Lord, be near him, Till by grace to him be given
In his prayers, Good Shepherd, hear him. His reward, the crown of heaven.

Hymn #681: Send, O Lord, Your Holy Spirit Lutheran Service Book
Text: Lieder-Perlen, Tune: Johann Schop, 1600-65
St. Louis, 1905 Public Domain
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

682 God of the Prophets, Bless the Prophets’ Sons

OLD 124TH 10 10 10 10

1 God of the proph ets, bless the proph ets’ sons;
2 A noint them proph ets, men who are in tent
E li jah’s man tle o’er E li sha cast.
To be Your wit ness es in word and deed,

Each age its sol emn task may claim but once;
Their hearts a flame, their lips made el o quent,

Make each one no bler, strong er than the last.
Their eyes a wake to ev’ ry hu man need.

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3 Anoint them priests, strong intercessors they,

For pardon and for love and hope and peace,
That, through their pleading, guilty sinners may
Find Jesus’ mercy and from sin release.
4 Anoint them kings, yes, kingly kings, O Lord.
Anoint them with the Spirit of Your Son.
Theirs not a jeweled crown, a blood–stained sword;
Theirs, by sweet love, for Christ a kingdom won.
5 Make them apostles, heralds of Your cross;
Forth let them go to tell the world of grace.
Inspired by You, may they count all but loss
And stand at last with joy before your face.

Hymn #682: God of the Prophets, Bless the Prophets’ Sons Lutheran Service Book
Text: Denis Wortman, 1835-1922 Tune: Trente quatre Pseaumes de David,
Public Domain Geneva, 1551, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

683 Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me

RYBURN 88 88 88

1 Je sus, Thy bound less love to me No thought can reach, no

2 O grant that noth ing in my soul May dwell, but Thy pure

tongue de clare; U nite my thank ful heart to Thee,

love a lone; Oh, may Thy love pos sess me whole,

And reign with out a ri val there! Thine whol ly, Thine a
My joy, my trea sure, and my crown! All cold ness from my

lone I am; Be Thou a lone my con stant flame.

heart re move; My ev’ ry act, word, thought be love.

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3 This love unwearied I pursue 4 In suff’ring be Thy love my peace,

And dauntlessly to Thee aspire. In weakness be Thy love my pow’r;
Oh, may Thy love my hope renew, And when the storms of life shall
Burn in my soul like heav’nly fire! cease,
And day and night, be all my care O Jesus, in that final hour,
To guard this sacred treasure Be Thou my rod and staff and guide,
there. And draw me safely to Thy side!

Hymn melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #683: Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me Lutheran Service Book

Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76 Tune: Norman Cocker, 1889-1953
Public Domain © Oxford University Press

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

684 Come unto Me, Ye Weary

ANTHES 76 76 D

1 “Come un to Me, ye wea ry, And I will give you rest.”
2 “Come un to Me, ye wan d’rers, And I will give you light.”

O bless ed voice of Je sus, Which comes to hearts op prest!
O lov ing voice of Je sus, Which comes to cheer the night!
It tells of ben e dic tion, Of par don, grace, and peace,
Our hearts were filled with sad ness, And we had lost our way;


Of joy that has no end ing, Of love that can not cease.
But Thou hast brought us glad ness And songs at break of day.

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3 “Come unto Me, ye fainting, 4 “And whosoever cometh,

And I will give you life.” I will not cast him out.”
O cheering voice of Jesus, O patient love of Jesus,
Which comes to aid our strife! Which drives away our doubt,
The foe is stern and eager, Which, though we be unworthy
The fight is fierce and long; Of love so great and free,
But Thou hast made us mighty Invites us very sinners
And stronger than the strong. To come, dear Lord, to Thee!

Hymn #684: Come unto Me, Ye Weary Lutheran Service Book

Text: William C. Dix, 1837-98 Tune: Friedrich K. Anthes, 1812-after 1857
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

685 Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus






Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 51:14
Save me from bloodguilt, O God, the
God who saves me, and my tongue will
sing of your righteousness. (NIV)

Hymn #685: Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus Lutheran Service Book
Text: Sigismund von Birken, 1626-81 Tune: Georg G. Boltze, 18th cent., alt.
© 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

686 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing


1 Come, Thou Fount of ev’ ry bless ing, Tune my heart to

sing Thy grace; Streams of mer cy, nev er ceas ing,


Call for songs of loud est praise. While the hope of end less

glo ry Fills my heart with joy and love, Teach me

ev er to a dore Thee; May I still Thy good ness prove.

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2 Here I raise my Ebenezer, 3 Oh, to grace how great a debtor

Hither by Thy help I’ve come; Daily I’m constrained to be;
And I hope, by Thy good pleasure, Let that grace now like a fetter
Safely to arrive at home. Bind my wand’ring heart to Thee.
Jesus sought me when a stranger, Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it;
Wand’ring from the fold of God; Prone to leave the God I love.
He, to rescue me from danger, Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,
Interposed His precious blood. Seal it for Thy courts above.
4 Oh, that day when freed from sinning,
I shall see Thy lovely face;
Clothed then in the blood–washed linen,
How I’ll sing Thy wondrous grace!
Come, my Lord, no longer tarry;
Take my ransom’d soul away;
Send Thine angels soon to carry
Me to realms of endless day.

Hymn #686: Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Lutheran Service Book
Text: Robert Robinson, 1735-90 Tune: J. Wyeth,
Public Domain Repository of Sacred Music, Part II,
Harrisburg, 1813, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

687 Thine Forever, God of Love

VIENNA 77 77

1 Thine for ev er, God of love! Hear us from Thy throne a bove;
2 Thine for ev er! Oh, how blest They who find in Thee their rest!

3 Thine for ev er, Lord of life! Shield us through our earth ly strife.

Thine for ev er may we be Here and in e ter ni ty!
Sav ior, guard ian, heav’n ly friend, O de fend us to the end!
Thou, the life, the truth, the way, Guide us to the realms of day.

4 Thine forever! Shepherd, keep 5 Thine forever! Thou our guide,

All Thy Frail and trembling sheep; All our needs by Thee supplied,
Safe alone beneath Thy care, All our sins by Thee forgiv’n;
Let us all Thy goodness share. Lead us, Lord, from earth to heav’n.

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Psalm 61:7-8
May he be enthroned in God's presence forever;
appoint your love and faithfulness to protect
him. Then will I ever sing praise to your name
and fulfill my vows day after day. (NIV)

Hymn #687: Thine Forever, God of Love Lutheran Service Book

Text: Mary F. Maude, 1819-1913 Tune: Justin H. Knecht, 1752-1817
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

688 “Come, Follow Me,” the Savior Spake



1 “Come, fol low Me,” the Sav ior spake, “All in My
“I am the light; I light the way, A god ly


way a bid ing; De ny your selves, the world for sake,
life dis play ing; I bid you walk as in the day;
O bey My call and guid ing. O bear the cross, what

I keep your feet from stray ing. I am the way, and

e’er be tide, Take My ex am ple for your guide.
well I show How you should so journ here be low.

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3 My heart abounds in lowliness, 4 “I teach you how to shun and flee

My soul with love is glowing; What harms your souls’ salvation,
And gracious words My lips express, Your heart from ev’ry guile to free,
With meekness overflowing. From sin and its temptation.
My heart, My mind, My strength, My all I am the refuge of the soul
To God I yield, on Him I call. And lead you to your heav’nly goal.”
5 Then let us follow Christ, our Lord,
And take the cross appointed
And, firmly clinging to His Word,
In suff’ring be undaunted.
For those who bear the battle’s strain
The crown of heav’nly life obtain.

Hymn #688: “Come, Follow Me,” the Savior Spake Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann Scheffler, 1624-77 (st. 1-3, 5) Tune: Bartholomäus Gesius,
Geistliche Lieder und Lobgesänge, 1695 (st. 4) c. 1555-1613, adapt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

689 Let Me Be Thine Forever


1 Let me be Thine for ev er, My faith ful God and Lord;
2 Lord Je sus, my sal va tion, My light, my life di vine,
Let me for sake Thee nev er Nor wan der from Thy Word.
My on ly con so la tion, O make me whol ly Thine!
Lord, do not let me wa ver, But give me stead fast ness,

For Thou hast dear ly bought me With blood and bit ter pain.
And for such grace for ev er Thy ho ly name I’ll bless.
Let me, since Thou hast sought me, E ter nal life ob tain.

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3 And Thou, O Holy Spirit,

My comforter and guide,
Grant that in Jesus’ merit
I always may confide,
Him to the end confessing
Whom I have known by faith.
Grant me Thy constant blessing
And grant a Christian death.

Hymn #689: Let Me Be Thine Forever Lutheran Service Book

Text: Nicolaus Selnecker, 1532-92 (st. 1) Tune: Musika Deutsch,
Gesang-Büchlein, Rudolstadt, 1688 (st. 2-3) Nürnberg, 1532, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

690 Hope of the World

EIRENE 11 10 11 10




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #690: Hope of the World Lutheran Service Book

Text: Georgia Harkness, 1891-1974 Tune: Frances R. Havergal, 1836-79
© 1954, 1982 The Hymn Society Public Domain
admin. Hope Publishing Co.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

691 Fruitful Trees, the Spirit’s Sowing


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #691: Fruitful Trees, the Spirit’s Sowing Lutheran Service Book
Text: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 Tune: Ralph C. Schultz, b. 1932
© 1984 Hope Publishing Co. © 1980 Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

692 Praise to You and Adoration

FREU DICH SEHR 87 87 77 88

1 Praise to You and ad o ra tion, Bless ed Je sus, Son of God,
2 Hold me ev er in Your keep ing; Com fort me in pain and strife.

Who, to serve Your own cre a tion, Came to share our flesh and blood.
In my laugh ter and my weep ing Be with me through out my life.
Guide me that I nev er may From Your fold or pas tures stray,
Give me great er love for You, And my faith and hope re new

But with zeal and joy ex ceed ing Fol low where Your steps are lead ing.
In Your birth, Your life, and pas sion, In Your death and res ur rec tion.

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Nehemiah 12:27
At the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem, the
Levites were sought out from where they lived and
were brought to Jerusalem to celebrate joyfully
the dedication with songs of thanksgiving and with
the music of cymbals, harps and lyres. (NIV)

Hymn #692: Praise to You and Adoration Lutheran Service Book

Text: Thomas H. Kingo, 1634-1703 Tune: Trente quatre Pseaumes de David,
Public Domain Geneva, 1551
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

693 O Holy Spirit, Grant Us Grace


1 O Ho ly Spir it, grant us grace That we our Lord and

2 Help us that we Thy sav ing Word In faith ful hearts may

Sav ior In faith and fer vent love em brace And tru ly serve
trea sure; Let e’er that Bread of Life af ford New grace in rich


Him ev er, The hour of death can not bring loss When
est mea sure. O make us die to ev’ ry sin, Each
we are shel tered by the cross That can celed our trans gres sions.
day cre ate us new with in, That fruits of faith may flour ish.

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3 And when our earthly race is run,

Death’s bitter hour impending,
Then may Thy work in us begun
Continue till life’s ending,
Until we gladly may commend
Our souls into our Savior’s hand,
The crown of life obtaining.

Hymn #693: O Holy Spirit, Grant Us Grace Lutheran Service Book

Text: Batholomäus Ringwaldt, 1532-99 Tune: Joseph Klug,
Public Domain Geistliche Lieder auffs new gebessert,
Wittenberg, 1535
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

694 Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tower


1 Thee will I love, my strength, my tow er; Thee will I
2 Thee will I love, my life, my Sav ior, Who art my

love, my hope, my joy. Thee will I love with all my

best and tru est friend. Thee will I love and praise for

pow er, With ar dor time shall ne’er de stroy. Thee will I
ev er, For nev er shall Thy kind ness end. Thee will I

love, O Light di vine, So long as life is mine.
love with all my heart— Thou my Re deem er art!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 I thank Thee, Jesus, Sun from heaven, 4 O keep me watchful, then, and
Whose radiance hath brought light humble;
to me; Permit me nevermore to stray.
I thank thee, who hast richly given Uphold me when my feet would
All that could make me glad and free; stumble,
I thank Thee that my soul is healed And keep me on the narrow way.
By what Thy lips revealed. Fill all my nature with Thy light,
O Radiance strong and bright!
5 Thee will I love, my crown of gladness;
Thee will I love, my God and Lord,
Amid the darkest depths of sadness,
And not for hope of high reward,
For Thine own sake, O Light divine,
So long as life is mine.

Hymn #694: Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tower Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann Scheffler, 1624-77 Tune: Johann B. König, 1691-1758
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

695 Not for Tongues of Heaven’s Angels



Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #695: Not for Tongues of Heaven’s Angels Lutheran Service Book
Text: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 Tune: Peter W. Cutts, b. 1937
© 1985 Hope Publishing Co. © 1969 Hope Publishing Co.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

696 O God, My Faithful God


1 O God, my faith ful God, True foun tain ev er flow ing,
2 Grant me the strength to do With read y heart and will ing

With out whom noth ing is, All per fect gifts be stow ing:
What ev er You com mand, My call ing here ful fill ing;

Give me a health y frame, And may I have with in
That I do what I should While trust ing you to bless

A con science free from blame, A soul un hurt by sin.
The out come for my good, For You must give suc cess.

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3 Keep me from saying words 5 Let me depart this life

That later need recalling; Confiding in my Savior;
Guard me lest idle speech By grace receive my soul
May from my lips be falling; That it may live forever;
But when within my place And let my body have
I must and ought to speak, A quiet resting place
Then to my words give grace Within a Christian grave;
Lest I offend the weak. And let it sleep in peace.
4 Lord, let me win my foes 6 And on that final day
With kindly words and actions, When all the dead are waking,
And let me find good friends Stretch out Your mighty hand,
For counsel and correction. My deathly slumber breaking.
Help me, as You have taught, Then let me hear Your voice,
To love both great and small Redeem this earthly frame,
And by Your Spirit’s might And bid me to rejoice
To live in peace with all. With those who love Your name.

Hymn #696: O God, My Faithful God Lutheran Service Book

Text: Johann Heermann, 1585-1647 Tune: Neu-vermehrtes… Gesangbuch,
Public Domain 3rd ed., Meiningen, 1693, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

697 Awake, O Sleeper, Rise from Death




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #697: Awake, O Sleeper, Rise from Death Lutheran Service Book
Text: F. Bland Tucker, 1895-1984 Tune: Carl G. Gläser, 1784-1829, alt.
© 1984 Augsburg Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

698 May We Thy Precepts, Lord, Fulfill

MERIBAH 886 886

1 May we Thy pre cepts, Lord, ful fill And do on

2 So may we join Thy name to bless, Thy grace a

earth our Fa ther’s will As an gels do a bove;
dore, Thy pow’r con fess, From sin and strife to flee.

Still walk in Christ, the liv ing way, With all Thy

One is our call ing, one our name, The end of

chil dren and o bey The law of Chris tian love.
all our hopes the same, A crown of life with Thee.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Spirit of life, of love and peace,

Unite our hearts, our joy increase,
Thy gracious help supply.
To each of us the blessing give
In Christian fellowship to live,
In joyful hope to die.

Hymn #698: May We Thy Precepts, Lord, Fulfill Lutheran Service Book
Text: Edward Osler, 1798-1863 Tune: Lowell Mason, 1792-1872
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

699 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say


1 I heard the voice of Je sus say, “Come un to Me and rest;
2 I heard the voice of Je sus say, “Be hold, I free ly give

Lay down, thou wea ry one, lay down Thy head up on My breast.”
The liv ing wa ter; thirst y one, Stoop down and drink and live.”

I came to Je sus as I was, So wea ry, worn, and sad;
I came to Je sus, and I drank Of that life– giv ing stream;

I found in Him a rest ing place, And He has made me glad.
My thirst was quenched, my soul re vived, And now I live in Him.

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3 I heard the voice of Jesus say,

“I am this dark world’s light.
Look unto Me; thy morn shall rise
And all thy day be bright.”
I looked to Jesus, and I found
In Him my star, my sun;
And in that light of life I’ll walk
Till trav’ling days are done.

Hymn melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #699: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say Lutheran Service Book
Text: Horatius Bonar, 1808-89 Tune: Amanda Husberg, b. 1940
Public Domain © 1966 Amanda Husberg

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

700 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling



1 Love di vine, all loves ex cel ling, Joy of

2 Breathe, O breath Thy lov ing Spir it In to

heav’n, to earth come down! Fix in us Thy
ev’ ry trou bled breast; Let us all in

hum ble dwell ing, All Thy faith ful mer cies crown.
Thee in her it; Let us find Thy prom ised rest.

Je sus, Thou art all com pas sion, Pure, un
Take a way the love of sin ning; Al pha

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bound ed love Thou art; Vis it us with
and O me ga be; End of faith, as

Thy sal va tion, En ter ev’ ry trem bling heart.
its be gin ning, Set our hearts at lib er ty.

3 Come, Almighty, to deliver; 4 Finish then Thy new creation,

Let us all Thy life receive; Pure and spotless let us be;
Suddenly return, and never, Let us see Thy great salvation
Nevermore Thy temples leave. Perfectly restored in Thee,
Thee we would be always blessing, Changed from glory into glory,
Serve Thee as thy hosts above, Till in heav’n we take our place,
Pray and praise Thee without ceasing, Till we cast our crowns before Thee,
Glory in Thy perfect love. Lost in wonder, love, and praise!

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Psalm 98:4
Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst
into jubilant song with music; make music to the
LORD with the harp, with the harp and the sound
of singing, with trumpets and the blast of the rams
horn—shout for joy before the LORD, the King. (NIV)

Hymn #700: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling Lutheran Service Book
Text: Charles Wesley, 1707-88 Tune: Rowland H. Prichard, 1811-87
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

701 Draw Us to Thee


1 Draw us to Thee, For then shall we Walk in Thy
2 Draw us to Thee, Lord, lov ing ly; Let us de
3 Draw us to Thee; O grant that we May walk the

steps for ev er And has ten on Where Thou art
part with glad ness That we may be For ev er
road to heav en! Di rect our way Lest we should

gone To be with Thee, dear Sav ior.
free From sor row, grief, and sad ness.
stray And from Thy paths be driv en.

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4 Draw us to Thee That also we 5 Draw us to Thee Unceasingly;
Thy heav’nly bliss inherit Into Thy kingdom take us.
And ever dwell Where sin and hell Let us fore’er Thy glory share,
No more can vex our spirit. Thy saints and joint heirs make us.

Hymn #701: Draw Us to Thee Lutheran Service Book

Text: Friedrich Funcke, 1642-99 Tune: As hymnodus sacer,
Public Domain Leipzig, 1625, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

702 My Faith Looks Up to Thee

OLIVET 664 6664

1 My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Cal va ry,
2 May Thy rich grace im part Strength to my faint ing heart;

3 While life’s dark maze I tread And griefs a round me spread,


Sav ior di vine. Now hear me while I pray; Take all my
My zeal in spire! As Thou hast died for me, Oh, may my

Be Thou my guide; Bid dark ness turn to day, Wipe sor row’s
guilt a way; O let me from this day Be whol ly Thine!
love to Thee Pure, warm, and change less be, A liv ing fire!
tears a way, Nor let me ev er stray From Thee a side.

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4 When ends life’s transient dream,
When death’s cold, sullen stream
Shall o’er me roll,
Blest Savior, then, in love,
Fear and distrust remove;
O bear me safe above,
A ransomed soul!

Hymn #702: My Faith Looks Up to Thee Lutheran Service Book

Text: Ray Palmer, 1808-87 Tune: Lowell Mason, 1792-1872, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

703 How Can I Thank You, Lord


1 How can I thank You, Lord, For all Your lov ing– kind ness,
2 It is Your work a lone That I am now con vert ed;

That You have pa tient ly Borne with me in my blind ness!
O’er Sa tan’s work in me You have Your pow’r as sert ed.

When dead in man y sins And tres pass es I lay,

Your mer cy and Your grace, That rise a fresh each morn

I kin dled, ho ly God, Your an ger ev’ ry day.
Have turned my ston y heart In to a heart new– born.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Lord, You have raised me up 4 Grant that Your Spirit’s help

To joy and exultation To me be always given
And clearly shown the way Lest I should fall again
That leads me to salvation. And lose the way to heaven.
My sins are washed away; Grant that He give me strength
For this I thank You, Lord. In my infirmity;
Now with my heart and soul May He renew my heart
All evil I abhor. To serve You willingly.
5 O Father, God of love,
Now hear my supplication;
O Savior, Son of God,
Accept my adoration;
O Holy Spirit, be
My ever faithful guide
That I may serve You here
And there with You abide.

Hymn #703: How Can I Thank You, Lord Lutheran Service Book
Text: David Denicke, 1603-80 Tune: Neu-vermehrtes… Gesangbuch,
Public Domain 3rd ed., Meiningen, 1693, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

704 Renew Me, O Eternal Light


1 Re new me, O e ter nal Light, And let my
2 Re move the pow’r of sin from me And cleanse all
3 Cre ate in me a new heart, Lord, That glad ly

heart and soul be bright, Il lu mined with the
my im pu ri ty That I may have the
I o bey Your Word. Let what You will be
light of grace That is sues from Your ho ly face.
strength and will Temp ta tions of the flesh to still.
my de sire, And with new life my soul in spire.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Grant that I only You may love
And seek those things which are above
Till I behold You face to face,
O Light eternal, through Your grace.

Hymn #704: Renew Me, O Eternal Light Lutheran Service Book

Text: Johann F. Ruopp, 1672-1708 Tune: As hymnodus sacer,
Public Domain Leipzig, 1625, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

705 The Man Is Ever Blessed


1 The man is ev er blessed Who shuns the sin ners’ ways,
2 But makes the Law of God His stud y and de light
3 He like a tree shall thrive, With wa ters near the root;
Not so the wick ed race, They no such bless ings find;


A mong their coun sels nev er stands, Nor takes the scorn er’s place,
A mid the la bors of the day And watch es of the night.
Fresh as the leaf his name shall live, His works are heav’n ly fruit.
Their hopes shall flee like emp ty chaff Be fore the driv ing wind.

5 How will they bear to stand 6 He knows and He approves

Before the judgment seat The way the righteous go;
Where all the saints at Christ’s But sinners and their works
right hand shall meet
In full assembly meet? A dreadful overthrow.

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Psalm 28:7
The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart
trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps
for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. (NIV)

Hymn #705: The Man Is Ever Blessed Lutheran Service Book

Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Tune: Trente quatre Pseaumes de David,
Public Domain Geneva, 1551, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

706 Love in Christ Is Strong and Living


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #706: Love in Christ Is Strong and Living Lutheran Service Book
Text: Dorothy R. Schultz, b. 1934 Tune: Ralph C. Schultz, b. 1932
© 1980 Concordia Publishing House © 1980 Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

707 Oh, That the Lord Would Guide My Ways


1 Oh, that the Lord would guide my ways
2 Or der my foot steps by Thy Word,

3 As sist my soul, too apt to stray,


To keep His stat utes still! Oh, that my God would
And make my heart sin cere; Let sin have no do

A strict er watch to keep; And should I e’er for


grant me grace To know and do His will!
min ion, Lord, But keep my con science clear.
get Thy way, Re store Thy wan d’ring sheep.

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4 Make me to walk in Thy commands—
’Tis a delightful road—
Nor let my head or heart or hands
Offend against my God.

Hymn #707: Oh, That the Lord Would Guide My Ways Lutheran Service Book
Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Tune: William H. Havergal, 1793-1870, adapt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

708 Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart

HERZLICH LIEB 887 887 88 88 88

1 Lord, Thee I love with all my heart; I pray Thee ne’er from me de part,

2 Yea, Lord, ’twas Thy rich boun ty gave My bod y, soul, and all I have

With ten der mer cy cheer me. Earth has no pleas ure I would share. Yea,

In this poor life of la bor. Lord, grant that I in ev’ ry place May

heav’n it self were void and bare If Thou, Lord, wert not near me. And should my

glo ri fy Thy lav ish grace And help and serve my neigh bor. Let no false

heart for sor row break, My trust in Thee can noth ing shake. Thou art the
doc trine me be guile; Let Sa tan not my soul de file. Give strength and

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por tion I have sought; Thy pre cious blood my soul has bought. Lord Je sus

pa tience un to me To bear my cross and fol low Thee. Lord Je sus

Christ, my God and Lord, my God and Lord, For sake me not! I trust Thy Word.
Christ, my God and Lord, my God and Lord, In death Thy com fort still af ford.
3 Lord, let at last Thine angels come,
To Abr’ham’s bosom bear me home,
That I may die unfearing;
And in its narrow chamber keep
My body safe in peaceful sleep
Until Thy reappearing.
And then from death awaken me,
That these mine eyes with joy may see,
O Son of God, Thy glorious face,
My Savior and my fount of grace.
Lord Jesus Christ, my prayer attend, my prayer attend,
And I will praise thee without end!

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Psalm 90:14
Satisfy us in the morning with your
unfailing love, that we may sing for
joy and be glad all our days. (NIV)

Hymn #708: Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin M. Schalling, 1532-1608 Tune: Zwey Bücher… Tabulatur,
Public Domain Strassburg, 1577, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

709 The King of Love My Shepherd Is


1 The King of love my shep herd is, Whose good ness
2 Where streams of liv ing wa ter flow, My ran somed
3 Per verse and fool ish oft I strayed, But yet in

fail eth nev er; I noth ing lack if
soul He lead eth And, where the ver dant
love He sought me And on His shoul der
I am His And He is mine for ev er.
pas tures grow, With food ce les tial feed eth.
gen tly laid And home re joic ing brought me.

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4 In death’s dark vale I fear no ill 5 Thou spreadst a table in my sight;
With Thee, dear Lord, beside me, Thine unction grace bestoweth;
Thy rod and staff my comfort still, And, oh, what transport of delight
Thy cross before to guide me. From Thy pure chalice floweth!
6 And so through all the length of days
Thy goodness faileth never.
Good Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise
Within Thy house forever!

Hymn #709: The King of Love My Shepherd Is Lutheran Service Book

Text: Henry W. Baker, 1821-77 Tune: Irish melody, c. 18th cent., alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

710 The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want


1 The Lord’s my shep herd, I’ll not want; He makes me
2 My soul He doth re store a gain And me to
3 Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale, Yet will I

down to lie In pas tures green; He
walk doth make With in the paths of

fear no ill; For Thou art with me,

lead eth me The qui et wa ters by.
righ teous ness, E’en for His own name’s sake.
and Thy rod And staff me com fort still.

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4 My table Thou hast furnished 5 Goodness and mercy, all my life
In presence of my foes; Shall surely follow me;
My head Thou dost with oil anoint, And in God’s house forevermore
And my cup overflows. My dwelling place shall be.

Hymn #710: The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want Lutheran Service Book
Text: The Psalms of David in Meeter, Tune: William Gardiner, 1770-1853, adapt.
Edinburgh, 1650 Public Domain
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

711 Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us


1 Sav ior, like a shep herd lead us; Much we need Your ten der care.
2 We are Yours; in love be friend us, Be the guard ian of our way;

In Your pleas ant pas tures feed us, For our use Your fold pre pare; Bless ed
Keep Your flock, from sin de fend us, Seek us when we go a stray. Bless ed
Je sus, bless ed Je sus, You have bought us; we are Yours. Bless ed

Je sus, bless ed Je sus, Hear us chil dren when we pray. Bless ed
Je sus, bless ed Je sus, You have bought us; we are Yours.
Je sus, bless ed Je sus, Hear us chil dren when we pray.

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3 You have promised to receive us, 4 Early let us seek Your favor,
Poor and sinful through we be; Early let us do Your will;
You have mercy to relieve us, Blessed Lord and only Savior,
Grace to cleanse, and pow’r to free. With Your love our spirits fill.
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,
Early let us turn to You. You have loved us, love us still.
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,
Early let us turn to You. You have loved us, love us still.

Hymn #711: Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us Lutheran Service Book

Text: Hymns for the Young, 4th ed., Tune: William B. Bradbury, 1816-68
London, 1836 Public Domain
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

712 Seek Ye First


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #712: Seek Ye First Lutheran Service Book

Text: Karen Lafferty, b. 1948 Tune: Karen Lafferty, b. 1948
© 1972 Maranatha! Music © 1972 Maranatha! Music
admin. Music Services (ASCAP)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

713 From God Can Nothing Move Me





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #713: From God Can Nothing Move Me Lutheran Service Book
Text: Ludwig Helmbold, 1532-98 Tune: Recueil de plusieurs chansons,
© 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship (st. 1-2, 6) Lyons, 1557, alt.
© 2006 Concordia Publishing House (st. 3-5, 7) Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

714 Who Trusts in God a Strong Abode


1 Who trusts in God A strong a bode In heav’n and earth pos

sess es; Who looks in love To Christ a bove,
No fear that heart op press es. In You a lone, Dear Lord,

we own Sweet hope and con so la tion, Our shield from

foes, Our balm for woes, Our great and sure sal va tion.

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2 Though Satan’s wrath Beset our path 3 In all the strife Of mortal life
And worldly scorn assail us, Our feet will stand securely;
While You are near, We will not fear; Temptation’s hour Will lose its pow’r,
Your strength will never fail us. For You will guard us surely.
Your rod and staff Will keep us safe O God, renew With heav’nly dew
And guide our steps forever; Our body, soul, and spirit
Nor shades of death Nor hell beneath Until we stand At Your right hand
Our souls from You will sever. Through Jesus’ saving merit.

Hymn #714: Who Trusts in God a Strong Abode Lutheran Service Book
Text: Joachim Magdeburg, c. 1525-after 1583 (st. 1) Tune: Claude de Sermisy, c. 1490-1592, alt.
Harmonia cantionum, Leipzig, 1597 (st. 2-3) Public Domain
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

715 Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me

PILOT 77 77 77




1 Je sus, Sav ior, pi lot me O ver life’s tem pes tous sea;
2 As a moth er stills her child, Thou canst hush the o cean wild;

3 When at last I near the shore And the fear
 ful break ers roar

Un known waves be fore me roll, Hid ing rock and treach’ rous shoal.
Bois t’rous wave o bey Thy will When Thou say’st to them, “Be still!”
Twixt me and the peace ful rest, Then, while lean ing on Thy breast,


Chart and com pass come from Thee. Je sus, Sav ior, pi lot me.
Won drous Sov’ reign of the sea, Je sus, Sav ior, pi lot me.
May I hear Thee say to me, “Fear not, I will pi lot thee.”

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Psalm 45:8
All your robes are fragrant with myrrh and aloes
and cassia; from palaces adorned with ivory
the music of the strings makes you glad. (NIV)

Hymn #715: Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me Lutheran Service Book

Text: Edward Hopper, 1818-88 Tune: John E. Gould, 1822-75
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

716 I Walk in Danger All the Way


1 I walk in dan ger all the way. The thought shall nev er leave me
2 I pass through tri als all the way, With sin and ills con tend ing;

That Sa tan, who has marked his prey, Is plot ting to de ceive me.
In pa tience I must bear each day The cross of God’s own send ing.

This foe with hid den snares May seize me un a wares
When in ad ver si ty I know not where to flee,

If I should fail to watch and pray. I walk in dan ger all the way.
When storms of woe my soul dis may, I pass through tri als all the way.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 And death pursues me all the way, 5 I walk with Jesus all the way,
Nowhere I rest securely; His guidance never fails me;
He comes by night, he comes by day, Within His wounds I find a stay
He takes his prey most surely. When Satan’s pow’r assails me;
A failing breath, and I And by his footsteps led,
In death’s strong grasp may lie My path I safely tread.
To face eternity today No evil leads my soul astray;
As death pursues me all the way. I walk with Jesus all the way.
4 I walk with angels all the way, 6 My walk is heav’nward all the way;
They shield me and befriend me; Await, my soul, the morrow,
All Satan’s pow’r is held at bay When God’s good healing shall allay
When heav’nly hosts attend me; All suff’ring, sin, and sorrow.
They are my sure defense, Then, worldly pomp, begone!
All fear and sorrow, hence! To heav’n I now press on.
Unharmed by foes, do what they may, For all the world I would not stay;
I walk with angels all the way. My walk is heav’nward all the way.

Hymn #716: I Walk in Danger All the Way Lutheran Service Book
Text: Hans A. Brorson, 1694-1764 Tune: Geist-reiches Gesang-Buch,
Public Domain 4th ed., Halle, 1708
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

717 Eternal Father, Strong to Save

MELITA 88 88 88

1 E ter nal Fa ther, strong to save, Whose arm has bound the

2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

rest less wave, Who bidd’st the might y o cean deep Its
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

own ap point ed lim its keep: O hear us when we

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


cry to Thee For those in per il on the sea.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Omitted due to copyright restrictions.

4 O Trinity of love and pow’r,

Our people shield in danger’s hour;
From rock and tempest, fire and foe,
Protect them wheresoe’er they go;
Thus evermore shall rise to Thee
Glad praise from air and land and sea.

Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #717: Eternal Father, Strong to Save Lutheran Service Book

Text: William Whiting, 1825-78 (st. 1,*2, *3, 4) Tune: John B. Dykes, 1823-76
Robert N. Spencer, 1877-1961 (st. 2-3) Public Domain
© Church Pension Fund (st. 2-3)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

717a Eternal Father, Strong to Save
Navy Hymn

MELITA 88 88 88

1 E ter nal Fa ther, strong to save, Whose arm has bound the
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 _ _ _ _
rest less wave, Who bidd’st the might y o cean deep Its

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

own ap point ed lim its keep: O hear us when we

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


cry to Thee For those in per il on the sea.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Omitted due to copyright restrictions.

4 O Trinity of love and pow’r,

Our people shield in danger’s hour;
From rock and tempest, fire and foe,
Protect them wheresoe’er they go;
Thus evermore shall rise to Thee
Glad praise from air and land and sea.
Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #717a: Eternal Father, Strong to Save Lutheran Service Book

Text: William Whiting, 1825-78 (st. 1,*2, *3, 4) Tune: John B. Dykes, 1823-76
Robert N. Spencer, 1877-1961 (st. 2-3) Public Domain
© Church Pension Fund (st. 2-3)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

718 Jesus, Lead Thou On


1 Je sus, lead Thou on Till our rest be won; And al though
2 If the way be drear, If the foe be near, Let not faith

3 When we seek re lief From a long– felt grief, When temp ta

the way be cheer less, We will fol low calm and fear less.
less fears o’er take us, Let not faith and hope for sake us;

tions come al lur ing, Make us pa tient and en dur ing.

Guide us by Thy hand To our fa ther land.
For through man y‿ a woe To our home we go.
Show us that bright shore Where we weep no more.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Jesus, lead Thou on
Till our rest be won.
Heav’nly leader, still direct us,
Still support, console, protect us,
Till we safely stand
In our fatherland.

Hymn #718: Jesus, Lead Thou On Lutheran Service Book

Text: Nicolaus L. von Zinzendorf, 1700-60 Tune: Adam Drese, 1620-1701
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

719 I Leave All Things to God’s Direction


1 I leave all things to God’s di rec tion; He loves me
2 God knows what must be done to save me; His love for
both in joy and woe. His will is good, sure His af
me will nev er cease. Up on His hands He did en
fec tion; His ten der love is true, I know. My for tress
grave me With pur est gold of lov ing grace. His will su

and my rock is He: What pleas es God, that pleas es me.
preme must ev er be: What pleas es God, that pleas es me.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 My God desires the soul’s salvation; 4 My God has all things in His keeping;
My soul He, too, desires to save. He is my everfaithful friend.
Therefore with Christian resignation He gives me laughter after weeping,
All earthly troubles I will brave. And all His ways in blessings end.
His will be done eternally: His love endures eternally:
What pleases God, that pleases me. What pleases God, that pleases me.

Hymn #719: I Leave All Things to God’s Direction Lutheran Service Book
Text: Salomo Franck, 1659-1725 Tune: Georg C. Neumark, 1621-81
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

720 We Walk by Faith and Not by Sight


1 We walk by faith and not by sight, No

2 We may not touch His hands and side, Nor

3 Help then, O Lord, our un be lief; And

gra cious words we hear From Him who spoke as

fol low where He trod; But in His prom ise

may our faith a bound To call on You when

none e’er spoke, But we be lieve Him near.

we re joice And cry “My Lord and God!”
You are near And seek where You are found.

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4 For You, O resurrected Lord, 5 Lord, when our life of faith is done,
Are found in means divine; In realms of clearer light
Beneath the water and the Word, We may behold You as You are,
Beneath the bread and wine. With full and endless sight.

Hymn melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #720: We Walk by Faith and Not by Sight Lutheran Service Book
Text: Henry Alford, 1810-71 Tune: Marty Haugen, b. 1950
Public Domain © 1984, 2006 GIA Publications, Inc.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

721 Lead Me, Guide Me

LEAD ME Irregular







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Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Psalm 98:4
Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst
into jubilant song with music; make music to the
LORD with the harp, with the harp and the sound
of singing, with trumpets and the blast of the rams
horn—shout for joy before the LORD, the King. (NIV)

Hymn #721: Lead Me, Guide Me Lutheran Service Book

Text: Doris M. Akers, 1922-95 Tune: Doris M. Akers, 1922-95
© 1953 Doris M. Ackers © 1953 Doris M. Akers,
admin. Chappell & Co.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

722 Lord, Take My Hand and Lead Me




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #722: Lord, Take My Hand and Lead Me Lutheran Service Book
Text: Julie K. von Hausmann, 1825-1901 Tune: P. Friedrich Silcher, 1789-1860
© 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

723 The Lord Is My Light



To Stanzas

Stanza 1


Stanza 2


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Stanza 3


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #723: The Lord Is My Light Lutheran Service Book

Text: Alberto Taulé, b. 1932 Tune: Alberto Taulé, b. 1932
© 2006 Concordia Publishing House © 1982 Alberto Taulé

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

724 If God Himself Be for Me


1 If God Him self be for me, I may a host de fy;
2 I build on this foun da tion, That Je sus and His blood

For when I pray, be fore me My foes, con found ed, fly.
A lone are my sal va tion, My true, e ter nal good.
If Christ, my head and mas ter, Be friend me from a bove,

With out Him all that pleas es Is val ue less on earth;
What foe or what dis as ter Can drive me from His love?
The gifts I have from Je sus A lone have price less worth.

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3 Christ Jesus is my splendor, 6 Who clings with resolution
My sun, my light, alone; To Him who Satan hates
Were He not my defender Must look for persecution;
Before God’s judgment throne, For him the burden waits
I never should find favor Of mock’ry, shame, and losses
And mercy in His sight, Heaped on his blameless head;
But be destroyed forever A thousand plagues and crosses
As darkness by the light. Will be his daily bread.
4 He canceled my offenses, 7 From me this is not hidden,
Delivered me from death; Yet I am not afraid;
He is the Lord who cleanses I leave my cares, as bidden,
My soul from sin through faith. To whom my vows were paid.
In Him I can be cheerful, Though life from me be taken
Courageous on my way; And ev’rything I own,
In Him I am not fearful I trust in You unshaken
Of God’s great Judgment Day. And cleave to You alone.
5 For no one can condemn me 8 No danger, thirst, or hunger,
Or set my hope aside; No pain or poverty,
Now hell no more can claim me: No earthly tyrant’s anger
Its fury I deride. Shall ever vanquish me.
No sentence now reproves me, Though earth should break asunder,
No guilt destroys my peace; My fortress You shall be;
For Christ, my Savior, loves me No fire or sword or thunder
And shields me with His grace. Shall sever You from me.

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9 No angel and no gladness, 10 My heart with joy is springing;
No throne, no pomp, no show, I am no longer sad.
No love, no hate, no badness, My soul is filled with singing;
No pain, no depth of woe, Your sunshine makes me glad.
No scheming, no contrivance, The sun that cheers my spirit
No subtle thing or great Is Jesus Christ, my King;
Shall draw me from Your guidance The heav’n I shall inherit
Nor from You separate. Makes me rejoice and sing.

Hymn #724: If God Himself Be for Me Lutheran Service Book

Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76 Tune: David Spaiser,
Public Domain Vier und zwantzig Geystliche Lieder,
Augsburg, 1609
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

725 Children of the Heavenly Father


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #725: Children of the Heavenly Father Lutheran Service Book

Text: Caroline V. Sandell-Berg, 1832-1903 Tune: Lofsnger och andeliga wisor,
© Augsburg Publishing House Sweden, 1873
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

726 Evening and Morning

DIE GÜLDNE SONNE 55 55 10 56 56 10


1 Eve ning and morn ing, Sun set and dawn ing, Wealth, peace, and glad ness,
2 Fa ther, O hear me, Par don and spare me; Calm all my ter rors,

Com fort in sad ness: These are Thy works; all the glo ry be Thine!
Blot out my er rors That by Thine eyes they may no more be scanned.

Times with out num ber, A wake or in slum ber, Thine eye ob serves us, From

Or der my go ings, Di rect all my do ings. As it may please Thee, Re

dan ger pre serves us, Caus ing Thy mer cy up on us to shine.
tain or re lease me; All I com mit to Thy fa ther ly hand.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Omitted due to copyright restrictions. 4 Omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #726: Evening and Morning Lutheran Service Book

Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76 Tune: Johann G. Ebeling, 1637-76
© Augsburg Publishing House (st. 3-4) Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

727 On Eagles’ Wings




Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


1 Chronicles 6:32
They ministered with music before the tabernacle,
the Tent of Meeting, until Solomon built the
temple of the LORD in Jerusalem. (NIV)

Hymn #727: On Eagles’ Wings Lutheran Service Book

Text: Michael Joncas, b. 1951 Tune: Michael Joncas, b. 1951, alt.
© OCP Publications © 1979 OCP Publications

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

728 How Firm a Foundation

FOUNDATION 11 11 11 11

1 How firm a foun da tion, O saints of the Lord,

2 “Fear not, I am with you, O be not dis mayed,

Is laid for your faith in His ex cel lent Word!
For I am your God and will still give you aid;

What more can He say than to you He has said
I’ll strength en you, help you, and cause you to stand,

Who un to the Sav ior for ref uge have fled?
Up held by My righ teous, om nip o tent hand.

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3 “The soul that on Jesus has leaned for repose

I will not, I will not, desert to his foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I’ll never, no never, no never, forsake!
4 “When through fiery trials your pathway will lie,
My grace, all–sufficient, will be your supply.
The flames will not hurt you; I only design
Your dross to consume and your gold to refine.
5 “Throughout all their lifetime My people will prove
My sov’reign, eternal, unchangeable love;
And then, when gray hairs will their temples adorn,
Like lambs they will still in My bosom be borne.”

Hymn #728: How Firm a Foundation Lutheran Service Book

Text: A Selection of Hymns, Tune: J. Funk, Genuine Church Music,
London, 1787 Winchester, 1832
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

729 I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus


1 I am trust ing Thee, Lord Je sus, Trust ing on ly Thee;
2 I am trust ing Thee for par don; At Thy feet I bow,
3 I am trust ing Thee for cleans ing In the crim son flood;
4 I am trust ing Thee to guide me; Thou a lone shalt lead,

Trust ing Thee for full sal va tion, Great and free.
For Thy grace and ten der mer cy Trust ing now.
Trust ing Thee who made me ho ly By Thy blood.
Ev’ ry day and hour sup ply ing All my need.

5 I am trusting Thee for power; 6 I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus;

Thine can never fail. Never let me fall.
Words which Thou Thyself shalt give me I am trusting Thee forever
Must prevail. And for all.

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Psalm 92:4
For you make me glad by your deeds, O LORD;
I sing for joy at the works of your hands. (NIV)

Hymn #729: I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus Lutheran Service Book

Text: Frances R. Havergal, 1836-79 Tune: Henry W. Baker, 1821-77
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

730 What Is the World to Me


1 What is the world to me With all its vaunt ed pleas ure
2 The world seeks to be praised And hon ored by the might y

When You, and You a lone, Lord Je sus, are my trea sure!
Yet nev er once re flects That they are frail and flight y.

You on ly, dear est Lord, My soul’s de light shall be;
But what I tru ly prize A bove all things is He,


You are my peace, my rest. What is the world to me!
My Je sus, He a lone. What is the world to me!

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3 The world seeks after wealth 4 What is the world to me!

And all that mammon offers My Jesus is my treasure,
Yet never is content My life, my health, my wealth,
Though gold should fill its coffers. My friend, my love, my pleasure,
I have a higher good, My joy, my crown, my all,
Content with it I’ll be: My bliss eternally.
My Jesus is my wealth. Once more, then, I declare:
What is the world to me! What is the world to me!

Hymn #730: What Is the World to Me Lutheran Service Book

Text: Georg M. Pfefferkorn, 1645-1732 Tune: Ahasverus Fritsch, 1629-1701, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

731 O God, Forsake Me Not


1 O God, for sake me not! Your gra cious pres ence lend me;
2 O God, for sake me not! Take not Your Spir it from me;

Lord, lead Your help less child; Your Ho ly Spir it send me
Do not per mit the might Of sin to o ver come me.

That I my course may run. O be my light, my lot,
In crease my fee ble faith, Which You a lone have wrought.

My staff, my rock, my shield— O God, for sake me not!
O be my strength and pow’r— O God, for sake me not!

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3 O God, forsake me not! 4 O God, forsake me not!

Lord, hear my supplication! Lord, I am Yours forever.
In ev’ry evil hour O keep me strong in faith
Help me resist temptation; That I may leave You never.
And when the prince of hell Grant me a blessed end
My conscience seeks to blot, When my good fight is fought;
Be then not far from me— Help me in life and death—
O God, forsake me not! O God, forsake me not!

Hymn #731: O God, Forsake Me Not Lutheran Service Book

Text: Salomo Franck, 1659-1725 Tune: Neu-vermehrtes… Gesangbuch,
Public Domain 3rd ed., Meiningen, 1693, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

732 All Depends on Our Possessing


1 All de pends on our pos sess ing God’s a bun dant grace and bless ing,
2 He who to this day has fed me And to man y joys has led me
3 Man y spend their lives in fret ting O ver tri fles and in get ting

Though all earth ly wealth de part. They who trust with faith un shak en
Is and ev er shall be mine. He who did so gen tly school me,
Things that lack all sol id ground. I shall strive to win a trea sure

By their God are not for sak en And will keep a daunt less heart.
He who dai ly guides and rules me Will re main my help di vine.
That will bring me last ing pleas ure And that now is sel dom found.

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4 When with sorrow I am stricken, 5 Well He knows what best to grant me;
Hope anew my heart will quicken, All the longing hopes that haunt me,
All my longing shall be stilled. Joy and sorrow, have their day.
To his loving–kindness tender I shall doubt His wisdom never;
Soul and body I surrender, As God wills, so be it ever;
For on God alone I build. I commit to Him my way.
6 If my days on earth He lengthen,
God my weary soul will strengthen;
All my trust in Him I place.
Earthly wealth is not abiding,
Like a stream away is gliding;
Safe I anchor in His grace.

Hymn #732: All Depends on Our Possessing Lutheran Service Book

Text: Andächtige Haus-Kirche, Tune: Johann Löhner, 1645-1705, alt.
Nürnberg, 1676 Public Domain
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

733 O God, Our Help in Ages Past


1 O God, our help in a ges past, Our hope for years to come,
2 Un der the shad ow of Thy throne Thy saints have dwelt se cure;
3 Be fore the hills in or der stood Or earth re ceived its frame,
4 A thou sand a ges in Thy sight Are like an eve ning gone,

Our shel ter from the storm y blast, And our e ter nal home:
Suf fi cient is Thine arm a lone, And our de fense is sure.
From ev er last ing Thou art God, To end less years the same.
Short as the watch that ends the night Be fore the ris ing sun.

5 Time, like and ever–rolling stream, 6 O God, our help in ages past,
Soon bears us all away; Our hope for years to come,
We fly forgotten as a dream Be Thou our guard while troubles last
Dies at the op’ning day. And our eternal home!

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1 Samuel 18:6
When the men were returning home after David
had killed the Philistine, the women came
out from all the towns of Israel to meet King
Saul with singing and dancing, with joyful
songs and with tambourines and lutes. (NIV)

Hymn #733: O God, Our Help in Ages Past Lutheran Service Book
Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Tune: William Croft, 1678-1727, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

734 I Trust, O Lord, Your Holy Name


1 I trust, O Lord, Your ho ly name; O let me not be
2 Bow down Your gra cious ear to me And hear my cry, my
3 You are my strength, my shield, my rock, My for tress that with


put to shame Nor let me be con found ed. My faith, O
prayer, my plea; Make haste for my pro tec tion, For woes and
stands each shock, My help, my life, my tow er, My bat tle

Lord, Be in Your Word For ev er firm ly ground ed.
fear Sur round me here. Help me in my af flic tion.
sword, Al might y Lord— Who can re sist Your pow er?

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4 With You, O Lord, I cast my lot; 5 All honor, praise, and majesty
O faithful God, forsake me not, To Father, Son, and Spirit be,
To You my soul commending. Our God forever glorious,
Lord, be my stay, In whose rich grace
And lead the way We run our race
Now and when life is ending. Till we depart victorious.

Hymn #734: I Trust, O Lord, Your Holy Name Lutheran Service Book
Text: Adam Reusner, 1496-c. 1575 Tune: Davids Himlische Harpffen,
Public Domain Nürnberg, 1581, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

735 Have No Fear, Little Flock


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #735: Have No Fear, Little Flock Lutheran Service Book

Text: Heinz W. Zimmermann, b. 1930 (st. 1) Tune: Heinz W. Zimmermann, b. 1930
Marjorie A. Jillson, b. 1931 (st. 2-4) © 1973 Concordia Publishing House
© 1973 Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

736 Consider How the Birds Above


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #736: Consider How the Birds Above Lutheran Service Book
Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: Daniel Zager, b. 1951
© 1998 Stephen P. Starke © 2004 Daniel Zager
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

737 Rejoice, My Heart, Be Glad and Sing



1 Re joice, my heart, be glad and sing, A
2 He is your trea sure, He your joy, Your
3 Why spend the day in blank de spair, In
cheer ful trust main tain; For God, the source of
life and light and Lord, Your coun sel or when

rest less thought the night? On your Cre a tor

ev’ ry thing, Your por tion shall re main.
doubts an noy, Your shield and great re ward.
cast your care; He makes your bur dens light.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Did not His love and truth and pow’r 6 His wisdom never plans in vain
Guard ev’ry childhood day? Nor falters nor mistakes.
And did He not in threat’ning hour All that His counsels may ordain
Turn dreaded ills away? A blessed ending makes.
5 He only will with patience chide, 7 Upon your lips, then, lay your hand,
His rod falls gently down; And trust His guiding love;
And all your sins He casts aside Then like a rock your peace shall stand
In ocean depth they drown. Here and in heav’n above.

Hymn #737: Rejoice, My Heart, Be Glad and Sing Lutheran Service Book
Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76 Tune: Johann B. König, 1691-1758
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

738 Lord of All Hopefulness

SLANE Irregular




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #738: Lord of All Hopefulness Lutheran Service Book

Text: Jan Struther, 1901-53 Tune: Irish folk tune
© Oxford University Press Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

739 Precious Lord, Take My Hand


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #739: Precious Lord, Take My Hand Lutheran Service Book

Text: Thomas A. Dorsey, 1899-1993 Tune: Thomas A. Dorsey, 1899-1993
© 1938 Unichappell Music Inc. © 1938 Unichappell Music Inc.
Assigned to Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. Assigned to Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

740 I Am Jesus’ Little Lamb


1 I am Je sus’ lit tle lamb, Ev er glad at heart I am; For my
2 Day by day, at home, a way, Je sus is my staff and stay. When I
3 Who so hap py as I am, E ven now the Shep herd’s lamb? And when

Shep herd gen tly guides me, Knows my needs and well pro vides me,
hun ger, Je sus feeds me, In to pleas ant pas tures leads me;
my short life is end ed, By His an gel host at tend ed,


Loves me ev’ ry day the same, E ven calls me by my name.
When I thirst, He bids me go Where the qui et wa ters flow.
He shall fold me to His breast, There with in His arms to rest.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


1 Samuel 16:18
One of the servants answered, I have seen
a son of Jesse of Bethlehem who knows how
to play the harp. He is a brave man and
a warrior. He speaks well and is a fine-looking
man. And the LORD is with him. (NIV)

Hymn #740: I Am Jesus’ Little Lamb Lutheran Service Book

Text: Henrietta L. von Hayn, 1724-82 Tune: Choralbuch… Brüder-Gemeinen,
Public Domain Leipzig, 1784
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

741 Jesus Christ, My Sure Defense



1 Je sus Christ, my sure de fense And my Sav ior, now is liv ing!
2 Je sus, my re deem er, lives; Like wise I to life shall wak en.
3 No, too close ly am I bound By my hope to Christ for ev er;

Know ing this, my con fi dence Rests up on the hope here giv en,
He will bring me where He is; Shall my cour age then be shak en?
Faith’s strong hand the Rock has found, Grasped it, and will leave it nev er;

Though the night of death be fraught Still in man y‿ an anx ious thought.
Shall I fear, or could the Head Rise and leave His mem bers dead?
E ven death now can not part From its Lord the trust ing heart.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 I am flesh and must return 6 Then take comfort and rejoice,
To the dust, whence I am taken; For His members Christ will cherish.
But by faith I now discern Fear not, they will hear His voice;
That from death I shall awaken Dying, they will never perish;
With my Savior to abide For the very grave is stirred
In His glory, at His side. When the trumpet’s blast is heard.
5 Glorified, I shall anew 7 Laugh to scorn the gloomy grave
With this flesh then be enshrouded; And at death no longer tremble;
In this body I shall view He, the Lord, who came to save
God, my Lord, with eyes unclouded; Will at last His own assemble.
In this flesh I then shall see They will go their Lord to meet,
Jesus Christ eternally. Treading death beneath their feet.
8 O, then, draw away your hearts
From all pleasures base and hollow;
Strive to share what He imparts
While you here his footsteps follow.
As you now still wait to rise,
Fix your hearts beyond the skies!

Hymn #741: Jesus Christ, My Sure Defense Lutheran Service Book

Text: Otto von Schwerin, 1616-79 Tune: Johann Crüger, 1598-1662
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

742 For Me to Live Is Jesus


1 For me to live is Je sus, To die is gain for me;
2 For Christ, my Lord, my broth er, I leave this world so dim
3 My woes are near ly o ver, Though long and dark the road;

4 Lord, when my pow’rs are fail ing, My breath comes heav i ly,
So, when my Sav ior pleas es, I meet death will ing ly.
And glad ly seek an oth er, Where I shall be with Him.
My sin His mer its cov er, And I have peace with God.
And words are un a vail ing, O hear my sighs to Thee.

5 In my last hour, O grant me 6 And so to Thee still cleaving

A slumber soft and still, When death shall come to me,
No doubts to vex or haunt me, I fall asleep believing
Safe anchored in Thy will; And wake in heav’n with Thee!

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Psalm 45:8
All your robes are fragrant with myrrh and aloes
and cassia; from palaces adorned with ivory
the music of the strings makes you glad. (NIV)

Hymn #742: For Me to Live Is Jesus Lutheran Service Book

Text: Ein schön geistlich Gesangbuch, Tune: Melchior Vulpius, c. 1570-1615, alt.
Jena, 1609 Public Domain
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

743 Jesus, Priceless Treasure

JESU, MEINE FREUDE 665 665 786

1 Je

sus, price less


Fount of pur est pleas ure,

Tru est friend to me. Ah, how long in an guish
Shall my spir it lan guish, Yearn ing, Lord, for Thee?

Thou art mine, O Lamb di vine! I will suf fer

naught to hide Thee; Naught I ask be side Thee.

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2 In Thine arms I rest me; 4 Hence, all earthly treasure!

Foes who would molest me Jesus is my pleasure,
Cannot reach me here. Jesus is my choice.
Though the earth be shaking, Hence, all empty glory!
Ev’ry heart be quaking, Naught to me thy story
Jesus calms my fear. Told with tempting voice.
Lightnings flash And thunders crash; Pain or loss Or shame or cross,
Yet, though sin and hell assail me, Shall not from my Savior move me
Jesus will not fail me. Since He deigns to love me.
3 Satan, I defy thee; 5 Evil world, I leave thee;
Death, I now decry thee; Thou canst not deceive me,
Fear, I bid thee cease. Thine appeal is vain.
World, thou shalt not harm me Sin that once did blind me,
Nor thy threats alarm me Get thee far behind me,
While I sing of peace. Come not forth again.
God’s great pow’r Guards ev’ry hour; Past thy hour, O pride and pow’r;
Earth and all its depth adore Him, Sinful life, thy bonds I sever,
Silent bow before Him. Leave thee now forever.

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6 Hence, all fear and sadness!
For the Lord of gladness,
Jesus, enters in.
Those who love the Father,
Though the storms may gather,
Still have peace within.
Yea, whate’er I here must bear,
Thou art still my purest pleasure,
Jesus, priceless treasure!

Hymn #743: Jesus, Priceless Treasure Lutheran Service Book

Text: Johann Franck, 1618-77 Tune: Johann Crüger, 1598-1662
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

744 Amazing Grace


1 A maz ing grace— how sweet the sound— That
2 The Lord has prom ised good to me, His

3 Through man y dan gers, toils, and snares I


saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but
Word my hope se cures; He will my shield and
have al read y come; His grace has brought me

now am found, Was blind but now I see!
por tion be As long as life en dures.
safe so far, His grace will see me home.

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4 Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail
And mortal life shall cease,
Amazing grace shall then prevail
In heaven’s joy and peace.
5 When we’ve been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
Than when we’d first begun.

Hymn #744: Amazing Grace Lutheran Service Book

Text: John Newton, 1725-1807 (st. 1-4) Tune: Columbian Harmony,
A Collection of Sacred Ballads, Cincinnati, 1829, alt.
Richmond, 1790 (st. 5) Public Domain
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

745 In God, My Faithful God


1 In God, my faith ful God, I trust when dark my road;
2 My sins fill me with care, Yet I will not de spair.
3 If death my por tion be, It brings great gain to me;

Great woes may o ver take me, Yet He will not for sake me.
I build on Christ, who loves me; From this rock noth ing moves me.

It speeds my life’s en deav or To live with Christ for ev er.

My trou bles He can al ter; His hand lets noth ing fal ter.
To Him I all sur ren der, To Him, my soul’s de fend er.
He gives me joy in sor row, Come death now or to mor row.

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4 O Jesus Christ, my Lord, 5 “So be it,” then, I say
So meek in deed and word, With all my heart each day.
You suffered death to save us Dear Lord, we all adore You,
Because Your love would have us We sing for joy before You.
Be heirs of heav’nly gladness Guide us while here we wander
When ends this life of sadness. Until we praise You yonder.

Hymn #745: In God, My Faithful God Lutheran Service Book

Text: Veer schöne nye Geistlike Tune: Kurtzweilige teutsche Lieder,
Leder Lübeck, before 1603 1576, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

746 Through Jesus’ Blood and Merit


1 Through Je sus’ blood and mer it I am at peace with God.
2 There’s noth ing that can sev er From this great love of God;
What, then, can daunt my spir it, How ev er dark my road?
No want, no pain what ev er, No fam ine, per il, flood.
My cour age shall not fail me, For God is on my side;
Though thou sand foes sur round me, For slaugh ter mark His sheep,
Though hell it self as sail me, Its rage I may de ride.
They nev er shall con found me, The vic t’ry I shall reap.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 For neither life’s temptation 4 Nor any creature ever

Nor death’s so trying hour Shall from the love of God
Nor angels of high station This wretched sinner sever;
Nor any other pow’r For in my Savior’s blood
Nor things that now are present This love has its foundation;
Nor things that are to come God hears my faithful prayer
Nor height, however pleasant, And long before creation
Nor darkest depths of gloom Named me His child and heir.

Hymn #746: Through Jesus’ Blood and Merit Lutheran Service Book
Text: Simon Dach, 1605-59 Tune: Musika Deutsch,
Public Domain Nürnberg, 1532, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

747 No Saint on Earth Lives Life to Self Alone

SONG 1 10 10 10 10 10 10





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 33:1-3
Sing joyfully to the LORD, you righteous; it
is fitting for the upright to praise him. Praise
the LORD with the harp; make music to him on
the ten-stringed lyre. Sing to him a new song;
play skillfully, and shout for joy. (NIV)

Hymn #747: No Saint on Earth Lives Life to Self Alone Lutheran Service Book
Text: Norman J. Kansfield, b. 1940 Tune: Orlando Gibbons, 1583-1625
© 1997 Norman J. Kansfield Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

748 I’m But a Stranger Here

HEAVEN IS MY HOME 64 64 6664

1 I’m but a strang er here, Heav’n is my home;

2 What though the tem pest rage, Heav’n is my home;
Earth is a des ert drear, Heav’n is my home.
Short is my pil grim age, Heav’n is my home.
Dan ger and sor row stand Round me on ev’ ry hand;

And time’s wild, win try blast Soon shall be o ver past;

Heav’n is my fa ther land, Heav’n is my home.
I shall reach home at last, Heav’n is my home.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Therefore I murmur not,

Heav’n is my home;
Whate’er my earthly lot,
Heav’n is my home.
And I shall surely stand
There at my Lord’s right hand.
Heav’n is my fatherland,
Heav’n is my home.

Hymn #748: I’m But a Stranger Here Lutheran Service Book

Text: Thomas R. Taylor, 1807-35 Tune: Arthur S. Sullivan, 1842-1900
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

749 There Is a Balm in Gilead



There is a balm in Gil e ad To make the wound ed
There is a balm
 in Gil e ad

To heal the sin– sick soul.
1 Some times I feel dis cour aged And think my work’s in vain,
2 If you can not preach like Pe ter, If you can not pray like Paul,
3 Don’t ev er feel dis cour aged, For Je sus is your friend;

But then the Ho ly Spir it Re vives my soul a gain.
You can tell the love of Je sus And say he died for all.
And if you lack for knowl edge, He’ll ne’er re fuse to lend.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Isaiah 5:1
I will sing for the one I love a song
about his vineyard: My loved one had
a vineyard on a fertile hillside. (NIV)

Hymn #749: There Is a Balm in Gilead Lutheran Service Book

Text: African American spiritual Tune: African American spiritual
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

750 If Thou But Trust in God to Guide Thee


1 If thou but trust in God to guide thee And hope in Him through
2 What can these anx ious cares a vail thee, These nev er– ceas ing
all thy ways, He’ll give thee strength, what e’er be tide thee,
moans and sighs? What can it help if thou be wail thee

And bear thee through the e vil days. Who trusts in God’s un
O’er each dark mo ment as it flies? Our cross and tri als
chang ing love Builds on the rock that naught can move.
do but press The heav ier for our bit ter ness.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Be patient and await His leisure
In cheerful hope, with heart content
To take whate’er thy Father’s pleasure
And His discerning love hath sent,
Nor doubt our inmost wants are known
To Him who chose us for His own.
4 God knows, full well when times of gladness
Shall be the needful thing for thee.
When He has tried thy soul with sadness
And from all guile has found thee free,
He comes to thee all unaware
And makes thee own His loving care.
5 Nor think amid the fiery trial
That God hath cast thee off unheard,
That he whose hopes meet no denial.
Must surely be of God preferred.
Time passes and much change doth bring
And sets a bound to ev’rything.
6 All are alike before the Highest;
’Tis easy for our God, we know,
To raise thee up, though low thou liest,
To make the rich man poor and low.
True wonders still by Him are wrought
Who setteth up and brings to naught.

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7 Sing, pray, and keep His ways unswerving,
Perform thy duties faithfully,
And trust His Word; though undeserving,
Thou yet shalt find it true for thee.
God never yet forsook in need
The soul that trusted Him indeed.

Hymn #750: If Thou But Trust in God to Guide Thee Lutheran Service Book
Text: Georg C. Neumark, 1621-81 Tune: Georg C. Neumark, 1621-81
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

751 O God of Love, O King of Peace


1 O God of love, O King of peace, Make wars

2 Re mem ber, Lord, Thy works of old, The won

3 Whom shall we trust but Thee, O Lord? Where rest

through out the world to cease; The rage of na tions now

ders that Thy peo ple told; Re mem ber not our sins’

but on Thy faith ful Word? None ev er called on Thee

re strain: Give peace, O God, give peace a gain!

dark stain: Give peace, O God, give peace a gain!
in vain: Give peace, O God, give peace a gain!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Where saints and angels dwell above,
All hearts are knit in holy love;
O bind us in that heav’nly chain:

Hymn melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #751: O God of Love, O King of Peace Lutheran Service Book

Text: Henry W. Baker, 1821-77 Tune: Sandra J. Voelker, b. 1952
Public Domain © 2002 Sandra J. Voelker

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

752 Be Still, My Soul

FINLANDIA 10 10 10 D


1 Be still, my soul; the Lord is on your side; Bear pa tient

ly the cross of grief or pain; Leave to your God to or der


and pro vide; In ev’ ry change He faith ful will re


main. Be still, my soul; your best, your heav’n ly Friend

Through thorn y ways leads to a joy ful end.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 Be still, my soul; your God will undertake

To guide the future as He has the past.
Your hope, your confidence let nothing shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
Be still, my soul; the waves and winds still know
His voice who ruled them while He dwelt below.
3 Be still, my soul, though dearest friends depart
And all is darkened in the vale of tears;
Then you will better know His love, His heart,
Who comes to soothe your sorrows and your fears.
Be still, my soul; your Jesus can repay
From His own fullness all He takes away.
4 Be still, my soul; the hour is hast’ning on
When we shall be forever with the Lord,
When disappointment, grief, and fear are gone,
Sorrow forgot, love’s purest joys restored.
Be still, my soul; when change and tears are past,
All safe and blessed we shall meet at last.

Hymn #752: Be Still, My Soul Lutheran Service Book

Text: Catharina Amalia Dorothea Tune: Jean J. C. Sibelius, 1865-1957, adapt.
von Schlegel, 1697-1752 Public Domain
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

753 All for Christ I Have Forsaken




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #753: All for Christ I Have Forsaken Lutheran Service Book
Text: Calvin Chao, 1906-96 Tune: Southern Harmony,
© 1999 Stephen P. Starke New Haven, 1835
admin. Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

754 Entrust Your Days and Burdens



Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #754: Entrust Your Days and Burdens Lutheran Service Book
Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76 Tune: Stephen R. Johnson, b. 1966
© 1982 Concordia Publishing House (st. 1-5) © 2002 Stephen R. Johnson
© 2006 Concordia Publishing House (st. 6)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

755 In the Very Midst of Life








Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #755: In the Very Midst of Life Lutheran Service Book

Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Tune: Johann Walther, 1496-1570
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

756 Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me


1 Why should cross and tri al grieve me? Christ is near
2 When life’s trou bles rise to meet me, Though their weight

With his cheer; Nev er will He leave me.
May be great, They will not de feat me.


Who can rob me of the heav en That God’s Son
God, my lov ing Sav ior, sends them; He who knows

For me won When His life was giv en?
All my woes Knows how best to end them.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 God gives me my days of gladness,

And I will Trust Him still
When He sends me sadness.
God is good; His love attends me
Day by day, Come what may,
Guides me and defends me.
4 Omitted due to copyright restrictions.

5 Omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #756: Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me Lutheran Service Book
Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76 Tune: Johann G. Ebeling, 1637-76
© 1999 Stephen P. Starke Public Domain
admin. Concordia Publishing House (st. 4-5)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

757 Lord, It Belongs Not to My Care


1 Lord, it be longs not to my care Wheth er
2 If life be long, I will be glad That I
3 Christ leads me through no dark er rooms Than He

I die or live; To love and serve Thee
may long o bey; If short, yet why should
went through be fore; He that un to God’s

is my share, And this Thy grace must give.
I be sad To soar to end less day?
king dom comes Must en ter by this door.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Come, Lord, when grace has made me meet
Thy blessed face to see;
For if Thy work on earth be sweet,
What will Thy glory be!
5 Then shall I end my sad complaints
And weary, sinful days
And join with the triumphant saints
Who sing my Savior’s praise.
6 My knowledge of that life is small,
The eye of faith is dim;
But ’tis enough that Christ knows all,
And I shall be with Him.

Hymn #757: Lord, It Belongs Not to My Care Lutheran Service Book

Text: Richard Baxter, 1615-91 Tune: Henry J. Gauntlett, 1805-76
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

758 The Will of God Is Always Best


1 The will of God is al ways best And shall be done for ev er;
2 God is my com fort and my trust, My hope and life a bid ing;

And they who trust in Him are blest, He will for sake them nev er.
And to His coun sel, wise and just, I yield, in Him con fid ing.

He helps in deed In time of need; He chas tens with for bear ing.
The ver y hairs, His Word de clares, Up on my head He num bers.
They who de pend On God, their friend, Shall not be left de spair ing.
By night and day God is my stay; He nev er sleeps nor slum bers.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Lord, this I ask, O hear my plea, 4 When life’s brief course on earth is run
Deny me not this favor: And I this world am leaving,
When Satan sorely troubles me, Grant me to say, “Your will be done,”
Then do not let me waver. Your faithful Word believing.
O guard me well, My fear dispel, My dearest Friend, I now commend
Fulfill Your faithful saying: My soul into Your keeping,
All who believe By grace receive From sin and hell, And death as well,
An answer to their praying. By You the vict’ry reaping.

Hymn #758: The Will of God Is Always Best Lutheran Service Book
Text: Albrecht von Preussen, 1490-1568 Tune: Claude de Sermisy, c. 1490-1592, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

759 This Body in the Grave We Lay


1 This bod y in the grave we lay There to a
2 And so to earth we now en trust What came from

3 The soul for ev er lives with God, Who free ly

wait that sol emn day When God Him self shall
dust and turns to dust And from the dust shall

hath His grace be stowed And through His Son re

bid it rise To mount tri um phant to the skies.
rise that day In glo rious tri umph o’er de cay.
deemed it here From ev’ ry sin, from ev’ ry fear.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 All trials and all griefs are past, 6 Then let us leave this place of rest
A blessed end has come at last. And homeward turn, for they are blest
Christ’s yoke was borne with ready will; Who heed God’s warning and prepare
Who dieth thus is living still. Lest death should find them unaware.
5 We have no cause to mourn or weep; 7 So help us, Jesus, ground of faith;
Securely shall this body sleep Thou hast redeemed us by Thy death
Till Christ Himself shall death destroy From endless death and set us free.
And raise the blessed dead to joy. We laud and praise and worship Thee.

Hymn #759: This Body in the Grave We Lay Lutheran Service Book
Text: Michael Weisse, c. 1480-1534 (st. 1-6) Tune: Newe deudsche geistliche Gesenge,
Gesangbuch, Magdeburg, 1540 (st. 7) Wittenberg, 1544
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

760 What God Ordains Is Always Good

WAS GOTT TUT 87 87 44 77


1 What God or dains is al ways good: His will is just and ho ly.
2 What God or dains is al ways good: He nev er will de ceive me;


As He di rects my life for me, I fol low meek
He leads me in His righ teous way, And nev er will

and low ly. My God in deed In ev’ ry need Knows
He leave me. I take con tent What He has sent; His

well how He will shield me; To Him, then, I will yield me.
hand that sends me sad ness Will turn my tears to glad ness.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 What God ordains is always good: 5 What God ordains is always good:
His loving thought attends me; Though I the cup am drinking
No poison can be in the cup Which savors now of bitterness,
That my physician sends me. I take it without shrinking.
My God is true; Each morning new For after grief God gives relief,
I trust His grace unending, My heart with comfort filling
My life to Him commending. And all my sorrow stilling.
4 What God ordains is always good: 6 What God ordains is always good:
He is my friend and Father; This truth remains unshaken.
He suffers naught to do me harm Though sorrow, need, or death be mine,
Though many storms may gather. I shall not be forsaken.
Now I may know Both joy and woe; I fear no harm, For with His arm
Someday I shall see clearly He shall embrace and shield me;
That He has loved me dearly. So to my God I yield me.

Hymn #760: What God Ordains Is Always Good Lutheran Service Book
Text: Samuel Rodigast, 1649-1708 Tune: Severus Gastorius, 1646-82, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

761 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me

TOPLADY 77 77 77


1 Rock of A ges, cleft for me, Let me hide my self in Thee;
2 Not the la bors of my hands Can ful fill Thy Law’s de mands;
3 Noth ing in my hand I bring; Sim ply to Thy cross I cling.

Let the wa ter and the blood, From Thy riv en side which flowed,
Could my zeal no res pite know, Could my tears for ev er flow,

Na ked, come to Thee for dress; Help less, look to Thee for grace;



Be of sin the dou ble cure: Cleanse me from its guilt and pow’r.
All for sin could not a tone; Thou must save, and thou a lone.
Foul, I to the foun tain fly; Wash me, Sav ior, or I die.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 While I draw this fleeting breath,
When mine eyelids close in death,
When I soar to worlds unknown,
See Thee on Thy judgment throne,
Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in thee.

Hymn #761: Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me Lutheran Service Book

Text: Augustus M. Toplady, 1740-78 Tune: Thomas Hastings, 1784-1872
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

762 There Is a Time for Everything



Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


1 Chronicles 13:8
David and all the Israelites were celebrating with
all their might before God, with songs and with harps,
lyres, tambourines, cymbals and trumpets. (NIV)

Hymn #762: There Is a Time for Everything Lutheran Service Book

Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: Stephen R. Johnson, b. 1966
© 2002 Stephen P. Starke © 2002 Stephen R. Johnson
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

763 When Peace, like a River

IT IS WELL 11 8 11 9 with Refrain

1 When peace, like a riv er, at tend eth my way;
2 Though Sa tan should buf fet, though tri als should come,

When sor rows, like sea bil lows, roll; What ev er my lot, Thou
Let this blest as sur ance con trol, That Christ hath re gard ed


hast taught me to say It is well, it is well with my soul.
my help less es tate And hath shed His own blood for my soul.



It is well with my soul, It is well, it is well with my soul.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 He lives—oh, the bliss of this glorious thought;
My sin, not in part, but the whole,
Is nailed to His cross, and I bear it no more.
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
4 And, Lord, haste the day when our faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll,
The trumpet shall sound, and the Lord shall descend;
Even so it is well with my soul.

Hymn #763: When Peace, like a River Lutheran Service Book

Text: Horatio G. Spafford, 1828-88 Tune: Philip P. Bliss, 1838-76
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

764 When Aimless Violence Takes Those We Love

SURSUM CORDA 10 10 10 10

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #764: When Aimless Violence Takes Those We Love Lutheran Service Book
Text: Joy F. Patterson, b. 1931 Tune: Alfred M. Smith, 1879-1971
© 1994, 1997 Hope Publishing Co. © 1990 Church of the Ascension,
Atlantic City, NJ

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

765 God Moves in a Mysterious Way


1 God moves in a mys te rious way His won ders to per form;
2 Judge not the Lord by fee ble sense, But trust Him for His grace;
3 His pur pos es will rip en fast, Un fold ing ev’ ry hour;

He plants His foot steps in the sea And rides up on the storm.
Be hind a frown ing prov i dence Faith sees a smil ing face.
The bud may have a bit ter taste, But sweet will be the flow’r.

4 Blind unbelief is sure to err 5 You fearful saints, fresh courage take;
And scan His work in vain; The clouds you so much dread
God is His own interpreter, Are big with mercy and will break
And He will make it plain. In blessings on your head.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 71:22
I will praise you with the harp for your faithfulness,
O my God; I will sing praise to you with the
lyre, O Holy One of Israel. (NIV)

Hymn #765: God Moves in a Mysterious Way Lutheran Service Book

Text: William Cowper, 1731-1800 Tune: The CL Psalms of David,
Public Domain Edinburgh, 1615
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

766 Our Father, Who from Heaven Above

VATER UNSER 88 88 88

1 Our Fa ther, who from heav’n a bove Bids all of us to

2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

live in love As mem bers of one fam i ly

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

And pray to You in u ni ty, Teach us no

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

thought less words to say But from our in most hearts to pray.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Omitted due to copyright restrictions.

4 Omitted due to copyright restrictions.

5 Omitted due to copyright restrictions.

6 Forgive our sins, Lord, we implore,

That they may trouble us no more;
We, too, will gladly those forgive
Who hurt us by the way they live.
Help us in our community
To serve each other willingly.
7 Omitted due to copyright restrictions.

8 From evil, Lord, deliver us;

The times and days are perilous.
Redeem us from eternal death,
And, when we yield our dying breath,
Console us, grant us calm release,
And take our souls to You in peace.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

9 Amen, that is, so shall it be.
Make strong our faith in You, that we
May doubt not but with trust believe
That what we ask we shall receive.
Thus in Your name and at Your Word
We say, “Amen. Oh, hear us, Lord!”

Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #766: Our Father, Who from Heaven Above Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Tune: Martin Luther, 1483-1546
© 1980 Concordia Publishing House (st. 2-5, 7) Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

767 Jesus, Remember Me



Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #767: Jesus, Remember Me Lutheran Service Book

Text: Luke 23:42 Tune: Jacques Berthier, 1923-94
© 1981 Ateliers et Presses de Taizé © 1981 Ateliers et Presses de Taizéacute;
GIA Publications, Inc. GIA Publications, Inc.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

768 To God the Holy Spirit Let Us Pray

NUN BITTEN WIR 10 9 11 9 4



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #768: To God the Holy Spirit Let Us Pray Lutheran Service Book
Text: German, c. 13th cent. (st. 1) Tune: Geystliche gesangk Buchleyn,
Martin Luther, 1483-1546 (st. 2-4) Wittenberg, 1524, alt.
© 1969 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

769 Eternal Spirit of the Living Christ

FARLEY CASTLE 10 10 10 10



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #769: Eternal Spirit of the Living Christ Lutheran Service Book
Text: Frank von Christierson, 1900-96 Tune: Henry Lawes, 1595-1662
© 1974 The Hymn Society Public Domain
admin. Hope Publishing Co.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

770 What a Friend We Have in Jesus


1 What a friend we have in Je sus, All our sins and griefs to bear!

2 Have we tri als and temp ta tions? Is there trou ble an y where?

What a priv i lege to car ry Ev’ ry thing to God in prayer!

We should nev er be dis cour aged— Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Oh, what peace we of ten for feit; Oh, what need less pain we bear—

Can we find a friend so faith ful Who will all our sor rows share?

All be cause we do no car ry Ev’ ry thing to God in prayer!
Je sus knows our ev’ ry weak ness— Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Are we weak and heavy laden,

Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge—
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do your friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
In His arms he’ll take and shield thee;
You will find a solace there.

Hymn #770: What a Friend We Have in Jesus Lutheran Service Book

Text: Joseph M. Scriven, 1820-86 Tune: Charles C. Converse, 1832-1918, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

771 Be Still, My Soul, before the Lord


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #771: Be Still, My Soul, before the Lord Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: Marty Haugen, b. 1950
© 1985 GIA Publications, Inc. © 1984, 2006 GIA Publications, Inc.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

772 In Holy Conversation






Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #772: In Holy Conversation Lutheran Service Book

Text: Gregory J. Wismar, b. 1946 Tune: Swedish folk tune
© 2004 Gregory J. Wismar Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

773 Hear Us, Father, When We Pray



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #773: Hear Us, Father, When We Pray Lutheran Service Book
Text: Chad L. Bird, b. 1970 Tune: Johann A. Freylinghausen, 1670-1739
© Chad L. Bird Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

774 Feed Thy Children, God Most Holy







Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


1 Samuel 18:6
When the men were returning home after David
had killed the Philistine, the women came
out from all the towns of Israel to meet King
Saul with singing and dancing, with joyful
songs and with tambourines and lutes. (NIV)

Hymn #774: Feed Thy Children, God Most Holy Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann Heermann, 1585-1647 Tune: Johann Crüger, 1598-1662
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

775 Be Present at Our Table, Lord


Be pres ent at our ta ble, Lord; Be here and
ev’ ry where a dored; Thy crea tures bless, and

grant that we May feast in par a dise with Thee.

Hymn #775: Be Present at Our Table, Lord Lutheran Service Book

Text: John Cennick, 1718-55 Tune: Louis Bourgeois, c. 1510-c. 1561
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

776 Come, Lord Jesus, Be Our Guest



Come, Lord Je sus be our guest, And let these gifts
to us be blest. A men, a men, a men.

Hymn #776: Come, Lord Jesus, Be Our Guest Lutheran Service Book
Text: German Tune: German
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

777 Grant Peace, We Pray, in Mercy, Lord



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #777: Grant Peace, We Pray, in Mercy, Lord Lutheran Service Book
Text: Latin, c. 6th cent. Tune: Felix Mendelssohn, 1809-47
© Lutheran World Federation Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

778 Grant Peace, We Pray, in Mercy, Lord





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #778: Grant Peace, We Pray, in Mercy, Lord Lutheran Service Book
Text: Latin, c. 6th cent. Tune: Mode I, Jobst Gultknecht,
© Lutheran World Federation Kirchen gesenge, Nürnberg, 1531
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

779 Come, My Soul, with Every Care

VIENNA 77 77

1 Come, my soul, with ev’ ry care, Je sus loves
2 Thou art com ing to a King, Large pe ti

3 With my bur den I be gin: Lord, re move

to an swer prayer, He Him self has bid
tions with thee bring; For His grace and pow’r

this load of sin; Let Thy blood, for sin

thee pray, There fore will not turn a way.
are such None can ev er ask too much.
ners spilt, Set my con science free from guilt.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Lord, Thy rest to me impart, 5 While I am a pilgrim here,
Take possession of my heart; Let Thy love my spirit cheer;
There Thy blood–bought right maintain As my guide, my guard, my friend,
And without a rival reign. Lead me to my journey’s end.
6 Show me what I am to do;
Ev’ry hour my strength renew.
Let me live a life of faith;
Let me die Thy people’s death.

Hymn #779: Come, My Soul, with Every Care Lutheran Service Book
Text: John Newton, 1725-1807 Tune: Justin H. Knecht, 1752-1817
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

780 O Lord, Hear My Prayer



Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #780: O Lord, Hear My Prayer Lutheran Service Book

Text: Taizé Community Tune: Jacques Berthier, 1923-94
© 1982 Ateliers et Presses de Taizé, © 1982 Ateliers et Presses de Taizé,
GIA Publications Inc. GIA Publications, Inc.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

781 We Give Thee But Thine Own


1 We give Thee but Thine own, What e’er the gift may be;
2 May we Thy boun ties thus As stew ards true re ceive
3 Oh, hearts are bruised and dead, And homes are bare and cold,
To com fort and to bless, To find a balm for woe,


All that we have is Thine a lone, A trust, O Lord, from Thee.
And glad ly, as Thou bless est us, To Thee our first– fruits give!
And lambs for whom the Shep herd bled Are stray ing from the fold.
To tend the lone and fa ther less Is an gels’ work be low.

5 The captive to release, 6 And we believe Thy word,

To God the lost to bring, Though dim our faith may be:
To teach the way of life and peace, Whate’er for Thine we do, O Lord,
It is a Christ–like thing. We do it unto Thee.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


1 Corinthians 14:15
So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit,
but I will also pray with my mind; I will sing with
my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind. (NIV)

Hymn #781: We Give Thee But Thine Own Lutheran Service Book
Text: William W. How, 1823-97 Tune: William H. Monk, 1823-89
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

782 Gracious God, You Send Great Blessings






Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Ezra 3:11
With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the
LORD: He is good; his love to Israel endures
forever. And all the people gave a great shout
of praise to the LORD, because the foundation
of the house of the LORD was laid. (NIV)

Hymn #782: Gracious God, You Send Great Blessings Lutheran Service Book
Text: Gregory J. Wismar, b. 1946 Tune: Columbian Harmony,
© 2004 Gregory J. Wismar Cincinnati, 1825
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

783 Take My Life and Let It Be

PATMOS 77 77

1 Take my life and let it be Con se crat ed, Lord, to Thee;
2 Take my hands and let them move At the im pulse of Thy love;
3 Take my voice and let me sing Al ways, on ly for my King;

4 Take my sil ver and my gold, Not a mite would I with hold;

Take my mo ments and my days, Let them flow in cease less praise.
Take my feet and let them be Swift and beau ti ful for Thee.
Take my lips and let them be Filled with mes sag es from Thee.
Take my in tel lect and use Ev’ ry pow’r as Thou shalt choose.

5 Take my will and make it Thine, 6 Take my love, my Lord, I pour

It shall be no longer mine; At Thy feet its treasure store;
Take my heart, it is Thine own, Take myself, and I will be
It shall be Thy royal throne. Ever, only, all for Thee.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Deuteronomy 31:19,22
Now write down for yourselves this song and
teach it to the Israelites and have them sing
it, so that it may be a witness for me against
them...So Moses wrote down this song that day
and taught it to the Israelites. (NIV)

Hymn #783: Take My Life and Let It Be Lutheran Service Book

Text: Frances R. Havergal, 1836-79 Tune: William H. Havergal, 1793-1870
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

784 Take My Life and Let It Be

HENDON 77 77

1 Take my life and let it be Con se crat ed,
2 Take my hands and let them move At the im pulse
3 Take my voice and let me sing Al ways, on ly

Lord, to Thee; Take my mo ments and my days, Let them
of Thy love; Take my feet and let them be Swift and
for my King; Take my lips and let them be Filled with

flow in cease less praise, Let them flow in cease less praise.
beau ti ful for Thee, Swift and beau ti ful for Thee.
mes sag es from Thee, Filled with mes sag es from Thee.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Take my silver and my gold, 5 Take my will and make it Thine,
Not a mite would I withhold; It shall be no longer mine;
Take my intellect and use Take my heart, it is Thine own,
Ev’ry pow’r as Thou shalt choose, It shall be Thy royal throne,
Ev’ry pow’r as Thou shalt choose. It shall be Thy royal throne.
6 Take my love, my Lord, I pour
At Thy feet its treasure store;
Take myself, and I will be
Ever, only, all for Thee,
Ever, only, all for Thee.

Hymn #784: Take My Life and Let It Be Lutheran Service Book

Text: Frances R. Havergal, 1836-79 Tune: Henri A. C. Malan, 1787-1865
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

785 We Praise You, O God

KREMSER 12 11 12 11


1 We praise You, O God, our Re deem er, Cre a tor;
2 We wor ship You, God of our fa thers, we bless You;

In grate ful de vo tion our trib ute we bring.
Through tri al and tem pest our guide You have been.
We lay it be fore You, we kneel and a dore You;
When per ils o’er take us, You will not for sake us,
We bless Your ho ly name, glad prais es we sing.
And with Your help, O Lord, our strug gles we win.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 With voices united our praises we offer

And gladly our songs of thanksgiving we raise.
With You, Lord, beside us, Your strong arm will guide us.
To You, our great Redeemer, forever be praise!

Hymn #785: We Praise You, O God Lutheran Service Book

Text: Julia B. Cory, 1882-1963 Tune: A. Valerius,
Public Domain Nederlandtsch Gedenckclanck, 1626
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

786 Lord of All Good

FARLEY CASTLE 10 10 10 10



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #786: Lord of All Good Lutheran Service Book

Text: Albert F. Bayly, 1901-84 Tune: Henry Lawes, 1595-1662
© Oxford University Press Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

787 The Temple Rang with Golden Coins




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #787: The Temple Rang with Golden Coins Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: John Day, Psalter, 1562
© 1993 GIA Publications, Inc Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

788 Forgive Us, Lord, for Shallow Thankfulness

SURSUM CORDA 10 10 10 10

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #788: Forgive Us, Lord, for Shallow Thankfulness Lutheran Service Book
Text: William W. Reid, Sr., 1890-1983 Tune: Alfred M. Smith, 1879-1971
© 1965, 1993 The Hymn Society © 1990 Church of the Ascension,
admin. Hope Pubishing Co. Atlantic City, NJ

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

789 Praise and Thanksgiving




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #789: Praise and Thanksgiving Lutheran Service Book

Text: Albert F. Bayly, 1901-84 Tune: Gaelic melody, 19th cent.
© 1987 Oxford University Press Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

790 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

LOBE DEN HERREN 14 14 4 78

1 Praise to the Lord, the Al might y, the King of cre
2 Praise to the Lord, who o’er all things is
 won drous ly

a tion! O my soul, praise Him, for He is your
reign ing And, as on wings of an ea gle, up


health and sal va tion! Let all who hear Now to His
lift ing, sus tain ing. Have you not seen All that is


tem ple draw near, Join ing in glad ad o ra tion!
need ful has been Sent by His gra cious or dain ing?

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3 Praise to the Lord, who has fearfully, wondrously, made you,

Health has bestowed and, when heedlessly falling, has stayed you.
What need or grief Ever has failed of relief?
Wings of His mercy did shade you.
4 Praise to the Lord, who will prosper your work and defend you;
Surely His goodness and mercy shall daily attend you.
Ponder anew What the Almighty can do
As with His love He befriends you.
5 Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in me adore Him!
All that has life and breath, come now with praises before him!
Let the Amen Sound from His people again;
Gladly forever adore Him!

Hymn #790: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Lutheran Service Book
Text: Joachim Neander, 1650-80 Tune: Ander Theil Des Erneuerten
Public Domain Gesang-Buchs, Stralsund, 1665, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

791 All People That on Earth Do Dwell


1 All peo ple that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheer ful voice.
2 Know that the Lord is God in deed; With out our aid He did us make.
3 O en ter then His gates with praise; Ap proach with joy His courts un to;
Him serve with mirth, His praise forth tell; Come ye be fore Him and re joice.
We are His folk, He doth us feed, And for His sheep He doth us take.
Praise, laud, and bless His name al ways, For it is seem ly so to do.

4 For why? The Lord our God is good: 5 To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
His mercy is forever sure. The God whom heav’n and earth adore,
His truth at all times firmly stood From us and from the angel host
And shall from age to age endure. Be praise and glory evermore.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 45:8
All your robes are fragrant with myrrh and aloes
and cassia; from palaces adorned with ivory
the music of the strings makes you glad. (NIV)

Hymn #791: All People That on Earth Do Dwell Lutheran Service Book
Text: William Kethe, d. c. 1593 Tune: Louis Bourgeois, c. 1510-c. 1561
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

792 New Songs of Celebration Render



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 77:5-7
I thought about the former days, the years of long
ago; I remembered my songs in the night. My heart
mused and my spirit inquired: Will the Lord reject
forever? Will he never show his favor again? (NIV)

Hymn #792: New Songs of Celebration Render Lutheran Service Book

Text: Erik Routley, 1917-82 Tune: attr. Louis Bourgeois, c. 1510-c. 1561,
© 1974 Hope Publishing Co. Strasbourg Psalter, 1545
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

793 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven

LAUDA ANIMA 87 87 87

1 Praise, my soul, the King of heav en; To His feet your
2 Praise Him for His grace and fa vor To His peo ple

trib ute bring; Ran somed, healed, re stored, for giv en,
in dis tress; Praise Him still the same as ev er,

Ev er more His prais es sing: Al le lu ia,

Slow to chide and swift to bless: Al le lu ia,

al le lu ia! Praise the ev er last ing King.
al le lu ia! Glo rious in His faith ful ness.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Father–like He tends and spares us; 4 Angels, help us to adore Him;

Well our feeble frame He knows; You behold Him face to face;
In His hand He gently bears us, Sun and moon, bow down before Him,
Rescues us from all our foes. All who dwell in time and space.
Alleluia, alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia!
Widely yet His mercy flows. Praise with us the God of grace.

Hymn #793: Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven Lutheran Service Book
Text: Henry F. Lyte, 1793-1847 Tune: John Goss, 1800-80
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

794 The Lord, My God, Be Praised



1 The Lord, my God, be praised, My light, my life from heav en;
2 The Lord, my God, be praised, My trust, my life from heav en,


My mak er, who to me Has soul and bod y giv en;

The Fa ther’s own dear Son, Whose life for me was giv en,

My Fa ther, who will shield And keep me day by day
Who for my sin a toned With His most pre cious blood

And make each mo ment yield New bless ings on my way.
And gives to me by faith The high est heav’n ly good.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 The Lord, my God, be praised, 4 The Lord, my God, be praised,

My hope, my light from heaven, My God, the everliving,
The Spirit, whom the Son To whom the heav’nly host
In love to me has given. Their laud and praise are giving.
His grace revives my heart The Lord, my God, be praised,
And gives my spirit pow’r, In whose great name I boast,
Help, comfort, and support God Father, God the Son,
In sorrow’s gloomy hour. And God the Holy Ghost.

Hymn #794: The Lord, My God, Be Praised Lutheran Service Book

Text: Johann Olearius, 1611-84 Tune: Johann Crüger, 1598-1662
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

795 Voices Raised to You We Offer


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #795: Voices Raised to You We Offer Lutheran Service Book

Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: Carolyn Jennings, b. 1936
© 1997 GIA Publications, Inc. © 1996 Carolyn Jennings

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

796 When in Our Music God Is Glorified

ENGELBERG 10 10 10 4




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #796: When in Our Music God Is Glorified Lutheran Service Book
Text: Fred P. Green, 1903-2000 Tune: Charles V. Stanford, 1852-1924
© 1972 Hope Publishing Co. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

797 Praise the Almighty



1 Praise the Al might y, my soul, a dore Him! Yes, I will


laud Him un til death; With songs and an thems I come be


 fore Him  As long as He al lows me breath. From

Him my life and all things came; Bless, O my soul, His


ho ly name. Al le lu ia, al le lu ia!

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2 Trust not in rulers; they are but mortal; 4 Penitent sinners, for mercy crying,
Earth–born they are and soon decay. Pardon and peace from Him obtain;
Vain are their counsels at life’s last Ever the wants of the poor supplying,
portal, Their faithful God He will remain.
When the dark grave engulfs its prey. He helps His children in distress,
Since mortals can no help afford, The widows and the fatherless.
Place all your trust in Christ, our Lord. Alleluia, alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia! 5 Praise, all you people, the name so holy
3 Blessed, oh, blessed are they forever Of Him who does such wondrous
Whose help is from the Lord Most High, things!
Whom from salvation nothing can sever, All that has being, to praise Him solely,
And who in hope to Christ draw nigh. With happy heart its amen sings.
To all who trust in Him, our Lord Children of God, with angel host
Will aid and counsel now afford. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
Alleluia, alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia!

Hymn #797: Praise the Almighty Lutheran Service Book

Text: Johann D. Herrnschmidt, 1675-1723 Tune: New-vermehrte Christliche Seelenharpf,
Public Domain Ansbach, 1665, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

798 The God of Abraham Praise


1 The God of A br’ham praise, Who reigns en throned a bove;
2 The God of A br’ham praise, At whose su preme com mand
An cient of ev er last ing days And God of love.
From earth I rise and seek the joys At His right hand.

Je ho vah, great I AM! By earth and heav’n con fessed;
I all on earth for sake, Its wis dom, fame, and pow’r,

I bow and bless the sa cred name For ev er blest.
And Him my on ly por tion make, My shield and tow’r.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 The God of Abr’ham praise, 6 The goodly land I see,
Whose all–sufficient grace With peace and plenty blest;
Shall guide me all my pilgrim days A land of sacred liberty
In all my ways. And endless rest.
He deigns to call me friend; There milk and honey flow,
He calls Himself my God. And oil and wine abound,
And He shall save me to the end And trees of life forever grow
Through Jesus’ blood. With mercy crowned.
4 He by Himself has sworn; 7 There dwells the Lord our king,
I on His oath depend. The Lord our righteousness,
I shall, on eagle wings upborne, Triumphant o’er the world and sin,
To heav’n ascend. The Prince of Peace.
I shall behold His face; On Zion’s sacred height
I shall His pow’r adore His kingdom He maintains
And sing the wonders of His grace And glorious with His saints in light
Forevermore. Forever reigns.
5 Though nature’s strength decay, 8 The God who reigns on high
And earth and hell withstand, The great archangels sing,
To Canaan’s bounds I urge my way And “Holy, holy, holy!” cry,
At His command. “Almighty King!
The wat’ry deep I pass, Who was and is the same
With Jesus in my view, And evermore shall be:
And through the howling wilderness Jehovah, Father, great I AM!
My way pursue. We worship Thee!”

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

9 The whole triumphant host
Give thanks to God on high.
“Hail, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!”
They ever cry.
Hail, Abr’ham’s God and mine!
I join the heav’nly lays:
All might and majesty are Thine
And endless praise!

Hymn #798: The God of Abraham Praise Lutheran Service Book

Text: Thomas Olivers, 1725-99 Tune: Hebrew melody,
Public Domain arr. M. Lyon, c. 1751-97
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

799 Alabaré–I

ALABARÉ Irregular



Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


1 Chronicles 6:32
They ministered with music before the tabernacle,
the Tent of Meeting, until Solomon built the
temple of the LORD in Jerusalem. (NIV)

Hymn #799: Alabaré–I Lutheran Service Book

Text: Manuel José Alonso, refrain, Tune: Manual J. Alonso
José Pagán, b. 1916, refrain José Pagán, b. 1916
Libro de Liturgia y Cántico, 1998 (st. 1), © 1979 Manuel José Alonso, José Pagán,
J. Ylvisaker, b. 1937 (st. 2-3) and Ediciones Musical PAX
© 1979 Manuel José Pagán
and Ediciones Musical PAX (refrain)
© 1998 Augsburg Fortress (st. 1)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

800 Alabaré–II

ALABARÉ Irregular



Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 57:9
I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations;
I will sing of you among the peoples. (NIV)

Hymn #800: Alabaré–II Lutheran Service Book

Text: Manuel José Alonso Tune: Manual J. Alonso
José Pagán, b. 1916 José Pagán, b. 1916
© 1998 Augsburg Fortress © 1979 Manuel José Alonso, José Pagán,
and Ediciones Musical PAX

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

801 How Great Thou Art

O STORE GUD 11 10 11 10 with Refrain






Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 Chronicles 31:2
Hezekiah assigned the priests and Levites
to divisions—each of them according to their
duties as priests or Levites—to offer burnt
offerings and fellowship offerings, to minister,
to give thanks and to sing praises at the
gates of the LORD's dwelling. (NIV)

Hymn #801: How Great Thou Art Lutheran Service Book

Text: Carl Gustaf Boberg, 1859-1940 Tune: Swedish folk tune
© 1953, 1981 Manna Music arr. Stuart K. Hine, b. 1899
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

802 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise

ST. DENIO 11 11 11 11

1 Im mor tal, in vis i ble, God on ly wise,

2 Un rest ing, un hast ing, and si lent as light,

In light in ac ces si ble hid from our eyes,
Not want ing nor wast ing, Thou rul est in might;

Most bless ed, most glo rious, O An cient of Days,

Thy jus tice like moun tains high soar ing a bove

Al might y, vic to rious, Thy great name we praise.
Thy clouds which are foun tains of good ness and love.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 To all life Thou givest—to both great and small—

In all life Thou livest, the true Life of all;
We blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree
And wither and perish—but naught changes Thee.
4 Great Father of glory, pure Father of light,
Thine angels adore Thee, all veiling their sight;
All laud we would render: O lead us to see
’Tis only the splendor of light that hides Thee.

Hymn #802: Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise Lutheran Service Book
Text: W. Chalmers Smith, 1824-1908 Tune: Welsh folk tune, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

803 Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee


1 Joy ful, joy ful we a dore Thee, God of glo ry, Lord of love!

2 All Thy works with joy sur round Thee, Earth and heav’n re flect Thy rays,

Hearts un fold like flow’rs be fore Thee, Prais ing Thee, their sun a bove.
Stars and an gels sing a round Thee, Cen ter of un bro ken praise.

Melt the clouds of sin and sad ness, Drive the gloom of doubt a way.

Field and for est, vale and moun tain, Flow’ ry mead ow, flash ing sea,

Giv er of im mor tal glad ness, Fill us with the light of day.
Chant ing bird, and flow ing foun tain Call us to re joice in Thee.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Thou art giving and forgiving,

Ever blessing, ever blest,
Wellspring of the joy of living,
Ocean–depth of happy rest!
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
Fountain–head of love divine:
Joyful, we Thy heav’n inherit!
Joyful, we by grace are Thine!

Hymn #803: Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee Lutheran Service Book

Text: Henry van Dyke, 1852-1933 Tune: Ludwig van Beethoven, 1770-1827, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

804 O Worship the King

HANOVER 10 10 11 11

1 O wor ship the King, all– glo rious a bove.
2 O tell of His might; O sing of His grace,

Oh, grate ful ly sing His pow’r and His love;
Whose robe is the light, whose can o py space;

Our shield and de fend er, the An cient of Days,

His char iots of wrath the deep thun der clouds form,

Pa vil ioned in splen dor and gird ed with praise.
And dark is His path on the wings of the storm.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 The earth with its store of wonders untold,

Almighty, Thy pow’r has founded of old,
Established it fast by a changeless decree,
And round it has cast, like a mantle, the sea.
4 Thy bountiful care what tongue can recite?
It breathes in the air, it shines in the light,
It streams from the hills, it descends to the plain,
And sweetly distills in the dew and the rain.
5 Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail,
In Thee do we trust, nor find Thee to fail;
Thy mercies, how tender, how firm to the end,
Our maker, defender, redeemer, and friend!
6 O measureless Might, ineffable Love,
While angels delight to hymn Thee above,
The humbler creation, though feeble their lays,
With true adoration shall sing to Thy praise.

Hymn #804: O Worship the King Lutheran Service Book

Text: Robert Grant, 1779-1838 Tune: William Croft, 1678-1727
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

805 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow


Praise God, from whom all bless ings flow; Praise Him, all


crea tures here be low; Praise Him a bove, ye heav’n ly

host; Praise Fa ther, Son, and Ho ly Ghost. A men

Hymn #805: Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow Lutheran Service Book
Text: Thomas Ken, 1637-1711 Tune: Louis Bourgeois, c. 1510-c. 1561
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

806 Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart


Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #806: Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart Lutheran Service Book
Text: Henry Smith, b. 1952 Tune: Henry Smith, b. 1952
© Integrity s Hosanna! Music/ASCAP © 1978 Integrity s Hosanna!
Music/ASCAP c/o Integrity Media, Inc.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

807 When Morning Gilds the Skies



1 When morn ing gilds the skies, My heart, a wak ing, cries,
2 When mirth for mu sic longs, This is my song of songs:

3 No love lier an ti phon In all high heav’n is known

“May Je sus Christ be praised!” When eve ning shad ows fall, Then
“May Je sus Christ be praised!” God’s ho ly house of prayer Has
Than “Je sus Christ be praised!” There to the e ter nal Word The e

rings my cur few call: “May Je sus Christ be praised!”
none that can com pare With “Je sus Christ be praised!”
ter nal psalm is heard: “May Je sus Christ be praised!”

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Ye nations of mankind, 5 Sing, sun and stars of space,
In this their concord find: Sing, ye who see His face,
“May Jesus Christ be praised!” Sing, “Jesus Christ be praised!”
Let all the earth around God’s whole creation o’er,
Ring joyous with the sound: Today and evermore
“May Jesus Christ be praised!” Shall Jesus Christ be praised!

Hymn #807: When Morning Gilds the Skies Lutheran Service Book
Text: Katholisches Gesangbuch, Tune: Joseph Barnby, 1838-96
Würzburg, 1828 Public Domain
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

808 O Sing to the Lord

CANTAD AL SEÑOR 56 56 56 55



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #808: O Sing to the Lord Lutheran Service Book

Text: Brazilian Tune: Brazilian
© Gerhard Cartford Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

809 Great Is Thy Faithfulness

FAITHFULNESS 11 10 11 10 with Refrain


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


1 Chronicles 15:16
David told the leaders of the Levites to
appoint their brothers as singers to sing
joyful songs, accompanied by musical instruments:
lyres, harps and cymbals. (NIV)

Hymn #809: Great Is Thy Faithfulness Lutheran Service Book

Text: Thomas O. Chisholm, 1866-1960 Tune: William M. Runyan, 1870-1957
© 1923, 1951 Hope Publishing Co. © 1923, 1951 Hope Publishing Co.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

810 O God of God, O Light of Light



1 O God of God, O Light of light, O Prince of Peace

and King of kings: To You in heav en’s glo ry bright The


song of praise for ev er rings. To Him who sits up


on the throne, The Lamb once slain but raised a gain,

Be all the glo ry He has won, All thanks and praise! A men, a men.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 For deep in prophets’ sacred page,

And grand in poets’ winged word,
Slowly in type, from age to age
The nations saw their coming Lord;
Till through the deep Judean night
Rang out the song, “Goodwill to men!”
Sung once by firstborn sons of light,
It echoes now, “Goodwill!” Amen.
3 That life of truth, those deeds of love,
That death so steeped in hate and scorn—
These all are past, and now above
He reigns, our king first crowned with thorn.
Lift up your heads, O mighty gates!
So sang the host beyond our ken.
Lift up your heads, your King awaits.
We lift them up. Amen, amen.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Then raise to Christ a mighty song,
And shout His name, His glories tell!
Sing, heav’nly host, your praise prolong,
And all on earth, your anthems swell!
All hail, O Lamb for sinners slain!
Forever let the song ascend!
Worthy the Lamb, enthroned to reign,
All hail, all hail! Amen, amen.

Hymn #810: O God of God, O Light of Light Lutheran Service Book

Text: John Julian, 1839-1913 Tune: Johann Störls… Schlag-Gesang-Und
Public Domain Noten-Buch, Stuttgart, 1744
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

811 Oh, That I Had a Thousand Voices






Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #811: Oh, That I Had a Thousand Voices Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann Mentzer, 1658-1734 Tune: Johann B. König, 1691-1758
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

812 Come, Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs


1 Come, let us join our cheer ful songs With an gels
2 “Wor thy the Lamb that died,” they cry, “To be ex
3 Je sus is wor thy to re ceive Hon or and


round the throne; Ten thou sand thou sand
alt ed thus!” “Wor thy the Lamb,” our
pow’r di vine; And bless ings more than

are their tongues, But all their joys are one.
lips re ply, “For He was slain for us!”
we can give Be, Lord, for ev er Thine.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Let all creation join in one
To bless the sacred name
Of Him who sits upon the throne
And to adore the Lamb.

Hymn #812: Come, Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs Lutheran Service Book
Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Tune: Johann Crüger, 1598-1662
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

813 Rejoice, O Pilgrim Throng

MARION SM with Refrain

1 Re joice, O pil grim throng! Re joice, give
2 With voice as full and strong As o cean’s

thanks, and sing; Your fes tal ban ner
surg ing praise, Send forth the stur dy

wave on high, The cross of Christ your king.
hymns of old, The psalms of an cient days.


Re joice! Re joice! Re joice, give thanks, and sing!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 With all the angel choirs, 5 Still lift your standard high,
With all the saints on earth Still march in firm array,
Pour out the strains of joy As pilgrims through the
and bliss, darkness wend
True rapture, noblest mirth. Till dawns the golden day.
Refrain Refrain
4 Yet on and onward still, 6 At last the march shall end;
With hymn and chant and song, The wearied ones shall rest;
Through gate and porch and The pilgrims find their home
columned aisle at last,
The hallowed pathways throng. Jerusalem the blest.
Refrain Refrain

7 Praise Him who reigns on high,

The Lord whom we adore:
The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
One God forevermore.

Hymn #813: Rejoice, O Pilgrim Throng Lutheran Service Book

Text: Edward H. Plumptre, 1821-91 Tune: Arthur H. Messiter, 1834-1916
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

814 O Bless the Lord, My Soul


1 Oh, bless the Lord, my soul! Let all with in me join
2 Oh, bless the Lord, my soul, Nor let His mer cies lie
3 ’Tis He for gives thy sins; ’Tis He re lieves thy pain;
4 He crowns thy life with love When ran somed from the grave;

And aid my tongue to bless His name Whose fa vors are di vine.
For got ten in un thank ful ness And with out prais es die!
’Tis He that heals thy sick ness es And makes thee young a gain.
He that re deemed my soul from hell Hath sov’ reign pow’r to save.

5 He fills the poor with good; 6 His wondrous works and ways
He gives the suff’rers rest. He made by Moses known,
The Lord hath judgments for the proud But sent the world His truth and grace
And justice for th’ oppressed. By His beloved Son.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Job 21:12-13
They sing to the music of tambourine and
harp; they make merry to the sound of
the flute. The man who was dying blessed
me; I made the widows heart sing. (NIV)

Hymn #814: O Bless the Lord, My Soul Lutheran Service Book

Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Tune: Aaron Williams, 1731-76
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

815 All Praise to Thee, for Thou, O King Divine

ENGELBERG 10 10 10 4




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #815: All Praise to Thee, for Thou, O King Divine Lutheran Service Book
Text: F. Bland Tucker, 1895-1984 Tune: Charles V. Stanford, 1852-1924
© Church Pension Fund Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

816 From All That Dwell Below the Skies

LASST UNS ERFREUEN 888 888 with Alleluias


1 From all that dwell be low the skies Let the Cre a tor’s

praise a rise; Al le lu ia, al le lu ia!

Let the Re deem er’s name be sung Through ev’ ry land, by

ev’ ry tongue. Al le lu ia, al le lu ia!

Al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le lu ia!

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2 Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord; 3 All praise to God the Father be,
Eternal truth attends Thy Word. All praise, eternal Son, to Thee.
Alleluia, alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia!
Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore Whom with the Spirit we adore
Till suns shall rise and set no more. Forever and forevermore:
Alleluia, alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

Hymn #816: From All That Dwell Below the Skies Lutheran Service Book
Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Tune: Geistliche Kirchengesäng,
Public Domain Köln, 1623, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

817 Earth and All Stars

EARTH AND ALL STARS 457 457 with Refrain


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Nehemiah 12:46
For long ago, in the days of David and Asaph,
there had been directors for the singers and for
the songs of praise and thanksgiving to God. (NIV)

Hymn #817: Earth and All Stars Lutheran Service Book

Text: Herbert F. Brokering, b. 1926 Tune: David N. Johnson, 1922-87
© 1968 Augsburg Publishing House © 1968 Augsburg Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

818 In Thee Is Gladness


1 In Thee is glad ness A mid all sad ness, Je sus, sun shine of my heart.

2 Since He is ours, … We fear no pow ers, Not of earth nor sin nor death.

By Thee are giv en The gifts of heav en, Thou the true Re deem er
He sees and bless es In worst dis tress es; He can change them with a
art. Our souls Thou wak est, Our bonds Thou break est; Who trust Thee

breath. Where fore the sto ry Tell of His glo ry With hearts and

sure ly Has built se cure ly; He stands for ev er: Al le lu ia!
voic es; All heav’n re joic es In Him for ev er: Al le lu ia!

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Our hearts are pin ing To see Thy shin ing, Dy ing or liv ing

We shout for glad ness, Tri umph o’er sad ness, Love Him and praise Him

To Thee are cleav ing; Naught us can sev er: Al le lu ia!
And still shall raise Him Glad hymns for ev er: Al le lu ia!

Hymn #818: In Thee Is Gladness Lutheran Service Book

Text: Johann Lindermann, 1549-1631 Tune: Giovanni G. Gastoldi, c. 1556-c. 1622
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

819 Sing Praise to God, the Highest Good



1 Sing praise to God, the high est good, The au thor of


cre a tion, The God of love who un der stood

Our need for His sal va tion. With heal ing balm our


souls He fills And ev’ ry faith less mur mur stills:

To God all praise and glo ry!

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2 What God’s almighty pow’r has made, 4 He never shall forsake His flock,
In mercy He is keeping. His chosen generation;
By morning glow or evening shade He is their refuge and their rock,
His eye is never sleeping. Their peace and their salvation.
Within the kingdom of His might As with a mother’s tender hand,
All things are just and good and right: He leads His own, His chosen band:
To God all praise and glory! To God all praise and glory!
3 We sought the Lord in our distress; 5 All who confess Christ’s holy name,
O God, in mercy hear us. Give God the praise and glory.
Our Savior saw our helplessness Let all who know His pow’r proclaim
And came with peace to cheer us. Aloud the wondrous story.
For this we thank and praise the Lord, Cast ev’ry idol from its throne,
Who is by one and all adored: For God is God, and He alone:
To God all praise and glory! To God all praise and glory!

Hymn #819: Sing Praise to God, the Highest Good Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann J. Schütz, 1640-90 Tune: Melchior Vulpius, c. 1570-1615
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

820 My Soul, Now Praise Your Maker

NUN LOB, MEIN SEEL 78 78 76 76 76 76



1 My

soul, now praise

your Mak

er! Let all

with in me


bless His name Who makes you full par tak er Of

mer cies more than you dare claim. For get Him not whose
meek ness Still bears with all your sin,

Who heals your ev’ ry

weak ness, Re news your life with in; Whose grace and

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com



care are end less And saved you through the past; Who leaves

no suf f’rer friend less But rights the wronged at last.

2 He offers all His treasure 3 For as a tender father

Of justice, truth, and righteousness, Has pity on His children here,
His love beyond our measure, God in His arms will gather
His yearning pity o’er distress; All who are His in childlike fear.
Nor treats us as we merit He knows how frail our powers,
But sets His anger by. Who but from dust are made.
The poor and contrite spirit We flourish as the flowers,
Finds His compassion nigh; And even so we fade;
And high as heav’n above us, The wind but o’er them passes,
As dawn from close of day, And all their bloom is o’er.
So far, since He has loved us, We wither like the grasses;
He put our sins away. Our place knows us no more.

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4 His grace remains forever,
And children’s children yet shall prove
That God forsakes them never
Who in true fear shall seek His love.
In heav’n is fixed His dwelling,
His rule is over all;
O hosts with might excelling,
With praise before Him fall.
Praise Him forever reigning,
All you who hear His Word—
Our life and all sustaining.
My soul, O praise the Lord!

Hymn #820: My Soul, Now Praise Your Maker Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann Gramann, 1487-1541 Tune: Hans Kugelmann,
Public Domain Concentus novi,
Augsburg, 1540, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

821 Alleluia! Sing to Jesus



1 Al le lu ia! Sing to Je sus; His the

2 Al le lu ia! Not as or phans Are we

scep ter, His the throne; Al le lu ia! His the
left in sor row now; Al le lu ia! He is

tri umph, His the vic to ry a lone.
near us; Faith be lieves, nor ques tions how.

Hark! The songs of peace ful Zi on Thun der
Though the cloud from sight re ceived Him When the

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


like a might y flood: “Je sus out of
for ty days were o’er, Shall our hearts for

ev’ ry na tion Has re deemed us by His blood.”
get His prom ise: “I am with you ev er more”?

3 Alleluia! Bread of heaven, 4 Alleluia! King eternal,

Here on earth our food, our stay; Lord omnipotent we own;
Alleluia! Here the sinful Alleluia! Born of Mary,
Flee to You from day to day. Earth Your footstool, heav’n
Intercessor, Friend of sinners, Your throne.
Earth’s redeemer, hear our plea As within the veil You entered,
Where the songs of all the sinless Robed in flesh, our great High Priest,
Sweep across the crystal sea. Here on earth both priest and victim
In the eucharistic feast.

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5 Alleluia! Sing to Jesus;
His the scepter, His the throne;
Alleluia! His the triumph,
His the victory alone.
Hark! The songs of peaceful Zion
Thunder like a mighty flood:
“Jesus out of ev’ry nation
Has redeemed us by His blood.”

Hymn #821: Alleluia! Sing to Jesus Lutheran Service Book

Text: William C. Dix, 1837-98 Tune: Rowland H. Prichard, 1811-87
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

822 Alleluia! Let Praises Ring

WIE SCHÖN LEUCHTET 887 887 4444 8

1 Al le lu ia! Let prais es ring! To God the Fa

2 Al le lu ia! Let prais es ring! Un to the Lamb

ther let us bring Our songs of ad o ra tion.

of God we sing, In whom we are e lect ed.

To Him through ev er last ing days Be wor ship, hon
He bought His Church with His own blood, He cleansed her in
or, pow’r, and praise, Whose hand sus tains cre a tion.
that bless ed flood, And as His bride se lect ed.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Sing ing, ring ing: Ho ly, ho ly, God is ho ly.
Ho ly, Ho ly Is our un ion And com mun ion.
Spread the sto ry Of our God, the Lord of glo ry.
His be friend ing Gives us joy and peace un end ing.

3 Alleluia! Let praises ring! 4 Alleluia! Let praises ring!

Unto the Holy Ghost we sing Unto our triune God we sing;
For our regeneration. Bless be His name forever!
The saving faith in us He wrought With angel hosts let us adore
And us unto the Bridegroom brought, And sing His praises more and more
Made us His chosen nation. For all His grace and favor!
Glory! Glory! Joy eternal, Singing, ringing: Holy, holy,
Bliss supernal; There is manna God is holy; Spread the story
And an endless, glad hosanna. Of our God the Lord of glory!

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Zephaniah 3:14
Sing, O Daughter of Zion; shout aloud,
O Israel! Be glad and rejoice with all
your heart, O Daughter of Jerusalem! (NIV)

Hymn #822: Alleluia! Let Praises Ring Lutheran Service Book

Text: Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, Tune: Philipp Nicolai, 1556-1608, alt.
Darmstadt, 1698 Public Domain
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

823 May God Bestow on Us His Grace


1 May God be stow on us His grace, With bless ings rich pro

2 Thine o ver all shall be the praise And thanks of ev’ ry

vide us; And may the bright ness of His face
na tion; And all the world with joy shall raise
To life e ter nal guide us, That we His

The voice of ex ul ta tion. For Thou shalt


sav ing health may know, His gra cious will and pleas ure,
judge the earth, O Lord, Nor suf fer sin to flour ish;

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And al so to the na tions show Christ’s rich es
Thy peo ple’s pas ture is Thy Word Their souls to
with out mea sure And un to God co vert them.
feed and nour ish, In righ teous paths to keep them.

3 O let the people praise Thy worth,

In all good works increasing;
The land shall plenteous fruit bring forth,
Thy Word is rich in blessing.
May God the Father, God the Son,
And God the Spirit bless us!
Let all the world praise Him alone,
Let solemn awe possess us.
Now let our hearts say, “Amen !

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Isaiah 38:20
The LORD will save me, and we will sing
with stringed instruments all the days
of our lives in the temple of the LORD. (NIV)

Hymn #823: May God Bestow on Us His Grace Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Tune: Der Lxvj. Deus Misereatur,
Public Domain Magdeburg, 1524, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

824 May God Bestow on Us His Grace

ELVET BANKS 87 87 87 87 7

1 May God be stow on us His grace, With bless ings rich pro

vide us; And may the bright ness of His face To life e ter

nal guide us, That we His sav ing health may know,

His gra cious will and pleas ure, And al so to the na tions show

Christ’s rich es with out mea sure And un to God co vert them.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 Thine over all shall be the praise 3 O let the people praise Thy worth,
And thanks of ev’ry nation; In all good works increasing;
And all the world with joy shall raise The land shall plenteous fruit bring
The voice of exultation. forth,
For Thou shalt judge the earth, Thy Word is rich in blessing.
O Lord, May God the Father, God the Son,
Nor suffer sin to flourish; And God the Spirit bless us!
Thy people’s pasture is Thy Word Let all the world praise Him alone,
Their souls to feed and nourish, Let solemn awe possess us.
In righteous paths to keep them. Now let our hearts say, “Amen !

Hymn melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #824: May God Bestow on Us His Grace Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Tune: David Lee, b. 1956
Public Domain © 2004 David Lee

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

825 Rise, Shine, You People


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #825: Rise, Shine, You People Lutheran Service Book

Text: Ronald A. Klug, b. 1939 Tune: Dale Wood, 1934-2003
© 1974 Augsburg Publishing House © 1974 Augsburg Publishing House
admin. Augsburg Fortress

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

826 Hark, the Voice of Jesus Crying


1 Hark, the voice of Je sus cry ing, “Who will go and


work to day? Fields are white and har vests wait ing— Who


will bear the sheaves a way?” Loud and long the Mas ter


call eth; Rich re ward He of fers free. Who will an

swer, glad ly say ing, “Here am I. Send me, send me”?

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 If you cannot speak like angels, 3 If you cannot be a watchman,

If you cannot preach like Paul, Standing high on Zion’s wall,
You can tell the love of Jesus, Pointing out the path to heaven,
You can say He died for all. Off’ring life and peace to all,
If you cannot rouse the wicked With your prayers and with your
With the judgment’s dread bounties
alarms, You can do what God demands;
You can lead the little children You can be like faithful Aaron,
To the Savior’s waiting arms. Holding up the prophet’s hands.
4 Let none hear you idly saying,
“There is nothing I can do,”
While the multitudes are dying
And the Master calls for you.
Take the task He gives you gladly;
Let His work your pleasure be.
Answer quickly when He calleth,
“Here am I. Send me, send me!”

Hymn #826: Hark, the Voice of Jesus Crying Lutheran Service Book
Text: Daniel March, 1816-1909 Tune: Joseph Barnby, 1838-96
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

827 Hark, the Voice of Jesus Calling





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #827: Hark, the Voice of Jesus Calling Lutheran Service Book
Text: Daniel March, 1816-1909 Tune: Joseph Barnby, 1838-96
© 2001 Stephen P. Starke Public Domain
admin. Concordia Publishing House (st. 2-4)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

828 We Are Called to Stand Together


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #828: We Are Called to Stand Together Lutheran Service Book

Text: Martin E. Leckebusch, b. 1962 Tune: Henry V. Gerike, b. 1948
© Kevin Mayhew Ltd. © 1973 Henry V. Gerike

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

829 Christ the Eternal Lord



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #829: Christ the Eternal Lord Lutheran Service Book

Text: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 Tune: George J. Elvey, 1816-93
© 1999 Hope Publishing Co. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

830 Spread the Reign of God the Lord


1 Spread the reign of God the Lord, Spo ken, writ ten, might y Word;
2 Tell how God the Fa ther’s will Made the world, up holds it still,
3 Tell of our Re deem er’s grace, Who, to save our hu man race
4 Tell of God the Spir it giv’n Now to guide us on to heav’n,

Ev’ ry where His crea tures call To His heav’n ly ban quet hall.
How His own dear Son He gave Us from sin and death to save.
And to pay re bel lion’s price, Gave Him self as sac ri fice.
Strong and ho ly, just and true, Work ing both to will and do.

5 Enter, mighty Word, the field; 6 Lord of harvest, great and kind,
Ripe the promise of its yield. Rouse to action heart and mind;
But the reapers, oh, how few Let the gath’ring nations all
For the work there is to do! See Your light and heed Your call.

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1 Corinthians 14:7
Even in the case of lifeless things that make
sounds, such as the flute or harp, how will
anyone know what tune is being played unless
there is a distinction in the notes? (NIV)

Hymn #830: Spread the Reign of God the Lord Lutheran Service Book
Text: Jonathan F. Bahnmaier, 1774-1841 Tune: Geist-reiches Gesang-Buch,
Public Domain Halle, 1704
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

831 “How Shall They Hear,” Who Have Not Heard




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #831: “How Shall They Hear,” Who Have Not Heard Lutheran Service Book
Text: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 Tune: Georg Joseph, 17th cent., adapt.
© 1984 Hope Publishing Co. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

832 Jesus Shall Reign


1 Je sus shall reign wher e’er the sun Does its suc
2 To him shall end less prayer be made, And end less

3 Peo ple and realms of ev’ ry tongue Dwell on His

ces sive jour neys run; His king dom stretch from
prais es crown His head; His name like sweet per

love with sweet est song; And in fant voic es

shore to shore Till moons shall wax and wane no more.
fume shall rise With ev’ ry morn ing sac ri fice.
shall pro claim Their ear ly bless ings on His name.

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4 Blessings abound where’er He reigns: 5 Let ev’ry creature rise and bring
The pris’ners leap unloose their chains, Honors peculiar to our King;
The weary find eternal rest, Angels descend with songs again,
And all who suffer want are blest. And earth repeat the loud amen.

Hymn #832: Jesus Shall Reign Lutheran Service Book

Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Tune: attr. John C. Hatten, c. 1710-93
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

833 Listen, God Is Calling

NENO LAKE MUNGU 64 64 with Refrain




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #833: Listen, God Is Calling Lutheran Service Book

Text: Kenyan Tune: Kenyan
© Lutheran Theological College, Public Domain
Makumira, Tanzania

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

834 O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 92:1-3
It is good to praise the LORD and make music
to your name, O Most High, to proclaim your
love in the morning and your faithfulness
at night, to the music of the ten-stringed
lyre and the melody of the harp. (NIV)

Hymn #834: O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin H. Franzmann, 1907-76 Tune: Jan O. Bender, 1909-94
© 1967 Augsburg Fortress © 1967 Augsburg Fortress

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

835 On Galilee’s High Mountain




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #835: On Galilee’s High Mountain Lutheran Service Book

Text: Henry L. Lettermann, 1932-96 Tune: Lowell Mason, 1792-1872
© 1982 Condordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

836 O God of Light

ATKINSON 11 10 11 10

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #836: O God of Light Lutheran Service Book

Text: Sarah E. Taylor, 1883-1954 Tune: H. Barrie Cabena, b. 1933
© 1952, 1980 The Hymn Society © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship
admin. Hope Publishing Co.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

837 Lift High the Cross

CRUCIFER 10 10 10 10


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #837: Lift High the Cross Lutheran Service Book

Text: George W. Kitchin, 1827-1912 Tune: Sydney H. Nicholson, 1875-1947
Michael R. Newbolt, 1874-1956 © 1974 Hope Publishing Co.
© 1974 Hope Publishing Co.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

838 The Saints in Christ Are One in Every Place

WOODLANDS 10 10 10 10

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #838: The Saints in Christ Are One in Every Place Lutheran Service Book
Text: Christopher M. Idle, b. 1938 Tune: Walter Greatorex, 1877-1949
© 1996 Jubilate Hymns Ltd. © Oxford University Press
admin. Hope Publishing Co.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

839 O Christ, Our True and Only Light


1 O Christ, our true and on ly light, En light en
2 Fill with the ra diance of Your grace The souls now

3 O gen tly call those gone a stray That they may
those who sit in night; Let those a far now
lost in er ror’s maze En light en those whose
find the sav ing way! Let ev’ ry con science
hear Your voice And in Your fold with us re joice.
in most minds Some dark de lu sion haunts and blinds.
sore op pressed In You find peace and heav’n ly rest.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Shine on the darkened and the cold;
Recall the wand’rers to Your fold.
Unite all those who walk apart;
Confirm the weak and doubting heart,
5 That they with us may evermore
Such grace with wond’ring thanks adore.
And endless praise to You be giv’n
By all Your Church in earth and heav’n.

Hymn #839: O Christ, Our True and Only Light Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann Heermann, 1585-1647 Tune: Andächtige Hans-Kirche,
Public Domain Nürnberg, 1676, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

840 Christ High-Ascended, Now in Glory Seated





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #840: Christ High-Ascended, Now in Glory Seated Lutheran Service Book
Text: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 Tune: Antiphoner, Poitiers, 1746
© 1984 Hope Publishing Co. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

841 O Son of God, in Galilee





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #841: O Son of God, in Galilee Lutheran Service Book

Text: Anna B. D. Hoppe, 1889-1941 Tune: attr. Lucius Chapin, 1760-1842
© 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

842 Son of God, Eternal Savior


1 Son of God, e ter nal Sav ior, Source of life and


truth and grace, Word made flesh, whose birth a mong us


Hal lows all our hu man race, You our Head, who, throned in

glo ry, For Your own will ev er plead: Fill us with Your

love and pit y, Heal our wrongs, and help our need.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

2 As You, Lord, have lived for others, 3 Come, O Christ, and reign among us,
So may we for others live. King of love and Prince of Peace;
Freely have Your gifts been granted; Hush the storm of strife and passion,
Freely may Your servants give. Bid its cruel discords cease.
Yours the gold and Yours the silver, By Your patient years of toiling,
Yours the wealth of land and sea; By Your silent hours of pain,
We but stewards of Your bounty Quench our fevered thirst of pleasure,
Held in solemn trust will be. Stem our selfish greed of gain.
4 Son of God, eternal Savior,
Source of life and truth and grace,
Word made flesh, whose birth among us
Hallows all our human race:
By Your praying, by Your willing
That Your people should be one,
Grant, O grant our hope’s fruition:
Here on earth your will be done.

Hymn #842: Son of God, Eternal Savior Lutheran Service Book

Text: Somerset T. C. Lowry, 1855-1932 Tune: Oude en Nieuwe Hollantse…
Public Domain Contradanseu, Amsterdam, c. 1710
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

843 “Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive”




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #843: “Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive” Lutheran Service Book

Text: Rosamond E. Herklots, 1905-87 Tune: A Supplement to the Kentucky Harmony,
© Oxford University Press Harrisonburg, 1820
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

844 Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #844: Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace Lutheran Service Book
Text: Olive Wise Spannaus, b. 1916 Tune: Georg Joseph, 17th cent., adapt.
© 1969 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

845 Where Charity and Love Prevail





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #845: Where Charity and Love Prevail Lutheran Service Book
Text: Latin, c. 9th cent. Tune: attr. Lucius Chapin, 1760-1842
© 1960 World Library Publications Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

846 Your Hand, O Lord, in Days of Old


1 Your hand, O Lord, in days of old Was strong to

heal and save; It tri umphed o ver ills and death, O’er

dark ness and the grave. To You they came, the blind, the

mute, The pal sied and the lame, The lep ers in

their mis er y, The sick with fe vered frame.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 Your touch then, Lord, brought life 3 O be our great deliv’rer still,
and health, The Lord of life and death;
Gave speech and strength and sight; Restore and quicken, soothe
And youth renewed and frenzy calmed and bless,
Revealed You, Lord of light. With Your life–giving breath.
And now, O Lord, be near to bless, To hands that work and eyes that see
Almighty as before, Give wisdom’s healing pow’r
In crowded street, by beds of pain, That whole and sick and weak
As by Gennes’ret’s shore. and strong
May praise You evermore.

Hymn #846: Your Hand, O Lord, in Days of Old Lutheran Service Book
Text: Edward H. Plumptre, 1821-91 Tune: English folk tune, 19th cent., adapt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

847 Christ, Our Human Likeness Sharing

GRAFTON 87 87 87





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #847: Christ, Our Human Likeness Sharing Lutheran Service Book
Text: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 Tune: Chants ordinaires de l'Office Divin,
© 2003 Hope Publishing Co. Paris, 1881
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

848 Lord, Whose Love through Humble Service




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 98:8-9
Let the rivers clap their hands, let the
mountains sing together for joy; let them
sing before the LORD, for he comes to judge
the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness
and the peoples with equity. (NIV)

Hymn #848: Lord, Whose Love through Humble Service Lutheran Service Book
Text: Albert F. Bayly, 1901-84 Tune: attr. Benjamin F. White, 1800-79
© Oxford University Press Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

849 Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #849: Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness Lutheran Service Book
Text: Rusty Edwards, b. 1955 Tune: attr. Benjamin F. White, 1800-79
© 1987 Hope Publishing Co. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

850 God of Grace and God of Glory

CWM RHONDDA 87 87 877

1 God of grace and God of glo ry, On Your peo ple pour Your pow’r;

2 Lo, the hosts of e vil round us Scorn the Christ, as sail His ways!

Crown Your an cient Chur ch’s sto ry; Bring its bud to
From our fears that long have
 bound us Free our hearts to


glo rious flow’r. Grant us wis dom, grant us cour age
faith and praise. Grant us wis dom, grant us cour age

For the fac ing of this hour, For the fac ing of this hour.
For the liv ing of these days, For the liv ing of these days.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Cure Your children’s warring madness; 4 Save us from weak resignation
Bend our pride to Your control; To the evils we deplore;
Shame our wanton, selfish gladness, Let the gift of Your salvation
Rich in things and poor in soul. Be our glory evermore.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
Lest we miss Your kingdom’s goal, Serving You whom we adore,
Lest we miss Your kingdom’s goal. Serving You whom we adore.

Hymn #850: God of Grace and God of Glory Lutheran Service Book
Text: Harry E. Fosdick, 1878-1969 Tune: John Hughes, 1873-1932
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

851 Lord of Glory, You Have Bought Us



1 Lord of glo ry, You have bought us With Your life blood

as the price, Nev er grudg ing for the lost ones That tre


men dous sac ri fice; And with that have free ly giv en

Bless ings count less as the sand To the un thank ful

and the e vil With Your own un spar ing hand.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 Grant us hearts, dear Lord, to give You 3 Wondrous honor You have given
Gladly, freely, of Your own. To our humblest charity
With the sunshine of Your goodness In Your own mysterious sentence,
Melt our thankless hearts of stone “You have done it all to Me.”
Till our cold and selfish natures, Can it be, O gracious Master,
Warmed by You, at length believe That You deign for alms to sue,
That more happy and more blessed Saying by Your poor and needy,
’Tis to give than to receive. “Give as I have giv’n to you”?
4 Lord of glory, You have bought us
With Your lifeblood as the price,
Never grudging for the lost ones
That tremendous sacrifice.
Give us faith to trust You boldly,
Hope, to stay our souls on You;
But, oh, best of all Your graces,
With Your love our love renew.

Hymn #851: Lord of Glory, You Have Bought Us Lutheran Service Book
Text: Elize S. Alderson, 1818-89 Tune: Rowland H. Prichard, 1811-87
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

852 O God of Mercy, God of Might


1 O God of mer cy, God of might, In
2 And Thou, who cam’st on earth to die That
3 Teach us the les son Thou hast taught: To

love and mer cy in fi nite, Teach us, as ev
our lost world might live there by, O hear us; for
feel for those Thy blood hath bought, That ev’ ry deed

er in Thy sight, To live our lives to Thee.
to Thee we cry, In hope, O Lord, to Thee.
and word and thought May work a work for Thee.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 All are redeemed, both far and wide, 5 In sickness, sorrow, want, or care,
Since Thou, O Lord, for all hast died. May we each other’s burdens share;
Grant us the will and grace provide May we, where help is needed, there
To love them all in Thee! Give help as unto Thee!
6 And may Thy Holy Spirit move
All those who live to live in love
Till Thou shalt greet in heav’n above
All those who lived in Thee.

Hymn #852: O God of Mercy, God of Might Lutheran Service Book

Text: Godfrey Thring, 1823-1903 Tune: Samuel Howard, 1710-82
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

853 How Clear Is Our Vocation, Lord

REPTON 86 88 66

Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #853: How Clear Is Our Vocation, Lord Lutheran Service Book
Text: Fred P. Green, 1903-2000 Tune: C. Hubert H. Parry, 1848-1918, alt.
© 1982 Hope Publishing Co. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

854 Forth in Thy Name, O Lord, I Go


1 Forth in Thy name, O Lord, I go, My dai ly

2 The task Thy wis dom has as signed, O let me

3 Thee may I set at my right hand, Whose eyes my

la bor to pur sue, Thee, on ly Thee, re

cheer ful ly ful fill; In all my works Thy

in most sub stance see, And la bor on at

solved to know In all I think or speak or do.

pres ence find, And prove Thy good and per fect will.
Thy com mand, And of fer all my works to Thee.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Give me to bear Thine easy yoke, 5 For Thee delightfully employ
And ev’ry moment watch and pray, Whate’er Thy bounteous grace
And still to things eternal look, has giv’n,
And hasten to Thy glorious day. And run my course with even joy,
And closely walk with Thee to heav’n.

Hymn melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #854: Forth in Thy Name, O Lord, I Go Lutheran Service Book

Text: Charles Wesley, 1707-88 Tune: Barry L. Bobb, b. 1951
Public Domain © 1981, 1982 Barry L. Bobb

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

855a For All the Faithful Women



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #855a: For All the Faithful Women Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: Finnish folk tune, c. 19th cent.
© 1993, 1997, 2003 GIA Publications, Inc. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

855b For All the Faithful Women



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #855b: For All the Faithful Women Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: Finnish folk tune, c. 19th cent.
© 1993, 1997, 2003 GIA Publications, Inc. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

855c For All the Faithful Women



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #855c: For All the Faithful Women Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: Finnish folk tune, c. 19th cent.
© 1993, 1997, 2003 GIA Publications, Inc. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

855d For All the Faithful Women
Mary, Mother of Our Lord



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #855d: For All the Faithful Women Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: Finnish folk tune, c. 19th cent.
© 1993, 1997, 2003 GIA Publications, Inc. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

855e For All the Faithful Women
Martha and Mary



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #855e: For All the Faithful Women Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: Finnish folk tune, c. 19th cent.
© 1993, 1997, 2003 GIA Publications, Inc. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

855f For All the Faithful Women
The Woman at the Well



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #855f: For All the Faithful Women Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: Finnish folk tune, c. 19th cent.
© 1993, 1997, 2003 GIA Publications, Inc. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

855g For All the Faithful Women
Mary Magdalene



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #855g: For All the Faithful Women Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: Finnish folk tune, c. 19th cent.
© 1993, 1997, 2003 GIA Publications, Inc. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

855h For All the Faithful Women



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #855h: For All the Faithful Women Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: Finnish folk tune, c. 19th cent.
© 1993, 1997, 2003 GIA Publications, Inc. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

855i For All the Faithful Women
Eunice and Lois



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #855i: For All the Faithful Women Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: Finnish folk tune, c. 19th cent.
© 1993, 1997, 2003 GIA Publications, Inc. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

856 O Christ, Who Called the Twelve




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #856: O Christ, Who Called the Twelve Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: English, adapt.
© 1993 GIA Publications, Inc Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

857 Lord, Help Us Walk Your Servant Way




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #857: Lord, Help Us Walk Your Servant Way Lutheran Service Book
Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Tune: John Day, Psalter, 1562
© 1997 GIA Publications, Inc. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

858 O Father, All Creating


1 O Fa ther, all cre at ing, Whose wis dom, love, and pow’r
2 With good wine, Lord, at Ca na The wed ding feast You blessed.
First bound two lives to geth er In E den’s pri mal hour,
Grant al so these Your pres ence, And be their dear est guest.
To day to these Your chil dren Your ear liest gifts re new:
Their store of earth ly glad ness Trans form to heav’n ly wine,

A home by You made hap py, A love by You kept true.
And teach them, in the test ing, To know the gift di vine.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 O Spirit of the Father, 4 Unless You build it, Father,

Breathe on them from above, The house is built in vain;
So searching in Your pureness, Unless You, Savior, bless it,
So tender in Your love The joy will turn to pain.
That, guarded by Your presence But nothing breaks the union
And kept from strife and sin, Of hearts in You made one;
Their hearts may heed Your guidance The love Your Spirit hallows
And know You dwell within. Is endless love begun.

Hymn #858: O Father, All Creating Lutheran Service Book

Text: John Ellerton, 1826-93 Tune: Samuel S. Wesley, 1810-76
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

859 Lord, When You Came as Welcome Guest





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #859: Lord, When You Came as Welcome Guest Lutheran Service Book
Text: F. Samuel Janzow, 1913-2001 Tune: American folk tune
© 1982 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

860 Gracious Savior, Grant Your Blessing








Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


1 Samuel 18:6
When the men were returning home after David
had killed the Philistine, the women came
out from all the towns of Israel to meet King
Saul with singing and dancing, with joyful
songs and with tambourines and lutes. (NIV)

Hymn #860: Gracious Savior, Grant Your Blessing Lutheran Service Book
Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: Rowland H. Prichard, 1811-87
© 2001 Stephen P. Starke Public Domain
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

861 Christ Be My Leader

SLANE Irregular



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #861: Christ Be My Leader Lutheran Service Book

Text: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 Tune: Irish folk tune
© 1964, 1992 Hope Pubishing Co. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

862 Oh, Blest the House


1 Oh, blest the house, what e’er be fall, Where Je sus
2 Oh, blest that house where faith is found And all in

3 Oh, blest the par ents
 who give heed Un to their

Christ is all in all! A home that is not whol ly
hope and love a bound; They trust their God and serve Him

chil dren’s fore most need And wea ry not of care or

His— How sad and poor and dark it is!
still And do in all his Ho ly will!
cost. May none to them and heav’n be lost!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Oh, blest that house; it prospers well. 5 Then here will I and mine today
In peace and joy the parents dwell, A solemn promise make and say:
And in their children’s lives is shown Though all the world forsake His Word,
How richly God can bless His own. I and my house will serve the Lord!

Hymn #862: Oh, Blest the House Lutheran Service Book

Text: Christoph Carl Ludwig von Pfeil, 1712-84 Tune: Joseph Klug,
Public Domain Geistliche Lieder auffs new gebessert,
Wittenberg, 1535
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

863 Our Father, by Whose Name

RHOSYMEDRE 66 66 888




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #863: Our Father, by Whose Name Lutheran Service Book

Text: F. Bland Tucker, 1895-1984 Tune: John D. Edwards, 1805-85
© Church Pension Fund Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

864 Shepherd of Tender Youth

ITALIAN HYMN 664 66 64

1 Shep herd of ten der youth, Guid ing in
2 You are our ho ly Lord, O all– sub

love and truth Through de vious ways; Christ, our

du ing Word, Heal er of strife. Your self

tri um phant king, We come Your name to sing
You did a base That from sin’s deep dis grace

And here our chil dren bring To join Your praise.
You so might save our race And give us life.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 You are the great High Priest; 4 O ever be our guide,

You have prepared the feast Our shepherd, and our pride,
Of holy love; Our staff and song.
And in our mortal pain Jesus, O Christ of God,
None calls on You in vain; By Your enduring Word
Our plea do not disdain; Lead us where You have trod;
Help from above. Make our faith strong.
5 So now, and till we die,
Sound we Your praises high
And joyful sing:
Infants and the glad throng,
Who to the Church belong,
Unite to swell the song
To Christ, our king.

Hymn #864: Shepherd of Tender Youth Lutheran Service Book

Text: attr. Clement of Alexandria, c. 170-c. 220 Tune: Felice de Giardini, 1716-96, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

865 Lord, Help Us Ever to Retain


1 Lord, help us ev er to re tain The Cat e
2 Help us Your ho ly Law to learn, To mourn our

3 Hear us, dear Fa ther, when we pray For need ed


chism’s … doc trine plain As Lu ther taught the
sin and from it turn In faith to You and

help from day to day That as Your chil dren

Word of truth In sim ple style to ten der youth.
to Your Son And Ho ly Spir it, Three in One.
we may live, Whom You bap tized and so re ceived.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Lord, when we fall or go astray,
Absolve and lift us up, we pray;
And through the sacrament increase
Our faith till we depart in peace.

Hymn #865: Lord, Help Us Ever to Retain Lutheran Service Book

Text: Ludwig Helmbold, 1532-98 Tune: As hymnodus sacer,
Public Domain Leipzig, 1625, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

866 Lord Jesus Christ, the Children’s Friend




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #866: Lord Jesus Christ, the Children’s Friend Lutheran Service Book
Text: Henry L. Lettermann, 1932-96 Tune: William Knapp, 1698-1768, alt.
© 1982 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

867 Let Children Hear the Mighty Deeds


1 Let chil dren hear the might y deeds Which God
2 So make to them His glo ries known, His works
3 Our sons and daugh ters we shall tell And they


per formed of old, Which in our young er
of pow’r and grace; And we’ll con vey His
a gain to theirs That gen er a tions

years we saw, And which our fa thers told.
won ders down Through ev’ ry ris ing race.
yet un born May teach them to their heirs.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 Our sons and daughters we shall tell
And they again to theirs
That generations yet unborn
May teach them to their heirs.
4 Omitted due to copyright restrictions.

5 To learn that in our God alone

Their hope securely stands,
That they may never doubt His love
But walk in His commands.

Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #867: Let Children Hear the Mighty Deeds Lutheran Service Book
Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 (st. 1-3, 5) Tune: Johann Crüger, 1598-1662
Bernhard Schumacher, 1886-1978 (st. 4) Public Domain
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House ( st. 4)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

868 Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun



1 A wake, my soul, and with the sun Thy dai ly stage
2 In con ver sa tion be sin cere, Thy con science as

3 All praise to Thee, who safe hast kept And hast re freshed

of du ty run; Shake off dull sloth and
the noon day clear; Think how the all– see ing
me while I slept; Grant, Lord, when I from

joy ful rise To pay thy morn ing sac ri fice.
God thy ways And all thy se cret thoughts sur veys.
death shall wake, I may of end less light par take.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Lord, I my vows to Thee renew;
Disperse my sins as morning dew;
Guard my first springs of thought and will
And with Thyself my spirit fill.
5 Direct, control, suggest this day
All I design or do or say
That all my pow’rs with all their might
In Thy sole glory may unite.
6 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host:
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Hymn #868: Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun Lutheran Service Book
Text: Thomas Ken, 1637-1711 Tune: François H. Barthélémon, 1741-1808
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

869 With the Lord Begin Your Task





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #869: With the Lord Begin Your Task Lutheran Service Book
Text: Morgen- und Abend-segen, Tune: Peter Frank, 1616-75, alt.
Waldenburg, 1734 Public Domain
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

870 Now That the Daylight Fills the Sky


1 Now that the day light fills the sky, We lift our
2 Would guard our hearts and tongues from strife; From an gry
3 So we, when this new day is gone, And night in

hearts to God on high That He, in all we do or
words would shield our life; From e vil sights would turn our
turn is draw ing on, With con science by the world un

say, Would keep us free from harm to day;
eyes, And close our ears to van i ties.
stained, Shall praise His name for vic t’ry gained.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 “All praise to You, creator Lord!
All praise to You, eternal Word!
All praise to You, O Spirit wise!”
We sing as daylight fills the skies.

Hymn melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #870: Now That the Daylight Fills the Sky Lutheran Service Book
Text: Latin, c. 5th-6th cent. Tune: Dale Wood, 1934-2003
Public Domain © Augsburg Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

871 Greet the Rising Sun

LE P’ING 55 55 55 55



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #871: Greet the Rising Sun Lutheran Service Book

Text: Zhao Zichen, 1888-1979 Tune: Chinese
© 1997 Stephen P. Starke Public Domain
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

872 Come, Thou Bright and Morning Star


1 Come, Thou bright and Morn ing Star, Light of Light with out be gin
2 Let Thy grace, like morn ing dew Fall ing soft on bar ren plac
3 May Thy fer vent love de stroy Our cold works, in us a wak

ning; Shine up on us from a far That we may be kept from
es, Com fort, quick en, and re new Our dry souls and dy ing
ing Ar dent zeal and ho ly joy At the pur ple morn’s first

sin ning. Drive a way by Thy clear light Our dark night.
grac es; Bless Thy flock from Thy rich store Ev er more.
break ing. Let us tru ly rise ere yet Life has set.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Ah! Thou Dayspring from on high, 5 Light us to those heav’nly spheres,
Grant that at Thy next appearing Sun of grace, in glory shrouded;
We who in the graves do lie Lead us through this vale of tears
May arise, Thy summons hearing, To the land where days unclouded,
And rejoice in our new life, Purest joy, and perfect peace
Far from strife. Never cease.

Hymn #872: Come, Thou Bright and Morning Star Lutheran Service Book
Text: Christian K. von Rosenmoth, 1636-89 Tune: Johann A. Freylinghausen, 1670-1739
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

873 Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies

RATISBON 77 77 77

1 Christ, whose glo ry fills the skies, Christ, the true and on ly light,
2 Dark and cheer less is the morn Un ac com pa nied by Thee;

3 Vis it then this soul of mine, Pierce the gloom of sin and grief;

Sun of righ teous ness, a rise; Tri umph o’er the shades of night.
Joy less is the day’s re turn Till Thy mer cy’s beams I see,

Fill me, ra dian cy di vine, Scat ter all my un be lief;

Day spring from on high, be near; Day star, in my heart ap pear.
Till they in ward light im part, Glad my eyes, and warm my heart.
More and more Thy self dis play, Shin ing to the per fect day.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Deuteronomy 31:19,22
Now write down for yourselves this song and
teach it to the Israelites and have them sing
it, so that it may be a witness for me against
them...So Moses wrote down this song that day
and taught it to the Israelites. (NIV)

Hymn #873: Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies Lutheran Service Book
Text: Charles Wesley, 1707-88 Tune: Johann G. Werner, 1777-1822
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

874 O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright

PUTNAM LM with Alleluia

1 O Splen dor of God’s glo ry bright, O Thou that bring est
2 Come, ver y Sun of truth and love; Pour down Thy ra diance
3 With prayer the Fa ther we im plore: O Fa ther, glo rious

light from light, O Light of Light, light’s liv ing spring,
from a bove And shed the Ho ly Spir it’s ray
ev er more, We plead with Thee for grace and pow’r

O Day, all days il lu min ing: Al le lu ia!
On all we think or do or say. Al le lu ia!
To con quer in temp ta tion’s hour, Al le lu ia!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 To guide whate’er we nobly do, 5 On Christ, the true bread, let us feed;
With love all envy to subdue, Let Him to us be drink indeed;
To give us grace our wrongs to bear, And let us taste with joyfulness
To make ill fortune turn to fair. The Holy Spirit’s plenteousness.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
6 All laud to God the Father be;
All praise, eternal Son, to Thee;
All glory to the Spirit raise
In equal and unending praise.

Hymn melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #874: O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright Lutheran Service Book

Text: Ambrose of Milan, 340-97 Tune: Stephen R. Johnson, b. 1966
Public Domain © 2002 Stephen R. Johnson

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

875 Father, We Praise Thee


1 Fa ther, we praise Thee, now the night is o ver. Ac tive and
2 Mon arch of all things, fit us for Thy man sions; Ban ish our

3 All– ho ly Fa ther, Son, and e qual Spir it, Trin i ty


watch ful, stand we all be fore Thee, Sing ing, we of fer
weak ness, health and whole ness send ing; Bring us to heav en,

bless ed,

send us Thy sal va tion; Thine is the glo ry,

prayer and med i ta tion; Thus we a dore Thee.
where Thy saints u nit ed Joy with out end ing.
gleam ing and re sound ing Through all cre a tion.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Nehemiah 12:8
The Levites were Jeshua, Binnui, Kadmiel,
Sherebiah, Judah, and also Mattaniah, who,
together with his associates, was in charge
of the songs of thanksgiving. (NIV)

Hymn #875: Father, We Praise Thee Lutheran Service Book

Text: attr. Gregory I, 540-604 Tune: Antiphoner, Paris, 1681
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

876 O Blessed, Holy Trinity


1 O bless ed, ho ly Trin i ty, Di vine e
2 My soul and bod y keep from harm, And o ver

3 The Fa ther’s love shield me this day; The Son’s pure

ter nal U ni ty, O Fa ther, Son, and Ho
all ex tend Your arm. Let Sa tan cause me no

wis dom cheer my way; The Ho ly Spir it’s joy

ly Ghost, This day Your name be up per most.
dis tress Nor bring me shame and wretch ed ness.
and light Drive from my heart the shades of night.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 My Maker, hold me in Your hand;
O Christ, forgiven let me stand;
Blest Comforter, do not depart;
With faith and love enrich my heart.
5 Lord, bless and keep me as Your own;
Lord, look in kindness from Your throne;
Lord, shine unfailing peace on me
By grace surrounded; set me free.

Hymn #876: O Blessed, Holy Trinity Lutheran Service Book

Text: Martin Behm, 1557-1622 Tune: Nikolaus Herman, 1480-1561, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

877 God, Who Made the Earth and Heaven

AR HYD Y NOS 84 84 88 84

1 God, who made the earth and heav en, Dark ness and light:

2 And when morn a gain shall call us To run life’s way,

You the day for work have giv en, For rest the night.

May we still, what e’er
be fall us, Your will o

May Your an gel host de fend us, Slum ber sweet Your mer cy send us,

From the pow’r of e vil hide us, In the nar row path way guide us,
Ho ly dreams and hopes at tend us All through the night.
Nev er be Your smile de nied us All through the day.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Guard us waking, guard us sleeping, 4 Holy Father, throned in heaven,

And, when we die, All–holy Son,
May we in Your mighty keeping Holy Spirit, freely given,
All peaceful lie. Blest Three in One:
When the last dread call shall wake us, Grant us grace, we now implore You,
Then, O Lord, do not forsake us, Till we lay our crowns before You
But to reign in glory take us And in worthier strains adore You
With You on high. While ages run.

Hymn #877: God, Who Made the Earth and Heaven Lutheran Service Book
Text: R. Heber, 1783-1826 (st. 1) Tune: Welsh melody, 18th cent.
W. Mercer, 1811-73 (st. 2, 4) Public Domain
R. Whately, 1787-1863 (st. 3)
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

878 Abide with Me

EVENTIDE 10 10 10 10

1 A bide with me; fast falls the e ven tide.
2 I need Thy pres ence ev’ ry pass ing hour.

The dark ness deep ens; Lord, with me a bide.
What but Thy grace can foil the tempt er’s pow’r?

When oth er help ers fail and com forts flee,
Who like Thy self my guide and stay can be?
Help of the help less, O a bide with me.
Through cloud and sun shine, O a bide with me.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Come not in terrors, as the King of kings,

But kind and good, with healing in Thy wings,
Tears for all woes, a heart for ev’ry plea.
Come, Friend of sinners, thus abide with me.
4 Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day;
Earth’s joys grow dim; its glories pass away;
Change and decay in all around I see;
O Thou who changest not, abide with me.
5 I fear no foe with Thee at hand to bless;
Ills have no weight and tears no bitterness.
Where is death’s sting? Where, grave, thy victory?
I triumph still if Thou abide with me!
6 Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;
Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies.
Heav’n’s morning breaks, and earth’s vain shadows flee;
In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.

Hymn #878: Abide with Me Lutheran Service Book

Text: Henry F. Lyte, 1793-1847 Tune: William H. Monk, 1823-89
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

879 Stay with Us


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #879: Stay with Us Lutheran Service Book

Text: Herbert F. Brokering, b. 1926 Tune: Walter L. Pelz, b. 1926
© 1990 Concordia Publishing House © 1990 Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

880 Now Rest beneath Night’s Shadow


1 Now rest be neath night’s shad ow The wood land,
2 The ra diant sun has van ished, Its gold en

field, and mead ow; The world in slum ber lies.
rays are ban ished From dark’ ning skies of night;

But you, my heart, a wak ing And prayer and mu sic
But Christ, the Sun of glad ness, Dis pel ling all our

mak ing, Let praise to your Cre a tor rise.
sad ness, Shines down on us in warm est light.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Now all the heav’nly splendor 4 Lord Jesus, since You love me,
Breaks forth in starlight tender Now spread Your wings above me
From myriad worlds unknown; And shield me from alarm.
And we, this marvel seeing, Though Satan would devour me,
Forget our selfish being Let angel guards sing o’er me:
For joy of beauty not our own. This child of God shall meet no harm.
5 My loved ones, rest securely,
For God this night will surely
From peril guard your heads.
Sweet slumbers may He send you
And bid His hosts attend you
And through the night watch o’er your beds.

Hymn #880: Now Rest beneath Night’s Shadow Lutheran Service Book
Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76 Tune: Heinrich Isaac, c. 1450-1517, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

881 Christ, Mighty Savior


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #881: Christ, Mighty Savior Lutheran Service Book

Text: Latin, c. 7th cent. Tune: Richard W. Dirksen, 1921-2003
© The United Methodist Publishing House © 1984 Washington National Cathedral
admin. The Copyright Company Music Program

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

882 O Christ, Who Art the Light and Day



1 O Christ, who art the light and day, Thou driv est night and
2 All– ho ly Lord, in hum ble prayer We ask to night Thy
3 Our sleep be pure from sin ful stain; Let not the tempt er
gloom a way; O Light of Light, whose Word doth show
watch ful care. O grant us calm re pose in Thee,
van tage gain Or our un guard ed flesh sur prise

The light of heav’n to us be low.
A qui et night, from per ils free.
And make us guilt y in Thine eyes. (7) A men.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Asleep though wearied eyes may be, 6 O Lord, remember us who bear
Still keep the heart awake to Thee; The burden of the flesh we wear;
Let Thy right hand outstretched above Thou who dost e’er our souls
Guard those who serve the Lord defend,
they love. Be with us even to the end.
5 Behold, O God, our shield, and quell 7 All praise to God the Father be,
The crafts and subtleties of hell; All praise, eternal Son, to Thee,
Direct Thy servants in all good, Whom with the Spirit we adore
Whom Thou hast purchased with Forever and forevermore.
Thy blood. Amen.

Hymn #882: O Christ, Who Art the Light and Day Lutheran Service Book
Text: Latin, c. 6th cent. Tune: Sarum plainsong, Mode IV, c. 9th cent.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

883 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night


1 All praise to Thee, my God, this night For all the
2 For give me, Lord, for Thy dear Son, The ill that

3 Teach me to live that I may dread The grave as

bless ings of the light. Keep me, O keep me,
I this day have done, That with the world, my

lit tle as my bed. Teach me to die that

King of kings, Be neath Thine own al might y wings.
self, and Thee, I, ere I sleep, at peace may be.
so I may Rise glo rious at the awe– full day.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Oh, may my soul in Thee repose,
And may sweet sleep mine eyelids close,
Sleep that shall me more vig’rous make
To serve my God when I awake!
5 When in the night I sleepless lie,
My soul with heav’nly thoughts supply;
Let no ill dreams disturb my rest,
No pow’rs of darkness me molest.
6 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Hymn #883: All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night Lutheran Service Book
Text: Thomas Ken, 1637-1711 Tune: Thomas Tallis, c. 1505-85
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

884 Lord, Support Us All Day Long






Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #884: Lord, Support Us All Day Long Lutheran Service Book
Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: Joseph D. Jones, 1827-70, alt.
© 1998 Stephen P. Starke Public Domain
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

885 I Lie, O Lord, within Your Care


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #885: I Lie, O Lord, within Your Care Lutheran Service Book
Text: Jochen Klepper, 1903-42 Tune: Joseph Herl, b. 1959
© 2000 GIA Publications, Inc. © 1999 Joseph Herl

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

886 The Day Thou Gavest


1 The day Thou gav est, Lord, is end ed, The dark ness
2 We thank Thee that Thy Church, un sleep ing While earth rolls

3 As o’er each con ti nent and is land The dawn leads

falls at Thy be hest; To Thee our morn ing hymns
on ward in to light, Through all the world her watch

on an oth er day, The voice of prayer is nev

as cend ed, Thy praise shall sanc ti fy our rest.
is keep ing, And nev er rests by day or night.
er si lent, Nor dies the strain of praise a way.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 The sun, that bids us rest, is waking 5 So be it, Lord! Thy throne shall never,
Thy saints beneath the western skies, Like earth’s proud empires, pass away;
And hour by hour, as day is breaking, Thy kingdom stands and grows forever,
Fresh hymns of thankful praise arise. Till all Thy creatures own Thy sway.

Hymn #886: The Day Thou Gavest Lutheran Service Book

Text: John Ellerton, 1826-93 Tune: Clement C. Scholefield, 1839-1904
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

887 Now the Light Has Gone Away


1 Now the light has gone a way; Fa ther, lis ten while I pray,
2 Je sus, Sav ior, wash a way All that has been wrong to day;

3 Let my near and dear ones be Al ways near and dear to Thee;


Ask ing Thee to watch and keep And to send me qui et sleep.
Help me ev’ ry day to be Good and gen tle, more like Thee.
O bring me and all I love To Thy hap py home a bove.

4 Now my evening praise I give; 5 Thou, my blest and dearest Friend,

Thou didst die that I might live. Thou wilt love me to the end.
All my blessings come from Thee Let me love Thee more and more,
Oh, how good Thou art to me! Always better than before.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


1 Samuel 16:23
Whenever the spirit from God came upon Saul,
David would take his harp and play. Then relief
would come to Saul; he would feel better,
and the evil spirit would leave him. (NIV)

Hymn #887: Now the Light Has Gone Away Lutheran Service Book
Text: Frances R. Havergal, 1836-79 Tune: Liederbuch für Kleinkinder-Schulen,
Public Domain Kaiserwerth, 1842, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

888 O Gladsome Light, O Grace


1 O glad some Light, O Grace Of God the Fa ther’s face,
2 As day light turns to night, We see the fad ing light,
3 To Thee of right be longs All praise of ho ly songs,


E ter nal splen dor wear ing: Ce les tial, ho ly, blest,
Our eve ning hymn out pour ing, Fa ther of might un known,
O Son of God, Life– giv er; Thee, there fore, O Most High,

Our Sav ior Je sus Christ, Joy ful in Thine ap pear ing!
Thee, His in car nate Son, And Ho ly Ghost a dor ing.
The world doth glo ri fy And shall ex alt for ev er.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


1 Chronicles 15:28
So all Israel brought up the ark of the covenant
of the LORD with shouts, with the sounding
of rams horns and trumpets, and of cymbals,
and the playing of lyres and harps. (NIV)

Hymn #888: O Gladsome Light, O Grace Lutheran Service Book

Text: Greek, c. 4th cent. Tune: Louis Bourgeois, c. 1510-c. 1561, adapt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

889 Before the Ending of the Day


1 Be fore the end ing of the day, Cre a tor of the
2 From all the ter rors of the night, From e vil dreams de

3 O Fa ther, this we ask be done Through Je sus Christ, Thine


world, we pray! Thy grace and peace to us al low
fend our sight; Drive far a way our wick ed foe

on ly Son, Who with the Ho ly Ghost and Thee

And be our guard and keep er now.
That stain of sin we may not know.
Both lives and reigns e ter nal ly. A men

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Isaiah 30:29
And you will sing as on the night you celebrate
a holy festival; your hearts will rejoice as
when people go up with flutes to the mountain
of the LORD, to the Rock of Israel. (NIV)

Hymn #889: Before the Ending of the Day Lutheran Service Book
Text: Latin, c. 5th-10th cent. Tune: Benedictine,
Public Domain Plainsong melody, Mode VI
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

890 O Blessed Light, O Trinity


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #890: O Blessed Light, O Trinity Lutheran Service Book

Text: attr. Amborse of Milan, 340-397 Tune: Nikolaus Herman, 1480-1561, alt.
© 2006 Concordia Publishing House (st. 1) Public Domain
© 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship (st. 2-3)

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

891 O Light Whose Splendor




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #891: O Light Whose Splendor Lutheran Service Book

Text: Carl P. Daw Jr., b. 1944 Tune: Clement C. Scholefield, 1839-1904
© 1989 Hope Publishing Co. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

892 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come


1 Come, ye thank ful peo ple, come; Raise the song of har vest home.

2 All the world is God’s own field, Fruit un to His praise to yield;


All be safe ly gath ered in Ere the win ter storms be gin;

Wheat and tares to geth er sown, Un to joy or sor row grown.
God, our mak er, doth pro vide For our wants to be sup plied.
First the blade and then the ear, Then the full corn shall ap pear.
Come to God’s own tem ple, come; Raise the song of har vest home.
Lord of har vest, grant that we Whole some grain and pure may be.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 For the Lord, our God shall come 4 Even so, Lord, quickly come
And shall take His harvest home, To Thy final harvest home;
From His field shall in that day Gather Thou Thy people in,
All offenses purge away, Free from sorrow, free from sin,
Give His angels charge at last There, forever purified,
In the fire the tares to cast, In Thy garner to abide:
But the fruitful ears to store Come with all Thine angels, come,
In His garner evermore. Raise the glorious harvest home.

Hymn #892: Come, Ye Thankful People, Come Lutheran Service Book

Text: Henry Alford, 1810-71 Tune: George J. Elvey, 1816-93
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

893 Sing to the Lord of Harvest


1 Sing to the Lord of har vest, Sing songs of love and praise;

2 God makes the clouds rain good ness, The des erts bloom and spring,

With joy ful hearts and voic es Your al le lu ias raise.

The hills leap up in glad ness, The val leys laugh and sing.
By Him the roll ing sea sons In fruit ful or der move;

God fills them with His full ness, All things with large in crease;

Sing to the Lord of har vest A joy ous song of love.
He crowns the year with bless ing, With plen ty and with peace.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Bring to this sacred altar

The gifts His goodness gave,
The golden sheaves of harvest,
The souls Christ died to save.
Your hearts lay down before Him
When at His feet you fall,
And with your lives adore Him
Who gave His life for all.

Hymn #893: Sing to the Lord of Harvest Lutheran Service Book

Text: John S. B. Monsell, 1811-75 Tune: Johann Steurlein, 1546-1613
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

894 For the Fruits of His Creation

AR HYD Y NOS 84 84 88 84


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #894: For the Fruits of His Creation Lutheran Service Book
Text: Fred P. Green, 1903-2000 Tune: Welsh melody, 18th cent.
© 1970 Hope Publishing Co. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

895 Now Thank We All Our God



1 Now thank we all our God With hearts and hands and voic es,
2 Oh, may this boun teous God Through all our life be near us,


Who won drous things has done, In whom His world re joic es;

With ev er joy ful hearts And bless ed peace to cheer us

Who from our moth er’s arms Has blest us on our way
And keep us in His grace And guide us when per plexed

With count less gifts of love And still is ours to day.
And free us from all harm In this world and the next!

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3 All praise and thanks to God

The Father now be given,
The Son, and Him who reigns
With them in highest heaven,
The one eternal God,
Whom earth and heav’n adore;
For thus it was, is now,
And shall be evermore.

Hymn #895: Now Thank We All Our God Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin Rinckart, 1586-1649 Tune: Johann Crüger, 1598-1662
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

896 Now Greet the Swiftly Changing Year


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #896: Now Greet the Swiftly Changing Year Lutheran Service Book
Text: Cithara Sanctorum, Levoca, 1636 Tune: Alfred V. Fedak, b. 1953
© 1969 Concordia Publishing House © 1990 Selah Publishing Co., Inc.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

897 O Rejoice, Ye Christians, Loudly

FREUET EUCH, IHR CHRISTEN 877 877 with Refrain

1 O re joice, ye Chris tians, loud ly, For our joy has
2 See, my soul, thy Sav ior choos ing Weak ness here and

now be gun: Won drous things our God has done.
pov er ty; In such love He come to thee.

Tell a broad His good ness proud ly, Who our race has
Nei ther crib nor cross re fus es; All He suf fers

hon ored thus, That He deigns to dwell with us.
for thy good To re deem Thee by His blood.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com



Joy, O joy, be yond all glad ness, Christ has done a way with sad ness!

Hence, all sor row and re pin ing, For the Sun of Grace is shin ing!

3 Lord, how shall I thank Thee rightly? 4 Jesus, guard and guide Thy members,
I acknowledge that by Thee Fill them with Thy boundless grace,
I am saved eternally. Hear their prayers in ev’ry place.
Let me not forget it lightly, Fan to flame faith’s glowing embers;
But to Thee at all times cleave Grant all Christians, far and near,
And my heart true peace receive. Holy peace, a glad new year!
Refrain Refrain

Hymn #897: O Rejoice, Ye Christians, Loudly Lutheran Service Book

Text: Christian Keimann, 1607-62 Tune: Andreas Hammerschmidt, c. 1611-75
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

898 The Ancient Law Departs


1 The an cient Law de parts, And all its fears re move,
2 The Light of Light di vine, True bright ness un de filed,
3 His in fant bod y now Be gins the cross to feel;
For Je sus makes with faith ful hearts A cov e nant of love.
He bears for us the pain of sin, A ho ly, spot less child.
Those pre cious drops of blood that flow For death the vic tim seal.

4 Today the name is Thine 5 All praise, eternal Son,

At which we bend the knee. For Thy redeeming love,
They call Thee Jesus, child divine; With Father, Spirit, ever one
Our Jesus deign to be. In glorious might above.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Hebrews 2:12
He says, I will declare your name to
my brothers; in the presence of the congregation
I will sing your praises. (NIV)

Hymn #898: The Ancient Law Departs Lutheran Service Book

Text: Sebastian Besnault, d. 1724 Tune: Johann S. Bach, 1685-1750, adapt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

899 Across the Sky the Shades of Night




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #899: Across the Sky the Shades of Night Lutheran Service Book
Text: James Hamilton, 1819-96 (st. 1-3, 5) Tune: attr. Nikolaus Decius, 1485-1550, alt.
Gregory J. Wismar, b. 1946 (st. 4) Public Domain
© 2006 Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

900 Jesus! Name of Wondrous Love


1 Je sus! Name of won drous love, Name all oth er names a bove,
2 Je sus! Name de creed of old, To the maid en moth er told,
3 Je sus! Name of price less worth To the fall en sons of earth
4 Je sus! Name of mer cy mild, Giv en to the ho ly Child

Un to which must ev’ ry knee Bow in deep hu mil i ty.
Kneel ing in her low ly cell, By the an gel Ga bri el.
For the prom ise that it gave, “Je sus shall His peo ple save.”
When the cup of hu man woe First He tast ed here be low.

5 Jesus! Only name that’s giv’n 6 Jesus! Name of wondrous love,

Under all the mighty heav’n Human name of God above;
Whereby man, to sin enslaved Pleading only this, we flee
Bursts their fetters and are saved. Helpless, O our God, to Thee.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


1 Chronicles 15:16
David told the leaders of the Levites to
appoint their brothers as singers to sing
joyful songs, accompanied by musical instruments:
lyres, harps and cymbals. (NIV)

Hymn #900: Jesus! Name of Wondrous Love Lutheran Service Book

Text: William W. How, 1823-97 Tune: Geist-reiches Gesang-Buch,
Public Domain Halle, 1704
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

901 Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty



1 O pen now thy gates of beau ty; Zi on let me en ter there,
2 Gra cious God, I come be fore Thee; Come Thou al so un to me.

3 Here Thy praise is glad ly chant ed; Here Thy seed is du ly sown.


Where my soul in joy ful du ty Waits for Him who an swers prayer.
Where we find Thee and a dore Thee, There a heav’n on earth must be.

Let my soul, where it is plant ed, Bring forth pre cious sheaves a lone,


Oh, how bless ed is this place, Filled with sol ace, light, and grace!
To my heart, O en ter Thou; Let it be Thy tem ple now!
So that all I hear may be Fruit ful un to life in me.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Thou my faith increase and quicken; 5 Speak, O God, and I will hear Thee;
Let me keep Thy gift divine, Let Thy will be done indeed.
Howsoe’er temptations thicken; May I undisturbed draw near Thee
May Thy Word still o’er me shine While Thou dost Thy people feed.
As my guiding star through life, Here of life the fountain flows;
As my comfort in all strife. Here is balm for all our woes.

Hymn #901: Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty Lutheran Service Book
Text: Benjamin Schmolck, 1672-1737 Tune: Joachim Neander, 1650-80, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

902 Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now


1 Lord Je sus Christ, be pre sent now; Our
2 Un seal our lips to sing Your praise In
3 Then shall we join the hosts that cry, “O

hearts in true de vo tion bow. Your Spir it send with
end less hymns through all our days. In crease our faith and
ho ly, ho ly Lord Most High!” And in the light of

light di vine, And let Your truth with in us shine.
light our minds; And set us free from doubt that blinds.
that blest place We then shall see You face to face.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 All glory to the Father, Son,
And Holy Spirit, Three in One!
To You, O blessed Trinity,
Be praise throughout eternity!

Hymn #902: Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now Lutheran Service Book
Text: Lutherische Hand-Büchlein, Tune: Cantionale Germanicum,
2nd ed., Altenburg, 1648 Gochsheim, Dresden, 1628
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

903 This Is the Day the Lord Has Made


1 This is the day the Lord has made; He
2 To day He rose and left the dead, And
3 Ho san na to the a noint ed King, To
calls the hours His own. Let heav’n re joice, let
Sa tan’s em pire fell; To day the saints His
Da vid’s ho ly Son! Help us, O Lord; de

earth be glad And praise sur round the throne.
tri umphs spread And all His won ders tell.
scend and bring Sal va tion from Your throne.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Blessed is He who comes to us
With messages of grace;
He, in the Lord’s name, comes to us
To save our fallen race.
5 Hosanna in the highest strains
The Church on earth can raise.
The highest heav’ns, in which He reigns,
Shall give Him nobler praise.

Hymn #903: This Is the Day the Lord Has Made Lutheran Service Book
Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Tune: Johann Crüger, 1598-1662
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

904 Blessed Jesus, at Your Word


1 Bless ed Je sus, at Your Word We have gath ered
2 All our knowl edge, sense, and sight Lie in deep est

all to hear You. Let our hearts and souls be stirred

dark ness shroud ed Till your Spir it breaks our night


Now to seek and love and fear You, By Your teach ings,

With the beams of truth un cloud ed. You a lone to

sweet and ho ly, Drawn from earth to love You sole ly.
God can win us; You must work all good with in us.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Gracious Savior, good and kind, 4 Father, Son, and Spirit, Lord,
Light of Light, from God proceeding, Praise to You and adoration!
Open now our heart and mind; Grant that we may trust Your Word,
Help us by Your Spirit’s pleading. Confident of our salvation,
Hear the cry Your Church now raises; While we here below must wander,
Hear and bless our prayers and praises. Till we sing Your praises yonder.

Hymn #904: Blessed Jesus, at Your Word Lutheran Service Book

Text: Tobias Clausnitzer, 1619-84 (st. 1-3) Tune: Johann R. Ahle, 1625-73, alt.
Geistreiches Gesang-Büchlein, Berlin, 1707 (st. 4) Public Domain
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

905 Come, Thou Almighty King

ITALIAN HYMN 664 66 64

1 Come, Thou al might y King, Help us Thy name to sing;
2 Come, Thou in car nate Word, Gird on Thy might y sword;

3 Come, ho ly Com fort er, Thy sa cred wit ness bear


Help us to praise; Fa ther all– glo ri ous, O’er all vic
Our prayer at tend. Come and Thy peo ple bless, And give Thy

In this glad hour! Thou, who al might y art, Now rule in

to ri ous, Come and reign o ver us, An cient of Days.
Word suc cess, And let Thy righ teous ness On us de scend.
ev’ ry heart, And ne’er from us de part, Spir it of pow’r.

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4 To Thee, great One in Three,
Eternal praises be
Hence evermore!
Thy sov’reign majesty
May we in glory see,
And to eternity
Love and adore.

Hymn #905: Come, Thou Almighty King Lutheran Service Book

Text: English, before 1760 Tune: Felice de Giardini, 1716-96, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

906 O Day of Rest and Gladness






Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 40:3
He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn
of praise to our God. Many will see and
fear and put their trust in the LORD. (NIV)

Hymn #906: O Day of Rest and Gladness Lutheran Service Book

Text: Christopher Wordsworth, 1807-85 (st. 1-2) Tune: M. V. Werkmeister,
Charles P. Price, 1920-99 (st. 3) Gesang-Buch der Herzogl, Hofkapelle,
The Hymnal 1982 (st. 4) Württemberg, 1784, alt.
© 1982 Charles P. Price (st. 3) Public Domain
© 1985 The Church Pension Fund

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

907 God Himself Is Present



1 God him self is pre sent: Let us now a dore Him


And with awe ap pear be fore Him. God is in His

tem ple: All with in keep si lence; Hum bly kneel in

deep est rev’ rence. He a lone On His throne

Is our God and Sav ior; Praise His name for ev er!

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2 God himself is present: 3 Fount of ev’ry blessing,

Hear the harps resounding; Purify my spirit,
See the hosts the throne surrounding. Trusting only in Your merit.
“Holy, holy, holy!” Like the holy angels,
Hear the hymn ascending, Worshiping before You,
Songs of saints and angels blending. May I ceaselessly adore You.
Bow Your ear To us here: Let Your will Ever still
Hear, O Christ, the praises Rule Your Church terrestrial
That Your Church now raises. As the hosts celestial.

Hymn #907: God Himself Is Present Lutheran Service Book

Text: Gerhard Tersteegen, 1697-1769 Tune: Joachim Neander, 1650-80, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

908 Lord, Open Now My Heart to Hear



1 Lord, o pen now my heart to hear, And through Your
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3 To God the Fa ther, God the Son, And God the

word to me draw near; Let me Your Word e’er
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Spir it, Three in One, Shall glo ry, praise, and

pure re tain; Let me Your child and heir re main.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
hon or be Now and through out e ter ni ty.

Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

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1 Chronicles 25:1
David, together with the commanders of the army,
set apart some of the sons of Asaph, Heman and
Jeduthun for the ministry of prophesying, accompanied
by harps, lyres and cymbals. (NIV)

Hymn #908: Lord, Open Now My Heart to Hear Lutheran Service Book
Text: Johann Olearius, 1611-84 Tune: Joseph Klug,
© 1963 Mark A. Jeske (st. 2) Geistliche Lieder,
Wittenberg, 1543, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

909 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation


1 Christ is made the sure foun da tion, Christ, our head and

2 To this tem ple, where we call You, Come, O Lord of


cor ner stone, Cho sen of the Lord and pre cious,
hosts, and stay; Come with all Your lov ing– kind ness,

Bind ing all the Church in one; Ho ly Zi on’s

Hear Your peo ple as they pray; And Your full est

help for ev er And our con fi dence a lone.
ben e dic tion Shed with in these walls to day.

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3 Grant, we pray, to all Your faithful 4 Praise and honor to the Father,
All the gifts they ask to gain, Praise and honor to the Son,
What they gain from You forever Praise and honor to the Spirit,
With the blessed to retain; Ever three and ever one;
And hereafter in Your glory One in might and one in glory
Evermore with You to reign. While unending ages run!

Hymn #909: Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation Lutheran Service Book
Text: Latin, c. 8th cent. Tune: Henry Purcell, 1659-95, adapt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

910 Now the Silence




Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #910: Now the Silence Lutheran Service Book

Text: Jaroslav J. Vajda, b. 1919 Tune: Carl F. Schalk, b. 1929
© 1969 Hope Publishing Co. © 1969 Hope Publishing Co.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

911 Lord, This Day We’ve Come to Worship

GLORIOUS NAME 87 87 with Refrain


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Job 36:24
Remember to extol his work, which
men have praised in song. (NIV)

Hymn #911: Lord, This Day We’ve Come to Worship Lutheran Service Book
Text: Richard C. Dickinson, b. 1925 Tune: B. B. McKinney, 1886-1952, alt.
© 1995 Richard C. Dickinson © 1942, 1970 Broadman Press

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

912 Christ Is Our Cornerstone

DARWALL’S 148TH 66 66 88


1 Christ is our cor ner stone, On Him a lone we build;
2 Here may we gain from heav’n The grace which we im plore,
3 Oh, then, with hymns of praise These hal lowed courts shall ring;

With His true saints a lone The courts of heav’n are filled. On His
And may that grace, once giv’n, Be with us ev er more Un til
Our voic es we will raise The Three in One to sing And thus

great love Our hopes we place Of pres ent grace And joys a bove.
that day When all the blest To end less rest Are called a way.
pro claim In joy ful song, Both loud and long, That glo rious name.

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Psalm 43:4
Then will I go to the altar of God, to
God, my joy and my delight. I will praise
you with the harp, O God, my God. (NIV)

Hymn #912: Christ Is Our Cornerstone Lutheran Service Book

Text: Latin, c. 8th cent. Tune: John Darwall, 1731-89
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

913 O Holy Spirit, Enter In

WIE SCHÖN LEUCHTET 887 887 4444 8

1 O Ho ly Spir it, en ter in, And in our hearts

Your work be gin, Your dwell ing place now make us. Sun of the

soul, O Light di vine, A round and in us bright ly shine, To joy


and glad ness wake us That we may be Tru ly liv ing, To You

giv ing Prayer un ceas ing And in love be still in creas ing.

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2 Give to Your Word impressive pow’r, 3 O mighty Rock, O Source of life,

That in our hearts from this good hour Let Your dear Word, in doubt
As fire it may be glowing, and strife,
That in true Christian unity In us be strongly burning
We faithful witnesses may be, That we be faithful unto death
Your glory ever showing. And live in love and holy faith,
Hear us, cheer us By Your teaching; From You true wisdom learning.
Let our preaching And our labor Your grace and peace On us shower;
Praise You, Lord, and serve our By Your power Christ confessing,
neighbor. Let us see our Savior’s blessing.

Hymn #913: O Holy Spirit, Enter In Lutheran Service Book

Text: Michael Schirmer, 1606-73 Tune: Philipp Nicolai, 1556-1608, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

914 Light of Light, O Sole-Begotten






Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #914: Light of Light, O Sole-Begotten Lutheran Service Book

Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: Henry Purcell, 1659-95, adapt.
© 1992 Stephen P. Starke Public Domain
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

915 Today Your Mercy Calls Us

ANTHES 76 76 D

1 To day Your mer cy calls us To wash a way our sin.
2 To day Your gate is o pen, And all who en ter in
How ev er great our tres pass, What ev er we have been,
Shall find a Fa ther’s wel come And par don for their sin.
How ev er long from mer cy Our hearts have turned a way,
The past shall be for got ten, A pres ent joy be giv’n,

Your pre cious blood can wash us And make us clean to day.
A fu ture grace be prom ised, A glo rious crown in heav’n.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Today our Father calls us; 4 O all–embracing Mercy,

His Holy Spirit waits; O ever–open Door,
His blessed angels gather What should we do without You
Around the heav’nly gates. When heart and eye run o’er?
No question will be asked us When all things seem against us,
How often we have come; To drive us to despair,
Although we oft have wandered, We know one gate is open,
It is our Father’s home. One ear will hear our prayer.

Hymn #915: Today Your Mercy Calls Us Lutheran Service Book

Text: Oswald Allen, 1816-78 Tune: Friedrich K. Anthes, 1812-after 1857
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

916 Only-Begotten, Word of God Eternal


1 On ly– be got ten, Word of God e ter nal, Lord of cre
2 Ho ly this tem ple where our Lord is dwell ing; This is none

3 Hear us, O Fa ther, as we throng Your tem ple. By Your past

a tion, mer ci ful and might y: Hear us, Your ser vants,
oth er than the gate of heav en. Ev er Your chil dren,
bless ings, by Your pre sent boun ty, Smile on Your chil dren,


as our tune ful voic es Rise in Your pres ence.
year by year re joic ing, Chant in Your tem ple.
and in grace and mer cy Hear our pe ti tion.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 God in three Persons, Father everlasting,
Son coeternal, ever blessed Spirit:
To You be praises, thanks, and adoration,
Glory forever.

Hymn #916: Only-Begotten, Word of God Eternal Lutheran Service Book

Text: Latin, c. 9th cent. Tune: Antiphoner, Poitiers, 1746
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

917 Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise

ELLERS 10 10 10 10

1 Sav ior, a gain to Thy dear name we raise
2 Grant us Thy peace up on our home ward way;
With one ac cord our part ing hymn of praise;

With Thee be gan, with Thee shall end the day.

Once more we bless Thee ere our wor ship cease,
Guard Thou the lips from sin, the hearts from shame,

Then, low ly bend ing, wait Thy word of peace.
That in this house have called up on Thy name.

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3 Grant us Thy peace, Lord, through the coming night;

Turn Thou for us its darkness into light.
From harm and danger keep Thy children free,
For dark and light are both alike to Thee.
4 Grant us Thy peace throughout our earthly life,
Our balm in sorrow and our stay in strife;
Then, when Thy voice shall bid our conflict cease,
Call us, O Lord, to Thine eternal peace.

Hymn #917: Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise Lutheran Service Book
Text: John Ellerton, 1826-93 Tune: Edward J. Hopkins, 1818-1901
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

918 Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer

CWM RHONDDA 87 87 877

1 Guide me O Thou great Re deem er, Pil grim through this

2 O pen now the crys tal foun tain
 Whence the heal ing

bar ren land. I am weak, but Thou art might y; Hold me with Thy

stream doth flow; Let the fier y, cloud y pil lar Lead me all my

pow’r ful hand. Bread of heav en, bread of heav en,

jour ney through. Strong de liv’ rer, strong de liv’ rer,

Feed me till I want no more; Feed me till I want
Be Thou still my strength and shield; Be Thou still my strength

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3 When I tread the verge of Jordan,

Bid my anxious fears subside;
Death of death and hell’s destruction,
Land me safe on Canaan’s side.
Song of praises, songs of praises,
I will ever give to Thee;
I will ever give to Thee.

Hymn #918: Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer Lutheran Service Book
Text: William Williams, 1717-91 Tune: John Hughes, 1873-1932
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

919 Abide, O Dearest Jesus


1 A bide, O dear est Je sus, A mong us with Your grace
2 A bide, O dear Re deem er, A mong us with Your Word
3 A bide with heav’n ly bright ness A mong us, pre cious Light;
A bide with rich est bless ings A mong us, boun teous Lord;

That Sa tan may not harm us Nor we to sin give place.
And thus now and here af ter True peace and joy af ford.
Your truth di rect and keep us From er ror’s gloom y night.
Let us in grace and wis dom Grow dai ly through Your Word.

5 Abide with Your protection 6 Abide, O faithful Savior,

Among us, Lord, our strength, Among us with Your love;
Lest world and Satan fell us Grant steadfastness and help us
And overcome at length. To reach our home above.

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1 Chronicles 13:8
David and all the Israelites were celebrating with
all their might before God, with songs and with harps,
lyres, tambourines, cymbals and trumpets. (NIV)

Hymn #919: Abide, O Dearest Jesus Lutheran Service Book

Text: Josua Stegmann, 1588-1632 Tune: Melchior Vulpius, c. 1570-1615, alt.
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

920 Forth in the Peace of Christ We Go




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #920: Forth in the Peace of Christ We Go Lutheran Service Book

Text: James Quinn, b. 1919 Tune: Georg Joseph, 17th cent., adapt.
© 1969, 1987 Selah Publishing Co., Inc. Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

921 On What Has Now Been Sown

DARWALL’S 148TH 66 66 88


1 On what has now been sown Thy bless ing, Lord, be stow;
2 To Thee our wants are known, From Thee are all our pow’rs;
3 O grant that each of us, Now met be fore Thee here,

The pow’r is Thine a lone To make it spring and grow. Do Thou
Ac cept what is Thine own And par don what is ours. Our prais
May meet to geth er thus When Thou and Thine ap pear And fol

in grace the har vest raise, And Thou a lone shalt have the praise!
es, Lord, and prayers re ceive, And to Thy Word a bless ing give.
low Thee to heav’n, our home. E’en so, a men! Lord Je sus, come!

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Isaiah 52:9
Burst into songs of joy together, you ruins
of Jerusalem, for the LORD has comforted
his people, he has redeemed Jerusalem. (NIV)

Hymn #921: On What Has Now Been Sown Lutheran Service Book
Text: John Newton, 1725-1807 Tune: John Darwall, 1731-89
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

922 Go, My Children, with My Blessing

AR HYD Y NOS 84 84 88 84


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #922: Go, My Children, with My Blessing Lutheran Service Book

Text: Jaroslav J. Vajda, b. 1919 Tune: Welsh melody, 18th cent.
© 1983 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

922a Go, My Children, with My Blessing

AR HYD Y NOS 84 84 88 84


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #922a: Go, My Children, with My Blessing Lutheran Service Book

Text: Jaroslav J. Vajda, b. 1919 Tune: Welsh melody, 18th cent.
© 1983 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

923 Almighty Father, Bless the Word


1 Al might y Fa ther, bless the Word Which through Your
2 We praise You for the means of grace As home ward
3 Praise God, from whom all bless ings flow; Praise Him, all

grace we now have heard. Oh, may the pre cious seed
now our steps we trace. Grant, Lord, that we who wor

crea tures here be low; Praise Him a bove, ye heav’n

take root, Spring up, and bear a bun dant fruit!
shiped here May all at last in heav’n ap pear.
ly host: Praise Fa ther, Son, and Ho ly Ghost.

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1 Chronicles 23:5
Four thousand are to be gatekeepers and four thousand
are to praise the LORD with the musical instruments
I have provided for that purpose. (NIV)

Hymn #923: Almighty Father, Bless the Word Lutheran Service Book
Text: Church Poetry, Tune: Louis Bourgeois, c. 1510-c. 1561
Philadelphia, 1823 (st. 1-2) Public Domain
Thomas Ken, 1637-1711 (st. 3)
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

924 Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessing


1 Lord, dis miss us with Your bless ing, Fill our hearts with
2 Thanks we give and ad o ra tion For Your Gos pel’s

joy and peace; Let us each, Your love pos sess ing,
joy ful sound. May the fruits of Your sal va tion

Tri umph in re deem ing grace. O re fresh us;

In our hearts and lives a bound. Ev er faith ful,


O re fresh us, Trav’ ling through this wil der ness.
ev er faith ful To Your truth may we be found.

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3 Savior, when Your love shall call us

From our struggling pilgrim way,
Let no fear of death appall us,
Glad Your summons to obey.
May we ever, may we ever
Reign with You in endless day.

Hymn #924: Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessing Lutheran Service Book
Text: attr. John Fawcett, 1740-1817 (st. 1-2) Tune: Henry T. Smart, 1813-79
Godfrey Thring, 1823-1903 (st. 3) Public Domain
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

925 Song of Moses and Israel



Chant Tone

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #925: Song of Moses and Israel Lutheran Service Book

Text: Exodus 15:1-6, 11-13, 17-18 ESV Tune: Jeffrey N. Blersch, b. 1967
© 2001 Crossway Bibles © 2006 Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

926 Song from Deuteronomy



 Chant Tone

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #926: Song from Deuteronomy Lutheran Service Book

Text: Deuteronomy 32:1-4, 8-12, 36a, 39, 43 ESV Tune: Jonathan R. Mueller, b. 1964
© 2001 Crossway Bibles © 2006 Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

927 First Song of Isaiah



Chant Tone

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #927: First Song of Isaiah Lutheran Service Book

Text: Isaiah 12:1-6 ESV Tune: Henry V. Gerike, b. 1948
© 2001 Crossway Bibles © 2006 Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

928 Song of Hannah



Chant Tone

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #928: Song of Hannah Lutheran Service Book

Text: I Samuel 2:1-10 ESV Tune: Kurt E. von Kampen, b. 1960
© 2001 Crossway Bibles © 2006 Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

929 I Will Greatly Rejoice in the Lord



Chant Tone

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #929: I Will Greatly Rejoice in the Lord Lutheran Service Book
Text: Isaiah 61:10-11 ESV Tune: Phillip Magness, b. 1963
© 2001 Crossway Bibles © 2006 Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

930 All You Works of God, Bless the Lord

LINSTEAD 88 88 with Refrain


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 90:14
Satisfy us in the morning with your
unfailing love, that we may sing for
joy and be glad all our days. (NIV)

Hymn #930: All You Works of God, Bless the Lord Lutheran Service Book
Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: Jamaican
© 1995 Stephen P. Starke © 1975 Hope Publishing Co.
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

931 All You Works of the Lord


 Chant Tone


Praise Him and mag ni fy Him for ev er.

1 All you works of the Lord, | bless the Lord—*

praise Him and magnify Him for- | ever.*
You angels of the Lord, | bless the Lord:
2 You heavens, | bless the Lord;*
all you waters above the heavens, |
bless the Lord;*
all you powers of the Lord, | bless the Lord:

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 You sun and moon, | bless the Lord;*
you stars of heaven, | bless the Lord;*
all you showers and dew, | bless the Lord:
4 All you winds of God, | bless the Lord;*
you fire and heat, | bless the Lord;*
you winter and summer, | bless the Lord:*
5 You dews and frost, | bless the Lord;*
you frost and cold, | bless the Lord;*
you ice and snow, | bless the Lord:*
6 You nights and days, | bless the Lord;*
you light and darkness, | bless the Lord;*
you lightnings and clouds, | bless the Lord:
7 Let the earth | bless the Lord;*
you mountains and hills, | bless the Lord;*
all you green things that grow on the
earth, | bless the Lord:

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8 You wells and springs, | bless the Lord;*
you rivers and seas, | bless the Lord;*
you whales and all who move in the
waters, | bless the Lord:
9 All you birds of the air, | bless the Lord;*
all you beasts and cattle, | bless the Lord;*
all you children of men, | bless the Lord:
10 O Israel, | bless the Lord;*
you priests of the Lord, | bless the Lord;*
you servants of the Lord, |bless the Lord:
11 You spirits and souls of the
righteous, | bless the Lord;*
you pure and humble of heart, | bless
the Lord;*
let us bless the Father and the Son and
the Holy | Spirit:

Hymn melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 33:1-3
Sing joyfully to the LORD, you righteous; it
is fitting for the upright to praise him. Praise
the LORD with the harp; make music to him on
the ten-stringed lyre. Sing to him a new song;
play skillfully, and shout for joy. (NIV)

Hymn #931: All You Works of the Lord Lutheran Service Book
Text: Song of the Three Young Men Tune: Paul J. Grime, b. 1958
Public Domain © 2006 Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

932 Jesus Sat with His Disciples


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #932: Jesus Sat with His Disciples Lutheran Service Book
Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: Marty Haugen, b. 1950
© 1991 Stephen P. Starke © 1987 GIA Publications, Inc.
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

933 My Soul Rejoices


1 My soul re joic es, My spir it voic es— Sing the great ness of
2 His arm now bar ing, His strength de clar ing— Sing the great ness of

the Lord! For God my Sav ior Has shown me fa vor— Sing the
the Lord! The proud He scat ters, Their rule He shat ters— Sing the

great ness of the Lord! With praise and bless ing, Join in con fess ing
great ness of the Lord! Op pres sion halt ed; The meek ex alt ed.

God, who is sole ly Might y and ho ly— O sing the great ness of God
Full are the hun gry; Emp ty, the wealth y— O sing the great ness of God

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


the Lord! His mer cy sure ly Shall rest se cure ly On all who
the Lord! Here is the to ken All that was spo ken To A br’ham’s
fear Him, Love and re vere Him— O sing the great ness of God the Lord!
off spring God is ful fill ing— O sing the great ness of God the Lord!

Hymn #933: My Soul Rejoices Lutheran Service Book

Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: Giovanni G. Gastoldi, c. 1556-c. 1622
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

934 My Soul Now Magnifies the Lord



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #934: My Soul Now Magnifies the Lord Lutheran Service Book
Text: Luke 1:46-55 Tune: Joseph Klug,
adapt. Stephanie K. Frey, b. 1952 Geistliche Lieder auffs new gebessert,
© 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship Wittenberg, 1535
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

935 Tell Out, My Soul, the Greatness of the Lord

WOODLANDS 10 10 10 10

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #935: Tell Out, My Soul, the Greatness of the Lord Lutheran Service Book
Text: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 Tune: Walter Greatorex, 1877-1949
© 1962, 1990 Hope Publishing Co. © Oxford University Press

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

936 Sing Praise to the God of Israel





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #936: Sing Praise to the God of Israel Lutheran Service Book
Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: Christoph E. F. Weyse, 1774-1842
© 1992 Stephen P. Starke Public Domain
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

937 Lord, Bid Your Servant Go in Peace





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #937: Lord, Bid Your Servant Go in Peace Lutheran Service Book
Text: James Quinn, b. 1919 Tune: American folk tune
© 1969, 1989 James Quinn Public Domain
admin. Selah Publishing Co.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

938 In Peace and Joy I Now Depart


1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 Christ Je sus brought this gift to me, My faith ful Sav ior,

3 You sent the peo ple of the earth Their great sal va tion;

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Whom You have made my eyes to see By Your fa vor.

Your in vi ta tion sum mons forth Ev’ ry na tion

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Now I know He is my life, My friend when I am dy ing.
By Your ho ly, pre cious Word, In ev’ ry place re sound ing.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

4 Christ is the hope and saving light
Of those in blindness;
He guides and comforts those in night
By His kindness.
For Your people Israel
Their joy, reward, and glory.

Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #938: In Peace and Joy I Now Depart Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Tune: Martin Luther, 1483-1546
© 1978 Concordia Publishing House (st. 1) Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

939 You Are God; We Praise You




Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com



Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #939: You Are God; We Praise You Lutheran Service Book
Text: Latin, c. 4th cent. Tune: Richard W. Hillert, b. 1923
© 1975 International Consultation on English Texts © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

940 Holy God, We Praise Thy Name


1 Ho ly God, we praise Thy name; Lord of all, we
2 Hark! The glad ce les tial hymn An gel choirs a

bow be fore Thee. All on earth Thy scep ter claim,
bove are rais ing; Cher u bim and ser a phim

All in heav’n a bove a dore Thee. In fi nite Thy
In un ceas ing cho rus prais ing, Fill the heav’ns with
vast do main Ev er last ing is Thy reign.
sweet ac cord: “Ho ly, ho ly, ho ly Lord!”

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 Lo, the apostles’ holy train 4 Thou art King of Glory, Christ;
Join Thy sacred name to hallow; Son of God, yet born of Mary.
Prophets swell the glad refrain, For us sinners sacrificed,
And the white robed martyrs follow, As to death a Tributary,
And from morn to set of sun First to break the bars of death,
Through the Church the song goes on. Thou hast opened heav’n to faith.
5 Holy Father, holy Son,
Holy Spirit, three we name Thee;
Though in essence only one,
Undivided God we claim Thee
And, adoring, bend the knee
While we own the mystery.

Hymn #940: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name Lutheran Service Book
Text: Latin, c. 4th cent. Tune: Maria Theresa,
Public Domain Katholisches Gesangbuch,
Vienna, 1774, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

941 We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God

THAXTED 13 13 13 D




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 5:11
But let all who take refuge in you be
glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread
your protection over them, that those
who love your name may rejoice in you. (NIV)

Hymn #941: We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God Lutheran Service Book
Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Tune: Gustav Holst, 1874-1934
© 1999 Stephen P. Starke Public Domain
admin. Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

942 Kyrie! God, Father








Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com



Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #942: Kyrie! God, Father Lutheran Service Book

Text: Latin, 9th cent. Tune: Plainsong melody,
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House based on Kyrie fons bonitatis,
c. 800, adapt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

943 Kyrie—I


Ky ri e, Ky ri e e le i son. Let us pray to the Lord:

Hymn melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #943: Kyrie—I Lutheran Service Book

Text: Traditional Tune: Jacques Berthier, 1923-94
Public Domain © 1978, 1980, 1981 Ateliers et Presses de Taizé;
GIA Publications, Inc.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

944 Kyrie—II



1 Ky ri e e lei son. Ky ri e e lei son.
2 Chris te e lei son. Chris te e lei son.
3 Ky ri e e lei son. Ky ri e e lei son.


Ky ri e e le i son.
Chris te e le i son.
Ky ri e e le i son.

Hymn #944: Kyrie—II Lutheran Service Book

Text: Traditional Tune: Russian Orthodox
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

945 Your Heart, O God, Is Grieved




Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #945: Your Heart, O God, Is Grieved Lutheran Service Book

Text: Juraj Tranovský, 1591-1637 Tune: Cithara Sanctorum,
© 1970 Concordia Publishing House Levoca, 1636
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

946 Glory to God, We Give You Thanks and Praise

WOODLANDS 10 10 10 10

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #946: Glory to God, We Give You Thanks and Praise Lutheran Service Book
Text: Edwin Le Grice, 1911-92 Tune: Walter Greatorex, 1877-1949
© 1991 Kevin Mayhew Ltd. © Oxford University Press

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

947 All Glory Be to God on High






Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #947: All Glory Be to God on High Lutheran Service Book

Text: Nikolaus Decius, 1485-1550 Tune: Nikolaus Decius, 1485-1550
© 2006 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

948 All Glory Be to God Alone

ALL EHR UND LOB 88 88 88


Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #948: All Glory Be to God Alone Lutheran Service Book

Text: attr. Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Tune: Gesangbuch… Psalmen, Geistliche
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House Lieder, Strassburg, 1541, alt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

949 Heavenly Hosts in Ceaseless Worship


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #949: Heavenly Hosts in Ceaseless Worship Lutheran Service Book

Text: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 Tune: Amanda Husberg, b. 1940
© 1975 Hope Publishing Co. © 2000 Selah Publishing Co., Inc.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

950 Splendor and Honor


Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #950: Splendor and Honor Lutheran Service Book

Text: Carl P. Daw Jr., b. 1944 Tune: K. Lee Scott, b. 1950
© 1990 Hope Publishing Co. © 1987 K. Lee Scott

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

951 Alleluia—I


Al le lu ia, al le lu ia, al le lu ia. Al le lu ia,

al le lu ia, al le lu ia Al le lu ia.

Hymn melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #951: Alleluia--I Lutheran Service Book

Text: Traditional Tune: Jacques Berthier, 1923-94
Public Domain © 1984 Ateliers et Presses de Taizé;
GIA Publications, Inc.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

952 Alleluia—II


Al le lu ia, al le lu ia!

Al le lu ia, al le lu ia!

Hymn melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #952: Alleluia--II Lutheran Service Book

Text: Traditional Tune: Fintan O'Carroll, d. 1977
Public Domain © 1985 Fintan O Carroll and
Christopher Walker

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

953 We All Believe in One True God


1 We all be lieve in one true God, Fa ther, Son, and Ho ly Ghost,
2 We all be lieve in Je sus Christ, Son of God and Mar y’s son,
3 We all con fess the Ho ly Ghost, Who from both in truth pro ceeds,
Ev er– pres ent help in need, Praised by all the heav’n ly host;
Who de scend ed from His throne And for us sal va tion won;
Who sus tains and com forts us In all tri als, fears, and needs.

All He made His love en folds, All cre a tion He up holds.
By whose cross and death are we Res cued from all mis er y.
Blest and ho ly Trin i ty, Praise for ev er be to Thee!

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Isaiah 38:20
The LORD will save me, and we will sing
with stringed instruments all the days
of our lives in the temple of the LORD. (NIV)

Hymn #953: We All Believe in One True God Lutheran Service Book
Text: Tobias Clausnitzer, 1619-84 Tune: Kirchengesangbuch,
Public Domain Darmstadt, 1699
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

954 We All Believe in One True God

WIR GLAUBEN ALL (CHANT) 8888 8888 88

1 We all
 be lieve in one true God, Who cre at ed

earth and heav en, The Fa ther who to us in love

Has the right of chil dren giv en. He in soul and bod y

feeds us; All we need His hand pro vides us. Through all

snares and per ils leads us, Watch ing that no

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


harm be tides us. He cares for us by day and

night; All things are gov erned by His might. (3) A men.

2 We all believe in Jesus Christ, 3 We all confess the Holy Ghost,

His own Son, our Lord, possessing Who, in highest heaven dwelling
An equal Godhead, throne and might, With God the Father and the Son,
Source of ev’ry grace and blessing; Comforts us beyond all telling;
Born of Mary, virgin mother, Who the Church, His own creation,
By the power of the Spirit, Keeps in unity of spirit;
Word made flesh, our elder brother; Here forgiveness and salvation
That the lost might life inherit, Daily come through Jesus’ merit.
Was crucified for all our sin All flesh shall rise, and we shall be
And raised by God to life again. In bliss with God eternally.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


1 Chronicles 13:8
David and all the Israelites were celebrating with
all their might before God, with songs and with harps,
lyres, tambourines, cymbals and trumpets. (NIV)

Hymn #954: We All Believe in One True God Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Tune: Latin credo melody,
Public Domain 14th cent., adapt.
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

955 Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful



Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Isaiah 12:5-6
Sing to the LORD, for he has done glorious things;
let this be known to all the world. Shout aloud
and sing for joy, people of Zion, for great
is the Holy One of Israel among you. (NIV)

Hymn #955: Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful Lutheran Service Book

Text: John W. Arthur, 1922-80 Tune: Richard W. Hillert, b. 1923
© 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

956 Create in Me



Cre ate in me a clean heart, O God, and re new


a right spir it with in me. Cast me not a way

from Thy pres ence, and take not Thy Ho ly Spir it


from me. Re store un to me the joy of Thy sal va tion;

and up hold me with Thy free Spir it. A men

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Psalm 45:8
All your robes are fragrant with myrrh and aloes
and cassia; from palaces adorned with ivory
the music of the strings makes you glad. (NIV)

Hymn #956: Create in Me Lutheran Service Book

Text: Psalm 51:10-12 Tune: Johann G. Winer, 1583-1651
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

957 Our Father Who Art in Heaven—I


Our Fa ther who art in heav en, hal low ed be Thy name,

Thy king dom come, Thy will be done on earth as

it is in heav en; give us this day our dai ly

bread; and for give us our tres pass es as we for give

those who tres pass a gainst us; and lead us not in

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


to temp ta tion, but de liv er us from e vil.


For Thine is the king dom and the pow’r and the

glo ry for ev er and ev er. A men

Hymn #957: Our Father Who Art in Heaven—I Lutheran Service Book
Text: Traditional Tune: Plainsong, Mode VII
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

958 Our Father Who Art in Heaven—IIa



Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Deuteronomy 31:19,22
Now write down for yourselves this song and
teach it to the Israelites and have them sing
it, so that it may be a witness for me against
them...So Moses wrote down this song that day
and taught it to the Israelites. (NIV)

Hymn #958: Our Father Who Art in Heaven—IIa Lutheran Service Book
Text: Carlos Rosas, b. 1939 Tune: Carlos Rosas, b. 1939
© Carlos Rosas © Carlos Rosas
admin. OCP Publications

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

959 Our Father Who Art in Heaven—IIb
English Translation



Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Psalm 33:1-3
Sing joyfully to the LORD, you righteous; it
is fitting for the upright to praise him. Praise
the LORD with the harp; make music to him on
the ten-stringed lyre. Sing to him a new song;
play skillfully, and shout for joy. (NIV)

Hymn #959: Our Father Who Art in Heaven—IIb Lutheran Service Book
Text: Carlos Rosas, b. 1939 Tune: Carlos Rosas, b. 1939
© Carlos Rosas © Carlos Rosas
admin. OCP Publications

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

960 Isaiah, Mighty Seer in Days of Old






Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com





Hymn lyrics omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #960: Isaiah, Mighty Seer in Days of Old Lutheran Service Book
Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Tune: Martin Luther, 1483-1546, alt.
© 1941 Concordia Publishing House Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

961 Sanctus

SANCTUS Irregular

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Hymn #961: Sanctus Lutheran Service Book

Text: Traditional Tune: Mark L. Bender, b. 1951
© 1975 International Consultation on English Texts © 2006 Concordia Publishing House

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

962 Agnus Dei—I
Lamb of God

AGNUS DEI—I Irregular

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


2 Chronicles 20:21
After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed
men to sing to the LORD and to praise him for
the splendor of his holiness as they went out
at the head of the army, saying: Give thanks to
the LORD, for his love endures forever. (NIV)

Hymn #962: Agnus Dei—I Lutheran Service Book

Text: Traditional Tune: Paul D. Weber, b. 1949
© 1975 International Consultation on English Texts © 2001 Paul D. Weber

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

963 Agnus Dei—II
Lamb of God

AGNUS DEI—II Irregular

Hymn lyrics and melody omitted due to copyright restrictions.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Job 38:6-7
On what were its footings set, or who laid its
cornerstone—while the morning stars sang together
and all the angels shouted for joy? (NIV)

Hymn #963: Agnus Dei—II Lutheran Service Book

Text: Traditional Tune: Jeffrey N. Blersch, b. 1967
© 1975 International Consultation on English Texts © 2001 Jeffrey N. Blersch

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

964 Lift Every Voice and Sing


1 Lift ev’ ry voice and sing Till earth and heav en ring,

2 Ston y the road we trod, Bit ter the chas t’ning rod,
Ring with the har mo nies of lib er ty.

Felt in the days when



had died;

Let our re joic ing rise High as the lis t’ning skies,

Yet, with a stead y beat, Have not our wea ry feet
Let it re sound loud as the roll ing sea.
Come to the place for which our par ents sighed?

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us;
We have come o ver a way that with tears has been wa tered;

Sing a song full of the hope that the pres ent has brought us;

We have come, tread ing our path through the blood of the slaugh tered,
Fac ing the ris ing sun Of our new day be gun,

Out from the gloom y past, Till now we stand at last
Let us march on, till vic to ry is won.
Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

3 God of our weary years,
God of our silent tears,
Thou who hast brought us thus
far on the way;
Thou who hast by Thy might
Led us into the light,
Keep us forever in the path, we pray.
Lest our feet stray from the places,
our God, where we met Thee;
Lest, our hearts drunk with the
wine of the world, we forget Thee;
Shadowed beneath Thy hand
May we forever stand,
True to our God, true to our native land.

Hymn #964: Lift Every Voice and Sing Lutheran Service Book
Text: James W. Johnson, 1871-1938 Tune: J. Rosamond Johnson, 1873-1954
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

965 God Bless Our Native Land


1 God bless our na tive land; Firm may it ev er stand
2 So shall our prayers a rise To God a bove the skies;


Through storm and night. When the wild tem pests rave, Rul er of

On Him we wait. Thou who art ev er nigh, Guard ing with


wind and wave, Do Thou our coun try save By Thy great might.
watch ful eye, To Thee a loud we cry: God save the state!

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Psalm 59:16-17
But I will sing of your strength, in the morning
I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress,
my refuge in times of trouble. O my Strength,
I sing praise to you; you, O God, are my fortress,
my loving God. (NIV)

Hymn #965: God Bless Our Native Land Lutheran Service Book
Text: Charles T. Brooks, 1812-83 Tune: Thesaurus Musicus,
Public Domain London, c. 1744
Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

966 Before You, Lord, We Bow

DARWALL’S 148TH 66 66 88

1 Be fore You, Lord, we bow, Our God who reigns a
2 The na tion You have blest May well Your love de

bove And rules the world be low, Bound less in
clare, From foes and fears at rest, Pro tect ed

pow’r and love. Our thanks we bring In joy and
by Your care. For this bright day, For this fair

praise, Our hearts we raise To You, our king!
land— Gifts of Your hand— Our thanks we pay.

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com


3 May ev’ry mountain height, 4 Earth, hear your Maker’s voice;

Each vale and forest green, Your great Redeemer own;
Shine in Your Word’s pure light, Believe, obey, rejoice,
And its rich fruits be seen! And worship Him alone.
May ev’ry tongue Cast down your pride,
Be tuned to praise Your sin deplore,
And join to raise And bow before
A grateful song. The Crucified.
5 And when in pow’r He comes,
Oh, may our native land
From all its rending tombs
Send forth a glorious band,
A countless throng,
With joy to sing
To heav’n’s high King
Salvation’s song!

Hymn #966: Before You, Lord, We Bow Lutheran Service Book

Text: Francis S. Key, 1779-1843 Tune: John Darwall, 1731-89
Public Domain Public Domain

Large Print Layout © 2011, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com

© 2002-2011 Lutheran Music and Donald L. Vossler

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