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Distance-is the total path length between the reference point (house) and the identified position (church).
Distance is a scalar quantity, which means that distance is expressed as magnitude only. It is expressed in units of meter,
kilometer, or feet.
Speedometer- is the instrument use to measure the distance travelled by the object.
Formula: d1+d2=df

Displacement- is the shortest distance (short cut) travelled by the object between the reference point (starting point) and identified
position (final destination). Displacement is the length between the initial and the final position. Displacement is a vector quantity.
Displacement is expressed as magnitude with the corresponding direction.
Formula: (dt=di-df) or (dt=d1-d2)
When can displacement be equal to distance? - When the path traveled is a straight line
Motion- A change of position with respect to a reference point
Average speed-is the distance travelled divided by the time taken. Formula: Average speed=distance/time s=d/t
Velocity – is the distance covered by an object in unit time in given direction. Can be defined as the displacement of the object in
unit time in a given direction. For example, (20km/s east)
Acceleration- It refers to increasing speed, decreasing speed/deceleration, or changing direction. is the rate at which velocity
changes, in other term it is the rate of change in velocity of an object with respect to time. For example (20km/s2)
Positive Acceleration- increasing/ accelerating
Negative acceleration-decreasing/decelerating
Zero acceleration- The speed of the object is equal to zero/ constant

Decelerating accelerating no acceleration / constant

Crest- highest point of the wave
Trough- lowest point of the wave
Wavelength-It is the distance between two consecutive crests or troughs of a wave.
Electromagnetic waves- A wave capable of transmitting its energy through a vacuum thus requires no material medium for its
passage, as it can pass through empty space.
Transverse wave-The type of waves that occur when the individual particles of a medium vibrate from side to side perpendicular to
the direction in which the waves travel.
Medium- A material that carries the wave, transports the waves from its source to other locations.
Electro Magnetic Wave-A wave capable of transmitting its energy through a vacuum thus requires no material medium for its
passage, as it can pass through empty space.
What type of wave is a sound wave?- longitudinal wave
How does energy from the sun reach the earth’s surface? In the form of electromagnetic wave.
Electromagnetic wave (EM)- Gamma rays, Ultraviolet rays, visible lights, x-rays, infrared, microwave, radio wave .
How does the wavelength of infrared (IR) compare with the wavelength of ultraviolet (UV) waves? Infrared waves have longer
Among all the electromagnetic waves (EM), which has the highest frequency? Gamma rays
ROYGBIV is the basic component of white light. Which color of light carries the most energy? Blue
Light is an electromagnetic wave. Which characteristic is common in all electromagnetic waves? Speed
White light is made up of different colors and can be demonstrated with the use of a prism.
Red, green, and blue are the primary colors of light.
Dispersion the separation of light into its component colors.
Red-is the color of visible light with the longest wavelength, lowest frequency, lowest energy.
Violet- is the color of visible light with the shortest wavelength, highest frequency, and highest energy.

From the illustration above, the amplitude of the wave is indicated by what letter? C
Indicate the interval that represents a half wavelength? C to E
LIKE charges repel and opposite charges attract,
 An object can gain positive charge by losing electrons,
 An object can gain negative charge by gaining electrons.
 Free electron- a material that does not allow free movement of electric charges
which of the following can be attracted by a positively charged object? A neutral object

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