2016 GPS y Prevención de Lesiones en El Fútbol Profesional.

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Department of Health Science, School of Exercise Science, Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia; 2Football
Federation Australia, Sydney, Australia; 3Medical Imaging, School of Medicine, The University of Western Sydney, Sydney,
Australia; and 4Department of Education and Arts, School of Arts, Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia

ABSTRACT injuries for coaches and sports scientists to consider when

Ehrmann, FE, Duncan, CS, Sindhusake, D, Franzsen, WN, planning and monitoring training.
and Greene, DA. GPS and injury prevention in professional KEY WORDS Athlete monitoring, training load, fatigue
soccer. J Strength Cond Res 30(2): 360–367, 2016—This
study investigated the relationship between GPS variables INTRODUCTION

measured in training and gameplay and injury occurrences in
he use of Global Positioning Software (GPS) tech-
professional soccer. Nineteen professional soccer players
nology to measure players’ training loads has
competing in the Australian Hyundai A-League were moni- become prevalent in professional soccer (36).
tored for 1 entire season using 5 Hz Global Positioning The major focus of GPS use has been to identify
System (GPS) units (SPI-Pro GPSports) in training sessions the activity profiles of players in training or trial matches
and preseason games. The measurements obtained were (36). However, in recent times, there has been increasing
total distance, high-intensity running distance, very–high- interest in using GPS to maintain the balance between train-
intensity running distance, new body load, and meters ing stress and recovery, thereby maximizing performance
per minute. Noncontact soft tissue injuries were docu- potential while minimizing the risk of overtraining (25,27).
mented throughout the season. Players’ seasons were aver- To date, no study has examined the link between GPS var-
aged over 1- and 4-week blocks according to when injuries iables and noncontact soft tissue injuries in professional soc-
occurred. These blocks were compared with each other and cer players.
Players in European competitions miss on average 37 days
with players’ seasonal averages. Players performed signifi-
in a 300-day season through injury (12), which presents
cantly higher meters per minute in the weeks preceding an
a significant financial burden on professional soccer clubs
injury compared with their seasonal averages (+9.6 and
and can severely damage their chances of success (1,21).
+7.4% for 1- and 4-week blocks, respectively) (p , 0.01),
The epidemiology of injuries in professional soccer has been
indicating an increase in training and gameplay intensity well documented, with studies reporting that elite soccer
leading up to injuries. Furthermore, injury blocks showed players are at high risk of injury during training and even
significantly lower average new body load compared with more so during match play (12,22). Most injuries sustained
seasonal averages (215.4 and 29.0% for 1- and 4-week are soft tissue injuries, particularly strains to the thigh region
blocks, respectively) (p , 0.01 and p = 0.01). Periods of (11), with some figures showing that up to 59% of injuries
relative underpreparedness could potentially leave players sustained were noncontact (22).
unable to cope with intense bouts of high-intensity efforts Furthermore, recent research has suggested a general
during competitive matches. Although limited by Fédération increase in injury risk (2), or increased injury risks during
Internationale de Football Association regulations, the re- match play (9), when players have less than 4 days to recover
sults of this study isolated 2 variables predicting soft tissue between matches, indicating that residual fatigue can impact
injury rates significantly. To prevent fatigue-related injuries, it
is essential to monitor the training load of players (23,25). A
number of methods have been used to assess the effect of
Address correspondence to Fabian E. Ehrmann, fabian.ehrmann@acu. training on fatigue, including the monitoring of heart rate
edu.au. (23), heart rate variability (30) and hormonal levels (28).
30(2)/360–367 Moreover, session-RPE (13) has been used extensively and
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research is identified as a reliable and valid measure of internal training
Ó 2016 National Strength and Conditioning Association load (24,33). Increases in session-RPE–based training loads

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between GPS variables and

other training load measure-
TABLE 1. All session splits, as well as split start and finish.
ments has been explored. Total
Session Beginning of split End of split distance, distances measured at
various intensities, and Body
Training session Beginning of warm-up lap Player leaving pitch
Load have been shown to cor-
Preseason game Kick off; player substituted on End of half; player substituted
off relate significantly with subjec-
Pregame warm-up Start of warm-up routine Player leaving pitch tive session-RPE–based training
loads (6,20,32).
However, the potential link
between GPS training load
measurements and injury risk
in soccer is still unclear.
Gabbett and Ullah (19) estab-
TABLE 2. GPS variables measured in this study, their units, and zones.* lished a correlation between
injury risk and high-intensity
Variable Unit Zone running efforts during training
Total distance covered (TD) Meters sessions in rugby league,
High-intensity running (HIR) Meters 14.3–19.7 km$h21 whereas Nielsen et al. (29)
Very–high-intensity running (VHIR) Meters Above 19.7 km$h21 noted that novice runners were
Meters per minute (MpM) Meters per minute more susceptible to injuries
New total body load (BL)* Arbitrary units when weekly total distance
*New body load is the accumulation of forces measured by a triaxial accelerometer in the increased by more than 30%,
GPS units sampling at 100 Hz. although these results were sta-
tistically nonsignificant.
At present, there are no
studies to our knowledge that
have demonstrated a relationship with increased injury risk in have investigated the relationship between GPS variables
elite youth soccer (5) and other sports such as Australian and soft tissue injury in professional soccer over a full season.
Football (31) and Rugby League (15,16). Thus, the aim of this study was to examine the link between
In recent years, soccer teams have made use of GPS tracking GPS variables and noncontact soft tissue injuries in pro-
devices to provide an objective measure of external training fessional soccer players. We hypothesize that GPS will be
load (36). GPS units have been shown to be sufficiently reliable effective in identifying potential injury risk and that specific
and accurate to quantify training workloads in team sports variables will be identified to enhance future practice in the
(8,34) and have been successfully used in Australian Rules applied setting.
Football and Rugby League for several years. Most studies
using GPS in soccer have focussed on movement patterns METHODS
during match and training activities. However, the relationship Experimental Approach to the Problem
In this observational study, 19
elite soccer players’ external
training load data were moni-
tored using 5 Hz GPS units
(SPI-Pro GPSports, Canberra,
Australia). Data were collected
for 1 entire competitive season,
spanning 37 weeks, from July
18, 2011 to March 30, 2012 (11
weeks preseason, 26 weeks in-
season). Injuries were recorded
and data retrospectively analyzed
to identify potential risk factors.

Figure 1. Comparisons conducted between individuals’ workload blocks. Nineteen full time professional
male soccer players (25.7 6 5.1

VOLUME 30 | NUMBER 2 | FEBRUARY 2016 | 361

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GPS and Injury Prevention in Professional Soccer

duty. Three pregame training

sessions conducted away from
the team’s training ground
were not recorded because of
logistical difficulties. Players
also wore GPS units during
every preseason game and
warm-up (n = 8), albeit, due to
Fédération Internationale de
Football Association (FIFA)
regulations not during competi-
tive matches. GPS data were
downloaded immediately after
every session or game and ana-
lyzed using GPSports Team
AMS software (GPSports). Ses-
sions were split individually and
session splits are shown in
Figure 2. Significant difference (p = 0.008) between meters per minute (m$min21) before injury and the season
Table 1.
average (data are mean 6 SE for 1-week blocks).
The GPS variables collected
are shown in Table 2. The
selection of these variables al-
years; age range 18–33 years; 181.0 6 4.8 cm; 77.3 6 4.2 kg) lows the comparative study of players’ workloads with other
competing in the Australian Hyundai A-League participated studies that describe running patterns in soccer using com-
in this study. Written informed consent was obtained from puterized tracking systems (3,4). New body load was
all subjects and the Australian Catholic University’s ethics included to give a measure of accelerations and
committee approved the study. decelerations.
Injuries were documented according to FIFA outlines (14),
Data Collection but only noncontact soft tissue injuries that prohibited the
Players wore their allocated GPS units for every training injured player from participating in at least 1 match were
session of the year, including recovery sessions and extra included to target injuries, which have a higher possibility of
training, which did not include the whole squad. Exceptions being prevented. If an injury could not be pinpointed to a game
were players who were injured or away on national team or training session (e.g., if a player complained about pain occur-
ring in prior weeks), it was
excluded from the analysis. Play-
ers were assessed for fatigue and
signs of overtraining before every
training session and match
to minimize injury risks. These
assessments included the use of
questionnaires (23,25), hormonal
markers (28), and Heart Rate
Variability (30).

Competitive Game Data

During the season, the team
competed in 28 matches in
which they were not allowed
to wear GPS units. Australian
soccer clubs and stadiums do
not have computerized track-
ing systems, such as AMISCO
Figure 3. Significant difference (p = 0.008) between meters per minute (m$min21) before injury and the season Pro or ProZone, which moni-
average (data are mean 6 SE for 4-week blocks). tor players’ in-game workloads.
Therefore, game data in this

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previously published data for

soccer players in the A-League
Data for youth/reserve team
matches in which players
included in this study partici-
pated were derived with the
same method.
Statistical Analyses
All GPS variables were retro-
spectively analyzed by averag-
ing individual players’ data
across 1 and 4 weeks leading
up to an injury (injury block),
averaging values across 1 and 4
weeks before the injury block
(preinjury block) as well as aver-
Figure 4. Significant difference (p = 0.006) between new body load (arbitrary units) before injury and the season aging values from the beginning
average (data are mean 6 SE for 1-week blocks). of the season to the point of
injury (season average). This
approach served to simplify the
study were not measured but derived from game data collected data and reflected the practical nature of this inves-
collected preseason. Players who completed at least 1 full tigation, as moving averages are commonly used in elite sports
half in a preseason game were categorized according to to track changes in athletes’ training patterns. A player’s indi-
position and positional averages were then calculated for vidual blocks were compared with each other, to determine
in-game workloads. These averages were extrapolated workload differences before injuries occurred (Figure 1).
according to playing time to derive players’ competitive in- A significant difference in a GPS measure between injury
game workloads. and preinjury blocks as well as injury blocks and season
Although not specific to match location, quality of oppo- averages was assessed using analysis of variance with
sition, phase of the season or game status, 8 matches against repeated measures design.
high class opposition and played under varying conditions To reflect the practical nature of the collected data, Cohen’s
were included in these calculations. Results closely matched effect sizes (where h2 = sum of square [between the preinjury
and injury blocks or injury
blocks and season averages]/
total sum of square) (26) were
calculated. Effect sizes were
classified according to Cohen’s
rule of thumb (0.02 = small,
0.13 = medium, 0.26 = large
(7)). Per cent changes of magni-
tude were also calculated.
SPSS statistics version 19 for
Windows (IBM) was used to
analyze the data and a level of
significance was set at 0.05 for
all hypothesis testing.

A total of 16 injuries to 11
players fulfilled the criteria in
this study and were subse-
Figure 5. Significant difference (p = 0.01) between new body load (arbitrary units) before injury and the season quently analyzed. Three of
average (data are mean 6 SE for 4-week blocks). these injuries were sustained in
preseason, whereas 11 injuries

VOLUME 30 | NUMBER 2 | FEBRUARY 2016 | 363

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GPS and Injury Prevention in Professional Soccer

TABLE 3. Mean (SE) of the measurements for 1- and 4-week blocks leading up to and including the day of injury
compared with the seasonal average for both 1- and 4-week blocks, with p values and effect sizes.*†

Injury block Season average p Effect size

1-Week blocks
Total distance 6511.52 (345.56) 7103.74 (149.56) 0.06 0.30
HIR distance 784.60 (73.98) 811.02 (45.61) 0.63 0.02
VHIR distance 276.81 (35.74) 271.59 (22.61) 0.86 ,0.001
New body load 133.07 (8.44) 158.82 (8.49) 0.006† 0.54
Meters per minute 89.00 (3.53) 80.99 (1.46) 0.008† 0.52
4-Week blocks
Total distance 6847.97 (199.20) 7137.87 (168.60) 0.09 0.31
HIR distance 822.86 (49.34) 830.53 (49.37) 0.73 0.02
VHIR distance 308.15 (30.86) 280.29 (25.06) 0.07 0.35
New body load 142.93 (5.36) 158.51 (8.04) 0.01† 0.58
Meters per minute 88.28 (2.58) 82.12 (1.49) 0.008† 0.61

*HIR = High-intensity running; VHIR = Very–high-intensity running.

†p # 0.05.

occurred during competition matches. Injuries were spread for both 1- and 4-week blocks (p = 0.006 and p = 0.01,
evenly across the season, with a slight peak midway through respectively) as shown in Figures 4 and 5.
the season (6 of 16 injuries occurred in December and No other GPS variables compared between injury blocks
January). Hamstring strains were the most common injury and the Season Average yielded significant results. Similarly,
included in this study (n = 4), followed by calf strains (n = 3), comparisons between preinjury blocks and injury blocks
ankle sprains (n = 3), and groin strains (n = 2). yielded no significant results. Mean 6 SE for all block com-
Injured players completed significantly higher meters parisons conducted in this study, along with their p-values
per minute in the injury block compared with the Season and effect sizes are shown in Tables 3 and 4.
Average for both 1- and 4-week blocks (p = 0.008 for both Large effect sizes (effect size .0.26) were observed for
comparisons) as shown in Figures 2 and 3. total distance, new body load and meters per minute in both
Injured players’ mean new body load was significantly 1- and 4-week blocks, as well as for very–high-intensity run-
reduced in injury blocks compared with the Season Average ning distance in 4-week blocks.

TABLE 4. Mean (SE) of the measurements for 1- and 4-week blocks leading up to and including the day of injury
compared with the 1- and 4-week blocks before that, with p values and effect sizes.*

Preinjury block Injury block p Effect size

1-Week blocks
Total distance 7475.53 (263.56) 6511.52 (345.56) 0.08 0.27
HIR distance 907.09 (55.50) 784.60 (73.98) 0.22 0.15
VHIR distance 362.67 (45.79) 276.80 (35.74) 0.17 0.18
New body load 157.35 (7.48) 133.07 (8.44) 0.06 0.31
Meters per minute 87.55 (1.64) 89.00 (3.52) 0.65 0.02
4-Week blocks
Total distance 6952.24 (278.19) 6847.81 (199.20) 0.67 0.02
HIR distance 796.15 (57.85) 822.86 (49.34) 0.60 0.04
VHIR distance 274.92 (30.47) 308.15 (30.86) 0.32 0.12
New body load 145.86 (6.46) 142.92 (5.36) 0.60 0.04
Meters per minute 84.22 (2.22) 88.28 (2.58) 0.14 0.25

*HIR = High-intensity running; VHIR = Very–high-intensity running.

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TABLE 5. Per cent change in magnitude (SE) in all variables for both 1- and 4-week blocks.*†

1 Week 4 Week

Preinjury vs. injury Injury vs. season Preinjury vs. injury Injury vs. season

Total distance 11.15 (6.87) 8.52 (3.96) 0.71 (3.58) 3.99 (2.15)
HIR distance 10.48 (10.63) 3.63 (6.26) 26.11 (7.27) 0.64 (2.61)
VHIR distance 0.94 (0.79) 22.05 (9.65) 20.55 (0.45) 210.82 (5.09)
New body load 13.71 (6.74) 15.40 (4.19) 1.20 (3.95) 9.04 (2.82)
Meters per minute 21.62 (3.46) 29.58 (2.84) 25.10 (3.08) 27.44 (2.15)

*HIR = High-intensity running; VHIR = Very–high-intensity running.

†Calculation for per cent change in a specified measurement (e.g., total distance) between the 2 periods: % change in total
distance = ([Preinjury or season average 2 injury block] 3 100)/preinjury or season average.

Per cent changes in magnitude for all block comparisons Similarly, increased meters per minute during sessions
are shown in Table 5. could also be explained by coaches shortening breaks in
between training drills, thereby increasing training density
DISCUSSION and potentially saving valuable training time. This could
This study identified 2 GPS variables as potential noncontact explain meters per minute increasing while high-intensity
soft tissue injury predictors: average meters per minute and running distances remain constant or even decrease slightly.
average new body load. Average meters per minute Such decreases in rest time in between drills are risk factors
increased significantly by 9.6 and 7.4% from the season themselves and will lead to increases in meters per minute
average blocks to injury blocks for 1 and 4 weeks, respec- across the entire squad.
tively, indicating a general increase in intensity during Although coaches shortening rest periods during training
sessions leading up to injuries. These findings are similar to sessions is conceivable as a contributing factor toward injury
those made by Gabbett (15), who established a link between occurrences during the collection period of this study, it was
increased training intensity and injury occurrences in rugby not an aspect considered at the outset of data collection.
league. Similarly, previous studies have established a correla- However, no conscious efforts by coaches to increase training
tion between high training loads and injury occurrences in density at certain stages of the season were observed.
team sports (16,31) using Foster’s Session RPE method— Results also demonstrated that players averaged signifi-
a product of training duration (volume) and rate of perceived cantly less new body load in blocks leading up to an injury
exertion (intensity). Furthermore, research has found that it compared with their seasonal averages, 15.4 and 9.0% for 1-
is an increase in training load and not necessarily a high load and 4-week blocks, respectively. This initially seems in
itself that increases players’ injury risks (31). contrast to previous research suggesting that increased
To date, no link has been established between session RPE training loads lead to injuries. However, recent studies have
training load and meters per minute during sessions in team highlighted that some modes of training in team sports can
sports. However, it is not surprising that average meters leave players underprepared for the demands of competition
per minute increased before the occurrence of injury as it is play in Rugby League (17) and women’s soccer (18). Eleven
the only variable that demonstrated a real measure of session of 16 injuries investigated in this study occurred in match
intensity with respect to duration. Increases in meters play. A period of relative undertraining during the week(s)
per minute across a period of sessions reveal an increase in leading up to a match, as signified by a lower average new
intensity, even if the overall training load remains relatively body load, could leave players unable to perform the high
constant, as indicated by nonsignificant changes of total number of accelerations and decelerations required during
distance or high-intensity running distances. This may be the competition play. Variations in match intensity during a sea-
case during periods of the season when matches are played son, depending on opposition or score, e.g., could exaggerate
more frequently, allowing for less recovery time between such an “underpreparedness effect” (10).
matches and potentially increasing players’ injury risks (2). A particular focus of this research into differences between
Absolute training load may remain constant or only change training and match play intensities has been repeated bouts
slightly, as coaches try to allow for recovery by shortening of very–high-intensity work or sprints. New body load is the
sessions, not decreasing intensity. The result is an increase in only variable included in this study, which reflects these
average intensity across sessions, potentially leaving players bouts, as new body load incorporates every force measured
unable to adapt or recover adequately. by the triaxial accelerometer sampling at 100 Hz within the

VOLUME 30 | NUMBER 2 | FEBRUARY 2016 | 365

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GPS and Injury Prevention in Professional Soccer

GPS unit. The actual GPS variables included in this study when he plays or trains when his GPS values are doubtful
may not be sensitive enough to measure any underprepared- and to be able to assess whether he can be risked or not.
ness, as they do not include many energy demanding actions Further risk assessment of similar data is needed to help
performed in soccer such as jumping, slide tackling, and maintain a balance between a player’s health and safety and
accelerating and decelerating. Investigating accelerations a club’s urge to succeed. However, the lack of existing def-
and decelerations measured by displacement of the GPS unit inite injury prediction models should not deter clubs from
itself, as opposed to by the accelerometer within the unit, using motion tracking techniques to monitor players’ work-
could confirm these findings. However, accelerations and loads as, at the elite level, a set of GPS units plus a full time
decelerations were not included in this study due to con- analyst, will only cost a fraction of an injured player’s income
cerns over the accuracy and reliability of these variables per week.
measured by the 5 Hz GPS units used (34). The need for an individual approach to injury prevention
Another possible explanation for players averaging a lower using GPS technology is apparent and it is important to
new body load in the weeks leading up to an injury is that distinguish between nonmodifiable risk factors, such as age
they may feel pain, soreness, or fatigue already and therefore or injury history, and modifiable risk factors. The patterns in
“take it easy” during training sessions before breaking down GPS data leading up to injuries observed in this study can
due to the high-intensity demands during a game. justifiably be considered in the latter category.
The concept of players playing when in pain or already This study was limited by FIFA and FFA regulations
injured, without necessarily informing physiotherapists, prohibiting the use of GPS units in competition play and 28
doctors, or coaches at their clubs, is not new and for a variety of 250 sessions were predicted and not measured. Because of
of reasons commonplace in soccer (25). This can lead to the lack of infrastructure in Australian stadiums, soccer
players purposely pacing themselves in training sessions, teams cannot use automated camera tracking systems and it
avoiding strenuous changes of direction and high-intensity is important to conduct similar studies in countries that do
accelerations, while running more at a steady pace to keep use such systems. GPS systems have also developed
the overall distance covered high. In an intense competition markedly since the commencement of this study, with units
match, the opportunities to adequately pace oneself to cover now offering higher sampling rates and analysis software
for an already existing problem are severely limited, and providing more and maybe more relevant variables, which
players can break down as a result of this. warrant investigation. A more sophisticated approach to the
The theory of players purposely pacing themselves best statistical analysis in this study could also help refine the
explains the paradox of having one variable—meters results presented.
per minute—considerably higher leading up to injuries, In conclusion, this study identified 2 GPS variables that
whereas another—new body load—is considerably lower. were related to noncontact soft tissue injuries in professional
However, every effort was made to minimize injury risks for soccer. A significant increase in meters per minute across
the players participating in this study. Players were monitored 1- or 4-week blocks, as well as a significant decrease in new
for fatigue before every training session and game through the body load across 1- and 4-week blocks predisposed soccer
use of several tests. If doubts still persisted, players were then players to injury. Many questions still remain and further
assessed and cleared for full training by physiotherapists. This research is required to investigate if additional GPS variables
made it unlikely that players trained while injured or in an have a relationship with noncontact soft tissue injuries in
injury susceptible state. It also explains the relatively low num- professional soccer players.
ber of soft tissue injury instances in this study.
An increase in training density, i.e., a decrease in rest times PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
while drill times remain constant throughout a training This study has found 2 variables that deserve particular
session, could also explain these training load patterns attention when monitoring soccer players with GPS units
leading up to injuries. Decreased rest times in between for the purpose of injury prevention. These are average
training drills might therefore be considered a contributing meters per minute, when significantly increased compared
factor toward soft tissue injury occurrences. with the Season Average (9.6 and 7.4% for 1- and 4-week
Natural variations in training load occurring over the blocks, respectively), and average new body load, when
course of the season create an obstacle when the findings of significantly decreased compared with the season average
this study are applied in a practical setting. The question of (15.4 and 9.0% for 1- and 4-week blocks, respectively). Both
how many times players showed significantly higher meters variables have been found to be predictors of the non-
per minute or significantly lower new body load in blocks contact soft tissue injuries investigated in this study and
compared with their respective season averages without should therefore be considered modifiable risk factors to
getting injured warrants further investigation. In the high- soccer players’ soft tissue injuries. Meters per minute and
pressure environment of professional soccer, coaches are new body load warrant extra consideration when training
often inclined to risk players when results are needed. It is of sessions are retrospectively analyzed and future training
importance to know how great the injury risk is to a player sessions are planned.

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VOLUME 30 | NUMBER 2 | FEBRUARY 2016 | 367

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