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Name: Nguyen Quang Anh Tuan

ID: 220000683
Class: NNA D2020C


My class had the opportunity to experience an on-site trip to Sunway Hanoi hotel on
October 20th, and I would like to review once again the knowledge I have achieved through
the on-site in this document.
At the beginning, there was a presentation about Sunway Group’s history and how it has
been striving which presented by Ms. Nga-the manager of HR department. I was impressed
of how Sunway Group has thrived just from a tin mine in 1974 to a massive corporation
with 16,000 employees and more than 50 locations in the whole world at the present.
Sunway Group operates in 13 different fields that heavily impact in various aspects of
people’s life. It mainly focuses on real estate, construction, education, and healthcare.
Sunway Hanoi hotel is a 4-star hotel with 143 rooms, 1 restaurant, 1 bar and 2 conference
rooms. The special thing about Sunway hotel is it’s operating with 100% foreign-invested
Not only class related activities, but Ms. Nga personal experience of preparing and taking
part in interviews were also shared. I gained a new lesson with her help and she gave me
new understandings about the interview process through her perspectives as an employer.
Next, we got the chance to look at the room and how a housekeeper makes sure the room
is clean and up to standards. In this section, the housekeeper offered us with knowledge
about how to prepare the room properly and what to do to meet customers’ needs when
through the room’ settings.
Last but not least, the restaurant. Two types of dining tables were introduced, European
styles, and Asian set ups. In fact, those have different language designs. With European
style, knives, folks and plates are the main components. The restaurant manager gave us
very informative presentations on how the guests could express their levels of satisfaction
through folks and knives positions. About the Asian tables, a round turntable was set in the
middle of the table so that different foods can serve everyone. Different from European
tables, Asian tables mainly prepared with chopsticks and spoons. The attention to details
in Asian tables was also very impressive, just through how the tables arranged, we can
partly guess what kinds of food would be served.
To sum up, that 2 hours of taking part in the on-site trip to Sunway hotel provided me with
load of information and knowledge of my subject related to hotel and restaurant. Thanks
to my lovely teacher, Ms. Van Anh and Faculty of Foreign Language, we had an extremely
valuable trip. And I want to express my gratitude to Ms. Nga and other managers for
offering such informative knowledge and helping us imagine the hospitality industry with
the closest perspectives. This definitely affected us in a positive ways.

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