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FCE 225 Section 730

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The Ecology of Life Span Human Development in the Family

FCE 225 Section 730 Summer 2009 Instructor: Andy Saltarelli, M.A. 407 Human Ecology Office Hours: by appointment Cell Phone: 989-944-1056 E-mail:, (for Google Chat) Skype Name: ajsaltarelli AIM: saltsandy Communication Policy: E-mail will be the primary mode of communication for this course. My goal is to respond to your e-mails within 24 hours. I am happy to set up a time to speak with you one-on-one given the following conditions have been met: 1) you have worked for at least 15 minutes on whatever problem you may be having and 2) you have already asked another classmate and not gotten the information you needed. If you ask to speak with me, I will likely ask you whether the previous two conditions have been met. This is not because I do not want to help you or talk with you. I find that students often ask me questions that they themselves could have answered if they had spent a few minutes searching or had asked a classmate. This will allow me the maximum amount of time to interact with students who have important questions about course content. I would prefer to speak with you either via Skype or Google Chat or AIM (see information above). Through e-mail, we can set up a time to chat online via one of these technologies. Please call my cell phone as a last resort. This will reduce both of us having to use phone minutes. Introduction: This course is an introduction to life span human development from an ecological perspective. Topics include physical development, motor development, cognitive development, social development, and personality development. This course will be held entirely online through the ANGEL course management system here at Michigan State University (MSU). There will be no face-to-face classes or tests. In a traditional lecture section of this course you would spend six or more hours each week in class listening to lectures. In this class, rather than spending your time in a large room listening and taking notes, you will devote that time to carefully reading your textbook, actively preparing written assignments, and taking examinations. The instructional materials and assignments are designed to help you be actively involved in the course. Your instructor will respond to e-mail communication about the course material, prepare examinations, and issue grades. In general, the instructor serves as a guide and consultant as you learn the course material. Lectures: PowerPoint presentations associated with major course topics will be posted on ANGEL. Each week, a learning module will open on ANGEL with a number of short PowerPoint lectures and other supplemental materials included in each module. The modules will open on the Monday (by 8am) of the week they are assigned per the course schedule. Minor adjustments may be made to the schedule with regard to the topics covered each week although the schedule of exams and other due dates will not change. Some of the PowerPoint lectures will be accompanied by a short audio lecture while others will not. These PowerPoint presentations are not intended to be a principal source of information. They emphasize and reinforce some of the concepts associated with the reading assignments. Thus, reading the text is essential to your success in this class. The PowerPoint lectures are offered here only for your own personal use while you are enrolled in this course. Some supplementary materials will also be posted to enrich your learning.

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Instructional Resources: Required: Berger, K. (2008). The Developing Person Through the Lifespan (7th Ed.). New York: Worth Publishers. ISBN: 071676072X This book is required. It is a major comprehensive lifespan development textbook. It contains most of the information that you will be expected to learn in this course. Since you will not be attending class, you will have time and be expected to read each chapter very thoroughly and several times. The companion web site can be found at: which includes chapter outlines, practices tests, and many other useful resources. Access to ANGEL: The course homepage can be found by logging in with your MSU net ID and password at and then clicking on the link FCE225 Section 730. If you enter your MSU net ID and password and you cannot open the page, please work through the Help section on the left side of the screen, or call the MSU Virtual University Help Desk at 1-800-500-1554 (North America and Hawaii) or 1-517-355-2345 (local and international). Please put these numbers in your cell phone and have them on a paper by your computer. Remember, if these numbers are only in ANGEL and you cant get into ANGEL then you have a problemJ Course Objectives: This course is designed as an introduction to the processes and principles that shape the experience of human development from conception and birth to age and death. Students will be introduced to the broad body of scholarship that informs the field of human development and will be challenged to critically evaluate their assumptions about the nature of human growth and change. This course is designed to provide all students with (1) a broad academic foundation in the behavioral and social sciences and, (2) an opportunity for exploration of issues important for personal development. By the completion of this course, students should be able to: 1. Describe the basic pattern of development from conception and birth to old age and death. 2. Describe the forces that shape how individuals develop differently from each other. 3. Analyze how different levels of context impact personal experience at each stage of development. 4. Identify and review the scientific literature relevant for understanding developmental issues. 5. Explain how developmental principles can be applied to shaping the development of others in professional roles and settings. 6. Identify personal plans and develop strategies for how to shape ones own development. Course Requirements: Personal Development Project (70 Points) Each student is required to complete one hands-on out-of-class explorations of the forces that shape human development and the processes by which humans can shape their own development. The activities will be handed in on three separate occasions during the semester and each will include: (1) a structured report about each activity (2) physical documentation of all activities completed (3) a short reflection essay (1-2 pages) regarding the lessons gained from the experience Students may choose from a list of activities provided by the instructor or may negotiate equivalent activities approved in advance by the instructor. Additional details about the project will be posted on ANGEL during the first week of class. Papers are due by Saturday, June 27th by 11:59am Eastern Standard Time. No late projects will be accepted (i.e. you will receive a zero on the late assignment). If you are unable to turn in your assignment on time due to a major personal crisis and wish the due date to be extended, please e-mail your instructor prior to the due date. In any case, no more than five days of extension will be allowed.

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Research Review Paper (50 points): Each student is required to write a brief (2-3 page) review of one empirical research article published in a peerreviewed, scholarly human science journal that provides some insight into a developmental question of personal interest. Details of the assignment, including evaluation criteria, will be included in a handout posted on ANGEL. This review must include: (1) a brief introduction with an explicit statement of the question to be explored (2) a description of the study including the methods and findings (3) proper documentation and citation of the articles used. Papers are due by Saturday, June 20th by 11:59am Eastern Standard Time. No late projects will be accepted (i.e. you will receive a zero on the late assignment). Student Responses (5 x 10 =50 points): As a part of the learning modules each week, you will be asked to respond to a set of questions related to the material. This may take the form or a short quiz or short essay in response to a critical thinking activity. Think of this as class participation. This will help me to know that you are tracking with the material and engaging with the concepts. Student responses will be dispersed throughout the six weeks of the course. Exams (4 x 60 = 240): Four exams will be administered to assess students mastery of essential course principles and concepts during the course. Each exam will be comprised of a combination of true/false and multiple-choice questions. Questions from the exams will come from both the lectures and readings in the textbook. In order to do well on the exams, it is essential that you carefully read the text, sometimes multiple times to grasp the concepts. All exams will be administered on the scheduled dates. Exams cannot be taken early. You must take these exams within their specific time windows. The exams will be taken online, and you may log in any time within the specified 24-hour period. After you log in, you will have sixty minutes to complete each exam. If you do not complete the exam within its time limit, the portion that you have completed will be automatically saved and submitted for grading. It will become your completed exam. You many take an exam only once, and an exam must be taken only at its scheduled time. Correct answers to exam items will not be provided. You are expected to work alone on these exams. Exams are closed-book meaning you are not to use your textbook, the Internet, or any other outside resource. They are to be your own work. Exams will be administered on the following four days: 1. 2. 3. 4. Exam 1: 8:00am (EST) on Tues. June 2nd to 8:00am on Wed. June 3rd Exam 2: 8:00am (EST) on Tues. June 9th to 8:00am on Wed. June 10th Exam 3: 8:00am (EST) on Tues. June 16th to 8:00am on Wed. June 17th Exam 4: 8:00am (EST) on Tues. June 30th to 8:00am on Wed. July 1st

FCE 225 Section 730 Course Grade: PDP Research Review Student Responses (5x10) Exams (4x60) Total Possible 70 points 50 points 50 points 240 points 410 points

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Your final course grade will be based on the percent of the possible total points that you earn and based on the following grading scale. 92- 100 85- 91% 80- 84% 75- 79% 70- 74% 65- 69% 60- 64% 59% or less = 377 - 410 = 348 - 376 = 328 - 347 = 307 - 327 = 287 - 306 = 266 - 286 = 246 - 265 = 0 - 245 = 4.0 = 3.5 = 3.0 = 2.5 = 2.0 = 1.5 = 1.0 = 0.0

Schedule of Events and Assignments: Module Date 1 May 18-May 24 Topic Course Introduction The Study of Human Development; Theories of Development Reproduction, Heredity, and Prenatal Development Birth and Infancy Early Childhood Middle childhood Adolescence and Early Adulthood Middle Adulthood Late Adulthood The End of Life Reading l Syllabus l l Chapters 1-3 l Assignment Log onto ANGEL and become familiar with it. Student Response #1

2 3 4 5

May 25-May 31 June 1-June 7 June 8-June14 June 15-June 21

l l l l

Chapters 4-7 Chapters l 8-13 Chapters l 14-19 Chapters l 20-22 l Chapters l 23-Epi. l

6 X

June 22-June 28 June 29-July2

Exam 1: 8:00am (EST) 6.2.09 to 8:00am on 6.3.09 (Ch. 1-7) Exam 2: 8:00am (EST) 6.9.09 to 8:00am on 6.10.09 (Ch. 8-13) Exam 3: 8:00am (EST) 6.16.09 to 8:00am on 6.17.09 (Ch. 14-19) Research Review Paper Due: Sat., 6.20.09 by 11:59am (EST) PDP Due: Sat., 6.27.09 by 11:59am (EST) Exam 4: 8:00am (EST) 6.30.09 to 8:00am on 7.1.09 (Ch. 20-Epi)

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Additional Expectations Since this is an online course, the following additional expectations apply. 1. Observe rules of online courtesy and etiquette. 2. Read assigned textbook material and complete assignments pursuant to the schedule. 3. Take all exams at the time they are scheduled. In order to make up any exam you must have a valid reason. Your instructor will judge whether a reason is valid. 4. Respect the fact that all PowerPoint presentations and all exams are only for your own personal use while taking this course. These materials are copyrighted. They are not to be copied, distributed, or adapted in any way. 5. Be familiar with University policy concerning correction of grades (see Academic Programs). Note: a grade will not be changed unless it is in error. 6. Be familiar with University policy concerning integrity of scholarship and grades (see following section). Do not collaborate with anyone in completing exams! 7. Use Message Boards and other aspects of the course ANGEL Web site only for your personal use as a student enrolled in this section of FCE225. 8. Do not allow anyone else to access the ANGEL Web site for this course for any reason. 9. Limit your communication on the ANGEL Web site only to the academic content of this course. Personal information is governed by all MSU regulations and policies, including Acceptable Use of Computing Systems, Software, and the University Digital Network. 10. Message Board and communications will be publicly posted. 11. Participation is governed by all MSU regulations and policies, including Acceptable Use of Computing Systems, Software., and the University Digital Network 12. Participants are advised that postings that deviated from these requirements may be deleted. Postings may also be deleted if they create significant disruption in the forum due to length, repetition, embedded executable code, or other technical characteristics. 13. MSU reserves the right to modify these guidelines as deemed appropriate in light of experience gained using the software for this purpose.

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Integrity of scholarship and grades (All-University Policy) The following statement of University was approved by the Academic Council and the Academic Senate, and serves as the definitive statement of principle and procedure to be used in instances of academic dishonesty. 1. The principle of truth and honesty are recognized as fundamental to a community of teachers and scholars. The University expects that both faculty and students will honor these principles and in so doing protect the validity of University grades. This means that all academic work will be done by the student whom it is assigned, without unauthorized aid of any kind. (See General Student Regulation 1.00. Scholarship and Grades, for specific regulations.) Instructors, for their part will exercise care in the planning and supervision of academic work, so that honest effort will be positively encouraged. 2. If any instances of academic dishonesty is discovered by an instructor, it is his or her responsibility to take appropriate action. Depending in his or her judgment of the particular case, he or her may give failing grade to the students academic dean in writing of the circumstances. 3. In instances where a failing grade in a course is given only for academic dishonesty, the instructor will notify the students academic dean in writing of he circumstances. 4. The student who receives a failing grade based on a charge of academic dishonesty may appeal a judgment made by a department, school, or a collage. Refer to Academic Freedom for Students at Michigan State University, Section 2.4.7 and 4.5.4. 5. When in the judgment of the academic dean, action other than, or in addition to, a failing grade is warranted, the dean, action other than, or in addition to, a failing grade is warranted, the dean will refer the case to the college-level hearing board which shall have original jurisdiction. In the case of ambiguous jurisdiction, the appropriate judiciary will be randomly selected by the assistant provost from one of the three core colleges. Appeals from the judgment may be made to the All-University Academic Integrity Review Board. Refer to Academic Freedom for Students at Michigan State University, Section 2.4.7 and 4.5.4. 6. In instances of academic dishonesty where the instructor feels that action other than, or in addition to, a failing grade in the course is warranted, the instructor will report the case to his or her department or school chairperson and to the students academic dean. The dean will then refer the case to the college-level hearing board, which shall have original jurisdiction. Refer to Academic Freedom for Students at Michigan State University, Section 2.4.7 and 4.5.4 (See also: Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities, Article 5; or Medical Student Right and Responsibilities, Article 5.) --Academic Council --Academic Senate --November 18, 1969, Revised July, 1990 --Editorial revisions as printed in Academic Programs 2000

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