Assignment Quality Management Systems (Autorecovered)

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GROUP ASSIGNMENT QUESTION:1a) Explain the crucial success factors for new product development.

b) Using examples, distinguish continuous innovation, radical innovation
and disruptive innovation (13)
1a) Explain the critical success factors for new product development

Market research is essential for businesses to comprehend the requirements and preferences
of potential customers. This process involves collecting information on market trends,
competitors, and customer behavior. By analyzing this data, companies can create products
that cater to customer needs and stand out from their competitors. According to(Kotler and
Keller's ,2019), market research is crucial for business success.
The design of the product is also critical to its success. The product should be functional,
reliable, and easy to use. It should also be aesthetically pleasing and appeal to the target
market. A well-designed product can create a positive first impression and help to build brand
loyalty. Product design plays in shaping consumer behavior and driving market acceptance.
This is by Norman,2013 as he emphasizes the importance of user-centered design and how
well-designed products can enhance user experience, and satisfaction, and ultimately lead to
the success of new product development initiatives.

Before launching a new product, it’s important to test prototypes with potential customers.
This can help to identify any issues or weaknesses in the product design and provide valuable
feedback for making improvements. Prototype testing can also help to build excitement and
anticipation for the product launch. According to (Ries,2011) there is great importance of
prototype testing in minimizing waste and maximizing value in the new product development
process. He argues that by testing a minimum viable product (MVP) with real customers,
companies can validate their assumptions, gather feedback, and make data-driven decisions
about product development. This approach can help companies save time and resources by
avoiding the development of products that do not meet customer needs.

According to ( Heskett ,1985) the significance of manufacturing process knowledge in

product development could lead to more efficient and effective designs, reducing
development time and costs. The manufacturing process is another critical factor in new
product development. Companies need to ensure that they have the necessary resources and
capabilities to produce the product at scale. This includes having access to reliable suppliers,
efficient production processes, and quality control measures.
A strong marketing strategy is essential for launching a successful new product. Companies
need to develop a clear and compelling message that resonates with their target market. They
also need to choose the right channels for reaching their audience, such as social media, email
marketing, or traditional advertising. A well-executed marketing campaign can help to
generate buzz and drive sales. According to Cengiz () the importance of managing marketing
strategies effectively in the context of new product development projects. They emphasize the
significance of understanding how marketing strategies impact the success of new products
and highlight the need for comprehensive research in this area

## Launch Planning

## Customer Support
Finally, providing excellent customer support is essential for ensuring the long-term success
of a new product. Companies need to have a plan in place for addressing customer questions,
concerns, and feedback. They should also have processes in place for tracking customer
satisfaction and making improvements based on customer feedback. Providing excellent
customer support can help to build brand loyalty and create positive word-of-mouth
marketing for the new product.This is a critical success factor for new product development.
his is a critical success factor for new product development.

b) using examples to distinguish continuous innovation, radical innovation, and disruptive


Continuous Innovation

Continuous innovation refers to the gradual and incremental improvements made to existing
products, services, or processes. It involves making small adjustments and enhancements
over time to maintain competitiveness and meet evolving customer needs. Continuous
innovation is often driven by feedback from customers, market trends, or advancements in
An example of continuous innovation is the evolution of smartphones. Companies like Apple
and Samsung regularly release new models with improved features such as better cameras,
faster processors, and longer battery life. These incremental changes keep consumers engaged
and satisfied while maintaining the companies’ market positions.

Radical Innovation

Radical innovation involves significant breakthroughs that fundamentally change the way
products or services are developed, delivered, or consumed. It often requires a shift in
thinking or the adoption of new technologies to create entirely new solutions that disrupt
existing markets. Radical innovation can lead to the creation of entirely new industries or
business models.

A classic example of radical innovation is the introduction of the first iPhone by Apple in
2007. The iPhone revolutionized the mobile phone industry by combining a phone, music
player, and internet device into one sleek package with a user-friendly interface. This radical
innovation not only transformed Apple’s business but also reshaped the entire smartphone

Disruptive Innovation

Disruptive innovation refers to innovations that create new markets or value networks,
eventually displacing established market leaders and alliances. Disruptive innovations
typically start by targeting underserved or overlooked segments of the market with simpler,
more affordable solutions before gradually moving upmarket to challenge incumbents.
Disruptive innovations often initially underperform traditional products but eventually
surpass them in performance and value.

A prominent example of disruptive innovation is Netflix’s transition from a DVD rental

service to a streaming platform. Initially focusing on mail-order DVDs, Netflix disrupted the
traditional video rental industry dominated by Blockbuster. By shifting its focus to online
streaming, Netflix created a new market for on-demand entertainment that eventually led to
the decline of Blockbuster’s brick-and-mortar stores.

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