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The Lonely

A Mysterious Location

by Matthew Sanderson
The Lonely Throne
A Mysterious Location for MÖRK BORG
by Matthew Sanderson

THE TALES THEY TELL become known as the Lonely Throne.

The Lonely Throne was once so ornate

here is a tale told by some who that it would have been fit for any king or
have ventured to Graven-Tosk queen that has ever lived, or ever will live.
seeking the riches that lie waiting But the passage of untold years has taken
in its crypts. They speak of the many its inevitable toll. Just like the names
statues that stand silently over the resting carved long ago upon the two gravestones,
dead. Among these stone watchers are the the detail that once adorned the Lonely
winged heralds of long-dead gods, faceless Throne has been worn away, leaving
recreations of the corpses laying before behind only hints of its long-lost grandeur.
them, and veiled mourners whose carved The tales say that those who seek this
tears will never reach the ground. place find its location changes with every
The tale varies from person to person. visit. Only by following the changing path
Some claim to have seen it with their own laid out by the veiled mourners will
eyes, and some state they have only heard seekers find it. But why would someone
the accounts second- or even third-hand. seek out this place? Because it is said that
Nonetheless, they all agree that there is those who sit upon the Lonely Throne, in
something strange about all the statues of the resting place of the innumerable dead,
the veiled mourners: a single finger on on the darkest nights, can attract the
their left hand points to another statue of attention of something buried deep under
their kind. Graven-Tosk that can grant them
Following their directions, from statue forbidden knowledge, for a price.
to statue, leads the curious visitor to a What secrets of the grave have been
rectangular plot surrounded by a low, imparted to those brave enough to sit
crumbling stone wall. On either side of the upon the Lonely Throne, and what price
entrance to the plot are a pair of they paid, none dare say with certainty.
gravestones. Opposite them, built into the There is one fact that all tellers of the tale
wall, is a high-backed stone chair. Two can agree upon though: not all that follow
veiled mourners stand beyond that far the path of the veiled mourners return to
wall, looking over this chair which has tell what they may have found.
can replace such encounters with Encounter 2,
below, or an encounter of their choice).

tatues of veiled mourners are
visible from many of the well- 2. Nothing happens. The PCs pass through
trodden pathways through the seemingly never-ending landscape of
Graven-Tosk. The PCs will pass by d3+3 eroded headstones and crumbling crypts.
veiled mourners as they head deeper into They feel as though they are being
the cemetery, before they reach the Lonely watched from all sides by unseen eyes.
Throne. The same number of encounters
from the table below awaits them along 3. A Wraith guarding a crypt attacks the
the way. How long it takes to travel PCs for venturing too close to its resting
between each statue is decided by the GM. place. Should the Wraith be defeated and
they search the crypt, the PCs may find
Encounters [d10] treasure within (Roll on the Occult Treasures
In the event that an encounter is rolled more table in the MÖRK BORG rulebook).
than once in a single journey, the GM should
select the next encounter up the table that has 4. Rat-infested crypt. The ground under
not yet been rolled to prevent repetition. If there d4 PCs’ feet gives way and drops them into
are no unused encounters going up the table, a collapsed crypt filled with hundreds of
then go down instead. hungry rats. What the rats lack in
strength, they make up for in numbers. d8
1. Wrong turn. The PCs lose sight of the hungry rats attack each PC each round.
next veiled mourner and find themselves PCs can climb out of the crypt with Agility
back on a main path through Graven-Tosk. tests (DR14). The rats cannot escape the
They must find another statue to forge a crypt to pursue their prey. [HUNGRY
new route to the Lonely Throne. RATS: HP 2, Morale -, Bite d4]
(On subsequent attempts to reach the
Lonely Throne, if 5. d4 Blood-Drenched Skeletons lurk in a
the PCs roll for large, water-filled open grave the PCs pass
an encounter by. They attempt to drown the PCs in the
they have muddy depths (assuming they are not
had on a torn apart in the process).
the GM
6. A Grotesque lurks among the crypts
lining the path the PCs take. It ambushes
the PC at the back of the group.

7. d6 Prowlers are breaking into a crypt.

The PCs can attempt to sneak past them
with Agility tests (DR14) but if any fail,
they are all spotted by the Prowlers. Quick-
thinking PCs may attempt a Presence test
(DR16) to convince the Prowlers that they
are not interested in the crypt or its
contents (d20 in silver per Prowler
present), otherwise they are attacked.

8. Plague pit. The PCs pass an open plague

pit filled with hundreds of bodies of men,
women and children. A cloud of disease-
carrying flies hangs over the pit and
quickly moves to envelop the PCs. The flies
can be evaded with an Agility test (DR16).
PCs touched by the flies become infected if
they fail a Toughness test (DR12).

9. Remains of a former tomb robber.

A maggot-ridden corpse lays where it fell,
still clutching an equipment pack. d6
maggots will burrow into the skin of
anyone that searches the corpse (roll on the
Corpse Plundering table in the MÖRK BORG
rulebook) and fails an Agility test (DR12).
Each maggot inflicts 1 damage per day as
it burrows through its host’s flesh until it
is cut out (inflicting 1 damage to the host
per maggot removed). Until every maggot
has been removed, a host gains no benefit
from resting.
10. Night falls. Maybe the PCs travelled after the moon is fully obscured.
slowly and cautiously, or perhaps the route This encounter allows the PCs to search the
through the cemetery was longer than cemetery the next day for what they might need
expected. By the time the PCs reach the to pay the entity, should they not already
next statue, night has fallen, forcing them possess it (see Optional below).
to make camp at the base of the statue.
Roll for nocturnal encounters [d10]: Arriving at the Lonely Throne:
1-4: The night is far from quiet, filled At the end of the trail of statues, the
with the sounds and cries of the many PCs find themselves at the Lonely Throne,
unseen things that lurk in Graven-Tosk, as described in The Tales They Tell. The air
but the PCs are not attacked. is still and silent. An intense feeling of
5-7: d8 hungry rats (see stats above) are loneliness comes over the PCs as it
attracted by the presence of the PCs and suddenly feels like they are last remaining
intend to feast on the unsuspecting prey. souls alive in an otherwise dead world.
They can all be scared away by fire and a
successful Presence test (DR10). Optional:
8-10: d4 Prowlers raid the camp, intent If the GM decides/rolls that sitting on
on killing the PCs so they can easily steal the Lonely Throne will summon
their rations and equipment. Kemagataan (see The Entity), and if no
In the cases of 5-7 and 8-10 above, PCs possesses one, the GM should
approaching enemies can be detected with consider allowing the PCs to find one or
a successful Presence test (DR12 if more crucifixes during their journey
awake/on watch, DR16 if asleep). Enemies through Graven-Tosk. Encounters 3, 7 and
that are undetected automatically win 9 are good opportunities for this. Roll d6 to
initiative in the first round of combat. determine if it is wood (1-4) or silver (5-6).
In addition to nocturnal encounters, at Additionally, as Encounter 10 can
midnight the moon emerges from behind provide the PCs with a valuable chance to
the clouds, illuminating the statue which prepare for their arrival at the Lonely
then speaks to the PCs. It is one of the Throne, the GM can opt to forgo rolling for
unfortunate souls that was not able to pay the PCs third encounter and simply use
what was demanded of them when they Encounter 10 instead (if not already used).
sat on the Lonely Throne. It warns the PCs If the PCs wish to search the cemetery
of what costs the entity may demand in for anything (e.g. an unopened, trapped
return for what is has to offer. (The GM crypt containing Occult Treasures;
may now roll/choose from the Entity table and Prowlers that can be used as sacrifices,
can summerize the entries on the Cost table for etc.) a Presence test (DR12) can be
the PCs). As the moonlight fades, the statue attempted once per interval between
begs the PCs to turn back. It falls silent statues from a suitable vantage point.
onely Thro



Veiled Mourner Statue

Stone Slab Stone Slab

Low Sto
one Wa

ne Wall
Low St
cemetery filled with innumerable undead.
A zombie emerges from each entrance

he GM can either roll on the table every other round of the fight. PCs can flee
below to determine the nature of and outrun the zombies with a successful
the entity that appears when a PC Agility test (DR14).
sits on the Lonely Throne or choose [Uthoux: HP 20, Morale -, Barrier
whichever option they prefer. In all cases, (necro) -d6, Strike d6, Special may
the entity only appears to those who sit on successfully use Powers from unclean
the throne after darkness falls over scrolls listed in the MÖRK BORG rulebook
Graven-Tosk. and from the What is Offered list in the
fight a number of times equal to the
What is summoned? [d3] number of PCs present +d4. PCs cannot
1. Uthoux, an undead necromancer. use Powers in the lich’s presence]
The lich’s appearance is preceded by a
near-deafening thunderclap as five 2. Dvasekgia, a powerful wraith.
lightning bolts shoot to the ground within The phantom’s appearance is preceded
feet of the PCs. by fog rolling in from across the
Immediately after the flash, Uthoux is surrounding cemetery. Visibility reduces
stood in front of the Lonely Throne, to just a few feet in every direction.
looking down at the PC sat upon it. The The phantom slowly rises from the
lich is eight-feet tall, resembling a walking ground in the center of the plot. It is
corpse with decaying, grey skin through ethereal and slightly luminescent. It turns
which the occasional bone protrudes. Its towards the PC sat upon the Lonely
eye sockets are vacant pits filled with Throne. Despite Dvasekgia’s almost
darkness, yet it is still able to see. It is transparent quality, it has substance and
partially clothed in moldy rags and a can interact with its environment. Its
crown of twisted, black metal sits skeletal body is wrapped in what appears
precariously upon its almost bald head. to be a long, hooded robe that conceals all
Uthoux offers unclean scrolls of its but its hands and lower part of its skull. Its
own creation. robe billows around it, but there is no
In addition to its own attacks, if wind.
Uthoux is attacked, angered or the PCs Dvasekgia offers the locations of lost
refuse the terms of its offer, it can call treasures buried in the cemetery.
upon its undead servants to attack the In addition to its own attacks, if
PCs. The slabs covering the two graves Dvasekgia is attacked, angered or the PCs
inside the plot are pushed aside from refuse the terms of its offer, it can call
below, revealing steps leading down to a upon spirits of the dead to attack the PCs.
network of tunnels extending across the Two ghosts rise out of the slabs covering
the two graves inside the plot. These into a form that resembles a walking
ghosts function as wraiths, but they three-dimensional shadow. It leans over
cannot be harmed directly by any weapons the PC sat upon the Throne, breathing
or Powers. To defeat them, the PCs must heavily. Kemagataan is humanoid, about
destroy their earthly remains in the two seven-feet tall. Its legs are bent the wrong
graves. The stone slab covering the way and it has cloven hoofs. Atop its head
remains can be moved away with a are a pair of curled horns. Its hands are
Strength test (DR14) or smashed open (HP claw-like. Its face is mercifully hidden
10, no attack roll needed, just roll damage), behind by a veil of shadows. If revealed, its
allowing access to the mummified face is a terrible sight to behold.
remains below (HP 15, no attack roll Kemagataan offers forbidden
needed, just roll damage). PCs can flee and knowledge from throughout the ages.
outrun the ghosts with a successful Agility In addition to its own attacks, if
test (DR16). The fog covers the whole Kemagataan is attacked, angered or the
cemetery and lifts only at sunrise. PCs refuse the terms of its offer, it can call
[Dvasekgia: HP 30, Morale -, Barrier upon its Pale One servants to attack the
(necro) -d4, Touch d6 + special, Special PCs. The slabs covering the two graves
exceptionally fast and very difficult to hit inside the plot sink into the ground,
(DR16). Always wins initiative due to its revealing seemingly bottomless pits of
alacrity. Each touch drains all abilities by 1 darkness. From these Tartarean depths
for the duration of the fight] emerge 1d4 Pale Ones each turn. Each is
considered to have rolled a 3 for its
3. Kemagataan, a forgotten god. specialty, allowing it to use one random
The deity’s appearance is preceded by unclean Power in the fight. PCs can flee
darkness enveloping everything beyond and outrun the Pale Ones with a successful
the wall. Only the area within the confines Agility test (DR16). The darkness covers
of the plot remains visible, illuminated by the entire cemetery and lifts only at
a sickly light of an indeterminate origin. sunrise.
Crucifixes the PCs carry start to glow. [Kemagataan: HP 40, Morale -, No
The darkness to the left of the Lonely armor (see below), Claws d8, Lightning
Throne swirls and thickens, solidifying Bolt 2d8, Special may only be harmed by
Powers or crucifixes (wood d4, silver d8).
May also use its Lightning Bolt attack to

attack up to 1d4 separate targets each he three entities offer different
round (roll the 1d4 each round). It may also gifts to each PC that sits upon the
reveal its face, permanently reducing all Lonely Throne. Roll on the tables
the abilities of any PC who sees it by 1 below to determine what they are
(only effects a PC once)] prepared to offer. This (like The Cost that
follows) is non-negotiable.
In each case above, the entity cannot be
truly killed (they are already dead). Nor Uthoux
can it be outrun. The entity is only (Unclean Scrolls) [d10]
dispelled upon reaching 0 HP, causing it
to fade away into nothingness and return 1. Paralyzing Touch. Completely paralyze
to the nether realm from whence it came. a creature for d4 rounds (they cannot
There, it will wait to be summoned again attack or defend while paralyzed, thus
by the next soul that dares to sit upon the attacks against this creature automatically
Lonely Throne. Upon its next appearance, succeed and only damage need be rolled).
it returns with its full HP.
2. Armor of Death. Gain armor Barrier
Optional: (necro) -d4 for d10 rounds.
If the PCs wish to destroy the Lonely
Throne, this could have one (or both) of 3. Dead Zone. Powers from sacred scrolls
the following effects. One, this can prevent may not be used by anyone within 30 feet
the entity from returning in the future for d10 minutes.
after being dispelled. Two, damaging the
Lonely Throne also damages the entity, 4. Rigor Mortis. A creature of your choice
(giving the PCs more of a chance in gets -d6 on its next roll of your choice
combat). Damage done to the Throne (damage, test etc.).
reduces the entity’s HP (no attack roll
needed, just roll damage). At 0 HP, both 5. Wraith Calling. Summons the spirit of a
the entity and the Throne are destroyed. dead creature (its name must be known)
as a wraith. They are not compelled by this 1. The treasure of a wealthy merchant.
Power to obey commands of the The crypt with their skeletal remains also
summoner. contains bags full of silver pieces (d10 x100
silver in total).
6. Wraith Command. A single wraith will
blindly obey your commands for d10 2. The treasure of a wealthy long-dead
minutes. noble. The vault with their remains, which
have long-since turned to dust, also
7. Drain. Steal d8 HP from a single contains crates full of silver pieces (d10
creature (any HP gained that would x100 silver per PC in the party).
exceed your max HP are lost).
3. A staff made from the bough of a dead
8. Ghost Walk. Become incorporeal for d6 tree. When pointed towards the sky, once
rounds (you can pass through solid per day, the staff can change the weather
objects, you cannot be harmed by physical within a one-mile radius. The new weather
weapons, but you can be harmed by lasts until the next dawn (Roll on the
Powers). Weather table in the MÖRK BORG rulebook to
determine the new weather conditions).
9. Contagion. All living creatures within 30
feet become infected. 4. Iron manacles that can bind any
creature (corporeal or not) and from
10. Undead Servitor. One creature, dead which they cannot escape. Roll to bind
for no more than a day, is risen as a them as a Melee attack against the target.
zombie that blindly obeys all your The manacles drain 1 HP from their owner
commands. for every whole day they bind a creature in
this manner. The owner cannot regain HP
Dvasekgia (Lost Treasures in any way while the manacles are in use.
in Graven-Tosk)[d10] If the owner dies, the manacles
automatically open, freeing the creature.
While Dvasekgia can offer directions to the
locations of the treasures listed below, it does 5. A plate gauntlet that increases the
not inform the PCs of any traps that might need Strength of those that wear it by +1 (to a
to be avoided in order to obtain them, as that is maximum of +6), but reduces Agility by -1
not part of the entity’s service. If the PCs (to a minimum of -3) while it is worn.
attempt to obtain any of these items, roll on the Removing the gauntlet flays the hand
Traps and Devilry table in the MÖRK BORG inside (inflicting d6 damage) as it bonds
rulebook to determine what complications with the wearers skin seconds after being
await them. worn.
6. A spyglass that allows its user to
perceive their surroundings as though
night were day, and adds +1 to perception-
based Presence tests (to a maximum of +6).
If used during the day, the user gains no
benefit from the device and intense light
blinds them in the eye they used for d10

7. An oil lantern made with a red stained-

glass globe. Creatures fighting PCs in the
presence of the lantern (when it is lit) roll
an additional d6 when rolling for morale.
The lantern consumes oil more rapidly
than normal lanterns, with its reserve
lasting Presence +6 minutes rather than

8. A sealed glass bottle containing a

trapped lightning bolt. This acts as a
lantern that never goes out while intact
and unopened. If the seal is broken, the
lightning bolt will shoot out in the
direction the open bottle top is pointed,
hitting an opponent with a successful
Presence test (DR12, d8 damage). Upon a
failure, or if the bottle is otherwise broken
open, the lightning bolt hits the nearest
creature instead (e.g. anyone holding the
bottle, etc.).

9. A sword made of flawless crystal.

Requiring only one hand to use, this
magical blade is designed specifically to
harm wraiths, inflicting d10 damage per
successful strike. If used against any other
creature/target, the blade shatters and is
useless, while also dealing no damage.
10. An ancient tome of blasphemies. The from their ears, eyes and nose (causing d2
book is written in a dead language lost to damage in the process).
the passage of time, and the text on each 4. All PCs present can feel the
page never appears to be the same twice. blasphemous words gnaw away at their
Successfully reading aloud, phonetically, a mind and erode their grip on reality.
passage from the book requires a Presence Everyone (including the reader) must
test (DR14). If failed, the reader invokes make a Presence test (DR12) or lose 1
the wrath of ancient gods and Presence permanently (to a minimum of
spontaneously erupts in green fire causing -3). Creatures are not affected.
d6 damage at the end of each round until
the reader succeeds an Agility test (DR14) Kemagataan
to put out the flames. (Forbidden Knowledge)
If the Presence test is successful, roll d4
for the blasphemy’s effect: This entity has no table to roll on. It is
1. Up to d4 creatures of the reader’s intended as a plot-device that can help
choice spontaneously erupt in green fire GMs advance their stories (assuming that
(d6 damage at the end of each round for they are using The Lonely Throne in an
d6 rounds). ongoing adventure) or help PCs that are
2. Up to d6 creatures of the reader’s stuck trying to solve a particular problem.
choice are mesmerized by the Kemagataan may offer knowledge that
blasphemous spoken words. They will not may have otherwise been lost to the
attack or defend while they are passage of time or is otherwise hidden
mesmerized, thus attacks against these from many in the wider world. The GM
targets automatically succeed and only can use this to impart knowledge to the
damage need be rolled. They remain PCs that they may find useful. This can be
mesmerized each round that the reader framed as Kemagataan allowing the PCs
successfully makes a Presence test (DR14) to ask any one question, the answer to
to continue reading and perform no other which could aid them with their current
action. If one of these rolls on a campaign (e.g. “How can I bring Anthelia
subsequent round is failed, all remaining the vibrant life she craves?”). Alternatively,
mesmerized targets are enraged and Kemagataan may offer them the answer to
immediately attack the reader. They will a question it poses about something the
not stop until the reader has been GM plans to use in future adventures (e.g.
destroyed, or they fail a morale test. “Do you want to know what Josilfa Migol’s
3. All living beings (apart from the deepest, darkest secret is?”, etc.).
reader) within audible range lose all
actions for the following d2 rounds as they
are gripped by agonizing pain, bleeding
requires a Presence test (DR14). If the PC is
not successful within the passage of d4

f a PC accepts moons, they will suffer the entity’s wrath
the entity’s (see Dire Consequences following).
offer, whatever
it may be, they must pay the cost Costs 1-4 must be paid before the PC leaves
it demands before they receive that Graven-Tosk or the sun rises (whichever
which they desire. comes first). Should the PCs go searching
for payment (e.g. an unopened, trapped
The cost is that the PC must… [d6] crypt containing Occult Treasures;
1. Surrender all the silver pieces they Prowlers to sacrifice, etc.), a Presence test
possess to the entity. (DR14 in normal nocturnal conditions,
Dr16 if in fog/complete darkness) allows
2. Surrender a magic item/occult treasure them to find what they need. Each search
to the entity. attempt takes d4 hours.
If the PCs sat on the Lonely Throne
3. Make an offering of their own blood to shortly after nightfall, they have 12 hours
the entity (reducing them to 1 HP). of darkness ahead of them. If they waited
till midnight, they may only have 6 hours.
4. Make a human sacrifice to the entity. If the PC cannot (or refuses to) pay the
cost in time, or attempts to leave Graven-
5-6. Tell the tale of the Lonely Throne (just Tosk without paying, the enraged entity
as they heard in The Tales They Tell, thus appears wherever they are in the cemetery
perpetuating the folklore) to convince d4 and attacks them (and all others present).
people to follow in their footsteps and If this occurs at dawn, it attacks for up to
come here to seek out what the entity d6+6 rounds before it vanishes, hit by the
might offer them too. Convincing a single first direct sunlight of the new day. The PC
person to embark upon such a journey also rolls on the Dire Consequences table.
In the case of Cost 5-6, the PC will most Lonely Throne again on a subsequent
likely not be in Graven-Tosk when their night and attempting to obtain further
time runs out. While they avoid combat rewards. As long as they can meet the cost
with the entity, they instead roll twice on demanded of them, the entity will offer
the Dire Consequences table and take the them what it will. Whether or not the
higher result, wherever they are. same entity appears is a question that can
only be answered by the GM.
Dire Consequences [d10]
1-4. The PC suffers d10 damage as they are LEAVING THE LONELY THRONE
attacked by an unseen force that fills the

air around them with the screams of a nce all the PCs leave or flee the
thousand tortured souls. Lonely Throne with no
immediate intention to return,
5-8. The PC feels their soul being torn they stumble upon a main path through
apart by an unnatural, terrifying force. Graven-Tosk surprisingly quickly.
This reduces an ability by d6 (to a If a PC then attempts to retrace their
minimum total of -3). recent steps to the Lonely Throne, they
Roll to determine affected ability [d4]: find only a barren patch of empty ground
1. Agility 2. Presence over which an atmosphere of dread hangs
3. Strength 4. Toughness heavy in the air. Anyone that finds this
cursed place must make a Presence test
9-10. The PC screams in terror and (DR16) or lose 1 Presence permanently (to a
vanishes into nothingness within the blink minimum of -3). The feeling of dread stays
of an eye. They reappear as one of the with them for the rest of their days.
veiled mourner statues that points the
way to the Lonely Throne, trapped in a
body of stone until the end of time.

Should a PC that has rolled on the Dire

Consequences table (and survived) sit on
the Lonely Throne again, they immediately
suffer the 9-10 result above. The entity will
not tolerate the return of one that has
enraged them before.
If a PC pays the cost demanded of
them and thus receives what is promised
to them by the entity, there is nothing
preventing them from sitting on the
Inspiration: Devil’s Chairs
T his location is a submission for the
FÖLK-LORE Game Jam, taking
inspiration from real-world
folklore to create gaming material
compatible with the MÖRK BORG
Over time, young people who retold
the stories used them as a way to dare
others to sit on a Devil’s chair after dark to
prove their bravery. Some of the tales
tempted listeners by stating that those
roleplaying game. brave enough to face the Devil may also be
During the nineteenth century, stone rewarded by him in some way.
chairs and benches became a popular Variations upon the core theme exist,
feature in graveyards across the United with some chairs representing places
States and, to a lesser extent, the United where worshippers can leave offerings to
Kingdom and Europe. Many were the Devil. Other tales, which do not feature
intended to provide a comfortable place the Devil at all, instead warn that bad luck
for visitors to rest while paying respects to will befall anyone sitting on certain chairs,
their loved ones and became known as sometimes being connected with stories
mourning chairs. These were often about individuals buried close to such
positioned so that they faced certain sites. Others claim that sitting on certain
graves. Other more ornate chairs were chairs will wake the dead from their
built as decorative monuments and were graves and that they will carry away their
not intended to be used as places to sit. victims to the underworld.
As this trend died away, stories
emerged in folklore about certain local
mourning chairs. These stories often had
similar structures, with many stating that
the Devil would appear before those who
sat on the chair after dark (particularly on
such nights as Halloween). These tales led
to certain mourning chairs becoming
known as Devil’s chairs.

The Lonely Throne is an independent production by

Matthew Sanderson and is not affiliated with Ockult
Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published
under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.

MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and

Stockholm Kartell.

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