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Templates for Topic Presentation Outline

Chapter Name: Enhancing the literacy skills of learners through the various qpproaches
effective in teaching in teaching literature like:

Topic Title: Shared Reading

Topic Presenter: Demillo, April Joy L.

Year and Section: BEED III – 3

I. Objective/s:
At the end of the presentation, students are expected to:
a. Define what is shared reading
b. Gain a clear understanding of shared reading and it’s importance
c. Demonstrate shared reading

II. Major Concepts:

A. Defintion of shared reading
B. Why use of shared reading
C. Benefits of shared reading
D. How we use shared reading

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Introductory Activities Direction:

B. Presentation of the Today, I am going to discuss Shared Reading.

C. Discussion of the
Concepts Shared Reading
- An interactive reading experience that occurs when
students join in or share the reading of a book or other text
while guided and supported by a teacher.

Why use shared reading?

 It provides struggling readers with necessary
 Allows student to enjoy materials that they may not
be able to read on their own.
 Ensures that all students feel successful by
providing support to the entire group.
 Provides opportunities for building vocabulary and
 Shared reading of predictable text can build sight
word knowledge and reading fluency.

How can students benefit from shared reading?

What are the Benefits of Shared Reading for Primary Students?

1. Shared Reading Connects Language
with Print and Reinforces Foundational
2. Shared Reading Connects Play with
3. Shared Reading Develops Strong
Independent Readers

What are the Benefits of Shared Reading for

Intermediate Students?
1. Shared Reading Helps Students Navigate Craft
Techniques, Literary Language, Text Features,
and Genre and Forms
2. Shared Reading Boosts Reading
3. Shared Reading is the Perfect Opportunity to
Reinforce Phonics, Vocabulary, and Fluency

How to use shared reading

1. Introduce the story by discussing the title, cover, and
2. Read the story aloud to the students using appropriate
inflection and tone. Pause and ask the students to make
predictions.Ask brief questions to determine students’
comprehension level.
3. Conclude the reading by reserving time for reactions and
comments. Ask questions about the story and relate the
story to the students’ similar experiences. Ask the
children to retell the story in their own words.
4. Re-read the story and/or allow time for independent
5. Conduct follow-up activities such as making crafts
related to the story.

D. Guided Activity

Direction : Create 3 groups in the class. Each group will

demonstrate on how shared reading is done in a classroom.

E. Wrapping Up

• What have you learned about shared reading?

• How is shared reading enhances the literacy skills of the
F. Graded Activity
Direction: Answer the following questions.

4. Define what is shared reading.

5. What is the benefits of shared reading?
6. Why we use Shared Reading?

G. References Fountas, I.C., & Pinnell, G.S. (n.d.). What is shared reading?
Fountas & Pinnell Blog.

Heinemann. (n.d.). What are the benefits of shared reading for

primary and intermediate students? Heinemann Blog.

Reading Rockets. (n.d.). Shared reading. Reading Rockets.

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