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The Far Valley Police Club (FVPC) is a prominent police club in Westmoreland, Jamaica.
The club has been using the manual methods of keeping tracks of their operations. This year
the club executives have decided to computerize its operations for the efficient running of the
club. The computer system they purchased came with general purpose software that has a
Word-processor, Spreadsheet and Database Management components, etc. The executives
would like to use the software to carry out the following tasks for the period 2019-2023:

1. Produce a brochure for Far Valley Police Club that informs the public about the club and
members about upcoming club activities.

2. Analysis of the club details for members for the period 2019 - 2023.

3. Storage of personal information of members and their membership details.

4. Preparation of letters to executive members about the launch of the new club brochure and
an overview of membership dues collected each year for the period 2019-2023.

5. Creation a website to promote their club.

You are in charge of setting up the necessary templates from the various applications that
will efficiently carry out these activities.


The Far Valley Police Club (FVPC) wants to use a spreadsheet package to create, manipulate
and monitor the club's finances.
There are 25 members in the club. There are different categories of membership and each
category attracts a different rate of membership fees. The membership rates remained the
same for the period 2019-2023. Based on the category of membership, members have
different responsibilities and privileges. The categories of membership with current rates are
given in Table1.
You are required to:

Category Code Rates per month

Bronze B $150
Silver S $200
Gold G $250
Platinum P $300

Create a spreadsheet with at least two worksheets that will enable the treasurer of the
FVPC to view the members' payment details, income and expenses. Your design must be
easy to follow.

Task A
1. On a worksheet store the data given in the table above.
2. Create information on each of the 25 members' payments for the last five years
with at least five members in each category.
3. The members should be sorted by last name then by first name.
4. For each member, the club maintains a history of payment based on their category, by
year. Indicate in different columns how many months each member pays for to
calculate dues for each year. For example, member Thomas Edwards would have
payment details from 2019 to 2023. These records will indicate how much money
was paid for each of those years and how much is still outstanding.
5. In the Payments worksheet, create a column called Status. Based on each member's
payments it should display 'Outstanding' if they owe money for fees and ‘Paid' if they
paid their dues fully.
6. In 2020, it was decided that if a member has outstanding fees, he or she would be
charged 25% of the outstanding amount as a fine that year. Show new adjusted in
outstanding for the year.
7. In 2023, the executives gave a 5% decrease for dues to celebrate members.
8. On a section of the spreadsheet, calculate
a. The largest amount outstanding by any one member.
b. The number of people with an outstanding amount.
9. Create a summary section with the following information.
a. Total amount paid, total amount outstanding, to fines owed by members.
b. The average amount outstanding.
10. Save your worksheet as Task (A).
Task B
1. Make a copy of your workbook and name it Task B.
2. The third member is no longer a part of the club because of migration. Remove
member from the spreadsheet.
3. It has been decided to change the fine rate for outstanding fees to 30.5%. Add this
rate in your spreadsheet.
4. Sort the worksheets by the amount outstanding.
5. Create a complex criterion to select all information on members who have an
outstanding status and are in the Silver category.
6. Create a column graph showing the total membership dues collected each year for the
period 2019-2023. Label the chart appropriately.

Save changes to TASK B.

Task C
7. Make a copy of your workbook and name it Task C.
8. In an appropriate area of the spreadsheet. Use the complex criterion option to
obtain information from the workstation
(i) Records of all the members who owes greater than $500.00
9. Create a pivot table to summarize all members with total outstanding fees greater than
$1000.00 over the five years. Sort by Lastname in the decending order.
10. Create a pie chart is to reflecting the total fines charged to each category of
membership in 2021
11. Save changes to TASK C.

The Far Valley Police Club (FVPC) members’ details and the club fund raising activities
over the years have to be stored for reference and retrieval. There are FOUR levels of club
membership. They are Bronze, Special, Gold and Platinum. The corresponding category
codes are: B, S, G and P, respectively.
The dues payable by each member will be dependent on his or her category of
membership. Use the following tables, names and descriptions to assist you in populating
the tables.
Table: Personal Details
This table stores the personal details of the club members.
The fields needed are: Title (Regular Member, Executive Member), First name, Last name,
Category code, Address, Phone number, Date of birth, Gender, Date of joining the club, ID
(created by using the initials of the member's name and two digits, e.g. Thomas Edwards
would be TE00)
Table: Activity Details
Each club member is attached to the four activities that the club hosts. For the last few years
the activities were Barbeque (BB), Bake Sale (BS), Sports Day (SD) and Independence
Fiesta (IF). For the club activities, each member is responsible for selling tickets and
collecting monies from selling these tickets.
The fields needed are:
ID, Tickets sold for BB, Tickets sold for BS, Tickets sold for SD, Tickets sold for IF and
Total number of tickets sold.
Table: Rate
This table stores the four categories, their codes and the rates per month for each category
The fields needed are:
Category code, Category name and Monthly rate (B - $150, S -$150, G-$200, P- $250) for
each of the four categories.
You are required to:
Task A
Set up a database with tables/files as specified above with appropriate field names, data
and field sizes, containing information for the twenty-five club members with at least five
members in EACH category.
Perform the following queries:
1. List ID, Title, First name, Last name, Category name and Monthly rate of all Gold
OR Platinum members. Save the query as 'Category'.
2. List ID, Title, First name, Last name, Address and Date of joining of ALL Gold
members who joined in 2020 or 2021. Save the list as 'Life'.
3. List ID, Title, First name, Last name, Address and Phone number of all members who
sold more than 200 tickets. Sort the members in descending order of their last name.
Save the query as 'Tickets’.
4. The ticket for each club activity costs $1000. Create a calculated field called
'Total monies collected' to store the total monies collected by each member. List
the ID, Title, First name, Last name and Total money collected fields. Save the
query as 'Money'.
5. Using query summary features calculate:
a. The maximum number of tickets sold. Save it as 'Maxqry'.
b. The total amount collected from selling tickets. Save it as 'Totqry'.
6. Create a form with members’ details highlighting their personal data and sales
particulars for tickets sold.
7. Prepare a report containing the members grouped by Category and sorted by Last
name in ascending order. The fields to be displayed are Title, First name, Last name,
Date of joining, Category name and Phone number. It should have the following
title. The Far Valley Police Club (FVPC)
List of Members 2016-2021

8. Produce another report that displays ID, Title, First name, Last name, Category
name, Total tickets sold and Total money collected. The report should be grouped
by Category and should display the overall total tickets sold, the total money
collected for each category and a grand total. The report should have the following
title. The Far Valley Police Club (FVPC)

The executives have decided to use a word processing program to launch a club brochure.
This will notify the club members about upcoming club activities and inform the general
public about the club.
You are required to:
Task A
1. Create a word processing document informing the club members of the activities that
the club will host for this year. This year the club intends to host a Barbeque, Bake
Sale, Sports Day and Independence Fiesta. The text in the brochure must be fully
justified with 1.5" line spacing. Use three columns (three fold) to make a brochure
that can be folded.

2. Also for the new members, prepare a fillable application form with a suitable
letterhead; you need to include a brief introduction about the club, including
various rates for different types of memberships.
Form must include ANY three of the following:
a. option boxes
b. check boxes
c. text boxes
d. date picker
e. drop-down lists
f. command buttons
Task B
1. Create a letterhead for the club with the logo of the club (an appropriate graphic of
appropriate size), the address, phone number, fax and email address of the club. The
motto of the club should appear as the footer.
2. Using the letterhead, the secretary should create a cover letter in preparation for mail
merge informing the executive members about the launch of the new club brochure,
an overview of membership dues collected each year for the period 2019-2023
(import graph to aid report) and the activities planned for this year.


The Far Valley Police club (FVPC) needs a webpage to provide general information on the
clubs activities for members and prospective members. The webpage should include the

• The clubs’ logo

• Display information about the club (Address, activities etc.)
• Links to the club’s email address and a web page giving history on the club (this web
page may or may not exist).
• Links to a location within the page
• Links to a file you created

Data used in the web page should be sourced from the spreadsheet, database and word
section of the project.

Note: An online platform should be used in creating this webpage. Eg.
TASK 1 - Problem

Solving You are required


Category Code Rates per month

Bronze B $150
Silver S $200
Gold G $250
Platinum P $300
1. Develop an Algorithm (pseudo code or flowchart) that will accept 25 names of
members in the club, different categories they belong to, the total amount collected in
fees over the last five years for each member. Each category attracts a different rate of
membership fee. Based on the category of membership the members have different
responsibilities and privileges. The categories of membership with current rates are
given in the table below. The membership rates have remained the same for the last
five years.

The algorithm must calculate and display the outstanding amount for each member,
overall total dues collected for each categories and the outstanding amount for each

2. Design and execute a trace table to test the logics of the algorithm above using at
least 10 members information. You are expected to come up with the appropriate
columns for your trace table.

TASK 2 - Program Implementation

You are required to:

Write a Pascal program to implement the algorithm created in TASK 1 of the Problem
Solving Section

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