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The Human Resource Manger found that as the number of employees increased in the company, the

productivity reduced. What steps can be taken to reduce this phenomenon called ‘social loafing’?
Making the effort of each person identifiable.
Decreasing group cohesiveness to impact motivation
Making the group members committed to successful task performance.
Making group members feel less responsible for the task being performed.
A,b and c
C and d
A and c
A, b and d
2) We all belong to different types of groups. If you join the Armed Forces, what type of group will it
a) Primary Group
b) Secondary Group
c) Formal
d) Informal
i) a,c and d
ii) b and c
iii) c and d
iv) a, b and d
3) Vivian is the Human Resource Manager of a multinational company. For a team building activity,
he randomly selected a few members from different departments to form a committee for the
upcoming silver jubilee celebrations of the company. He gave them full autonomy to do the planning
and observed some developmental sequences in each group that formed. Discuss the stages that he
4) Differentiate between types of group.
5) A teacher ‘X’ found that the project that she/he gave to a group of students, when submitted to
her/him, lacked quality as compared to the ones submitted by individual students. What is the
reason for this phenomenon and how can it be reduced? Discuss.
6) A person ‘X’ was caught taking a bribe and her/his colleagues were asked to decide on what
punishment he/she should be given. They could either let her/him go with just a warning or decide
to terminate her/his services. After a discussion with other employees of the organization, an
extreme decision was taken to terminate this person’s services. Identify this phenomenon and
explain why it occurs?
7) Mention any three elements of a group structure.
8) Elaborate any four needs that drive humans to join any group.
9) Cricket fans, who assembled to witness and enjoy match, turned passive, became frenzy
and impulsive. These are characteristics of-
a) A mob
b) A crowd
c) An audience
d) A team
10) The School Dramatics Team is in the final stage of presenting their play. Identify the stage
of group formation the team is at.
a) Forming
b) Norming
c) Storming
d) Performing
11) .) Which of the following is not a feature of a formal group?
a) Functions are stated explicitly and formally.
b) Formation is based on rules and laws.
c) Members have a definite role.
d) There is a close relationship among members.

12) ) A working group was formed to organise the annual sports competition in a school. At a
particular stage, there was a lot of conflict in the group. Identify the stage and the stage that
is likely to follow it.
a) The group was at the storming stage followed by the norming stage.
b) The group was at the norming stage followed by the storming stage.
c) The group was at the storming stage followed by the performing stage
13) ) Restaurant employees fail to put in equal effort. This is an example of
Group polarization
Social facilitation
d) Social loafing
14) Crowd means
Collection of people who may be present at a particular place/situation by chance
Collection of people who may be present at a particular place/situation for a purpose
Both a and b
15) which one of the following is the stage of intra-group conflict
d) Performing
16) .) Which of the following is not a feature of a formal group?
a) Functions are stated explicitly and formally.
b) Formation is based on rules and laws.
c) Members have a definite role.
d) There is a close relationship among members.
17) Four friends are working together to develop a plan for their new start-up. After some
initial conflict, the group started to work together and became unified. Now the group is
very productive and the group goal is in the process of being achieved. Explain the stages
that the group has passed through to reach the present stage.
18) Ananya had been trying to learn a new form of dance to win a competition. She decided
to join a dance group which was also practicing the same dance form. Identify the reason for
Ananya wanting to join the group.

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