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The two areas the indigenous people settled were the greater antilles which included islands
such as cuba and hispaniola and the lesser antilles which included islands such trinidad and
barbados which they entered from suriname,venezuela and guyana to enter the caribbean.



The tainos mainly inhabited islands in the greater antilles(jamaica,cuba,hispaniola and puerto
rico).They lived in villages called bateys,which had circular houses call bohios that were
typically near rivers and coastline for easy access to fishing and transport.There settlements
were known to be used for fishing and agricultural practices.


The Kalingos mainly settled on island in the lesser antilles (Trinidad,barbados and
St.Vincent).They typically settled on the coast but also in mountainous areas for strategic
advantages to rival tribes and invaders.There villages were small due the people being split my
family and men and women lived separately.


The Maya inhabited Mesoamerica(islands like Mexico and el salvador).Unlike the tainos and
kalinagos, the maya were more advanced, constructing large cities with buildings of stone,
roads and bridges,structures like pyramids and temples, which were ceremonial.There
settlements were on fertile plain flat lands and near rivers for agricultural practices.

Around 15-20,000 years ago the ice age(which covered the majority of the earth with
ice)prohibited these people from food as the animals did not have anything to eat nor drink due
to the climate making plants unable to grow and ice overing rivers.While the animals were
relocating to find food the indigenous people followed not they were crossing continents.Another
reason is Competition over resources or conflicts with neighboring indigenous
groups(kalinagos) could have driven some communities to migrate to less contested areas
which is also why some settled in the greater and other in the lesser antilles.Overall, indigenous
migration into the Caribbean was influenced by a combination of environmental and socio-
cultural factors, shaping the diverse landscapes and cultural mosaic of the region.

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