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Name of Student: ________________________________Yr.

& Section: ______________


Study the following cases. Guided by your understanding of the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers, identify the article and the provision that can guide the teacher to
come up with his/her best action. Then provide your explanation to your answer based on
the provision of the article. Write your answers on your paper.
1. Being a person known for his integrity and credibility, Mr. Robert R. Ramirez has
been serving as part of the Board of Election Canvassers for the past 10 years.
However, in the coming elections, his mother will be running as barangay captain.
Because of this, he is asked to campaign for her. Is it alright for him to campaign for
his mother’s candidacy? Explain your answer.

Article in the Code of Provision statement (Explain your answer

Ethics based on the provision
of the article)

2. Mr. Fidel Gomez, who has been teaching for the last 25 years, refused to attend an
important conference in Mindanao. Every time he is asked by the principal to attend
such an activity, he always requests a new teacher to attend. As a professional
teacher, is it right to express refusal in attending conferences.

Article in the Code of Provision statement (Explain your answer

Ethics based on the provision
of the article)

3. Ms. Rose Madrigal posted two-piece swimwear picture of herself in her Facebook
page. She received negative comments from the community and stakeholders. Ms.
Reyes justified that she has the right to post anything on her Facebook account since
it was her personal account. Is it right for Ms. Madrigal to do such?

Article in the Code of Provision statement (Explain your answer

Ethics based on the provision
of the article)

4. During barangay fiesta, Mr. Rodel Y. Maya was designated as the fiesta directorate
chairman. Because of his talent, he accepted the task willingly even without any
honorarium. He facilitated culture-based activities that made their barangay fiesta a
significant one. Is it alright for Mr. Maya not to receive any compensation for his
services rendered since this will be a precedent for the succeeding activity

Prof Ed 321 The Teaching Profession

ESSU Salcedo College of Education
Article in the Code of Provision statement (Explain your answer
Ethics based on the provision
of the article)

5. Mrs. Dae P. Habalo, of Sibulan National High School refused to admit a student for
not being a resident of the said barangay where the school is located. Is it right for
her to do so?

Article in the Code of Provision statement (Explain your answer

Ethics based on the provision
of the article)

6. Traditionally, a civic parade is held with school participating during Independence

Day. All teachers and students are required to attend. All of Mrs. Katherine Y.
Sedillo’s students are excited to join the said parade but she did not join them due to
personal reason and only asked the president of the class to check the attendants of
his classmates. Is the decision of Mrs. Sedillo not answerable for any untoward
incident to happen to the students?

Article in the Code of Provision statement (Explain your answer

Ethics based on the provision
of the article)

7. Mrs. Ramos, a teacher III at Malunta Elementary School has a takehome pay of P
7,500.00 every month. She decided to borrow money from Provincial Savings Bank
with a monthly deduction of P3,500. In the same month she also borrowed money to
First Diamond Lending Company with a monthly deduction of P 3,500.00. In the first
2 months she enjoyed a take home pay of P7,500.00 because the 2 lending
institutions will deduct on the 3rd month from the date she borrowed. Is it alright for
Mrs. Ramos to borrow the amount considering that she doesn’t have enough take
home pay when the deduction will take effect?

Article in the Code of Provision statement (Explain your answer

Ethics based on the provision
of the article)

8. Mr. Ricky dela Cruz is one of the youngest teachers in Silab Community High School.
Due to his young age, he has lots of friends and barkadas. After school hours, he is
always seen with his friends in an internet cafe playing Dota, in gambling dens, and
in beerhouses. He also frequently seen in discos during weekends. Is Mr. Cruz acting
as a good model to his students?

Article in the Code of Provision statement (Explain your answer

Ethics based on the provision
of the article)

9. Mr. Fernando Gomez received a complaint from the guardian of one of his students
regarding the grade of his daughter in Mathematics. Mr. Gomez listened to the

Prof Ed 321 The Teaching Profession

ESSU Salcedo College of Education
complaint of the guardian with sympathy and referred it to the teacher concerned for
clarification. Was his action right?

Article in the Code of Provision statement (Explain your answer

Ethics based on the provision
of the article)

10. Mrs. Anna Amore does not want her student named Joel to be the highest honor
awardee but she prefers Leopold, another student to get the recognition. In order to
ensure that Leopold will get the highest honor award, she gave Joel low grades in
recitation and in performance tasks. Is it right to give Joel low grades just to make
Leopold the awardee?

Article in the Code of Provision statement (Explain your answer

Ethics based on the provision
of the article)

Prof Ed 321 The Teaching Profession

ESSU Salcedo College of Education

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