LISA The Painful Tabletop RPG Demo

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Something VERY Important

Lisa as a setting deals with some very serious subject

matter, and while much of it is inherent to the world,
You and your players should be aware of the content
before playing. Review the following list and
determine what your players are interested in seeing,

The painful tabletop rpg and more importantly, what they never want to face.
Shock and pain is important to LISA but above all else
the intent for this TTRPG is fun.


Addiction [Drugs, Alcohol, Cigarettes, etc...]
Mass murder
Prominent Sexual Depravity
Play with or without these themes at your
group's discretion.
By Harvey Fishman
Table of contents

An introduction
1. Olathe as a whole
2. Prominent locations
3. Character Creation
4. Skill Creation
5. Tests & Murder
6. Diplomacy (or lack thereof)
7. Loss & Mutation
8. Survival & Improvement
LISA and its horrible painful world as well as 9. A Sea of dipshits
All sprites and official art used belong to 10. Badasses and horrific creatures
Austin Jorgensen.
Please support the original games XI. Items List
Thank you for ruining my life forever XII. Status effect & Terms List
An Introduction
You were so close, so close to holding her again, but What you just read is just an example of the kinds of
then you woke up. stories this TRPG is meant to facilitate, fun huh? In
You’ve been traveling for days trying to track down LISA you are not a heroic figure on a quest to defeat
that picture, so you can have something solid to evil, you are not someone that will be written about,
remind you of before it all went to shit. Or at least someone who will be remembered, because nobody is. In
just to make sure some asshole doesnt mix it in with LISA you are a wanderer, a murder, a Lost Soul, a
his mag collection. bastard, but most of all a Nobody.
Ryan and his gang told you they have info on where
the photo is, they just needed a small favor, a favor LISA is about tough choices, about living in the worst
that seems to have woken up. of times while holding onto the things you care about,
about clawing for some sort of foothold away from
He was a real bitch to catch, partly because you didn't your mistakes; away from your reality.
want to, You used to pride yourself on being a cut At its core LISA is a game about trying your best to
above the bastards here. But fuck pride, in a couple be a good person in a world that refuses to let you be
decades nobodys gonna be here to remember what you anything but a failure.
did. You grab your makeshift club and slam it down
onto the bag, you feel it bounce off his skull as he LISA’s world isn't purely dark and depressing
stops squirming. A pit grows in your stomach, followed however, Olathe is as absurd as it is ruthless. Dark
by a headache. you reach into your knapsack and pick humor & eccentric nonsense are important to
out a little blue pill. capturing the feeling of the game's setting, so I

You miss her so much it hurts, you need this. encourage you to enjoy and immerse yourself in all
sides of it, from the painful to the humorous.
1. Olathe as a whole 3. CHARACTER CREATION
What happened here? How to create your character:
Most men can still remember where they were when
1. Choose Culture
it happened, there was no warning, no signal, nothing.
Decide what you are
Just a blinding white flash.
It didn't take long for us to realize what happened, 2. (optional) Choose Niche
our friends, partners, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, Find your place in olathe
daughters, all of them; gone. 3. Attribute points to stats & fill in details
Everyone reacted in their own way, most panicked, Decide what you're good at and who you are
some were unfazed, a few of them actually seemed
4. Create skills
happy about it.
Figure out how you fight

you don't know how long it's been since then, nobody
5. Gain starting equipment
really does. Ask a dozen men what day it is and you’ll Pick a pack and flavor it to your liking

get a dozen answers. Everything happened so quickly,

now the weather is strange and uneven, money is
garbage, and there are men with strange and
terrifying abilities all over the place.

You and these dipshits are the last generation of humanity.

Man Mutant: A creation of science left to die on the side
A typical denizen, possibly with uncanny abilities as a of the road to a new world, as a result of your
result of The Flash. Often perverse, lost, and stupid, disfigurement peace is rarely an option.
but not always. You receive 17 Stat points, your max for a stat at this
You receive 18 Stat points, your max for a stat at this point is 5, only one stat may be this high, and no stat
point is 4, only two stats may be this high, and no stat may be 0
may be 0 You also begin with 1 point in a resistance of your
Enigma: A man? A mutant? An Addict? often masked,
mysterious, and far beyond help, these folk are as
powerful as they are unstable
You receive 22 Stat points, your max for a stat at this
point is 6, only one stat may be this high, and no stat Niches represent how your character fits into olathe
may be 0 You begin with 2 Points in a threshold of and offer small benefits sometimes accompanied by
your choosing, penalties. They are an optional part of character
and either an addiction creation and are there to give you a template to build
or 1 Point in MT off of, as well as a foothold in olathian society.

Loner: A misanthrope barely interested in social
interaction, and even less in sex.
you may choose to ignore a number of die equal to
your level when rolling a lust save above 1, but
cannot use 6s when rolling fear saves
Honeybee: A prostitute protected by the queen bee,
desired by many for both physical & emotional needs.
Your basic attack does no damage but has a chance to
inflict Flustered Lvl<D10
gang member: One of many goons sworn to a
supposedly powerful boss, or if they're lucky maybe
even a warlord
most people heavily dislike you, however you start with
one extra skill slot
Rando Soldier: A peacekeeper sworn to protect Enigma:
traders and keep gangs from accosting the general Joyboy: Start with 6 joy pills, when rolling for joy
addiction only 1s count.
using your armor you may ignore damage equal to
Serial killer: nobody is stopping you anymore, they're
your grit, however you are never able to equip any
finally all yours for the taking.
other armor
You can murder an enemy before combat starts by
Roulette spotter: A vulture kidnapping the weak and
gaining a point in Hatred, enemies above your level
unfortunate to participate in a deadly game of chance
cannot be killed this way.
You can tell by looking at someone what their level is
Stranger: nobody can get a read on you, but everyone
and how difficult it would be to take them down
can tell you're a step above the average man
Dojo initiate: A martial artist studying under a great
You never speak, but all skills costs one point less to
master, but sworn not to kill
you receive double the amount of tp you normally
Wrestler: A fierce thespian training to participate in
would when guarding, but all your attacks are
Your basic attack does no damage but has a chance to
inflict Fallen Lvl<D10
Mutant: Shadowy figure: A weirdo who sits in caves all day
Fishman villager: a member of the enigmatic fishmen, licking, touching, and generally disturbing passers-by,
hunted and feared by many for whatever reason you're out in the world now.
humans generally hate you, but other fishmen will your basic attack does no damage but has a chance to
almost always defend you. You may also move through inflict weird onto enemies for a round Lvl<D10
water Addict: it helps, you swear it does, you just need more.
Pariah: Gaunt scabbed and pale, yet terrifyingly fast, you may choose to ignore a number of die equal to
Humans are generally afraid of you and want you your level when rolling an addiction save above 1, but
dead, but Joy mutants leave you be ( unless provoked). cannot use 6s when rolling hatred saves
You gain +2 to Movement
Personal Details: Main Stats: Max 10
Name: What people call you Power = Base attack (Power/2) and Physical
Class: How you would be categorized, can be anything strength
really Fate = Luck/Critical chance, main stat for MP
Culture: What you are (Man, Mutant, Enigma) characters, used to dodge skills that use STYLE
Niche: How you fit into Olathe (optional) Style = Ability within your art, main stat for TP
Fighting Art: How you fight, used to flavor your skills characters, used to dodge moves that use FATE
Past Occupation: What you were before the flash, if Intuition = Hit Chance and Awareness
anything Grit = Toughness and Health
Likes: What makes you happy Stability = Emotional Strength
Most Hated thing: What you despise most Movement = ability to jump/move during combat, used
to dodge moves that user POWER
Desire saves:
Lust = The desire for SKIN Secondary Stats:
Hatred = The desire for BLOOD HP: Health (D10 + GRIT)^Level
MP: Used for abilities that are uncanny in nature
Fear = The desire for SAFETY
Addiction = The Desire for ESCAPE
TP: Used for abilities that require a great deal of
Covered Further in Loss & Mutation
skill (STYLE*2)
Lvl: Your player level
Resistances: MT: Joy Mutation, as opposed to typical mutation.
Roll under target to resist Status effect
Skill Template:
4. SKILL CREATION Name: What its called
Type: What it does (Inflict, harm, or heal)
Skills: SV (Skill value): How much it costs
Hit chance: how accurate it is (Intuition- Dodge<10,
All skills fall within the following Types
Minimum 1<10) Target may choose to be hit before the
Inflict = Status effects, both good and bad. may
roll is made but NOT after
include healing or harming at higher levels
Description: How you’d explain it
Harm = HP Damage, may inflict a status effect
picked from a small pool at higher levels All characters begin with a basic attack dealing
Heal = Recovery of health, or recovery of MP/TP D6=½ Power
at higher levels
Generic Benefits;
Choose a skill type (Inflict, harm, or heal), this is now Increase hit chance to X<10
+ 2pt^Increase
your primary type.
Does 1D6 Extra Damage
+ 1pt
Skills can have a value from 2-10, this value is the Can Be used outside combat
skills cost in MP/TP + 3pt
A skills value is determined by a mixture of Benefits
and Trade-offs Generic Trade offs;
A skill's value can never exceed your player level. Decrease hit chance to X<10 (Minimum 3<10)
all skills must have at least 1 benefit. You can have as - 2pt^Decrease
many skills as your lvl*1.5 (Max 10) Does 1D6 less Damage
- 1pt
Requires you to be within 1 space of the Target
- 2PT
Infliction Skills Harm Skills
------------------- -------------------
Status effects have a base 3<D10 chance Status effects have a base 3<D10 chance
Positive effects are assumed to be cast on members of Harm skills cannot target members of your party
your party
Negative effects are assumed to be cast on the Benefits;
assholes beating you up Deal Damage equal to power*1.5 D6 (Rounded up)
Benefits; + 2Pt
Inflict a positive status effect + 2pt Increased Crit Rate (+1, only for this skill)
Inflict a negative status effect + 3pt + 2pt
Increase status effect chance to X<10 + 1pt^Increase inflict Bleed
Deal Damage Equal to 1/2 Power + 2Pt + 2Pt
Positive effect affects entire team + 3Pt Inflict Blind
Trade-offs; + 3Pt
This skill requires a specific item - 3Pt affects all enemies on screen (roll individually)
The Negative effect is also cast on you - 2Pt + 4pt
Your Inflict chance is reduced by x - 1 pt^Decrease Trade-offs;
When inflicting a status this Skill does half damage
- 2pt
When looking at status effects, those labeled with a * Unless you are one of the Following this Skill does
are unavailable before lvl 5 and cost 1 pt extra half damage:
Drunk, Pissed, Crying, Burning, Super Cool, party mode.
Status effects end when combat ends unless stated - 3pt
otherwise When rolling Damage this skill only uses 1s and 6s
Status effects which affect stats only apply to rolls. - 3Pt
Heal Skills 5. Tests & Murder
Overworld tests
For each skill you can decide who it targets,
A Test occurs when your character is doing any task
Either you or a party member, IT CANNOT TARGET
where a great deal of effort or luck is needed. tests
are done by rolling a d6 pool equal to the stat you
Unless of course it's a party heal. (this choice is
are using. More 6s mean success, more 1s mean
failure, getting neither can either extend the test or
simply result in a neutral outcome, however if an
Heals for Fate*1.5 D6 +3Pt
equal number of 1s and 6s are rolled Everyone
Heal a Party Member for xD6 +2pt^D6
Heal Party for xD6 +3Pt^D6
Heal a Party Members TP for xD6 +4Pt^D6
Heal a Party Members MP for xD6 +5Pt^D6
(either on a side scrolling grid like in the game or not)
Trade offs;
When in combat you are limited to the following
This skill requires a specific item - 2Pt
Your skill has a X<D10 chance to inflict a negative
Move - left or right, up ropes, and falling off a cliff
effect - 1Pt^X increase
like a dumbass
Jump - Up or down 1 space, or over a pit
(Movement/2.5 Ft)
Using a Skill - pretty self explanatory
What if I want to use Multiple types? Guarding - Attacks deal half damage, Status effects
You totally can! The only caveat being that skills
have a -3 chance
outside your primary type take up 2 skill slots instead
You get 1 action per round. talking, walking, and
of one.
jumping are free. Each space is 5 ft
Other than that, go wild.
Turn order
------------------- 7. Loss & Mutation
Everyone rolls a D10 + Movement Highest first,
lowest last. Once everyone has gone that's a round,
Look at it smile…
everyone then rolls again. This continues until one
side can't go on.
A round is about 10 seconds real time

6. Diplomacy (or lack thereof) If a combat ends and you are at 0 Health you Lose 1
grit and are revived at 1 health. If you ever lose all
You may have noticed that there are no stats that
your grit, fall unconscious outside of combat, or are
relate to your interactions with others, this is a
targeted by a skill that causes Instant death, then
purposeful decision.
your character will permanently die.

In the world of LISA there are no easy ways out, you

However death is not the only way to lose your
cannot roll to convince some bastard to reconsider
decapitating your best friend. Sometimes even if you
Your character is subject to the torment of their
have a good argument some people are just too far
desires, all of which can, if mishandled, cause you
gone to even understand reason. So to accentuate the
immense pain.
“role-play” aspect of this ttrpg, the outcome of
When these desires are tested you will roll die equal
discussion is based entirely on you AND your players.
to that desire, you may also spend stability points to
lower the number of die rolled (minimum one), if you
(to GMs) Be sure to be as impartial as possible,
Fail the roll you gain a point in that desire. These
olathe does not play favorites and neither should you.
points add die to your next desire roll, increasing the
chance for failure.
If your desire ever hits 10: JOY MUTATION
Lust & Fear - can drive your character to depravity When rolling addiction saves against joy 1&2s cause
or seclusion, resulting in them leaving the party, point gain
either to search for Skin or seclude themselves in After you take your first dose of joy begin to track
Safety. Mutation (MT)
You can gain MT in 3 ways:
Hatred - can drive your character to become When a desire reaches 7, 8, & 9, Gain 1MT
impulsive, seeking out blood either for the sake of it or Every 5th time you take joy roll 1+MT>D10, if you roll
in service of their goal. Either way there is no under the target gain 1MT.
peaceful solution, and so anyone who stands in their Each time you fall in combat gain 1MT
way will Bleed
When your MT reaches 10 or if you die and your MT is
Addiction - results in Withdrawal, every 30 at 5+
-(Addiction*2) minutes of play or 100 rounds of Roll for full mutation 5>1D10, if you roll under 5 then
combat [These are tracked separately] your you become a
character will roll for withdrawal, against their JOY MUTANT.
addiction. If they fail they are afflicted with If you roll above 5 then the next time you would
withdrawal until they take the object of their suffer withdrawal roll for full mutation instead.
addiction or 15 minutes + (Addiction*2) passes (or 100
rounds of combat pass).
However, If your character becomes addicted to joy
Then you are subject to…
When mutating roll a D4 on the table matching So why the fuck would i ever take joy?
your highest desire (not including addiction): When a dose of joy is taken it has the following
Lust - All desires are reduced to 0 (until next withdrawal)
1. Hungry: gains the skill fatal chomp - Hp & sp are maxed out
2. Lonely: will follow the party, mostly harmless - You are inflicted with the Joyed condition
3. Pervert: distracted by mags, gains the skill Lick - Joy die can be used on the following tests and
4. Love: you must kill one ally after which you will combat rolls: Hit chance, Fate>Crit, Grit, stability, &
------mutate Power
In Short: Joy is a powerful way to make your
experience in olathe easier in the short term, but
1. Gallow: gains the skill Neck snap
WILL kill you in the long term.
2. Strider: gains +2 MV
3. Good Boy: will cannibalize itself during battle
4. Joyful: Choose an enemy, you must kill them. Upon
––––––– doing so you will mutate.
Just one little pill, and all your problems will fade
Fear away,
1. Pariah: you retain sentience and slight human form Along with you.
but cannot speak
2. Shadowy figure: will retreat into a cave for later
3. Lump: cannot move, MV>Dodge is unaffected
4. Goodbye baby: you cannot die before the next battle,
—--------- – -after which you will mutate.
XII. Status Effects list
Stat hindrances and increases do not affect Mp, Tp, Cover = directs damage from target to yourself,
Hp°, or mid round initiative order°°. Status effects that lasts 1
are colored cannot be inflicted by players. Taunt = the enemy will only target you, ends if 4<D10
when attacked
Poison (N) = 2 Dmg Every turn, lasts 1D6+1, follows Counterattack’ = Reflects damage taken back at the
you outside combat attacker, lasts 3
Deep Poison (N)* = 4 Dmg Every turn , lasts 1d6, Burning = 5 Dmg every round, lasts 1D3
follows you outside combat Crying = -5 Hit chance, Lasts 3+1D2
Blind (N) = -7 Hit chance Paralysis’ = forfeits Turn , reduces movement to 0
Silence (N) = Refuses use of skills lasts 1D6
Confusion (N) = forfeits Turn , Lasts 1 Weird = -2 Power, -3 Grit, lasts 2+2d2
Sleep (N) = forfeits Turn , reduces movement to 0 Bleed = 2 Damage, lasts 2D2
lasts 1D3 or until hit Hungover = -3 Intuition, -4 Power & Movement, +4
Scared (N)* = forfeits Turn , reduces movement to 0 Fate
lasts 1D3 Drunk = -2 Movement, -3 hit chance & Grit, +7 Fate, +
Wary (N) = -7 Grit>Defense lasts until removed by 4 Power, - 4 Style
skills/items or next rest Stink = +1 Movement>Dodge, 4<D10 enemies don't target
Stun (N) = forfeits Turn , lasts 1D2 , +2 when you, Lasts D3
attempting to hit Fallen = forfeits Turn , reduces movement to 0 lasts
Rage = +3 fate, lats 5 1D3
Pissed’ = -6 Hit chance, +5 Fate, lasts 3+1D3 Cool = +3 HP, Lasts 2+1D6
Hide' = 9<D10 enemies don't target you, +6 Super Cool’ = +6 HP, +5 Hp/Tp, Lasts 4+2D2
Movement>dodge, lasts 5
IronBody’ = + 9 Grit>Physical Attacks, lasts 3
Term collection
Extorted’ = Doubles the Mags dropped by enemies
D3 = D6 divided by 2, Rounded up
Oiled Up = Target Takes 3x Fire damage, Lasts 1D6
D2 = D6 Divided by 3, Rounded up
Party Mode = +1 Power, Style, Movement, and Fate,
D5 = D10 Divided by 2, Rounded up
Lasts 2+1D6
X/Y = X Divided by Y
Depression’ = -2 Power, -7 Grit, -3 Movement
#<D10 = percent chance that the described event
Tired = -3 Intuition, -4 Hit Chance, -4 Movement, +4
occurs, Roll under target number on D10
#D6/#D10 = roll D6/D10s equal to the #
Flustered = forfeits Turn , reduces movement to 0
X*Y = X multiplied by Y
lasts 1D3
X^Y = X per Y
Withdrawal = -9 Power, -5 Grit, -6 Movement,
X>Y = X only applies in relation to Y (EX. +9
Max HP -3, Luck -3, Evasion -6,Attack Speed -1. hit
Grit>Physical skills means that the grit bonus only
chance -8.
applies when the character is targeted by a physical
DEATH = I’m sure you can figure this one out champ
Joyed = Gain Joy die equal to your lvl *2 for the
following rolls:
Hit chance, Fate>Crit, Grit, Stability, & Power

°Except for withdrawal (and obviously death)

°°Can however affect initial initiative order

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