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Period: 3-5
Date of planning: 7/11
Date of teaching: 10/11

Lesson 7: Looking Back
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students can review all what they have learnt in this unit.
II. Language Focus:
1. Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “My neighborhood”.
2. Structures: Comparative adjectives.
III. Method: Communicative approach
IV. Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, pictures.
V. Procedures:

Teacher’s ActivitIes Ss’ Activities Content Note

* Presentation:
- Ask Ss to write the words in - Individual 1. Write the correct word for each
their notebook individually work picture.
and then check with their
- Pair-work Key:
partners. Correct the mistakes.
Let Ss repeat the words. 1. statue 2. Railway
Check their pronunciation. station
3. park 4.
- Ask Ss to read the sentences
carefully and complete them 5. memorial 6. cathedral
with the adjectives they have - Individual
learnt in Unit 4. work
2. Fill in each gap with a suitable
One syllable
Fast, hot, large
- Ask Ss to work individually - Individual
to put the following adjectives work Two syllables
in the correct column.
Happy, noisy, quite, heavy
- Check and confirm the
Three or more syllables
correct answers.
Exciting, expensive, convinient,
difficult, polluted

* Practice:
3. Put the following adjectives in the
correct column.
- Ask Ss to match the name of 4. Match the name of a nature
a nature wonder in column A - Individual wonder in column A with a word in
with a word in column B. work column B.
- Ask Ss to check their Key:
answers with a partner before
discussing their answers as a - Pair-work Faster Happier
class. More convenient Hotter
Noisier More polluted
More difficult More exciting
Heavier Larger
More expensive Quieter

- Ask Ss to complete the - Pair-work 5. Complete the sentences

sentences comparing the comparing the pictures. Use
pictures. Use comparative comparative form of the adjectives
form of the adjectives given. below.
1. Noisier than
2. More modern than
3. More convenient than
4. More beautiful than
5. More expensive than

* Production:
- Ask Ss to read the questions - Individual Communication
and answers twice. Then work
6. Match the questions with the
match them.
correct answers.
- Have them write all
sentences in their notebooks.
a–c d–e f–g h–b

- Pair-work 7. Role-play the questions and

- Ask Ss to role-play the
questions and answers

- Do “project”.
- Prepare next lesson :
(Unit 5: Natural Wonders Of The
World - Lesson 1: Getting Started)

Period 5-7
Date of planning: 21/11
Date of teaching: 24/11


Lesson 4: Communication

Lesson aim(s)
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- make and accept appointments;

- have knowledge about a travel guide;
- use must and mustn’t to talk about what to prepare for a trip.

Language analysis

Materials (referenced)

- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 5, Communication

- Pictures

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

1. Students may lack knowledge about the Provide students with information about the
necessary things must bring and what to knowledge they do not know.
prepare for a trip.
2. Students may have underdeveloped - Encourage students to work in pairs, in
reading, speaking and co-operating skills. groups so that they can help each other.
- Provide feedback and help if necessary.
3. Some students will excessively talk in the - Define expectation in explicit detail.
class. - Have excessive talking students practise.
- Continue to define expectations in small
chunks (before every activity).

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Unit 5: Natural wonders of the world
Lesson 4: Communication
* Warm-up
GAME: Pass the ball
I. Everyday English:
Task 1: Listen and read the short conversation, paying attention to the highlighted parts.
Making and accepting appointments
 Making appointments:
Let’s + V.
How about …?
 Accepting appointments:
That’s fine.
Task 2: Work in pairs. Make a short conversation, following the example. (p. 53)

II. A tour guide:

Task 3: Read the travel guide entry. (p. 53)
Task 4: Make a list of the things you must bring to the Himalayas. Then add things you mustn’t bring.
(p. 53)
Task 5: Role-play being a tour guide and a tourist. Tell your partner what to prepare for their trip to the
Himalayas and give reasons.

* Homework
Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up To review must and GAME: Pass the ball 3 mins

- Teacher plays the music. T-Ss
When music’s on, students
pass the ball as fast as they
can. When music’s off, the
student taking the ball has to
make a sentence with must/
Lead in To lead in the lesson - Teacher sets the scene. T-Ss 2 mins
about vocabulary - They are Duong and Steven.
and pronunciation. Steven wants Duong to go
picnic with him this Sunday.
What structures can he use?
If Duong agrees, what does
he say?
- Students give their answers.
- Teacher leads students into
the lesson by telling about
what they are going to learn:
“We are going to learn how
to make and accept

Presentation To introduce make * Making and accepting 10

and accept appointments mins
Task 1: Listen and read the
short conversation, paying
attention to the highlighted

- Teacher asks students listen

and read the short
conversation, paying T-Ss
attention to the highlighted
- Teacher writes down
highlighted parts on the
board and asks students what
they are used to, which is
used to make appointments
and which is used to
accepting appointments.
- Teacher calls some students
to share their opinions.
- Teacher gives more
explanations and elicit the
 Making appointments:
Let’s + V.
How about …?
 Accepting appointments:
That’s fine.

Practice To practice making Task 2: Work in pairs. Make a 7 mins

and accepting short conversation, following
appointments. the example in Task 1.
(p. 53)

- Teacher asks students to

work in pairs and make a
short conversation, following
the example. Pair work
- Teacher models with a
- Students do the task in pairs.
- Teacher calls some pairs to
make a conversation in front
of the class.
- Teacher gives feedback and
corrections (if necessary).



Pre-Reading To help students set - Teacher shows the picture and 3 mins
the scene. ask students some questions:
Next week, I am going mountain
climbing. Can you guess where I
am going to? (Himalayas) T-Ss
Before we go, what should we
read? A tour guide
What information can you read in
a tour guide?

While-Reading To help students Task 3: Read the travel guide 7 mins

have knowledge entry. (p. 53)
about a travel guide.
Teacher asks students to read the
travel guide entry to check their
guess and sets the time limit for
reading task for 2 minutes.

Task 4: Make a list of the

things you must bring to the
Himalayas. Then add things
you mustn’t bring. (p. 53)
Group work
- In group of 3, students write
as many things they must
and mustn’t bring to the
Himalayas as they can in 2
- Teacher calls some groups to
give their answers and
Post-Reading To help students Task 5: Role-play being a tour Group work 10
talk about what to guide and a tourist. Tell your mins
prepare for a trip partner what to prepare for
their trip to the Himalayas, and
give reasons.

- Teacher divide the class into

2 main group. One is a tour
guide and one is a tourist.
- The tourist prepares the
questions and the tour guide
prepare the information in 2
- Students work in pair. Make
a conversation.
- Teacher calls some pairs to
talk in front of the class.
- Peer check and then teacher
gives feedback.
Consolidation To consolidate what Teacher asks students to talk T-Ss 2 mins
students have learnt about what they have learnt in the
in the lesson. lesson.

Homework To prepare for the Choose a natural attraction in T-Ss 1 min

next lesson: Skills 1. your city and find out the
information about it (interesting
things about the place as well as
what they must and mustn’t do

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