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One-Shot Detective Skill Checks

When you wish to do certain things,

Introduction you make a skill check. To do so, you
One-Shot Detective is a game about solving roll one 12 sided die and add a modifier
puzzles. These puzzles can lead to a mystery, or it depending on the skill check they are
can be a sort of escape room-type game. Regardless making. The higher a number you roll,
of which, one one-shot is called a Mystery. the more information the Knower gives
Roles There are four kinds of skills:
There are 2 roles, the Knower and the Detectives. Common Sense, Dexterity,
The Knower knows and often creates the mystery Knowledge, and Observation.
of the game, providing the situation and the - Common Sense is how well you apply your
reactions to the detectives’ actions. The Knower knowledge.
can make puzzles themself or use puzzles provided. - Dexterity is how well you can move your
The detectives try to solve the mystery using the hands and body.
clues they are given and the circumstances in which - Knowledge is your general background
they were found. The rules will be written in the knowledge.
lens of a detective player. - Observation is how well you can perceive
Necessary Pieces and recognize stimuli.
To play One-Shot Detective, you require the You have 10 points to increase your skill modifiers.
following items: Each skill starts at 0, and you can add up to 4 points
- This rule page. to each skill.
- One 12-sided die for each player. Hit Points
- One 6-sided die for each detective. Sometimes, you will take damage, either from traps
- One Character Card for each detective. or an accidental fall. You start with 6 hit points,
Rules represented with your 6 sided die with the 6 facing
up. When you take damage, you turn the die to the
Game Loop next lowest number. When you take damage while
The game is played in a simple game loop: at 1 hit point, you die. When you heal or rest, you
Step 1: The Knower describes the situation; where turn your die to the next highest number, unless it
the Detectives are and who and what is there. is already at 6, where it is not turned.
Step 2: The detectives describe what they wish to do
(within reason) or request information from the
Knower that may be gained from the context. Designer & Images: 31Hashtag
Step 3: The Knower describes the consequences of
the detectives’ actions and/or grants them
information depending on their skill check, if
Knower Tips
get a small push into the right direction. From 11
and 15, you get a big push in the right direction.

Application of Skills On a 16, you know exactly what to do.

The four different skills are very different in use, Maps

and as such are used in different scenarios. For clarity, it is suggested to have a map of the
- Common Sense can be used to nudge the location and have pieces to represent the detectives
players in the right direction, giving them a and where they are.
question they may haven’t thought of or a
small hint as to where to look next.
Yes, But…
- Dexterity can be used for when a detective While you have the liberty to say no to anything
wants to fiddle with something, such as a anyone does, it is suggested to try and say yes!
picking a lock or throwing an object. However, this does not mean to deprive them of
- Knowledge can be used to give the players the consequences. For example, if they attempt to
background knowledge they may know attack a suspect, the suspect may be reluctant to
but have forgotten, such as a clue they may work with them in the future.
have glanced over or something from their
background they may know.
- Observation can be used to show the
players what they see and in how much

Clear Direction
When you create the solution to a puzzle, it is
important to give a direction for them to go, as to
not leave them wondering.
Multiple Threads
When you create a mystery, it is suggested to make
multiple leads to the answer. For example, if the
solution is inside a locked room, you may include
both a key and some sort of lock pick to open the

When the detectives are having trouble with a
puzzle or mystery, you can ask them if they want a
hint. You can give them that hint straight up or ask
you to make a Common Sense check. From 1 and
4, you get no new information. From 5 and 10, you
Name: Name:

Hit Points Common Sense Hit Points Common Sense

Dexterity Dexterity

Knowledge Knowledge

Observation Observation

Name: Name:

Hit Points Common Sense Hit Points Common Sense

Dexterity Dexterity

Knowledge Knowledge

Observation Observation

Name: Name:

Hit Points Common Sense Hit Points Common Sense

Dexterity Dexterity

Knowledge Knowledge

Observation Observation

Name: Name:

Hit Points Common Sense Hit Points Common Sense

Dexterity Dexterity

Knowledge Knowledge

Observation Observation
Optional Rules
Expanded Progression
After completing a Mystery, the Knower can
choose to allow you to either increase a skill
modifier by 1 (with a maximum of 4) or gain a new
skill to use, as listed below. You can choose the
same skill multiple times unless otherwise specified.
- Insight: Once per mystery, you can roll two
12 sided dice and choose the higher roll on
one Common Sense or Knowledge check.
- Resilience: Once per mystery, you decrease
the amount of damage you take by 1.
- Trained: Once per mystery, you can roll
two 12 sided dice and choose the higher
roll on one Dexterity or Observation
This system allows for one character card to be used
in multiple Mysteries. You can write down which
skills you have on the back of your card or in the
place your hit point die is.

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