Lesson Plans STP

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‭Lesson Information Form‬

‭Lesson # (x/3): __1_/_3__‬

‭Date of lesson: __3/6/24___‬


‭●‬ ‭Students will demonstrate their ability to notate rhythms in duple‬


‭●‬ ‭Students will demonstrate their ability to read rhythms in duple meter‬

‭using rhythm syllables when reading them from notation.‬

‭●‬ ‭Students will demonstrate their ability to write rhythmic patterns and‬

‭correctly chant the patterns they have written.‬

‭Activities/Strategies: indicate how the lesson addresses each of the three‬

‭required competencies (creating, performing, assessing), if applicable‬

‭●‬ ‭The class will review the notation for rhythms in duple meter with the‬

‭teacher using the teacher’s whiteboard and reading the rhythms using‬

‭rhythmic solfege (‬‭performing‬‭)‬

‭●‬ ‭The students will each grab a whiteboard, marker, and eraser‬

‭●‬ ‭The teacher will say rhythms on rhythmic solfege, the students will‬

‭echo, and then they will notate them and hold it up on their‬

‭whiteboard for the teacher to see (‬‭assessing‬‭)‬

‭●‬ ‭The students will be asked to each write their own rhythmic pattern,‬

‭and the teacher will come around to chant with them and verify that‬

‭what they write and chant are the same thing (‬‭creating‬‭and‬


‭Assessments: Accuracy of notations and chanting what they’ve notated‬

‭Materials: Small whiteboards (1 per person), dry-erase markers (1 per‬

‭person), erasers (1 per person)‬

‭Class Groupings: Half of the class at a time‬

‭Lesson Information Form‬
‭Lesson # (x/3): __2_/_3__‬

‭Date of lesson: __3/12/24___‬


‭●‬ ‭Students will demonstrate their ability to play varying classroom and‬

‭world percussion instruments using proper technique‬

‭●‬ ‭Students will demonstrate their ability to play a rhythmic pattern that‬

‭is different from the patterns being played around them‬

‭Activities/Strategies: indicate how the lesson addresses each of the three‬

‭required competencies (creating, performing, assessing), if applicable‬

‭●‬ ‭The students will sit in a semicircle around the teacher‬

‭●‬ ‭The teacher will lead a discussion for the students to understand what‬

‭a “percussion ensemble composition” is‬

‭●‬ ‭The teacher will show one-by-one how to play each instrument they‬

‭will be using while the students watch‬

‭●‬ ‭The students will each take one instrument, the teacher will speak and‬

‭play a 4-macrobeat rhythmic pattern, and the students will speak and‬

‭play the rhythmic pattern as an echo (‬‭performing‬‭and‬‭assessing‬‭)‬

‭●‬ ‭Every 2 or 3 patterns, the students will put the instruments back in the‬

‭center and pick a new one, then repeat the process of patterning with‬

‭the teacher‬

‭●‬ ‭After a few rounds of that, the teacher will lead the students in an‬

‭improvisational song, starting with someone playing the macrobeat,‬

‭then giving each student a different rhythm pattern to repeat and‬

‭layering them in until everyone is playing and everyone is playing a‬

‭different rhythm (‬‭performing‬‭and‬‭assessing‬‭)‬

‭●‬ ‭The students will place all the instruments in the center once again‬

‭and discuss what happened (the layering, the variety of instruments,‬

‭how certain instruments were used more sparingly for color, etc.)‬

‭●‬ ‭With the leftover time, the students will be allowed to create their own‬

‭patterns on instruments they haven’t gotten to try yet (‬‭creating‬‭)‬

‭Assessments: Technique while playing, ability to hold their own part‬

‭Materials: Hand drum, tambourine, guiro and stick, wood block and mallet,‬

‭triangle and beater, cabasas (2), pair of claves, jingle bells, pair of maracas‬

‭Class Groupings: Half of the class at a time‬

‭Lesson Information Form‬
‭Lesson # (x/3): __3_/_3__‬

‭Date of lesson: __3/20/24___‬


‭●‬ ‭Students will demonstrate their ability to play varying classroom and‬

‭world percussion instruments using proper technique‬

‭●‬ ‭Students will demonstrate their ability to create rhythmic patterns,‬

‭notate them, and play them correctly‬

‭Activities/Strategies: indicate how the lesson addresses each of the three‬

‭required competencies (creating, performing, assessing), if applicable‬

‭●‬ ‭The students will sit in the hallway facing the teacher‬

‭●‬ ‭The teacher will quickly review what we did in the last lesson, and‬

‭explain that this time, the students will come up with their own‬


‭●‬ ‭The teacher will give the students a handout to use for writing down‬

‭their notes, as well as the rubric for their reference‬

‭●‬ ‭The students will have roughly 5 minutes to decide what instruments‬

‭they want to use, start coming up with rhythm patterns, and write‬

‭down their patterns before it is time to rotate (‬‭creating‬‭)‬

‭●‬ ‭The teacher will work with the students to guide their notation process‬

‭and have the students speak rhythms they’ve written down to check if‬

‭they match up (‬‭performing‬‭and‬‭assessing‬‭)‬

‭Assessments: Technique while playing, notating rhythms they play, speaking‬

‭rhythms they’ve notated‬

‭Materials: Hand drum, tambourine, guiro and stick, wood block and mallet,‬

‭triangle and beater, cabasas (2), pair of claves, jingle bells, pair of maracas,‬

‭1 packet per group, pencils‬

‭Class Groupings: 3-5 students at a time for 7 minutes each‬

‭Lesson Information Form‬
‭Lesson # (x/3): __4_/_3__‬

‭Date of lesson: __4/3/24___‬


‭●‬ ‭Students will demonstrate their ability to play different rhythm‬

‭patterns at the same time as a group‬

‭●‬ ‭Students will demonstrate their ability to play varying classroom and‬

‭world percussion instruments using proper technique‬

‭●‬ ‭Students will demonstrate their ability to create rhythmic patterns,‬

‭notate them, and play them correctly‬

‭Activities/Strategies: indicate how the lesson addresses each of the three‬

‭required competencies (creating, performing, assessing), if applicable‬

‭●‬ ‭Half of the groups will be brought into the hallway and I’ll ask them to‬

‭sit on the wall opposite the materials‬

‭●‬ ‭I will explain that this is their last class before performances, and they‬

‭need to have a finished song by the end of the 15 minutes‬

‭●‬ ‭I will pass out the group sheets and ask them to grab a pencil and‬

‭their instruments, then find spots in the hallway so they are spread‬

‭out from the other groups‬

‭●‬ ‭The students will then have 10-15 minutes to compose and practice‬

‭while I float between groups and assist (‬‭creating‬‭and‬‭performing‬‭)‬

‭●‬ ‭Things I will focus on when giving feedback (‬‭assessing‬‭)‬

‭○‬ ‭Making sure they know how their song will start and end‬

‭○‬ ‭Who are they listening to now, and explaining the benefits of all‬

‭listening to the same person when playing a piece together‬

‭○‬ ‭Notating what they’re doing so they don’t forget anything before‬

‭the next class‬

‭○‬ ‭Collaboration and everyone’s ideas being included‬

‭●‬ ‭When there’s 2-5 minutes left, I’ll give a warning so they can make‬

‭sure everything is written down‬

‭●‬ ‭When it’s time to switch, they will place their materials and‬

‭instruments back in the appropriate spots while the next group sits‬

‭against the wall to repeat the process‬

‭Assessments: Playing independent parts as a group, technique while playing,‬

‭notating rhythms they play, speaking rhythms they’ve notated‬

‭Materials: Hand drum, tambourine, guiro and stick, wood block and mallet,‬

‭triangle and beater, cabasas (2), pair of claves, jingle bells, pair of maracas,‬

‭1 packet per group, pencils‬

‭Class Groupings: Half of the class at a time‬

‭Lesson Information Form‬
‭Lesson # (x/3): __5_/_3__‬

‭Date of lesson: __4/ /24___‬


‭●‬ ‭Students will demonstrate their ability to perform as a group while‬

‭playing different parts‬

‭●‬ ‭Students will demonstrate their ability to self-reflect on a performance‬

‭Activities/Strategies: indicate how the lesson addresses each of the three‬

‭required competencies (creating, performing, assessing), if applicable‬

‭●‬ ‭I will explain once again how the rubric works and that we will be‬

‭performing today‬

‭●‬ ‭Students will have the opportunity to practice their songs for 5-10‬

‭minutes with their groups‬

‭●‬ ‭After this point, I will collect the group sheets and one group at a time‬

‭will get their sheet back to perform while the rest listen and I take‬

‭notes on my personal evaluation sheet (‬‭performing‬‭)‬

‭●‬ ‭After all of the performances, each group will fill out their‬

‭self-evaluation together (‬‭evaluating‬‭)‬

‭●‬ ‭Once those are completed, I will give them my evaluation sheet so‬

‭they may compare and reflect, as well as ask me any questions‬

‭Assessments: Rubric (students fill one out, teacher fills one out)‬

‭Materials: Hand drum, tambourine, guiro and stick, wood block and mallet,‬

‭triangle and beater, cabasas (2), pair of claves, jingle bells, pair of maracas,‬

‭group packets, pencils‬

‭Class Groupings: Whole class‬

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