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CME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Readers will be familiar with special considerations in treating diabetes
CREDIT in patients with end-stage renal disease

Kumarpal Shrishrimal, MD, MS Peter Hart, MD Franklin Michota, MD

Department of Hospital Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Division of Nephrology, Department Department of Hospital Medicine,
of Medicine, Cook County Hospital, Cleveland Clinic
Chicago, IL

Managing diabetes
in hemodialysis patients:
Observations and recommendations
■ ■Abstract
A lthough diabetes is the most common
cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
worldwide, accounting for 44.2% of ESRD pa-
Diabetes is challenging to manage in patients who have
end-stage renal disease (ESRD), as both uremia and tients in the US Renal Data System in 2005,1
dialysis can complicate glycemic control by affecting the data are scarce on how diabetes should best be
secretion, clearance, and peripheral tissue sensitivity of treated in patients in ESRD.
We do know that blood glucose levels need
insulin. The authors summarize the available evidence
to be well controlled in these patients. Several
and make practical recommendations. observational studies and one nonrandomized
■ ■Key Points interventional study2–10 showed that higher
levels of hemoglobin A1c were associated with
Blood glucose levels can fluctuate widely due to various higher death rates in patients with diabetes
and opposing effects of ESRD and dialysis. and chronic kidney disease after adjusting for
markers of inflammation and malnutrition.
However, ESRD significantly alters gly-
The hemoglobin A1c level can be falsely high in ESRD, but cemic control, the results of hemoglobin A1c
it is still a reasonable measure of glycemic control in this testing, and the excretion of antidiabetic
population. medications. The various and opposing effects
of ESRD and dialysis can make blood glucose
Most diabetes drugs are excreted at least in part by the levels fluctuate widely, placing patients at risk
kidney, so that patients in ESRD are at greater risk of of hypoglycemia—and presenting a challenge
hypoglycemia. for nephrologists and internists.
In this review, we summarize the available
evidence and make practical recommenda-
Insulin is the cornerstone of treatment, since most oral tions for managing diabetes in patients on he-
diabetes drugs are contraindicated or not recommended modialysis.
in this population. Insulin doses should be lowered in
those with low glomerular filtration rates.
■■ glucose levels may
fluctuate widely

In ESRD, both uremia and dialysis can com-

plicate glycemic control by affecting the secre-
tion, clearance, and peripheral tissue sensitiv-
ity of insulin.
Several factors, including uremic toxins,
doi:10.3949/ccjm.76a.09054 may increase insulin resistance in ESRD, lead-
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Diabetes and hemodialysis

ing to a blunted ability to suppress hepatic Despite these limitations, the hemoglobin
gluconeogenesis and regulate peripheral glu- A1c level is considered a reasonable measure
cose utilization. In type 2 diabetes without of glycemic control in ESRD. Glycated fruc-
kidney disease, insulin resistance leads to in- tosamine and albumin are other measures of
creased insulin secretion. This does not occur glycemic control with some advantages over
in ESRD because of concomitant metabolic hemoglobin A1c in dialysis patients. However,
acidosis, deficiency of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin they are not readily available and can be af-
D, and secondary hyperparathyroidism.11,12 fected by conditions that alter protein metab-
Hemodialysis further alters insulin secretion, olism, including ESRD.15–18
clearance, and resistance as the result of pe- Self-monitoring of blood glucose and con-
riodic improvement in uremia, acidosis, and tinuous glucose monitoring systems provide
phosphate handling. real-time assessments of glycemic control, but
The dextrose concentration in the dialysate both have limitations. Self-monitoring is sub-
can also affect glucose control. In general, di- ject to errors from poor technique, problems
alysates with lower dextrose concentrations with the meters and strips, and lower sensi-
are used and may be associated with hypogly- tivity in measuring low blood glucose levels.
cemia. Conversely, dialysates with higher dex- Continuous monitoring is expensive and is
trose concentrations are occasionally used in less reliable at lower glucose concentrations,
peritoneal dialysis to increase ultrafiltration, and thus it needs to be used in conjunction
but this can lead to hyperglycemia.10,13 with other measures of glucose control. For
Thus, ESRD and hemodialysis exert op- these reasons, continuous glucose monitoring
posing forces on insulin secretion, action, and is not yet widely used.
metabolism, often creating unpredictable se- The guidelines of the 2005 National Kid-
rum glucose values. For example, one would ney Foundation Kidney Disease Outcomes
think that a patient who has insulin resistance Quality Initiative did not clearly establish a
would need more supplemental insulin; how- target hemoglobin A1c level for patients with
ever, the reduced renal gluconeogenesis and diabetes and ESRD, but levels of 6% to 7%
Diabetes insulin clearance seen in ESRD may result in appear to be safe. The target fasting plasma
is the leading variable net effects in different patients. In glucose level should be lower than 140 mg/
addition, ESRD and hemodialysis alter the dL, and the target postprandial glucose level
cause of ESRD pharmacokinetics of diabetic medications. To- should be lower than 200 mg/dL.19
worldwide gether, all of these factors contribute to wide
fluctuations in glucose levels and increase the ■■ Most oral Diabetes drugs
risk of hypoglycemic events. are contraindicated IN ESRD

■■ Hemoglobin A1c may be falsely high Oral antihyperglycemic drugs include the in-
sulin secretagogues (sulfonylureas and megli-
Self-monitoring of blood glucose plus serial tinides), biguanides, thiazolidinediones, and
hemoglobin A1c measurements are the stan- alpha-glucosidase inhibitors (Table 1). Most of
dard of care in diabetic patients without renal these drugs are contraindicated in ESRD.
However, in diabetic patients with ESRD, Sulfonylureas
elevated blood urea nitrogen causes formation Sulfonylureas reduce blood glucose by stimu-
of carbamylated hemoglobin, which is indis- lating the pancreatic beta cells to increase in-
tinguishable from glycosylated hemoglobin by sulin secretion.
electrical-charge-based assays and can cause Sulfonylureas have a wide volume of dis-
the hemoglobin A1c measurement to be falsely tribution and are highly protein-bound,20 but
elevated. Other factors such as the shorter red only the unbound drug exerts a clinical effect.
life span of red blood cells, iron deficiency, Because of protein binding, dialysis cannot ef-
recent transfusion, and use of erythropoietin- fectively clear elevated levels of sulfonylurea
stimulating agents may also cause underesti- drugs. Furthermore, many ESRD patients take
mation of glucose control.14 drugs such as salicylates, sulfonamides, vita-
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Non-insulin antihyperglycemic agents
agents Mechanism Initial dose Maximum dose Adverse effects Use in renal failure

Sulfonylureas Increase insulin secretion Hypoglycemia Metabolism is affected by renal failure,

by pancreatic beta cells and weight gain necessitating dosage reduction and
eventually avoidance
Glyburide 2.5–5 mg/day 10 mg twice daily Used at doses of 2.5–5 mg/day
(Micronase) if GFR > 50 mL/minute
Not safe
Glimeperide 1 mg/day 8 mg/day Not safe
Glipizide 5 mg/day 20 mg twice daily Safe at dosage of 2.5–10 mg/day
(Glucotrol) or XL 5 mg/day or XL 20 mg/day Extended-release form is not safe
Tolbutamide 500 mg twice 500 mg four times Not used
(Orinase) daily a day
Chlorpropamide 100 mg/day 500 mg/day Not used
Meglitinides Increase insulin secretion Hypoglycemia Can be used
by pancreatic beta cells and weight gain
Repaglinide 0.5 mg three 4 mg three times May be used with caution, but is best
(Prandin) times a day a day avoided
Nateglinide 120 mg three 180 mg three Hepatically metabolized and active
(Starlix) times a day times a day metabolites excreted by kidneys;
hence, not safe
Biguanides Decrease hepatic No hypoglycemia Contraindicated when GFR is
gluconeogenesis or weight gain < 60 mL/minute
Metformin 250 mg twice 850 mg three
(Glucophage) daily times daily
Thiazolidinediones PPAR-gamma agonists; Cause weight gain; Metabolism not affected; caution in
lower insulin resistance no hypoglycemia patients with congestive heart failure
and enhance peripheral
disposal of glucose
Rosiglitazone 4 mg/day 8 mg/day
Pioglitazone 15 mg/day 45 mg/day
Alpha-glucosidase Prevent digestion No hypoglycemia Contraindicated because of increased
inhibitors of carbohydrates or weight gain level of parent drug and metabolite
Acarbose 25 mg three 100 mg three
(Precose) times daily times daily
Miglitol 25 mg three 100 mg three
(Glyset) times daily times daily
GLP-1 analogues Slow gastric emptying,
increase postprandial
Exenatide insulin release, reduce 5–10 μg 10 μg twice daily Nausea, vomiting, Contraindicated if GFR is < 30 mL/min,
(Byetta) glucagon release twice daily and weight loss and in ESRD

‘Gliptins’ Inhibit DPP-IV, enhance Gastrointestinal effects;

action of GLP-1 risk of hypoglycemia if
Sitagliptin 25 mg/day 100 mg/day used with sulfonylureas 50 mg/day if GFR is 30–50 mL/min,
(Januvia) or 25 mg/day if GFR < 30 or in ESRD

Saxagliptin 2.5 mg/day 5 mg/day Headache, upper 2.5 mg/day if GFR < 50 mL/min and in
(Onglyza) respiratory infection, hemodialysis patients; not studied in
urinary tract infection peritoneal dialysis

GFR = glomerular filtration rate; ESRD = end-stage renal disease; DPP-IV = dipeptidyl peptidase; GLP-1 = glucagon-like peptide-1;
PPAR-gamma = peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma

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Diabetes and hemodialysis

min K antagonists, beta-blockers, and fibric receptor gamma (PPAR-gamma). These drugs
acid derivatives, which may displace sulfonyl­ do not bioaccumulate in renal failure and so
ureas from albumin, thus increasing the risk of do not need dosing adjustments.26
severe hypoglycemia. The main adverse effect of these agents
The first-generation sulfonylureas—chlor- is edema, especially when they are combined
propamide (Diabinese), acetohexamide (Dy- with insulin therapy. Because of this effect, a
melor), tolbutamide (Orinase), and tolazamide joint statement of the American Diabetes As-
(Tolinase)—are almost exclusively excreted by sociation and the American Heart Associa-
the kidney and are therefore contraindicated tion recommends avoiding thiazolidinediones
in ESRD.21 Second-generation agents include in patients in New York Heart Association
glipizide (Glucotrol), glimepiride (Amaryl), (NYHA) class III or IV heart failure.27 Fur-
glyburide (Micronase), and gliclazide (not thermore, caution is required in patients in
available in the United States). Although compensated heart failure (NYHA class I or
these drugs are metabolized in the liver, their II) or in those at risk of heart failure, such as
active metabolites are excreted in the urine, patients with previous myocardial infarction
and so they should be avoided in ESRD.22 or angina, hypertension, left ventricular hy-
The only sulfonylurea recommended in pertrophy, significant aortic or mitral valve
ESRD is glipizide, which is also metabolized in disease, age greater than 70 years, or diabetes
the liver but has inactive or weakly active me- for more than 10 years.27
tabolites excreted in the urine. The suggested In summary, although ESRD and dialysis
dose of glipizide is 2.5 to 10 mg/day. In ESRD, do not affect the metabolism of thiazolidine­
sustained-release forms should be avoided be- diones, these agents are not recommended in
cause of concerns of hypoglycemia.23 ESRD because of the associated risk of fluid ac-
cumulation and precipitation of heart failure.
The meglitinides repaglinide (Prandin) and Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors
nateglinide (Starlix) are insulin secretagogues The alpha-glucosidase inhibitors acarbose (Pre-
Plasma glucose that stimulate pancreatic beta cells. Like the cose) and miglitol (Glyset) slow carbohydrate
values can be sulfonylureas, nateglinide is hepatically me- absorption from the intestine. The levels of
tabolized, with renal excretion of active me- these drugs and their active metabolites are
unpredictable tabolites. Repaglinide, in contrast, is almost higher in renal failure,22 and since data are
in diabetic completely converted to inactive metabolites scarce on the use of these drugs in ESRD, they
in the liver, and less than 10% is excreted by are contraindicated in ESRD.
patients the kidneys.24,25 The meglitinides still pose a
with ESRD risk of hypoglycemia, especially in ESRD, and ■■ GLP-1 analogues and ‘GLIPTINS,’
hence are not recommended for patients on NEW CLASSEs OF DRUGS
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) stimulates
Biguanides glucose-dependent insulin release from pan-
Metformin (Glucophage) is a biguanide that creatic beta cells and inhibits inappropriate
reduces hepatic gluconeogenesis and glucose postprandial glucagon release. It also slows
output. It is excreted essentially unchanged in gastric emptying and reduces food intake. Di-
the urine and is therefore contraindicated in peptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) is an active
patients with renal disease due to the risks of ubiquitous enzyme that deactivates a variety
bioaccumulation and lactic acidosis.22 of bioactive peptides, including GLP-1.
Exenatide (Byetta) is a naturally occur-
Thiazolidinediones ring GLP-1 analogue that is resistant to deg-
The thiazolidinediones rosiglitazone (Avan- radation by DPP-IV and has a longer half-life.
dia) and pioglitazone (Actos) are highly po- Given subcutaneously, exenatide undergoes
tent, selective agonists that work by binding to minimal systemic metabolism and is excreted
and activating a nuclear transcription factor, in the urine.
specifically, peroxisome proliferator-activated No dose adjustment is required if the
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Shrishrimal and colleagues

Table 2
Insulin preparations:
Considerations in hemodialysis patients
Insulin preparation Onset of action Peak action Effective duration Dosing change
in renal failure

Rapid-acting Reduce dose by 25% when

Regular 30–60 min 2–3 hr 8–10 hr glomerular filtration rate
Lispro (Humalog) 5–15 min 30–90 min 4–6 hr (GFR) is 10–50 mL/min,
Aspart (NovoLog) 5–15 min 30–90 min 4–6 hr and by 50% when
GFR < 10 mL/min
Long-acting Reduce dose by 25% when
Neutral protamine 2–4 hr 4–10 hr 12–18 hr GFR is 10–50 mL/min, and
Hagedorn (NPH) by 50% when GFR is less
Glargine (Lantus) 2–4 hr None 20–24 hr than 10 mL/min
Detemir (Levemir) 3–4 hr 3–14 hr 6–23 (19.9) hr

Premixed Reduce dose by 25% when

70/30 human mix 30–60 min 3–12 hr 12–18 hr GFR is 10–50 mL/min,
70/30 aspart mix 5–15 min 30–90 min 12–18 hr and by 50% when GFR is
75/25 lispro mix 5–15 min 30–90 min 12–18 hr less than 10 mL/min

glomer­ular filtration rate (GFR) is greater Sitagliptin has been associated with gas-
than 30 mL/min, but exenatide is contraindi- trointestinal adverse effects. Anaphylaxis,
cated in patients undergoing hemodialysis or angioedema, and Steven-Johnson syndrome
in patients who have a GFR less than 30 mL/ have been reported. The risk of hypoglycemia Few oral
min (Table 1). increases when sitagliptin is used with sulfo- diabetes drugs
Sitagliptin (Januvia) is a DPP-IV inhibi- nylureas.
tor, or “gliptin,” that can be used as initial can be used
pharmacologic therapy for type 2 diabetes, as ■■ ESRD REDUCES Insulin CLEARANCE in ESRD
a second agent in those who do not respond
to a single agent such as a sulfonylurea,28 In healthy nondiabetic people, the pancreatic
metformin,29–31 or a thiazolidinedione,32 and beta cells secrete half of the daily insulin re-
as an additional agent when dual therapy quirement (about 0.5 units/kg/day) at a steady
with metformin and a sulfonylurea does not basal rate independent of glucose levels. The
provide adequate glycemic control.28 Sita- other half is secreted in response to prandial
gliptin is not extensively metabolized and is glucose stimulation.
mainly excreted in the urine. Secreted into the portal system, insulin
The usual dose of sitagliptin is 100 mg passes through the liver, where about 75% is
orally once daily, with reduction to 50 mg for metabolized, with the remaining 25% metabo-
patients with a GFR of 30 to 50 mL/min, and lized by the kidneys. About 60% of the insulin
25 mg for patients with a GFR less than 30 in the arterial bed is filtered by the glomerulus,
mL/min.33 Sitagliptin may be used at doses of and 40% is actively secreted into the nephric
25 mg daily in ESRD, irrespective of dialysis tubules.34 Most of the insulin in the tubules is
timing (Table 1). metabolized into amino acids, and only 1% of
Other drugs of this class are being devel- insulin is secreted intact.
oped. Saxagliptin (Onglyza) was recently ap- For diabetic patients receiving exoge-
proved by the US Food and Drug Adminis- nous insulin, renal metabolism plays a more
tration and can be used at a dosage of 2.5 mg significant role since there is no first-pass
daily after dialysis. metabolism in the liver. As renal function
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Diabetes and hemodialysis

starts to decline, insulin clearance does not fer the following observations and recom-
change appreciably, due to compensatory mendations:
peritubular insulin uptake.35 But once the • Glycemic control and monitoring in ESRD
GFR drops below 20 mL/min, the kidneys are complex.
clear markedly less insulin, an effect com- • Patients with ESRD are especially suscep-
pounded by a decrease in the hepatic me- tible to hypoglycemia, so diabetic drug
tabolism of insulin that occurs in uremia.36 therapy requires special caution.
Thus, despite the increase in insulin resis- • ESRD patients need ongoing diabetes
tance caused by renal failure, the net effect education, with an emphasis on how to
is a reduced requirement for exogenous in- recognize and treat hypoglycemia.
sulin in ESRD.37 • Diabetic pharmacotherapy in ESRD should
A variety of insulin preparations are avail- be individualized. The targets of therapy
able, including rapid-acting, intermediate- are a hemoglobin A1c value between 6%
acting, and long-acting forms and premixed and 7%, a fasting blood glucose level less
combinations, each with its specific onset, than 140 mg/dL, and a postprandial glu-
peak, and duration of action (Table 2). To our cose level less than 200 mg/dL.
knowledge, no study of neutral protamine • Of the oral antidiabetic drugs available,
Hagedorn (NPH) insulin or other long-acting glipizide, sitagliptin, and saxagliptin may
insulins has been done in patients with ESRD, be used in ESRD. Glipizide, starting with
and very few studies have described the use of 2.5 mg daily, should be reserved for ESRD
insulin analogues in ESRD. patients with a hemoglobin A1c value less
Aisenpreis et al38 showed that the pharma- than 8.5%.
cokinetic profile of insulin lispro (Humalog), • Thiazolidinediones may cause fluid
which has a short onset of action and a short overload and thus should be avoided in
duration of action, may not only facilitate the ESRD.
correction of hyperglycemia but may also de- • We recommend a long-acting insulin
crease the risk of late hypoglycemic episodes, (glargine or NPH) for basal requirements,
Reduce the which is of increased relevance in hemodialy- along with rapid-acting insulin before
insulin dose sis patients. meals two or three times daily.
On the basis of the available evidence,39,40 • The newer basal insulin (glargine) and
by 25% if we recommend a long-acting insulin such as rapid-acting insulin analogues (lispro or
the GFR is insulin glargine (Lantus) or NPH insulin for aspart insulin) are more favorable than
basal requirements, along with a rapid-acting NPH and regular insulin, but their higher
< 50 mL/min, insulin analogue such as lispro or insulin as- cost could be an issue.
and 50% if it part (NovoLog) before meals two or three • Some patients may prefer a premixed
is < 10 mL/min times daily. insulin combination for convenience of
When the GFR drops to between 10 and dosing. In that case, NPH plus lispro in-
50 mL/min, the total insulin dose should be sulin may be better than NPH plus regu-
reduced by 25%; once the filtration rate is be- lar insulin.
low 10 mL/min, as in ESRD, the insulin dose • For ESRD patients with type 1 diabetes,
should be decreased by 50% from the previous insulin therapy should be started at 0.5
amount.41,42 IU/kg, which is half the calculated dose in
The newer insulins such as glargine and patients without renal failure.
lispro are more favorable than NPH and regu- • For ESRD patients with type 2 diabetes,
lar insulin, but they cost more, which can be insulin therapy should be started at a total
an obstacle for some patients. daily dose of 0.25 IU/kg.
• Further adjustments to the regimen should
■■ OBSERVATIONS be individualized based on self-monitored
AND RECOMMENDATIONS blood glucose patterns.
• We recommend consulting an endocrinol-
After reviewing the available evidence for ogist with expertise in managing diabetes
the use of diabetic therapy in ESRD, we of- in ESRD. ■

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Shrishrimal and colleagues

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