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Note: Words set to bold and italics are just notes, do not use them in the speeches.
etc. = et cetera
Topic 1: How has COVID-19 affected your life?
On 31st December 2019, an unknown virus first appeared in Wuhan, Mainland China from a
seafood market. 11 days later, the first death was reported. Facing the frightening disease,
scientists began to research the virus sample. But when they were trying their best to do so, 9
days later, Japan, South Korea, and the United States confirmed the first COVID-19 cases.
There was no cure at the time, Wuhan, a populous city, was set in lockdown. In 2020, WHO
has declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. Many countries have suffered from the major
surge in cases, including Vietnam in 2021.
So how has COVID-19 affected our life? First and foremost, the virus has made stagnation
in many public activities. Take schools for instance. Because of the danger the virus brought
about, many school around the world had to be closed down. Students were obliged to study
online, but we cannot ignore the fact that the effect was much worse than studying face to
face. Events had been canceled also, no matter how big it was. Night curfew was enacted by
the government in many countries. People were restricted to go out.
It seems to confirm the truth that the pandemic had badly affected the exportation and
importation of many countries. The virus was concerned to infect from people to people
through containers. As a matter of fact, many nations reduced the export and import scale. It
is undeniable that exporting and importing are two significant profits of every country. This
fact led to a result in financial difficulties in many countries. Due to the pandemic, the profit
the country got was extremely low, leading to shortage of money to pay salaries to workers.
And there were many of them striking on companies for not giving adequate money
depended to their working frequency.
Last but not least, COVID-19 has changed the whole world. It has changed how we live
everyday. Although the world has produced many effective cures and vaccines, we cannot
prevent the virus from forming new types. According to the majority of scientists, COVID-
19 will not completely disappear out of the world, so one has to adapt themself to the virus.
From these arguments, one must conclude that COVID-19 has caused overwhelming
damage to the world. Luckily, the virus has spread more slowly nowadays, so we are less
worried. But this is also a warning bell to every country in the world when discovering an
unknown virus. This pandemic has taught us not to be subjective with new disease, because
when we are like that, we do not know if anything bad would happen next.
Topic 2: How to speak confidently in public?
Let us start by considering the fact that it is very important for you to speak confidently in
public, and doing it brings many benefits. We live in a world, in which confidence is
something obliged in our life. But many people are unsure of themselves. So how to speak
confidently in public? And now, let’s get started.
First and foremost, you all know that you cannot get over the fear of speaking in public on
your own. Thus, finding a supportive friend or family member to help you practise and give
feedback is a good idea.
Second, it is no doubt that everyone can make a mistake when speaking in public. And
because of that, many people lose their confidence. But if you have actually made a mistake,
just keep going and do not mind the error. The main objective of speaking is to transmit
information, not to know if you made faults. So when you just ignore the mistake and
continue your presentation, your confidence will be still there.
Furthermore, it seems to confirm the idea that even if you do not feel confident inside, face
the audience with confidence. The more you maintain eye contact with people, the more
likely they will be able to connect with what you are saying. And when you smile, they will
feel happy and find your presentation trusty. You can also tell yourself: “You can do it” to
boost your confidence and set your mind at rest.
The most striking feature of the problem is that: speak from your heart rather than read from
notes or a script. When you speak basing to a pattern, you will likely forget some words in
that pattern, and you will try to find words that are suitable for replace them. This will slow
down your speaking speed, and also reduce your confidence. So if you speak from your
heart, you just say everything you think. You do not need to remember anything, so speaking
a presentation without a stumble is easy to do. But this skill requires you to be passionate
about what you are talking about and know your audience in order to speak to their needs.
Last but not least, take some deep breaths. When it is time for speaking, you will not feel out
of breath and find yourself gasping for air halfway through your talk.
In conclusion, I can say that although the information I have given is not adequate, but these
are the most important ways you can apply to speak confidently in public.
Topic 3: What is more important, the appearance or the character of a person? Why?
Many people think that the appearance of a person is the most important of a person, but
others do not agree. In my sight of view, both are important, but beauty is only skin-deep,
handsome is as handsome does. This is my perspective about this problem.

● Beauty is only skin-deep: vẻ đẹp không khẳng định được nhân cách của ai đó.

● Handsome is as handsome does: tính cách quan trọng hơn vẻ bề ngoài.

● Bài văn này sử dụng hai câu thành ngữ trên để thay thế cho đề bài, tránh gây ra sự
lặp lại không nên có.
First and foremost, nowadays, people often look down on people who do not have good
morality. Having a good appearance does not mean your character is good. Take the women
in films for instance. There are many films reflecting women good-looking but behave
badly. The appearance is just an outer beauty of human, it just let people know how beautiful
or pretty you are, and if they know you are not righteous, you will be isolated from the
society. Everyone will feel contempt with you, and you may suffer from depression.
It seems to confirm the idea that a person who is kind-hearted and pays regard to people will
be many people’s good book. When you help a person, that individual will find out your
personality and will help you back. Moreover, you can even be known widely because of
your helpful morality. Then everyone will love and respect you, no matter how bad your
looking is. As said above, your appearance is just an outer beauty of human. You may be
also popular because of your complexion, but if you are evil and people find out, your life is
basically done because people will remember you for long.
Last but not least, the appearance cannot hide your personality. Your behavior will highlight
your morality after all. If your sitting pose or standing pose is bad although you are pretty,
people will immediately think of you being a bad person. The way you speak also
symbolizes your personality. If you say rude things about someone, people will consider you
a terrible individual.
Taken everything into considerable, I can say that although the appearance of a person is
important, the personality is much more necessary. If I were to choose one out of two, I will
probably choose personality. Living with good personality will be much easier, unlike with
good looking, when you need to be careful of everything around you.

Topic 4: Is there value in homework? Why? Why not?

Before seeing through the speech, some points need to be highlighted here: in the modern
time, homework is used for consolidating lessons or improving your intelligence. It is
generally agreed that homework does have value. But actually, for me, it is only good if
students eventually come down to the homework. I only partly agree about this statement.
And now, I will present my perspective about this problem.
Let’s talk about the pros first. First and foremost, homework is the work that students have
to do at home. It strengthen your knowledge. And because of the role it plays, people agree
that homework is obliged to students. Some parents in Vietnam even ask the teachers to give
more homework so that their sons and daughters can be better at studying anything.
Furthermore, homework improves your intelligence. It helps you have a more provident look
at everything like in math or physics. We live in a world, in which intelligence is very
important. Homework is literally the best thing you can use to improve it. Homework is also
used by teachers to fill up the free time students have. In modern time, many people use
smartphones or laptops to play game for entertainment, but they are not good for your
health. Because of this, teachers give students exercises to do so as to fill up the free time,
which makes your health better.
The other side of the coin is that homework does not have value if not used correctly and
effectively. As the era is developing fast, more applications have been created in order to
support pupils with exercises, no matter how hard are. And unfortunately, the students
usually abuse these apps to do homework. They do homework just as to please their
teachers’ need. This eventually make homework completely useless against pupils. Also,
students have the tension to ask the others for the answers, then copy them. In this scenario,
homework is also useless for who asked the solution.
Taken everything into considerable, one can say that homework does have value if we look
down to it. But if we do the opposite thing, homework is basically just, a waste of time – it
doesn’t improve any of your skills, and it can even make your studying results worse due to
you not doing homework by trying your best. If you happen to do the homework, look down
to it, it gives you many advantages you always dream of.
Topic 5: What are the impacts of technology on our health?
Before seeing through the speech, some points need to be highlighted here: technology was
created for supporting humans. It is generally agreed today technology has helped us a lot in
many fields, especially in healthcare and machines. But, we have to accept the truth that
everything has two sides: positive and negative. Today, I will present to you my perspective
about this problem.
Let’s begin by talking about the benefits of it. First and foremost, in the past, hospitals had to
save patients’ records only on papers. If the administrators were not careful, the records
would be easy to be lost. But as the technology developed, computer was invented. And the
superior feature of it is to save data and multi-task working. Moreover, when the cloud
storage was invented, storing data is easier than ever. Hospitals will never be afraid of losing
their data because of hard drive error.
Doubtless, as the production line grows fast, and more genius people are present, medicines
and vaccines are much more effective. New treatments and machines have been discovered
so as to support patients, many of them can save criticals. The death rate has dropped down
very deeply due to the enormous help technology brings to us. Cancer is easier to treat and it
is no longer an incurable disease.
We cannot ignore the fact that many technology companies have created softwares that help
people measure many things about their health. People can download certain applications to
get tips about healthcare or diet. They can also buy devices to support. Not to say, many big
companies such as Apple, Samsung have created smart clocks to keep track of your health.
They have supported humans very effectively.
One should, however, not forget that technology does have drawbacks. First, we live in a
world, in which environment is getting polluted badly. And technology is one of the main
causes of pollution. Smokes from factories, products with unsuitable materials, etc. can
cause air, land and water pollutions. According to the World Health Organization, every
year, there are deaths caused from diseases relating to air and water pollution
On the other hand, we can observe that people abuse phones, televisions, computers more.
And we all know that it do harm to our health. We will not have good concentration skill,
sleeplessness, brain problems and more. Aging will occur sooner than usual, meaning that
your life span is shortened. And no one wants to live a short life.
Last but not least, we do know that machines sometime explode if we don’t use them
carefully, or they can even blow up on their owns. And when you hear my line above, you
may have come to the conclusion that machines are not always stable. Take the Samsung
Galaxy Note 7 for example. In 2016, many cases of phone explosion were reported. Injuries
were encountered also. Having found the root of the serious that the batteries had errors,
Samsung have withdrawn all the phones, and the production of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7
had to come to a stop.
Taken everything into considerable, I can say that although technology does bring many
benefits to us, supports us in many activities, especially in healthcare, but we cannot ignore
the truth that it also does harm to us if we don’t know how to use them.
Topic 6: What’s the importance of extracurricular activities?
Let’s start by considering the fact that nowadays, as the epoch is developing rapidly, young
and old do more extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities are operations people do
outside working hours. And because these activities are kinda beneficial, many people love
doing them. This speech will present you the importance of extracurricular activities.
First and foremost, we cannot ignore the truth that you can have more knowledge about
many things that are essential to us. As we know, when we do extracurricular activities, you
may be doing it with some more people. And if you are not good at something, they will
instruct you how to correct it. Moreover, they can even teach you their understanding about
more advanced fields or problems and how to solve them. And from this fact, we can come
to a conclusion that doing extracurricular activities can help you gain more experience in
work. Having more experience means you are more likely to be promoted to better position
in your job. You will be more respected by people around you, as you are experienced. You
may be more well-known, too.
Another way of looking at this question is that you can find more friends, partners and
improve your relationship between many people. You can cooperate with many more
people, making your work easier. Also, when you get on well with many people, it will bring
you enormous benefits. They will care about you more, and you will be more loved.
Furthermore, we live in a world, in which technology is developing faster than ever. More
skills are needed if you want to cope with the era. Doing extracurricular activities will help
you improve many of these. For instance, if a work is too heavy for you, you can call your
friends to help you. But just friends are not enough, you need teamwork and organization
skills. These skills are heavily developed along with the period you do the extracurricular
activities. When you have friends, the work will be much easier. It will take less time to
finish it also. Moreover, you may even get a very successful outcome. Or if you don’t want
to call friends and want do do the work by your own, you will need the problem solving
skill. As you do this kind of activities, your flexibility when facing up to certain
circumstances is improved. With this ability, it will be easier for you to find the shortest way
to accomplish the work. And if you have too many work and you get to finish all before
deadline, time management skill is imperative.
Last but not least, extracurricular will also help people get out of problems. Like the
homeless, you can make food, a lot of food, to fill up their hungry stomach. You can even
get blankets for them. You can also raise funds to finance a hospital chairty campaign so as
to revive patients who are suffering from critical diseases or phenomena. These charities will
help people a lot. The ones who receive your help will never forget your merit, and will be
very appreciated of it.
From these arguments, one can conclude that people are doing extracurricular activities
more and more just because of these benefits. Doing these activities is not a time-wasting
thing, it’s to help people. Not only do people who you help get benefits but you also receive
Topic 7: What are the pros and cons of online learning?
Before seeing through the speech, some points need to be highlighted here: along with the
development of technology, many inventions have been created. Many of them have
changed how the world is developing, like the light bulk having filament as tungsten,
transistor, etc. But, it is generally agreed that the Internet is one of the best creations of all
time through human history. In January 2020, COVID-19 spread at the speed of
unbelievable, and online learning was chosen to be a way to study. Many students feel like
studying in this way because of the superior features, but on the flip side of the coin, some
people would rather study at direct classes than online. This presentation will present you
my perspective about this problem.
Let’s start by considering the pros first. First and foremost, we cannot ignore the fact that
because of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, many school all over the world had to be closed
down for the safety of students. Parents were very afraid of their children not having enough
knowledge at their age during the quarantine. But, for the birth of online learning, studying
is much easier. Students can still study with their teachers through online meeting
applications. You can also study on your own, too.
Next, there’s a fact that however bad the weather is, it will not affect the Internet connection
too much. Because of this, you will not need to be worried about the weather. Or if the
distance from your house to school is too long, studying on the Internet is also a great
option. Moreover, you can study anywhere, anytime. When you have too many documents
and books, with the support of network, you can store information there by storing them in
cloud storage or mass storage device, no matter how much information the books contain.
And when you want to see it, you just need to call it up, and you have had a equipment that
stores all of the learning you need.
To finish the advantages of online learning, let’s say about lessons. Lessons are what people
use to study. And to help students study effectively, the lessons need to be well-designed and
have important knowledge. Online learning is the best way to study this kind of lessons. It is
more colorful, the content is presented much more scientifically. As the technology is
developing at an incredible speed, the questions are even attached to the lessons, and
students can choose the answer right on the screen.
But on the other hand, we know that everything has its own pros and cons. And now we will
talk about the drawbacks. First, studying online is not as efficient as studying directly.
Because of this, pupils will surely lose their concentration, study less seriously. Discipline is
loosened. And what is more is that despite the quality of online lessons mentioned above,
they are still not as good as lessons when studying with teachers face to face.
Furthermore, studying online requires you to look at the screen for a long time. And this will
make your eyesight worse. You may suffer from various diseases and syndromes about eyes
such as nearsightedness, longsightedness, etc. And this thing will affect your life quality,
very much.
Moreover, you cannot take part in outdoor activities often. As you all know, outdoor
activities improve many of your things. For instance, when going outdoors, you can breathe
the fresh air outside, and you can do physical exercises also. They all assist your life to be
better and you will feel more healthy. Studying online will result in spending less on these
One more point that needs to be mentioned is that the examination will not be fair. Many
students will open documents at all costs to bypass the supervisor. If your teacher commands
you to read an essay without looking at it, you can just, take a picture of it, then open that
picture again on your computer or phone.
On the whole, the problem has two main features, these are the advantages and
disadvantages of online learning. Studying online will be extremely effective if you are
disciplined enough, but if not, online learning will be, as a matter of fact, useless.
Topic 8: Should public transport be made free? Why/why not?
Before seeing through the speech, some points need to be highlighted here: public transport
has been more and more popular nowadays. More and more people are using this means of
transport because of its superior features. Many people want the government to make public
transport free, but others don’t agree with this suggestion. And this presentation will present
to you my perspective about both sides of the problem.
Let’s start by considering why people want it to be costless first. First and foremost, the
homeless, the poor, people out of work or suffering from financial problems can still go
wherever they want. People will go by public transportation more because it costs nothing to
travel to the destination you want to go. Moreover, it reduces smoke emitted into the air.
This means that pollution will be less than before.
Next, you can get to the destination without driving, saving energy for other activities. And
the driver will drive you. And you just need to relax in the vehicle. You can surf the Internet,
communicate with passengers around you, enjoy a small meal on the public transport, enjoy
the view outside, read a book or just sleep to be ready for work. Many people are not
capable of driving, so public transport is the only option for them sometimes to get to their
Moreover, no one likes to be stuck in a traffic jam because it wastes time and there is also a
risk. Traffic jams are a phenomenon when there are too many vehicles going on the road.
And the population is increasing at an incredible speed nowadays, meaning that traffic jams
will appear much more. But with the public vehicle, since one of them has many seats, some
has 40, some has 50, some even have mobile beds for passengers, the vehicles on road will
be reduced and the jams will be less than before.
Furthermore, it reduces air pollution. We all know that most of the vehicles nowadays emit
smoke, especially carbon dioxide. The more vehicles people drive, the more gas they will
emit. And as said above, public transport reduces the number of transport. This means that
the gas will be emitted less, and the process of planet heating will be slowed down. The
number of deaths related to air pollution will fall down. Life quality will be better.
Moreover, we can save fuel efficiency through going on public transport. Need to remind
again, this kind of vehicle reduces the number of transport. The fuel used in the world
everyday will be reduced, and the fuel saved will be used for many more purposes. Saving
fuel is also a way to make our country more wealthy. A public vehicle usually has about 50
seats, which means that if the seats are filled up, we can save an enormous times of the fuel
consumed by the transport. Not to mention, nowadays, there are even vehicles using
electricity to operate, and it doesn’t emit gas. Thus, going by public transport can also save
On the other hand, some people do not agree to make public transportation free. Everything
has its own reasons to happen. First, the public transportation provider will suffer from
financial problems. As they get nothing from driving their customers to the destination, they
will soon go bankrupt. They will, soon, not be able to pay the salaries to the workers and the
fuel. From this, the public transportation will be reduced.
Furthermore, personal transportation is much more convenient because you can go to
anywhere, anytime. If you go on a public transport, you will be unable to get off the vehicle
to do anything you want. But if it’s a personal vehicle, you can do whatever you want.
Moreover, using your own transportation when going on a short distance will be just too
enough. At this circumstance, getting on a public transportation is a waste of time.
Taken everything into considerable, it’s up to everybody to decide whether to want to make
public transportation free or not. Actually, I only partly agree with this opinion. Everything
has two sides: good and bad. Both making and not making public transportation free have
their own advantages.
Topic 9: What do you think is the coolest invention you’ve seen? Why/why not?
Before seeing through the speech, some points need to be highlighted here: many inventions
have been created to support human life. Some of them have entirely changed how the world
developed, for example, the transistor, car, etc. But personally, I think that the Internet is the
coolest invention I’ve ever seen because of its superior features. Not only do I have the same
thought but also some others. This presentation will present to you my opinion about the
reason why the majority think of that.
First and foremost, we cannot ignore the fact that because of the 2020 COVID-19
pandemic, many school all over the world had to be closed down for the safety of students.
The root of this closure was that vaccines and cures weren’t discovered, so many people
were scared of the virus. Parents were very afraid of their children not having enough
knowledge at their age during the quarantine. But, for the birth of online learning, studying
is much easier. Students can still study with their teachers through online meeting
applications such as Zoom, Cisco, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, etc. The effectiveness
still remains as excellent. Or if you have spare time, you can study on your own instead of
playing games. By this way, you can get information easily.
Furthermore, when we are bored or have nothing to do, we can entertain. We can watch
many types of movies such as thrill, comedy, action, etc. You can also play games with
Moreover, in the past, when the Internet was not invented, people needed to store data by
papers. And it was very inconvenient, of course, because documents on papers may weight
tons. It was risky too because some of them may be lost, especially in hospitals. But, for the
development of the computer, companies or individuals can store data in it. More glad, some
years ago, cloud storage was created. Only with an account, you can archive and find
information easily, and it will never disappear even though your computer is out of order.
People will not be worried about data loss anymore. You can also share data with others, as
the download extension has been attached to many websites.
In addition, communicating with people is much easier. In the past, to contact a person, you
would need to send a mail. It would take very long for the addressee to receive the letter and
reply you back. But, along with the Internet development, social medias have been created.
Just in a bit of seconds, the person you contact will receive the message at an incredible
speed, and it will take the receiver a very short time to message you back. You can also
share your thoughts with your friends.
Taken everything into considerable, the Internet was one of the most important inventions of
all time. The Internet has supported people with many activities and work. Even if the work
is difficult, the Internet will be your superior friend to help you with the work. But for the
Internet, humans wouldn’t have developed as rapidly as at the present.
Topic 10: What is the best age to own a mobile phone? Why/why not?
Before seeing through the speech, some points need to be highlighted here: along with the
development of technology and science, mobile phone has been invented. Mobile phone has
helped us a lot with doing things. Today, many parents have a question: What is the best age
to own a mobile phone. Personally, 16, the age when you start high school, is the most
suitable. This presentation will present to you my perspective about this problem.
First and foremost, we cannot deny the fact that we live in a world, in which knowledge is
more important than ever. The understanding you have to get increases from time to time.
The exercises also start to get more and more difficult, and students may not know how to
give the solution for them. Knowing this mentality, most schools have allowed pupils to
bring phones with them when studying at school. If you have too many books needed for
studying, you can just store essential information in them on your phone. The weight you
need to bring with you will significantly decrease. It is also easier to search for the
information on your smart device than in books.
Next, the mobile phone can be used to entertain themselves after a week of working hard to
relieve stress. You can watch a wide variety of movies such as thrillers, horrors, comedies,
etc. You can also invite friends to play games with you.
Moreover, your smartphone can also be used to contact people. When a problem happens,
and you cannot do it on your own, you can call your friends or family members to help you.
When you don’t know how to do an exercise, you can just call or message your friends for
help. They will support you at their best. You can also share interesting and difficult
questions not only to save them but also create chance for your friends to do it.
Furthermore, your phone will be an excellent tool for storing personal information. At the
age of 16, you will have an identity card, which is very important to you and can help you
get over some problems. When you lose it, you will need to demand the government to grant
you a new one, and it will surely take a lot of time. But if you have a mobile phone, you can
just archive them in the device. In case your card is required, but you don’t bring it with
yourself, just show the pictures of the card, and the work is done.
Finally, you can also make assignments on your phone. Nowadays, many schools and
companies require documents typewrote, not handwritten one. And as the technology
develops rapidly, not only do companies make softwares for computers but also for phones.
In addition, they now have sync system, which is like, transferring data from device to
device. When using this system, you can do your assignments whenever, wherever you
want. When you save the document on your laptop, the content will be exactly the same
when you open your phone.
Taken everything into considerable, the age when you start high school is the most suitable
age for owning a smartphone. With the benefits listed above, I can ensure that students’
work will be much lighter and easier.
Topic 11: Is it beneficial to learn a second language? Why/why not?
One argument in support is that it is very important to learn a second language. Many people
have the same thought, others do not agree. Personally, I agree with this statement. And this
presentation will present to you my perspective about this problem.
First and foremost, it will contribute to our development about the cultures and customs of
the country using the language you learn. When you meet a foreign customer or go abroad,
you can choose suitable food and drinks to serve, making it easier to please them. The
company you are working for will gain more reputation and respect. You will also have a
chance to be promoted to a better position in the company.
In addition, our brains are always ready for learning something new. It seems to confirm the
idea that learning a whatever new language is difficult. But because of their desire, they try
their best to learn it. And when they have adapted to the difficulty, they may also be able to
do learn something new more easily.
Furthermore, we cannot deny the fact that it is easier to communicate with foreigners when
you learn a second language. They will understand you much more easily, because you
speak the same language as them. They will not need to bring their phone out, command the
phone to listen to you then translate what you just said. Of course, this is very inconvenient.
And this advantage overcomes this problem.
Moreover, you will have a chance to study abroad like Harvard, Cambridge, Stanford, etc.
They are all universities which have high reputations. Not randomly, these colleges are
chosen to be the best universities in the world. There are much more which also are
illustrious, they are not just as well known as the schools listed above. When you study
there, you will get a lot useful knowledge. And when you get to work, it will help you a lot.
You will also be more famous.
In addition, from the reason above, you can get jobs more easily. The first thing they look at
to rate you to employ you in a company is the university you studied at. And the second is
your foreign language skills. When you have both of them, you will be likely to get jobs
with high salary. Financial problems are unlikely to happen.
Next, learning the second language makes you absorb in that language. You will feel very
curious of it, no matter how old you are. It seems to be a fact is that: you will devote all the
time you have to studying a new language, but you will never be able to do that when doing
some other activities.
Last but not least, you can travel to anywhere without speaking problems. When you meet
foreigners, you can still talk easily. Moreover, when you travel, you will learn a lot of new
things about the country you visit, like drinking tea in the afternoon of English tradition.
You can also enjoy new food and drinks, or entertain new things your country doesn’t have.
Taken everything into considerable, the second language you have will help you a lot in life,
so, it is undeniable that it is important. Learning a second language will also make influence
on your development and understanding about the world.
Topic 12: Should students do volunteer work? Why/why not?
To begin with the speech, some points need to be mentioned here: we live in a world, in
which science and technology are developing rapidly. Along with the development, volunter
work has been more increasingly done these days. Many students choose to do volunteer
work to while the time down. Many people support this activity. However, some don’t.
Personally, I agree with this statement, and this presentation will present you my perspective
about this problem.
First and foremost, we know that volunteer work is the activity that does not require you to
participate in, and we do it deep in our heart. Students do these activities to develop
morality. They will be politer and more respected.
Next, we do volunteer work to help people or regions to get over troubles. In the world, there
are many individuals who are suffering from hunger, homelessness, joblessness or bad living
condition. We can make food for them to provide energy and nutrition to hungry people,
supporting them in having better health. You can also let homeless people live in your
house, or help maintain the house. For jobless people, you can offer your boss to employ
them, so that they don’t have financial problems.
Moreover, from these activities, one can get experience in their work from people who do
the work with you. Your knowledge will be widened, and it will be easier for you to solve
problems around you, no matter how difficult it is.
Furthermore, it supports you to make new friends and get on better with people around you.
When you have better relationships with them, your life will be less bored. You will enjoy
life more than ever. You will also have more supporters to help you when you have
difficulty in doing something.
Finally, it is also a way to improve physical health. When we do volunteer work, your
muscle will start to work at its best, so your body will not feel too tired. Not to mention,
doing volunteer work means that you have to go outside. Going outside will help you
breathe the fresh air, maintaining your lung’s system.
Taken everything into considerable, students these days have many ways to spend their spare
time. The most popular way they choose is to be indoors and watch TV or play games. But
to be honest, doing volunteer work is still the best option as you not only help others to get
over troubles but also help yourself improve joy of living.
Topic 13: Do teenagers nowadays suffer from more stress and pressure than those in
the past? Why/ why not?
Before seeing through the presentation, some points need to be highlighted here: science and
technology are developing at an incredible speed. But along with the development, the
society starts to get more dangerous, and more and more knowing will be discovered. One
argument in support is that teenagers nowadays suffer from more stress and pressure than
those in the past. I totally agree with this statement, and this speech will present to you my
perspective about this problem.
First and foremost, more and more understandings are found from time to time, many of
which teenagers need to study. But not to mention, some of them are very hard. Teenagers
will spend more time on studying the knowledge. They will have less time to entertain
themselves, meaning that stress will be less relieved.
In addition, parents at present always expect their offsprings to be the best at class, even
when they know their children are not too good at studying. They want to see their sons and
daughters being above all of their friends in the examination. Facing this expectation,
teenagers will be likely to be very stressed, and will devote more time to studying to please
their parents. They will have less time to relax.
Furthermore, school violence is developing more severely than ever. More and more
teenagers are facing the danger of getting badly bullied at school. They can receive both
physical and mental damage. Moreover, since the rapid development of technology, the
Internet has been invented. Many people accept the truth that not only is it very beneficial,
but it is also a dangerous environment for those who are not robust enough. And
cyberbullying is one of what makes the Internet more dangerous. Moreover, the rate is
increasing very fast. If someone cannot bully a group or person in real life, they will choose
the option of harassing them on social networks. Everyone can read the articles, too. Thus,
mental breakdown is unavoidable, and the situation can go out of control.
Finally, teenagers also encounter with financial problems now. They also need money
sometimes. For example, when they are ill, they will have to buy medicines. But if they don't
have enough money on them, the situation will get more serious. Or if you need money right
away and you do not have enough, it will be at least very inconvenient. One more example is
that when teenagers do part-time jobs, they will also be afraid of not being paid fully.
Taken everything into considerable, along with the development of technology, teenagers
have been facing up to many problems, which cause overwhelming stress. Because of this,
they have to find a way to relieve stress, making their life easier.
Topic 14: What makes you feel proud of your country and why?
There is a fact which everyone needs to recognize is that everybody loves and is proud of
their own country, and so do I. Today, I will make a speech to present to you the reasons
why I take pride in my country, Vietnam.
First and foremost, we have to talk about Vietnam history. Vietnam was formed in year 700
BC. And in the developing process, Vietnam have faced up to many invaders, most of which
are from China. In the 19th and 20th century, my country had to fight two of the strongest
countries in the world at that time, they are France and the US. With the fantastic and
brilliant guidance of many generals, we have won the battles. Even today, China is invading
South China Sea, which is of Vietnam. But the situation is still under control.
Next, people here are friendly and hospitality. When you are struggling in difficulty, they
will help you deep in their heart. They will also gift you some small presents sometimes.
They are small, but it is a way to express their care to you.
Moreover, food here is various and tasty.

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