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Global Shared Learning

Classes: Planning, innovation, and strategic sustainability (Tec de Monterrey) & International Strategy (University of
Professors: Maria de los Dolores González & Nikhil Celly
Monday & Thursday 11:30-13:00
Zoom: 5719916619


1 Monday
September 1. Welcome and professors introduction
Week 1 26 (DGS/NC) video
2. Introduction to Global Learning Experience
10 (DGS)
3. Explanation Final Project (DGS)
4. Team assignation (NC)
Capítulo 8:
Estrategia en Breakout room DGS/NC
entorno global. Presentation: Students must fill out the Padlet
with a picture explaining their career, age, where
they are from, hobbies
Every student must comment on two of their
classmates’ padlet

2 Lecture: International Strategy (NC)

September Teamwork: Breakout rooms to discuss next
29 week deliverable: One-page; Identify the
company with strategic projects to support any
3 Monday
October 3 Business Model Lecture: Analyzing the company’s Business
Week 2 Canvas book Model and (40 minutes) (DGS) DGS/NC

11 Teamwork: Every team must make the Business

Model Canvas from the company assigned by
the professor in class.

Thursday Lecture: SDGs and their importance in the
October 6 competitiveness of a company. DGS/NC

Teamwork: Upload a picture (in Padlet) with

something that you love from your country (can
be place, food, activity, etc.) that is common in
your hometown and share with your classmates

Week 3 5 October 10 DGS/NC
Lecture: International Management of Key
Functions (NC)
Teamwork: Students will work on their projects
October 13 Lecture: International Management (Continued)
6 (NC)

Teamwork: Students will work on their projects

Week 4 October 17
13 7 Team Presentations (7 minute-presentation
each team) DGS/NC

8 Thursday
October 20 Team Presentations (7 minute-presentation
each team) DGS/NC
Guidelines for the final project

Objective: The students will identify American and Mexican companies that are working on the definition of strategies
based on SDG’s and explain how such strategies provide competitiveness. (10 slides at most)

1. Introduction (In a paragraph explain why it is important to study SDG’s in the competitiveness context.; explain the
meaning of SDG’s) and which company you have chosen and why.

2. Country analysis
a. PESTEL analysis
b. Analyze the culture of the country where the company operates and how it is different from the home
country. (You can use Hofstede’s book: Culture’s consequences)

3. Internal Analysis
a. Business Model of the company (Use Osterwalder & Pygneur (2010). Business Model Canvas Generation)
b. SDG’s that they are including in their strategies (Check out the company’s annual report) and explain how
they contribute to the firm’s competitiveness.

4. Conclusion and lessons from the Global Shared Learning experience

5. References


Hill, C. W. L., Schilling, M. A., & Jones, G. R. (2017). Strategic management: an integrated approach: theory & cases (12 e). Cengage Learning.

Hill, Charles. (2021). International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace. McGraw Hill. 13th Edition ISBN10: 1260262588 ISBN13:

Hofstede, G. (2001). Culture's consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations. Sage publications.

Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Smith, A., Pijl, P. van der, & Clark, T. (2010). Business model generation : a handbook for visionaries, game
changers, and challengers. John Wiley & Sons.

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