23ec3038 Lab7

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Magic Square Verification: Create a program that checks whether a given square matrix is a magic
square or not. A magic square is a square matrix where the sum of every row, column, and diagonal
is the same.

2. Transposing a Matrix: Write a function to transpose a given 2D square matrix in-place, i.e.,
without using an additional matrix.
3. Array Shuffling: Implement a function to shuffle the elements of an integer array randomly. Ensure
that each permutation of the array is equally likely.

4. Finding Duplicates: Develop a program to find and remove duplicates from an array without using
additional data structures. Preserve the order of the elements
5. Prime Number Generation: Write a program to generate and display the first N prime numbers,
where N is provided by the user

6. Bubble Sort Visualization: Create a program that visualizes the bubble sort algorithm in action.
Display the array at each step of the sorting process.
7. Linear Search Improvement: Enhance the linear search algorithm to perform both forward and
backward searches simultaneously, effectively halving the search time.

8. Array Rotation: Implement a function to rotate an array of integers to the left by a given number
of positions. Preserve the order of elements.

9. Pascal's Triangle: Write a program to generate and display Pascal's triangle up to a given number
of rows. Pascal's triangle is constructed such that each number is the sum of the two numbers
directly above it.

10. Array Partitioning: Design an algorithm to partition an array of integers into two subsets such that
the absolute difference between their sums is minimized. Return the minimum absolute difference.

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