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What does it mean when the material

Mechanics is said to be \"yielding\"?" The
1. What are the four basic forms of material has pass through elastic
range and enter the plastic range
deformation of solid bodies? Tension,
compression, bending, and twisting 16. What refers to the parallel axis
2. What is a structural member theorem for second moment of area?
Steiner's theorem
supported horizontally and carries
transverse loading? Beam 17. The elastic deformation of a material
3. Which of the ff structural member is is: inversely proportional to the
modulus of elasticity of material"
used in the transmission of torque
and twist? Shaft 18. The stress energy of a member is:
4. What refers to a slender member directly proportional to the modulus
of elasticity
which prevents parts of structure
moving towards each other under 19. Stiffness is: ratio of force to
compressive force? Strut deformation
5. What refers to the point in which the 20. Which of the ff substances has the
bending moment changes sign least average coefficient of linear
through a zero value? Point of thermal expansion? Steel
contraflexure 21. Steel has a modulus of elasticity of
6. What is the unit of strain? Unitless _______ Mpa 200,000
7. Volumetric strain is the: ratio of 22. What is the maximum moment of a
change in volume to original volume beam supported at both ends and
carries a uniform load of w
8. What refers to the stress in the
throughout its entire length? wL² / 8
material at the elastic limit? Yield
23. _________ is the stress beyond which
the material will not return to its
9. Which of the ff materials has the least
original shape when unloaded but will
modulus of elasticity? Glass
retain a permanent deformation.
10. Within elastic limit, the shear stress is
Elastic limit
proportional to shear strain. What is
24. All are methods of determining the
the constant of proportionality of this
bar force of a truss member except
statement called? Modulus of rigidity
one. Which one? Maxwell diagram
11. What is the unit of the modulus of
25. The highest ordinate on the stress-
elasticity? Pa
strain curve is called ultimate stress
12. Within elastic limit, the volumetric
or ultimate strength
strain is proportional to the
26. Shearing stress is also known as
hydrostatic stress. What is the
Tangential stress
constant that relates these two
27. What type of stress is produced
quantities called? Bulk Modulus
whenever the applied load cause one
13. What is the another term for modulus
section of a body to tend to slide past
of rigidity? Shear modulus
its adjacent section? shearing stress
14. How many times greater is the plastic
range of strain as compared to the
elastic range of strain? 300
28. The actual stress that the material has 44. Which of the ff is a method of
when under load is called Working determining the bar force of a truss
stress member all of these
29. The maximum safe stress a material 45. Who introduced the modulus of
may carry is called Allowable stress elasticity in 1807? Thomas Young
30. Stress caused by forces acting along 46. To maximize the horizontal range of
or parallel to the area resisting the the projectile, which of the ff applies?
forces is known as Shearing stress the tangent function of the angle of
31. The point on the stress strain diagram trajectory must be one
at which there is an appreciable 47. The moment of inertia of a plane
elongation or yielding of the material figure _______ increases as the distance
without any corresponding increase of the axis moves farther from the
of load is called yield point centroid
32. The straight line portion of the stress- 48. A measure of a resistance of the body
strain diagram has slope equal to the it offers to any change in its angular
_______ of the material modulus of velocity, determined by its mass and
elasticity distribution of its mass about the axis
33. The ratio of the unit lateral of rotation is known as ________
deformation to the unit longitude moment of inertia
deformation is called Poisson ratio 49. Centrifugal force is ________ directly
34. It describes the length elasticity of the proportional to the square of the
material Young's modulus or tensile tangential velocity
modulus 50. In a polar coordinate system, the
35. It describes the volume elasticity of length of the ray segment from a
the material Bulk modulus origin is known as _______ radius
36. The reciprocal of bulk modulus is vector
Compressiblity 51. Momentum is a property related to
37. It describes the shape elasticity of the the object's __________ motion and mass
material Shear modulus 52. The study of motion without
38. The fractional deformation resulting reference to the force that causes the
from a stress Strain motion is known as ________ kinematics
39. At the highest or lowest point on the 53. Varignon's theorem is used to
moment diagram shear is zero determine ________ location of centroid
40. The ratio of the ultimate stress to the 54. The periodic oscillations either up or
allowable stress of the materials down or back and forth motion in the
called Factor of safety straight line is known as ________
41. Modulus of elasticity is also known as translational harmonic motion
Young's modulus 55. With reference to the thermodynamic
42. The modulus of elasticity in shear is diagram of temperature - entropy
also known as Modulus of rigidity (TS), what is represented by the area
43. The moment produced by two equal under the diagram? heat transferred
and opposite and collinear forces is
known as a Couple
56. A mass is revolving in a circle which is 68. The moment of inertia of a rectangle
in the plane of paper. The direction of with respect to the base is how many
centripetal acceleration is along the times its moment of inertia with
radius: at right angle to angular respect to the centroidal axis? 4
velocity 69. The moment of inertia of a triangle
57. When a mass is rotating in a plane with respect to its base \"b\" is
about a fixed point, its angular bh³/12
momentum is directed along: the axis 70. The moment of inertia with respect to
of rotation its tangent is how many times its
58. A solid iron sphere A rolls down an moment of inertia with respect to its
inclined plane, while an identical centroidal axis? 4
hollow sphere B slides down the 71. Moment of inertia is also called
plane in a friction less manner. At the second moment of area
bottom of the inclined plane, the total 72. The radial distance from the axis to
kinetic energy of sphere A is more the point of application of the force is
than that of B called lever arm
59. Which of the ff has the highest 73. What is the branch of engineering
moment of inertia when each of them mechanics which refers to the study
has the same mass and the same of stationary rigid body? Statics
radius? all of these have the same 74. What refers to the force that holds
moment of inertia part of the rigid body together?
60. When a planet moves around the sun Internal force
the angular momentum remains 75. What is a concurrent force system? All
conserved forces act at the same point
61. What keeps an earth satellite moving 76. When will a three-force member be
on its orbit? Gravitational attraction considered in equilibrium? When they
between satellite and earth are concurrent or parallel
62. It shows the forces acting on an 77. A roller support has how many
isolated object. free body diagram reactions? 1
63. A wagon is uniformly accelerating 78. A link or cable has how many
from rest. The net force acting on the reactions? 1
wagon is constant 79. A built-in, fixed support has how
64. Which of the ff is not a vector many reactions and moment? 2
quantity? Energy reactions and 1 moment
65. If the direction of an object's 80. Which support has one moment?
momentum is west, the direction of Fixed support
the velocity of the object is west 81. What is the science that describes and
66. The moment of inertia of a triangle predicts the effect on bodies at rest or
with respect to the base is how many in motion by forces acting on it?
times its momentum of inertia with Engineering Mechanics
respect to its centroidal axis 3 82. What refers to a negligible body when
67. What is the moment of inertia of a compared to the distances involved
circle of radius r? [(pi)r^4] / 4 regarding its motion? Particle
83. The resulting force of a distributed 92. The condition of equilibrium or
load is always acting at: the centroid motion of a rigid body remains
of the area of the loading curve unchanged if a force acting at a given
84. The resultant force of a distributed point of the rigid body is replaced by a
load is always equal to: the area under force of same magnitude and
the loading curve direction, but acting at a different
85. When a body has more supports than point provided that the two forces
are necessary to maintain have the same line of action\" This
equilibrium, the body is said to be statement is: Principle of
________ in static equilibrium Transmissibility
86. When does an equation be considered 93. If two forces acting simultaneously on
\"dimensionally homogenous\"?" a particle can be represented by the
When the dimensions of various two sides of a triangle taken in order
terms on the left side of the equation that the third side represents the
is the same as the dimensions of the resultant in the opposite order\" This
various terms on the right is known as: Triangle Law of Forces
87. What refers to the branch of 94. If a no. of concurrent forces acting
mathematics which deals with the simultaneously on a particle, are
dimension of quantities? Dimensional represented in magnitude and
analysis direction by the sides of polygon
88. What is a \"simple beam\"?" A beam taken in order, then the resultant of
supported only at its ends this system of forces is represented by
89. What assumption is used in the the closing side of the polygon in the
analysis of uniform flexible cable? The opposite order Polygon Law
weight of the cable is very small when 95. A beam with more than one supports
compared to the loads supported by is called ____________ continous beam
the cable 96. A truss consisting of coplanar
90. The sum of individual moments about members is called __________ plane
a point caused by multiple concurrent truss
forces is equal to the moment of the 97. A truss consisting of non-coplanar
resultant force about the same point\" members is called __________ space
This statement is known as _________ truss
Varignon's theorem 98. What method of determining the bar
91. Two forces acting on a particle may be force of a truss if only few members
replaced by a single force called are required? Method of section
resultant which can be obtained by 99. Which of the ff statements about
drawing a diagonal of parallelogram, friction is FALSE? The total friction
which has the sides equal to the given force is dependent on the area of
forces\" This statement is known as contact between the two surfaces
_________ Parallelogram Law 100. In the analysis of friction, the
angle between the normal force and
the resultant force _______ the angle of
friction is less than
101. When a block is placed on an 111. The ff are quantities that
inclined plane, its steepest inclination describe motion and uses Newton's
to which the block will be in law of motion and d'Alembert's
equilibrium is called _________ angle of principle except one. Which one?
repose Time
102. What is usually used to move 112. Which of the ff set of
heavy loads by applying a force which quantities that describe motion and
is usually smaller than the weight of uses the principle of work and
the load? Wedge energy? Force, mass, distance, velocity
103. The angle of inclined plane of 113. Which of the ff set of
a jack screw is also known as __________ quantities that describe motion and
angle of lead uses the principle of impulse and
104. Center of gravity for a two momentum? Force, mass, velocity,
dimensional body is the point at time
which the entire _____ acts regardless 114. The principle of kinetics of
of the orientation of the body weight particles are derived from which law?
105. Second moment of area is the Newton's second law
product of: area and square of the 115. What type of impact is when
distance from the reference axis motion of one or both of the colliding
106. Moment of inertia of an area bodies is not directed along the line of
about an axis is equal to the sum of impact? Oblique impact
moment of inertia about an axis 116. What type of impact is when
passing through the centroid parallel the centers of mass of colliding bodies
to the given axis and ____________ area are not located on the line of impact?
and square of the distance between Eccentric impact
two parallel axes 117. If the coefficient of restitution
107. The number of independent is zero, the impact is perfectly plastic
degrees of freedom is: Total degrees 118. A uniform circular motion can
of freedom - number of constrain be considered as a combination of
equations __________ simple harmonic motion and
108. What velocity is normally momentum
referred to as the derivative of 119. What is the atomic packing
position vector with respect to the factor of simple cubic crystal? 0.52
time? Instantaneous velocity 120. What is the atomic packing
109. What refers to a force by factor for diamonds? 0.34
which work done on a particle as it 121. Which of the ff has the
moves around any closed path is smallest atomic packing factor? BCC
zero? Conservative force 122. In the lead-tin system, ____ Pb,
110. When a force causes a change _____ Sn 37% , 63%
in mechanical energy when it moves 123. Which of the ff is not
around a closed path, it is said to be condsidered in calculating the laminar
______ force non-conservative friction factor? pipe roughness
124. Bravais lattice is composed of
how many crystal structures? 14
125. One roentgen is equivalent to
_______4.21 x 10^-4 C/kg
126. Substances with same
chemical formulas but with different
physical structures polymorph
127. Factor of safety for steel
________ 1.5 - 2.5

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