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DAILY School Isaub National High School Grade level 7

LESSON Teacher Marjiorie B. Bidlan Learning area Force, Motion, &

PLAN Energy (Physics)
Teaching time March 15, 2024 Quarter 3rd
and date 7:45-8:45 am
10:00 – 11:00 am

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of characteristics of light.

Performance Standard: The learners should be able to suggest proper lightning in various activities.
Learning competency: The learners should be able to relate characteristics of light such as colors and
intensity to frequency of wavelength. S7LT-IIIf-10

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a) Identify the other sources of light;
b) Infer that brightness of light is dependent on the distance of light; and
c) Value the importance of the different sources of light that can be found in their
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Characteristics of light
1.1 Intensity or Brightness
1.2 color
III. Learning Resource
References: (Teacher’s guide page 233-243) (Learner’s Material page 243- 257 1st Edition)
Materials: laptop, printed picture, ice, glass, water.

IV. Procedure


Preliminary activities

a. Prayer
Let us stand, and may I request Princess to lead the prayer. (Student will lead the prayer)
In the name of the father……. Amen.
b. Greetings
Good morning class!
Good morning ma’am.
Please arrange your chairs properly, pick up the pieces of trash
around you or under your chairs and you may now take your
seats. (Student arrange their chairs, pick up the pieces
of trash, and take their seats.)
c. Checking of attendance
Class monitor is there any absent in class?
Very good! Everyone is present today. None ma’am.

d. Recalling classroom rules

a. Be kind
b. Be positive
c. Be participative
d. Be neat and clean

(Reviewing previous lesson 5 minutes)

Activity: Pass the cabbage Instruction: The 'cabbage’ will
pass on each table and the teacher will play some cool
music and the student will pass the cabbage around
the table. When the music stops, the group holding the
cabbage must take off a layer and answer what is being

(Establishing a purpose or motivation)


What do you think is the reason why an ice melt in the glass of
Because of warm water

What do you think is the reason why an ice cream melt in the
table? Because of the heat from the surroundings

Why do we need umbrellas and sunglasses during sunny day?

Because of the heat coming from the sun.

What do you think is the common in this picture?

It is heat ma’am.
What do you think is our topic for today?
Our topic for today is all about heat ma’am.
Very good, today we will going to discuss about heat. But before
we continue who wants to read our objective first?
(Students will volunteer to read the objectives)
At the end of the session, the students are
expected to:
a. Identify what is heat and temperature
b. Illustrate the three methods of heat transfer
c. Investigate the conditions necessary for heat
transfer to take place.
d. value the importance of the methods of heat
transfer in their daily lives
Thank you please be seated.

Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills

Now class let’s play the “puzzle game”

I have 3 envelopes here. Inside it is the picture that you are

going to form.

I will divide you into 3 groups. Each group will have 1 envelope
with the picture. I will give you 5 minutes to do that.
And remember class you must stay in the same group, because
after the activity I will give points to those who can answer my
questions regarding the presented topic we have today. Are we
clear? Is that okay with you?
Yes ma’am.

Group 1

Group 2
Group 3
Okay time is up, it’s time to see if you formed the picture.

May we see the work of group 1?

You did a great job group 1. How about the group 3, please Group will show their work
show your work.
Excellent group 3. Last but not the least let’s see the work of Group 3 will their work
group 2.
Amazing! Group you also did a great job. Group 2 will show their work.

Developing mastery leads to assessment

(EXPLAIN – 15 minute)

Okay, time is up. Please go back to your proper seats.

It’s time to present your work in front. Group 1 will be the first
presenter, followed by group 2, 3, and 4. Group 1, will present their work.
Thank you group 1; everybody let’s give 5 claps to group 1.
Next group 2, please proceed in front.

Very good group 2, everybody let’s give ang galing-galing clap Group 2. Will present their work.
to group 2.

Group 3, now it’s your turn.

Nice! Everybody let’s give aleng Dionesia clap to group 3. Group 3 will present their work.

Last but not the least, let us call on the group 4.

Good job, group 4.
Everybody let’s give 51/2 claps to group 4.
Group 4 will present their work.
Now class let’s check if your answers are correct.

Q1. What is the relative intensity of your set up? (include your
(Possible answer)
Q2, which among the langis kandila or lampara has the
highest relative intensity? -the langis kandila that has the hishest relative
intensity is DL-LK1 (CANOLA Oil)
Very good! Nice observations everyone.
Q3. How do you relate the apparent brightness of light with
the distance from the source? -the farther the light source, the dimmer is the
light and the lower the intensity.
Brightness of light depends on source and the distance from the

Figure. Luminous intensity as the distance from the distance.

One measure of the brightness is luminosity, the power of a

source- the amount of light it emits from its surface.
Quantitatively, brightness can be expressed as luminous
intensity with a unit known a candela. For a real photometer,
luminous intensity refers to the amount of light power
emanating from a point of source within a solid angle of one

Note: a steradian is related to the surface area of a sphere. It

is equal to the square of the radius. Steradian comes from the
greek word “stereos” which means solid.

Further in activity 1, varied chemical sources produced

different light intensity. Likewise, different distances from
the light source provided varied intensity.

Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

(ELABORATE - 10 minutes)

Again, class what are the sources of light that we have

Yes Mercy. We have to sources of light which is the natural
source that includes sun, fire, stars, and lightning.
And artificial source that includes lamps, bulb,
Very Good! candle and many more.
Now what factors affect the intensity of light?
Christian - Brightness of light depends on source and the
distance from the source.
Now class, imagine theCandela
world without sun. What do you think
will happen if the sun will suddenly disappear as a source of
light? Distance perception
Yes Jean. -the absence of the sun as source of light would
result in darkness.
Very good! What else?
-the earth will be completely cold.
The sun not only provide light but also heat.
Without sun, what do you think will happen to the plants?
Yes it’s true. -it will die
Without sunlight plant cannot make their own food which is
through the process of photosynthesis.

Is the sun important as the source of light?

Eva? - yes ma’am
The sun plays a vital role in sustaining life and
maintaining earth’s balance.
Very good.
Now class, what do you think is the importance of streetlight?
Very good -it keeps us safety and secured at night. And it
How about the headlights on the vehicles? helps to prevent road accidents and also crime.
-the headlights are important for providing
Excellent! visibility to drivers, illuminating the road ahead,
Always remember that natural sources of light such as the sun and ensuring safe navigation.
provide essential light and warmth for life on earth, support
ecosystem through photosynthesis, regulate the planet’s climate
and influence the biological rhythms in organisms.

Artificial sources of light, like electric bulbs and lead lights,

extend human productivity and leisure activities beyond
daylight hours, enhance safety and security and contribute to
overall comfort and well-being of society.

Do you have any questions or clarifications regarding to our

today’s discussion?

If none, kindly close all your notes. You have a short quiz.
-none ma’am

Evaluating Learning
(EVALUATE- 10 minutes)

Fill in the blank. Choose your answer inside the box.

1. Source and the distance
3. Candela

1. The brightness of the light depends on the______

and the ________ from the source.

2. Brightness is qualitative and is dependent on the

person’s ___________.

3. Brightness can be expressed as luminous intensity

with a unit known as__________.

Additional activities (homework)

(EXTEND – 5 minutes)
For your assignment, please do a research for this question.
What is bioluminescence? Name some organisms that are

Are we clear?

That would be all for today and I hope you learn something. -yes ma’am.
Goodbye class!

Good bye ma’am. See you around.

A. Remarks

B. Reflection

a. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

b. No. of learners who require additional activities for

remediation who scored below 80%.
c. Did remedial lesson work? No. of learner

d. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.

e. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why

did these work?
f. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me solve?
g. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?

Checked by:

____Emely A. Lunesa_______
Science Cooperating teacher

Prepared by:

___Marjorie B. Bidlan_____
Pre-Service Teacher

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