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Professor Professor a nd Vice-Chair for Research, Deparunent of Surgery
Robertson-Pot h D istinguished C hair in General Surgery D irector, Lucille P. Ma rkey Cancer Cente r
Depart1nent of Surgery Markey Cancer Foundation Endowed Chair
University ofTexas Medical Branch Physician- in-Ch ief, Oncology Service Line UK Healthcare
Galveston, Texas Un iversity of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

J.C. Foshee Distinguished Professor and Chairn1an, Section of KENNETH L. MATTOX, MD
Surgical Sciences Professor and Vice Chairn1an
Professor of Surgery and Cell and Developn1ental Biology and M ichael E. DeBakey Departn1ent of Surgery
Cancer Biology Baylor College of Medicine
Vanderbilt U niversity School of Medicine Chief of Staff and Chief of Surgery
Surgeon-in-Chief, Vanderbilt University Hospital Ben Taub General Hospital
Nashville, Tennessee Houston, Texas

1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd .
See 1800
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899

ISBN: 978-0-323-29987-9
lrue.rnacional Edition ISBN: 978-0-323-40162-3
Copyright © 2017 by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2012, 2008, 2004, 2001, 1997, 1991, 1986, 1981, 1977, 1972, 1968, 1964, 1960, 1956 by
Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Copyright 1949, 1945, 1942, 1939, 1936 by Elsevier Inc.
Copyright renewed 1992 by Richard A. Davis, Nancy Davis Reagan, Susan Oku1n, Joanne R. Arn, and
Mrs. Mary E. Arn.
Copyright renewed 1988 by Richard A. Davis and Nancy Davis Reagan.
Copyright renewed 1977 by Mrs. Frederick Christopher.
Copyright renewed 1973, 1970, 1967, l 964 by W.B. Saunders Con1pany.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Sabiscon cexcbook of surgery : the biological basis of n1odern surgical practic I [edited by] Courcney Iv!. To\vnsend,
Jr, R. Dartiel Beauchamp, B. Mark Evers, Ken nech L. Mactox.-20th edition.
p. ; cn1.
Textbook of surgery
Preceded by Sabiscon textbook of surgery I [edited by] Cou rtney M . Townsend Jr.... [er al.]. 19th ed. 20 12.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-323-29987-9 (hardcover : alk. paper)-ISBN 978-0-323-40162-3 (incernational ed ition: alk. paper)
I. 1ownsend, Courtney M., Jr., editor. ll. Beauchan1p, R. Daniel, edicor. lll. Evers, B. Mark, 1957-,
editor. IV Ma ttox, Ke nneth L., 1938-, edito r. V Title: Textbook of su rgery.
[DNL/v!: I. Surgical Procedures, Operative. 2. General Surgery. 3. Periopera tive Care. \VO 500]
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Marc G. Jeschke and David N. Herndon
1 The Rise of Modern Surgery: An Overview, 2
lraRutkow 20 Bites and Stings, 532
Lillian F. Liao. Robert L. Norris. Paul S. Auerbach, Elaine E. Nelson.
2 Ethics and Professionali sm in Surgery, 20
and Ronald M. Stewart
Cheryl E. Vaiani and Howard Brody
21 Surgical Critical Care, 547
3 The Inflammatory Response, 25
Andrew H. Stephen, Charles A. Adams, Jr., and William G. Cioffi
Puja M. Shah, Zachary C. Oietch. and Robert G. Sawyer
22 Bedside Surgic al Procedures, 577
4 Shock, El ectrolytes, and Fluid, 44
Addison K. May. Bradley M Dennis. Oliver L. Gunter, and Jose J. Diaz
23 The Surgeon's Role in Mass Casualty Incidents, 586
5 Metabolis m in Surgical Patients, 98
Michael Stein and Asher Hirshberg
Joshua Carson. Ahmed Al-Mousawi, Noe A. Rodriguez,
Celeste C. Finnerty, and David N. Herndon
Mimi Leong, Kevin 0. Murphy. and linda G_ Phillips IMMUNOLOGY, 597
7 Regenerative Medic ine, 163 24 Transplantation lmmunobiology and
Michael S. Hu. Graham G. Walmsley, H. Peter Lorenz, and lmmunosuppression, 598
Michael T. Longaker Andrew B. Adams. Mandy Ford. and Christian P. Larsen
8 Evidenc e-Based Surgery: Critically Assess ing Surgical 25 liver Transp lantation, 637
Literature, 173 Nancy Ascher
Vlad V. Simianu, Farhood Farjah. and David R. Flum
26 Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation, 649
9 Safety in the Surgica l Environment. 187 Yolanda Becker and Piotr Wirkowski
Warren S. Sandberg, Roger Dmoehowski. and R. Daniel Beauchamp
27 Small Bowel Transplantation, 666
Aparna Rege and Debra l. Sudan
10 Principl es of Preoperative and Operative Surgery, 202
Leigh Neumayer and Nasrin Ghalyaie 28 Tumor Biology and Tumor M arkers, 677
Dominic E. Sa11ford. S. Pew Goedogobuure, and Timothy J. Eberlein
11 Surgical Infections and Antibiotic Use, 241
PhilipS. Barie 29 Tumor Immunology and lmmunotherapy, 705
James S. Economou. James C. Yang, and James S. Tomlinson
12 Surgical Complications, 28 1
Mahmoud N. Ku/ay/a/ and Merril T. Dayton 30 M elanom a and Cutaneous Malignant Neoplasms, 724
Charles W. Kimbrough. Marshall M Urist. and Kelly M. McMasters
13 Surgery in the Geriatric Patient. 327
Heather Yeo. Jeffrey lndes. and Ronnie A Rosenthal 3 1 Soft Tissue Sarcoma, 754
Carlo M Contreras and Martin J. Heslin
14 Anesthesio logy Princi ples, Pain Management, and
Consc ious Sedation, 360 32 Bon e Tumors, 773
Antonio Hernandez and Edward R. Sherwood Herbert S. Schwartz. Ginger f. Holt. and Jennifer L. Halpern

15 Emerging Technology in Surgery: Informatics, Robotics,

El ectronics,393
Carmen l. Mueller and Gerald M Fried SECTION VJ H EA D AND NEC K, 788
33 Head and Neck, 789
Robert R. Lorenz. Marion f. Couch. and Brian B. Burkey
16 Management of Acute Trauma, 408
R. Shayn Martin and J. Wayne Meredith SECTION VII BREAST, 8 19
17 The Difficult Abdominal Wall, 449 34 Diseases of the Breast, 820
Oliver L. Gunter and Richard Miller Kelly K. Hunt and Elizabeth A. Mittendorf
18 Emergency Care of Musc uloske1etal Injuries, 462 35 Breast Reconstruction, 865
Daniel K. Witmer. Silas T. Marshall, and Bruce D. Brow11er Karen l. Powers a11d Linda G Phil/1ps

xx iii

SECTION VIII ENDOC RI NE, 880 55 Exocrine Pancreas, 1520

Christein. EricH.Jensen. and
36 Thyroid, 88 1
Philip W. Smith, Laura R. Hanks, Leslie J. Salomone, and
JohnB. Hanks 56 The Spleen, 1556
Benjamin K Poulose and Michael 0. Holzman
37 The Parathyroid Glands, 923
Courtney E. Quinn and Robert Udelsman
38 Endocrine Pancreas, 94 1 SECTION XI CH EST, 1572
Rebekah WhireandTaylorS Rial/
57 Lung, Ch est Wall, Ple ura, a nd Me diastinum, 1573
39 The Adrenal Glands. 963 Joe 8 Putnam. Jr.
Michael W. Yeh, Masha J. Livhits, and Quan-Yang Duh
58 Cong e nita l Heart Disease, 1619
40 The Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndromes, 996 Charles O_ Fraser. Jr_ and Lauren C Kane
Terrye. LairmoreandJeffreyF.Moley
59 Acquired He art Dise ase: Coronary Insuffici ency, 1658
Shuab Omer, Lorraine O_ Cornwell, and Faisal G. Bakaeen
60 Acquired Heart Disease: Va lvular, 1691
SECTION IX ESO PH AGUS, 1013 Todd K. Rosengart and Jatin Anand
41 Esophagus, 1014
Jonathan 0. Spicer, Rajeev Dhupar, Jae Y. Kim, Boris Sepesi, and
Wayne Hofstetter SECTION XII VASC ULAR , 172 1
42 Gastroesophagea l Reflux Disease and Hiatal Hernia, 1043 61 The Aorta, 1722
Robert 8. Yates. Brant K. Oelschlager, and Carlos A. Pellegrini Margarete. TracciandKennerhJ. Cherry
62 Peri pheral Arterial Disease, 1754
Charlie C. Cheng, Faisal Cheema. Grant Fankhauser, and
SECTION X ABDOMEN , 1065 MichaelB. Silva, Jr

43 Abdominal Wall, Umbilicus, Peritoneum. Mesenteri es, 63 Vascular Trauma, 1808

Omentum, and Retroperitone um, 1066 Michael J. Sise, Carlos V.R. Brown, and Howard C. Champion
Richard H. Turnage, Jason Mizell, and Brian Badgwell 64 Venous Disease, 1827
44 Hern ias, 1092 Julie A Freischlag and Jennifer A Heller
Mark A Malangoni and Michael J Rosen 65 The Lymphatics, 1848
45 Acute Abdomen, 1120 /rak/is I. P1pinos and B_ Timothy Baxter
Ronald Squires. Sreven N. Carter, and Russell G. Postier
46 Acute Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage, 1139 SECTION Xlll SPEC IA LT IES IN GENERA L
Ali Tavakkoli and Stanley W. Ashley
SU RGERY, 185 7
47 Morbid Obesity, 11 60 66 Pediatric Surgery, 1858
Williama. Richards
DaiH_ Chung
48 Stomach, 1188
67 Neurosurgery, 1900
Ezra N. Teitelbaum, Eric S Hungness, and David M Mahvi
Juan Ortega-Barnett, Aaron Mohanty, Sohum K Desai. and
49 Smal l Intestine, 1237 JoelT. Patterson
Jennifer W. Harris and B. Mark Evers
68 Plastic Surgery, 1938
50 The Appendix, 1296 Mary H McGrath and Jason H Pomerantz
Bryan Richmond
69 Hand Surgery, 1975
51 Colon and Rectum, 1312 David Ne tscher, Kevin 0. Murphy. Nicholas A. Fiore II
70 Gynecologic Surgery, 2027
Howard W Jones Ill
52 Anus, 1394
71 Surge ry in the Pre gnant Patient, 2053
Amit Merchea and David W Larson
Dean J Mikami, Jon C Henry. and E. Christopher Ellison
53 The Liver, 141 8 72 Urologic Surgery, 2068
Vikas Dudeja and Yuman Fong
Thomas Gillispie Smith Ill and Michael Coburn
54 Biliary System, 1482
Patrick G. Jackson and Stephen RT. Evans Index, 2107

xx iv


Video 50 - 1 l..aparascopic Appendectomy
5 Metabolism in Surgical Patients
Jonathan Carter. MD
Video 5- 1 lndircc1 Calorimc1ry
Vid eo 50-2 l..aparascopic Appendectomy in Pregnant Paliem
Noe A. Rodriguez. MD
Lawrence W. Way, MO
Video 5-2 Body ComPosi 1io n and DEXA
Video 50-3 SJLS App<ond<ocwrny Across a Spectrum of
Noe A. Rodriguez, MO
Disease Severity
Video 5-3 Treadmill
Kazunori Sato. MD; Beemen N. Khalil, MD. Ranna Tabrizi. MD.
Noe A. Rodriguez, MO
Jonathan Carter, MD
55 Exocrine Pancreas
Video 55- 1 LaparoM:o pic Splce n-Prc5c rvin g D i5tal
Pancrea tcclo my
15 Emerging Technology in Surgery: Informatics, Robotics, EricH.Jensen,MD
El ectronic s Video 55-2 LaparoM:o pi c Vessel- Prese rving, Spleen- l're5erv ing
Video 15- 1 Robot-Assistc<! Rc5ccr ion Disrnl Pancrea1ectomy
Guillermo Gomez, MD EricH.Jensen,MO
Video 55-3 Laparoscopic Cy5t Gastroston1 y
17 The Difficult Abdomin al Wall
Video 17- 1 Novel Management of an Entcroatm osphcrk
Fistula Using a "Floating Stoma" 57 lung , Chest Wall, Pleura, and Mediastinum
Oliverl. Gunter Video 57- 1 Pleural Effusion
Christopher J. Dente. MD. Grace S. Rozycki, MD, ROMS, FACS
Video 57-2 Pleural Sliding
Chrisropher J. Dente. MD. Grace S Rozycki. MD. ROMS, FACS
Video 57-3 Pneu rnothorax
24 Transpl antation lmmunobiology and lmmunosuppression
Video 24- 1 Rcsuhs of the Wo rld '• Fi rst Successful Ha nd
Darla K. Granger. MO, Suzanne l/dstad. MD
61 Aorta
Video 6 1- 1 Total Ao rti c Replacement
Hazim J. Safi. MO. Anthony L. Estrera, MD, Eyal E. Porat, MD.
SECTION VIII ENDOCR INE Aliz Azizzadeh. MD. Riad Meada, MD
40 The Multiple End ocrine Neoplasia Syndromes 64 Venous Disease
Video 40- 1 Parat hyro id Autotransplantatio n Video 64- 1 TRI VEX 1
JeffreyF. Moley,MO Jennifer Heller, MD
Vid eo 4 0-2 l..:lparoscopic Adre nalccwmy for Video 64-2 TRI VEX 2
Pheochromocywma in Pa1iems wi(h MEN 2A Jennifer Heller, MD
JeffreyF. Moley,MD


47 Morbid Obesity
70 Gynecologic Surgery
Video 4 7- 1 Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgical
Video 7 0- 1 Total roscopic Hysterecto my with Right
Salpi ngo-Oophorcctomy
William 0. Richards. MO
Amanda Yunker, OD. MSCR, Howard W. Jones Ill. MD
Video 47-2 U.paroscopic Adjusrable Gastric Band Surgical
Video 70-2 1..:lparoscopic Right Salpingo-O op horectomy
Amanda Yunker. DO. MSCR. Howard W. Jones Ill, MD
William 0. Richards. MO

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Page num ber> fol lowed by 'f" ind icate figures, "b" ind icate bo~cs. and 'r" ind icate tabl es

A Abdo rnjn al pctincal reS<"<'.! ion, in Acuicabdomcn (Cbntinued)

Aaron sign , 1126t rcctala ncn, 1379 amebk.;uA rn cbicabscess nonsurgical cau><-sof, __!_!l_Q,
Ahl>< Haps. 121, 795/ Abdominal trauma, 1895- 1896 breast , fil 1121b
Ah l>rcviatcd injury5Calc (AIS) , Alll Abdominal vascular injury. incomplicaie<ldivcrticulitis , in[><'diatrics,1 132- 11 3 3
Abei~imab , 719< 1818-1820, 1819/ \333- 1334 p hysical exa m inat ion of,
ABC1of1raum a, 1894-1895 Abdominal wall , 449-461 intra-abd ominal. inCrohn's 1124-1125, 11 25/ 1126r
AbJ01nen, injutiesw, 432-444 1065-109 1 roliti s,1351 - 1352 in pregmncy, 113 1-1 132, 1131/
cvJ luacionof -- alxlomin al closure, assessi ng lung, 1595 1132i, 2057
blumabdomina l irauma, rcad incssfor,4 52 rrogc~fe !'yogenicab>ecss summary of, 1135
432-434. 433/ abdom inalfascialdehi scenu, splenic,1562 , 1564 surgiuilcondi tionsof, 1120,
pmctr>ti n gabdomi nal tra uma , 4 49 -45 0,450b Ab'°rpt ion, in colon , 1323 11 2 1b -
43( 434/ abno rm ali ties of, 1071 - 1072 Ac;ctabulum , 475, 47(>/ Acuteacak 11louscholccy>titis , 1508,
ru anage-;-;;e;;-tof, 434 -444 adju11mtorcpair, 456-458 , 4 58[ Acetaminoph-e,;:- -542 1508/
immediatc. fil
- biologicmcsh ,453-454,454{ Acetate, 1323 Acuicblccding,218.219,2191
Abdominal aorta, 964/965/ dosure techn iquein ,44 9 Acha lasia. 1016- 1019, 10 17/ 10 18/ Acutecakulou scholecysti tis
Ah<lomiml ao nicancury<rn conditions. 188 .~-1884 Acidosis. 2J..:2.1 1493- 1494 , 1493/
computc<lwmogrophyfor. ~ abdom inal wa ll dcfcct>. Jl!1li, Acid, Arntcchola ngit is, 1507
1724/ 1883/ "'causeofnkcr, 119<) Acutecholcx;y5t it is ,J 46
<l iagnosisof, 1723- 1724, gamoschisis , 1883- 1884 inchemicalbums, 527-528, 527/ lv!urphysignof,1 125
172Jfl~ hernili, 1884- - Adnelbbtulfrbt1u>mmniicornplex , Acuiecomp att1ne111 syn<lromc,
ingcriatricpaticnts,35 1.352/ o mphalocelc . _!fil!2 264-265 485·487
ind dcnccof, 1722 . 17 B. 172 31 defects of, 1883 , 1883/ Acinus. 14 28-1429 d iagnosisof, 486, 4 86/
rnagncticrc.<onancc imagingan<l ddiniti,·crcpair, 455 -456 An1uirc<l hcn ign<li><irdcr<,of fascioto myot:4"87.4H7(
magnetic resonance dcsmoid, _!_QU csophagu, , 1025-1027 pathogcnc,ho~
angiography for. ~ hcmiaof.350-35! . Juafr,, Acquire<lesophagealdisease, surgica ltreaunem of, ~ 4881
1724/ -1il25..:lQ2Z 11ssue pressure1neasuretntnt
mc<lical thcrapyof. 1724-1725 openaorticsurgery, Acq u ired heart disease techn ique, 486-487, 487(
open su rgjcalrcpairof, 17 27- co mplicat io ns of. coronaryinsu fficicncy, 1658- 1690 Acute coronary syndrome, 1661
1731. 1728f1729/ 1742 - 1743 "• lv nbr, 1691 - 1720 Acute fatty liver, of pregnancy,
preoperative evaluation in , intra-abdom inaldisca.'C, An1uirc<l im munity, 601 -616 .2ll6l..=2llG2.
1725-1727, 1726/ !727/ symptoms o f, 107 4- 107 5 ccllul • rrom po nentsof. 604-616 Acutefractures , 462, 463[
riskofmpturcin , 1723, 172}t malignamneoplasmsof, hum anh i.iocompa tibility Acu1egasuicvor;;;;f;;s, l.QB
rnpturedweurys m~ agement 1072- 1074 complex . 601 ·604,602/ Acute gastrointestinal hctllorrhage ,
of,1 7 31 modified Rives-Stop pa and Acquired immu nodeficiency l..l.li1.!22
scrcr ning and <u rvdllancc transvcrsus alxlom inis syn<lromc (A IDS) , 1410 fromanobs.:urcsource ,
recommendationsfor, _ll21 tcchni<iuc>. 456 ,45 7/ Ac'luirc<lintcrrdhcrnh-;:-- 1155-1157. l l 56b
surgicaltreatmcmfor, 1725-17}3 reromuuc1ion , prep.rationfor, ~ d iagnosisof, 1 155 -1156
tcx;hn iqucofopcn><irgical rcpair 4 55,455/4561 Acquire<! umbi lical herni a, 1071 S[><'cificcauscsof, 1157
o( 1727- \7}1. 1728fl730/ sarcoma of, 1074 Acral lentigi nous mcbnoma , nQ, trcatmcn t of. 1156- 1157
17 32/ seromaof. 454-455.4 54{ 730/ lowcr, ll2.!.:..l__!22
Alxlon1iml co mparunc111 syn<lromc, skin n<"<'.tosis , 454-455,454{ Ac1j11ickcrawses, 748 rn anagcrncn1 of patients wit Ii,
70.70/5 55- 556. 581 suturcmatcr ial for,449 Aclinomycosis , 1597- 1598, 1597/ 1139-1142. 1140/
ac;:;;-0, 1QZ222 - syntheticmeshfailure, 4 53, 45 3b Activated proiein C, 571 h istoryan dphysical
canscof, J.QZ:l!!!:! tempornryabdom inaldosure, Activewarming, 55 -~561 examination, l140 - ll4l
di agnos;,of, ~ 450-45 2 , 450b,450<, ActivitiCiofd aily livin g, 338 ini tial assess ment , 11 40
pre,·emionof. 309b 451f4 52/ Acute abdomen , 1!20-1U8 locali-tat ion ,11 4 1- 1142,
ttc~miem of, l!lli:2.Q2 an<lutnb ilicus, 1066 -1075 algori1h rns in , 1134, 1134f1136/ 1141/
Abdominal foscial dchisccnce , anatomy of, 1066-1068, 1067/ anawrn y andphysiologyof, rcsusciialion , 1140
449 -4 50, 45 0b embryology ~ t 120-1121. ll2 2b, 1122/ riskstrat ification , l.!1b
ri,;kfactorfor,450b "csse!sandner"csofabdominol ><ypicalpa1ientsof,1 131 - 1134 l l42b
wall , 1068-1071 common pitfall, in , 1135 scvcrity of. 1140
VCisels and nerves of, J..Q&lQZ! incrit ical lyil l, 1133 nppcr, 1142-1 151, 11 4 2<
jnnervatio nof, 1069- 107 1, d iagno;i iclaparoscopyof, 1130 Acuie licartlailu rc, man"gcm cnt of,
1070/ d iffere11 1ia l d iag11osisof,1130, 556-55 7
Abdominal pain , 1120 vascularsupplyo( 1068- 1069 , 1130b Acute hydrocephalus, 192 7
c&u scs of, in imm unocompromiscd 1070/ -- emergoncyopem tton s. prcpar:H 1o n Acute ilcitis,Crohn'sdiseasea nd ,
pa tirn1 ,1134b Al>dominal -based A:ip>, for breast for, l \3 0- 1131 llli
chronicap[><'ndici1isascau,.,of, rcconst m ction , 1!ZQ_,j!Z.!_ historyof,1121 - 1124, Acute iliofcmor:ilvcnousthromfm,is,
1305 Abdom jtwpla;iy, 1960 - 196 1, 197 1 1123fll24f inpregna11cy. .2l.!M::Zill.i5
digitalrectale>;am ination for, Ab!a1iu" imagingstu<l iesof, 1 126- 1129, Acuie inflanunation , 2.S..:J.5.
11 25 forhigh-grad e dysp lasia , 1127fl129/ - - carlyman ifesta tionsof,.21.
gyn<"<'.ologk health and , 1124 lQlil!!l1 immunocom p romisedpatients Acutckidn ey injury (AKl) . ]1J_
intrnsi tyand .<cvc ri1 yof:--- fccll , Ji:lli wi1h , J.!.11. 11331 Acute limb i.\.chcmia , 1777- 1779.
l\21 - l l22 1\f>btivc lcsion , 1924 intra-abdomi nal prc.,urc 1779/
obstctticrompl ica1ionsresuhing Abla1 ive 1herap ies ,i mage-guide<l , mon iwringof, 11 2 9, 11291 Acute lung injury, 293-294 , 293b
in , 204'1-2050 laboratory;iudiesof, 1 126, dcscripiionof,5~
in prcgnancy, I J}l - 11.12 . ~ 1771, 1126b - Acute tllesen teric lymphadeni tis.
2057 b in mor bi dl)'obese , 1133-1134 1082- 1083


Acutcpancr<ati1is , 90 , 1524- 153L Acutetrnucna (Continued) Adrcnalcortex,diseascsof, 972-980 Affordable Cote Aci (ACA) , 1165
2lliil - pulmona ryinjuries , 428-429, adrenocortiolcarcinoma
assessment of severity, 1527-1528, 429/ 979-980, 9 80/
1527b-152/lb,15-2'-, - >mall howcl injuric>. 441-442 Cushing•yndromc, 976-979
d in ical manife>t>tiomof, 1526 'pccillcinjurics , 417-~ primaryhypcraldostcroni>m ,
complica1ionsof, 1529- 1531 splenicinj uries . ~, 435/ .'.!12=-22S_
pa11cre>1icas.:i1~ 4361 -- sexS!eroidexccss , 979
pancrcaticopku fistulas, thorocicaorticinjuries, Adrenalcrisis . 971-972
153L l 53l/ 430-43 1. 430/ Adrenal disorder. in pregn ancy.
pancrc.ikn<"1'.rosisandirif<"<'.1cd trachcohronchbl injuries , 431 2062-2063
nccro•i< , 1529-1530, maxil lofacial rcgion , 421-423 Adrc;~~%~/ 84-85. 963-995,
1529f15.30/ neek injurie" 423-4: r . r - -
pancreaiicpseudocysts , overview and him>ry of, 408-409 , ana tomy and embryology of.
1530-1531. 1530/ 40% -- 963-964, 964/965/
p.,ncrcatocutancollS ~mda , pclvicinjllrics,441 -446 . 445/ biochemistry and physiology of,
i2.ll prehospitalcarc , 4 11-413, ~
'1crilcandinfcc<e<l 412f413/ - - catecholaminchiosynthcsi;and
peripancreat icfluid rehabilitat ionof,446 physiology, 968-970, 97 0/
collec!ions, J.212 spinalcordinjuries, 420-421 , 420/ generalanddevelopmemal asp<cts
vascubr, _!21! •ystcmso( 409-410 , 409/4 10b of. 2fil, 965/
diagnosisof. 1526-1527 vcrtcbr>l colu mn injuric" histopathologyof. 964, 968/
imaging<1udic<, 1526-1527 420-421 .420/ historyof,..:&3_ -
inddrnccof, J.15. Acute tuhul.r nc..:rosi; (ATN). 5(,4 mct a>tascsi n , 986-987 allllse , 2ll1
pa!hophysiologyof,1524 -1525, AcU!euncomplicotcd oppendidtis, clinica l evaluation and surgical asriskfactorforsquamouscell
1525/ treatment of, 1300 - 1302, managemcm , 987 , 988/ carcino n» .102 7- 1028
ri,kfuctorsfor, 1525-1526 1301} 1302/ cpidc miologya nd J;;;ical withdrawal, in critical c>rc
akohol-induccd injury. Acute vascular rcject ion ,620-621 fc.>tu resof. -9l!.ll
amtornkobstruction ,1526
biliarylgallstonepancreatitis, Adalimumab, 7 191
~:~:: :::~~·~!:;~~: ;~;~284
va.scohtureof, ~
Adrenal insufficiency, 303-304, 569 •
.2Zl:2Z2 ---
Jill forukemi,·ecolitis, 13H causes of. J_QJ_
drug- induce<!pancrcat itis, Ad<li'°ndiseasc , 2Z! incriticallyill , ..2ll
1526 Adcnocarcinoma d iagnosiso( 972, 972/
cndoscopicrc1rugradc ofanalarnal , 14 15 periopera1iveSltro id
d10langiopancrca1ograpl1y- ofcolon , lJ.22 administrotionfor, W
induced pancreatitis , l526 ofexocrincpancreas,154 1- 1552 presentation and d iagnosis of,
metabolic factors, l526 clinical p r=ntationof, 1544, Ji!.B!M. 304b
misccllancot»condi1ion>, 1526 15441 trcatm cntof, 304,3041, fil
treat ment o( I ~28-1 ~29 controvcrsicsof,1549 - 1550 <ypcsof, 971-97!
<J>ffial c.:rnsi<lermions, diagnosisof,1544 - 1545 Adrenal meJ;;1!0,206 8
Vi28 - Vi29 eiwironrnemal riskfactor>fot, disca.s.csof, 980-9 85
Acute rejection , 620-622.620/ 154 1- 1542 phcochromocytoma , 980-985
Acute respiratory distress syndrome epidem io logyof.1541 Adrenalsexsteroids, -2@
(ARDS) hcrcditaryriskf.cwr<for, Adrcnalsicroid hiosynthcsis,
mu lt iorgan fa ;lurc;n , 560 I ~4 2-1 ~41 . 1542t 965-%6, 969/
surgicalcri1icalcareand, 559 -561 imaging>1u<liesof,I544 - l545 Adre~ l 72 8f 1 729/
Acutcsplenic sequestrai io1» 1562 lahora10ryevalua1ionof, 1544 Ad..,nalectomy, 1echnical aspeetsof,
Acute stress response, 106. 106/ mo rbidity in . 1547- 1549. 15481 m.:22.1
Acu te trauma - pcrioperat i•·e mortal ity in, complicotionsandpostopcrat i•·e
ahdmncn,injuric<to , 432-444 l54 7, 1548t carc, 22.!_
brai n i n j uric>. 417-42~ >tagingof, 1545,1545t laparo!<copic b1cr•l
chest injuries , TI4=ill treatment of, 1545 - 154 7 1ransabdominal
damagecomrol principles, All oflungs, ! 583 adr~nalectomy,988- 990
e>: t remiri es, injuries to , 444-446, in•mall intestine . 1276-1277 open anteriortr:rnsabdominal
445/ \ 277/ odren.>lectomy. 99 1-993,
injury «:oring, -1.!Q:fil Adenoidcysticcarcinoma , 803/ 991/ --
4 \ 0t-4111 .fil!Z:1illlL. l5')2 , 16(H) opcr>th·c>pproach,choiccof,
managememof. 407-448 Aden om a 987-988
abdom in algreatvessdinjuries, brea>t , -83!i po>ter1orre1roper1toneoscop1c
443-444, 444/ in s mall intestine , 1270- 1271 , adrcnalcctomy, 990-991,
urdi.>c injuries, 429-4 .~0 \ 2701.1271b 990}99 1/ --

~'.:~::, 7,~j ~::~.~r~~2.:!~'. :~s;;.

1 Adenomatouspolyposiscol i (APC) , a ,-adr<:n crgicagon ist , 387
H59-H60 Adrcnocortic& l carcino~ 9 79- 980,
d iaphragmaticinjuries , 432. Adcnosinetri 1>hosphate (ATP) , -9l!. 980/
432/ - Adenosisofpregnoncy,1!23_ Adrenoconicotropin adenoma, 1915
d 110<knal injt1rie>, 439-440 Adcnosquamouscarcinoma, 804/ 1\dsontcst, 1604
esophageal injuries, 431 -432 Adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) , Adult resp iratorydistrc»syndromc ,
gamicinjuries, 439 iilll 1599
gcnitoutinaryinjurics , 444 Adif>0SC·dcri,•c<lstemcdls (ASCs) , Adult stern cells , 166.167, 166/
hepaticinjuries , 4 37-439, 10.,ill miscellaneous, ~
437f438/437r Adipose-derived mo ma I cells , i l l muh ipotem , i l l
initialasscS>mrntand , i.!1.:±!L Adjuvant t herapy Advance<!Trauma Life Support , 50 ,
4 14/ forg:>striccanccr, 1225- 12 26 1Z!l -
pa11creaiicinjurics , 440 -441, forgaS! Advanccmcru flaps, 1940
440/44 2/ tumor;, 1230, 1230/ Ad,·~ruitial cyS!ic di sease, 1782
plellra l spaccinjurics,, 428/ melanoma treated with . Z1Jlm Afferent loop syndrome, 1213


Anal margin (petianal) !un\ors, Ancurym1al disc.SC (C,m1h1ued) Anterior1ibi . l ,•eins, 1829/
!4 12- 1414 ruprn re<lan eurysm,managemc nt Anthropometry, J.2Z:.!Q!!_
Analpain,ocrnrrmceof, 1395 of, 173 1 Antibiotic activity spectra , 258·262
An algesia - scrccn ing and survd lla nce Antihiotics ,25 1-256 --
intra>·cnou.patient-controllcd , recommendat ions for, 1724 choiceof. 255 -256,255b-256b
..lS&.18..2 >1..rgical treaunemof, !725-1 733 incoloreei alsurgery.1326
umhodsof.385-389, 386/ 1echniqueofopensurgicalrepair forCrolrn's d ikase , 1261
neur>xial, 2§.!! ofabdom inalaonic cytotox ic . lli
nonsteroidal ami-inAammamry dllrat ionof,25 5-256
drngs , 386-387 cmp irkal therapy. 255, 255b
2034 opioids , 38s:Jil6 IJ-lac<am . >ulJ-lacta m an tihiot ie>
Amcric•nAssoci•tion for1heSurgery postopNai ive,sdeet ionof pharmacodynamicprinciplesof,
of "!faum• (AAST) . 408 -409
Amuican College of Surgeons . IQ
Code of Professional Con d uct, 2Q
methodsof. l§.2_
Analgesic thcrapy. J.B..8.
Anaphylaxis, 231
aornc aneurysm
coron>ry >rter iovenousfistnlaand ,
pharmacokineticsof. 25 1
principlesof,253 -255
found ingnf. ..2!:! Anal'la>t ic ast;:;;Cytoma, 1911 , 19 11/ Angio<ly>pla>ias , 1153, 1157 prophylaxis ,224-225 . 2251-2291,
Natio nal TraumaDaiabank , An apla>tic 1hyroidc& rcino m>, 910 Angiohhrnma , 80J-804, 804[ 251 -253
Anastomoticleak,§ - Angiogenesis - - ofdeansurgery,252
causesof, 3 13-3 14 , 3131 inducing, 685 for splen~cwmi zeJ pati oru , 1568
prescntationanddiagnosiso( inwound ~li ng, 136- IJ7 toxicirieso( lli:lfil -
lli.:..ill_ Angiographiccatheterjzation, for avoiding, 263.26Jb
trcatmcntof, 315-316 ma«ivc hcmo p<y>is, 1598 P-lacrnrn all crgy,_262
789-790 Anaswrn mk pscudoancurysm , 1743 Angiography ncph rotoxkity, 262-263
mdanomascagingby, 731 -732. Ancillarytests, 2037-2038 - complec;on,1787 oto!Oxicity, lli- -
7311-7321. 733/- - cervicovaginalcu hures , Gram forgastroiruest in alhemorrhage, rcd man syndrome , 262
.scvcnth edi tion stagi ng,ystc m of, staining. and vagin al wet illl ux:of,>tirgical infcctio-;;;-;_ nd ,
1586. 1587t- 1588t,1 588b. mo unt . 20J8 Angiosa rco ma , 766. 842 241 -280
1589/ irnagin g, 2037-2038 curnneous,75 0 - Antibio1ic-specificcon>idera1 io11s ,
staging for GIST, 7681 lower genita l cytology. 2038 Angle of Hi s, 1188 256-262
T NM scagingsysccm , for pregnancytests , 2038 - Angulai ion,offracture. 464·465 Antibody, 708
An idulafungin,270t - -
An~;~:n h:~:~~:1::,:~:~· l~~-;
co!o rectalc•ncer, 8 Amibody-do pendemcell-med iatcd
1J74t- l375t An imal bites, 535-5J6, 2002 cytotoxici ty(ADCC) , 701!
Amui can So.:;ietyforMcubolicand riskfactorsfo rinfoction in , 5J6b Ant ibo<l y-dcpcndcnt cel lular
Bari atricS urgcry (ASMBS), Auk!e. 476-477 . 477/ cywwxici1y, 60I
Ankle-brachia! inde<, C"~lcula1io11 of,
Amcrion Society of
Ankylosingspo nd)'litis, 134 1
Antibody-rnedia1<.xl rejceiion (AMR) ,
Amicoagulationmanagement, in
phy•ical >1 attiscbssifica tion , Annelid worm,, ill no ncard iac>urgcryp.:nicn1>,
338 Annubrpancrca,, 1522 2 19-220,2211
American 'lhyroid Association (AJA) Annulus inguinalissubcurnneous, Amicoagula tio n r<versal , 568
nodulesonograph icpanerns 1067/ Aruicywkinetherapy.forCrohn\
andriskofmalignancy, 896/ Anogen ital wart, 1412 d iscase ,1261 - 1262
Amino acids, 1021 Anoma!ouslef1 roronaryarteryr ising Antidiuretic hormonc , _8_5_
p<K>Lrcgulationof, ~ from the pulmonary artery Antifung:il agents , 2701
Aminoglyco>idco. 261 (ALCA PA) , 1652- 1653, \ 65Jf Antigcn . 6 0 1
Aminosa!icyla1es - Anoma!oussy<!emicvenous Aruigen - pr~"'ming cells (Al'Cs),
forCrolrn's<li>ca<e , l261 drainage, 1633-1634 600. 707-708
for ukcrativecol it is, 1343 Anorectalangl ~ Antil)' mphocyteglobu lin , 625-626
AmphomicinB . 2701 Anorectaldiseasc. 1154.1154/ Antiox idanttherapy,forcriticallyill
Arnpull.ofVatcr, 1482 Anorccial mal format ion , 18 77- 1879, pat icnts ,-122
Amput>tion , ?S I , 1996 oxygenat io nmon itori ng,J67 1877 b, 1878/ Antipb1det managemen t , in
roleof, 18 ~ temperarnremon imring, 367, Anoreetalphysiolob')' laboracory noncardiacsurg~l)· pa1i cms,
Amrinone, 556-557 367 b lCS!ing ,1381 - 1382 2 19. 220/
Amvand,Cla ud ius, 1296- 1297 vent ilat ionmonitoring, 367 Anorectal511p pur><io n, 1406- 1407, Antiprolifcra tiveagents . 624
Ana l canal ph arm>cologicprinci plcs, 360-365 1406/ -- Antipyrine, inevaluatingl iver
anatomyof, 1394, 1395/ regional. Ju Regiona l ancsthe>ia al>.>ecsses, various t~· pcs nf, cl inical function , 1436
di.<o rdcr<of, 1394- 1395 ri skof,J77 prcscn1a1 io ns of, l406 AntireAuxrnrgcry
historyof, 1395 safctyconcerns,inpregnancy. tre>1memof, 1406- 1407. 1407/ dinicalow comesof. 1054- 1055,
lcngthof. 1394 2056-2057 Anoreetllm,Crohn'sdiseaseof, 10551
ma lign ant neoplasms of. spinal. 380-381,3801 14 11- 1412, 1411/ 1412r failed , 1057. 1057/
14 \ 4- 1415 Anesthesiologrprinciples, 360-J92 Anosco py, ofan11s . __!l22 gastroesophage.>l reAux d isease
physi<'."dlexaminationof, 1395 Anc<!hctic tcchn iquc>,selenionof, Antacids, for peptic ulce r di<e~'-" . and , 1046
physio!ogyof,1394 - 376-377 1200 op<:rAtivccom p!icado ns of,
sphincterapparatusof,1394 Ancurysmal bonecyst, 20!3 Anterior abdom inal wall hern ias, 1055-1056, 10561
Anal cncirdcmem,for reetal Aneurysmald isease. 1722-1738, 1072 side effects of. 1055 - 10'~6
probpse, 1387 1723r Anterior co mponen t separation , Antithymocytcglobulin , 6231
Anal fissures, 140 2- 1406 d iagnosis of. 1723- 1724. 11 \ 2, 1113/ Antithyroiddrn gs, 89 1
cvalua1io11of, 1402-1403, 1404/ 1723/ !724/ Amcrior intercosrnl branches, 1672/ Aruivonom
padiogcncsisof, 1403-1404 endova>cuh rrcpa irof, 1733-1 735. Anterior mesh repai rs, for rectal for rnarine><ings ,-212_
presentationof. 1402-1 403 , 1734r prolapse, 1383 forsnakebitcs, 5J4·535
1404[ me-dical 1herapyfor. 172<l- 1725 Anterior papillary muscle , 1694/ Amrectomy. trnnca l vagornmy and ,
treatment of, 1404-140( 1405/ prcopcr:uivccvahiat ionof, Anterior procto,igmoidccto my, witb 1206- 1207, 1207f 1201lf
medical management of. J..'.!Qi 1725-1727, 1726/1727/ colo recta lanast omosis , AnLllus, 1694[
surgical ma11agemcruof, preopcra ti ve1na11agen1Cm of, 1379- 1380 Anus , 1394- 14! 7
1405 -1406, 1405/ 1731 - 1733 1925, diagnostic evaluation of,
Anal in traepithdial neopla sia , 1413 riskofruptureof, _!_lll_, 1723r 1394- 1395


Aori~ .1721 -1753 Append iciti s, 1131 - 1132, Aneries,congcn iial ron<li1iom B
Aorca ahdom inalis , 1086/ 1296- JJOO alfcc1i ng, l78l - 1782
Aoniccannula , 1675/ acutcuncomplicote<l.1300-1302, advent it ialcpticdisease, 1782
Aortic coarctation , J (>'i~- 1644 . 130lf 1302/ per<htcntsci atica n cry,
l (Yl'if hactcdologyof,1297 , 129 7t 1781 - 1782
Aortic <li ><ection.1 7 46- 1750. inch ildrcn , 1297
1746fl 749/
Ao rtic graft infection, surgical
treatment of, 1744-1745
Aort icinsufl'idcncy, 1708-1709
dbgnm isof, 1708~ Anh rid>.
d iagnostictesting for, 1709 Arihroplasiy. 778 -78 1
medical managcmenc ;:;r.1709 Arthropod biiesa nd>ti ng<, 538-542 Balloonangioplasty, 1776
naturalhistoryof. 1709 - 1\rt ihcial bu rr. 450t -- lhnnayan-Zonona •)•ndro me, 1.168t
physicalcxamination for. A=ndingaorra , 169ij Bariatric rnuhidi scip linaryi can> ,
-1Z!.IB:.l.1ill A;ccndingaon a <l i><ectionrcpair, l lGGb
su rgical trca! mcntof, 17051- 1748fl 749/ BariarricOwcomesLongirndinal
l 706r, !709 magneucresonancennagmg, A<eendingcolon, leng1hof, Database(llOLD). 1183
sym p tomsandsignsof, 1708 !299- 1300 1312- 13 13 Ba ri atric surgery, 1160
trc.nm ent of. J1Q2 ultrasound, 1299, 1300/ Ascites , 1076-1078. 1076b bodycon1011ringafrcr, 1970- l971 ,
Ao rticmi tralcu rtain , 1694/ in im munocomprom iscd p.>t ien t , AshkenaziJew>, U61 197 0/
Aoriics inu scs , 1694/ 1308 A<parta!carninotransfcra<e(AST), coml'l ica!io ns of, 11 79-1182
Aorticstcnosis, 17 051- 17061 , infcc!ion a«ociatc<lwitli , 1297 1435 contro•·ersiesin. 1183
1706-1 708 laboratory<tudicsof, 1299 Aspergillosi;, 1596 , 1597/ mechanism o f action of,
d iagnosisof, 1707 pathophysiologyof,1 297 Aspiration , 34 1 1164- 1 16 5
diagno,,ictcst;;;gfor, 1707 perforate<l , 1302 Aspir.nion pncnmon ia, 292-293 operat i\'c proccdurc> of.
medical m anagement of. b acteriacomrnonlv isolatcdin , Aspir.ition pnc11mon itis, 292-293 ! l68- 1 174 , 1168b
-1Zl.1Z:lZll..8 !2971>tc<lptitnarypatcncy~ biliopancreai ic d i,•ers io n,11 7 1,

naturalhistoryof, 1707, 1708[ treatment of, 1302 A<trocyiictumors, 19!1 - 1!75/
physicalcxaminati OlllOr, 1707 inpregnancy, !306-1307, Atelcctasis, 291-292 . 5 57 duodenalswitch , 11 72 -1173 ,
surgical t reatmencof, ! 70~ l306fl 3 07f. 2048 , 2049f. diagnosi;of, 292 1 17 5/
1705r-1706t. 1708 trcatmcnt o f,292 investigot ional, 1183- 1184
'ym p tomsandsi gnso( 1707 p rcscntat ionof. 1297- 1299 Athere<:tomy,1 777 !aparoscopicadju>1ablcgastric
trea11 ne1u of, l707- 170:r-- liiswry, 1297-1298, 1298/ Aihcrosderosi<, 17 55 - 17 56 band iu g,1 168- 1169,
Aor1ic,•alvc, 1694/ physicalc<am ina1 io11 , d iahe1es md lit mas ri<k facwrfot, 1 169fll71/
Aonoc ntericfistula. 1 \ 47-1148 129 8- 1299 ill !aparoocopicslcc,·egastre<:tomy,
1148/ prevalcnce of, 1296 Atherosderoticcoronary artery 1 173- 11 74. 117 5/
Aorwfcmoral bypa.,grafting , >huntsand , 193 1 di;ccasc , 1660-1661. \ (>6 1/ Roux-c n-Yga>trichrp»s.
1740- 174 1, 1740/ inspccialp<>pulatio ns. 1\trial fi hri llation , 553 1 169- ll 71, 117 l b,
Aorwil iacdisca>e, 1772- 177 4, 1774/ 1306- 1308 Airial <eptal defr..:1 (AS D), 1 172f11 7 5/
Aorwil iaccndanerecw1ny, 174L lrcaunent of, 1300- 1306 1626- 1627, l627f1628/ vertica l ban dcdgastropla<ty,
17'13/ uncomplicated , nonoperative Atriocava] shunt , 139 1 168
Aonoiliac !esions,Trans.Atlamic treatment of, 1305 Atr io,·cntricularcanal d efoc1, pa ticnt <elccdon for, 1165- 1168
ln1cr-SocictyCon.<m<us Appen<licoli tli , 1305 1629- 1630, 1629f1630/ cligihili ty,1165 - 1166,l \ 65b
(TASC) da.ssihcatio n of, 1772/. AppenJ;x , 1296- 1311 Atriovcn trirnbr >Cptal dcfe<:t , postoperativecareandfollow-up
! 7 721 a nawmyof,1296 1629- 1630, 1629fl630/ of,11 7 4- 11 77
Aorwil iac ocdu<ive disc~<e . c1nhryologyof,l 296 adLih patiemswi th , 1630 prcoperoti veevaluat ionof.
1738- 174 5 lengthof. 1296 Atrophic b lanche , 1832:1832/ 1165- 1\ 68
aorricgraftinfoci io n. surgical rnucinou<lllmorsof, 1308 Atypical ductal hyperplasia , 824, 832 prcpar.ttio n and ,1 166-1 16 7,
trc>tmcntof, 1744-1745 nrop l..,;msof, 1308, l308f1309/ Auerbach mycntcric plexus, TI90 1 1(>6b- 1167 b
open aortk<urgcry,co m plicad o n• norm al-ap pea rin g, 1303- 1305 Augmcn<at ion mammap l>Sty, 1956 spccificcomorbidcond i1ions,
of.1 74 1- 1744, l 7 44fl 7 45/ retrieval of,1300 Auscultation , 1125 1 167 - 1168
opcnrcconstrunion ,i<..:hniqueof. 'Apple-core"fillingdcf.,.1 , 1028 Auwgenous , 1797 reopcra tives nrgcryof,1182- 1183
1740- 174 1 Aq11aricanimals. nonvenomous, Autogenous ~ s,sccondMy resuhs of. 1177- ll79.ll77r
prescntotionandcn luarionof. injurjesfrorn , 543 intcn·entionin . 1802- 180J <pc<:iolc<j uiprn ctufot,1!68
--1Z.12:l_llil Arc of Riolan , 131 0,1320/ Auwimmuncpanacatitis , 1532 cli nic,1168
Aortop ulm onaryscptal <lcfcct , Ui26, Argon beam coagula tor, 236 Autopliagy,.l'l,. 684 operati ngroom , 1168
1626f l 627/ Arm,superficia l venousuansposit ion AV valves - Bariumenema,forischemiccolitis ,
Aortopu lmonarywindow, 1626, of. ~ \3 57
1626fl627/ Arnold's nerve , l22 Bariumcsophogram, \ 028, 1028/
A!'C gene, 690-692, 1360 Aromataseinliibitors , breast cance r Barreuesophagus, 1050
Api<ab an , 221 1rcate<..lwi1h , 858 Bardiolinglan dq-~abscc«,
Ap lasiacuti<co ngcnita , 1945- 1946 Arrcst<-<l hydrocephalus, 1927 treatment of, 1Q1L 204 1/
Aponeurosi• Arrhythmias, 552-553 Basal cell carcinoma, 14 14 , l 4 11f.
external oblique muscle and , Artoria magna synd rome, 17 8 1
lfil1 Arterial blood su p ply, ofpancrea>,
internal oblique m uscle an d , l21Q
im Ancrialcathetet, for l1 cmodynarnic
trari<vcrsusah<lominis m uscle and, mo n itori ng ,554
rranS\·ersal isfusci aan d , Artcrialduplexulrrasonography,
1094-1095 1760 , 176lfl 7 62/ Ba>al-likchrca>tcanccr, 840-841
Apo ptotic p atbway>, 684J Arterial rccon>truction, p ro,,hct ic Ba,cdcfici1 , 52-B
Ap p<:ndectomy gr.1ftfor,252,252t Basemem membrane wne, l l i
incid emal,1305 - 1306 Arterial switch opera tion (ASO). Basi !icvcin ,1 7 98
laparoscopic, !300, 1302/ 1637 -1638 B..,iliximab,623r,719r
App<:ndiccal artcry. 1296 Arterial thrombosis, 656, 1809 Basslersign .1 1261


Bd-2, 683-684 Benign b;! iarydi<ease (Continued) Bil~d ue! inj u ries , 3 19 -320, Biliary1r<ct d i<ease (Continued)
&cklin-1. §M postcholecystectomysyndromcs, 1501-1505, l50lf symptoms of, 1486- 1487
Bcdsidesmgicalproxcdurc•, S77-585 1501 - 1508 causesof, -1!2_ fever. Ji[Z

~::::;:::~::;;;· vt.¥i to mcc::-

acutcchobn giti., 1507 diagn<»i<and management o( jaund icc , 1487
bile duct injury, 150 1- 1505, l 503- 1504,1503b. 150'if pain , 1486-1487
578/ 1502[ outcomes of, 1504 - 1505 Biliopancrcaticdiversion ,ll71,
ind ica1ionsfor.1Z2.::2§1 biliaryleak , 150 5- 1506, 1506[ pr<csc1ua1io11anddiaguosisof, 1175/
laparotomy, -5l!l
pat icntse!enionfor. 579-581
gall stoncileus. 1506-1507
lostsrnnes ,1505
presentationo( \ 50 2
complicat ionsof, 1182
resultsof,11771,1 178-1 179
percutaneous dil.t>ti;;-;;;;r-- p<Htcholccystc<:tomypain, 150 5 radiologicandcndo.<eopic l\ilirubin ,1 433
1rachcos10my, jlil rccurrcntpyogcniccholangitis , techniques in , 1504, \ 505/ mcta ho lim1o( in livcr,
percut~nwustndoscopic 1507- 1508 1re~1memof, .J1Q., 1502- 1504 1432- 1433
ga.m mtomy. 582-583 retainedbil iarystones , 1505, idemifiedaf1ercholccysicctomy, Billro tli,lhcodor, 8-9, 9[
prot0<ol for, 579b- - 1506[ 1503-1504 Bio.wailab ility, 25 1
r:llionalefor. 577-578. 578( sphincterof O dd i d)'Sfionction , recognizedatthetimeof Biochemicalstud ies . forcoronar)'
safetypraetices fo r, 578-579, 1497 chole<:ystcctorny, a rtcrydisc"-'C, 1662
S79b,58(if - - lknign h;l iarym><<cs , 1512 1502-1503 l\iochcmotbcr>py. 710-711
tracheo>tomy. S8 1-582 Benignextemal hrdrocephalus , Bile formation , liver and , 1432, Bioengineercdskinsubstitutes, 154
lk.,,sting, 541 - - !930 14 321 furnreof, JSZ -
Bch~<"di~. 178 1 Benign hcm>tologiccondi tions,of Bilcvd posit ive airway pressu re Biologic mesh ,453-454 , 45-if
Beb<>cept. 62Jt. 627-628 spleen , 1559- 1562 {Bil'AI'}. 558 Biologics.forul.oerativecol it is,1 344
BEUE l'instrurne111 , 1.£ hcmogloh inopat hics ,1561-1562 lli lhcmi>. 1473-1474 Biornatcrials
Bdimumab, 7191 hcmolyticancrni>.CAusc<l h y llil iaryatrcsia, 639 biom imctic , 168, 168/
l3dow-knceamptuation , l77l. er)"throcycoenzyme Bil iarrcrsu .15TO-l5 l 1, a ll ddi,·ery u,;;(,f, 168- 169
177\f deliciency, 1561 l5 10f15llf dircc1edd ifferemia1ionuseof.
Belt lipc<;tomy. 197 1 hcrcd ita ry,phcrocyto,is , 1561 Biliaryd i:;casc,345-J47,346/ l&ill
Benign an aldisonkrs immunethrombocytope nic calculous, 149 1-1492, Biomimcticmaterials, 168, 168/
eomnion , 1400 -1 409 purpura, 1559-1561 , 1560b 149 1fl492/ Biopsy -
analfi;sure>,1 402-1406 llcnignmucosal 1u111orS, 1032 <urgcry for. 1498-1501 bone tumor<, 774-777 . 776f777j
anorectalsuppurat ion , Benign pleural effusions. ~ malignant , 1512-1518 breast d isease .~
l.1flli.:.ilQZ Benignpro>tat ichyperplasia ,699 , Biliarrdrskinesia, 1496- 1497. coreneed le,I!f!::JJL lli
h"uh in ann , 1407 -1408, 2077-2078, 2078f2080f 1882-188.J cutanrn"' melanoma , 7 27-7 28
l 407b. 1407/ BenignsubmucoS>ltumors, 1032 Biliary leak, 1505- 1506, 1506/ cxcisional , lli
l1ernorrho ids ,1 4 00 - l4 02 Benignirachroewpl1agcalfiswra:- Bi!iaryobstruc1ion, pall ia1i\•e1herapy fine-uttdl c aspiration, 776-777
piloni<laldiscasc, 1408-1409 1026 -1027 for, 1552 ofbrca>t , 826-82 7 - -
less common , 1409-1~12 Benigntumors,ofesophagus, 1032 Bi!iarymictures, 1509-1510,15 10/, sentinel lymph node , 736-73 8 .
ac<juiredimmunodeficicncy Benzodiazepines,<edationu<e -;r,- 1536, 1536/ 736/
•yndmmc , 1410!1 llil iary>ystcm , 1425-1428, 111 -RADS , .!!12.,_ 83 11
Cmhn',•:;c ;;f;;orcctum , lktahlockcr thcr:i py 1482-1519 l\i,phospbonatcs , LM
141 1- 1412 benefitsof. 5521 anatomy of, 1482- 1486. 1483/ Bi1es, 532 -546. 1ua&0Stings
C".>rd iacriskfactorind icatorsfor, vascular, 1482- 1484 animal, lli.::21§:
552b 1484f l 485/ arthropod , 538-542
Beta-adronergicre.oeptors,556 human , 2l!2_-
lkthc«lacritc ria,fo r rcporling mammalian . ~
thyroidcyto pot hology, 898t marinc , 542-544
Be\'acizumab, ~ 7 1 9 1, 12.l snakcbites.u£Snak<hites
Bia nchi proced u re, forshott bowel tick, ~
syndrome , 1874-1875 , 1874[ Bivalving t hccast . 479
Bicarbonate. 1195 Blackwidowspide-;:;:538-539, 538/
Bicuspid ,-akcdi<easc, 1698 llladdcr,1070/ --
Rijidob,ute,ium , 1320 -"1""32\ anawmyof, 2069-2070
Bilateralhernias,1 10 4- 1105 cancer,2099 -2100,2099r
Bilaicralimernalmammaryanery, musclcinvasi\•e, 2 100
1672-1673. 1672/ non-muscleinvasi\'e,
Bilateralneckcxploration . 93 1-932, 20 99-2100
932b -- injury,2090-2091
l\ilaycr<ubsti1utcs,forwound im"gingl<>r,2090-2091,20 9 1/
healing, !56 managementof,opera1iwvows
Bile due< - nonopera<i\•o, 1Q2!_, 20 92f
bloodsupplyo( 1428/ Bladdcrstor.1i;c, problems with ,
common . sr~ Co m mon bil e d "ct 2076,2077/
cymof, 1469 Blalock,Alfte<l, 15, 15/
llilcduncanar, 1~14-1~18 lllalock-T3ussig (B'i"}shunt, \ 619,
cl inical presentat ionof, 1515- 16.34[ -
1516, 15 16/ Blastlunginjury. 221:
diagnosisandas:;cssmentof mai;nctic rcSQnancc imagrni;, l\lasttrauma, 594-595. 594<
rcscctability, 1516-15 \ 7, 1489 Blotchford scorc , lH1_. 1142b
1516/ 1202, 12021

:~~;:~:: 1:;n;;~~1Cll1 of, _!1!Z

lllccd--;,g,s o.52 , 64.65
ofam1s, 1395 -
palliation of, J1!Z associatcdwit h gener.lizcdpelvic
riskfacto<5of, 1514-1515 pain , 2035
stagini;anddassifica tiono( 1515, associatcdwit h latcrali,cdpc;l"ic
1515r- 15 161 pain , 2035
trcat mc1uof, l2!Z::_!_2_li! a.ssociatcd ~tn idl i ne
mcdical, -1il2:lilll_ su pra p ubicpain , 20.35


Blec<ling(Continued) Bony t liorax , 1573 Breastcancet (Conli>wed) Breasi d isease , 343-344,819·864

rolonic,1153-l\55 liordcrlinephyllodesrnmors . .B..12 .<C ntind nodesurgeryfor, B.i.3_ adenorna, ..aJ.Ji
controlof. .1..:2 Hom.fittb,.rgdorfir;, 540-541 tamoxifenfor,8521 ben ign , 831 , 835-837

fbnk pain , 2035 llorrmannclassihcation •r><cm , trcatmcntof,1!.2.l.:1!21
gcncr.ili,.cdah.!ominalpain 12 16, 1216/ cndocrinct hcrapyfor,857-858
wi1hou1 , 1Qi2 Bouwnnihedeformity, 1994/ epidemiologyof, 837-842 corcnttdlebiopsyof. 827
lateralizeJpdvic pain wid oou! , Bowdobsm1ction, 306-307 fami lyhiswryuf,~ diaguosisof, 826-827
= causesof, JQ:§ - -
afrcrpallcrcas transpbntatio n, 662
epidem iologi 3 4 ' J
fibroadenomas . ~
in Crohn'scolitis , l..121, prcscn!at ionof, 306-307 - heal map , 841, 841/ r.hrn<ystk , 824
inulccnth·ccolith, 1345 srnall ,347-348 - - hcrcdi!ary,]542 finc-nccdlc -;;;pl rationb iop•yof,
mi<llinepdvic pain without , 2035 Bowdsounds, 1125 high -riskpat ients ,829b,830 -835 fil6=82Z
nonvariceat l l43 -l 148 - Bowen disease, 748, 1413, 2012 hiswlogicriskfactorsfor, hamorwmas, lli
o bstipation , 2035 Boyd'sperfowor. 1829/ 831 -832,832< image· localiledsurgical excision
related to portal hypertension , Brachioplasty,1 97\ historicalperspective, 849 829
1!48-1 151 , 1149/ Bradyardia,dehn ition of,553 hormoncu>ca11d , 83 3
<mall howd,spcdfic cau;c;of, 1157 Brain,injudcsto, 41 7-420, 4 18/ inflammatory, 860 pain , 2034 evaluation of, fjg::::rpy- i 1wasive , ~
Blepharon,1952 managemcntof, 41?-420 ,4 19/ dunal, 8.~8 , 839/
Bkp horopla'1y, 1952 immediate, fil - - lobular:N 839/
Bl ind loopsyndromc. 1290 Brain •hsce", \ 934- 1935, 1934/ lobular cJrcinonu in,itu,8J I ,
lllood, lost ford"'' Ill shock , 51/ Bra i11<1irnul>1ion,l?24 833-834, 837, 838/
lllood cuhurc<,255 Bra in Tr>uma Foundation , fil loc,.llyad,·ancc:J;8GO
Blood flow, liver and , l43l Branchvaricosities, t reatmentof, magnet ic resonance imaging of.
Bloodglucoseconcemration, control 1839-1 840, 1839/ 829b
0( 243-244 Br.inched-chain amino acid, mammogr.ip h ic,.;rcenini;, ~
Blood pressurcnionitoring,367 (BCAAs) , 10 1 828•
Blood<uh>tilutc< , 77-78 Brand1ial clcf1 ~, 809
llloo<l<ul'ply,tothyroid gl. nd, 8S4 Branchial clcf1rcmna~ l 861- 1 862
Blooduansfosions, B_. 49-50 - 1862/
dcscriptionof, 243 Brawny edema, 1832/
Blow-hole proccx!urc, 1345 8RCAl , fil 832
lllumbcrg,ign , 11261 HRCA2, fil.1 832
Blu1ner\sl1df, 1313- 131 4 11...,...,
lllun! ahdorn inal trauma, evaluat ion abnotmal dewloprncruof,
of, 432-434, 433/ n1:B.2(i
lllumcercbrovascularinjurics abscess of, i l l
(RCVls). 423, 1817 , 18171 ahscnccof, 824
Blun! injury, in intraihorackgrca! accc"ory, 824
\'esse!s, JJ!.!.§_ anawmyoT.820-821
Blu111 1horacicaot1icinjury,1738 axillary nodesof, 820 neuadju\'antsysie1nic1hcrapyfor,
BMS-936559 , 7191 cysts, 835-836 - 858-860
llochdalckhcrnia, l2Z2.:li8.J) devel~f, 822-826 nipplcinvolverncnt , .a.2Ji
Bod~· contouring , 1970- 1971 ductal sy>tcmo ~ l/.823/ noninvasivc , 837-838, 838/
aftcrbuiatric •urgcry, 1970- 197 \ , fatnccrosi s of, 1!1Z
- i nol dcrad ul~
1970/ fibrocys1icchanges , ..ll1A O\'atianablation ,858
suction-a<>imxf lip"<:!Om y, 197 1 infenionsof, fil pathologyof. 837-842
Bodymassindcx(BMl). 107-1 08 lobularunitsof, 821-822, 823/ personalhisto;:y;;r.83 1
assessment o( _llL 126 -, - microscopicana1~Ji2.l.:.li2.2_ prophylactic mastectomy for. 835
in1crprc<a!ionof,l08b palpalionof, 826 radiat ionthcrapyfn r, 844 , 85.f-854
ll<x!~· w>tcr, 81-82 papilloma<o ~ raloxifcncf< >r,Jl.11 _ __
Bodyweigh;:-107 papillomatosiso L 8.lG reeurrenceof, 865
Bornl>esin,1 192 physiologyof, 822 -826 rcproduct iveriskfacwrsfor,833
Homb;nabombina. 1192 radialscarsof,_§JZ risk assessnlCOt,83J. lU5.
Bollen1acroenvironmcnt . IB::Ilf>_ sclcrosingadenosisof. 836-837 risk factorsfor.829b. 830-8J3.
lloncmicrocnvironmcn! , 77 3-774 , tissucof, m -- 83lb,8321
775/ Brc.s< augmentation , 1956·195 7 sentinel lym ph node dissection ,
Bonernrnors,1Zl:.Z!!L 20!3 Brea>tcancer B..12:..82Q
ancurysmalbonecyst , 2013 ageofpatient , 830-83 1 sexand ,830·831
bcn ign , 781-784 arcob involvemen t , Bl& stagingo( 842-84J, 84Jr-844r
biopsyof, 774-777 , 776f777f aromataseiohibirors, 858 subtypesof, 840-841
incheS! wall , 1601- 1Gu2, 1602/ a<>c><rnentofpo1cn1ialbcnefit , surgical1rcaun cruof,843-851
cndwnd rorna, 78 1, 2013 , 2014/ 855-856 thcr•py,
evaluatioll of, Tfll/ - basal-lih, 840-84 1 844-845 , 845r tran>'·ersercctusabdominis
giam cell rnmor, 782-784 , 783/ bilateral mast"<:tomy, 869/ historicalperspeeti,·eson , myocuianeousHapfor,870b,

:~::~!~:c,::~,i ~f, 1ZB.

BRCAl , .@J,_ 832 843-844 870/.871
BRCA2, fill. 832 transvcrse11ppi;rgracil isHap for,
oS! cod10n J rorna, 78 1, 782/ d 1crnopreven1 iu11 for, 834 -835 872,875f876/
0<1 coiJo>tcorna, 78f:"782 , 783/. ch crnud1erapyfor,85~ Breastsurgery,1955-1958
2013, 2013 ~ dassificationof, 837b llreasttumors, 841-842
overviewof, ZZJ con t ralateralbreast , lli.:l!ZZ angiosarcoma, lli
prim>rybonc>arcoma• , 2013 d uctal carcinomain•i tu, 837, 838/ phyllodc,ttimor" 841-842
,.;condary (mctastat id , 201) hrcost-conscrving rhe .;pyfor, llrcaS! ·conservini;><iri;ery,846-848 ,
skelernl reconstruction ;;r:-- ~ 84 7/
778-78 1, 779/ lurnpecwmyfor,8521 cosrneticchallenges, 84 7-848
stagingof. 777-778 mastectomy for. ~ technicalaspectsof,846·847


Btta>t-conserving therapy, 844-845 , Burn(s){Ctmtinued) Cancer(Continucd) Cud iaccot11plia>1ions,296-301

84 51. 852·8B. J!li,_ 2060 inflammat ion in , 2Q2 epigenccioof, Ji'.M Cudiacevaluat ion , 207, 208f209/
foctorsinHuencingel igibilityfor. injury, and me1abolicstress esophagcaLufEsophagealcancer Cardiacinjuries,429-430
MJi rcsponsc , lll:.ll:I g:utric.secGa<triccanccr Cardiac output, in pregnancy, 2054
hi"olob'Y· 846 in,ulinfor, 5B-52S gcnct ic•ol, 689-690 Cardiac Ri, k Index (C R!) •yS1cm ,
margios, fil"" mctformin for, ill globalburd~7 552. 552b
pa1 icm age, 846 nuiriiionalsupponfor, 123 ltcadand c"..:k.;e;;:-Heada11dneck Cud iacvalvcs,emb ryologyof, 1693/
tumorsile, _lli inoldcradu h s, 355 - Cardiogcnicshock . 300, 554
Breasi/ovariansyndrome,6911 oxandro!onefor. 522-521 incidenceof, .6J2 causes of, J OO
Brcntu<imahv<..lotin , 7191 pathophysiolog~· of, 505-512 lip ,794 , 795/ management of, 556-557
Bri'1lcworm>. i l l local ~~~?cs , 505-507. 506b, lung.suLungcanccr prcscn tat ionandmanagcrncntof,
Broad -spenrum p rcoptrntive med u lla rychyroid .690 300
amibiotics, ~ system icchanges, 507 -512, oksityand, 678-67? c.rdioplegia infusion , 167 1
Bronchi, congenital abnormalities of, 508/ -- pancrcatic.iul'ancrcaticcancer "Corcliopulmonarr•xis". 1578-1579
1.5..fil_ propranolol, 523 rectol. ucH.ectal canccr Cardiopt1lmonarybypass
Bronchial >trcsi~ . 12fil ren al sy><cm,-;:ir.:. .:tson, 211 S!cmccllsand, 168 C-&nnuhtion for, 1674
Bmnd1ic-cusis , _!222 mlcofn incsfor, -121 supcrhcial , 1033-1036 with hrJK>thcrmichhrillatory
!Jronchogenicqsts, 1580- 1581, scron<l-d egrce, 506-507 , 507/ cescicu lar, 2102-2104 arrest ,1679- 1680
J_f!Q,1§_§2 -- size, 507, 507/SOs'i:Sl l/ neurologic proteccionduring,
Bronchol it hias is , J.22.i 'pccih"Ztreatmento( 515-52 1 1672
Bronchopulmonarydisorders, 1595 i nhabtioninjury. 5~ sep.1 r>tionfrom . 1676
Bronchopulrnonary111alforma ~ 5161 -- Card iopulrnonarycxercisc1c>1 i11 g
186~-1866 wound c-~rc , 5 16-519. 517t (Cl'ET) , 1578- 1579
broochogeniccyst, 1865 t hird-dcgree, 507, 507/ c.rdiopulmonaryresusciiation , in
congenital lobar emphysema, Burnun it.orga;;-;::;-;ionand
1866 peT50nncL 506b
congenital pulmonary airway l\ urn wound
1nalfonna1 ion, 1865, 1866/ co,•etagcof, 518 -519, 5 18/
pulrnonary<niuc><r~ cxds io n of, f i l f i l
!86~-1866 Bum fracture , .12J_
!Jronchoscopicspecimentcchniques, Buschke-LOwensceincumor.1u
249 Vcrrucmi>carcinoma
Bronchoscopy B11tterflyfragment, .1frl... 466/
bc<lside, ~ID Bu11crfly hemaroma, 2092/
<l iagno>tic , 583 Bu11resspla1es,
Brown reduse-:pTders, 539-510, 539/ Butyracc. \J23
l3uccalmucosacancer, ~
Buckle fracture, 462-463
Budcwn idc, forCroh n\di;cca;cc ,
CA ll.2, 699-700 , 2046
1261 Caffeine, in evaluat ing li\•er function ,
Buerger disease, 1780 1436
Bullousemphyscma, 15? 8 , 15? 8/ Cakincurin inh ibitors . 624-625
Bundle of His, 16?1/ cydosporine ,624
Bun ncll'snoman'shnd , 1987-1988 immunompprcssion uscof, ii12_
Bu ricdghnd>, 1034 ncphro10xicityaSS<>eiatcdwith ,
Burn(s) , 505 -5::rr- fil.:fil!l
aminoicrobialsfor, ~ C akiphylaxis . 928-929, 929/
basic treatment of. fil:2!2 Cakiton in . !l]L 1007
cscharotomics, _5.lj_ inthyroidhoncriontests, 889
initial as<c<<mcnt in , l!l Calciwn i n-producingCccll~81
prchospital managcmcnt , jj.1. Calcium , 8?-92 - ductal carcin omain
resuscitat ionin . 2.!l..:.2..!2, 514t homrosusisof, ?24, 926/ Ductalcarcinoma insicu
transportin , 513 h )'pocak<mia, 9o::<.Ji hepatocellular. rcel-!epatocdlula r
wonndcJre iO.- .i!]_ regubt ionof. ~25 t
co loricrcqu ircmcmsof. 123, 123 1 Calcium stones , 2o8J
~"ardiovascular syste m, dlcei< on , Calculousbili;u ydi<ca<c , 1491-1492.
-2Q2:.ill_ l49 lf l 492/ lobul>rcardnornain situ , 831
chemical, 525 -528 surgeryfor, 14?8- 1501 medulla rychyroid . suMe<lullary
classification of, _lli, 506b Caloric rrquiremc nts, fil~ 1hyroidcarcinoma
d epth of. 506-507. 50 7/ 185?< papill>rythyroid . su !'apill ary
cderm in . 2Q2 Calot node , 148J, 1481/ thvroi d carcinoma
df1cacyofdiffcrcn1anabolic Camperfa<cia , 1066, 1067/ riskfor, 1342-1343
agcn«toirnl'rovcmu<clc Campto<lactyly, 2015 Mjuamouscdl. su5..juamousccll
proteinsynthesisin.52?/ ca,,,pylobacurjcjuni,ascau"'of
electrical. 525-'~28 infcc1iouscolicis,1 355- l356 in ukerat ivecol iiis , 1345
ctiologyo( 505 Canakinumab , 7 1? t Ca rci nomacxplcomorphic
fim -dcgrcc .~ 507/ Canalicula r mcmbrane , 1130 adcnoma, 80 7-808
Auidrcsuscitat ionfor, -113. Canccr.1ulllwCarci11on1a; Cardia, 1188
fourth -dcgrce , 507 , 50 7/ lv!ctasia.s.cs;Ncoplasrn>; Cardiacarrcst an dmp>eardial
gasirointestina ~em , effccfson , Tumor(s} protection .1671/1674-1675,
_ill agingand , 677-678 1675/
hypcrmcubolkrcspon;ccin , brca''-' canccr Ca rdiacarrhythmi>»po'1opcrat ivc ,
508-509, 510f511/ colorectaL iuColo rectalcanccr
atte11uationof, 221.:22S_ inCrohn'scolitis, l.li2
immune sysiem,effectson , cpidcmiologyof, 677-67?,
211:.ill 678/680/ - -


Carnwnia, 548 Cen1ral nct\'Ou>sptct11 (Conlinued) Chesi w•ll . 160 1- 1603 C h ro nic painsy11dromc, inguinal
Cmx;hol an~ . 21_ 556 tumorsof.1909-19 10 deformi tics. 1881-1885, 1885/ hernia repair and, 1105
biosynchesisandphpiologyof. intracranialtumors, 1909 surgicalmanagemencof, 1885 Chron ic pan creac itis, 1531- 1537
968-970. 970/ Ccntr~I ncurc>eywma , 1912 infe<:tion<of. 1603 d inical manifcs<at i~

Ca~:~:;;r":~;~g~~:i;~,7 ;;,y;or
Ccntr:il,l ipin scrtio n, 1978/ i njurics, ~ 428/ 1532-1533
C emralvenousca cheters, 1798- 1799 rc«>m<ruct io nof,1953 - 1954 d iagnosisof,1533
Ca1hc1ercare,244-245 traum aof,1 603 funci ionaltesis,1 533
Cat hcter·associacedurinaryt ract hemo<lynamicmoni toring, 554 tumo,.of, 160 \ -1603.16021 imagingsrnd ies , 1533, 1533/
infoc1ion (C1\UTI), in intensive inincensivccarcllnit, 2ZQ_ bone, !60 1-1602,1602/ 1534b
carcuni1 , -2ZQ Ccntr~l ,·cnous p rcss urc (CVP) , 554 mcta!l!atic, ! (,OJ riskfac<orSfor, 15'! 1-1512
C>thc1cr-ba,cdthcr.i pi cs, J..'.IB Ccphalicvdn , 1797- 1798 re<:onstrnct ion ,1603 alrnho lahusc , 1531-1532
Ca1he1ers C ephalosporin ,252, 2531, 259. 2591 rofr1isrnc, ! 602- 1603, 1602/ genemmations, 1532
arcerial, 554 Cerebral perfus ionpressurelCJ'P). Chest x-roy. before 1horacic smoking, 1532
bhdder, 244 ill oper:it ion• ,..!1ZZ_,_ 1577/ treatmen t of, l533-l5J7
cc ntra lvcnous.ufCemral venous Cerebrospinalfluidshu1m , Chiari J malformatio n, 1932- 1933 cndosco pi c, !534
atl1ctcrS 1')28-1929 1933/ rnc<lical,1533-1534
Cancll -R ra.sch maneuver, 1546 Ccrcbrcwa.<cuhr<li.<or<lcr<, Chia ri l lmall<>rma1ion , 1933 su rgical ,1534-1537
Cauda cquina syndrome , ill 1')03- l909.!903b Chiari malformation , 1932- 1933 iypesof. 1532
Caudak lobe, of liver, !422.1423/ aneurysms ,1904 - 1908 Chil<l-l'ughdassification, 1436, autonnm une p ancream 1S,
Caust ic ingestion , 1026, 1026< artcriovcnous malformations , 1436r
Cavall igameni , 1422 1903- 1904 . 1903/ 1904r Child-Pugh sco ring •)'Slenl, 2161
Ca,•criu>niatoustran>forrnation,of eapillarytcbngie<:1asia, 1904 Children . Ju Pediatri cs
portal vdn , 1437 cavcrnousmalfo rrn at ion s, !904 Chimcric mo noclonalan tibo<ly, 718/ C h ron icprc<Surc sorc,squarnou sccll
Ca,·ernommalformati on s, 1904 duralarcerio,·enousmalformation , Chlorhexidincgluconate, 244 c.rcinomai n, _!1&, 146/
CD4'Tcells,604, 705,706/ 1909 Chloride, 1324 Chron icrcnal infla mmacion , 40-41
CDS' T cells. 6 \ 2. 705 Moyamoyadix;ax; , 1908-1909 Chloroform ,360 ad apt ive immu nity in , All
CD25,626-627 tr,1umaticfistub , 1904 Cholangiocarcinoma , 1514 immunethuapyfor, 41
CD27,61lt "c11om angiom a, 1904 Cholccysiccwrny - p>!hophys iulogiccha;;gescousc<l
cozs,610,6 111 Ccrcbnw..scuhr,•..scubrinjuric<, bilcductinjuryi<lcntific<laftcr, by, 40-41
CD30,6\lt endovascubr managcmontof. 1503-1504 roleofinnate immunilyin
C040,6\0-6 1J,6111 18 12 , 1813/ b ileductinjuryrecognizedat the d evelopmentof, .1!1
CD40/CD154 p>thway, 610-6 11 Ccrtolimmah,hirulccrativccoliti>, time of, 1502-1503 C hron ic vascu lar in flam m at ion ,
CD+l, .@±{fil_ 1344 galtb laddcr unccraftcr, 15 14 J1l.:l2
CD80,6!0 Cerwlizumabpcgol. 7191 laparoscop ic ,1 132 - cdl u lar ditferetuiO!ion in•· in,
Cholccyswkinin (CCK), 1485

CD86,610 Cervical adcnit i<, lill2
CD95,606-607.6111 Cet\·ical lymph nodes , 1849/ Choledochal cyst ,1 881- ~ ind irect mcchanismof ac1ivacion ,
CD13'1 .6l11 Cet\·ical spine, inj uriesof, 493 1882/ ..IB:l2
CD1J7 ,611l, .Ili Cc rvical tcr:uomas. .!!!!2 - Cholcdocho<l uodcno stomy, 1497/ 1hcrapcuticoptionsfor. _l2
CD152 ,611t Cervical t hyroidcctomy,"an<lanl, Cholcdocholi thi asi, , \ 494- 1496, C hron ic,·enou,in suflldcncy, 1840
CDIS4,610-611 912-9 17, 913/917/ 1495/ C h yle, ! 606
CD l7 8 ,606-607 Cervical u hrasou11d , 930, 930/ Choleliihi..sis, 2060-2062 Chylopetitoneum , 1854 -1855
CD265 .61lt Cet\·ical•·ertcbr.,l boJ}l'iactu res , 122r nonoperat ivccrcatmentof, 1492 Ch)'l othorax, ~ 1606b,
C D 278 ,611·612,61 11 Ccf\·ix, -2!!ll::2!lll obesityan<l ,1168 1851
C0279 ,611t Cctux imah(Erhitux) , 22.!J_ inprcgnancy,2048-2049 Chylousascitcs, 1078
Cccal volvul u>. 1335, 1336/ CCI mcthylation , 694 Cholcrcticdia rrhn , 1323 Cigarcttc•m ok ing ,asrhk fac<o rin
Ce<:ocolicvol,·ulus, __!]1§ Chance fracture , 4221 Cho ndrosarcoma, ~ 1602 lung ca nc~r. 1583
C d iacaxi san curysms , 1789 Cl1an<ldicrsign . 1 ! 26r Choroi<lplexuspapillon1a,an<l Circu1 n ferem ial cas1 i11g, 479
Cel ia c ly mphadcnopa d:;y.1031/ Charcot•ign , ll26t ca rci nom>. 1912 Circumfle>;artet)',169~
Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) , Charges, 176 Chrisropher.Fre<lcrick , 12-lJ Cirrhosis. .l2o:iQ. 565-566.1436
-6.l!.l:!ilU Cl1cmicarl;;:;-rns , 526-528 Chrorn ogra nin A (CgA) , 1273 cl inical manifcs!at ions o f, 39-40
Cell cydc , 681-683, 683/ adds, 527-528, 527/ Chron ican<latypica linfe<:tion>, immunc-m<~liatcd hepatic
Celldcad, - - alkali , 527, 527/ 2001 <legradation , 39
nonapopwtictypes of. 684 hydroc-;;i;:;;ns , 528 Chronicappendic ic is,ascauseof ovcrview of, _22
resiSling , 683-684 - Chcmodectomas.lllh abdom in alpa;n , \J05 •yste m ic immun e system cffe<:1'
Cell su rfucerccepco", 61'1 Chemokines. in wo und healing, Chronic arterial insuffi ciency. of. _12
Cell wall-aclivcagcncs , 258-261
Chcmor~<lbdon , fo r esophageal
Chron icchok-cy<ti ti<. 1492-1493
Cisatracu rium ,3651, 550
Ci!l!crnachyli , 1849/-
replacemcm , .616. cancer. ~ Chronicfraccures, __1fil c- kitreceptor, 768
Cen ccrsfor Med icare a nd Medi cai<l wr<u•surgery. 1038- 1039, 10381 Chroni cgamiiis , 37-38 "Clamshell" incision , JiZ2
Scrvice•(CMS) , 1165 Chemotherapy Chroni chcp>tic infla mm at ion , Clark .. lcvclofinvasion , llQ:Zl!__
CenrcrsofExccllcno: (COE) , 1165 forbrustun<0er,856-857 J2::iQ 731/
Ccrural h ypmhyroi<li>in , li.8.2 forcrophagcalcanccr, 1037, 10371 Chronjchepa1i1isCvirusinfcc1 io11<, Class l rn>jotl1iswcom pati bili1y
Ccn tml linc-a<><>Ciatc...!bloo<lstrcam l aryngc~ l anccrtrc.icd with , _Bill)_ fJ.!l_ C.:mip l<:x , (,()2-603,603/
infcc1ions, 194. 195/249-250 , lungcancercreaced w;th ,344 Chronic hydrocep halus , 1927 Classll majorhiscocompat ibili cy
249r, 256-8 7 formctasiaticpancreacic Chronj c inflammaiion , 2i::11. 697 complcx , 603 , 603/
a nt ibiot icsfor,251-256 ad cnocarci no ma , 155 1-1552 byorgan•yste m , 35-36 Clavipe<:toral fascia. 820
trcat nlentof. 256-257 fororopharyngcal0<11 iamousccll pancrc.>S,.Jll - Clay brooksign ,1126 '
Ccrural ncrvous>y« tm carcinoma, l2Z pulnionary. 35-36 C !can surgical procc<lu tcs ,in >utgica l
infcrtionsof,1933- 1936 forpanctcaticcanccr,1 550- 1551, Chroniclivcr<liscasc,assc;srncntof, sii c infcci ion , l l i
acquired immunodeficiency 15501 1137 C lean·conca minaiedprocedures. in
syndrome, 1935-1936 Chroniclym phocyc;cle.,kemia surgicalsiceiofecc io n, 215_
intr>eranialinfe<:tiom , (CLL), 156j
Chronicmycloge nous lcukc m ia
(CML) . 1563
Chronjcobsiruc1 ivcpuln1o nary
disease(COJ'D) . 35-36 1168


Cli11 ic.o.l l11sii <u1eWi1lidrawal Colo>torny Confusion , defin ition of, 547-548
Asses.smcm (CJ WA). 55 1 descriptiono f. 1326- 1327 C-Onfusion .soessmentmethodfor
Cl inicalpulmonary infection srore en d dccscen d ing . 1327-1328, the JCU (CA M-JCU) , 547-548
(CPIS).149 1328/ -- Congenital ahnormal ities,of
Cli n0<hctyly, 2015 loop , 1328-1329, IJ28/ abdom inal wall , 107 1- 1072
Close<! franure,soft <i<>ue physiologicconsi<lern <io n sand Congenital andacquir..d
de><ructionin , A.83 prac1icalin1plicatio nsof, h}d roccph al us, 1927
Closed(Ferguson) J.JlI C-Ongenital and developmenta l
hemorrhoidcctomy. 1401-1402, Comm ittee on Traum a (COT) , --1.l:IB deformit ies, bre»t, 1958
1403/ -- Common bile duct Congeniial anomalies, 20 13-2015,
Clmcd mi<ral commiS>urotomy, laparoscopicc•plorationof,1496 , 2016(-2017/ --
1692/ 1500.1500/ C-Ongenitalbronchop ulmonary
Cfo.r1ridiumd;_{firiltcolitis, 311 -3 13 openexploraiion of, 1496 , malfonnations, __!2§__!_
causeso( .l!._l_:l_l_1, 312r- - 1497fl498f 1501, 150 1/ C-Ongenitalcysticadenomatoid
prcsentationandd iagn osi sof, Commun icat ingand obsmoct ive malformat ions, nfil_
.lL2=3.U h)·droeepld us ,192 7 Congeniialcystic lesions , 1580-
trc.imcrllof, 313 Co morhidity, 337-338 1581, 1580(
CUmridium diffi~infect ion , cardio,·asculardiseasc,337 Congffiiial <liap hragma1ic hern ia,
1353-1355,1 354/ pulmona ry complications, 1863- 1865, 1864/
Cf,,,rridiumdijjicdt->5'<Ki >tcd 3J7-JJ8 , J37t C-Ongeni ta lc.u d eform ities , 1946
< Compa rtm ent')'nd ro me, 2004 . C-Ongenital hea rrdisuse . 1619-1657
Clo1ri111a1-0k 27 0t 2005/ a natomyand! crm i nol~
Clottingmcdi>nis ms,566-567 alxlomiml, 555 -556 1620- 1624. 162 1/
Cluscorgrnfi, _GZI)_ acute . u~Acutecomparcmem considerat ion s for, l§l2
Cmetp roto-oncogone,l2l5 syndrome cyano1ic, 1634- 1637
Cmgub rion , 57/ Compensato ry h ydrocephalus/ d iagnosisof, 162 1-1624
changcs,inpregnancy,2048 hydroccph al ns e~ vacuo. 1927 d iagno"ictes1', 1622-1624
inliver, 1434 CornpleinctH >y«cm , 33. 708 physical cxarnin~
wncof, 506, SOG/ aei ivationof,34/ - - --1.G.2hlJ:i22.
Coagulopat!i)\53-54, 56-58 Complementarity-determining historyof. 1619
Cocc idioidomycosis, 1~159 7[ regions , 717-718 hypoplastickfl"heartsyndrome
Coccygcu' mu>elc , 1093/ Complcm en t·dcpcndcnt cytotoxid ty 1uHypoplai;t iclcft hcart
Cockcn l pcrfor:itor, 1829/ {CDC) , 718 synd rome(HLHS)
Cockeu 111f>"tforawr,1829/ Comple1 ion1~idec10my, _2lIB bionovcf\•iewof, 1625- 1645
Co<lcufProfcssionalCunduct,20 Complex access, 1803-!804 ao rticarch ono rna lies,
Codman stripper, 1836 vascu!aracces.sromplicatiomof, lfi1.HMj_
Coclenterates , _i1} 1803-1804 . 1803/ auioventricularseptaldefect ,
Cogan s~·ndmmc , 1781 Complex dccongcsti,·ephyskal \ 629- 1630, 1629fl630/

eo.,:~:~:~ ,;rm•, ~
th erapy, 1852
Complexsd erosinglesions , JilI
conotru ncal anoma lies ,
1637 - 1640
dcfectsas;ocia1 ct!wi1h increasc<l
cogni ti \'e decline and de1nentia,
.ll5..:.1lli managemcntof,133J - JB4 p ulmo nary b lood How,
deliriu m, 337 Complicate<lskin andooft tissue 1 6~~-1627

d cpre><ion , 336-337 infcctions{cSSTls), lli_,_ 258b lcf1 vcntricular ou1Aowtract

g:!::~::::~ ~:~:·r,J;g~~;~l
Complicatio n>. ieeSurgical ob"mction , 1640-1641
com p lica1 ions. venous drainage abnormal ities ,
Cog11 i1i \•eim pairinent, 206, 206b, Composite end poirus, 177 1632 - 1634
2071 - Composi te tissue transpTm!ation, ventricuhrseptal defect,
Cohort study, J22 vascubrized , 633. 6 34/ 1627-1629
Cob:torny Compression l'lati--;;g;-AZll miscellaneous anomalies,
opcn.349 Co m pressio n 1mmpthcrapy, 1852 1650- 1654
right , 1336 Compulsive poswperntive
C-Oli1is, il54'.'. 1155, 1155/ using , 1151 - 1152 surveillance , 281
Crohn's , l349- Ll53 fo r pseudo-obstr11 cr;on , 1338 Computed tomography (CT )
forms of, !324 Colo recio l cancer, J..Illi. l 'Vi'l _,u forappendici ti, , 1299 . 1300/
infectious , 1353-1356 a&0 Rec1alcanccr fo r biliarytrcc d,1488-1489, mi<ral,·.h-canomalics ,
i<chcm ic . ~ American Joint Commi ttee o n 1489/ \ 653 - 1654
ukerative , 1339- 1349 cancerTN M stagingsystem forcolonic icschcmia, 1357 vascu lar rings and pulmonary
C-Olbgen for,1 3741- 137 51 forcongenirnlhean <lisease , aneryslings, 1650-1 652
struct11 reo( IJ8 fam il ial. concept of. 1359 1622-16B periope r'1t ivccarco( l 624- 1625
synih esisof. IJS-1.19 gene mutations t hat promote, gastriccanccrstagingand , J11_!_ .>n esth .,iap irfalls .1624
iypesof, 138 13601 in nutri1io nal assessmcn1 , _lilll singl e,·cutricle. 1645-1650
Collagcnous;:;:;l i1i; , 1342 Cornputc.Jtomogr•phyangiography, hypopl asd e !ehheartsyndro mc ,
Colloid tumors, 838-840, 839/ diagnosing lower GI 164 7-1650 , 1647/
Coloanalanastomosis,sphinc1er- h emorrhage using, 1152- 1153 tricuspida iresia, __!__§12,
spari ng ahdomi nal r<rincal Co m putcri,,ed phys ida nordcr en try l 64(f1647/
rcscc1ionwith , 1J.ll..!!:..Ll1 {C POE)systcm , _!2Z su rgery, pa th ways for practicing
Colon , 1312 -1 393, 2064. !eet1fso Concordaru xcuografo , 631 -632 16 19 - 1620, 1620/
spceificsegrncruofcolon Co nd it iona llyesscruial am inoaeids, !r•nSposi!ionol thegrea!artcrics
aboorptionin ,1323
adenocarcinomao( l.J.22 =
Conduit choice and harvesting , ionofthegreat
arteries (TGA)

g:~::~:::: ~:~;pca:'~~~::~:~'.";·8~
anatomy of. IJ12- IJ18 , 13 l 'if 16n-16n
artcrial>tipplya ndvmou,and Co nd,•lomaacum inatum , 14 12-
lympha 1ic dr• inage , 14 13, 1413/ Congenirnlnevus , 7 25/
1314-131 7, 131 7fl322/ Cone procedure, 2041 -2042 Congeniial pulmon ary airway
cross-sect io nal, 1320/ Co nfoun<ling, __!_!Ll:
- malformation , 1865, 1866/


Co11gcnital vasculardirotde..s, Coronaryanerybypas.surgpy, Crohn'scol itis (Continued)

J..iS.ld.5..81 historyo( 1660. 1660r diagno•isof. 1350-1351 , 135 1/
Conotruncal anomalies, of Coronaryartcrydisease,353-354 elective operations for, 1352/
congcnii.lhcartdi;ccasc , cardbccat hcteri,,.:uionand cpi<lem iologyof, 1349-1350
1637- 1640 intcrvcntionf<ir,1664-1665, c>tracolonicmanircstation, in ,
double-oucleirighcverurick !MO 1664/
irar»po<itionofgrea1 arteric-.;--- d inical man ifestations and fisiulasin , 1352
16J7-1640, 1638/1639/ diagnosisof, 1661-1665 fulminantcolitis in . _ll_21
congcnicallrrorrccted, 1640 clinical presentation of, 166 1 growth retardation in , 1352
Consdous«-.Jad on ,360 -39 ~ <liagnos!ic tcstingfor. 1662-1664 indication< for <urgery;J351-
Con"ipat ion , 1381-139 1, 1389/ mechanical complications of, 1352. 1351b
irar»itmidicsof,l390- 13') 1 -1!i8..U6..85_ iruestinalobstruction in ,1351
Comam ina1Mprocedur<·s, insurgical physical cxam ina<ionof, l"'rcu1aneouscoronary inita-alxlom inalab<ecss in ,
•itc infection , 1i2_ 166l- 1662 . 166 2b intcrvenrion . sul'ercur aneou• 135 1-1352
Continuousaspirationofwbglou ic Coronaryarceryrn·..,cularizat ion coronaryintcf'·ent ion{l'C I) intractab ility in .1351
secretions , 244 complc1rncssof, 1668 pmtoperativcc"3rc , 1677-1679 mass ive blee<ling in , 1352
convcnlionalon- l'um p discharge from intcn<i,·ccarc l'athologicfc>turc<o~50
cardiopulmonary bypass, unic, 1678 grossappearance , 1350:1' 350/
1669- 1677 . 1670b med icala<ljuncis,for hiswlogicap peara-;;;:zJ 350,
Con t inuousvcnovenous cannulat ion.for postopera tive management , 1350/ -
hemo<, 565 card iopulmon>rybypass 1679 po<1opcr. t iverecurrenceo( 1353
Co111 inuurnofcare(CoCJ. 121:..!.2i 1674 . 1675/ OUlCOn>es, 1678-167<J 1679b <urgicalmanagcnientof,
Con traccption , 2036 c>rdiacarresta n<lmyocar<lia l pulmonaryC'Arc in , 1678 m in imallyinvasi,·c
Contractures , 2018 -2020 protcction , 1674-1675. preoperat iveevaluatioil,1669, approachesto,1353
C:>ntrollMscudyofLanre-01idc 1675/ -- 1670/ surgical proceduresfor,1352-
An t iprolifcrot ive Re'l"Jn"' In cardiopulmona rybypass, pro>imallcft antcriordcsccndi ng 1353.1352/
NcuroEnd0<;rincT11mors 1670-1 672, 1671/1672/ artcry <lisease . 1668 toxicmcgacolonin , 1352
(CLARINET) 1ri~I. 1275 con d uit cho icea11dlian•csting, ST-scgmen1 elevation myocardial ttea11nen1 of, 1351 - 1353
Conventional imaging, inohscurc 1672-167" infarction-acu1cmyocardial i ndiC'~tion s for surgery,
G I hcmorrhagc.1156 hemostasis , 1676- 1677 infarction , 1669 1351 - 1352
C:>1wencionalon-p ump mediansternotomy, 1672 unstable • ngina/non-51--segment medical <heral'Y· 1351
c.rd iopulmonaryhypa" , ncurologioprotcctio ~r ing elevation myocardial Crohn',disca<e, 1154, 1254-1266
1669-1677 card iopulmo na rybyp><s. infa rction.1668 ofanorcct um , 1411-1412
Cooper'sliga1nems , 821, 825/ ill2 Coronary insuflicie11cy, 1658- 1690 dici ical pre<ema<ionof, 14 11,
Cor 1ria1tiatmn . 16j""2:]6 33 posi1ion inga11d <lrapi ngin , Corpus, 1188 14 11/
Cor>I snake,, i l l 1669-1670 Corpusullowmmy, 1925 ev•luat ionandtrcatmentof,
Cordotomy, 1924 separation from Corpuslutellm cyst , 2029 1411 - 1412,1 4121
Core net:dlel>iop•y, 776-777,827 card iopulmonaryl> (',orrc-cte<I transposition , -1Jtl!l a•cau:;cof>mall l>.1wcl
Cori cycle , 101. 143-3 - - Corrclarcdd.>ta , _lfil ol>strnction ,1248
Corona phl~mica, 1832 causesof, 1255- 1256
Coronaryartcriove11ow; fistula, foracu1erespirarorydis1tess geneiicfactor<, 1255- 1256,
aneurysm•and , 1653 •yndrome, 560 1256 r --
forCrohn's<li>ea>e , 126! immunologicfoc1ors. 1255
1676/ im munosupprcssiveuscor,622 infcctio us agents , 125S -
101>lartcrialrcva>eulari>,ation , fm ulccrat ivccol iti" 1343 d i n icalmanife>tat io ~ 1257.
anatomicconsideraiionsin , lfil3:lGZ1 Cosiimula1ion blockade . 630-631 l25 8t, 1259/
1658- 1659, 16 59/ 16591 coronory a nerybypassgraf1ing . 1N Cosiimulawrymoleculcs ,6 111 d iaguosisof, 1257 - 1260, 12 59/
phpiologyandrcguhtiond Corona ry arrcryb)'P""' C'-0stoclavicu hlf tcst , 1604 1260r
coronarybloodAow, grafting Com, l l i historyof. 1255
1659-1660, 1659b in<licat ionsf<>r, 1665-1677, 16661 Counseling, patient , 340 incidrnce a--;;-J--;:]>idcmiologyof,
a norn alicsof,1652- 1653 left main coron>ry a rt ery disease, Courvoi<icr<ign , 11261 1255
Coronaryarterybypassgr>fong !667- 1668 Cow<lendisease ,6911, 13681 managemeruof, 1260- 1263
(CABG) lcftvemricularsptolic CpGisla nds{CGls) , .!i'.!A medical the rapy, 1260- 1262
odjunctsto, 167 7 dysfunction . 1668 Cranialdy,,aphisnl. 19J2 nutritionalther.p)', 1262
inotropes -;-;;dph >rrn acotherap)" mechanical com p lic• tions,of Cr:rnial epidur;i l abscess, 1 933-19J ~ smokingcessat ion , llQ2
ifilZ coronary artery <lisc~se , Ctaniofacial mkro><>rni~ . 1946 surgicaltreatrncnt , 1262-1263
intra -aortic l>allcKrn l"""I" 168~- 1 685 Craniofadalsurgcry, 1945-1947,1945/ 1»thologyof,1256-12- 57- -
-1.GZZ left ventricular aneurysm , Craniopharyngiomas , 1915 grosspa<hologicfeatures.1256,
uansewphageal !6H- 1684 Cran iosynoswsis, ! 933, 1933/ 1945. 1256/1257/
echocanliogr;iphy, 1677 mitr:il regurgitation . 1685, 1948/ microscopic feature•,
wr>Usb;il loono ngioplosty/- 1685f l 6 86f - "Creeping fat" . 130 3-1304 1256-1257. 1258/
l_,arc-mc1alste11«. ~ vcn1ticular>cptaldefc..:1 , Cnowrcsourrcrnanagernent , 193 inl'rcg11an9 , 2Ufui
ver<u1contcm1x>r.>11eousmc<lical 1684-1685 Cricoi<l , J2b - prognosis of, 1265-1266, 1266/
therapy, 1665-1667 lll)'OCar<lialrevascularizat ion, Cricoidstenosis, 1595 small bowel bleeding and , 1157
w"'"<lrug-elut ingstems, 1667 ahernat ivemetho<lsfor. Crico1hyroidotomy. f i l 415f 1948 spccilicproblemsof, 1263-1265

~;:~·;~~;;~fore,. ,.;, 1189-1 190

ver;usmcdical thcrapy.forlcrt 1679- 168'1 acu te i lei t is , ~
main CAD, l8iZ_ cardiopnlnlonary bypasswith c•nccr, _!l!i5_
rol c of,1669 hypotl1crmicfibrillawry Cri1ically illpa1ie1us colorecrnl J i..,, 1265
an<l spcdalpopulation sof arrc<1 , l 679-1680 cnteralfce<lingin , 562-563, 1265
patiencs. 1686 hybrid procedures, 1682~!683 pat hogensof. 263-265 gastroimestinalbleed ing, 1265
inobesepatiems, 16 86 min imallyinva>ive d ircct Crocodil es , _i1J_ - - penetrat ingdisease ,1264-
inoldcrpaticnl>, 16 86 rnronaryancry hypass , CroFah , 5_H-5J5 perfor.>tion , 1265
inpaticn"withdiab<:tc•. 1686 168 1-1 682. 1682/ Crohn'scol iti, , 1349-1353.1350/ periana ldiscasc , 1265
i11patiemswithrcnaldisease, off-pucnp coro11aryariery ca ncerin, 1..22 strictu ring d, !263- 1264,
1686 bypa>sgrafti ng, 16 80 c"3uscof, 1349-1 3 50 1 263/1264/ ~
in women , 1686 168 1. 1681/ clinical presentation of, _!_lli_ urologiccomplications . ~


Cro<>-prcsc!HO!ioo ,707-7 08 Cysi(s)(Conlinued) Dccpi n fec1 io11s ,2000-2001 Dermal sub>ti!utcs, for wound
Cross-sect ional srndy, _!12 Rarhkc'spollch , 803-804 palmarspa.oeinfeccions, healing. ill:_l_§Q
Cruvoilhiorsign , 11261 simple , 1469 2000-2001. 2002/ Dermatofibroma,2012
Cryo ahladon ,237 splcnic,l56J-15(,.4 pyogcnicflcxortcnmynm·i1is, Dcrma1ofibro<arcomaprotnhcran>,
Cryothcro py, \ 034 t hyroglossal d nct , ll09 , 1861, 2001 , 200 2/ 750 . 766
CryptococrnsiS":'l5 96-l S97 1861/ -- Deepinferiorepigascricanery Dermoidcyscs , 1860
Cryptord1idism , 1885-1 8 86 , 1886/ Cysiadenocarcicio1 na, 1469 perforatorflap.forbrcast Descendingcol;;;;-:-kng1ltof, 13 13
Cubit>I tunnel syndro me, 2007 Cystadcnom.>, _!_1&2 reconstruction , J!ZQ, 87 1/ Des.oendi ng mediasrina l inte rcosta l
Cu llen, 'lhomas. 2 Cyscicarrery.ana tomy o f. variations Deepinferiorcpigamic•·e,,.,ls, lym ph trunk , 1849/
Cu llen sign , 11261 in , 1427/ 1093/ ndingd10radcaor1ic
Cu ltural competence , 21-22 Cystic ha.sal cell ca rc in om a>, Deep pcronca l nc"·c , 1828/ a ncnrprn,da<>ifica1ionof,
Cu hura! sensi1 ivity, 2!~ 748-7 <19 Deep veins, 1735/
Curlinguker, 121 1- Cysiicduct , 1427, 1428/ Descriptives!a!iS!i<:<, 180, 1801
Cush ing•)'ndrome, 976-979 Cystich b rosis , 1542, 1581 Descript ive stud i es . ~
biochcmic~I diagnosis >nd Cystichygrom ~ped iacr ics, Deepvcnoussystcm , 1827- 1828 Desfluranc.36 11-3621.J62
locali>.:uion ,977-978,978/ ~ Dccp•·cnousdirornbosis , 184 1-1 845 Dcs mo idturnor, 765-766 ,
c pi dcmiology an<ld in ical features , Cystic medial necrosis, 17 81 can<csof, 184 1- 1842 1072- 1074. 10 73/
Cyscicnwp lasms . ~
976-977, 977/ dinica l diagnosisof. 1842, 1842/
su bd inicat 979 ofpancreas,1537 -1 54 1 d iagnoS1 icronsidcra1 ionsin , 1842
surgica l management and Cystic, 1423/ 1425- 1427 imag ingstudic, andlaboraror y Destructive bions, 1924- 1925
outromes,979 Cystosarcoma p hyllode" 841 testsfor. 11142-184.1 De>;mederomid ine, 550-5';1
Cush ingub:r,12 11 Cysw.copy,207 1 - inddcnccof, 1842
Cuiancousa ngiosarco ma , 750 Cyswurctliro><:opy,2071 aftcrki dn cy tra nsplacuat ion ,656 Diabetes md lit us
Cutaneous lichenamyloidosis Cytochrome111,,, _§b 62/ lowerexcremity.1841 - 1844 acherosclernsis risk , fil
(Cl.A) , 100) Cytokines , 21_ obcsiiyand , 126 immuneiherapyfor. 960
Cu taneous malignant nco pbsms , cdlularsourccsandbiologiccffects prophyla>is r,;;;-184,l- 1844 ;, kfallor"1 nspla n tati.;;:;lo r,.22Q.
Z1H.ill of. 28< trcatmen t o( .!11.i pa ncrcat icrra nsp lantat ionfor . .9£0.
u11conuuon , ? SO de«:rip1io11of, 61 4 upper cxtrcn1i1 y, 1844- 184 5 surgico.I 1rcauntrl! of, 959 -960
C1uancous rndanorna, lli.:ZQ proin namrnaw ry, 145 rctricvablcvcnaca">fihcrs, <y1ic 2, olx:si1yasriskfac10 rfor,
biopsyof, 727-728 summaryof. 6051::()061 1845.1845b ill
ca u>eso( 12.1.:lli 1herapy.forCrohn'sdisease, ueat mencof, ~ wound heal ing affected by,
epidemiology of. 724-725, 725( 1261 - 126 2 vcnacavafiltcr,l845, 1845b 14 6 - 147
invasive , ~ tum o r imnrnnothcrapyuseof. Defecation. 1324 Diabcticfoot . 1767- 1769, 1768/
pathogcnesisof, 726 , 726[ 7 10 -7 1 1,7 11/ Dcfceography.1382 Diabetic retinopaihy. fil
pathology of, 72ffiO in wound heal ing, 1341 for rec1occlc,1 400 Diagno<1 icbrond10«:opy, 58 3
precursor lesiOrlSOl,725-726, Cyromegalovirns (CMV) , 668 Degenerative disorders, of spine, Diagnost ic imaging
715/ -- ascauseofcolicis, l..liG_- 19 18 - 1922 acerabulum , 475,476/
punchbi<>p>yof. 728 Cytotoxican1ihiotico , 262 ccrvicaldi.cprolap,c,ccrvical ank lc ,4 76 -477
nhravio lctrad i>ti;;;;-;:xpo,urcand , CytotoxicTcells, 6 12-:70 5 spondylosis,and ccrvical elbow, 47 5
22A:l2i Cyto10xic T lymphocyt<·-associa1ed S!enosis , 1920, 1920/ foot,477
Cu!tingballoon , 1777 oruigcn 4(CIT A-4). 610, 7 06, d iagnosisof, 1920-1921 hip,475-4 76
Cp not iccon gen ital hea rt disease, 707/ - - - lumbardiscprnla psean d lu mbar knce,476.476/
1.fil1:lill c....,rny, Vin.oent ,865 degenerat ivecondiciom . pelvis,475.476/
pulrnon.ry>trcsia \ 921 - 1922 sh ou ld cr,4 74-47 5,475/
andinuctventrirnl.u.scptum , D locafo,:nionandd iagnosisof. spinc , 477 -478
1636 - 1637 Dabigauan ,220 -221 19191, 1922 Dialysis access, 1796- 1804
wi1h ''entricu larseptal d<·fcet , Dadizumab ,6231, 7 191 lun1 barca 11 al stenosis , autogonousfisiulas,s<:eondary
\ 637 DJ k in, Henry, 7 inte rventionsin . 180 2-1803
rccra logyoffalloc , 16J4-16J6, DamagecontrnT lllmbardiscprolapse.1921 cenrralven ouscacheter.
1634{-Ui37/ - - dc><:riptionof, 581 management of, 1922 1798 - 1799
valvub rpulmonic>tcnosi< . 1637 rcm>cit ation , .t![7'0b managcmcntoption sfot, 19 2 1. complcxaccc<>, 1803- 1804
Cyd ic lipopepc idcs, 260 Danforch sign .1 1261 1921fl922/ dia lysisouccomes qu •lityinic iative
Cydin-dependemk~s, fS.3. Danger-associa ted mok..:ularpauerns paihophysiologyof, 1919- 1920 guidelines, 17 96-1797
Cyclosporine, 356. 6 23<,624 ,iiliZ (DAMP,),25. spinal anatomyin . 1918- 1919, failed/fuilingaccess,paticntswith
for ukcracivecol it i,, 1344 DJpsonc , 539-540 191 91 180 1- 1802, 1802/
Cylin dricalcdl papillomas ,lilll Daptomy~ Dclii«:cncc,283- 284 , 283b in itial evaluation , forncwaccc;s,
Cyli ndrom a, \ 592 Dataam lysis , 180-182 Dcla)'cdun ion , A..6.2 1791!
CY!'JAl , ii!M rorrcl aied data, J.§1 Dclirium. BQ.::illfil 337 , 3371, nommdacure, 179 7.1 7971
Cyst (s) h ypochesis ieS!ing ,l§l 340-341 superficialvenoussystem,of u pper
ancurysmal OOne , 2013 instr11m enralvariab lcanalysis , J..B.1 cau«:of. 11Q, 320b e>: trcm ity, 1797- 1798
B>rthol in glan d, t reotm enrof, missing data. _!!g_ dehnitionof. .5..1Z:21.!! ven o11strJnsposi1ion
2041. 204 1/ mu l<ivariableanalysis, -1.8.l poS!opctati,•c, 206-207, 207 b 1cdmiqucsof, 1800- 180 1
biliary:l51 0-1511, l 5 10fl5 11/ pro1x:11'ity><:orc an alysi; , Jl!l.,lll1 presentation and diagnosis of, tyix:sof,1799-1800
br.mchialdefr. JiQ2 variabletypesand descripcive .lllLl.21 Diaphragm.cruraof, 1043
breast . ~ stae isc ics , llill.,_ 1801 cre>1memof, .Jll Diaphragmac ic injuries, 432,432/
hronchogcnic, 1580-158 1,1610, D.wis, 12- 13 . 13/ Ddormcproccdurc , 1397- 1398, Diasta5isrccti , 1072
lB.!i2 --- dcQuervaindi«:a«: . 2004 1.l99/ Diastc matomydia. 1932
d1ole<lod1al. 188 1-1 8 82, 1882/ Dea1hreccptor .S.. ..6l:!.3. - Dcrnen tia, 1Q§,_ 206b,2071, 335-336 Diazcpant , 550
epi de rm al indusion , 20 10-2011, DcBakcy, Mkhad , J..6., !6/ Dcndriticalls, 600-60 1 Diel, majo ;:-;:;:;nponcn!Sof, 98
20 10/ -- Debridemenr,sofcc is.sue,bcdside, descripiionof,705 Dierarysta rch,1241 -
ganglion , ~ 2009/ 2Z2:2fil_ myeloid , 707-708 O iethylec her, 3611
hydot id , 1452- 1454 , 1453fl454f Decision making tu mor antigen ac<1 u isition by, 712/ O iculafoybion , \ 146. 1146/
mcdia,.i na l. primary, _!i_l_Q patient participa tion in , 11_ Dcnonvillicrsfuscia. 1399 123 1- 1232
n1cserueric,1 082 sltare<l , 22 Dcnosu1 nab,7191, fil Differecnial 1nisdassi fica1io n , 174
O!HCtllal. 1081 - 1082 Derondiiioning,34 1-34 2 Deprcssion , 206, 207 b, 336·337 Diffuse esophageal spas m (DES),
peric:ud i al. ~ Deepfrmoral •·cin , 1829/ Dermal sinuZl932 -- 1015-1016


Diffu>e lu11gdisease , 1598- 1599. D ivcf!iculi1is Duodcn>I ulcer (Co,,linu~d) Elcc1ivccolon>urgery,24 7t,252
! 599b management of protonpllmpinhibi tors . 1201 E!ecti,·elaparoscopicsplenecmmy.
DiGoorge•yndrome, 1630·163 1 compl icated , 1333-!334 sunalfate,1200- 1201 l 564- 1566.1565fl566/
Dig i1allyaugmcn1cdsurgcry, uncomplicated , 1332 Duodcn<>jejuno>1 o my,antccolic Elcctiveopcr~ 1ions,rnmm a ryof,
394-396.395}396/ spccialconsidcrat ion , f<ir "~""' rctrocol ic, 1550 \348 , 1,349/
Diiodocyrosinc, 1!..8.U right-sided,1334 Duodenum , 964f965J !086/ Elcctr;;;rr, urns, 525 -526
Dirc..:1allor"'ognit ion ,620/ inyou11gpa1iems,1334 neuroen docrine 1u111orsof, ?98 Elcc1tocardiograpli)'. 367
"' olecubrbasisfor, 621/ DNA mcth)'htion , 701 polypsof, ..!1.ZQ - forcongcniralhcartdisc.>sc . ..!&ll
Dirccteddilfcrcntiacion, 168-169 DNA microarra)'. 242-243 vascular compression of, h)'pcrkalemiaevalllations. 88/
Dirty procedure<, in surgical site DNA tumorviruscs , ii2!!_ 1292- 1293. 1292/ Elcctroca utcfv,235
infec1ion , li5_ ONA-hasc<l marker>, 701 Duplcxartcrialu hrasound , Elcctrolytcs, 44-97
Disasiers Dodd'sperforator, 1829/ l282dZ&1 historyof,- :r.r:50
dassi licat ionoLand implica1ions Domain hernias, loss of, 11 15 Duplex survei llance , 1786 potassium , 87-8?
fortraumacare, 586-587 Dorsalrootcn tr)'rone lesion . 1924 Du plexulrr.>sound . 1843 insmall intestinc , 124-1-1244
Dorsal venous arch , 1829/ Dupuyt rencontracturc. 2019, 2020/ 1244/
Do rs:.lis pc....lisvcin , 1829/ Duralarn:riMenousmal~tions, wdium , 1!2:1il. 86b
-5.l:ili.:S.Bl DOTATATE , 1274- 1275 Elcctron ic proce;smo nitoring , 194j

hos pital p lans for
Double ruprnre , 1788 -1 789
Double switch , 1640
Double-outlet rightvcntridc. 1640
Dynamicrc1enc ionsmures ,4501
tumor, 1912
Electron ic white-board mediated
ti mc-out . __!21 194/
inciden t rommand , _i2Q_ Doxorubicin , _l_i§_ Dysfu nctionalutcrincblccd ing,2039 E!cctron ics. 393-406
rccci ,·ingcasuahics, 22!)_ D ressi ngs Dyskcratosis , 789 E!ccirosurgcr)'. 235
t r~urna a.spec!< of, 590·591 rnaintcnancc ,244 Dysrnenorrhc;:--1036 Emlx>lism . >eeo:&oPulmonar)'
triage, 590-591, 59- ,,- wound , .11!:.J.12, 149b. Dysphagia , 345, 1019 embolism

ho;[~~i;i:~::~:~ ;~~~92-593
l 50t- 15 1r,152b inesophagealcanc<ers, 1028 obesi<y and , lli
Drew, Charles , _!!_, 8/ Dyspla,ia Embryonic stem cells (ESC)
gcd of. 587 Dro p finger, 1994/ high -gradc , 1033-1036, 1033/ d inicJI ap plicationsof. 169
initiolpr,-;:;:,591,59 1}, D rugfevcr,254 in uker:uivccolit is, 1345 desctipt io n of, 157,16~5
othc raspec«of. 592 DrugwithdrAwal syn d rome, 254 Dysplasticncvus, 725 Emcrgencycarc, ~u~lctal
major medical. 586-587 Drugs, metabolism of. in liver, 1"34 Dysrhythmias, in --;;;t,:mivecareuni1 , injurics, '162-504
natural --
in jurypattcms in , 32}
m ed ical relief effort in , 5..'11
Dual-encrgyx-rayabsorpt iometry
(DEXA) , 108
Ducrcctasia, ~ E
"' Emphy><ema, 1598- 1599.1598/
Emphyscma touspycloncphri tis,
2073 . 2073/
surgeon'srolcin , 593 D uctalcarcinotna insi1u, 837.838/ Ear,no><e, and1 hroa1complications, E1 n pirical am il_,io1ic1hcrapy.255
trau 1nacarcin , 22J- lu1n ptttorny for, 8521 - ill.:Til Emp)'crno., 1605- 1606
traumaservice li ne in, 588, 588/ mastectomyfor, ~ Lr deformities, congenital, l946 Emulsification.offuts, 1242-1243
Disei tis, 1935,1935/ - ><entinclnodcsurgeryfor, Jiil Lr tumors , 80~-807 Encephalopathy.548, 638
Di>eorda~nografo , 632 tamoxjfenfor,8521 Eardrumpc rf<ir:u ion , 594 Enchondroma ,781,2013,2014/
Di>cax:-spccificconsidcWions, trcatmcntof, B.i.l.:1!21 Earlyprcgnanc)'. 2034- Enddcsccndi ngcolostomy,tcchn ical
256-262 D u1nbbdl1 umors, 16 12 EasternAssocia1ion for 1heSurgery oonsiderat ionsof, 1327- 1328,
Dio!oca1 io11s , 1997, 19971, 1999, D u1npi ngsyn d romc, 1212 ofTraurna(EAST) , 408-4 0? 1328/
1999/ Duodenal at resia, 1870 Ebsteinanoma!y,oftricuspid,., lve, Endarterectom)'. aortoil iac , 1741 ,
dex:rip1ion of. ill Duodenal di><ease,Crohn'sdiscasc 1653. 1654/ 1744/
evaluatio n of, 493-494, 496/ and , 1265 Ehurnat ion ,JQ!2 Endemic goit er, 889-890
h; p, 493-494 - - Duodenal divcrtirnb , 1281 - 1282 E-cad herin, 686 , 686/ Endoca rd b l rnshio ndcfcc< , 1629
kntt~4 cl inical 1nanifes1a1ionsof, Ediinacea , 230/ Endocard itis,invalve ,1698
Disstt!ion,aonic, 17 46- 1750, 128 1- 1282, 1282/ Ech inocandi ns. 2Zll Eudocarditis prophylaxis ,373-374,
174(fl747/ incidenceandoauscof. \ 28 1 Echinococcalcyst , 1447-1448 373b-374b.374•
Dista l cholangiocarcinoma. !rcatment treatment of, 1282, 1283/ Echinococcosis, 14_52_ _ Endocrincd iscasc.inpregnancy.
of. l2!2 Duodenal injurics ,439-440 Echinodermata, 2'.!1 2062-2063
Di>tal phahngcalfr.cturc, 1997- 1998 Duodenal >tcnosis , 1536 Echocmliography,555 Endocdnegland d)'sfunction ,

~:~ ~::!~';~a~::~~td~:::~· 1 ~~2

DiS<al subdavianartcrialoontrol. Duodenal switch (DS) , 1172- 11 73, 303-306
181 7 11 75/ Endocrinesurgery,342-344
Distribu ted type. ofsplcnic artery. resulrsof. 11771,1 178 - 1179 fo, !1bromusculars11baortic Endocrincsystcm , 216-218
J.ii(i Duodenal ukcr, .l.!.22:.l1QZ stcnosis, ~ endocrinopath ies,managemcntof,
Di,·c rticulardiscasc, 1019.102 1, d inicAl rnanifestat ionsof, J.!22 Eckfim.da ,1440 206b. 21 7-218,2 l 7 b
1153, n~o-n~4 ahdorninal 1>ain , ll99 Ectopicpancrcas ,1522 1x:riopcrat ivcdiahctic
backgroundof. LBO diagnosisof, 11??- 1100 Ectopicpregnancy, 2039 managcment ,216-2! 7,
epiphrenicdivert icula. J.Q1!., flexibleupp<rendoscop)'. surgeryfor.2042-2043 2161
1022/ 1\ 99-1200 potent ial co mp lications of. Endocrincthcta p)'. fot brcastcanccr,
eval uat ion of. 1331 - 1332, \3 32/ H~/icobart~'PJ/o,; test ing, 1200 204 '\ 857-858
H incheydassificat ion of, 1333 upp<:tgdsttoitucst inal techniquc in , 2042-2043 Endocti n ~ tu mors, 941-962, 1613
managemmtof, 1332- 1334 radiography, \ 199. ll99/ Ecul i>.urnah. ~ 7 191 co mplic>tions of<urgical th~rapy,
complicated d iverticuli t is, invasivetestsfor,12~ Edema, 1842/ 959
1333- 1334 cuhure ,1200 in burn injury, 2Q2 physiologyof.942-94-l
uncomplicated di,·crt iculitis , hi,,ology.1200 Efuliwmah. 7191 Endocrinopath ics. manage ment of.
1332 Effectivcncss ,.lZS_ 206b,217-2 18 , 217b
midcsophageal divcriicula, Effercmloopol-"'tuct ion , 1213 Endodcrmal roof, ofyolksac ,1312
1020-1021, 1021/ Effic~cy, 178 - End ·of-lifccarc, 21
paihophysiologyof. 1330-1331, Ehlers-D~ssyndrome, 139 Endolcak ,1733
133!/ -- Eisenmenger syndrome, 1625 Endoluminal management , wi1h
pha ryngoc"'phagcald ivcrt iculum , Elasticfibc,.. ,..!.12:.!.1.Q stcn t graft, \ 8 12, 1813/
1019-1020, 1020/ Elastin-bindini;fib rill in , .!fl Endomctrial cydc, 2033-2034
ofsmall ime>ii ne, 1280-1 286 antacids , 1200 Elbow,diaguoS!ic ituagi ngof, 475 E11dom etri0<is, 2040
d uodcnaldivenicula, _tl, m:epwr amagoni>ts ,120 1 Elderabuse ,355 -356. 1ut1&0 - Endopdvicf<t>Cia, 1314, 1315/
medical management , 1200 Gcriatricpat ients Endoprosthc><es, 780/


Fn<loscupjccomponc1uscpara1ion, En1cralauwnomy,1iG.6 Fsophagus(Continued)

1112, 1114/ Emcral nucrition , fil stagingof, 1028-1032,1028/.
Endoscopicmuco.alreseccion bene~ts o L .L12 10291
(FMR) , 1034-1035. 1034f
1035/1 ~
~~;;:~~i~a;'."i'\';:~· ~ 1 181- 1 \ 9t superficia l cancer< and ,
Endoscop ic parad1yroid<"C10my. accessfo~, 113 -1 14. gamoesophageal jut><:tion,1044{
lli.:2.ll 1141,115/ - - gaS!roewp hageal reflux d ,
Endo«:opjcret rogr.>d e fce<ling intole<>nce , _!_!j_ J.2lU lll2Jdll1i
cholangiopancrea tography,1496 ileus, -11.1 Esophagealcanccr.345 complicatcd , 1023-1025, 10251
~:: ~>~l~~:yp;,:~~:~~~. ~~:9,
oral fcd in g, 112. 113/ diagnnsisof,1028 - 1032 mcdicalrnanagcmcn<of. 1022

carlyinidation d J l2,l \ 4-117
formulaiions of, 1~!6.ll01
1027- 1040
:~;~:~'.. ';;;;r I 023-1 025
Endoscopicuhrasound , 1031 immunonu1ricion , ll7 early-scag<.,approach10 , J_Qll primarymelanom aof, !032
inbiliarytreediscasc,1 490, 1'191/ refecd ing syndrom Z::U.Z ep idem iologyof. 1027-1028, regionso( IWIO/ -
inpancrc>ticneuroendocrine routesof. l!!.::.llb 112b 1028/ short, intraoperative management
turnor< , 1000 En1cricflaps . 8l4 csophagc..:torny for, 1035-1036 of, 1053. 1055/
En<loscopicurologicsurgcry, Entcriclcak , @ locallyadvanccd , 1036-1039 Essential amino adds , 101
2070-207 1 modal ities used in , 10 >6- 1 0~9 Estlander flaps, .125_ -
Endoscopy inimmunocompromise<lhosc , multimodali1ytherapy for, 1036 Esuogen replacement 1herapy. 833
donble-balloon,1156 1267- 1268 pall iot ive opt ions for. 1039-1040 Estrogens ,ci rculatinglcvehof.
forcsoph>geal cancer. 1028 bocteria,1267 stagingof. 1028-1032,10291 fil:fil2

gas1ricc:rncct<1agi ni; a 11d , fungi ,1 268 survdllanccof, JQ.r! F.ihic<, insurgcry, 20-24
12 18-1221. 1220/ 122 1/ mycobactcria , 1267- 1268, tumord,.,;sifiationfor, 1031/ cult ur~l sensi!ivii y, 21-22
forg.,stroesophagealrcfluxdisease, 1267/ Esophageal di se.,ses,Barreu end -of-life care, .21-
protoroa ,1267 esophagus, 1050 imporcanceof.1.Q:11_
for gastrointest inal hemorrhage , viruses , 1268, 1268/ Esopbgealin ju ~31 -432 Etbmoidsinu>, 802,804{
ilA2 rad ior ion .1290-129l,l290b Esophagealma nomcrry, 1047-1048, Etom idatc,363 ,,557-558
in1raopctative,inob>curcGI typhoid , 1266- 1267 1047f1048f -- Europc•n>yS1cn1forvalvulariurgcty
hcrnorrhagc ,1!56 En1croauuosplicricfisiula,I 287 faopbagcal motility disorder< opcrati,·criskcvaluation
inpregnantwomen ,2056 Enterocucaneousfistulas ,1287 body.1015-1016 (EuroSCORE), l 7 1 1r
repeated, in obscure GI Emerohepaciccirculacion,1 432 d iagnosisof. 1014- 10 19 , 10151 fa·erolimus ,6231.627
hemorrhage , 1 155-1156 offats , 1243 management of, 1014- 1019 Evidcncc-bamJsurgcry,l7J - 186
small bowel. inoh,cureG! [ ntcrotomy, 1116 Esophagealneoplasnls, 1027- 1040 Ewingsarcomo, 784
loernorrhage .1 156 Ependymoma, 1912 Esophagcalperfom io n , 1025- 1026, Exces.weiglo1 loss, 11 77
videocap>ule, inoL>scurcGI Epl1cxlr~ , 2301 1025/,10251 -- Excisional binp>y,82 7
hemorrhagc . 1 ! 56 Epicolicnodes ,1317 EsophagealSf"'CCh , 800 Exerciseandpharmacologicstrcss
Endothdial progenitorcells( El'Cs) , Epicondy!es , 463·461 Esophagealsquamo~ellcarcinoma , echocard iograph.y,1663
J.2.2.,1 67-168 EpidcrmalccD } ? >tagcgroupingshir,1029t Excrciscandpharmacologic'1rc.,
Endovascularancurysm repai r Epidcrmal grow tJ;""Gctor receptor, faophagecto my, foresophagcal nudnrmyocardial perfusion
(EVAR). 1722 680-68 1. l l i cancer, 1035- 1036 imaging, 1663
1edinique 07.1732/ Epi<lcrrnalioclusioncysts , hophagi1is , 1146, 1146/ Exercisedccirocar<liography, 1663
Endovascularmanagcment , 2010-2011. 2010/ Esophagogastrodu0<lenoscopy, __!__!_:g Excrcisetolerancc . J38 , 338f
lJilUlill Epid~cmes.forwoun<l inpregnanq. 2056 Exercisevenu1pharmacologiccescing,
ofccrcbrm·ascuhrvascuhr bcal ing, 154-155 Esophagomyowmy, 1018-1019 1663
Epidcrmi ., 13_7 _ faophagus, 344-345, lOlJ-1042 , Exocrincpancrca>, 1520- 1555
Epidermoi J"Cy.ts , 1860 iill -- adenocarcinomaof. 1541 - 1552
endonscu lacrepa irs , 18 12
Epididymi1is-orcl1 i1 is,2074
Epidura l anestbesia . 381 -382
acquiredbonig udisordersof,
clinical prescnrn1ionof, l 544,
ofexcremityvascularinjury.1812. Epigamichemia, 1108-1 109 lhrrect , lQS_(} controversicsof. 1549- 1550
18 14{ Epilcpsy,1925-1')~ d ivcrticubrdisordcrS, 1019-1021 diagnosisof,1544 - 1545
of1boracicancury<m" 1735-1736 Epincphrinc ,556 cpiphrcnicdivcrdcula , 1021, epidemiology of. 154 1
ofcorwvascularinjuri<-, .. - - Epiphrenicd iverc icula , 1021. 1022/ - omcomesof, 1547 - 1549
18 11-1 812, 1812t, 1813/ 1022/ - midesop hagca!divenicula, ri.kfoctorsfor.1541 -1 543
Endovascu h roperating rooms Epiphysis , 463-464, 465/ 1020-1021. 1021/ 5tagingof. 1545,1545r
Endov,.,;cuhr1m.ccdurcs, simuhtion
Epistaxi,, ~
Epithelial bycr. 1240
pharyngoewphageal(Zen ker)
di,·cnicul um , 101')-1020,
trcatrncntof. 1545- 1547
anatomy of, 1520, 1521/
for, .1Q}_ Epitbdial turno ~4 1020{ embryology of, 1520- 1522, 1521/,
Endo,·ascularre<:on>truction , 1844 Epichel ializac ion , 137-141 ewphagealmocilirydisorde.s 15221
Endo\':lscular,..,pair,18 12 Epichelioid hemangioeodo1hdioma, affe.:cingboc h body and lower physiologyof. 1522-1 524
d ev iccs ,1734t lAil1 ewphagcal,phincter, Ex tcnsi,·estagc.1583
forocdusi•·edisease, 1734<, 1738 Epirbd iu m, colonic , 1323 1016-1019 Ex tenwrre ndon, ,1990- 1991
Endovmousbca1-induccxlth rornbus Epstcin"Barr,•iru;(EBV) . hod y, 10 15-!0 16 1991fl995f
(FHIT) . 1838 En'C!ilcfunc!ion ,2082 diagnosi;of,10 14- 1019 External l>eam r~diation therapy
Endovonouscbermalablacion , Erythrocyceenzymedeficiency. loweresophagcalsph inccer, (EllKI') , 1462
hemolyi icanemiacauscdby, 1016 Externalfixac ion,of fr•cture,
156 1 management of, 1014- 10 19 467-468,485
Erythroplakia, 2§2 ewp hageal neoplasms , 1027- 1040 E>. ternal iliac,·esscls, 1095/
Erythroplasia , 28'1 henigo1umors, 1032, 1032/ Fxtcrnalobliqucrnuscle,1067/,
Encrgycxpcnditurccquat ions, .Llll Erythrup<>ictin ,281 diagnosi;nf,1028- 1032, 1086/,1094/
Energyrcquiremems,assessmell!of, Escharotomies,inburninjury. 515 , 1028/ andaponeurosis,1094
562 515/ - early-stage, a1>proachto . J..Qll Extracellularmatrix.679-680
£,chuichiaco/i,app<:oHlicit i,and , cpidcmjologyof, 1027- 1028 basal lamina , 140- 141
higli-gr><kdrplasiaand , collagcn5tmcturc, 138
1033- 1036. 1033/ collagensymh esis , 138- 139
locallyadvanccd , 1036-1039 componctusof, 138
malignam cumors , 1032-1033 degrada t ionof. 14 1


Exttacdl ularrnattix (Continued) Fingcrs,<·xtensorrnccha nistnof, Focol infla1 nrnatoryrnass, wi1hou1

dasticfibers, ll2:.!.1Q: 1978/ sign ificant dilat ion of pancreatic
gl)'cosaminoglycans, -1.Ml Fingolimod (FJ'Y720) ,1i28. duct,1535·1 536
noncollagcnprotcin< in , 1:1!1 ptxlia1ricrcquircmcrmof, 1860 First -hit c<y ndmmc , BlJl Focol n<xlularh)'pcrpb•io (FNH) ,
proK"<.>glycan>. lAl:l insrnall intc>tinc , 1242-1 243 Fina -degree burn , 506, 507/ 1456, 1456/
inwoun<l healing, 137-1 41 , 138/ fanyacid>. 1323 -- FiSiula inano, 1407=1408 , 1407 b. Focu:<e<rabdominalsonograpl1yin
Ex1racolonicmanifeS1a1ions, of Favaloro,R<cnt' ,-1.6. 1407/ tra um a{ FAST )scan , -1..!i::fil
Croh n'scoli tis . _!]21 Fcre<:eptors,615 -616 clinical prcsen t;itionsof. 416/

Extracorporeallifesupport , Fearon -Vogelscein adenoma- l'i07- l408 l'o!dsofHciscer, 14 2 5- 14 27
1861-1863, 1863/ carci no ma muhisccp model , <rcatmcntof, 1408, 1408f1409/ Foll icular cyst ,2029
Extracor porcalmcml>r•nc 1359-1360, 1360{ Fistulas - Foll icular thyroidcarcinomo,
oxygenation,559-56 1 focal~, mechanisms incomplicaied diver<icul itis,
Ex1raesophagealsymp1oms, 1045 invol,·..J in ,1324 1333, 1333/ clinical featuresof, 905 -906,
Extrahcpat ic bilia ry.>trcsia , - Fecal inco nt inence inCrohn'scoliris. U52 905f906f
1880-188 1, 1881/ causcof. ll2§_ Fixationprinciplcs , 467-470 pachologicdassifica1io11 of,
Extrain<c>tinal cancer, 1257 d ini<'."al cvalmtion o f,112f, cxicrnal , 467-468~ 904-905. 905/
Extra m ammaryPagct <li<u<c 13961 intcrnal , 468-470 trcatmcncof. ~
(EMl'D), 750 definition of, !~95-1~96 incramedullarynai!s. 470, Foncanof'<'ration,l649- l6SO,
Ex1ra\•asa1 ion , .USU 1rea1mcmof, 1396- 13?7 472/ - 1649fl6SI/
Extra va..ationinju rics , 2llil1 medical management of. 1396 pinsandscrews , ~ 468/ Foot
Extrcm ities . injuriesto, 444 -446 "'rgical rcp airof. 1396-IJ97, plotcs , 468-470 diabctic.suDi;i bet icfoot
445/ l397f l 398; - - 1ension f>anJs, jZQ_ diag110<1ic imagingof, 477, 4 77/
Extrcrni<y fasdotomy,o perativc Fcca l rnicrobiotatransplant>tion pin< and sc rews, 468, 468/ softt issucctwcragcof,19{,9 . [97 0
techniquesfor,1 82 1- 1822, (fMT ). for C diffir& infoct ion , Flai l chesc , 1603 - Forearm , superficial,·enous
1822/ 135 5 Flapco\'trage,com ponents uansposi!ionof,1800-1801
Extrcmi tynx;u b r inj ury, Fe<:Jcr laycrs, 163-164 scpar:ition and ,1 9 58- 1960, Fo rearm venous transposition , 1799,
e ndovascubrmanagcmen t o( Femalccxtcrnalgc nital ia, 2027- 1959/.1961/ 1800 <
1812.181 4/ 2029, 2028/ Flaprcconsttunion , 1962 Foregut ,1314 - 13 16
Extrinskrnus.:lc<, 197 6, 19771 Fcmoralandpol'li1calar1cry Flcur-dc-lisa!xlominop!asiy,1961 Forehead a nd bruw lif1 , l950- l 95 2
ancurysms , 1782, 17 83/ Flexible endoscope, as surgical Foreignbody in gescion , 1026·1027
F Femoral canal, 1095/ 1097 platfo rm , 398-399, 398f399/ Fothergillsign,1125. 11261
F.ccl ift, 1952 f.cmo ra lhcrnia" l 104- Flcxncr,Af>rah ~ Fourn ier gangrene , 2074, 2074/
l'acial acsthcticsurgcry,1950- \ 9 53 Femo ra lnc "·c, 1096/ Flcxor tcndon , 1986- 1990, 1989/ Four-strand corcrcpair, 1989 ,
Facial reconmuciion , 1950, 1951/ hn1orolvein ,1070f. 1829/ "Floll ic> gribS , 1573-1 575 1989/
facial ttan>plantation , 1950 Fcrnoral -fornoral ar1<:rybypa.>s Floorof 1hecnouth , 12f Fourth-degrccbutn , 507, 507/
Factor l',1557 grafting, 174 1.1743/ Fluconawlc,2 70t l'ourth-generat ionceph:Josporins ,
FactorX , _Lll
F.c10r Xa inh if>i10rs, 220-222
Femoropopliteal bypass , 1775
f.crnoropopl i1callc> io ns,
Flucycosine,27 0t
Fl u id(s) , 44-97
Frac< ional cxcrctionof,.x!ium , 564
l'•ilcdaccc.s,paticncswicf>, Tranv\ tlanc ic Inter-Society l>od)'watcr, 81-82 l' r:icc ional flowrcscrvc,forcomna ry
180 1-1 802, 1802/ Constnsus {TASC) classi ficatio n colloids . 76-77 arierydiscase , 1665
Falciform ligan1eru , 1419 of, 1773/ 17731 ctptalloids, 73 -74 , 741 Fraciures, 1997 , 1997/

:!1:~;~~~)~::'. ~~:;;~~:l{~~;i~;,:70
F.llrisk, 1Q2, 209b-210b Fem u rfractures ,48 lf482/. 497-498 acute , 462 . 463/
asscs.smentof, 338-339 Fencanyl, 364. 549 -- avulsio--;-;-
Fallopiant uf>c ,2029 -203 1 Ferguson hcmorrhoidectom)'. ~ hucklc, 462, 464/
su rgcryfor,2042-2043 1401-1402, 1403/ hypcrconic»l inc, 74-76, 75/ f,.,,,.,m-
pokmial complicacionsof, fermemation ,1321 - 1323 maim•nancc , 82-84.83"h,83r inchildren , 1999, 1999/
1Mi hialsiemcdls, ~ J'<'riopera1i\•enrnnage1nemof, chron ic, -1@
tcch niq uein , 2042-2043 Fetalsmgcrr. 1896- 1897 Jil:.llj_ co mm in11 tcd , 466/
Familial adenomatot1Spol)'po•is Fetal wound healing, 153-154 typcsof, 73-77 defin ition of. i l l
(FAP) , 690-692 , 6911, 754 -7 58, o:- l'ctoprotdn ,698-6~ Fluid an d Gthctc r Treatment Trial diagnoS!icimagingof, 474-478 ,
J.122, J3(,(,. J370,13681, 121.1 f.cvcr (FACIT). 555-556 474/ --
classic, _Ll§l bloodculrnresforcvaluationo( Fluidandeleccrolycccherapy, 1859. displacemen cof, 464 -46 5
HNl'CC ~mu1, 137 1/ 255 1859r - disia lphalangeal ~98
Familial .rypical mole and mu ltiple de~nition o ( 254 Fluid rc"'sci tarion ,69/ aterna l fixa ti ono( ~
m elanoma,yndrome, 1542 Fevcr, b iliarytrecdiscaseassoci.,tcd blc..Jing, 64-65 femur, ill::i2.B_
farnilial canccrS)' ndrorn cs , ~694, with , 1487 bloods ubs<itutc< , 77-78 fragilit)'. 463

f,~7.:'.~~:;3~,2 ~~~J. 464(

6911 -- Fibcr,1321 - 1323 damagcconc ro l. 2!L 70b
Li-Fraumeni,ym!rome, 690-6')1 hberopcicbronchoscopy, l l i evolucionof, 67-73
re1inoblasrnnu ,ii2Q, 69V----- hbrinandfibrinogenassa)'s .1843 frecze-dri..J plaoma, 79-80, 79/ immobilizatio n , 478 -47 9
Familial jnvenilc polyposis , 1368t Fi bringhic , 1993 historyof, 44-5 0 intcmal hxorionof, 468-470
Fami lia l melanoma , 6')1t Fi brinol)'sistcsting . 57/ ma"ivetr:insfusion protocol, intramcdullary nails, f i l 472/
farnil ial p ancrea1 ic<'."d11Cet(F!'C) , Fibruadcnomas. l l i 71-73, 7 3r pin;ond scrcws, 468, 468/
1 542-154~ Fi brobla.>ts, function of, ill with _L_L:._L -11 pla tcs, 468 -470, 469j'
Fas, 606-607 Fibrocystic breasc di seasc , 824 perHuorocarbom , 78. 7 8/ 1ensio1~ 70 , 4 7 1/
h.cia Haps,1941 - 1942 , l94l/ hbromuscularsubaonics~sis, problemswith , 63~, 641 inira-arc icular, i l -l
l'asda Iara , 1067/ 164J, 1643/ shock crcaccdwith , 55 5 longbonc, 463-464, 465/.
Fascialu mbodorsalis , 1067/.1086/ Fi b rom)'xoidsarcoma. 805/ mspcndcdanimation , .!!.!_ .12Z:fil_
Fascia tcnali;, 1086/ Fibruneeiin , i l l whol e b lood , 70 -71 IT\etacarpal, 1998, 1998/
F.sciacr.1nsvcrsalis, !07 0/ Fibruplasia , i l l Fluorodco•yglucoscpositton ofmid dl cphalanx ,andprox imal
hscialexcision ,i!§_ Fibro,dscularpol)'ps. 1032 emission lia ry phalanx , 1998
FasciocmanoousHaps . ~ hbula , 1822/ - cr""d isease ,1 4 90 obl ique, _1§1.,_ 466/
814/,1941 f.i nc-nccdlc»pirat ionf>iop>y, " F-flt1orodcoxygluco>Cposicmn
l'asciocomy,rolco( 1816 11!dil. cmi5'iontomogr:1phy(FDG
"FasHrack"prograins,223 ofbrcm ,.82G.:.Jl2Z PET) , 1544 - 1545
Faiembol i s)'n dro rn c, 501 for th )'ruidnodu lc,8 961, Fluort><jui nolone•. 2591, 262
Fae grafting, in b reast,1957 ~ 89 8/ Focal corc ical rese<:tion , 1925


G ol>ctocde ,ll.26 Gasttica>ncct (Gmtinued) Gas1ric-c1n ptying

Galacrnrrhc>, _815_ d iagnosis and workup of. stlldicsof. 1196
Galactoseelimination test. J.i36 !216-1217 aftertruncaland5t'le<:tive
Galacw>e-« (1-3 )-galacto.<.c,631-632 >ign•andsymptom>. v:igotom ics, 1213
pelvic Gallbb ddcr, 1425- 1427 1216- 1217 Gawin , l\90t, l 19WJ92, 1 192t
hemorrh agein , 491 anawmyof.variationsin , 1428/ epidcm iologyof, 1213-1214 Gastrinoma, 954-956, 954[ 1001.
>!ab ilizatio n of, fil anomal ies of, 1427 incidence, 1213- 1214, 12 14/ 1001/ - - -
Young and Burgessdassification polypoidlcsionsof,1511 - 1512, locallyadva n~ d iagnosisof, 954-955
of, 489, 490/ 1511/ outcomes of. 122J:Ti27/ localiza t ion of. ~
rc<l uction<7.""478-47'J Gallblad<lcrcanccr, 1512-1514 rccurrcncc ,1227 treatmen t o f, 95~-9~6
sc• phoid , 1998- 1999, 1998/ advanced disca><: in patient< with , rnrvci lbncc , 122 7 Ga>trin-rclcasingpept idc(G RP),
segmemat 464. 466/ lill pathologyof, 1216, 1216[ 12 161 1192
spiral. 464.466/ causeof. l5l2 riskfac10rsfor, 12!3-1 216, 1214b Gastri1is
strc., , 462 aftercholecptectomy. __!_2!1 dietaryf.1ctors .1214- 1215 alblinercA ux, ll_!l
ri bial ;i:;;f;. _i2§_,_ 499t cl inical prcsentat io11of, 1513, !Ie/icobaaerpy/oriinfcction , strcss , 1145-1146. 121 1- 1212
tr~c!ion , .122 1513/ - 1214 pat hoph ysiologyof, 121 1
tr~nsvcr<c, 464. 46(>/ diagnosis of, 15 13, 1513/ h crcd i1a ry,an<lcanccrgcnct ics, presentation and diagnosis of,
typesof, 4i)"I::465 incidcnceof. 1512 1215 1211
hagility fracrnre. fil incidcmal fi ndi ngs inpa1ierus 01her,1215 - 12 16 prophy!axis, 12 11
Frai lty, 209-210, 210t,JJ9 wi th , __1_2_!_i poly ps, 1215, 1215/ treatmcn t of. 12 11- 1212
Frank-Starling curve, 1699. 1699/ pathology and staging of. proto n pump inh ibitors, Gastroepiploic a rtery, 1673
hecflap, !942 1512-1513, 15121, 1513/ 1215-1216 GaS!rncsophagcal ju nc!ion , 1044/
Frcc,c-d ricdph<m >, 79-80 , 79/ patirntssuspcc1c<l of, l5 14 siagingof, 121 7-1221, 12 17 t, mu<clc b~·crS of, 1044{
hcsh-frozen plasma,72/.73/ 568 survivalfrom , __1_2_!_i - 1218~ tumor, 1031/
hie<lfraihyphenotype, 339 treatment of, 1 51.~-1)14 com p uted tomography for, Gastroesophageal rcAux, 1043-1044,
Frontalsinuscs . Jilll G a llbbddcrfoss~ J.211 1868- 1869 --
FTY720, 623<. 628 G allbladderpolyp,1 514 endoscopic u ltrasound.ind , clinical p resentation of. 1868
Full- 1 h ickncssc~on, _211!_ c . 11,wnc, i l l - 1218-1221, 1220fl221/ d iagnos isof,1868- 1869
Full -d1ickncssskingr~fts(FrSGs) , Gallstonc ilcus,347, 1506-1507 cn<loscopyand , 1218-1221, treatm rn tof, 186')
1939 p resentatio11and di ag11osisof, 122of122 r r - - - Gastroesophagcal rcAllxdisease
h ol minantcolitis 1506-1507, l506fl507/ lap aroscopy for, Jlli (GERD) .344, 1021-1025 ,
in Crohn'scolitis. J.J.21 treat ment of. 1507 positroncmi,.,ion tomograph )' lJllllllirl
in u ker.itivccolitis. 1344- 1345, G allstonep.rncrc at itis, 1496 for,J1ll antireAuxsurgeryand ,1046
1345/ Gamma probe localirntion, 231 workup, 1218- 1221, 12 19/ clinia>lpresemationof,1045 -
Fulmina111 h epa1 ic fail u rc, 638 G•rnma-glutamylira nspepi id= 1tca trne111of, 1221- 1226 1046, 10451
Funct ional ovarian cysts ,2039-2040 (GGT) , 1435 adjuvan t andncoadjllvant complicated , 1023·1025, 10251
honct ionalstatus. 2!.!2. 209b-210b Gancidovir,forcyrnmegalovirns , thcrap)', 1225· 1226 descrip1io11of, I043
Functional (>t rcS>)1cS1',f<>rcoron>ry il51i endoscopic resection , dysphagiaas...x:---r:u;::a with , 1049,
army d iscasc ,1662- 1663, Gangliocytom>, 1912 1222-1224, 1222f122J/ 1049b
1662b Ganglioglioma, 1912 lymph node dissection ,
Fu11 <la1nenrnlsofLa pa roscopic Gonglioncym, 2008 -2010, 2009/ 1224 - 122~ 12241- 12251
Surgcry(FLS)program, 402 Ganglionlllmo ~ palliat ivctherapyandsptcmic
Fun<loplication,parcialvfnus - Gar<lncrsyndrome, 751·758, 1361. therap)', !226
complctc, 1050 13681. 1u"ls0Familial - surgical tl1crary:-T221-1222
Fungal infcctions, 265-270, adcnomatouspolyposi>(FAP) Gastriccarcino id , ll 'I0-1211
1596- I598 ,l5 9 7 } Garlic , 2301 Gasuiccar<l ia,>lingfikrsof, 1043
am ifungal prophylaxisofsolid Ga>trtt!omy Gastric funct ion, rcgula1ion oiil9 l
organ tra nsplant recipients , metabolicd isturb.1nccs.ifter. Gamic injmics, 439
.l@. 269b l1ll Gamic j t1icc . l l 95
A;p.rgillw, 267 syn<lromcsaftcr.>ee Gastric lesio ns, 1231 - 1233
Cnndidn"/b;;;,,,, 2Jj]_ l'o'1ga'1rcc<omysyndrnmc• Gastric lympho m a, 1227- 1229,
cemralvenousc•thetcrs an<l , Ga>iricaccommodation, 1196 12281
Ga><ricacidsecretion, 1192-1 195, Gamicmo1ili ty, 1195- 1197
d iabctesmellitusand, 265. 1193/ ab normal. 1196
in tcnsivecarcuni t and in vasive othcr p roductsof. 1 195 fusting.1195- 1196
mcd1anical,•rn 1il>tionan<l, gastricjuicc,1195 postprandial ,1196
Jfil intrinsicfactor,1195 Gastric m ucosa, \ 190- 119 1
malignant<liseaseand , 265 mucusan<l bicarbonate, 1195 Gastric outlet obstruction , J1Q2
non -albicam Cattdida , fil pep>inogen,1195 palliativeihcrapyfor, 1552
organ transplantation and parietal cell. activation and Gamicpcp tidc" 119 1- 1192
immonosu ppressionand . _lli5_ secretionb)',1 193- 1194 Gamicokers, 1207- 121 \. 1208r
pad iogcnsof, 267-268 1 194/ clinial man ifcstationsof,
prcdictionof ~Candida p harmacologic rcgulad on , 1207- 1208
infection , 266-267 , 266b 1194-1195 d iagnosis and treatment of.
prophylaxis , _l@, 269b stimulatcdacidsecre! ion , 1 193 1208-1211.1209/
risk factor>for, 265-266 ccphalic p hasc ,1193 l> kcd ing , 1208- 1209
the ra pyfor, 268-270 . 270t-271t gastric p hase ,1193 giant , __!1_!__Q
inuri11arysptctu ,2074 -207 5 imc><inal p hase,1193 perforated , 1209
Zygomycctcs, 267-268 Ga>1ricantralv"5cular<:ctasia typc l, 120~ pulmo11ar)'disc"5Cand, l o46
Fun icolussperm~067/ (GAVE). 1146-1147, 1147/ typellandlll. 1208 recovcryof,1054
Gaotricatony. 1213 type JV, 1208 surgic;;rlmanagementof,
G G astricl>)'p>>s•u rgcr)'. nutritional Zol linger-Ell ison syndrome , 1051 - 1053
Gcdls, .JZ considerations in . i l l 1210-1211, 12 10/ ingsccondaryto ,1056
Gaba pe m in , 388 Ga>iriccancer,345. lll1:12.1l opera1 i"e1na11agcni<·ruof, 1!45 co111plications , 1056
Ga il mo<ld , fil corn pliaucd, 1226 Gastricvarices ,1232 - <ly<phagiasccon daryto,!056
G ait , assessmmiof. 338·339 rom p lication ~ 227 Gamicvolvulus .1232,1233/ li"crinjuriessecondaryto.1056


Ga>troesopliagcal reAux disease G lucose-G-phospha1 t <ld1)'drogena«: Gyn<..:ologicsurgcry(Conlinued)

(GERO) (Conti,,ued) (G6l'D}dcficicncy.1561 reproductive p hysiology,
operaciveccchnique, 1051· 351 Glucose-alan ine amino acid C)'de 2033-203~. 2033/
1052, 1051f1052f alx!ominalwall hernia in , lJll 1cchnicala>pcc1>of surgica l
part ial fundoplication , \ 053 . 350-351 G lucu,c-laccatcaminoacidcvdc, options. 2040-2047
1054/ - apf><'n<liciiisin , 348 lJll menorrhagi 3/ab normalwerinc
pneurnmhorax , 1056 brcmdisease ici,34 3-344 GLUTJ. M2 l>lceding,surgeryfor,
splcnicinjuriessccondaryto, cardiothoracicdisease in,352-355 Glutamine , 563-564 2ll'1lbW1l
--1.!llii cardiovascular system in , 330·331 Glutealarterypcrforatorflaps, 872, rn rgicalapproaches, 201ll
3(,0.Jeg rccfun doplicat ion , carotidar1cr)'disc>.\.cin,351-352 872f874/ - G)'nccomastia , 824. 1957-1958

~:;;,'.~;; :;~;;n~~:~~ ' ;,~,35.337

1052-1053. 105-3/ G lu1cal-ha«:dflaps,liirbrca>t prcpubcrta l, 822-823
surgical d,crapy o!. 1023-1025 reconstruct ion . 1!12
sym p wmsof, J04'i~ 353-354 Glycemiccomrol, 125 H
treat ment of, \050-1057 fullsin ,338-.H9 Glycogen . 22_ - H l NI infl uenza , 560
workup for, 1022 glucosehomeosrasisin , Jli Glycogenol)'sis . 22_ 1-l, receprorantagonist. 1194
GaMroin!c>t inaTblct,J ;ng, hca<llrauma in,355 Glycol)'sis ,-1£ - il't ionof, 572
po><oi>erativc , 309-310, hcparnhilbry<)'st<:m in , .BJ Glyco<am inogl)'ca ns, JA!:l Hair)' cell lcukcn;;;l 562-l563
30% -- immunefunclionin , ~ Goiter Half-life,25 1
lungcancerin , 354-355 cndemic, 889-890 Halmha ne,36 1r-362r
pall i otivccarcfor. ~ muh in0<lubr, 89 3 Halsted , \Vill iam , _6_. 6f 865
par:ith)'roiddiseasein . .142-343 nonfiinction ing. 893-894 Halsted rest, 1604
pauern,prcscn!a!i on,an<lna!ural subm:rnal. 893-894, 9 18-919 Halsted'< liga111cn1 , JUQ_
h istoryofd i.<ea><:in , 328, Golimurnab , 7191 H AMA '"'I""""· 717-7 18
330/ - forukerat iveool iti<. 1344 Hamanomas, fil- -
peripher>l,·ascular<l i><a>ein ,352 Gonadal,·e in , 1728/ 1729/ in small inteSiine , JlZ!
ph riologicdcclinc , 329·334 Gonadal ,·e.,ds. 1095/ Hand
p reopcrativeassessmcnto( Goodsall .. rule, 1408, 1408/ bcn ignconne<:tivctissuerumors
.l1U.i!l G orcexd u<lcr1horacoab<lo1ninal of, 2008r
rrnal systcmin , 332-333 brAnchcndopros1 hcsis , intrinsicrnus.clcof, 19761
respiratory sr ccmiil,JJI ·332 1737-1738 Handsurgery, 1975-2026
smallbowelobstructi~ Graft-vnrn1-ho<1disease, ii11 American Board of Surgery review
347-348 G ranuloc)'tcmlon)'·st imula1ing
surger)'in , )27-359, 328<, fucror,28<
329/ ~ Granulocy1e-1nacroph age colony-
350-35 1 surgic-,, l de<:isionmaking in, 328, stirnula1ingfac10r,281, 711-712
ofappendicitis,348 33!/ - Gravcs<lisea.e . 892
ofbiliarytractdiscase,3 45-347 thyroiddiseaS<"in , 342 Greatersaphcnousvein, 1673,
ofrnlonandrcctum,348-350 tran>plantationin , 356 1673/IC.7'if. 1828j- 1829/
ofcwphag<"- 344-345 traumain ,355-356 Grccnstickfractomos , 462-463,464(
of )i,•cr,347 valvercplacemem in , 354 GreyTumersign , 11261
of small bowdobsiruct ion, Gcrmcd l1 u111ors, _!_fil__!_, 1894, 1914 Griffi1bpoin<, 1356
347-348 German Olf-l'ump Coronary Arter)' Groin -
ofstoma<:h,345 Bypass Grafts in Elderly anatomy of, 1093-1097,
Ga>tro intcsdnal sy<lcm . 1uafso Patients (GOPCADE) trial, 1094f1095/
•pccificana1omy hcmiaof.1ul nguinalhcrnia
burninjuryeffectson , 5 11 andthigh,softt iosuc
surgicalcri1icalcare, 56J::s64 reconstruoion in, 1969 1978- 1979
Gastrointestinal tract . physiologic Growth retardat io n. inCrohn's incisions . 1982,1985/
changes.inprcgnancy. 2048 coliris, lJ22 infections , 1999-2002, 2000/
Ca>!roparcsis, trc~trncn ! for, Guanfadnc. ~ musculoskdct al examination in ,
1196-1197 Gunshot wound s, 1808 1979, 1983/1984/
Gamoschisis, 1071. 1883- 1884 Gustilodassificat ionsystcm , 1967 nerve compression syndrome ,
Ga><r<»tomy. 1!41 GuS1ilo-Andersendassifica1ion,of 2006-2007
Gernturnmab ozogamicin. 71 9t openfractures. 482-48J, 483 t neurova,.;11 larexamination in ,
"Gcnech ipS . 701-702 Guyon canal com pression , 2007 1979.1981fl982/
Grnct hcrapy Gynccologicsurgery, 2027-2052 0>1coortlirit is a nd rhcuma<oi<l
sternccl l 1hcrapyand, l 57-160, ahcrn>tivcs10su rg~ anlirit is, 2015-2018
158fl591.l60/- - intervention ,2039 -2040 2018/2019/
woun<lhoalinguoeof. J.22 ancillary costs , 2037-2038 principles of ueaun~m in ,
Gcneral ancsthcsi>, 377 clinical evaluation , 2034 -2038 1979-1983, 1984/
General surger)' training,forvJScul.r clinical prescn t;it ions, 2035 specialinvest igarionsin . 1979
injury, 1823 diagnosticco11si<lctat ion<, tcnosynovii is, 2004-2005
Gencr~l i1.ab~l83-184 2034-2035 tourni<J u<:tapplicalion fo r,1982
Gcnitalinjuries , 2093-2094 historyin , 2035-2037 uauma .1983- 1999
imagingfor, 2093-2094 agc . 2035-2036 amputation , 1996
managcmcntof.2094, contraccption ,2036 cmcrgcncycontrol of h lccding
2094f2095/ gynecologic d isease and in . 1983-1984
Goni1a lia,exiernal, 1Q1I1Q12,, p rocc<lutc'>,2036 frac1ur<.,anddisloca1ions,
2028/ m<:nstrnalhistory,2036
Gmitourinary injllries,444 pregnancyhistory.2036
Genitou rinary tract conditions, ofprcsem illness, J!!lJ__
1885-1886 scxnal hiw>rv. 2036
Ct)'ptorchi<lism , 1885-1886 pclvicembryologyandanatom)',
tesiic ularwrsion, _i_afili 2.!22Z=2!lli
tcsticular1umor., l886 pliysicalcxamina tionfor, 2037
Genomic im p rinting, fil d uringpregnancy,2047-2051


Ha11d>urgery (Ctml;.,ued) HemangioblaS!otna, 1913 Hcpai icbile,solll!e roncent ra1 io11s Hcrc<li1ary~'1.11cer syndromes,
cendoninjuries,1986-19?1 J-lcmangiomas , 1456-1457, 1457/ 0( 11321 1366- 1372,13681
vascularinjuries. 199-i -1996 2012 Hepat ic disease , 375 Hereditary d iffuse gastric cancer,
tumor>, 20Q7-2013 2008t in small int cS1i nc,llZ! Hcpatic di,·eniculum , 1419- 1420 691t
Hand"'"""" 2007-2013. 2008t Hcmatcmc5i>, \ 140- 114 1 Hcpat ic dt1ct, blood>upplyof. 1428/ Hcrc<litarynonpolypo>iscolorccul
Hangman fracture, C2,4221 Hematochezia, 1140- 114 1, 1378 H<·pai ic dllctconf!ue nce,var iations cancer(HNl'CC),6911,
Haploidcmical,602 Hema1ocri1,inas..,,singhemorrhage, of, 1427, 142 7/ 692 -693.1359, 13681,I370b
Hard palatecancer, _EIT 1140 Hcpatic dysfu nction. l.!.J.., 215/ FAl'vmm. 1371/
Harmonic=ilpet 2J6 J-lcma to logicsystcm ,218· 220 1-lepalicencephalopathy,WestHaven Hcreditarypancrcatit is, 1542. 1882
Harris- !lcncdict e<1ua1ion , ll.Q_ acute bk=1ing and tr~urna, cdicriaof,5661 Hcrc<li1arypapillaryrcn;r;:Jl
Hartmannopcr:uinn , 1327, 1327/ 2 18-219,2191 Hcpatichbrosi,, 40( carcinoma,691t
Hartmannpoucl» 14rs::f.r27 antiroagulationmanagememin H<·pa1 ic iminodiae<'ticacidscan,in Herc<litaryparaganglioma,6911
Hashimoto1hyroidi1is, 891 biliary tree disease, 1488/ Hcrc<litarypl1eochromocytorna,6? l 1
HIWXprorein(Hllx) , 6%-697 Hcpatic imm11n ecel l organ iz.>t ion Hereditarys pherocposi,, 1561
Head,vascularinjuryo ~ J'1 l-leritablcartcriopath ies . 1781
Hca<lan<l ne<:k, plastksurgcryof, Hepaticinjmies,43 7-439, HcrniAS, 1092- 1\ 19, 1093b, 1093/
1948- 1953 437f438/437 t abdominal wall , 350-351
Head and neck cancer, 788-818 Hepat ic insufliciency,2.fil hiatal. suH iat alhemia
AJCCsiagingof, 789 -790 Hematoma ,282 -283 nu!fi1 ionalconsiderat ionsfor, hydrocekandshurus,1931
alvcolus . 12§. -- cai.,esof,282 in g11 inal, \ 884
ana tomic•itesof, 794-810 presentation and management of, Hcpaticmicrocirculation, 1429- .,nteriorrcpairs,1098
buccal rnuco<a, l2f11Z 282-283 1430, !430/ da,;,;ific-Ation of, 10'17. 1098b
CArdnogmcsis , 790·791 subungllal. 730 Hepatic resection, principles of, dinicAl presentation of, 1884

dinic~loverview, 792-791 1470-1472, 1470t, 147 1/ complicat ionsof,1105 - 1106,
ear, 805-807 Hepat icstellatecells, 1430 11051
cpidemiologyo( 789-790 Hcmatoxyl in-eo,in staining. of Hcpat ictran ,plant ation , 1443 diagno'i, of, _!_Q2.Z, 1097b
eva luation o( l l i thyroidnuss ,910/ Hcpat icvcin5,ofliver, 1421fl422/ groin , anatomyo( 1093- 1097,
Aoorof1hcmou1h , 79G He111a1uria, with uri11ary rcieruion, 1425 1094{'.1095/
hn><>plmynx , 789.797-798 from blooddo!S , 2096-2097. Hepaticojcjunostomy, 639 incidcnccof, 1092-1093
larynx, 798-802 -- 2097/ l-lepat itisA.incidencc-;;l,!475 laparoscopic rcpair,l09Sf
lip, 794-795. 795/ Hemidesmowmes. ll2 Hepat itisl3 , 147S - 1096/ 1101- 1103.
lymphatic•preadof, 792.793, Hemi5pbcrcc!omy, 1925- 1926 Hcpat i ti5 F\ ~ dcscriptionof, \ 102f ~
792f79V Hcmobilia , lH.B., 1472-1474 .@!:ill nonoperat ive management of.
na<>lcaviiy, 802 -805 causesof,_!1Z1 Hcpai it isC. 1475 l.!l2Z.:.l.illI
nasopharynx~5 cl inical prcs.<:ntationof, 1472 livctttar1'phma1 ionan d,Ji38 opcrati,·erepair,1098- 1103
normal hiS!ol .;gyor789 diagnosticworkupof. 1~ recurrent ,..§11 prcpcri to ncalrcpair, 110 1
ora l cavi1y, 79S-802 - outcomesof, HZ2::.11Z.1. 1473/ Hepat itisCvirus. 6?7 qualityof life,1106 -
ompharynx~ treat ment of. 1472-1473, 1473/ Hcpat iti5 E, 1476 •urgicalmanagcmcntof, 1884
pala!c. 2£ - Hcmodynamic monitoring Hcpatobilia rycomplic>tions , ten , ion-frccan tcrior inguinal
paranasalsinuses, 802 -805 arierialcaihetersfor,554 J.12=12!)_ herni a repair, 1100-1 10 1,
positronemissionwmography, central\•enouscathetersfor.554 Hepawbiliarycondi1ions, 1880- 1883 1100/
radicalneckdisse101ionfor, 1.21,,
J-lcmoglob inopa thi es , 1561 - 1562
Hemolytic anemia , caused by
bi l iarrdyski ncsia, 1882~
choledochalcyst,1881 - !882
cxttahcpa1ic hiliaryattc-sia ,
tissuc rcpairs. 1098- 1100, 1099/
trcatmentof, 1!22Z:ll!!J
mixed , 1044/
rccon>1rnc1ionfor, ..!!.!l.:ll.!!i 8 l 4/ 156 1 ~ parac<0phagcal, 1059-1061
salivaryglandn<"<>plasms, Hemop<ysis,massi,•e, 1598 herc<li1arypancrea1i1is ,1882 dinical prcsenmion of, 1059
~ 808b Hernorrhage pancreasdivisurn , 1882 dcscriptionof,1043 -
sitcsof.7901 aotnegastrointestinaLsuAcute Hcpatobilia rydisease, -126. operativcrepairfor, 1059- 106 1
squamouscdlcarcinoma. 789-790 gastrointestina l hemorrhage inprcgnancy. 2060-2062 1 060f106lf1~
stagingof, 791-792 , 7911 - - kidney tr~nsplanta tion , 655 Hcpatobiliarysystcm , 213·216, pathophysiologyof, 1059
thcr>pcutic~f<>r, 793-794 ukcrdi.<casc»<ociatc...!witb, 216J, Jl.1 333b - - prrnpcrativccvaluati-;;;;-;;-f, 1059
tongue , 795 -7?6 -- 1202-l204, l2021- 1203t, Hepatoblastoma, 1464 >1rangula1ionof,J06I -
Headand ~ons , 1860- 1862 ~ H<·paiocellularcarcinoma, recurrence,1 106
Head and spine injuries. 1895 voriceal. suVar icealhemorrhage 1458- 1463 repair,resnl1'of. ll 03- l l 04
Head trauma. sre a&o Tr>uma tic Hemorrhagic shock , 50<, 553-554 causarivef.>ctorsof,1458 - 1459 rolling .1044/
bmininjury Hemorrhoids, 1400-1402 clinical presentation of, 1459 sliding, 1044/
inoldcraduhs ,355 evaluation of, 1400, 14001, 1401/ diagnosis of, 1459- 1460, 1459/ unusual , 1113- 1116
Healed "enousstasisulcer, 1835/ presenmionof,1400,14001, 14601 Herpeticwhitlow, 200 1-2002
Hearingloss, 322 1401/ Hcterotopicpancrcas, 1231
Heart failure, 1699- 1700 trc.nment of. 1400- 1402 Hiata l hcrn ia, 1043- 1064
postoperati\'e, 300-301, }0lb nonoper.itovc management , d a"ihcarion of, 1044
Hc•tl •·al,·e<urgcry, history of, 1400, 1402/ gastrocsophagealreflu<dis~=
1691 - 1692. 1692/ surgical treatment , 1400- 1402, and ,1043- 1064
Heanburn , ~_!Q12_ 1402fl404/ mixed , 1044/
Heatmap, M.!_, 841/ Hemostasis, 1Jl:lll,_ 1676- 1677 rolling .1044/
Hcincke-MikuliC'lpyloropla"Y· in wound heal ing , 130, 131/ sliding, 1044/
_@)1,_!lfil, !264/ Hcmo5tat i c resuscitat~568 typd . IOH ,1 044/
HelicbbatNrpylori He111osuccuspa ncrea1icus, ll.4.ll_ Hiatalligarnctu , 1316/
dcsctiptionof,697 Hcp.rin-induccd1l1rombocytopcnia, HidradcnitissuppurAtiva, 1410-
infection 567 l-kpatocyies .1130·1431 , 1430/ 1111, 14 10/
ascause ofuker, 1197- 1198 Hepat icadonomas,i npregnancy, Hepatolithiasis , l1H_ High-fre<juencywundwave
asriskfactorforga•triccanccr, 2062 Hcpatopulmonary,yndromc, 639 tecbni<1uc» 236
\ 214 Hcpatorcn>l•yndromc , 564 - High ·sradedy•pbsia , 1033- 1036,
!fcamwnof, 1201 , 120 1b 1424/, HER2/neu r<-cepwr, 680 -681 1033/
HELLI' syndrome, in pregnancy, Hcredi tary brca>!and ovatiancanccr, High-i111cnoi1yfocusedultrasound
2062 l.i1l_ (H IFU) , 398


Higli -rnol_,iliiygroupbox l ,30 Hydron>orphone, 549 Hypertension IJ iopatl1ict h to1nbocywpe11ic

J-ligh-pressurcinjectioninJ,;~ 3-1-ly<lroxy-3-met h"}lglutaryl - abdominal, 1129, 1129; purpura, 1559- 1560
2002-2004.2003/ coenzymeA inh ibi tors, benefits portal. 1'i36-J<i45 lgAnephropathy,65 1
Hibrpbtc, 142 1, 1423/ of,552,552< hlced ingrdatcd to , 1148-1151 , lblchymc , 1327
Hinchcyclaosilicat ion , ordivcnkuhr Hydroxyc1hyl •<>rch , 556 1149/ llc.ldivcrtic~282- 1284
d isea><", 1333 Hymenopter>><ing<. 54 1-542 Hyperilicrm icisola1ed limb clinical manife;tat ionsof,
Hip, d iagno<1 ic imagingof, 47S-476 Hyperabdunion test ,16Ci4 pcrfusion(H ILP), 742, 742/ 1282- 1283, 1284/
l·lippocr.itic0.>th , 2!l_ -- Hyperacuterejection ,61"7-620 . 6 19/ Hypcrthyroidcrisis, 304-305. JOSb incidcnceandcauseof, 1282,
Hirschsprun g's disease,1390 - 1391 , H)·pcraldostcronism, primarr . Hyperthyroiddisorders, 892 -893 1283/
lmi.:.1811 .21l:.222 H~·pcrthyroidism , 892-893 trntmcntof, 1283·!284
cl in ical prc,.cntationof, 1876 hiochcmical diagnosisin , Hypcrtonic.,linc Auid , 74-76, 75/ llci1is ,1J49
diagnosis of, l876- 1877-:-T876/ 973-974 , 974/ Hypertonicsal incw!utiOll:itlbum llcocecal reseetion,forCrohn's
surgicalmanagemcmof, 1377 diagnosis and localization of, resuscitat ion , 514 rolitis ,1353
Histamine , 1192 -21.MZi Hypcrtrophicgastr-;;;;:- 123 1 lleostomy, 1328-1329, 1329fl330/
Histocompatibilityprotein s,60 1 cpidemiologr and clinical features l-lypcrtrophic pyloricstcnosis ,1869 , physiologic considerations and
Hittopf,,;maatpsultlum, 1596 nf. 972-973. 973/.9 73< 1870/ pranial irnpliationsof,
Histopbsmosis, 1596 ~ 975f9 7(if H~·pcrtrophicscar< , 141-143, 142/ lJl.Z
HlV-infe.:tcd patients and surgery, surgic~ l manage!.1ent and linear.1.11::!11 _ _ Jleu<, ~ni£ 1254b
2'8 outcom«, 975 prevemionof, l.1.b 144< causesof, J06, 306b
Hrr<rharicoxygcn~ rapy,for
HMG-CoA rcductase inhibitors , 552
Hodgk indise•se, 1562 wound healing , 149-152
widcsprcad , _!i}
Hypoalbuminem ia, 1435
Holstd11-l.ewis fracture, 499, 499/ Hyp<:K'1kcmia, 91-92- - Hypoalirnentation , 126 lli~c Ctc<t osteocutaneous free A~p.
Homrnstasi s, glum«: , 334.335/ in multiple endocrine 11copbsia Hypoc,.kc mia , 90-~920 J!iliWi
Homoostenosis, 329. ITfJ type __L__22S_ treatm entof,~ ­ Jliac,·ein ,exttrn al. 1829/
Hormonereplac-;;;;-;;utherapy, 833 treatmemof. TI Hypoca loricnutrit ion ,-12!i Jliacu•muscle , 10%/
Hormone-se nsit ive lipasc(HSL) , 100 Hyr<rcakcm; ccrisi> , .22.ll_ Hypoglycemia, 1433 lliococcygcus m11<d c, 1093/
Hor,.,antithymocyteglobulin , - Hrr<rcoagulablestate. 184 1- 1842, Hypokalcm ia . .s.8...9.1 lliofcmoral gralting, 1739
625 -626 1842b Hypninagnesem ia, 93 lliolurnbatlyrnpl1n~l849/
HospiialCompuc , 1911-192< Hyperemia,wntof, 506, 506/ Hypnnatrcrnia , 85-87 lliop'°"ss ign , 1126<
Hospitaldisastcrresponsc , 590·59 1 Hypcrgamincmia . 9 W l- lypoparathyroi~ 90,920. _225_ lliopubictract.1094fl095/
goalof. 587 -- cau>esof, 95Sr - Hypopharynx . 789 , 797·798 repairof. 1099/
Host - detcctiono[ 1 191 Hypopl.,ticler.-i:;;:;; rt syndromc lmagc-guidedablativcthcr.ipies, J_2l!_
""gicalinfectionand,241 Hyr<rglyccmia (H LHS), 1647- 1650, 1647/ lmatinib, 766
tli erapyand, 243-244 inaiticallyi ll patie n t<,568-569 Hypn1l1alamic-p i<uitary-adrenal axis, forgastrointestinalstrotnal
Huggius,Charles , 1 1-12, 12/ rnoder.ite,243 2ful_ turnots, 1280
Human bites, 200Y---- Hypcr-lgMsyndrome,610·6 11 Hypothenarhammcrsyndrome , Jmmobifo.;uion, of fracture, fil:1Z2
Human chorionic gonadotropin, in Hypcrins ulinem ia, .&ill 1994-1995 Jmmllnefunct io n , 221,, 334b
teS<irnlargermecllttml<>r>, 700 Hyperkalcmi>. 88-89 Hypmhcrmia , 53-56, 245. 287-288 Immune rcsp<>11'c , _l5_. 598-599
Human hiswcompatibility complex , treatmcnro f'.]2;89b causcsof, ~ --­ lmmunc•ystcm , 2 18
601 -604.602/ Hypermagnesem ia, 93-94 dassificat ionof, 541 buminjuryeffectson , 511-512
Human leukocy1eantige11 (HLA) , trcatnl<,ntof, _21 - pre>entat ionof, lfil!_ con1pnne11tsof, 25, 26/ --
601 Hyperm ctabolic rcsponsc treatm cnc of. _zfil!_ lmmllnetherapy -
descriptionof. 706 auenuation o f, lli.:i2j Hypothcsistest ing, _lfil_ forchronicrenal infl ammation , _1_1
typing, 603-(,04 , 604/ cnvironmcntal rnpport , 522. H~·po1hcsh-tc'1ing studics ,--11.1 fo r inAammatoryhowd disease,
Human papillomavirus infection , 523/ - Hypothyroidism , 305-306,888b, Sl
Humeral sftaf1fractures, ~
exercise and adjunctive
measures, fil
hypcrglycemio;iftcrburn injury,
phamiacologic, 891
(!Tl'), 1559-1561. 1560b
Humoral hypcrcakemiaof
maligmn cy. 92.926
Hunger hormone~
insulin , 523-525 , 525/
in>ulin-likc growt h f3c<o r,51.2
diagnosisof. 891
trcatmrntof,89 \
postradiat ion ,890
ao:piircd . 601·616
tran>plant ,616.617
Hunkr,John , A. 4/ metform in, 525 pnmurgical. 890 lmmunization , forsplenectomizcxl
Huntor'<f><'rforator, 1829/ nonpharmacologic modalities pre>entationanddiagnosisof.305 patiem , 1567- 1568. 15681,
Hyalinemembr:ineclise.1sc , 1580 of. 521-522 trcatm cntd. 305-306 \ 569/ - -
Hyaluronan . -11!1 - noveltherapeutkopt ions, 525 Hypo,·cntilation ,.J1\1 lmmllnobiology. transplantation
Hyaluronic acid,;nfctal wounds, 153 nutritionalsupport , 521-522":- Hypnvcntilat ion>ynd romcof ~
Hyhridirnaging, forcoronaryart~ 5211 -- ohc<ity,1167
di>ea>e, 1665 oxa11drolone, 522-523 , 524/ Hypo,·olemicshock,553-554 1334
Hybridprocedure<, 1649,1682- 1683 pharmacologicmodalitiesof, Hypoxemia, .183_ lmmunoconjugate" IB
Hyclaridcym, 1452- 1454, lli.:2ll Hrpoxi» __L1{i lmnrnnocd iting , 687-688, 688/
1453fl454/ propr.tnolol. __gJ_, 524/ Hypoxia-induciblcfactor J_i!:!!£:!1 lmn1llnoglobolin-, -
HydroC"~ rho11s, jn chemical hums, recombinanthumangrowtli Df:l32 G , 7 18
528 hormonc, fil Hyotcrectomy, 2o43.2046
Hyd ;;;;;phalus, 1905, 1926 -1 93 1 inburn injury, 508-509. potentia l complicationsof,2046
acme,1927 510/513/ r-.tdicalhysterectom y, 2046
arrcoux!,1927 Hyr<rnatrcmia, 85-87 technj<jllC in , 2043-2044,
chron ic, 1927 Hrr<rparathyroicl ism , 925-926 2044/20~
d i11 ical foatumof, 1927-1928 inmuhiplecndocrine11cx.plasia
1927 type ~ l
primary, 927. 927; lauogenicblceding, 1148. 1 148/
diagno~f.927•. m 929b lbritumomab (Zev.ilin) . 221
in mult iplc cndoc rinencoplasia lb ritumomabtiuxctan , 719t
type 2. l 009- 1010 Ideal boclywcight(IBW} , lfil

Hyperplasia, 789 ldiopathicpancrcai itis ,1532
Hypertcsona;;;:e;- 1125 ldiopathicpulnion•ryfibrosis(ll'F) ,
Hypcrsplonism , 1562


l11gu inal hernia (Conlinurd)

nonoperat ive management of.
1097-10<)8 ill
opcrat ivcrcpair,1098 - 1103 bctablockcr>f<>r, 552
in 'mall bowel tr.rn , plant>tion , prcpcritoncalrcpair, 110 \ ca1hctcr-as,1COCiatcdurinarvtract
Jill qualiiyofl ife, l l06 - infection in, .2ZQ_
imra•·enous i1nmu11 t globulin ,1ill surgical.1eeSurgia>linfe<:1ions surgi.:al 1nanagen1cmof,l884 cemralvc11ousca1hc1erSin, 570
JAKJ kinaseinhibition , -62.!l. su rgicalsitc.u,Su rgicalsirc tension· free anterioringuinal confusiollassessmen t meth,;Jfu r,
afterlivertramplantation . .frii infect ion hernia repair, 1100- l \ Ol. 2:iZ:i1B.
lymphocytc<lcplct ion urinarytract.suUrinarytract 1100/ dy<rhythmi.s in,553
prcpar.uions , 625-627 infections tiS>t1crcpai .. , 1098- 1100, 1099/ cnd -of-lifccarc,573-574
malignancy risk . ~ woundhealingatf<"Cied by, 146 trea1mem of, 1097-110~ hyperglywniain , 568-569
mammaliancarge1ofrapamycin lnf<'Ctiouscoli1is , l l 54 - Il55, - lngu inal ligamcm , 1066- 1067, 1093/ infectionin. 569 -57 1
inh ibitors , fil 1353- l356 lngu inal lymphnodes , 1849/ long-rerm outcomes in , 572-573,
molecularmcchanismsof,625/ lnfoctiousd iseases. ofliver lnhalational,,gcnts, 360-362.3611 573,
muromonab .CD3 ,G23t,G26 !445- 1455 lnjectablcfillcr<,1953 painand discornfortin , 548-550
mycop hcnobtc mofcti l. 624, Injection <dcro1hcrapy, 1835 paralytic•in , 550 --
.fil!.8ill Injury - pneumoniain , 559
nonimmunesi<ledf,,.,,,, 62?-6.~0 abdomen , 432-444 prophylaxisin , 57 1-572
protcinkinaseCinh ib ition , Jil!l. grcatve,.d , 443-414 pulmonary embolism in , 567
riruximab, fil:J_ br.iin , 417-420, 418/ lmerforon >lfu-2b,740-741
small bowel ttari>plarHa t ion , cardiac~ lnterfcron-0: . 281
~ chcsi , 424-432 dcscriptio nof,685
tacrol imus, 6231, 624-625. chest wall, fil forneuroendocrinelllmors. 1276
fil!!Bl colon , 442-443 l111erfcron-f\ , 28r, 7 10
lmmuno,upprc'5ivedrug,, 62Jt, diaphragmot ic, ±g_, 432/ [ntcrfcron -y,28t, _j_l
filZ:.G1B_ duodenalinjuries ,439-440 wound -healing role of. 134
for Crolrn'sdi.ea<e , 1261 esophagcal. 431 -432 lmerleuki11 - 1. 27 -30, 291
lrnmunosurvcil bncc , fil ga>tric,439 lntcrlcukin-lo: ,281
lmmunotherapy.forsepsis, 33-35 gcnitourinary, 144 lmerlcuk in-lf\,28r
Impedance plethy>1nography:J843 hepatic,437-439. 437f438f 4371 ~ 281
lmpl.rntablcpump5 , 1924 maxil lofacialrcgion , 421-423 Tntcrlcukin -J, 28t
lmpl.1nt-bascdhrca"recon"ruct ion , mctabolicrcsponscto,99/ lnterlcnki n-4 28<, Jl.
m ne<:k, 423-424 l merleukin-5, 281
lrnu r> n.;uA,,a1hioprine pancreatic,440-441,440/ lmerleukin-6 281, 1Q., l34
Inciden tal appendectomy, pelvisandcxtrcm itics, 14-1 -416 lnterlcu kin-8. 281, JQ:.iLlll.:.lJb
1305-1306 pleuralspaceinjuries, .12& 428/ 134
lnddcntaloma , 985-986 pulmonary, 428-429, 429/ [ntcrlcukin-9, 28t
dinicalcvaluation and su rgical t umor-promoting, .6.8.1 scoringof. ..1.ill:1.!.L. 4 11t Interleu ki n- ID 28t, J2
managemeni . 986. 98 7/ in wound healing, 130, 131/ smal!bowel, 44 1-442 lmerleukin- l l , 281
cpide1niologyand ~reiuial lnflanunawrybowd J;:;:;;se (IBD), spinal cor<land•·cf!ebralcolurnn, lmerleukin- 12. 281, .11
diagnosisof. 985-986. 986/ % -.H . l.D9-UB 420-421. 1 20/ lntcrlcu ki n-13. 28r
lncisional hemi• . I 109:Jl091 clinical prcsentationof. .JZ splenic, 435-437 . 435f4361 ~ .J.l
rcsuli<of,1112 - 1113, 11141 diagnosisof, Jl thoracic~J0-431. 430/ lntcrlcukin- 17A, 281
lncont incncc. 1122:..!12Z immunc>etivation;n, JJ__ trachcobmnch i ~
fecal , 1395-1 3% immunctherapyfor, 37 lnjuryseveritydisiribution,ofmass
uriuary,2076-2077 11uiri1ionalconsidera;T.;;,.;,,,--1.24 ca>uahy iucidems , 587, 58 7/
lndi rectallorecognition , 620/ pathophysiologicchangesof. ln jurySeverityScore(I SS)."4 10-411
Indirect calo rimetry, 110 ..lGoJ.Z Jnlay patch ,450r --
lnducc.Jplud1x><cnt ~1ccll,; inprcgnancy, 2Jlfui Inlet vcntrkularscpt>I defect , 1629
(iPSG), \ 63,165 . 169 Crohn'sdi<casc, 2064 Innate immunity
Inducible pro ~lo:T3TI32 surgcryin , .2ll.G1 dendrit iccells. 600-601
lnductionagem . 362-~ ukcrati\'ccolitis , 2064 de>criptionof, 599-601,600/
lneffectiveesophage•lmot ility lnAammatory response . 25-43 monocyre;,600
(IEM) . 10 19 lnAorablepcnile prosthesis. 2082/ notura l killcrcdb,60 1
lnfant ilchy<lrocephalus, 1927 lnfliximab, for ukcr~tivccoli!is, lnncrthigli-h"-'<-.Jflaps,forhrc>St
lnEmtilcumbilical hcrn ia, 107 1 1344 rcconS1ruc1ion, .HZ1
lnfarction . 12Z.:122 Jnotropesandpharmacotherapr.
lnfened necrosi>. l 529-1 S~O . 1677
1529fl5JO/ ln'1itutionalRiskManagemcnt,
Infections l.!IB:.!fil
•nirnall_,iieriskfacwr<for,536b lnstrumcntal vuiableanalysis, --1.82
approachto , 569-570 lnsulin , .2'.i.J
breast . ~ -- forbllms, lli::111
of che>< wall , 1603 intensive , l2i
chronichcpatitisCvirus, 638 sccrctionof, 944
C/ouriJ;,,,,, dijficd,, 1353:]}55, synthc;is. 94V
1354{ lnsuli11oma ,950/ 952-954.
rnlonic,1355-1356 i!l!Udllll2 - - lntcrparict~I i.~rn ia,11 15
comro! o( ~ 214·24 5 lntactvcntricularseplllm,pulmonary lmerrup1cd aorticarch,l644- 1645.
feverand , 569-570 atresiaand , 1636- 1637 !645f16 46/

:~::::~~~ 612
fungal. suFungal;nfec1ion.< lntcrscction;yndromc,2004, 2005/
imm1mosupprcs,ion risk , .622 lnte>tinal atre>ia , 1870- \871 , 1870/
in ill!cnsivca>reuni1, 2G2.:51.l l111ensi•·ccut un i1 (1CU) lmesiinalfailure , 666

:~:;:~i'~~\:~i~~~lantation, ill acu1ekid ncy injury in,564

analgesiain , 548-549
disease (IFALD) , 666-667


l nH."Sti 11alfio1lllas , ~ 3171 l11travasa1io11 , .6S.6 Kleihauer-!letkc •~st, for :t>SCSS!11~ru

lnccst inal lymphrrnnk, 1849/ ln t ranscu!arultra>0nography.for offotomaternaltransfusion
Intest inal ma lrocacion,an<l midgm coronary artery disease , 1665 -2!lG5
volvullls ,1871-1873 lntr»·cnou<agcnt ,362-365 Knee
abnormalintc>!irdrotation , 1871 ln tr»·rnuusimmuncglohulin dbgnu.,icimagingof. 476, 476/
d inicalpr<,<etua<iooof, (IVIG) , f i l 50ftt issuecoverageof. -
!87 !- 1872 for C. diffir!/,;coli1 is, 1355 1969- 1970
diagnosiso( J1..Zl ln travcnous p>ticnt-controll ed Kochcr,lheodor, _li, ll/
surgical management of, analgesia , 388-389 Kocher mancU\·er. 1546
1872-1873, 1872/ lntrin<icfactor,1 T95 Kock l'ouch , 1345
In test inal mctapb>i>. 1050 lntrinsicmn<clc,uf h and , 19761 Koilocy1o:ds. _lltl
lnk>1 inalob>1ruction- lmrinsicmuscul ature,ofdistal Kommerell di,·~niculum , 1651
inCrohn'scoli1is, 135 1 esophagus, 1043 Kukhiiskycells , !272
inpregnancr. 2049 [n tuss11sception ,l879 Kupffcrcclls. 14W-
ln rest ineallograli, incombination lnvasivcpreoperotivcl0<alization , K Kwashiorkor, 105-106
with abdom inal organs , 931, 932/ Kantor string sign , 1257-1258
JililiQ!)_ lnvas~uhularcarcinoma ,839/ Kaplan-Meier method , 180 L
ln k>t inctransplaota1ion , indica1ions lnversionmipping, 1837/ Kaposisarcoma. 750 - l}-bctam allergy. 262
for. ~ 667r lnvenehrates,e1wenoma1ionby, _54l Karapandzic Rap , -125 l}-bcto m omi bim~ 258- 260
ln tr.>-alxlom inalabscc'5,i n Crohn', [nvertogram , 1877 K.,r,inoide, Jlll L>c1asc ,1241t --
colitis. lJ51- \J 52 Iodine K.,.,bach -Merri tt •yndrome, \ 457 L.ctote, _lfil
lntra-alxlomioal hernias, 108'>-108~ d eficiency of, mciaholic KaS;oi portocn !ctostom y, 188 1/ Lictatcdcfici1 , ..21:2J
ln tr~-alxlomiml infections , 250-25 1 con.<cqucncc; o f, 889-890 Kasaiproadurc , 639 Lactobaci!!u1, l 320.132 1
lnc ra-abdominalpressurc meiabolismof, _B_fili - - Kava,2301 - L.ctulose ,566
increaml. 1043 lonizingrad iation , -2ll2 Kawasaki disease , 1780- 1781 Ltg p hase,ofwoundhcaling. 137
monitoring-;;(1129, l l 29t wound healing affected hy, __!__iZ_, Kchr<ign , 1126t L.mina antcrior, 1086/ -
lntr.>-aortkballoon pump , 1677 147t Keloids , 141-143. 142/ L>minapapyracca , 802
l1ura-articubrfracturc, _:!@- 1pilimurnab, 719t f>tCYC1~ 42, 144t Lunino posicrior, 1086/
lntra-axialbrAintumor<, l910-1912 hd1 crn ia,colonic Kcralinocyics, 137 L:uninopropria, 1240
lntracdlularprocessing.dfacs, 1243 indicat ionsforsurgery. 1359b Keratoacanthom;:-.[Q§.. 2012 Ltminins . 140· 1-;rr-
l mracran ia! dynamics ,1900- 19-0~ managementof, 1358/ Ketomine, 362-363. 3631. 557-558 L.ndSleiner, Karl. l\
190 lf1902/,1901t nonocdusivccan•c•of, 1356 Kctoconnole, 2701 l..oparoscop icadju" ahlcgastric
lntr.>cran ial CJ<ccS5vol11mcsyndromcs hchcmiccoli ti, , lJ.iG:::l1i2 Kcvorkiancurct , 2040 handi ng (LAGB) , 1163- 1164,
andtherapy,1901t auatomyof, 1356 KiJ,, ey. 964f967/ 1168- 1169, 1 169fll71/
l1uracra11 ial 1urnor>, 1909, 1910/ cau>c< of, 1~~6 ana tornyof, 2068-2069 complic>! ion sof, 1179- 1181 ,
In tractability da,.ificationof, 1357 failure of."~ Renal fail ure ll80t
inCrohn'scolitis. 135 1 diagnosisof, 1357 Kidney Donor Profile lndex (KDPJ) , resu ltsof. 1177-1 178,1177t
inulccrativccoli1is,1345 prcscnt>tionof,1357 651. ~ 1..opamscopicanti rcAux surgcry
ln tr.>ductal pa pillary nrn dnous treatment of, 1358-1359. 1358/ (LARS}, 1043, 1054
neoplasm , 1538- 1541 algoriihmfor, 1357/ complico1io-;;-;-;:;r. J055-1056
brancliduc1 , 1538 -1 54 0, lsd1tmicdika<e , 552 -553 Laparoscopicappendecwrny.348,
1539fl540f 1539r lschcmichcartdisease (IHD) , 1658 1297. 1300,1302/
mainducf , 1540-1541 . 1540/ lschemicorchiti•. inguinalhernia openappendcctomywnus,
mixcd-<n"'· 154 \ rcpairand ,1106 1302-1303
rn rgical rcscct ionfor, 154 \ b:hial tubcrositic" 1'!67 l..opamscopiccholccystcc1omy,
ln traepithdial lymphocytes , lslc1cell{s) 1132
1245- !246 hi>101norpl10logyof, 94 1-942 foracu1cpancreati 1is,
lnrrahcpaticcholaogiocarcinoma rraosplantatiooof. 6~663 1528-152')
(IHC}. 1463-1464 959-960 . %0f -- forcakulousbiliarv d isease,
ln tr~hcpatic prcsinu<oida l i>c~chni<1 ucsfor, @ 1498-1500, 1498f1499/
hypcncmion, ca"'cof, 1437 ou!comcsof, ~ 1..opamscopiccommonhileduct
ln trameJullarynails, 470, 472/ lsle1cellrnmors,molcculargenetics explorat ion, forcokulousbiliary
stobil i:uuion, 779/- of. ..21i;21Z disea>e, 1500, 1500/
lo · transi t melanoma , 728/ 741-742, l>0H11 "1 ne,361,361t-362t L.paroscop icdistal l'ancrcJtectomy
742/ -- l>0latcd intestine transplantat ion , {LDJ').forexocrin epancrc.»
ln traopcrat ivcchohngiography. in 668, 668/ postoperat ive~"'" in , 653 ad cn<><-'<rci noma , 1547
hiliary tree di<ca«: , 1490, 1490b Twla ;;:Jlimhpc rfusion, pn<w1x:rativccorn plicat ionsof, 1..oparo<copicbteral tran<ab<lominol
ln traoperative imaging,and hyperthrnnic ,742. 742/ 655 -657 adrenalecwmy. 988 -990
nonitwasivef'\•a luation , lfil.f l>0latcdsplenicvein1hrombosis , l 4J7 ar<eri al;wwsis, 656,656/ po1icruprepara1ion and posiiion ,
ln tr.wpcrat iveinstabi lity,potcntial ho cells , 1430 arterial rhro mbosi•. 656 988 , 988/
e>usesof, -1l!!:1ll_ ltraconnole,270t hemorrhage, 655 !echnique in,988-9?0
an aphylaxis, 1.11 infcciions, 657 lchadrcn ol , 988-989,989/
latcxallergy. 231
malignamhyp;;:-thermi" , 231
JJ pouch , 1380. 1380/ lyml'liocd ;G57, 657/
rigli t adrcnal ,966f967/
myocardial infarction , ±JQ- cstimat ionofleng1li. 1347/ venousihrombosis ,656 L.paroscopicNissenfundoplication ,
pncumothorax , 230-231 ilcal.ucationof, 1346/ prcscrvationand5toragcfor,655 . }44
pul monaryembolism , 230 Jap.>nCliniolOncologyGrouptrial. 655• L.paroscop ic
wrong-sitesuri;eryand--;;-;;-;,..,,.al llill_ pr0<edurcsfor pa11crca1icoduodenec10rny,

~:~::~· ~:~c~:;~'.~'~4~;~ase, ~
pro!ocol , 23 1 laparoscopic ,652 1549.1550
ln traoperat i vene~nonitoring,for opentcchniq uc . 653 L.paroscopicslcevegastrcctomy.
substernalgoiter, ~ Jejunaldiverticula ,1282- 1284 procurement"ndpreparation 1173-1174, 1175/
ln tr.wpcrativc PTH assc"mrnt , cl inical m>nifcsta1ionsof, for,654-655 com plic.iiunsof, 1180t, 1182,
934-935. 935/ 1282- 1283, 1284/ rccip icntopc ra tionin ,655 1182t
l1urapcritonealmoshplace1ncm, incidenceandca useof,1 282, Killer inh ibito ry receptors , GO! resuhsof,1 179,ll79t- 1180t
111 1. 1 111/ 1283/ Killiac>'sitianglc, 1019 L1paroscopicsplcncctomy, elec1ivc,
lntrathoracicgrcatvessels, 1817-18 18 treatment of, 1283-1284 Kirschncrwirc•, __i(ili_ 1564-1566, 1565fl566/


Lc1nigon1align•rnda11oma, Lobe<:torny, 1470- 1471

1009 729-730 . 729! Lobularcarc~im ,83 1
gastriccancerscagingand , 122 1 Lentiviralvectors , i l l 833-831
kidncytransplantation , 65 ~ Lcptin ,.2:H [,,]"ilc ,1428 - 1429
suging,foradcnocarcinomaor Lc<MOt'3phcnousvcin , 1828j Localurga niutional >trncturcs,to
exocrine pancrea.,1545 Leukemia,1 562- 1563 promoreperioperarivesafety,
in ukerati\•ecoli1is ,approaches Le"koplaki a, 789, 790f lJlti2l)
for, 1Yi9 lcvatorh iatu~ l4 Longbonefracturc , 463-464, 465j
Laparotomy. bedside, 579-581 lcvator mu>dcs, 13 15f Longirndinal AssessmmcofBariatric

::~:-~:;::ii :::::1~~i~." ;'7~g36-1339

Lichcnamyloidosis,cu!anrnu<, 1005 Surgcry(LABS). 1177
Lich1cns1cin1cn>ion-frcc rcpair,- [.,K>pcolmtomy, 1328- \ J29 , 1328J
Laryngeal nerve 1100-110!.1100J Lorazepam, .i5.Q - -
n1oni10ring, 935 Lidocaincdearance 1esc, 1436 Lossoffunction , l360
nonre<:urrcn ~ 88Jf884/ Li -FrJumcn i •yndrome, 690-691 , Lo"stones. 1505
recurrcnt , 8 11, 812/ 882-883, 6911,754 Low anter ior resection . on recta l
ss3f915f no.--..nxr- Ligamcntfundiforrncpcnis, 1067J canccr, 13 79- 1380,
•urcrior, 8 11, ss2.8s2/ -'11fl Ligamcnt inguinalc. I067J 1380fl381f
Laryngealpapi!fo--;;:;a(osis, 799 LigamencofBerry, 882 recurrempyogeniccholangicis , Loweresophageal>ph inccer( LES)
Laryngealprc..,rva1ionsu,:ge-;-y, 800 LigamemofTreirL,1238 illilill hyperCcnsi\•e, 1016
La ry nx , 1575 - Ligamentousinjmic--;-- lymphatics of, 1428 primary role of, 1043
canccrof, 798-802 dc,.;rip rion o( 465 nervc•of. 1428 Lowercxtrcmit)' -
rcgionsof, 798 irnrnobilizatior;-;:;r;- 478-479 physiologyof, 1419·1436 ocdusivcdiseaseof, 1774. 1775
tr~nsplanta~ of. ~ 816/ Ligamcnturntcrc;, 1419 <p<"<'.ificdiagnostic!c>tsfor,1436 rccon>truc!ion of, 1967-1970
Lasers,235-236 Lignin , 1321-1323 Liverbud ,14 19-1420 groinandchigh,sofctiS>ue
Lateral accessorysaphenous,·ein , Limb>al,·age, 483-484 Livercelladenoma(LCA) , reconstructionin ,1969
1829/ lim ited .iagc,158J J.iliolill tra umaticwoun d.,softt i"uc
La teral band , 1978/ Linea alba , 1070j>c coveragcof. 1967-1969,
Lateral fernoralcu1ancow;11ct\'e , Linca secnil unar, 1070J chronic ,565 19G8f --
1096/ l.incarhypcrtrophicscarS , 142-143 intest inal failurcasroda!c<lwith , ,•ascuhrinjuryof, 182 1
Lateral marginal vein ,1828/ Linezolid , 1§! -- 666-667 venous transposition of,
Lateral perforawrveins , 1828/ Linitisplascic>. 1227 parenceralnutritionas<oeiated 1799-1800 rectal stalks/ligamcnt5 , 13 \ 4 Linolck acid , _lll with , 666-667 Lower gast rointestin al hemorrhage,
L~tcx allergy, 231 Lip,cancerof, 794-795, 795j Liverfunctiontcst ,-61.4 acutc , !l.i!:l.l.ii. l l51t
Lnissimus <lo-;:s;:-106?/ Lipids -- Lil'<ctiransplanmion , 637-648, 1443 causcsof,1153 -1 155
Lati>simusdorsiflap,fotbtcasi con icnt of, in patctHcr>I nutrition , cn11traindica1 ionsof, ~ angiodyspl..,;ia , 1153
tCCOllS{tuCtion ,869f870b
Lauren classification system , 1216,
metabolism of, 100-101, l OIJ
jnlivcr, 1433- -
earlycomplicationsof, 643-644
extende<lcri teriadonors, .fri1
hcpatitisRand , 638-6J?
anorcctaldisease, 1154.1154f
colit is, 1154-1155.1155f
divcrt, 115-3
lca nbodym>5s. 107 Lipodcrmatmdcrosis , 1832j hepat itis Ca n<\ , ~ mcsentcric ischcmia, J.lii
Lcfcadrenalglan J.9ii4f965f Lipoglycopcpiides, 260 hisroryof, fil - neoplasia,1154
Lefiadrenal\•cin , 964/96 5j Lipulysis , 98-99. 10lj im n1unosupprcssionaf1cr,-645. diagnos is of, 115 1- 1 153. 1152f
Left atrium , 1695f Lipoma, 2orr:Io12, 20 1 lf ind icar ionsfor, 637-640. 6J8t colonoseo~52
Lcfrbund!ebranchblock,555 in small jmes1ine, Jlli li,·edonor computed tomography
Left coronary Ct1>p , 1694{ LiJK>matou>tumor>, 762-763,762J dcscriptionof, 640-('41 angiography, 1152-1153
Lcftfilrnn,,trigonc, 1694J Lipopulysaccbaridc, 132-133 l cft l ubcdi-."--c1~HJ., mcsen1cricangiograpby, 1153
Lcfi inforioradrcnalanery, Lipo>uction , 197 1 - - 643f radio nucl ide scann in g, 1152,
964f965f Lisier,Joseph . 6 -7 . 6J np<raiionfor, 642 -643 1153f -
Lcft infcriorph reo icartery, Livcr,J17,107QT l418- 1481 p iggyb ac~ tec llniqUel-Or. 642 treatmclltof.1 153
964f965f abnormal,cvalua tiono L M1.::!!12 postoperativecornplicaci ~ f, Lurnbarcanalstcnosis,1921 - 1922
Left infcr iorph rcnicvdn , abnorm alidcsinprcgnancy, 206 1 Ml Lumbardiscprolapsc , 1920/1921
964f965f aduh ,1420- 1421 - righ1lohcdisscctionf.>r, Lumbar hernia, 1 115
Lcfc intemalmammaryarcery, 1672, anawmyof, 14 19 -1 436 642 -643, 643! Lumbarvcin , 1728f 1729j
1672f1673f - funccionat l421 - l428, segm~epate<:wmy, 642, Lumbarvertebralbodyfraciures,
Lcftk idney.964f965j 142lf1423f 643] - 4221
Lcftlymphaticduct . 1849j gross, 1419- 1421 liverdistribution , idll Lumbodorsalfa<eia , 1086j
Leftrnaincoronary, 1694j microscopic , 1428.1431 livcrfunctiontcstrcSlllts , 644.645 Luminalobotruc!ion
Lcftrcnalartcry.%4f965j bucarcaof, 1419 model forcnd·stagcli,·crdisca<c, appcndicitiscau.< cdhy,129 7
Lcfcrenalvein.964f965f de,.;rip cionandtopographyo( Mil causesof,1297
Left superiorrNroesophageal 1419, 14 19/ organslwrtage, _§1.Q Lung{s) , 1579- 1582
par.nhyroidadcnoma ,924{ development of outco meo( -61.4 absccssof, .!.222
Left ventricl e, \ 695j cmbryolograod , 1419- 1421, rccurrcn t diseaseand , ii:iS_ adenocorcinonuof,158J
l.ef1vcn1riculorancurysrn , 1420f tcjcct ionof, _GM bcnig11 tutnorSof, l 600. l 6o l
1681-1684 futurc ,1435 rctransplantation , 645 congrnital lcsionsof , 1579-1581
Lcfcvencricularassiscdevices, functional unicof,1 428-1429. ro!eof, forhepat.,;;u;,]a, hypoplasiao( 1579-l~
556-557 1429f carcinoma, 645 -646 ltft , 1672! - -
lcftvcn tricularcnd-d ia<tolic functionsof, 143 1- 14J5 splir, 642, 642j lobcsof, _!iZ2
(LVEDJ volume, 22., 60j assessment of, 14J5- 1436 tcchnT,;laspcctsof, 641-642, lymphoma of, 1601
l.ef1 \'ctuticuloroudlow1rac1 bilefor111a1io11as ,1432,14321 642[ pricnarys.rcornasof, 1601
obstruc!ion(IVOTO), biliruhin metabolism as, Livcr!urnots,189 1-1892 !urnorsof, mi,.;dlancous,
lfi40-161~ dinical presemacionof, 1892 1600-1601 , !60 1b
Lcfc,·encricularsystolicdysfunction , bloodflow>.5, 14 31 d iagnosisandstagingof, 1892. Lung c;rncer, 1582-1592, l582f
1668 carbohydratc mct>bolismas , \ 8921, 1893f adjuva n tthcrapyfor, 1591, 1592j
l_,,g,wfrtissuccovcr:igcof, 143J trc>tmcn t of, .!B.2I diagnosisof, 1584
1969- 1970 coagulaiion,1 434 Livcr-imestine-pancreastran>plam , .arly-otagenon -smallcell,local
l.eiomyornas , 1032, 1032j d rugmcrnbolismas , 1434 6<i9f tl1cr.1pyfor,1590- 1591,
Lciomyosarcoma . JJ! energyas, 1131 Lobar emphysema, ~ 1590f


l.u11gcanar (Con1inued) M Mal ignant peritoneal rnc>otl1dioina, Mas.sivetrat»fusion

metastatic d isease of, treatment of, Mo:clls ,1245 1080- 1081 protocol. 71-73 , 731
l221.:l.i22 Macrol idc.lincosamidc-<trcptogramin M alignamphcochromocytoma, 985 strategics, 568
ncoa<ljm·ant thcr~py for, 159 1, family,.llil Malignant pleural cffmion (MP U:- Masteclomy, 844-845,848 , 852,
1592/ - Macrophagechemoattrae<ant 1584, 1605, \(,{l(if 8551 - - - -
in older patierus, 354-355 proiein , 131 -1 32 Mal ign;;ll~, brea;t-ronse!'\"ing1herapy1-ert1",
paihologyof, 1583 Macrophage m igrat ion inh ibitory ofesophagus , 1032- 1033 844 -84 5. 84 51
scrceningfor, 1583- 1584 foctor. l.!.:Jl skin . 2012· 20_1) _ _ ind icationsfor, .fl1.§_
mgingof, 1584-1588 J\faaophagc< basa!o:cllcarcinom>. 2012 lumpcctomy•·r,.,11s. .B.1A
Amcric:rn Joint Comm iucc on
Cancc<. _!_2_fili, 1587 t-
growth factor< rclc~scd by, 133
wound · healingroleof, 132--=136.
malignant melanomas ,
20 12 -20 13
;,7,';~):~7i::~~;~ng, 848-851
15881, 1588b, 1589[ LB/ -- >quamouscdlcarcinoma , radical, .&11 -
evaluationoftumorstage , 1585 Maffucci syndrome, 781 20 12 technicaldetails, 848
lymph nodes . ~ type, ofsp~cartery, Mal lerfinger, 1994/ toral. M'.!., 84 9/ -
mctastases . _!_?_l!]_ ~ Mallory· Wcisstcars, 1140. 1145. Mastitis. .BJ.6
n odal siagccvah1>tion , Magncsium , 92-94 1231 - 1232 - Mastopexy, 1957, 1971
1585-1586, 158([ Magnrticresonanceangiograp hy.for Malnourish<..lpat icnt< ,.lil Matrixmct3lloprotcinascs( MMPs) ,
!Umor, 1587-1588
ircaunemrernhsof, 1588-1590
Lungtranspbntation . 1598
rcnalarteryd iscase , 1785
Magnetic resonance -
Malnutrition , lQllQZ
assessmentof. 562
in cirrhoricpaticnt , l l i
Mamraiion alph....,,ofwound
healing, __l_±!.
Lunuh. 1694/ {MRCP), in l_,i li~ ry !fttdiscase, prcoperotivc ,1 325 Maxillaryfr.>cture.1 949
Lvrncdiscasc, 540-541 1489. 1489/ subtypcsof, 105-106 M:uil!arysinus, 803
Lyrnphnn<lc<, 13 17 MagnNic resonance imaging{MRI) woundhcal ingaffccuxl by, 148 Maxil!nfacialrcg~ injuryto ,
dissectionof.738-740,885/ forappendicitis, 1299· 1300 Maltase ,12411 - 421-423
')07-908 f<irbilbrytrccdiscase, 1489, Mammalian bites, 535-B8 Maxil!ofacialtrauma, 1948- 1949
dcx;tivcdisscctionof. 735-736 1489/ epidemiology of, 535·536 craniofadal fractures, 1?49
popl irc.>l>entincl. 737/ l_,reast , 828·829, 830/ trcatmcntd, 5J6·5J8 emergen t management of.
Lyrnphadenc<:wmy, 738-739. 739/ forcongcnirnlhearidi>c><e, a111il_,io1ics, 21Z 1948- 1949, 1948[
cxtcntof,1549 1622· 16B evalLiationof, .5..l(i cvaluationauddiagnosis of,1 949

popl itcal.withdosure, 740/ forroronaryartcrydiscasc ,1664 microbiology, 537. 537 b softt issucinjury,1')49
regionalno<lalrecu rrenceueate<l inprcgnan t paticn1 , 2056 rabics, 536b- SJ?b:" 517-~18 McBurncypoint , 12')9
with .ID Magncticrcsonanccvcnousimaging, woundcarc , _il6 McVayrcpair, 1099- 1100
Lyrnphadcnopathy, in pediatric, 11.ll Mammalianta rgctofr.1pamycin Mcan artcri alp rcssurc(MAP) ,554
ofdcep,•ein1hron1bosis, 1843 inhibitors , fil!i±!_ Mechan icalobs!fuc1io11,l336
Lyrnpha11giogenesis, 1848 Maintcnonccfluids, 82·84. 83b. 831 MarnmaPrirua<say, 70 2 Mechan ico.lvcntila1io11 ,558
Lymphatic., 1848- 1856 Majorhistocompatibilirycomplex Mammography Meckcl'sd i vcrti~ulitis, 12')7
dassificationof. 11\2!2 {MHC) nonpalpablcabnormalities, 829 M.-ckcl'sd iverticulum , 1157 ,
complcxdcconge>tivcphy:;ical cb., L 602 . 603 , 6 03/ .crccning, 828 ,828< - \ 284- 1286,187?- 1880
thcr:ipyfor, 18 52 dassll , 603 . 603/ ManglcdExt~t yScvcrityScore cl inical manifestat ions of,
compr<·ssion pump 1herapyfor, Majorhi><ocompaiibilitylocus,601 (MESS), 484, 4841 ! 2 84- 1285, 1285[
1852 Majo r med ic•ldisaste", 586-587 Man nkopfsig ~ 261 diaguosisof, 1880
diagnosticrcmfor, 1850- \ 851 , Male external genitalia , ~ Monom crry, !017- 1018 diagnosticstu d icsof. 1285.1285/
1851/ -- Male genital organ infection , M arasmus, lli:J..12!!: incidcnceandcauseof, 1284,
dilfcrcntbl diagnosis of, 1850. 2073 -2074 Marfanoidhahi1u< , .1.'16 1284[
1850/ - Malcinfertility, 207 9-2081 MarginalartcryofDrummond , >urgical managcmcn1 of, 1880
drugiherapy for.1852 laboratoryassemncntof,2081 illJi maunemof, 1285- 1286.1285/
devaiion andron1pression rrcatmenror. 2081 , 208 1/ MarinehitesandS!ings, 542-544 Meconiumi leus, 187 5- 1876,187 5/
g;irmcnts, 185 1· 1852 Malcnustopexy, 197 1 antivenom for. i l l - - Mcconiumplugsyndrome, 1876
embryologyandano tomyof, Malereproduetiv<:rnedidn<:,•nd assessment of. i l l Mcdialacccssorysaphcnousvcin ,
1848, 1849/ <cxualdysfunc1ion , 2078-2083 cnvcnmnatinn hy 1829/
func!ionand stmcturco( Malcscxual dysftmction ,~ im·cncbratc., fil Mcdialperforatorvcin , 1828[
1848- 1849 ireaunent ,2082 -2083 . 2082/ venebratcs, 211_ Medialpla ntarvein , 1829/
genera! therapeuiicmeasuresfor, Malignant anal canal neop lasms , inj uries fromno1wenomous Medial1highlift , 197 1
1414- 14 15 aquat ican imal s,5.1.1 Mcdialvisceralrota tion . 173 1
J\falignanibiliarydisca>c, 1512·1518 managcmcn t o( 542 Mcdianan tcbrachialvein , 1798
J\falignan! c:.rdnojdsynd;;;;;;;::--- microbiologyof,STI Mcdianncrvc ,2 006[
new d iagnostic tests for, 185 1 11Z2d2Zl <pongcs , 543-544 Mcdianstcrnotomy, 167 2
operat ive treatment for, Malignantdisease,sple<en , woundca;:ero;:s42 Mediastinalcysts.primary.1610
1852- 1854, J853fl854/ 1562- 1563 MAR'l:l. 708 - Medias1inal1woplasms,primary,
pathophysiologyandstagingo( Malignanrfibroushistiocytoma 1'.hssusualtyincidcnts , 586 1610- 16 13
1849 {MFH) , 7 54 blastrr.iuma, .5.2:1.:225_- 1607- 1610 . 1608b,
th ctapyfor,1851-1854 tc·dassi fi<'."~!ion of, 763 defini1 ivccarc phascof, 592.593
turnor<of, 1855 Malignanrgcrmcclltumors , 1464 injury<cvcritydistrihuti~ 157 5
Lymphedcma , 184') Malignamhypcrthermia, 1l.!., 254 , 587.587/ amerosupcriorcompartmcntof,
Lymphocele, f i l 65 7/ ~ mag1;-;;-;;-Jeof, 2.§L S87/ 1608- 1609, 1608/
Lymphokinc· activatcd kil krccl b causcs o( l§.!l_ medical rc,ponsc in , 589-590, cl inical manifestat ions of, 1609
(LAK cells) , 706-707 presema1 ionand1nanagem<m. 589< -- diagnosisof,1609
Lyrnphonrns,19 14 288-289 . 289b rnodern!ralltnacarein , 587-590 histologic ,1609- 16 10
in small intestine , 1278, 12 78/ Malignantmelanomas, 20 12 -2013 modern lf>umasysicrnsan<l , diagnnsticimagingof, 1609
ofsple<en , 1562 - Malignantncoplasms, 724-753 ~ evaluationof. 1609
Lymphoscint igraphy,poplitcal cuianrnu s, 747-750- - sorgeon's rolcin , 586-596 middlccompartmentof,1609
sentinel lymph no<lco idcntihcd uncommon , 750 urban, typical ti md incof, 5891 postcriodpara.·crtcbral suki
by,737/ Malignam nomerawmawus germ Massive bleeding compartmcnto(, 1609
Lymphowxin· « , 2 8r cdl 1umors, lfll in Crohn'scoli1is , J.3.i2 Medicationmanage1nem,fot
Lynch>yndrornc, 692-693 . Malignant periphera l nerve sheath in ulcenti\•ecoli1 is, 134 5 geriairicpa1i crus, 210
.l.lZ!LJ.l1.L 1370b, I ~42-1 ~4 ~ tumors , 765 Massi,,ehcmoptysis. 1598 Mcdications,revicwof,225 , 230t


Me<liun1 - ve<>dv<t>culi1 i<, 17 80- ! 781 Mdanom o (Conti""ed) Meta<1a1ic disease , 1074
lkho;etd isease,1781 ukemed , 733/ lungcancer. treacrnencof,
Cogan•yndrome, 178 1 u ltravioletradia tion exposureand , 1591-1592
K•wa.sak j di<casc, 1780 - 17 8 1 724 -725 trcatmcn t of, 743-744
polyartcrit i>no<lo>>. 1780 unknown prirn .ry, 744-74 5 Mcta,,>tic small
Mcdu llaryt hyroi<l carcinoma , workup and imaging for, 73 3-7 34 ime<1ine , 1280, 1281/
909-910 Mdanomainsiiu, 7 34 Metasca1ic1 u1nors , 1464- 1469,
clinical foarnresof, 909 Melena ,1140- 1141 15 18
descriptionof. 1007-1008 MernorialSloanKeueringCancer in chest wall. 1603
surgery fo r, in MEN2 and FMTC , Cen<cr (MSKCC). 1449 colorcrtal rnc!astase<, 14(.4- 1468,
1008 M EN! ,693. 996. 997/ \ 465/ 14661- 14671
M<'n<'iricrd isease , 1231 ncurotndocrinemetastases, 1468
Menin , 996-997 nonrolorectalmetas<ases ,
Meninges, tu mor of, 1913 1468- 1469
Meningio rnaresection , Simpson non - neuroendocrine metastases,
gradingsy«cm for, 19131 1468- 146 9
Mcningiomas , 19 13 , 19131 Mctformin ,fo rburn s, 525
,\teningicis ,1934 Methotrexa<e,forukerat ivecoli cis ,
Meningocde , 1932 1343- 1344
Meningomydocelc, 1964- 1965 N-mcthyl-D -a,partateantagoni" , m itral valvcrcplaccmcn tfor,
Menopause, 823-824 , 2036 387 170 2, \ 703•
Mcnorrhagia/ab11ormalu1crinc O~-Mci hylguaninc DNA naturAll1iowryo f,1 701
blccding,surgcryfor, 2040 -2041 mcthyltmisfcra-<c (MGMT), open m itral commhsurotomy for,
Menstrual hiscory, 20 36 70 1 1702
6 -M crcaptopurinc , 61 7 percuca neousballoonmitral
Merkel cell carcinoma (M CC) , 750 commissurotomyfor. 1702.
Mesenchynd >tcmcells, 157, 158/ 170 2•
159r. 160/ physiC>lcxam inat ionfot,1 70 1
adipose-d crivcd, 167 sy rnptorns and signsof, 170 1
dcserip cionof, 166/ 167 treacrncn1of, 1701 - 1702
Mesenccricandin t ra-abdom inal Micr:ilvah•e, 1694.1695/
dcsmoi dtumor< , 1085 anomalic,of. 16 53- 1654
Mesentcricang iography,diagnosing d isea:;c, }54
lower G I h emorrhage using, rnyxomawus d iseaseof, 1697
1153 rcgurgitation ,Carpcruict
Mesencericcym,1082 dassificat ionof.169 81
Mesencerichemias, 1084 repa ir of, 1706.1 7 13- 17 14, 17 13/
Mc•cntcrici:;chcmia, 1155 replacemen t of, 1712/ 1713
Mcscntcry,1065 - 1091 for mitral "cnosis. 1702 ,
discasesof. !082 - 1083 17031
ntalignamnropla<rnsof,108 5 audrcpair,1 7 1 1- 17 14 ,
andomentum , 10 8 1- 1085 in rh eumatic heart disease,
diseasesof,1 08 1-1082 Miudsehmen, 1297
embryology a nd anatomy of, Mixcdch imcri sm ,631
physiologyof. l081
Mesh i11fec1ion, ll l6
Meshedgrafts .1939
Mesoappcndix , 1296
rnanagcrncntof. 735-7 38 Mcsocolk hernias , 1083- 1084 , \ 084{
MuhiccntcrSclcct ivc Mcmthclioma , 160 7
Lymphaden«tomy 'Jrial, Meso1helium ,l07 S
736-737 Meta-ana lysis, 17 9
"' nt inellymph node biopsy, Metabolicand13.uiatricSurgcry l \J l - 1132, \ 132•
736-738, 736/ Accred itatio n and Quali ty Modificdmultivisecralgraft , 6 70
stagingof, 730-732. 7311-7321 lrnprovcrncntProgram , Modified Rivcs-Stoppa ,456 , 457/
supcrh cbl <pcca<ling, 729, 729/ ! 91t- l921 Mohs' micrograpliicsurgcry(MMS).
thick, 737 Metabolic stress response, ! 22 - 124
tbio , 737 Metabolicsyndrome ,1261, l 27, 1 16 1
TNMsiagingof, 731 < Metabolism
tcearrnentof.7.H-744 carbohydr:ite , -22,. 100/
follow-upaf1er, 74 1 evaluating, and energy
l1ypcrtl1crmici.;ola1c<llimb rcxiuircmcnts , 108-1 10
perfusion , 742, 742/ lipid , 100- \01, IOl_f _
immunotherapy, 743. 744f745/ p rotein , _!2_!_
intcrfcmna lfo-2b,740 -741 substr:ite ,.21L_!fil
rndphahn , 742 stress-induced changes in ,
106-1 07 , ! 06/
in surgicalpaticnts, 98- 129 Monocy<cd1cmo1ac1 ic pro!cin-l ,
Metacarpal fr:icl\Jre, 1m:l998/ 28,
Metaphysis ,463-464,465/
multiplc endoc rincncoplasiatypc
.2. !009
skeletal sarcom as, 785


Motbi<l obesj1y,li60- l187 Multi plc endocrinc neoplaoia typc l Mus.:uloskeletal injurics(Conlinued) Na1 uralki lle rcclls, 60 1, 705- 707
hypoventilationsyndromeof, (MEN l } (Gmrinud) - fracturcs.iuFractures Natural orificetransluminal
1167 gast rinomasassocia ted with , 1001, init ialmanagememof, 478-481 endosco pi csurgery. 397
magnitudcofthcproblcm , 1001/ - mbsc<l , __121 -- Ncar-totalt hyroid cctomy"JIT.2

pa1icn t cvalm1ionof, 470-478 Ncck , 809-810
surgicalprio ri<i:union ~I injuriesto ,423 -424
insulinotnasin , 1001 - 1002 t erininologyof. 462 -4~ e\•al uaiio n of, 423-424 , 423/
management of, 998-1003, 999/ tr> uma roomcvaluationo( 424b, 425/
manifestationso( _22Bc ill:1Z:i immediate management o f,
pancrcaticncurocndocrinctumots vascubr injurics. All! 4'3
rcactivca.<thm•and , \ l(i7 and , 958-959, 958/ 998 Mutagcnicpotcn1ial. li'.H managcmcn t of, 424, 42(ij
Morphca formha .. Jcell carcinomas, parath)'roi~ 998 -9?9." MumionduS!crregion . 691-692 vas.:ularinjuryof. i817
748-749, 749[ 999/ 1000/ - - Myrobacmial infe.:tions ,J S95:1596 Ne.:kcancer.;uHeadandn <xk
Morph in e, _2i2 pathogenesisof. 996-998 A1ycobacuriumpamtub~rr~

~::~::::; ~1a~~:.";~0 ~n-, 1 ~2- I 003

Mothervesscls ,1941 1349- 1350
Motil ity,inoolon , !324 Myobaclaium tubm:ufoill,
Motil itydi.<or<lcr<,344 thpniccarcinoi ~ ~
affe.:tingboth body and low<r associated wi <h, _l_QQJ_ Mrcophonola1emofetil, 6231, 624 ,
esophageal sphincter, Muhi p!eendocrine nco plasia 1ype 2 _QQ=6ll_
1016- 1019 (MEN2} . 100_~-1010 - M)'coticancurysms.1908
ofesophageal body,1 0 15- 10 16 d inic.>l features of. 100~-1004. M)'eloiddendriticcells , 600 -601,
of lowcrcsophagc;o lophin c1cr, 1003/ 10041 7 07-708
IOHi dcscript io no f,6911, 693 . Myclorncningocdc , 1931 - 1932,
Moxi floxacin . l l i lflQllQQZ - 1931/
Moyamoyadisease ,1908 - 1909 FMTC . 1004- !006 Mrdotomy.1924
Mucinou,cysticnoopb,m , follow-up for, 1008-1009 MYH-associatcxl pol)'posis (MAP} .
1537- 15.18,1537/.15381 gcnetic testingo( l007-1009 ill
Mucinousi umot<, 838-840,839/ 13paro<eopic aJre11 akx10m y for, Myocardialinf•tciion, 230
non -ST-scgmcn! cl cv~n .
Mucocpi dcnnoidca rcinorn a,
Muoormycosis ,159 7
associated wi <h, 1007- 1008
Mucosa -as'°"iatcdly mpho id ti"'1c iualsoMcJ ulbry thyroiJ alternative m ethods for,
lymphom as , 1229 11)79-1683
Mucosal addrcssir\Cdlad l1csion surgct )'fot, !008 c-ardiopuln1onarybypass.;u
rnolcculc _!_ (Ma<lCAl\1-l) , 1262 "1Cl3S!O.!i c, 1009 Cardiopulmonary bypass
M<lco5alinflammation,ofanus, 1J95 phcochromocytornaassociated M)'ocutaneousAap, 194 1
Mucosalmelanomas, l l i with, 1009 M)'oele.:tric migra1ingoomplcx ,
Mucu• , 1195 prcvcntivc•urgcryf<ir, 1008 1\ 95- 1 196
Mult icc ntc rSdcct ivc primary h)'pcrporath yroiJismin , M)'ofascial rclca>es , 1112
Lyn1pha<lenectomy -Jri al, 1009 -1 010 Myofibroblast , 141
736-7 37 1009 Myxc<leniaron~05
Multidctectorcomputed M)'XOmatousdiS£aS£.ofmitralvalve
(Omograp hy. for coronary artery Jill
disc>.<.c, 1663
Mult idrug-rcsistant N
cnterobacteriaceac, 26.1 Na'. K•-ATl'ases . 1524
Multiuodular goi ier,893 Noloxone . 558
Multiorgandysfunction•)'ndrome, Napki n ring lesion , \3 73/
251 Nasal cavity cancer. 802-805
Mul ti nrg;rnfailurc N:i.<al <cptal h lccding ,-32.2
inarntcrcspirator)'<li•HcS< N>.<o<luodcnal feedi ng , 1 141 MYH -assodatcd po l)'p<><is,
syndrome .560 Nasogamicfccd ing, 1141 1361 - 1362
burnsand, .i!2::521_ Nasojeju nal fccdin g, 1141 oncogene•,1 363
ce ntra l nervous sy'1em foi l. ire, Nasopharyngeal canccr, 803-805
cti olog)'andl'atho physiology
N atalizumab, 719t --
National and hcalthc11resystem-l n·cl
of, fil safctyi nhi atin-s , 190-195.
hematologicfo il ure, 521 190b. !911- 192r- -
hepa1icfailure . fil - NaiionalLu ngScreen ingTria l
o rganfailurc , 520 (NLff) , 1583- 1584
preven tio no f,519-520 NarionalNosocomial lnfoctions
pulmonar)'failu rc, .i2Jl:ill Sun •ci llana(NNl S) SyS!em ,
rcnalfailurc , jl_Q lli
,\foh iplecasualtyincidents, 586 National Stud)' on Costs and
M uh ipleendocrineneoplaoi-;:;-- Omcomesof "lhiuma
'Y"d romc" 996-1012 (NSCOT} . 410
Multiple en docrine neopbsia ty p< _! National Surgical[";;-fcction
(M EN l) , 936.945 , 9 55/ Prevention !'rujcct, 246. 247 b.
9<J6-l00'!- - 2471 -
bron chia lcarcinoidtumots National Surgical Quality
associate<! with , lQQJ lmprovemm1Proje<:t ,
cl inical fcaturcsof, 998-1003. 191t- 192t
999/ NarionalTrouma Dara B.>n k
des.:rip1ionof, 69 l t, 693 (NTDB) , 408
d uodcnal ncuroendoct;;;-c!urnots NO!urol d isa>tc;:;:-;-urgc..:.n'srolcin ,
in , X!R lli


Neophmns(Continued) Ncuroen docrinc1 umor<(Continued) Nutrition (Cunti11ued)

primary soli d ma lignant pathologyof. _!IZb !273/ prorcin , l.filill
neoplasms, 1458·1 464 p rognosisd, 1276 riskscreening. 107, 107b
hcpatoccllubccarcinom>, t reat ment of, 12 7~-1276 total parcnt crar-;;;:;!rition , 1860
1458-1463 medical t herapy, 1275-1276, N utri tionala'™'ssmcn t
irurahepa1ic 127 51 -- caloric re<Juirements. 121
d1olan giocar<:inoma , surgicaliherapy, 1275 malnutrit io n , !03- 107
llili1M Ncurofibrorna . 19 13 - and mon itoring, 107-108 . 107b
w !idben ign neoplasms , Nmrohbrornatosistype l...25!i N oni1w asi ,•epreopcrat ive star"arion , lOJ-107
~~:::::::~:: ~~~:~~·5~~75-2076
lo.:alkuion , 930-931. 930/ N utrit ion al RXJuircmcnts
focal nodular hypcrphsia, Nonmalnourishcdpat icn" , _lil carhohydratcmctaho li>rn , -'12,.
1456. 1456[ N<·urogcnicmmor., 1612 N on- muscleinvasi\'eblad<lercancer, 100/
hema ngioma, 1456-1457. Ncurolepticmalign am syndrome, 2099 -2100 lipid metabolism , 100- 101
1457/ - - 254 Non -neuroendocrine metastases, micron11tricnts, .!Ql, 104 <- 1051
livcrooelladenoma Ncurologiccomplicarions. 320-322 1'168- 1469 proreinmctabol isrn , .lfil
~ Ncurologicsystcrn,surgic:.r;:;:;t;;;f" Nonocdusivc intirn • I flap,.l!ill pro!cinturno\'ct, 102-103
sal inryglan<l , 807-808, 808b carc , 547-551 Nonparathyroidal hypcrcalccmia, vi tam i ns, .!QJ.,_ 10~
small incesc in e ~li n to>t i ne, Neuromuscular blockade 2JQ, 927b Nmritionalstatus,ingeriatric
neoplasms of N o npro!ein 1umormarhrs, 69 7b pai ients , 210
Neo plast ic disorders, of anus, Non-pylorus- preserving Whipple N utri tional support . ~ l l l b
1412-1'1!5 proccd urc, vrr"'spylo rus- descriptionof. HJ -244
anal ma rgi n tumor< , 1412-14 14 .53!! prcscr\'ingWhipplcproced ure , d isc;o.<C·>pccifo c concerns, 122-127
anal intracpithdial nrnpl>.<ia, Nrnrona l andmi xe<lneurona l·glia l 1549 rntcral.te.Fntcral nutriti-oo-
1413 rumor., 1912 Nonrecurrent laryngealnerve, ~ goa l of, _2B_
basal cell carcinoma , 1414, Neurona l intestinal<lysplasia, 1391 883f884/ in iria1ing ,.ll3.
1411{ Ncurosurgery,1900 - 1937 - Nonsdcct ivcsh un 1', 1440- 144 \ , pa rcn tcral.,uParc ntcral nutrit ion
condylomaacuminatum , Ncurotmesis. 199 1- 1992 1441/ Nystatin , 270t
1412-14 13 Ncutraliza1ionpla1c, .:l.G.8_ Nonseminotn•Wusiumor<,
l',l413-1414 Ncutropcniccntcrn.:oliiis, 129 7 0
><jUamousccllcarcinoma , l'i l 3 Neutroph ils, 66/68/ N on-smal l cell lung cancer Oat cell.:areinoma , 1583
vcrrucouscarcinoma , 14\J Nevoi<l basal cdlcar.:inoma , 6911 {NSCLC), 355 Obesity. 125- 127, 224
dinicalcvalu >tion n( 1412 Ncwacccos, ini tial evaluat ion for, Non.,croidalanti -inflammato rv canccra nd , 678-679
ma ligna nt ana lca na l ncopl>5m'- 1798 drngs. 386-387 card iova,.;ula rdi,.;aseassociatcd
14 14-I 415 Newborn physiology. 1858- 1859 ascause ~\ 1 9 8 - 1199 wi1h , i l l
adcnocatcinoma, 14 15 N-fonnyl-rne1hion}'l -l~ for pain , 549 eomorbidities associaicxl wi 1h, i l l
melanoma, 14 15 phenylalanine, 132 N o n-S' l::segmffi televat io n comribmingfactorsin , 125
><JUamouscellcarcinoma , NICE-SUGAR irial-:Jis. myocardial infamion ,552 -553 deepveinth rombosisri ;I:-126
\414- 1415,1414/,14151 Nicotinamidcadcnincdinudcotidc Nontraumatk urologiccmcrgcncics , <fohc1c,mdlitus t ypc 2 an~.llli
N"cost igminc,forpsctulo-ohstruction , phosphorc , 132 2096-2097 gastrocso phai:;cal rcflu ;-d isca'C
1.llll..:.1JJ2 Nipple - hemamria,wi1h urinary re1emion, associm.Jwi1h, 104?- 1050
Nephrowxic iiy, 262-263 discharge from , 824 -825, 82 5/ from blooddms , 2096-2097, hepatobil i•ty d iscaseassocia1<.J
cakincurin i n~ssociated , l'aget'sdiseaseo~ Bl{i 2097/ w ith . i l l
~ supernumerary, l l i priapism ,2097 magn irn<leoftheproblem ,
Ncrvccomprcssionsy ndrorn c, Nipplc-arcohrrcconst rnc< io n , tcstkubrtor<io n , 2096,20%/ 1 160 - 1161
2006-2007 875-877 , 876/ Nontumc>ccn1ahlation,andfuturc mctaholic,yndrom c am><:b te<!
carpa! rnnnelsynd ronw, 2006 , NIR ~opy. 63/ mo<lal i1ies.foraxialwin with , 1261.127
2006/ Nissenfundoplicai ion , 1023, 1024{, incornpe1e11ce ,1839 n1orbi<l, 1160· 1187
pron>torsyndrornc, 2006-2007 10~2-10~ ~ - Nonun ions , ffi ostooa rthritisassociared with , 127
ra d ialnervecompress ion . 2007 Nitrogen balance , l.lll N o1wa riooea l bleed ing , 1143-1148 respimorysysternand, 56 1
thoracicoutlctcomprcssion , 2007 Nitrousoxidc,36 1,36 11-3621 Norcpincphrinc ,556 - - sarcopcn ic ,.lJlZ
Ncrvc i njurb, 920, 199 1 - 1 99~ Normal -prc<>tirchydroccphalus, surgicalrnmidcration ,127
in gu in alher~pairand ,1 105 1930
Nerve transfer, 1994 N ormo1hermia ,m aituenan.:eof,
Nervierigen tes , 131 8
Neura p raxia , 1991 - 1992, 1995/
Ncuraxialan algcsia , 3lili
Ncuraxialhlockad c , 2 22 O l» tctricsurgkal pn><:cdurc ,
Neuroblastoma ,1612. ~ 1648/ 2050-2051
dinicalpresentat ionof. ~ Nosorom ial si n usit is, 248. ~ Obsuuctcdwtalanomalous
diagnosis of, 1887-1888, 1887/ No•·d t hcrap ic5 pulmonary,·cnousrcturn ,
genorn icsof. 1887 forCro hn'sd ise.,e ,.ll!.il_ 163 2,1633/
stagingof, 1888 ,1 888! forgasitocso phagcal rcAuxdiscasc, Obstruc1ion
trcatmmtof, 1888, 18881 1779- 1780 \ 0~7-10~9 incompli <0a tcd divcrdculi1is,
Ncuroend ocrinemetastascs, 1468 Non.:alculousbiliary<lisease, N udearfactor Kl> {Nf-Kl>) , 608 -609 1333- 1334
Neuroend ocrinernmors , 1210- 1211. N utcrackeresophagus , 1016. JOl6/ intestinal,inCrohn's.:oli ti<. 1351
1272-1276. 1272<, 1613 Nutrition , 1859-1860 largehowd , 1336- 1339
dinicalrnanifcstationsT caloricre<j u iremcnts, 1859, 18 59< lumi na l
.llZ2.:l2Z1 Noneoronarycusp, 1694/ carbohyd ra1cs, l 860 - a ppc ndici1i scauscdby,l 297
rnalignantcardnoidsyndromc, Noncydic masialgia , 824 c1HcraL ueEni cral nutrition causcs of, 12'J7
illHW Non<lepolarizingneu~uscular pseudo·obmuction , 1336-1339
diagnosisof, ~ 1274/ blocking agenis, iiQ globalassessmemon . l.QZ, 107b O bmuctivesleep apnea{OSA) , 374
du0<lcnum , 1000 Nondcpolori,.ingrchxant ,364, 365< hcpatic inM1fllcicncy, l24-125 O h turat mh crn ia , 1 11 3-11 15
c ntcropancrcatic , 1000-1002 Nonc5'cntial am ino acids, lQl imm uno n11t rit ion , .!lL 117t O b rurator sign . 1125,1126t
gasiroemeropac>crca1ic, IOOO No11funct ioninggoi1er. 893-894 pancrea1 i1is, 125 Octrootide, 12 74
panacas. 944 -959. 949T,IOOO, Nongctrnino111awmgermcel11umor, P"tcn1eral.u7Pa rentcral 11u1ti1ion Octreotidcscanning, 1000
1002, 1002/ - 1914 prooperati ,'e, _1_!! Ocular melanoma , 746-74 7


O <lo1110i<lfracturc>, 4221 Operotingroom(Continud} Orthopedic injuries

Ofuturnumab, 719r preopcrativeskinpreparation , diagnosticimagingd, 474-478
grafting, 1680-1681 168 1/
Ogikicsyndrnmc , 1337
rc.">urCe>availal>lci n ,578/
otaplcr., 234- 235
cpidemiologyof, 462
fracturctypc , 462--=--465
init ial management of. 4711-481
OKT3.6231.626 surgical adhcs i,·es, 235 misseJ.A-2'1 --
Ol<leraduhs.reeGeriairicpaiicms iakingto bedside, 578,578( patiemevalua tionof, 470 -478
Olfoctoryneorobhstoma . ~ wo u nddosurc , 23m r postopcrativernobiliz.~
Oligodendroglioma, 1911-1912 233t-234r. 235/ 2fil:5.!!l
Oll;crdiscasc, ffi Opcr>ti\'cadjuncts, 934-935 surgicalpriori1i1.ationof, 47<J-481
Omali~mnab , 7191 gamma prol>c locali~a1ion , 935 tcrminology of, 462-4(,(i
~ fmy acids .563 -564 intrnoperativel'Tl-lassessr~. d>rombocmboliccomplicat io ns of,
polyuosaturai..J, 122 934-935 , 935/ 500-501, 50 1/
~ fu tty acid ~ 56.J - 564 recurrentbryngca l nerve troum aroomcn luar iono(
Omcnto l cysts.1081 -1082 mon itoring, 935
Omrntal grafo,andtransposition , Opcr>t i\'cmanagcm;:;;l," prcpar~tion va>cular inj urics, AlJ:!
1082, 1082/ for, \ 813- 1814 Oslcr-Wcl>cr-Rcndu di<casc , JlZ!
Omemal nooplasms , 1082 Operaii\•esurgery, principlesof, Osieoarthrit is, J1L1Qli, 389
Omcmal 1orsion,and infarct ion , .2fll-=2Ail 201 7/2018/ pa1iem-corurolledanalgesiafor,i l l
Opio;ds ,363-364,385-386 Osteoblam, IlJ l'alatc.ha rd , 721_
Omcnwm . 1065-1091 d epcndence in, 550-551 Osteochondraldefects. 465-466 Palmarspaccinfecrion ,2000-2001
OmplialoccL 107 1. 1883 , 1883/ painrnanagcrncn tuoi ng. 549, 55 1 Ow,od10ndro111a, 78 1, 7 82/ l'alpation ,1125
Omphalorncscntcric J;;;:;:- Opponunistic in fection < , ~ o,.._.odas« , l l i - Panacas , 36.941-962, 949/
abnormalityof. l071-l072, Optimalpreoperativcassc>Smen1,of Osteoidosteoma, 781-782, 783f 964~
107 1/ geriauicsurgica lpatients , 2013. 201J1.20i4/'" asci1esof, 153L 1531/
Oncogcncs , 1363 206-210. 206b Ostcomalacia,aftcrgastrccwmy, cyst ic nco plasm,o(, 1537- 1541
Oncologic resection , 778 akohol • nd,.,bstanceabuse, 1QZ 1212 typeso( \ 537- 154 1
Oncopla>ticsurgcry. 847-84 8 cardiaceva!u01ion , 1QL_ 0 >1 eoporosi;,af1etg>>1rttwrny, crn brfologyof,942
ho<ly babitus, 848- - 208/209/ 1212 cnd ocri nc cdlsof,9431
brcastresectior;:-- B1B_ cognit i"e impairmcntand heterotopic, 123 1
breastsize , .s_.1!!_ dement ia, -2ill!. 206b,207 t reuoperiwncalpositionof,942/
timingof, _!!1!! dcp rcssion , 206. 207b Mirgcry fo r
tumorlocation , .&l.R full risk. .lQ'l
- bodya ndrai lt u morsof.
On -pun1pbcaiing-heanbypass , l 680 frai lty, 209 · 210, 210! 1546- 1547
Oophorccwrny, wi1h/witl1ou1 - fu nciion al "1atwi , 1Q2, 209b hcadiu morS of,1545 - 1546
salpin geciomy,2042 mcdiotion managcment , _llfl_ tumorsyndromcsof,9431
Openanterioriramabdominal mobilityin , 209 Pancreasd ivisum , 1522.1522[ 1882
adrcn alc-ctomy. 991-993 nutri< ionaist;W:, , 2.lQ_ l'ancrcastransplanution ,649-665
com plications and po<topcr:uivc paticntcounsding. 2.lil f, laddcrdrainagc used in , 660
care, m::.221: poswpern1i\•eddirium , 206-207 donor,658 -659, 659/6591
pa!icnt ptcparaiion and pmition , pte-0peraiivc 1e>1 ing, 21Q -- drn inagett:el111iquc; ,660

techniquein , 991-992
lcftad rcn a ~2
pulmonarycnluation , 207-209,
209b --
Optimal th mmhoproph~·laxis, in
end ocrincsccrctionsof, 660
entcricdrainageuscd in ,660
right adrcnal , 992, 992}993/ nonorthopcx!icrnrgical pa tirn1>, hbtoryof,649,650b
O pen aonic surgery,romplica1ions 222 hyperinrnlinemia in , 660
of,1 74 1- 1744 Oralcaviiycanc<r, 795-802 outron1~• of, 662
Opcn .>ppcn<lec1omy, lap.iroscopic Orold ircctthrombin ,220-!22 pa tiemsckct ion for, 658
vmus, 1_302- 1303 Orexigcnicguthormonc, !16 1 portaldroinagcnscdin ,660
Opcncholecystectomy,fo rcakulou< Organ , Ch udc H... 17, 17/ l'rocurc mcnt andprcpar.iionfor,
hiliarydisca.<c,1500 Organ lnjuryScalc (OIS) , 410-411 659-660
Opencolectomy, 349 Organinjuryscaling>yS1e1~y, mrgicalrom p lica1ionsin ,660 -662
Opencom monbile d llcl cxp!ora1ion, 20851 bleeding, 66 !
for calculousbiliary disc.>sc , Organt ra nsp la n t.>tion . ,u bowel obst ruct ion . 662
150 1. 1501/ Trlnsplantar ion infoction , 661
Opcnfracturc , 481..482 Organ·lc\'dtissuccnginecring,.lfi<l p lcak ,660
dassi hcation ~483, 482/ Orirntal cho la ngiohcpat iti<, 1454 pancrcati tis, 661
debr idememof. ~} Orlism,forobesity.1164 - thrombosis .660-661
de><:ripiionof, i l l - 0roph arynx , canccrof, l l i vascula r,660-661
Gusrilo-Anderscnda"ihcationof, Orthopcdicerncrgcncics , 48 1-497 syste m ic drainage used in ,660
..1B1.:iB.1. 483t acurccom pa rtrnc nt syndrome.ur Pancreatic cancer
stab;\ i·i.;ujonof, 480-481 Acwecorn1>•ttmen! "dj u•·acnthetapy for,1550-1552
Opcnrnitralrnrnmburotomy,for syndrome chcmothcr~py for, 1550- 1551,
miiralstenosis .1 702 dislocations , 493·495 l550t
OpenrN:onsiruc1ion,1echniqueof, init ial managemcncof,i l l p•lliat ivetherapyfor,1552
1740- 174 1 li mb >alvagc, 483-4114 radiationthcr:ipyfor. 1550- 1551,
Opcnrcnal artcryby pass . _!2§1 rnan glcdcx tremirysevcriryscore abdominal.1eet\bdominal pain 1550t
Opcn;urgi~-al rnanagemcru , 484. 484t acu1e, rn echanis111<of,385 l'ancreaticduc<,d;lationof
l lln.1816 rd";;:-;:h,g diSruption.<eel'd"ic biliary trcc discascassoda1e<.lwith, d iffuscgland u larim•olvcrn cn t
Operati ngroom , 231-235 ring disrupt io n 1505 w jtho ut , !536
forbariairicpa~ 68 primaryamputat ionof, 483-484 chronic,389 focalinHammatorymasswithout ,
cardiopulmonary rc"1scit>tion in , ,k dctal >tal> i li>.ati onfor, ~ control of, S-6 1535- 1536
21 spinalinjuries ,473t, 491-493, postcholccy~tomy.1505 scco ndarytoduc tswnes/
l1t1 nostasis ,..2.12::211 494/-496/4961 rc!ief o f,;npa11crc>1iccancer, strict ures, 1535, 1535/
nortnotherm ia,rnaimen anccof, vascularinjurics. 495-497, 495[ 1552 scro11daryto singles1tic1urc/;1011c,
497/ -- ' ' isccrll. 1120 1535


Pa11crc•1ic <luc1al a<lenocarci11oma, l'ani1urnun1ab , 7 191 l'aratl1yroidsurgcry

9471 l'arrniculccto my, 197 1 controversyin , --21B.
gencticprogressionof, 15<13. l'apillarycystadenoma hrperparathyroidism ,

1543/ - asym ptomadc , 938
Pancre>ticfi>tula>, 319 unilatcral !.'f!nushi b~ ncck
<l rainwr!mnod-;;;;-i, 1550 902 -904,')02/ exp!oration , 938, 9381
Pancreaiicinjurics ,440-441,440/ cl inical feat uresof,902f903/ outcomesaftcr, 935~
442/ 1896 'lOJ-904 . 9031-9041 bilarcralnerve injury, 935-936
l'ancrcaticimraepithcl ial nooplasia , pathologicdassihcarion of. blce<ling/hematoma, -9J6.
gcncdcprogre«ionof, 1543, 902-903, 903/ cure ra!CS in, lli
1543/ - Papillar~orp; ncalrcgion , nerve m1u ry-rccurrcnt
l'ancrcaiicislets , <ransp!antationof, !913 l>ryngcalner\•e injury,
.liG2.:..6fil Papillomas
P.rncrc><icjuicc, major components breasr, _EJ_.6_ postopcra rive hrpocalccrnia,
of.1522- 1524, 1523/ 1524/
Pancreatic necrosis , 1529-15~0
cylindrical cell , ~
>eptal , Jill2
solitaryintrad uctal, 825
supcriorl. ryngc•lnc rvc,
extend hr.inch of,
l'ancrcaticneuroen<locrinernmors. Papillomatosis, 836 - 23i:2l!.!
944 -959. 949/ 1002.1002/ Paracrincsignal~79 -680, 68 1/ l'arad1yroidtumors, 1613
d iagnosisof, 947-959 l'araewphageal hernia (PEH). l';ir:ithyroidectomy -
ev:il11arionof. _2'.!l 344-345. -144/ 1045, inrn uhipleendocrinenooplasia
lu11c!ional , fil -1!li2:JJ!lil - 2A , 1009-1010
gastrinom• , 954-956, 954{ cl inicalpre>entat io nof, 1059 <urgkal op<ion<, 931-934
d iagnosis ~ 55 dcscrip tionof, 1043 - bilacornlncck ~on ,
locali1.:u ionof, 955 -'J56 operat iverepairfor, 1059-1061, 931 -932. 932b
trc>tmen t of, 955-956 1060f1060t - - ectopic parat hyroid glands.
generalalgori thmfor. 948/ patho physiologyo( I059 924/934
genetic rn utations jn,946/9471 prc-opcrat iw,eval uationof, 1059, cn<loscopicparn1hyro idcc1orny,
gluc-•gonorna, 957. 95 7/ 1059/ - 932-933
histopathologycl.?44-')47 strangulation of, lQ§l invasivetcchniqucs, 934
historyof. lli -- Parngangliomas , 810 , 1612.1912 minimallyinvasi,•e (open)
insulinoma ,950/ Paraker>to,is.2!!2_ - pnat hyroidcctnmy.932.
localiutinn nf. .2iZ.:21.B....221:221 Paralytics, in intcnsivccareunit . 550 933/ Wi lm>t umor, 1888- 1890
<we rvi ewof,,211: Parana.>alsinuses, 802 -805 - remedialpara tl1yroidec101ny. Pe<limicsu rgery,1 85 7-1899
sctttningfor, ..'142 Parapliaryngcal <p~cc !urnon, 810, 934
signaltransduciionpathwaysin . 811/ - video-assisted
')46/ Parnrectalfoscia , 1314.13l5f parat hyro;dcctomy.
somah»tatinoma, 957-958 Parasiticinfcct ions, 1596 - 1598, 933 -934
sui;ingnf. 944-94~ 1597/ 2075 l';inO, Amhroisc , 4-5 , 4/
treatmcn1 ~59 Parathyroid a.kil°o1 na,_22Z l'a,..,meralnuiri1i0!\." l l 7- l22
me1asrn1ic<l isease , 'Vi0 -951 l'arathyroi d carci1101na, __<13Z carbohyd ra1e co11te!H,! 21
nonmetastat icd iseaselocalized l'ararhyroi d disease.3-12-343 complicarionsof.121, 1211
prcoperat ivdy, 950 inherited , -2.2G:2JZ conditions requiring c~utious use
nonme<a<taticdisea~>t familial hypcrpar>thyroidbm of, 1191 m1ury,
locali,cd prcoperativcly, dhordcrs ,2lG:2.1Z.. 9371 incri1icallyil l paticnt>,563-564 thoracic . 1895
!umorigenesisof, 946-947
muh ipleendocri nenwplasia,
fl uid,!22
Pe<lide , 1421, 1')55
Pe<lidedflap. 868 -87 0
vasoacri veintestin~c l'arathr roi d glands. 885 , 923-940 for mular ionsof. 118- !19, l l9t Pedided gluteusmaximtos. 1963
9%-'l57 anatornr of. 923_924 - - lipidcontmt , 122 l'cdided gracilis muscle, 1962
diagnosisof, 956-957 ccntral nodc~ n clfccts on , o rdering, 119, 120/ Pelvic floor, 13 14, 1315/131(>/
treatmcn t of,..22!!:.222 prntcincon tcnt,1 22 anawmyof. 1312- 1318, 1314/
l'ancreaticpolypcp1ide, 944 embryologyof, ')23. ?24/ routesof, lll - 112 arterialsupplyandvenousand
Pancreaiicpseudocy>t, 1530- 153 1. localiu1ionof. ~ 9301 l'aremeral nuiri tion -assa<:i~ted liver lympha1ic <l r.inagc .
1530/1536- 1537- - invasiveproope rativc. 931, disease(l'NALD) , 666-667 1314- 1317, 1317/1322/
l'ancrcaticsecrction , phasesand 932/ - Pa rietal cell. a~ri v:i t ion an d secretion rnusclcs, 1314
regul>tionof,1524 negati\'cirnagi ng, 21-!_ hy,1 193-1194,1194{ ncn•cs,13 18
Pancre>tictraum a, 1552- 1553, no ninva.<lvcpreoperat t>"e , l'arictalcdlvagotomy, 1206, 120(>/ pararecialfa>cia, 1314, 1315/
15521 930-931 , 930/ l'arotidgland . 807 pel,·icfloor, !314.1315f1316/
l'ancreaticojejunostomy physiologyof, 924 -925 l'arotitis,323 - Pelvicfloordisorders,1 381 - 139 1,
lareral, 1535 sn rgicalanatornyof. 923-924 l';irsflaccidatcchn i<]uc ,1169 1395- 1400
pa ncre.>togastrostornywnus. \ 549 l'arathvroidmetabolism,d isnrdcrsof. l'a rr rask trainers . te.•ching diagnosisfor. 138 1- 1382
Pancrcaiicopleuralfistulas , 1531, -22.i:22.2 fundam cr11al sk ;ll;wj1h, 402, jncorui neuce,1395-139 7
1531/ - c:.kiphylaxi< , 928-929. 929/ 403/ rcctoalc,1399- 1400
l'ancreatit is, .66.l_ congcnitalhypoparathrroidism , l'arcialbrcastirrnd iation , 853.8541 recmmprolapse. su llcctalprola1"e
acute.suAcmepancreati! is _w_ l'artialshums,1443.1443/ Pelvicfracrnres, Young and Burgess
autoimmune , 1532 hypcrcalccmiccrisis . 928 l';irtial weigh t bearing, 502 classificationd.489,490/
chronic. setCh ronic pa ncreat itis hypcrparathyroidism T25-926 l'assiveserotherapy. 7 16-717 Pelvicinfecrion ,2039
idiopath ic,1532 hypopara thyroidisrn , 925 l'assjvcwar ming, 55 -56 Pelvicmasscs,2035
nut ri t ioml considctatio n<, ill nonpar•thyroidalhyp~kcmia , l'astcur,l.oui s, {,J_ - managernen t of,2046.2047,
tropic•l, 1532 m n7b l'atcll!ducms arteriosus{PDA) , 20461
l'ancreatocutancoushscula, l.ii! primary hyperparathyroidism . 1625-1626.1625/
l'ancreatoi;astrn•tomy, 'BL_ 927t Pathoi;cn-as"x:iatcdmolccula r
pancrcaticnjc)'mostomyutnus. pseudohypnpara th yroidi sm. __2l_5_ pattcrns( l'AMl's) . 11, 26/
1549 secondaryan<l ieniary l'athogcn -spccificconsiderations,
hyperpara1 hyroi<l is111, 256-262
-222:22B.. 928b l'a thologicfractures, 463


Pelvis , 2069-2070 Pcria11al tutnots, 141 2-1 414 Petipheralancrial di>c""' (Cc>11i>wrd) l'hlebography, 1833
anacom)'o( 2027-2033 l'ericardial cym. l§.!Q physiologic testing and imaging , l'hotodynamictherapy.236
diagnoscicimaging of, 475, 476/ l'ericardialtamponade. 1678 1758-1764.1 758f 1760/ Phrenic nerve , 1672/
cmbrpilogyof, 2027, 2Q1s , Pcriduct:il ma>1 i1 i; ,l!.16_- 17581- 17591 Phrcnoe<ophagcal membrane ,
injurico to. 444-446,445/ Pcrimcml>ranous vcntricubr:;cptal science of, 1755- 1756 l 05lf
scobk -4.lIB defeet , 1628 surgicalrevascularizat ion l'hrenopulmonar)'h iatus , 1093/
urmabk 488-489 Perinea! hernia , 1115 proce<luresfor,1 77 1-1 772 l'hpicalcxamin0<ion , forcongc11 i1al
l'embroliwmab, 719r l'erineal procrosigmoidectom)'. for su rgical treatment in , !765-176? hc.u rdiscase . 162 1-162 2
l'enetratingabdo m inalr ra toma , rectalprolapse . 1384, crit icalli mb isehem ia, 1767. l'hysiologic dedine, 32?-331
c,·.lua!ion of, 434, 434{ 1385f1386f - 1768/ l'hytohcwaTs, 347 - -
Pcnicillins, 258-25 9 Pcrincum ,2070 diahcticfoot , 1767- 176?, 1768/ Pickwickiansyndromc, 1167
Pcpsinogen ,1 195 r<"<Construct ionof,1 962- 1963, intermittemdaudica1ionfor. PICOTreseard1question, !831
l'ep<icukerdisease, 1!43-1145, 1963/ 1765 -1 767, 1767/ l'igeonbreasi , 160 1
Perioperativebctablockertherap)' treatm entof. 1764- 1779 Pilocyt icamocyrom>. 1?11
recommendat ion . 1..!1 l'eriphcralartery.>neurysms. 1782 l'ilon idaldisease , 1408-140?
Pcriopcrati,·cdiabctic management, Pcriphcralncrvcblo<'.ks, 382- l'incalrcgio nturnoTS, 1912-1913
216-217, 2161 PcriphcralTrcg<,613 - l'incohlas10ma , 1')13
l'erioperativeisehemia, 297-299 l'eriphcralvaseulardisease, 352 Pineoc)'wma , 1912- 1913
caukof,2'1Z - - l'eriponal zone,of ]i,•er,1429 l'inna . ~
presentat ion anddiagn osisof. J.2Z Peritoneal cavity, 1075 l'iriform>inuse>, ~
treatmentof, 297-2?9, 298t, 29?/ Peritoneal disorders . 1076-1081 l'iriformis mu scle, 1093/
Pcriopcr.tti,·clivcrdccornl'cnsation, asd tc< , 1076-1078 1076b l'iivipcts, 532, 533/
565-566 pcrironitis. ue Pcrirnni tis l'i1u i1ary<;;;g;:-ry, 805, 806/
l'eritonealspace , 1096-10?7 Pituitary-t h)'toid tee:dbackloo1»

Pc;;::n~:~:~ 1 ~~,~~·1~~~~ 1067/

11 <valuat io n of. .!!.§.2
Place-and-holdprotocol. 1?90,
mal ignan t neopfosms of. \ 9?0/
1080- 1081 l'lacc1ualabrup1ion , 204? -2050
drngs, 1198-1199 andpcrironcalavity, 1075-1081 l'lainradiography - -
surgical proc~dures for, 1205 anatomyof. 1075, 1075/ forappendicitis. 1299
Pept idehormones, -21.1 - physiologyof,1 075-1076 forcongenitalhear1d isease , 1622,
Pcrn"'io n,1125 Pcriton itis, 1078- 1080, ..!.!lQ:.!.!l! 1622/ -
Plaque morphology, !755
ambulatotyfX'riwneal l'la.srnacelk 616
dialysis,1079-1080 l'lasrnacyroiddcndrit iccdls ,
percussionand , 1125 600·601
l'eritrochantericmetastat icrenalcel l Plasmacytoma, 191 4
cardnom>, 779/ Plast icrnrgcry, 1938- 1?74
Pcrivcnu lar •m nc,oflivcr,1429 ofhcada ndncck ,1')48 - 1953
Peronealperforawrs , 1829/ facialaesthc1icsurg<ry,
Peronealvcin , 1829/ 1950- 1953
l'eroneal,·essels, 1822/ facialrcconstruction ,1950
l'eroralendoseopicmyotom)' facialtransplamat ion , 1950
(POEM), 397, 397/ maxillolacial ttaum>,
PcTShtcnt artcri-;Jd;"ict , 16 2 ~-16 26 1?48- 1')49
1625/ sealpr<"<'OllS!fUC!iOJ»
Persistemaneria l irunk, 1 6~0- 16U. 1949- 1950
1631fl632/ pediatric, 1945- 1?48
l'ersistcnt seiaticartery.1 78 1- 1782 craniofacialsurgcry,1915 - 1947.
l'crcutancouscn do_;copicg.stmstomy Pcr.<onali,cd medicine tria l<. .!2!!:!12 1945/
(PEG), bc.lsidc , 579-583 Pcrnnumah, 7 19< mdanocyticncvi , 1948
l'errnrnneousethano linjenioo (PEI) , l'eurz-Jegherssyndromc ,6911. 1271, neckmass.,s,1947- 1948
JA<il 1368t, .Lllb.!211 - vascular anomalies , 1947
l'erer's patchc>. 1245 oftrunk. 1?53- 1?65
l'h armaeo<lyn am io, 251 l'latdet endothclial ccll.>dhesion
Pharmacokinctics,251 ~ (PECA/v!-1) , _!l!i_
magncticrc<onanccangiogr:iphy Pharyngoc<nphagcal (Zenker) l'latclcts
Per<:utancoustrnnshepatic in, !764.1764/ diverticulum , 101?- 1020, 1020/ alphagranu les , 130- 131
dwlangiography (l'TC}, in lowerextremit)'•tnputations , l'hcmermine,foroksit)'. 1164 deseript ionof, .!lQ
bi liary tree disease . 1489, 1490/ \ 76?- 177 1,1 769/.176?1 l'hcnykphrinc, 556 Pl>tcs, 468-470
l'crcu t;ineousvein abbtion , above-kneea mpo tation , l77l l'h eoch romocyto ma,980-985, \ 612 , l'lcomorphicadcnoma, _§_QZ_, 808/
11137- 1839 177 1/ 2062 l'leur~ , 1604-1607
l'crfluon><'."Arhons, 78, 78/ hdow-knccampuiation , 177 1, l'lcur~l effusion;, 1(,()4- 1605 1604b
Perfora1edappendicilis 177 1/ benign. 1605
bacteria commonly isolated in. ray amputat ion , 1770.1 770/ ma lignam , 1605. 1606/
transmctatarsa l amputation , Plcur:iTAuid , 1605
1302 1770- 1771 , 1770/ Plcu r:il spacc , 1604
mcdical1rcauncntof, 1764 - 1765, inju ri cs, f i l 428/
Cro lrn's <li<ed<e and , 11§2 17661 l'lurnrncr-Vin>on syndrome , 798
esophagcal. 1025-1026, 1025/ open surgical management , Pluripotemsremcells, 154 . i6J,
l025r - - 1772- 1775 164t --
ulccr <;c a™>Cbtc<l with , aorto iliacdiseasc ,1772- 1774, induccxl , J..!i.i,J.fil
12o4- 1205, 1204/ 1774/ Pneu matic antishock garments, i l l
Perfora wrflaps . 1942 complicatiocisof, 177 5 l'neumatosisiniestinalis. 1289,
l'erianal<likase,125 7,1341 lowcrexttem ityocd usive 1289/
Crohn'sd iseaseand. l.Ui.5_ disease . 1771- 1775 l'nromorptiscari'1ii, 1597


PrcgnanC)' (Gm linu~dJ Prroper:ui vcfaS! ing, 228 -230

melanoma and . ~ Preopemivcmalnlltrition. 1325
physiologiccha nges in,2053· l'reoperativepreparacion,of pa cient ,
2055 ,20 541
prctcrm bhor, prevention of. 2057
Prcopcr:uh-cskinprcpar:uion , .2.ll
smal!bowel obotructionin , 2~ Preopera 1iv~ surger)'. princip les o f,
surget)'duriug,204 7-2051, 2fiLMll
pneumonia 2053-206 7 l'reoper>tivctesting,ingeri.>iric
l'neu mo1horax , BQ:fil 1607 , Posteriorleaflec , 1694/ diagnoscicconsideracioman<l pa tient5, 2l!l
1Go7b Post crior re<:tusshcath incision, with cvaluation ,2048 Prcpcritoncal fat , 1067/
gaslrocsophagcalrcfluxdi_-;casc rctmm uscularmcshpl accmcnt , m inimallvi nvasivc. 2057-2058, Prcpuhcrta lgynccoma:;d a, 822-823
surgery and, 1056 ! 112 205 8b,2059/- - Pressure control \'cmilacio1;:-ss8
Poland syndrome,1 601 !'osteriorre1roperi1011eoscopic physio logic changesin , Pressureregula1c.:lvolumeconcrol,
Polyarte ritisnodos>, 1780 aclrenalccto my. 22Q:22..!_, 990/ 204 7-2 048 558
l'olycystic liverdisease, 1469 l'ostgastrectomys)'n drom es surgica l co mp licacionsof.
Polydaciyly, 2015, 20 1l f l2llllli 2048-2049
Polyrn astia , 814 Post -gastric h~·pa<> non iosuli no m a tliyroiddi<c>.\.cin , 911-912
Polymer., 1'544- 1945 pancrea1ogenoushypoglycemia h )'J>e rt hyro idism~ Pressure ulcers , stages of,
l'olymorphonude.rcells syndrome , 959 h ypoihyro idism, 912 1965- 1967
apoptosiso( IJ2 l'ostmeno pau salp;licnts, with UTl . thyroidcarcino m0 12 Pretcrm bbor. prevent ion of. 2057
wound -hc.>lin-;;;; le o( 1.12 2W2 t h)"roidnodulc . 9 12 Pri.,pism , 20 97
Polyrnyxins , 260-261 - Postopcrat iwcornplkAtions , traurna in , 2065 - Primary adren al insufficiency, l l i
d osing of,~ 340-342 "<0SCu!ar discascof, 2064.2065 Primaryampu!ation , 483-484
l'olyoma(B K~rus ,656 -657 Prehabilitac ion ,342 l'rimarybiliarycirrho~
l'olypoi<llesions,ofgallbladd er, l'rcmenop ausal pacicms,wich UTI . l'rimarybonesarcomas. iOT.3
1511 -15 12, 1511/ 2llZl. Primarybraintumors . 1 ~1 9 15
Polyps. 1uab0Familialadenomatons l' iveassc'5 ment, 3J4-.HO, cen trol nervous system metast,, is ,
po lyposis (FA !') 335r,336/ -- 19 15. 1916/
..s risk factor< for gastric ~"-nCCt, cogni!i"c "'"'"'rn cn1 , 335-337 gcrmcd l tumor< , 1914
12 15, !215/ comorbidi ty, 337-338- - intra-axialbrainmmors,
l'olytheli J. 824 !'ostoperat ive fover, 289-290 . 28?1 frailty,339 19 10- 1?12
Polyun" "';:;;;:-d ~ fanyacids. Postopcrat ivc hypcrtcn,ion , 296-2?7 functionof, )38 -339 ly mphom asand hcmatopoictic
Popl i1eal anerya 11eurym1S, !782,
Postopcro tivc
infcctions, 193_ 5 _
ntanagcme ITT,Ol'
activiticsof da ily livjng. 338
American Society of
tu mors , 1914
meninges,tun1or o f, 1913
1783/ - Va>cular inj ury, 1822 Ancs1hesiologis1> neuto11al ,an<l n1ixcdneurunal-
l'opliiealencrapmcmsyndrome , Postopcrat i•·e pneumonia , 247-2'1? , d a,.ifi ocion ,338 gliallllmors, 19 12
Popl itcalvcin , 1829/
2471 --
!'<>'1radia1ionhypotliyroidism , 890
exercise tolerance ,338
gait, moh ility, and fall risk
pinealregioncumors , 1?12- 1913
p rim itivc ncurncctodcrmal ttinl<>r>.
Porrnccpha ly,1927 Post-thro mhotj csyndromc(PT S) , 19 \3
PonacavaJ;hum,end-w-side,1440 1840 sel!arr<11ion,1umorsof,
Portalh )'penension,1436 - 1445 !'ost-1ransplan1a1ion 19l 4 - l 9 l 5. 1914/
assessmentof.1137 lymphoprol ifcra tivedisorder Primary centra l nervous system
bleedin grel.ced co , 1148-llSl , (l'TLD) , 627 . 672 lym phoma , 1914
1149/ -- Post- tr.ium atic~t~trc>. 2019 Primaryhcpa1icncurocndocrinc
managcmcnco( 1149-1150,
1149/ -- :::;::~:111;a~~~;;cningi1 i., ~ tumors, 1464
l'rimaryhyperaldo«erooism ,
endoscopic, 1149-1 150.
1\ 50/- -
!'ouchofDouglas, 1313- 13 14 m.:w.
l'ouchi t i.,\3 '1 6 . ~ Primaryhyper parathyroidism . ?27 .
me<lical, J.1±2 Poupartligamem, 1066-1067 ?271 -
othcr,1 150 Pm·idonc-iodinc,2-55- - diagnosisof, 92 71. 929, 929 /,
rchlcedjngprcvcn1ion , Powcrcdph lc hcc10 my (TriVcx) , 1840 inmu h i plccndocr~rnp la>ia
1150- 115 1 Prebioc ics ,1320- 1321 1ype 2. IOO?- IO lO
<lefio i1ionof, 1436- 1437 , 1437/ PreJnisone, 623r l'rimary nwdiaS! ina lqsts,
pathophriologyof, 1437 l'reganglio ni c symp.nhctic nerves , 1580-1581 ._!§__l_Q
Portal ped idcs, 1425 \3 18 l'rimarymcdiastinal neoplasms,
Portal vein Pregnancy l.G..lli:..LhlJ
CAYcrnom3lous!r.insforma!ion of, abdomin al pain in , 1131 - 1 132, 37Jb endocrine tumors, ~
1437 1131f 1132r, 2057. 205 7b fascingbeforesurgery.376,376r ganglion tumors, 1612
of liver, 1423- 1424, 14 24/ acmeabdomc nin , 205 7. 2057 b hepat icdisease, 37 5 germ cell rnmors ,lf!l
Ponosystemicshun ts . 1433 adenosiso( fil nutrition, endocrinology, and lympho m as , 16\3
Positivcend ex piratorypre'5ure anesthesiasafctyconccrnsin metabolism , 3 75-376 mal ignant nontera toma tousgcrm
(PEEP), 558 2056-2057 pulmonary discasc ,374-37 5,3 7 51 cdl !umors, lf!l
Positron emission tomography brc~st C&nccr associ~ tcd with , rrnal discasc, 375 ncurohlastoma, 161 2
(l'ET) . 792 2058 -205? syscemsapp roachto, ll!bZ.22 neurogrnicrnmors , 1612
with " F-fl-;,:;;-odcoxyglucose, J!2Z breascmasses, 205 8- 2060,2061/ cardiovascularsystcm , 1.!Q:l.!b non>rnunomacoustumors ,
gastricca nccrstaging and , 122 1 colonand rcct umin , 2064 211t
Postanesthesiacare, ..JBl:J.M - diagnosticimagingconsidcratiom pa ragangl ioma
circulatoryco rnplications, J..8..4 in , 20 5 5-2056,20551 (pheoch rurnocywma) ,16 12
cogni ti ,·edcclinc, -18.3 cndocti nc d iscasc in, 2062-2063 scrni no mas, lf!l
d el iriu m, 383 hc pa ciccomplicationsrelaccd to . !<r:ttomas, 161!
hypmheri~J.&i 2050 immunes)'stem,218 chymoma, 1610-1611 , 1610/
postopcr3livcagiu1ion , J83 hc pa to hiliary d isca:;cin , o ra l d irect thrombin and r.~ct or Primary nerve repair, \ 992- \ 993
postopcr>1ivcna •1Scaao d 2JlJill'"""1 Xainhibitors , 220-222 Primary patency, 1797

vomiting, 383-384, 3841 h iswry.2036 pulmonar)' S)'S!C1n , 2l2 -213 , Primar)'p11cu1na10<is, 1289
pn<wpetO!iVc\'isual lo<s, ..3.M i11 flammawrybowel diseasc in, 2l41-215 r -- Ptim aryrcnaldiscases,rccurtcncc
respira1orycomplica t ions. 1.!lJ renal system , l_!l ra tesand ,6511


l'ri111ary<elero>i11gdwlangi1is (PSC) , l'townpu1np inhil_,irors,asrisk Pulk oximetry. for conge11 i1al l1c~tt Radionudidcs, 12.l.
fil 1J41 , 1508- 1509 foctorforgasrriccancer, discasc . 1622 Radiosurgcry. 237
cl inical pre..,ntation of. 1509, 1215-12 16 Punch biopsy, of cutaneous Radon,associatedwithlungcancer,
1509/ l'roto·oncogcnc<, 1363 mclanoma , 11i!_ 1583
treat ment of. 1509 Provi raljnscrrion ~iagcncsi5, 697 Putrcfaction ,1323 RAGl. 6 14 -615
l'rimarysolidmalignantnroplasms, Proximalcholangiornrcinoma, Pyelonephrii is, 207 3, 207 3/ RAG2 ,6l4 -615
1458-1 464 ireatmemof, 1517.151 7/ Pylorus-preserving Whipple Raloxife11e. ~
hcparocellularcarcinomo l'roximalcontrol. 1814 procedure, w,.,~snon -pylorns­ Ramucirumah, 7191
1458-1463 l'roximalgamicv:igotomy, 1206 prcscrving Whipplcprocedure, Ramus imcrmcd ius. 1658
in1rahcpaticd1olangiocardnoma , Proximallcftantcriordc<ccnding 1549 Randomizc<l<:on trolledtrials
~ artcrydi;casc , 1668 Pp>gcnkab$Cc>s. 1445- 1449 (RCTs), 178
Primarysun·ey, 413 l'roxima lpara1ibial perfora mt1, dinica l feaiuresof, 1446.1 447 variaiionsof.\78 -1 79
l'rimarywound ~ ure, 1938 1829/ 1447/ 14471 Randomize<lOn/OffBypass
l'rimitiveliver. roleo( 1420 Prune-belly syndrome. 1579-1580 amebic .> bscc"wm<s, l 448t (ROOBY)rrial. 1680
l'rinrnm atfiovcntricobrscptal 1'-sdectin ,612 d iffcrcntialdiagnosisof, Ranibiwmah, 719r -
dcfc..:t ,1629 P«:udohypacalami~ . 924 1447-1448 14481 Ransol10ffsign . 11261
l'rol>an<l , .61:!.2 P<cudohyp<>parathyrokl;;n , 90.925 epidemiology of, 1445 Rapamycin , 627. ,«11b0Sirolimus

Probiotics,l320- l321 l'scudomembranouscolitis ,.!L:.Ll_ outcomes of, J±i2 Rasgone fan\ily.90l-90l
l'ro<:es"'d !ipoasp ira<ecdls, _lfil Puudomon11S aer"gi110"1, 264 pa1hogencsis of,1445 - l446.144Sr Rasielliprocedur~
Procidenria, 1382- 1387, 1382/ m >ppendicitisand ,1 297 pat hology and microbiology of. Rathkc's pouchcysts , 803-804
a/wl<e<otalprolapsc l'sc11domyxomapcritonei , 1080, R..~xihacumah , 7191
l'ronii is, l}iQ 1080/1308 Ray amputation , !770, 1770/
l'ro<:tocolcc rnmy, reMor>tivc P«:udo-oli>!rnction , 1336-1339, Raynaud p hcnomcnon , 1603-1604
crit ical consideration in, 1338/ Raynaudsyndrome , 1779 - 1780
1346-1347 l'scudoperitoneal cyst ,1 929 l'yogenicgranuloma,2012 RCIS. u eRandomize<l controllcd
IPAAand ._!l!!! P:;cndoxanthomadasticum , 1781 Pyruvatc, 102 trials (RCTs)
rostopera t ivecarefor. 1348 Pwasahsce", 1086/ o~ idat i ..:;-Jecarboxylation of, 102/ Reactive asthma, obesity and , 1 167

:::;~,:'.~,',:~~:,~,~:r::;,:~,~.' ~95
Pwa> muscle, 1096/ Pytu\'atekin....,ddicicncy,1561 Rc<:ep1ivcrdaxa1ion, 1196
Psoa>sign , 1125 Pyuria, 250 Rttcptor1. i11 srnall in!c>< inc, 1245
Progressi•·ecare un i1, l93-l'l'i l'sychosis, 320-321 Recons! inn ion ,119 7
Pronamrsyndrome , 2006-2007 l\yll ium ,1321 - 1323 Q
Qnaljtyoflifc,,mall howcl
l'rop.1gatcdactivity,incolon ,1324 Pubeny, 822-823 hrca>Li«lircas1rcconstruction
Propcnsiryscorcanalysis, l.B..h182 Pubic tubercle , 1095/ '"rnsplant ationdfcctson , Ji7J in chest wall , 1603
l'roperdin ,1 557 Puborttialis,13 14 Quali1y-adjusiedlife-1·cars (QA LYs), 11 ipple-arrolar, 876/
l'rophylac1 ictna>tccw111y, l!J.5 Pucstowprocedutc, rnodified, 1535 _ill Norwood , 1648, 1648/
l'rophylaxis,endocardit is, 373-374 l'ulmonaryamryslings .1651 , 1652/ Quantim ivetests, forliver.1436, for pancreas, 1546. 1548/
Propionate,13 23 l'u lmonaryaneryun ifocalization , 1436t oftrachca , J22i
Propofol, 362.3631, 550-551. 1637 Rccon>trnct ivctcchniquc5,
557-558 -- Pulmonary artery vise , 1632 R 1938- 1945
l'ropronolol, 124,523 Pul111011aryauesia Rsiatus, 1217- 1218 alloplasticmaterials,1943- 1945
l'rostagb,,d;1;---F2a~ l inrnnventricula rscf>tun1and, Ral_,bi1 atuith yn1ocyteglobuli11 1nicrov....,ular frtt tissue 1ransf~r,
l'romghndins , E2 , 7TO 1636- 1637 (RATG) , 625 -626 1942- 1943
Prostate,anammyof, 2069-2070 withventricularseptaldefoct, Rabies , fil:i18_ primary wound closure, 1938
l'rostatccAnCcr,2100-2102 , 2 1011 1637 Radi.lancry, 200(>f .kinfhp<urgcry, 1939- 1942
Pro,1atc-•pccihcantigcn (PSA) , Pulmonary disease , 374-375. 375t Radial artery graft , 1673 >kingrafts ,1939
699-700 g:mroewphagealreAuxdiscase Radial foroarm fa>ciocuianrous Hap. 1issueexpat»ion,1943,
l'rosd1e1ic ''alws, 17 031, 17111, and, 1046 8 13-814 , 814{ Rc.:1al cancer, 1377- 1381 ,
1714- 1716, 1715/ 1715r 1'11 lnionarydysfunction , opcnaortic Hadi ~ ill aboColorect>lcanccr
l'rotaminc , 1676- 1677 surgery,complicationsof, 1742 Hadiation, in pregnancy, 2060 abdomina l perincalrcscctionin ,
!'rote~«: «:rinc I (f'RSS!) gene , 1532 Pulmonaryc<lcma , 293-294. 293b Radbtioncarcinogrncsi s,( ;95-696 137 9
Protcasc>. .lil - cau.<.<--s of, 29~-2 ~ Ra<li>1ioncn1critis,1290-~ fulgurationof,1379
presentat ionan<lmanagememof. 129-0b localexcisionof,1378 - 1379
12.£ 2941 Ra<liation 1herapy lowamerior resection in ,
Pnlmonaryembolislll . 230, 294-296 basal cell carcinoma treated with , 1379- 1380.1380}1381/
inbariatricsurgcry. T\8i - - 749 transanalendo:;copic microsurgery
inintrnsivccareuni1,567 breastcancertrc>tedwith , J!'.ji of,1379
Pulmonarvcvalm1ion , 207-209, breast reconstruction , ill trca1mrntof, 1377- 137 8
209b afterbrtast-conse,.,,ing surgery...853. Rectal fascia , 1314
l'ulmonaryfunnionte<t ing,37 5 contraindica1ions10 ,846b Rec1alpain,occurrenccof. ~
Pulmonary infections , 1595-1598 foresophagcalcanccr. 1036-1037 Rectal prolapse, lJ82- l387 , 1382/
hronchiectasi s, J222- - fo• pancreaticcancer,1550- 155], 1397- 1399
brunchopulrnonarydisorders, 1595 1550t ahdominal proc~xlurcs in ,
fungalandpara>itic,1 596.15~ posunastccwmy,1!.SA 1398-1399
1597/ squamous cell carcinoma treated anatomy of, 1382
lungabsces.s ,..!222 with , 749 biofeedbackand,1 399
mvcohactcrjalinfections, Radical neckdi=ction , 794,794 ( caux:sof, 1382
.li22:.l..22!i Radioactive iodine t herapy. ~ clinical p rcsmtationof, 1397
Pulinonaryinjuries, 428.429, 429/ Radioacti\'e iodine uptake, 889, diffcreiu ial diag11osisa11 d
Pulmonaryrnetast3<cs, 1599· 1600 889b,890/ - inwsiigationof, 1382.1383
l'ulmonaryphysiology, in newborn , Radiofrcquencyablation (RFA) , incontinence and,1399
1858-1859 236-237 . .12!!., IOH-10~-l. operat iverepairfor, !383-1387
Pulmonaryocqucstration , 1581, iliLJA62 abdominal approaches,
186~-1866 - Radioimmunotherapy, .zl.!. 1 '18'1-1 ~84
Radionudide<ea11ning,diagn0<ic>g perineal approaches, 1384- 1387
lower G I hemorrliageus ing, pllhogcncsisof,1 397 - -
Hcspiratorysystcm ll22_ pathophysiologyof. 1382

INDEX prolaps.e (Conthwed) Rc;iingelectroc<trd iognphy, fo r Rhinoplasiy. 1952

perinealprocedurcs in,1397- coronaryarterydiscase. 1662 Rhomboid flaps, 1940
1398, 1399/ Resting cnergyexpenditure(REE), Rhytis, 1952
prcopcrativccvaluat ionof,1397 . i!fillj) Rib fractu re>, 1603
1398/ Rcstitution ,1197 Richmond Agitat ion and Sedation
surgicalcorre-cc ionof,1 397- l399 lkswrn1 ive proctoco!ectomy Scor«(RASS), --5AB.
symptoms of, 1382 cri1icalconsidera1 ion in, Rie<lel lobe , 1422- 1423
Rectocdc , l388-l389 , \388/ 1Yi6-l347 Riedelmu ma, 891
1399-1400 ll'At\and ,111__!!_ Rll'L£criteria. 564, 564r
dinicalcvalu>tion of, 1399-1400 postopcra1i,·ccarcfor, 1348 Rightadrcnal gland ,964f965/
t reatment of, 1400 Rcsusdtation , 44-45 - Right adrcnal vcin ,964f965/
surgical. 1400 endpoimsof.555-556 Right coronary cusp. 1694/
Rectopexy.with m<>h fixa1ion , 1399 fluid , 69/ Righ t hepatic vein , 966/967/
Rcctovaginal fisru la , 1409-1410 blceding , 64 -65 Right infe rior phrenicartery.
Rectovagina\ scptum , 2033 blon<! substitutes, 77-78 964/965/
Rcci um, \093/ 13121393 acutc, .JQl:lQl causi ngi nflamma!ionafter,G81 Right lym pha1icduc1 , 1849/
anatomy of, 1312- 1318, 13 14{ cau<csof, 301- _W2. 3021 damage con trol. 70, 70b Right renal artcry,964f965/
arterialsupplyandwnousand d iagnosticevaluaiionof.3031 evolut ion of, !il;JI Right renal ''ein,964/965/
!ympha1icdrainage. freeze-drie<lplasma , l'J-80, 79/ Righ1-sidMdi,·eriiculi1is,special
1314- 1317, 1317fl322/ future rc.c.uch , 77-8--r-- consider>tionsfor. 13J4
nerves,1J l 8 hi story of, 44-50--- Ringer,Sydne)', 48 . 48/49/
par.trec1alfasda, 1314, 1315/ massivc tr•~on protocol , Ringcr'ssol utiOJ;-;--69, 691
pckicAoor, 1314, 1315fl316/ 1!:.U_, 731 Ripstdnrcpa i r,fo~ talprolapsc ,
cmbryo!ogyo( 13!2.1313/ with _l_;_l__;_L Zl ll!:Ll_
fo><:iapropriaof,1314 perfluorocarbons, 78. 78/ Rirnximab, 6231. f i l 7 19r, _ll__Q
k ngthof, 1313- lJ \ 4 r ha rmacologicag.;:;-;; fo,, l!Q:!!_! Rivaroxa ban , 221
posterioraspcctof. 13 14 r roblcm, with , 63-67. 641 RNA vi ruses. 697
f>O<w1.enm•cn'"nagc1 ncn1 shock treatc<l wi!h,55 5 RNA-basc<l markers, 701-702
l"otocolsof, 1329-1330 <u<pendcd anirna!ion ,lU_ Rohotk pancrcadcoduodrncctorny,
inprcgnancy, 2064 wboleblood, 70-71 1549-1550
preoperat ive workup and stoma ingroom ,21 Robo1icsplencctomy. 1566-1567
planning,1324- 1330 Rcsuscitati\'c cndovascular h.:.lloon Robotiu,393-406
intestinal sto maspbnning, ocdu,ion of the aorta Rocbll.core, .l.111, 1142h, 11Ql,_
1326, 1326/ {REBOA), 416-4 17 1202r
nu1ti1ional am,.> mctu ,1 325 RETprow-oncogcne, 1004, 1005/ Ro.:uronium , 3651
preopcrati\•ebowd preparat ion , Retainedbiliarystone..----r505.1506/ Roentgon.Wilhelm , 8
1325-1326 Retinoblastoma , 690.6911,692/ Rol linghern ia.1044f
>toma typc5, 1326- 1327 Rct inohlastoma p.o.;:;n (pRb) , Rooste,. , 1604
Rectusabdom inism u><:k , 1067/ iifil.:fil!l Rossopcr:uio n, 1642- 1643
1070/ lktrogrodeuretl irognms,2093/ Rorn1ionflaps .1940
Rec1 usabdon1inis n1)'0Curnnrous free lktropcriwneal aon ic e~po<ure , Roncr's nodes. ]lQ
Hap.815/ 1730-1731. 1730/ Round ligament pain . 1306
Rectussheath , 1066-1067, 1067/ Retroperitoneum, 1065- 1091 Routinescrceningtests,forliver,
1070/ - - ab<-cc><c<of, \ 0~1 0861 1435-1436
hcmatomaof, \ 072 an>tomyof, 1085 Roux-cn-Ygastrichypass (RYGB) ,
Recurremdisea.e,1reatmeruof, disorders of,!086- 1089 959 , 1163- 1165,1169- Jl?l,
lli.:lli fibrosisof, .lillil_ ll71b,l i72/11 75/
Recurrent hcrnias ,1104 hematomasof, 1086- 1087 complicat ion,of, 1181 - 1182,
Recurrent intestinal obstruction , malignant oeoplasmsof, 11811
rnanagcrncntof, 1253-1254 .l!!1!1:J.!lli2
Recurrcntlaryngcalnervc, .l!!.L 812/, oper:uiveap prm chcsto , 1085
882-883, 883/915/ ')20 sarcomaof, 766-770. 76~
Recu~genicdwlang;;i. , 1088-1089, 1088/
1454-1455, 1455/ \ 507- 1508 Retrovir.i l vectors , .!§2
presen tat ion of, 1507- 1508, 1508/ Revasculariz.>tion
treatm ent of, 1508 complct<:nc«of, 1668
Red man syndrome , 262 for LCA CAO , 1668
Redoco ronaryarterjbypassgrnfci ng, for previousCABG , 1668
1683/ Revascularil aiion procedure, Sabi><on,David, 12- 13, 13/
Reductio n mamm aplasty, 1955 evaluating, 1782- 1784 Saccularanc11 rysms. 1904- 1906,
Refc.:d ing,yndrome, __IJ_Z_, 563-564 Rever"'abdo minoplasty, 1971 \905b, \ 905/ 19{)61. 1907/
Rege11cr.11io n Rcvi><..J Cud iac Risk Index (RC RI} , Sacralpressuresores, \ %7
defi nition of, _lfil 1l!!:1l!_,_ 2111 Sacrococcygc• ltcrato~l893-
ofliver,1435 Revised Tm1ma Score (RTS) , 411, 189ti, 1893/
s1emcellsfor.1uStemcel!s 41 11 - Safety ivc ma!idne , 163-172 Rcwarming tcchn i<1ucs, 55-56, 561 for f>t:dsidc surgic>lproccdn rc< ,
biocnginceringfor, 168- 169 Rhabdomyolysis, _2!}_ - 578-579, 579b, 580/
Regional anesihcsia, 378-382 Rhabdornyo<arcorna, 804-805, cult ureof, fo>1et ing, 1brough
1,,.,.~1 ancsthciic d rugs , 378-380, 1890-1891 -- lcader:ship , 188
3801 cl inical presentation of, 1890 national and healthcare
spinalanesthcsia,380-381 diagnosis and staging of, system-level.afetyini tiat ives,
Regionalpcrfusion, 61-63 1891b 190-195. 190h,19 1J- 192•
Rcgor.ifcnib, fo r gastrointcsti nal pcriopcr:nivc , localorgani·,,tional
>tromaliumors, 1280 S!fuctur«!O pro1noie,
Rehal_,il irn1io11,ofacutctr3uma, 446
Remedialpa rathyroi dectomy. ~


Segn1crua l fractu res, 464, 46{)/ Sh0<:k (Continued) Si nonas.l1rac1111 alignaucies, .fill3.
Segmental rcsection ,2042 Auidresuscicationfor.555 Sinuscachycardia .55J
Seizured isorder, 32.l hemorrhagic .501.553-554 Sinusi tis, nosocomial, 248, lll:J1J
cau><--s of, Jl! h iswryof, 44-50 Sirolimu< ,6231, fill. 670.671
prc<cntat ionandrnanagcrncn1of, hypothcrm~53-56 Six -a nt igen match , 60}-604, 604/
hypovolemic ,55J::SS4
la<:iaie defici t , 52-53
Skeletal sarcomas, l l i
Skelernlste oncells , .!&Z
injection (SAS!). 100-0-1001 lethal triad , 5.1·58 Skeletaltraction. 479
Select ivepancreacicarteriography, ncurogonic .554 Skin,1 067/ -
1ill!!l.:lilll. optimh.ation , 59-61 Skinbiop<y, 727
Sclcct ivc>h un tS , 1441 - 1443, 1442/ oxygcndcl ivc ry f<,., 58-59. 58}59/ Skinca nccr -
Sdect ivevagocomy, 1205-1 206 physiologyof, 50-6-:r-- basalcellcarcinoma, Z1.Z::Z12,.
Se llarregion,tumorsof, 1914- 1915, scpiic, 63.554~ 7 48f749f 7491
1914/ S11pernorma l i7..ation , 22:&!_ melanoma . $U Mebnoma
Sernilunarline, 1070/ symptomcomplexof. 47/ nonmelano m a. 747-750
Sernilunarvalvcs,anatomynf, 1694/ <ypcsof,50/ «Juamous cel l carci nom a,
Scminoma<, Jii.l! Shocki ndcx , 52 747-749 , 7 47f 748f 74'JI
Senescence, _!!M "Shock lung" :-560 SkinHap surgery,1939- 1942
Senn,Nichol~. _2 Shone syndrome, 1643 Skinl!aps.1939 -1 940
S.:ntinel lymphno<lebiopsy. Shorr bowel syndrome, _!11., hc.>dandncck reconstmction
736-738, 736/ 1291 - 1292,1874- 1875 using. 81J
in<lica!ionsof, 7 37 defi n i!ionof, @ Sking ra fts,1939
Mu ld ccn tcrSelcc!lvc <urgical m amgc mcn! of, full -thick ncss , fil
Lympha<lencctomyTrial, 1874 - 1875 head and neck reconstruction
736-7 37 treacmencof, 1291-1292 us in g, 813
tcchnical <lct>ilsof,737-738, Shorti;ut syndromc , ~ split -thickn;;;;-813
angiosarcoma , 750, 842 737f738/ Short ·cha in f,. tyacids (SC l'As) , Skin nccro,is , 45445°5,454/
dern1a1ofibrosarromaptotubcra11s , Sentinellyrnphnode<lissection, 1320,1323 Skinrc..urfacing,1953
849-850 Sho<gun woun<l; , 1808-1809 Skin su bsti tutes
lym p hatic mapping for. ~ Shoulder, 474·475- - b ioengin eered , 15'1
omcomesof. Ji'.U SHl'2,697 fu rnre of, ill -
>elcc<io no f pad cn ufo r, 850-85 \ Shrock sh un t,439 risksas"xiatcd with , 156-157
S.:psis -- Shun t ing,altcrna tivcsto,1929- Ski n -beari ng fhps,1939- -
geneticsa,,Jgcnomicsof, 1930, 1930/ Skin--0t1lyclosure,4501
242-243 Shunts Sli ding hernia., 1044J 1104
immunocher>p)·for, 33-35 andappendici tis, 1931 Slippage, 1180
proceinmctabolismderange<l l>lalock-Tamsig, 1634/ Sma\l bowclbleeding,causesof,
<luring , 106 Glenn , 1649
S.:ptalpapi llorn~02 and intra-ahdominalsmgcrics ,
Septicshock, 63,554 1930
Serial tranS\•ersecmeropla<iy,for no!hdecti\'e, 1440- 1441. 144 1/
short bowel syndrom e, 1875 partial. 1H3, l44J/
Seroma,281-282 , 454-455.454(. portosyscemic, 1433
Schwarmoma , 1913 1116 <clccth·c, 144 1- 1443, 1442/
Scia tic hernia , 1 115 cau>e>of,281 -282 tr:>n >j ugu br intr.>h cp>t ic stab ili,.at ion , 1287- 1288,1288b
Scim i1ar syndrome, 1581 , 1627 presemai ionandman agemeruof. porwsystem ic, 1150, S1agingand supponivecare,
Sderosams, 1836 - - 282 1437 - 1438 1288
Sdcrosingaclenosis, 836-837 S.:rothcrapy, passivc. 716-717 Sialaden it is. 11.QZ Small bowel injuries . 441-442
Sdcrosingmcscnteri~ Serouscysticneoplas~,1 538/ Siewercdassificacion system , 1217 Smallbowelobstruction,J47-348
Scorpionsiings , 540 - Serum albumin lcvd , _!Q!l_, \ 081 Sihuximab, 7 191 - inprcgnancy,2063

~:•;:c::,~~:.:;;;· 477(
Scrumpro<cins , 110 Simplccy<l , 1469 Small ho wd tr:>n <p lant:uion ,
5.erum cransferri il,""223 Simplespinabilidaoccuha , 1932 ..G&ifli
Se rum1tiio<lothyronine, _8.S_'l Simpsongra<lingsyS1em,for comp licac ion sof, 671
Seattleb iopsyprotocol, 1033 S.:rum-ascites album in gr>d ient mcningioma resection , co n•ider;i tio n for,()(,8-670
Seborrhe;deratose< , 727 , 727/,2012 (SAAG) . 1077, 10771 Simulation coscd. !il.J.
Secon<lhi1 , 512li - Se,·ercolx:shy,JT6o for cndov~«:ular p rncedurcs, 403 cvaluationof, 667-670. 6()81
Sccon<lary adrcnalinsufficicncy, 971, SevoAnr~nc, 361, 36 11-3621 Acxiblcg:mroi n1cst ina land - graft survinlin , 672-673, 6 731
97lr - Sexcor<lrnmor,1894 respiracoryend o«:opy, 40.l hiscoryof, 66{)-~
Seoondary{meustotic)bo ne1umors, 5.ex>ieroi<lexces.s,979 mea.mringsurgica l performa-;;;:; immunornppressionfor, 670-671
_.lliLl_ S.:~ual h istory, 2036 during, AM indi catio nsfor, fij]_, 6671
Seconda ryhypcrpar:>thyroid;sm , S.:xuall yrr.i nsm itte<ldiseases(STD) . fo•surgical planning, 403-404 isol ate<l . ~ 668/
~ _!±!Q, 14l0b for su rgka l ttaining moniwringof, 671-672
Sccon<larypatcncy, 1797 Sharcd<lcdsion making , 22 minimally in v,.;ivc<urgcry, Ou!Corn csof, ..!!21.±Z.1, 6 7 31
Seoondaryvenous insufliciency, Sha rks, fil 401-404 , 402/ qual i1yoflifeaffccteJb)'. 673
1840-1 84 1 Shavebiopsy,of nnancons andopera1iveplanning, rejecc ionof. 671-672 -
Secon<l-<lcgrccburn , 506-507, 507/ mel anom a, 728 AlllAM technical variations of, £!!.,
Secrction ,inoolon ,1323- IJ24 Sherr ingto n, Ch;;:k., _l_! urology, j_Q}: 670f671/
Secukinurnab , 7 191 Shige/ll,ascauseof<lyse111cty, 1356 Single "entride,conge11 i1al heart Small bowel ulceration; , 1286, 1286r
Sccundumatrialse1>1a l <lcfoc1S ,IG26 Sh<Xk , 44-97 - dise«se , 1645-1650 "Small do1 " cclls , _l21_, l 541
Seda tion acidosis in. 53-54 hypoplasticlefthcattsyndrome , Smallincesc inal<liverlictola, 1157
benzodiazepinesfor, 549-550 base defi<:it , _g,j1 1647 - 1650, 1647/ Small intest ine , 1237-1295
inintcnsivccncunit , 548-550 car<liogcnic ,554 tric uspidatrcsi >, 1645, ana tomy o f, 1238- 1240
Segmcn t l:l hcpatcctomy, ~ 643/ cau>eso( 46b 1646f1647~ microscop ic , 1239- 1240,
Segmc111a! act ivi 1y, ic>oolon , l324 rnagulopaihyin , 53 -54,56-58 Single-breathi<:>t, 1578 1240fl241/
Segrnc111al colonresec1 ion,for comp~ns.wry mechanisr~ 53 Single-nudroi i<le po lymorphi sms, brushhord crof,1241,12411
Crohn'5coli1is. 1353 definicionof, 553 - 213 d ivenicular discaseof. 1280-1286


S!nall imestine (Continued) S1nall itueS!ine (C,mti>wed) Soniatichypetmutat ion ,6 15-616 Splen ico.bsce>S,!564
duodenaldi,·erticoh , trcatmmtfor. 1252- 1253 Somat icmutations , i&2_ Splen icartery, J..2.2§_
tubedecompreS5ionfor, 1252 Somatostatin,.2H_, 1192 Splcn iccysts, 1563-1564
Mcckcl'sd jvcrticulmn , phy•iologyof, 1240-1244 Somatosta1in analoguc<,11<eof,to Splcnicjn juric>. 435-437.435/.
1284- 1286 dige>tioriandahwrption , rcduccpancrcaticfistub , 1549 436t --
e!nbryologyof, 1237 -1 238, 1238/ ~ Somawsta1inreceprorsciruigraphy Splen ic!rauma, 1564
endocri "~ function, 1244- 1245 slwnbowelsynd rome.;uShort {SRS), 1000 Sponges, 543-544
gastrointestinal hormones, bowcl•)•ndromc Somatostatinoma, 957-958 Spontanoous abortion ,2039
124 4- 1245.1245/ 1246r Sma!l-vcsselvasculi t is, l78l Spcrmaticcord, 1067/ Spontancousbanerialperitonitis ,
rcccptor< ,1245 antiricutroph;lcytoplasmic Spc11.l cr-Martingradingsystcm , 19041 1078- 1079
gm» anatomy of, 1238, 1239/ antihody-a,st>eiatcd SphcnoidsinU>, 802 Spon1ancousintraccrchral
immuncfunction ~l245- vasculitides, 1781 Spherocytosis,heltdi1ary, 1561 hemorrhage, 1906- 1908,
l247, 1247/ Smokingc<'<sation,l><for<·1horacic SphincterofOddi, 1486, 1486/ 1907b, 1908/
inA ammatoryand infectious <>pcr.ti<>ris , 1576-1577 dysfonctiono( 1497 Sporadiccoloncancer. 1372-1}77,
discaseof, 1254-1268 Snahbites, B2-5J5 Sphincteroplasty, overlapping. 1396, 137J/
Crohn'sdiscw: , 12~4-1266 antivenin thcr~py for, 534-535 1397/ - da><ification rules for, 1373-1375
mamgcmrn t of cl inical manifc-siationsof,211, Sphinctcr-<paringahdomjnalpcrincal clinicAl staging, 1373
acutcpostop<rntivcobstruc1ion , 534[ resection,withcoloanal pathologicstaging, 1373-1375
Jlli coagulopathyofe1wenoma1ion, ana>tomosis, !380- 138! tumor regression grad,,,
ilcns . .!.12.i, 1254b jJ.i Spidcrtdangiect>Sias , 1835/ l J74t- l37 5r, l J75
rccuncntintcstinalobsrructjon , epidcmiologyof, .5J2 Spigdian hern ia, 11 13 <>bsrrncting. 1375- 1376, 1.176/
l.2.SJ..:.l.25A fa<ciotomyof, 535. 535/ Spigdrnanda<sificat ion, for stagingof, 1372- 1373
spccihcprnblcms , 1253-1254 managcmrntof.533.534, 535/ duodrnal adrnomato<i< , trcatmmt andf<illow-upof,
mi«:dlaneous proble;;;sor:-- pathophysiology ~3J 1270-l27l.1270r, l 27 lb 1 ~76- J ~77
1286- 12')3 severitygrnding«:aleof.5341 Spinabifidaaperta,1931 -1 932 Sporadicpancreaticco.ncer,
blind loop•yndromc, 1290 treat ment m0<hli1 ics for, 5J 4t Spinabihdaocculta, 19}2 pat hogcncsisof, _!2iJ_
ingeste<lforcignbod ies ,1 286, venomous species. 532, 5.l3f534/ Spinalanesthesi>. J80 -38 1. J80t Sporadic papilbrythyroidcanccr,
1287/ "SniffteS!", 1579 - Spinalcord, injutiesw, 420-421 , 342
pn<:uniawsisintcstinalis,1289, Sodetyof.lhoracicSurgeons 420/ -- S1><>rad ic thyroid C"Arcinoma<, RFT
128?/ Nationa! Database , 1911-1921 evaluationd, .11Q:ill 42 l/ mutat ions;n , 1006-1007
radia1ioncnteritis, 1290-1291 Sod ium , l1.5..:l!1. 86b managementof, 421 , 422r Sprain, 465, 467/
short f>owd•yndrome, '>odium bicarbonate, 1730 immcd iate, -11!l_
- .S.1uamo-;;;;:dlcarcinoma , 789-790,
129 \ - 1292 Softtissuesarcom>, 754 -772, 760b Spinal cord stimulat ion . 1924 1027, 14lJ- l4 15,1 4W - -
small bowel fistulas, 1286- 1289 AJCCstagingof, 7591 Spinalepiduralabsccss, !935 1415r.2012
small !>-0wcl ulceration>, 1286, algo riihmfor,76!/ Spinalshock, 492 - inchronicpressuresore, J.i(i, 146[
12861 c:ircinogcns , 758 Spine - Aoorofthcmouth , 7 96/
va«:ularcompreS5ionof cl inical ""aluat ion of. 760- 763 degenerative disorders of, larynx, 799. 799/
duodenum , 1292- 1293, corcconcepu,754-763 1918- 1922 lip. 794.795/
1292/ diversityof, 756t-758t diagnost ic imagingof, 477-478 met~i c , .!:ill2:filQ
n101ilityin ,1244 epidemiologyof,754 SPINK- J, 1532 -- oropha rynx , 797
neopla>msof,1268- 1280 ~xtremi1y. 763-766 Spiralfractures, 464, 466/ skincancer. 747-748, 7 47f 748f
adcnocarcinomas. 1276-1277. postopcrativen<>mogram for, 76-0/ Spiralvalvesof RCfSier, \482 74?1 _ _
1277/ radiation ,758 Spirornetry, beforethor~ tongt1e , 22!i
b.enign . 1270- 1271 srngjngof,758-760, 75 91 operations. 1577, 1577/ treatment option< for, 749
clinical man ifeSlation><>f, 1269 u~onomyof, 755/ Spinncvu• , 726- wound inflammation and ,-116
diagnosisof, 1269- 1270, 1269/ uunk . 763 -766 Sp!anchnic attffiry<ms. 1788- 1789, Squamouspapillomas, l!ll2
gastroicnestinal s!fonul !umors, turuorgrade, 758 -760, 759[ 1788/ St. John'swon,2 30r
1278-1280, 1278fl 279f Softtissuetum<>rs, 2008-2012 Sple<:n .964f965f 1556-1571 Stablcpclvis. -18.8.
~ in chest wall , 1602- 1603.1602/ anatomyof. 1556, 1557f l558/ Standardthree-dimensional Cr.2.1.L
grner~l considcr~tion< of, dcrmatofibmma,2012 hcnignhcrna-wi;;glcconditionsof, 931/
1268- 1270 epidermal inclusioncy>« , l ~59-1 ~62 SMphy!oco.-cusaum<.r, 264
lymphoma, 1278, 1278/ 2010-2011, 2010/ hemoglobinopa1h ies , Staplers, 234-23 5 -
malignam , 1271 - 1280 ganglioncyst<, 2008 -2010 ,2009/ 1561 - 1562 Starvo1ion, lli:l.QZ
metast>tic , 1280, 1281/ giantcel ltumor, 2010 . 20 10/ hemolytic anemia, 156 1 Stasis, 1841
ncurocndocrinctumors , 2011/ hcrcd itarysphcrocytosis, 1561 roncof. 506, 506/
1272-1276 , 12721 kcratoacanthoma ,2012 irnmunethromhocyiopenic Stcatosis, 1433
stromaltumor<. 1270- 127 1 lipoma, 2011-2012. 201 1/ purpur. , 1559-1561, S!cmcd l nichc , ~
ncurova«:ul>r-lymphat icsupplyof, pyogenicgranuloma , 20 12 1560b - - Stem cells
1238-1239. 1239/ seborrheickernwses, 2012 functionof, 1556-155'). l5S?b. ad ipose-derived , __!_§}
ob"'uct;ono( l247- 1254 vascular malformations and \5 59/ adult. 166-167, 166/
anti bi oticsfor. 1252 hemangionus, 201 2 malignanrdi.c aseof, 1562 -1 56} miscellaneous , 168
cauk<of, 1247-1248,1248b, verruca vulg~ ris, 2012 leukemi~ . 1562-1563 rnu ltif><>!em ,169
1248fl249/ Snlcusvdns, 1829/ lpnplwmas , 1562 cancer and , 168
clinical man ifestat ions and Solid benign neoplasms, 1455-1458 miscellaneous benign conditions dinic:il applications of, 169, 1701
diagnosisof,1 249- !25 2 focalnodularhyperplasia, 1456. of, 1561-1564 embryon ic, 157. 163- 165
Auidrc•u«:it>tionfor,12 52 1456/ splcnic ah«:c., ,1 564 cnd<>t hdial progcnitorcd h
hismryof, 1249 hcmangi<>ma, 1456-1457. 145 7/ spleniccysts. 1563-1564 167- 168
operati ve managcn1 ent for, livercelladc1101na , 1455- 1456 wanderingspk.,,n , 1564 fetal , ~
1252- 1253 Solidorg•ri injury, trea!rnentof, nonhem~tologic tumorSof, 1563 hernatopoic1 ic, I67
pathophysi<>logyof,1 248-1 24 9 1895- 1896, 18961 Splencctomy. 155?-1567 - indt1ccdpluripotent,l6J
physical examinat ion of, 124 9 Solitary intraductal papilloma, fil e!ectivelaparoscopic, 1564 -1566, mesenchymal. 157. 158/ 1591,
radiologic and bhor.uory Solitary rcct>l ulcersyndrome l 565f156<f 160/ 166/ 167
studic•of. 1249- 1252 , (S il. US) , 1387- 1388, 1387/ late morbid ity after, 1567 multipotcnt , 163, 1641
1250fl251/ Solubili1y,!fia11gleof, 1492/ prophylactic!feamie-;;-;-Tor, pluripo1em, IS4.163, 164r
simplewr1WS!ta11gula1 ing, Soluble 1ropoela<1in, 139 1567-1568 induced , J.0., 169
1252 Somatic cell nuclear mnsfrr, l l i robotic, 1%6-1567 replicativcpotentialof, 684


Stem cells (Continu~d) Swo!,fonnai ionof,1 324

research applications for, _)_§_§_, Stoppa-Ri"es repair . .!.1.Q_!_
168/ Strain. i l l
>kclc!al, Jfil Strangul.tcdhcmias, 1 104
"'maticccll nudcar transfcr, Jli5_ Strc" hhcrs , Ji!
sources of, 163-1 68, 164/ Stress franures , .1§1

~::~:::~> J;~;~~ :;~:. ~7:~·1~2~J97

1 1 Strcssgastritis, 1145-1 146,
12 11- 12 1_2 _ _
Sunorrophomon/U maftophdio, 264 Stress radiographs . 478 . 478( neuromonimrin g, 918-919
su:'.':,',~;~>C;;::~..~~:~~- \ O)
Strcssrc>p<>Mc,acutc, 106, 106/ in maS<c;tSualtyincidents ,
1776 - 1777 Sires' tc>ting, f<,.S IH f i liagnos1ic 586 -596
S1encgraft, !777.1 778/ acrnracyfor,1663 sue><-inducedchanges in, innacuraldisaS1ers, S93
Siemplacemem, 178 7 Stress ukerprophylaxis, 571 -572 106. !07, 106/ viral hepat it is and ,14 74 - 14 77
Stcntproccdurc. rcnal angiophsty Stricturingdi,.;ase, 1263-1264, Subrotal thyroidcctomy, fil Surgery
and, 1786-1787. 1787/ 1264b, 1264/ Subungua l melano mas, 730 ascent of.2:11
S1cnt inga11dAngiop lastywitli Strokc , Jll.:..'in...12!!2 Succinylcholinc, 364 , 550 thcbcginn inb'Sof, 2-3
Pro1<-ction in P>tirnts>t H igh cau><--s of. ill Sucralfatc, fil - co nductof, f<>rval-;;-;;fa rhcarl
Risk for Endartcrectomy presentat ionandmanagemon1of. forpepticulcerdisease , disease ,1 7 11,1 7 12/
(SAl'PH l llE) triat 1794
and,l92J -l926. 1923/
Srromalcell-derived fucto r- \ ,
1200- 1201
fo• radiationcn terit is. 1290- 1291
Sucrlse· isornaltase, ..!li!_, l241r
congenital hcan, paihways for
practicing, 16 19- 1620 , 16 20/
d igitall)'augmenred ,391 -396,
brainstimulaiion , 19 24 Stromalcclls,adipose-dcrivcd , 167 Suetion.,.;sistcdlipectorny,1 9 7 1 395f396/
dcstruc!ivc lcsions, 1924- 1925 Strornaltumor<, 1270-127 1 - Sugartongsl'l ini , 479. 480/ diver<ityof, 17
epilepsy.1925-1926, 1925/ Stro mdysin- 1,.!i!. Sulfasalazine, forC---,:;;i:;-n 'sd isease , electiw , sunlmaryof, 1348, lJ49/
implantable pumps, 19 24 s·1~segmenc deva1ion myocardial 1261 cmerging 1echnologyin,393 -406
trigcminalncuralgi>, 1926, 1926/ inf'1rction , 1669 "Sulfurgranub" , \ 597- 1598 opcratingroom ,393 , 394/
SterilcinAammation , .1! Supercond"ctingq11antum sign ificantadvances in,3 93-39 8
S1crnal dosurean<l complc1io11,of appropriatcnessof, 176 imerfcrcncc d evice(SQUID) , cthic.a11dprofc.sionalisn1 iu, 20·24
surgcry, 1677 chargc<, 176 - 1252 evolvingir1110Yativetcdrnologi es
Stemal saw, 1579 cornpari <;;n;, 174-175 Superficialcancers. 1033-1036 in , 398-401
Sternowmr :::~[."~ end poi111S, fil Superlicialepigamicvein ,1070/ expcrimencalsurgicalrese>rch
tran»Tr,.; , 1579 Supcrlicialinfcriorcpig:istricartcry lahoratoric,for, 11-12
wound,. 1954- 1955, 1955/ dcsign , 177-180 fbr.forbrca"rcconstruct io n , fro,,;n,..;ctionof, Ji:2-
Sternutu, 1575, 1672/ misdas~. ill 871. 872/ fu1ureof, .18_
S1croidl1.;;:,;;;;e physiologyand outcome of interest for, lli:!ZZ Supcf u lparonych ial infe<:tiom , indica1ionsfor,ulcera1i,•ccolit is,
metabo!ism , 966·968 patient reportc<loutcomes . l l i 2000,2000/
Stingrays. 544 inprac1icc, 183-184, 183r Superficialperonealncrve, inAucnceofroboticson ,400-401
Stinp.,,,-;;r;;; l\itc• cau>ality ~><:rva1ioml 1828fl829f knowhlgcofanatomyof, 3-4
arthrop<>d , 538-542 dau ,l l i Superficial spread ing melanoma , liccnsingorgani-,at ion,of, IJ-14
bee, 21.!_ - - conAictofimcrc>< , i l l 729, 729/ measuringandprc<licting -
confounding, 183 Supcf u lsubinguinal!ymph glands, ;nnovationin, 401
evolvingwith -.;:;;d ence , 184 1070/ minimallyinvasi,•e, 393-394,
generaliubility, 183-184 Superficialthrombophlcbitis ,1845 394f395f
purpo<cof, l73, lW - - Superficial tr~nS>·cr<e perinea!, 396-397,3': X>f397/
rcgistra1ion ,1?9 mu>elc , 1093/ rohmic ,399-401.40!if
rcwurcemiliifilio n , 176 Supcrficial\•eins,18281 modem era of, !4-17
safety of. i l l - Supt"rficialvenousinsufficiency, 1nonographsof~3
surroga tecndpoi n1', 177 rrearmentof, 18JJ-1840 naturalorificetr;;;sru;;linal
time-varyingexposure0 74-175 Superficial venous system , 1827. endoscopic. 397
usingrightda ta , 173-17~ 1828fl829f inl'rcgnantpa!icnt ,2053 -2o67
Studydcsign , 177- i80;177J of upper extremi ty, 17 97-1798 prindplcsof• ndprcpara1ion f<ir,
caserepot1s~ basilicvein,1798- - 202 -20 6
caseseri<» l l i cephalic''"in , 1797-1 798 noedfor, 202
coho rtstudy. .ln mcd ianantebrac hd ,·ein ,179 8
cross·scctionalstudy. 179 Superiorlar)' ngc;ilnen·c , fil.LJIBl, for,202
cffcc!ivcnc>< , 178 - 882[. 920 periopera1ivcmortali1y
dricacy, 178 - Supcriorlu--;;;bartrigo11c, 1093/ predictor,205 -206, 2051
me1a-an alySis, .119- Superiormesenccricartery(SMA) . preoperativeevalua<ionfor.
randomizc<lcontrollcd<rials , 1312,1314- 13 16 . .l.l!.!S_ 202 . 20 4.2031
J1B_ de,..;ri ptionof. 668 uni,·crsal ,urgical riskcakubtor,
nriotio"'on randomiled trials, p.nhologicana tomyandocclusion 204 -205,204•

StudyofTarnoxifcnand Raloxifcnc,
of, 1319/
Supcr iormcscntcricartcry>yndromc,
1292- 1293
profcssionalsodet icsof, 13-14
forpulrnonaryartcryslings, 1652 ,
riseof. .l:!.2
•i mulationtraining in,and
gasrricba <'icr, 1197 oper:itivcplanning ,40 1-404
gamicn101i!i1y, ll9 5- 1 197 spc.:ioh)'journalsof, 12-13
gamicpcp iides, 119 1- 1192 <ta nd"rdizedpostgr.tduatcsurgic:.I
pol)'psof. 1.370 cducationof. 10-11
ulcersof.1uGastric.ulcers tex,booksof,ll::.Ll_-
Stomalcomplication>, 310-31 \ th rec· dimcn.<ionalprintingand
ca11,.;,of, ..11Q. 310t- - biop rinting,401
prescrua1ion and diagnosis of, trainingprogra1nsof. l.!l.:ll
2.1.Q:.lli treatiscs, ll.:.J.2
treat memof, JlL 31 1b forvascularrings. 1652, 1652/


Surgicrl adhc>ive<, 235 Surgiaol continuurn of ~"'" (SCoC) ,

Surgkal aorticvalvercplaccmcnt, 1'.lol'.l1
andaorticvalverepair, 1714, Surgicalcritical care, 547-576
1714/ ahdom i nalcompa ~
Suq;kal Carclmprovcmcnt Project , •yndromc , 55 5-5 56
1911- l921. 11§, 247b,247t acutc,..,spirarnrydistreS<
Surgical complica1ions ,28I -326 syndroine,559-561
abdominalcomp.1rtmcnt adrenalinsufliciency. 569
syndromc, 307-309 alcohol withdrawal, 550-55 1

::::; ~::~~ ;~:;,~\~ hip, 571, 571b

acutclunginjury, 293·294, 29Jb 1
>eutcrmal fail urc , 301-303
adren alinsufficiency, 303-304 cardiacdysfunCiion , 552=53 3
anaswmotic leak, 313-316. 3131 cardiov>«:ularsyst<m , 551 -557 pneumonia
>5pir:i t ionpncumon i a , ~ cirrhosis. 565-566 Su rgical intensive care un it (SICU),
aspir:i t ionpnct1mon i1is, 292-29J dysrhythmias . 553 p rocedure time-out checkl ist, 857-858
atdcc1a.sis, 12!.:12J_ -- cndocrincsystcm ,568-569 579, 580[ ducialca rdnoma insitu!rcat<.J
b ilcductinjurics , 319-:UO cx<r~corporcal membrane Surgical pla tform, ncx iblccndo<copc with , 8521
bowdobstruct ion~ 306b oxygenat ion , 559-561 as , 398-399. 398[399/ role of. l l i
cardiac, 2%-301 extubaiion , 559 Surgicalprocedur"s,bedside , wound heal inginhibi<ed by, 148
crnl iogcnicsh0<;k , ]_QQ fcvcr, 569-570 .5.ZZ=-5..8.5. Tangenrialc~ci•ion ,518 -
C/omid;um diffa'ci/~ colitis g.> Stroinresr;nalsptem ,56 1-564 Su rgical resection, bowel prcpar>tion Ta rget idcn t ihcarion and dista l
-1l.l:..1U glucosccontrol. 568-569 fnr,1 325-1326 a nastomosis, 167 5- 16 76, 1676/
rngni1i,·cdisordcr, 320-32 \ hcmatologic<ystcm ,566-568 Surgicalsafctych<"<'.kli<t,cl<:mcn« o f, "Target sign", 1299, 1300/
<lehiscmce, 283-284.283"f hemodynamic monitoring, l94b faussig-Binganomal)'. 1610
<lelirium , 320-321 553 -55 5 Surgicalsil<infe.:tion, 284-287, l'cchn<iium')9mptrtechne!atc , 8')7
car, nose, and throat , 322-_H_~ bcmodynamic,u pporr , 55 6-557 284/, -- Tcchnctium99m r""Tc) scstamibi
cndocrinc gla nd<lrsf11ncrion , heparin-induced cause•of. 284-285 ,285• sc:intigr.iphy,9.10,930/
-3!2.Llllii 1hrornl>0eywpenia, 567 dcscriptionof, 24 5-247, 245b Tcen-Long itudin>IAsscsStne111 of
cpistaxis , 322 h cp•tksy>1cm , 565 -566 inguinalhctniarepairand ,1 105 lhriatricSurgcry (Tccn·l..ABS).
gamointeStillal, 306-319 infection,approachto, 569-570 microbiologyof, 245 1166
hearing loss, J.22
-- me.:hanic:ilventilation , ~ ne<:rotizi ngsoftt~infe.:t ion, l"elangie.:tasias.iroaimemopt ions
hcmatoma , 282- 283 ncurologicdy,function , 547-548 lli for, 1833- 1836, 1835/
hcpatobili>ry, )19-.HO ncurologic •Y"Cnl, 547-55 1 org:in , .216 Tempc ra t11 re monitoring, 367
hypenhyroidcrisis, 304-305 11 ~uromu><:ularl>loc~ 8- 550 pnswperauvepneuiuoma, JCmporalarieri t is, 17 80
hypothmnia , 287-288 nonjnvasive ,558 247-249 Temporal bone oS!CO<;otcoma, 806/
hypothyroidism , 305 -306 opioiddependcncc , 550-551 presemationof. 285-286, 2861 "l"emporalbonetumors,805-807
ileus, .lllii::.1QI perioperativel iver - - signsandsymptoms . 246 "J"emporaryabdom inal closure,
inf>rction , 297-299 dccompcnsot ion , 565-566 spacc , .lill - 450-452,450b,450t,451f452/
intc5tinal fistulas . lli.:.1!2 p ncumonia,559-561 trcatmcn t of, .lfil!:l!:!L 2861 »scssingrcadincS<for,452
malignamhyperihcrni ia, 288-289 renalsy><em ,564-5 65 vacuum-assi>1edwounddosure , ICnHornsign, 11261
neurologic, 320-322 -- respirawryfailur", 55 7-558 fcndi11ousin><:tip1 ions , 107 0/
nosocomial sinusitis , lli:Jll rcspiratorysystcm .557-561 woundirrigation , 246 Tendon injmy, 1986- 199 1
pancrcaticfismlas, ..11.'l rcsuscimion , 555- 556 Surgicaltechn iquc , f;;;:-pancrcas cxtensorTcndon ,1990- 19')1 ,
paroti! i<, .323. <alngcmodcsofvcnt ila1ion , 1546. l54(if- 1548/ 1991f1995/
pcriopcrati,·c ischcmia , 297-29') 559 -56 1 Su rgical tbcrapy,M:lcctjonof, 846 Acxor tcndon , 1986- 1990 , 1989/
p1wumonia , 291 -292 - - sedaiion , 548 -550 Surgicalventricularrcswratiot\,""1684 ICnruynovitis ,2004 -2005
postopetotivecardiacarrhytlunias, sepsisstra1<gies, 570-571 Surroga ieendpnims , 177 dcQuervaindiseasc, 2004
_}Q!l_ shock,553-555 - - Suspendcdanimation:-fil intcrsectionwndrome,2004
postoperati\•efover. 289-290 wcaning, 559 Suspensory ligamentsofCoopcr. .B.lli 2005/
posto1.erativcgastn~ Surgiaoldcvkcsand cncrgy <ourcc;, SwcdishObcscSuhjcrts(SOS)study, sitc<of,2 005
b lccding , 309-310 235 -237 1161 - 1163 triggcrt h um h andfingc,. ,
postoperative ~re , argonbeamcoagulator, 236 Swiss cheese septum , 1628 2004 -2005
lQQ:JQ!_ cryoablation ,237 Symp>ihe.:wmy, 192;r-- IC11>ionbands, 47 0 , 4 7 1/
postoperative hypertension electroca11tcry. 235 Sym p athomimeriu , 556 TEl'b paroscopicherniarepair. 1102/
-12G:12Z electrosmgcry. 235 Syndrome of inappropriate Teratonus, 1611.1892 - 1894
f>Sychosis , 320-321 h igh -frequcncy,<oundwa\'c antidiurctichormoncscrtction Tcrmimlconjoincdinscrtion , 19 78/
pulrnonaryc<lcma, 293-294. 293b tcchnitiucs, 236 {SIADH). 306 Tcrtiaryhypcrparath yroidism ,
pulmonaryombolis~96 harmon icscalpel. 236 Syn1heticma1er~forventral 927 -928
rena l andurinarytracr, 30 1-303 uhrasoniccavitationdeviccs, IC>ticularauophy,i nguinal h"mia
rcsp iratory, 291-296 236 rcpair and , 1 106
resp iratorydistre"synd rome lasers ,2.35-236 Testicular cancer. 2 102-2104
293-294, 293b pl1otodynarnicd1ctapy, 236 T !reauncruof,2 102-2l04 , 2102J
scizurcdisordcr, fil r>diofrequcncyah l>tion ,236.237 21031
seroma , 281-28 2 Surgicalenvironment, safoty in , festiculargerm cell tumors, AF!' and
srnmalcomplicat ions, 1!2::fil !87-200 humanchorionicgonadoiropin
310< SurgicallnfrctionSociety,1299
strokc , ill.:Jll Surgicalinfoctions
<}·ndro1neofinapprupria1e ageand, 241 ,242b
an1jdiurc1khormonc an1jbio!lcprophyl.<istoprevcn!,
secrerion . 1.Q§_ 251-253
thermal regulation . ~ andant;bioticusc, 241 -280
tr;rnsicn t ischcmica tt ack , 321-322 cathctcrcarc,244 -245
urinary retcntion , 301 ccntrall inc-asS<Xiatedbloodstrcam
vonous1hromboe1M ism , infect ions.ruCemral
~ 294t line-a.ssociatcdl>loodstream
wound infocrion . -2.M.:lBZ infections


"lhiopctuol, 363r lhyruid (Ctmti"ued) l11yroi<l>urgery (Co,,li,,ued) "foxjcnodLilargoiter,892,892/

·lhiopurincs . for ukcraci"ccolitis, physiologyof, 885-889. 886/ hypoparathyroidism . ~ ·10xins, metabolism of. in liver. 1434
1343 recurrent laryngeal nerve , nerve injury, -22ll 17'53.689
"lhird-dcgrcchurn. lQZ_, 507/ 882-883.883/ rccurrcn tlaryngcalncn·e, ~ Trachea , 1592- 1595

::~~;~~~~nac;;::~:,:c~,~~~r;;~~~· ~
«1periorlaryngca l ncrvc,.!!!l_b 882/ sul'crimlaryngcal ncn·c , ~ in ad ults,1575
surgical approachcsrn, 9!2-920 lh yroidcumors, 1613 agenesisof,1581
1736, 1735/1 736/ l11 yruid aurnantibodylev~ l11yroidec<01ny,comp!ction ,..2l,IB congenirnl ab11ormal i1iesof, 1581
3nuorysms in,·olvjngvisccral 1'hvro id ca rcinom o - lhyroiditis, 891 stc nosis of,1581
.segmem, endovascular rcpair follicular, 904-906 "lhyroid-scirnulaci ng hormone trauma to, 1592·1595,
of, 1737- 1738, 1737/ p<K>rlydjffcrcn<ia1e<l, 9 10 sul'prcssion . .2llii 1593f l 594/
h lun t 1hor>dcaortk injury. 1738 'l11ym iddi sea<c ,342 - lhyrox inelevd>, 889 Tracheobronchial injurin,431
en<lO\':lscula rmanageme m of. btnign , 889-894 J'ibia, 1822/ - ·1rach<"<ksophagealfisiula,l866-
1735-1736, 1737/ inpregnancy. 911 -912, 2063 l'ibial shaftfractures, ~ 4991 1868,l867f
1hor>cicand1ho<>co,1b<lo mina l hypcrthyroidi•n'- 2.!l Tick bites. 540-541 acciu ired . 1593
ancurysm.opcn re pa ir of, hypothyroidism . 912 Tigecydine , 261 cl inical prcse nt.<t ion and diagnosis
-1Z.1S_ l'hys iologicchang;_:<;>fthyroid Tightglucos-;:--c.;ntrol , 569 of, 18(.6- 1867, 1867/
l horackaonic injurics , 430-431, glandduringl'rcgnancy, Timdinc fo r inlraol'cr~ l'criod , management of, 1867- 1868,
'lhoraci<:due1, l849/

l lioracic EVA R (TVA R) . 1722

ihyroidcarcinomain , 912
thyroidnodulcs in, 912
l'itnc-ouc d1eckl isi , _!2J_
Time-va ryingupos11 res . ..!Zi:!.Z2
!867/ 1868/
Tracheoionom inatchst ula , 159}
l horacic incisions, J2Z2 - Thyro id function , tests oITu Tim ing,ofreope<>tion , 452 -4 53 Tracheomalaci >. 1581
'[horadc operations, pa1ie111 .elrr!ion ll1yro id lwrmones 453/ Ti-acheostorny
for, 1576-1579 l'cril'hcrolac1ionof,S87/ TissucCo•·cragc,rolcof, ~ hcds idc,579-582
cardiopulmonary exercise training, ~ 888b l'issueongincering mechanical ''cmilacjon weaning
l'i7R-l'i7') s<"Cre1ionof,regula<ionof, 887-888 definit ion of, 154-155, 155/ useof, 56 1
physiologiccvalmtion . 1577- syn th csi , of, 886-887, 88r - organ-level .I ~ Tracheotomy,810-811
1578, 1577} 1579/ Th)" Oid isthmuscctomy. -9.12 Tissueupa nsio n, 1943.1944/ Tractio n
'lhoracicoutlet,va<eularinjuryof, ll1yruid lobtoewmy, 912 Tissuchypoxio., 146, 243 fnnurcs man age<lwiih,479. 481/
181 7 ll1yru id lyrn pho ma,9Jii.911 TiS<ucinjury, and response, 130 skdctal, 479
'l horack ou tlet syn<l rom~ (TOS) , creacmentof, fil - - TNMstaging Tranexamicacid , 568
1603- !604. 1603[ wo rku pan dd iagnosi sof. 911 , breasccanccr, 84 2,8431 Transana l endoscopicmicrosurgcry,
' llioracictraum>, 1895 91 1/ - mela nom a, 7Jlt-732t of rcctalcanccr,\379
l horacicvcrtcbralbodyfractures.4221 Thyro id ndignancic•. 900-91 1 "To Err is Hum an" , \ 87 TransAtlan t iclnter-Society
"[horacoab<lominalaortaaneurysm a11aplaS1icthyruid carcinoma, 1!_Q foblcco, asriskfactorforsquarnous Conscnsus(TASC)
da.>sificai io n, 1736/ follicular1hyrui d catcinoma, cellcarcinorna, 1027"1028 da.>si lication
·ihoracodorsalnen·e ,J!lQ 2!l1:2!lli Tocilizumab, 719r ofaonoiliaclcsions,
·1horocoepigamicvein, 1070f mcdulbrychyroid carcinoma, foll-likereceptors{TLRs) , 707-708 offemoropopliteallesions.
l horarnwmy, 1579 -2ll2=2l!! Tongue, can cer of, 79 5-796 177-31
·lhorax , l2Z.1 - l'al'illarythyroidcarcinoma, Torsova;ccular injuri cs,c ndova;ccular Tran;ccathct craorti cvake
anawmyof, 1573- 1576. 902-904.902/ manage1nemof, 181 1- 1812 replacemcnt,andmher
157 4/ ~ 1hyroidcarcinonia. poorly fonicollis , 1862 ernerging ttoehnologies, 17 16
bony. 1573 differentiotcd , _2.lQ ToruspalatinllS . 797 Transcriptomc,242-243
·1hornwald1'sbursa, .filli:fil!1 chyroid!ymphoma, 910-9!1 Tosi tu rnomab(lkxxar) , 7 191, 72 1 Transesol' hagealcchocardiography,
l hrombin , _!l!_ th~·roid oncogcncsh , 900-902 To1al ahdominal colectomy, with 1677
l hromboangiitis obli1cr.ins. 1u 'lh ym id mc1abolbm, diwrdcrs of, ilcorcctal ana"omosis,for Transform ing growt h facw r-U
Buerger disease. BB.2:..8.21 Crohn'scoli1is, 1353 (TGf -11), 134
"lhron1b.xycosis, postsplenecw1ny. fo yroidnodule fotal aciomalouspulrnonaryvenous Tran.form ing growth focrnr-~
_!jfil_ lkth es<b System catcgory. 8981, return (TA l'Vll.) , 1632- 163J, (TGF -[3) . 281. J2-J3
·1hromboembolism , 566-567 1633/ mitogen iccffccts -;;[[}4- 135
"lhromlKilysis , 1844 Tmal arterial rcn<cu ion , Transfusion , 567- 568
l hrombosis - 1673- 1674 Transicnti<chcmicattack,3 21 -322,
dcepvenous . ueD~p,·enous J'cna l pamueralnutrition(TPN), 1789
1hrombosis 666 causcsof. 321
grok 660-661 costo( 673 l'resentat ionandmanagcme nt o(
· Al , i l l pcdiatricrequircmentsof. 1860
"lhpnicTrcgs, 613 Total l'roctocolcctorny
"lhpnornas , 1608- 1611, 1610/ forCmhn'scol it is,withcnd
'lhyroglobulin , 886 -887 iloostomy. 1353
'lhyroglossaldu~_§Q'I,~ forukerac ivecoli1is
1861/ with continent ileosto my, 1J46
l hyroid , 880-922 with end ileostomy, \345- 1346
adult surgia l anawrny of, with ilcal fK>UCh-anal
anacomyo( 88 l -885
arcerialsuppryc;;:882/ B&i
bl00<lsu pply to,882/ 884
ernbryologyof. 881-882
hiswrical petspttti,•eof, B..8.1
in11c"·>1ion , .1:!1:11 ioni1fogrddia1 io n, 902 501-502
iodinernecabo!isrnby. 886 'l hyro id rcscc1ion , exc~o( Toupct fundol'licaTio n, 1053
lymphacicsystemof, 884=885, .22§:2Ql, 907r fourniquet,exam pleof,4 l3f
885/ 'Thyro id >urgery Toxicadcnoma, 892. 892/
nial ignanciesof,2QQ:.2!!_ ahemat i,·ca pl'roachcsto , 919-920 Toxic mcgaco lo n, 1340- 1341
oncogencsisof, 900-902 t,k.,,din g, !12.ll in Crohn'scoliiis , 1352
phys io logiccha ~duting complicationsof, 920 in ukenti\•ccoli1 is, 1344- 1345,
pregnancy, 2.!l hypocakemia . ~- 1345/


·1i-anS\'Ctscfrac1ure>, 464 ,466/ Trichobczoar>, 1233

Tranwerserectusab<l-;;;;:;;:nis Tricuspidatresia , ..1.!i:11_, 1646fl617/
musculocutaneous {TRAM) Tricuspi d regurgitation,andother
Aap.870b,870f 871. 1940 right-si<lc.Jvalvcdi.<casc ,
Tran,vcrscstcrnotomy~9 mrHZJj) tcoticulargcrm cell. 700
l"ranswrseuppergracil iSlGP , 872. d iagnosisof. 17!0 fomoram igens, 708 -709, 7 09b
87 Sf876/ - <liagno;i ictc>t ingfor, 1710 fomorit11 t11unology, 705-723
Tranwersusab<lominismuscle, mcdic•lmanagcmem ;;rl7 10 Tumor im muno thera py, 705 -723
1070/ 1086/ 1094/ natural historyof. 1710 cytokines , 7 10 -71L 71 1/
intravenous immune globu l in ,
an<l aponcurosis,andtr.insvcr:salis
fascia , 1094-1095 :.'.;;i~c:il ,::::~'. :~:;5,77 /(;I 0 immunom o<luhtory pathways ,
712-714. 713/
JAK3 kinase inh ibition , 628 l"ranS\'Orsus abdominisreleasc sympwms an<l signs oTT? lO monoclonalamibo<lythcrapy.
lymphocy1edeplc1ion - icchniqu«, 456, 457/ !fea1memof, .!Z!_Q_ - lli.:l2l
prcpar.ition., 625 -627 Trastuwmab - Tricuspi dnlve T ed i adoptive thera py, ~
molignancyrisk, 1i2.9. forbreastcancer. 857 Ebstcinanomalyof. 1653 714f717/
rnarTunalian large< ofrapamydn dcscriptionof, 718, 7 19J, 720 surgical anatomy of, 1695/ ''acdncs , 7 11 -7 12
i nhibitor<, f i l Trauma ,218-219-:2191,2050 Tr igcminalncuralgia , 1926, 1926/ Tumor lysi< <p1<lrnmc , !lll
mycophcnola<emofecil, 624 ab<lom inal, 1895- 18')6 Ti-iggerthumband fingers , fomormarhrs , G76-70'i . 697 b
nonimmunesideeffects , acmc.ruAcuteirauma 2illM.:2illli charactori><ics of, 697
bbsr, ~ 5941 Triglrccride>, .21 dcfinit iono( 697
p rotein kiruseC inhibirion , blunt abdominal, evaluation of. Trimcthoprim ·so1 lfomethox.~zolc .262 DNA-based . 701

432-434, 433/ Ti-irno<lali1ythcrapy, rolcofsurgc-;:y- pro1cin.;uProtci111umormarkers
rituxim ab, 627 brain. <eeTraumaticbrain injury in , 103'), 10391 RNA-ha_;c.J , 70 1-702
1acrolimus.62J1,624 -625 of chest wall , 1603 '[i-iple-negat ivebrcastcancets , fumornocrosisfuctor, 28r-29r
isle1 , &,g, 662 -66~ geneticsandgenomicsof, MJllil fomornccrosisfuctor-« . 27-30
imbtedintcstinc, ~ 668/ 242-243 Troph icfccding, _1_!1 Tumor (T)stage,cvaluat ion of, in
kidne)'- iuKidncytr>nsplantation inlmun ologyand inflammat ion . Trop ic alpancrc,Hi tis , 1532 lungca ncer. 1585.1585/
1ivet.<r<Livet1tanspl.nta1ion iU.:Q Tropoel»1in,<olublc, 139 Turnor-infihra1inglymphocy1 e
livcr· in!cstinc-pancrcas ,6(,9/ mc1abolk response to ,99/ Ii-uncal vagotorny, 12i"i5,""1205/ (Tll.) . 7 14, 7 14/
lung,1 598 inolderadu h s, 355-356 andan t rectomy,TIOi):: J207 , Tumor-pronlO!illginAammation ,
newareasof, fi2::!ill penetratingab<lominal, 43'1, 434/ l207fl208/ £Jl2
nut ritioml >tippor1 during, i l l in prcgnancy, 2065 - ·!i-uncusartcr iosus, 16.l0 - 16 -1 2. Tunnel sOJhaorticstcnosis , 1643
inoldcraduhs . J56 p rchospiul fl11 idstudicsin , 64t 163lf l632/ Turcotsyndromc ,13681 -
panaeas.JeePancreas spinalror<l.;uSpiualror<l, !i-unk.plaS! icsu rgcryof,1953- 1965 l'ympany10percussion ,ll25
transplantation lnJUt!CSlO alxlomina l wall >urgery, TypcA<lis>CCtion,inaonic
post-transplantation splenic , 1561 19 58- 196 1 dissection ,1746
lymphoprolifcracivedisorder, tissuehypoxiaafter,24 3 backdef..:ts,surgeryof, 'J'ypelidisse<:t ion
fil fill tracheal , 1592 - 1595, \ 593}1 594/ \ 963-1965. 1964/ in aortk di>Scction , 1746- \ 747
rcjc<;ti<:m . 617-622 urologic.,uUrologictrauma fmoastsurgcry. 1955- 1958 <:>pcnsurgic•lthcrapyfor,
acuie ,620-622,620/ vascular. 1NVasculat1raum a chc;i wall, recons1tuciionof, 17 47 - 17 48
chro.,ic ,622 VCf!ebra!rolurnn.;eeVct1ebral 1953- 1954 fypc II ~ndolcak, 17 33
histologyof, 619/ column, inju ri es to perineum , reconstruction of, Type Il l endolcak , 1733
hypcrarnte, 617-620, 619/ 1962-1963.196.3/ 'l'yphlitis, 1297
mcchanismof,618/ in di<a>tcrarca , l2J_ <1crno10mywoun<ls , 1954 - 1955, Typhoidc nt criti< , 12(,(i-1267
tolcr.rncc , iiJQ±1! initial»sc.,mcntand \ 9 5 5/ Tyro>inc kinase inh ib itors, for
\'asculariu.:lcomposik iissue, 633, airway. ~ 4!5/ Tuberculosis , 2075 neuroendocrinetumors, 1276
634/ - breathin g, 4 15 !Uberculousperi10ni1is, 1079
~enotransphnto tion . 631·632.
632/ --
circul>tion~5-416 .415b, Tuberoussdcrosis ,691< u
4 16/ Tuboct1rarinc , 3651 Ulcer d isease, complicated ,
rr~nsposition , 1797 di;abiliiy,fil fobular a<lcnorna, 836 1201 - 1207.1201b
1 -<positjon~ O e<p<»urc , 4 16 Tuf<>in , 1557 - gastricoutlctob>trnction , 1205
fransposition Aop.:1940 rcsusciu1iVeli1oracowmy, Tumor{s) . suah Neop lasms:specific hemorrhage, 1202-1204. -
ltanspositionof1hogreatarieri« 416-417 12021-1 2031, 1203/
(TGA) , 1637- 1640 . secondary,.1 rvey. 417 adhesionrheoryof. 685-686 perforation , 1204 - 1205, \ 204/
1638fl639/ ininitialphase, 591 - biology of. 676-704Ts0r:6 81/ Ulcerative colitis, 11 54. 111'1-1149
ina<luhs ,1639- 1640 in mass <'."~Suahy, 587-590 bonc. tulloncturn or< dinic:.I prcscnta!ionof, 1341
congenita llycorrcc1c<l , l640 Tr>111naCarcSyS1c c~ingand ccllsan<l .<olublcfactor<affcct ing. Crohn'scol itisw,.,-u>, 13391
withintactvemricula rseprnm . DevelopmcntActofl990, 410 682r diagnosisof, 134 1- 134 2

1640, 1641/ haumaserviccl inc,i ndisaS!ers ,- ofcranialan<lspinal ncrves, 1913 dysplasia/carcinoma in ,1345
withvcntr;cularseptal dcfoct 588, 588/ dcrcgulari ng cdlularcncrgctics in , dcct ivcopc rations for, 1348,
and pu lmonicstenosis, Trau ;;:;-;;-;-ystems, 409-410, 409/ .fil2 1349/ -
410b E-ca<lhcrinand , 686, 686/ epi<lcrniologyan<l couscof,
intact \'Cntrkuhr<cptum , 1638 Tr.umatichrain iniury, 1895, grnornicinstabil ~f, ii&'l l'B9-H40
ventricularseptaldefect growth su p pressors of, 681-683 , extra i111estinalmanifesta1ionsof,
withpulmonarystenosis-lefr 68 2/ -- 1341
vcntrkularo ouAowtr.ict hand , 2007-2013 . 2008<
obst ruction/pulmonary immunedcstrnct i onof. ~
atresia,1639 1111111unosuppr«s1,•c,
with/without arch liypopla.>ia, rniCTOC11vironrncntof,
1638-1639 709-7 10, 709b
Jtans>"ersalisfoscia , 107 0/ 1086/ immunosurvcillanceof, .!iSI
1094/ malignantskin ,2012 -2013
mctast>sisof, ~
mutationof, f-82
ptolifcra1 ivcsignalingof, 679-681
replicat ionpotmtialof, f,fui

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Title: Racconti storici

Author: Giambattista Bazzoni

Release date: December 12, 2023 [eBook #72382]

Language: Italian

Original publication: Milano: Manini, 1832

Credits: Barbara Magni



Giambattista Bazzoni

Presso Omobono Manini

Avendo io richiesto al signor Giambattista Bazzoni qualche suo

breve lavoro onde pubblicarlo in occasione del nuovo anno, egli
cortesemente mi diede tre sue Novelle che furono da me tostamente
poste in luce col corredo tipografico ch’io mi seppi migliore.
Il rapidissimo smaltimento della numerosa edizione di quelle Novelle,
la ricerca che delle medesime continua ad essermi fatta, sarebbero
bastate a determinarmi a pubblicarle una seconda volta, se anco per
meglio convalidare il mio pensiero, ed a renderlo, mi lusingo, più
gradevole, non m’avesse l’Autore concessa la pubblicazione di altri
suoi Racconti inediti, i quali sono l’Ingelinda, Macaruffo o la Corte del
Duca Filippo Maria Visconti e il Sotterraneo, a cui aggiunse la Scena
Storica il Bravo e la Dama, già apparsa in luce con molti lodati
componimenti di diversi autori nel libro intitolato Non ti scordar di
Offro ora dunque al Pubblico questa, dirò, raccolta di Racconti
Storici del Signor Bazzoni colla fiducia che sarà per essere accetta
non meno favorevolmente di quello che lo furono gli altri di lui lavori.
Spero poi che i cortesi Lettori mi sapranno grado d’avere adornato il
volumetto di non poche incisioni, condotte da giovane ma valente
mano, il maggior numero de’ disegni delle quali li ottenne l’Autore
dalla gentilezza dell’egregio e distintissimo Professore Hayez, nome
sì universalmente conosciuto e pari ad ogni elogio.
La eleganza dell’edizione e le cose contenute fanno quindi che io
auguri prosperamente dell’esito dell’opera, nè avverrà certo che la
mia aspettativa vadi delusa, s’è pur vero che sia oggi giorno fatto
generale l’amore delle storiche cognizioni, specialmente quando
vengono presentate sotto forma di dilettevoli ed animati quadri.
Omobono Manini.

Ahi! nelle insonni tenebre

Pei claustri solitari
Fra il canto delle vergini
Ai supplicati altari
Sempre al pensier tornavano
Gli irrevocati dì.
Adelchi Att. IV.

Quasi di fronte ad un palazzo che sfoggia nell’aspetto tutta la

sontuosità architettonica ch’era in voga al principio dello scorso
secolo, sorge in Milano una Chiesa che va congiunta ad uno de’ piu
antichi monasteri di questa città. Tal chiostro in cui vivevano le Suore
dell’Ordine di San Benedetto è il Monastero Maggiore, e la sua
chiesa s’intitola a San Maurizio; ivi Bernardo Luino, sì amabile e
sublime in opera di pennello, colorì alcune figure che rapiscono
d’ammirazione e diletto.
L’oscura porta del quadrato cortile che apriva l’ingresso al
Monastero, la contigua marmorea facciata della Chiesa, abbrunita
dagli anni, il campanile che le sovrasta, formano un quadro di linee
severe, il quale si stacca interamente dalle gaje e ridenti prospettive
che offrono gli edifizii moderni e richiama la mente ai costumi ed alla
storia delle età trapassate.
Ne’ vecchi tempi il lato occidentale del vasto giardino di quel
Chiostro veniva chiuso per una parte dal ricinto d’una rustica
casuccia, che era della famiglia dell’ortolano, quindi da un muro che
rispondeva esternamente alla contrada detta del Nilone di San
Francesco; verso la fine di tal muro eravi una quadrata torre
smussata, rozza, cadente, antico avanzo dei baluardi della città che
quivi passavano prima dell’età di Federigo Barbarossa. Altra torre
forse più vetusta e di forma rotonda sorgeva pure in quel giardino, e
vuolsi, avesse al tempo dominio romano servito di carcere ad alcuni
Santi Martiri, le cui immagini scorgevansi colà raffigurate in atto
d’affacciarsi ai ferri della grata.
La torre quadrata posta in fine al muro aveva serbato lungo tempo il
nome di Torre d’Anisperto, perchè dicevasi averla fatta costruire
quell’Arcivescovo, il quale nel nono secolo fortificò i ripari di Milano
contro i temuti assalti dei barbari; ma venne poi chiamata la torre
della Madalena, a causa che le naturali sue ruine, modificate alcun
poco dall’arte, avevano cangiato l’ingresso della torre medesima in
una grotta ripiena di ampii massi sui quali era stata adagiata una
statua rappresentante la Madalena penitente. L’edera, il musco e
varii antichi frantumi sparsi d’intorno concorrevano a dare a quel
luogo il vero carattere d’un eremo, a cui fornivano tutto il patetico
alcune annose piante frondosissime, che cingevano ed
ombreggiavano a modo di bosco quel luogo, non che un rigagnolo
che derivando quivi presso dal Nilone penetrava con dolce mormorìo
nel giardino.
Terminati i vespri, un bel giorno di Maggio del 1489, le Monache
uscite in frotta dal coro s’andavano disperdendo altre pei portici, altre
per i corritoi e pel cortile: solo due di esse presero la volta del
giardino e s’avviarono passo passo verso la grotta della Madalena.
Il sole declinato verso ponente splendeva in tutto il fulgore. Al suo
raggio si vedevano rosseggiare di sopra al muro la fronte del vicino
convento de’ Francescani e in lontananza le torri di Sant’Ambrogio.
Tutto il giardino era fiorito e la verzura stessa delle frondi s’aveva
alcun che di lucido e d’ameno che armonizzava colle belle tinte del
Le due Suore procedevano lentamente per l’erboso vialetto l’una a
fianco dell’altra. Una era giovane, mesta, pallidissima e teneva
dogliosamente inclinato il capo; essa sembrava sostenersi a stento,
tanta era l’incertezza colla quale posava il piede; l’altra d’età poco
piu matura l’andava dolcemente sorreggendo, e mostrava in volto la
pazienza e la bontà di un angelo. Pervenute sotto gli alberi presso la
grotta, fece la maggiore d’età assidere l’altra sopra uno de’ massi, le
si pose dappresso e disse:
«Qui è fresco e quieto, non è vero Ingelinda?
«Sì, o sorella, l’aria è men calda e tutto mi pare tranquillo — in così
dire lasciò cadere una mano in grembo alla compagna, ed alzò il
capo traendo un sospiro. La sua faccia, contornata dai lini monacali,
de’ quali era forse piu bianca, rappresentava un ovale, che se fosse
stato d’alcun po’ meno scemo per estenuatezza, sarebbe apparso
perfetto; il naso, la bocca, la fronte potevano appartenere ad una
statua greca; aveva sottilissime e nere le sopracciglia, il contorno
degli occhi era tale che nessun pittore saprebbe finger meglio, solo
la pupilla immobile, appannata, non corrispondeva alla sua rara
bellezza... ella era cieca.
«Dove siamo, disse, mia cara Agnese?
«In giardino, nel boschetto, presso la grotta di Santa Maria
«Quel bosco e quella grotta che voi mi conduceste a vedere sei anni
sono quand’io venni la prima volta a Milano e qui fui colla mia povera
madre a ritrovarvi. Ve ne ricordate?
«L’ho presente quel giorno come se fosse oggi stesso.
«Io pure non l’ho mai dimenticato. Era dì di festa; sentii la messa con
mia madre nella Chiesa di fuori, in mezzo a gran folla di signori,
poscia entrammo qua dentro e fummo accolte con tutta cortesia, e
tosto condotte nel parlatorio — Quest’è tua cugina Agnese la figlia
dello zio Corrado d’Arona — mi disse mia madre quando voi ci
veniste incontro insieme alla Badessa. Io v’abbracciai, voi mi
colmaste di carezze e avend’io mostrato desiderio di vedere i luoghi
interni del chiostro mi guidaste nelle sale, nelle celle, per tutto ed
anche in giardino. Qui coglieste per me molte rose ed altri bei fiori, e
mi faceste visitare questa grotta: so che la Santa sta leggendo ed ha
vicino a sè un rosario ed un crocifisso.
«Per l’appunto. Rimango però compresa da meraviglia come vi
possiate rimembrare di ciò, mentre allora non restammo qui che un
momento. Voi d’altronde eravate sì giovinetta e vivace!...
«È vero, o sorella, ma allora il mio cuore contento e sereno, si
pascolava con dolcezza d’ogni cosa. Ahi come rapido passò quel
«Povera Ingelinda!... E avete tanto sofferto?
«Oh se sapeste quanti dolori, quanti immensi acerbissimi dolori ha
provati dappoi questo cuore, sono certa che per commozione non
potreste trattenere le lagrime!
«Sempre mi sono rammentata di voi, e il cielo sa cosa avrei dato per
potervi assistere anche da prima.
«Vedete in quale stato gli affanni m’hanno ridotta? Già quasi mi
mancano le forze di reggermi sulla persona; altro non sono che una
misera creatura vicino al sepolcro.
«Credetemi, vi raccomando ogni giorno e con tutto il fervore nelle
mie preghiere alla Vergine e spero colla grazia di Lei che i vostri mali
si calmeranno.
«O cara Agnese, pregate la Vergine che seco presto mi chiami: ogni
altra speranza è perduta; sono insanabili i miei mali.
E rimase silenziosa colla testa ripiegata sul seno. L’altra suora
rispettando il suo dolore, senza profferire parola, le prese una mano
e stringendola fra le sue leggiermente, le fece comprendere quanto
sentiva l’angoscioso suo stato.
Sorse intanto un’auretta che penetrando tra i rami di quelle antiche
piante fece nascere un improvviso ma tenue susurro, e scese a
careggiare con soffio soave il volto ad Ingelinda. Ella si scosse;
sparve un momento dalla sua fronte l’ambascia e atteggiata ad un
mesto ma ispirato sorriso: — Oh qual dolce venticello! (esclamò).
Viene esso forse dal lago a ritrovarmi ancora? Com’è caro, come
aleggia e rinfresca il mio sangue! parmi d’essere sulla mia spiaggia
di Lesa a respirare l’aria della sera che scendeva dai colli
imbalsamata dai fiori del persico. In quest’ora il lago era d’argento e
le sue acque venivano a morire sulla sabbia a’ miei piedi,
mormorando come fanno queste foglie. (Stette sospesa un istante
poi proseguì più animata). In quest’ora, sì, la sua barca spuntava,
s’avanzava, giungeva al fine e balzato a terra volavami incontro.
Quai momenti!... Quai parole!... Chi le potrebbe ridire?... Egli solo...
«Egli chi? — domandò Agnese con sorpresa e premura. Ingelinda
esitò un istante poi profferì a voce sommessa un cognome.
«Che dite?... Egli... d’Arona? il Signor della Rocca?
«Sì il conte Guido... Ma, oh cielo, (disse la cieca trepidando) forse
alcuno ci ascolta!...
«No, non v’ha anima vivente qui dappresso; anche tutto il giardino è
deserto (aggiunse Agnese, dopo avere traguardato fra i tronchi degli
alberi). Oh che mi narrate mai! Eravate voi dunque l’amata di quel
gentile Cavaliero? Intendo, intendo la vostra sventura. Infelice! so, è
già un anno, ch’egli rimase morto sul campo.
«Morto il mio Guido?... No; egli vive e forse sospira la sua Ingelinda.
«Ma come? Se si compie ora un anno appunto da che la sua
famiglia, la quale ha pure dimora in Milano poco lunge da noi,
mandò al monastero ricchi doni onde venissero celebrate solenni
preci ed esequie pel Cavaliero da voi rammentato, che dicevasi
fosse caduto combattendo pel Duca contro quei di Francia?
«Ahi funesta quanto falsa notizia! I suoi nemici non osarono tanto;
egli respira ancora... ma non è piu per me; io l’ho perduto per
sempre. — Queste parole furono pronunciate con un accento che
manifestava una desolazione profonda, inconsolabile.
Agnese a cui quella confessione del tutto nuova e inaspettata aveva
colpito in singolar modo lo spirito, corse col pensiero alla primiera
età onde rinvenire al di là delle lunghe e placide sue claustrali
abitudini qualche affetto che s’avesse il tumulto e la vita di quel
profano sentire. E avendo essa in troppo giovane età abbandonato il
mondo non intravide che lampi confusi, i quali le rammentavano però
un non so che di tenero, pieno d’una soavità e d’un cruccio
indistinto. Ciò accrebbe in essa, se pure era possibile, la pietà per
l’infelice compagna; e nelle richiamate rimembranze una trovandone
fra le più care e complete, la quale riguardava l’oggetto nomato,
quasi involontariamente trascorse a dire:
«Fanciullo mi ricordo averlo veduto armeggiare in giostra nel piano a
piè del colle della Rocca, poco fuori de’ baluardi d’Arona. Colà erasi
elevato lo steccato co’ palchi, e tutti v’accorrevano i terrazzani a
mirare lo spettacolo splendidissimo. Dal forte d’Oleggio, da Angera,
da infiniti altri luoghi oltre il Lago e il Ticino venivano i Signori e i
Castellani invitati dal Conte suo padre. Prima nel torneo
battagliarono i cavalieri d’età virile coperti d’armi lucenti e di finissime
sopravvesti, indi i giovinetti con lancia e spade spuntate. Fra tutti
ammiravasi per leggiadria e destrezza quel figliuolo del possente
Signore del paese: s’aveva un ghiazzerino di terso acciajo con
borchiette d’oro ch’era una meraviglia a vedersi; lo serrava in vita
una fascia rossa di seta con molti vaghi usolieri; teneva in testa sul
bacinetto ricoperto di velluto un pennacchino cadente a sghembo, e
con quel suo portamento, con quel suo viso fiero, ardito e al tempo
stesso sì bello e gentile rubava gli occhi, incantava le persone.
«Ardito, bello e gentile... È desso, è desso (esclamò Ingelinda
abbracciandola con trasporto, poichè quei detti avevano fatta vibrare
con tutta veemenza la corda piu tesa e sensibile dell’anima sua). Ah
voi dunque l’avete veramente veduto?... Ed era fanciullo allora: oh
se l’aveste potuto mirare nel fiore di sua giovinezza, adorno di tutte
le grazie più squisite, se aveste udita la sua voce, le sue parole, egli
vi sarebbe sembrato mille volte ancor più bello.
«Voi avete però abitato sempre a Lesa, come avvenne mai che foste
conosciuta da quel giovine Cavaliero che aveva stanza ad Arona?
«Soleva lo zio Corrado, vostro padre, ogni qual volta veniva a Lesa
far calde istanze presso mia madre onde mi lasciasse andare ad
Arona per ivi soggiornare seco lui alcun poco, poichè diceva il buon
vecchio che vedendomi in casa gli sarebbe sembrato d’avere ancora
la sua Agnese, giacchè vi teneva come perduta da che v’eravate
rinchiusa in questo lontano monastero.
«Ottimo Padre! di mio volere non l’avrei abbandonato mai; fu la
Badessa nostra parente, che qui mi volle. Ma proseguite, o cara.
«Dopo tante e tante replicate istanze, due anni sono finalmente mia
madre mi concedette di trasportarmi in Arona all’occasione della
festa della natività dell’Immacolata Bambina, la quale come sapete
viene colà celebrata con tutta pompa. Mia madre, — ah! la
sventurata non sapeva di quai fatali avvenimenti essere causa
doveva quella partenza, — riempi il fardello di mie vesti piu ricche e
sfarzose e dopo avermi baciata e ribaciata, fu presente, allorchè
sull’alba del giorno otto di settembre, adagiata in groppa al bianco
ubino di mio fratello, c’incamminammo per la strada lungo il lago ad
Arona. Era già alto il sole quando vi giungemmo; tutte le campane
suonavano a festa, le vie erano folte di gente che da terra e nelle
barche continuamente arrivava. Ornate le case, pieni i davanzali di
fiori, ogni cosa annunciava solennità e letizia. Pervenuti alla casa
dello zio non so dirvi con qual tripudio vi fummo ricevuti. Egli non
saziavasi d’abbracciarci. Ordinò venisse tosto allestita per me la
miglior camera, e che ogni cosa che io desiderassi mi fosse
immediatamente presentata. Mi assegnò per fante la Lisia...
«Oh la Lisia? (l’interruppe dicendo Agnese). La mia Lisia, chi sa se
gode di prospera salute e conserva ancora memoria di me?
«Quand’io lasciai la vostra casa, benchè essa si dicesse aggravata
dagli anni, pure era sana e vegeta, e parlava sempre di voi con
molto amore.
«Lisia mi vide nascere e mi portava il più gran bene del mondo; guai
se vedeva punirmi o negar cosa che richiedessi! S’aveva veramente
un cuor di miele; anch’io l’amava tanto. Or bene continuate, che
faceste quel primo giorno in Arona?
«La novità degli oggetti (prosegui Ingelinda), il brivido del freddo
mattinale che mi aveva assalita nel viaggio, e più d’ogni altro motivo
l’immagine di mia madre lasciata piangente avevano prodotto in me
un certo torpore increscevole. Ma l’amorosa accoglienza dello zio e
di tutta la casa, le cure dell’abbigliamento in una tiepida stanza, il
mirare dall’imposta del balcone nella piazza una ressa inusitata di
popolo festante, dissiparono a poco a poco ogni melanconica idea; e
quando sontuosamente ornata della persona, con un candido velo
che dalle chiome cadevami dietro sin quasi al piede, m’apprestai a
recarmi alle sacre funzioni, il mio cuore fatto aperto e lieto prendeva
parte alla gioja universale. Venuta l’ora, uscimmo collo zio alla volta
della chiesa. La moltitudine stipata nella via dividevasi per farci largo
— È messer Corrado co’ suoi nipoti (dicevansi l’un l’altro), lasciate
libero il passo — E mentre pur curiosamente ci affisavano in volto,
tutti restringevansi per aprirci comoda strada. Il buon vecchio
contento oltremodo di averci a’ suoi fianchi, sorrideva ringraziando
per la cortesia a noi usata. Giungemmo a Santa Maria.......
«Oh come sarà stata quel dì stupendamente addobbata?
«Era tutta ad arazzi ed oro: i cerei splendevano in cento luoghi, a
fasci piramidali, l’altare maggiore coperto di lumi, di argentee reliquie
e d’arredi, luceva come un sole. Noi andammo a collocarsi in luogo
distinto, ne’ sedili che sono dello zio. A poca distanza da noi stavano
i seggi isolati e riccamente adorni destinati al Conte Signore della
Rocca, il quale dopo pochi momenti giunse esso pure alla chiesa,
seguito dai figli co’ principali di sua famiglia; i soldati lo precedettero
colle alabarde, il clero l’accolse e l’accompagnò al posto d’onore.
Ebbero allora principio le sacre funzioni ed io genuflessa come gli
altri tutti rivolsi la mia mente al cielo. Tanto splendore, tante
ricchezze, i suoni e i cantici melodiosi, i globi d’incenso che
elevandosi formavano intorno un’odorosa nube, parve schiudessero
al mio animo il paradiso, poichè nell’intenso durare della prece io
gioiva d’una contentezza celeste, indescrivibile. Mossa dal puro
interno affetto alzava lo sguardo riconoscente quasi se assistessi
colle schiere angeliche all’eterna corte; ma... oh istante!... le mie
s’incontrarono in due pupille vive, nere, lucenti, che stavano fise
immobili a contemplarmi. Come se quegli occhi avessero penetrato
nel profondo del mio cuore, sentii per rossore salirmi al volto una
fiamma, ripiegai tosto il capo sulle mani giunte, per cui il velo, che
aveva rialzato, cadde a quel moto e ricoprimmi il volto.
«Ed era il primogenito del Conte che v’aveva guardato? —
l’interruppe chiedendo Agnese, la quale fatta immobile ascoltava con
tutta avidità quel racconto.
«Egli appunto (timida rispose e con piana voce Ingelinda). Io non
osai più durante l’intera celebrazione levare lo sguardo verso quella
parte, neppure da sotto il velo, e compiuti i santi riti, quando
uscimmo dalla chiesa progredii tutta in me raccolta cogli occhi a
terra sin che riposi il piede nella casa dello zio, poichè m’era rimasto
in petto un insolito turbamento. Quivi m’attendevano, conscie di mia
venuta, varie giovinette, amiche di vostra famiglia, le quali mi fecero
gioviale corona e seco loro mi condussero sul loggiato onde godere
della piacevole veduta delle adorne contrade e della moltitudine de’
passaggieri. Di là su, mentre io guardava ammirata ogni cosa
mescendomi all’allegro favellìo di quelle compagne, veggo avanzarsi
alla nostra volta sopra superbi destrieri bardati di velluto, due
leggiadri giovani pomposamente vestiti con cinture vermiglie
trapunte in oro.
«Uno d’essi sarà stato il Cavaliero?
«Sì. Al riconoscerlo tremai tutta, poichè sembravami che l’altre
dovessero avvedersi dell’agitazione prodotta in me dal suo apparire.
Egli passando sotto il loggiato vi gettò varii sguardi, e s’allontanò
lentamente non senza rivolgere a più riprese il capo. Essendovi varie
fanciulle colà su, io per buona sorte non venni scorta o
particolarmente distinta. Il giorno seguente poi avviandomi al
passeggio collo zio e il fratello, usciti da San Graziano fuor di porta,
lo rividi fra comitiva di nobili signori che veniva alla volta d’Arona e
m’accorsi che intorno al farsetto, in luogo della cintura vermiglia, se
n’era stretta una bianca screziata di color di rosa come era l’abito
mio. Stavagli impresso in viso un certo pallore, che nel dì
antecedente non gli aveva veduto e che ne rendeva i tratti ancor più
nobili e belli; mi rimirò vivamente e fece atto d’inchinarsi a salutarmi,
ma in quel punto mi diedi a parlare collo zio, e mostrai di non
avvedermi di lui.
«Oh così aveste voi animo di fare?
«Lo feci: però confesso il vero, cara sorella, che la notte, mentre
cercava d’abbandonarmi al sonno, egli sempre si presentava alla
mia mente e lo vedeva da prima con tutta dolcezza rimirarmi, poscia
a causa di mia severità dipartirsi da me afflitto, sdegnoso, e sentiva
di ciò un pentimento, una doglia grave inusitata al cuore. Avrei voluto
allora non essermi mai staccata dai fianchi di mia madre e
proponevami di tostamente farvi ritorno per obbliare quella
seducente e tormentosa immagine.
«E che fu?
«Appena alzata, vedendo mio fratello s’allestire per la partenza,
pregai istantemente lo zio mi lasciasse seco lui redire alle mie case.
Fu invano. Chiedevami quasi piangendo il buon vecchio, se temeva
che appo lui m’avesse alcuna cosa a mancare, mi offrì vezzi, abiti,
doni d’ogni sorta e ripetè il comando che io dovessi venire
considerata ed obbedita al pari di lui medesimo. Mi fu forza il cedere;
mio fratello partì da solo, ed ohimè abbandonai il mio animo ad una
lusinghiera aspettativa! Il Cavaliero ripassava ogni giorno dalla casa,
io lo vedeva e andava in me crescendo una tenera ansiosa cura che
occupava ogni mio pensiero. Un mattino che seduta, ricamando un
nastro presso le imposte del balcone attendeva ch’ei passasse,
poichè n’era l’ora consueta, venne la Lisia a porsi a canto a me.
Quando il Cavaliero trascorse a lenti passi la sottoposta via, quella
fante sogguardandomi con certo malizioso sorriso mi disse —
Conoscete voi quel giovine e bel signore che passa? — Io mi feci di

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