Karenly Nugroho - Storybook Draft

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Storybook Draft

[The Friendly Alien Was Found]

Name: Karenly
Class: 7.4
Student Number: 14

On a busy day, Adalyn and Rosaline are working. They got an offer from their
boss, the offer is a holiday trip to space. Adalyn thought it was a bad idea, but
Rosaline wanted to know more about space. Adalyn and Rosaline are sisters, so they
discuss it at home. Adalyn didn’t want to argue with Rosaline, so she just followed
what her sister said. Next week is the day where they are going to space. Adalyn is
quite nervous, Rosalin is excited to go to space, she has waited for so long to go to

The rocket ship started to take off. They both hold on tight. But all of a sudden,
they hear the siren sound. Adalyn and Rosaline were scared and confused. Not long
after, they reached the unknown planet. They tried to open the rocket ship’s door by
pushing it. Adalyn and Rosaline pushed the door together, until it finally opened,
“Looks like the door is broken,” said Rosaline. Adalyn nodded as a response. Adalyn

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and Rosaline both tried to figure out where they were. Rosaline was about to explore
the planet but Adalyn stopped her, “Let's just explore together, we don’t know if this
planet is safe, it might be dangerous.” So they explore the unknown planet together.
After a while, Adalyn and Rosaline started to get hungry. But all of a sudden, they
both heard something strange. The sound was scary and weird. Adalyn was scared,
she started to step backwards slowly. Rosaline was also scared, but she forced herself
to find out where the sound was coming from. Turns out the sound was coming from
behind the rock. Rosaline slowly stepped forward to the rock, where the sound was
coming from. Turn’s out, behind the rock was a small alien. Looks like it’s a baby
alien, it’s still small.

Rosaline found what she wanted to see, and that was an alien. The alien was
friendly, the alien showed around the planet and brought back Adalyn and Rosaline
back to their rocketship. When they arrived at their rocket ship, there was another
alien, the alien looked bigger. Maybe it's the mother of the baby alien, thought
Adalyn. Both of the aliens used their slime from their body and fixed the rocket ship.
Adalyn and Rosaline was suprised what the alien’s did. Adalyn saw the small alien eat
a small flower and grass from the planet, but there’s only a few plants on this
unknown planet. “Hey Rosaline, looks like this alien’s eat’s plants, but there’s only a
few plants in here,” said Adalyn. The plant’s from the earth and the unknown planet
are quite similar. The difference is that this planet, from the unknown planet, can live
without oxygen and the color is bright.

Adalyn and Rosaline decided to help the alien’s by finding them food and that
is plant’s. Both of them looked around the planet to see if there’s any plants for the
alien’s to eat and some food for both of them to eat. The alien followed both of them
while exploring. Until they found something bright, they all got closer to see clearly.
“Looks like it’s a plant and some berry’s,” said Rosaline. Adalyn and Rosaline ate the
berry and hoped that it was safe to eat, because both of them were hungry. While the

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aliens, both the mother and the baby alien ate the plant. It looks like they are hungry.
It’s quite hard to find the plant on this unknown planet. Both of them, Adalyn,
Rosaline, and the alien’s both got their food and now they're not hungry anymore.

Once they finish eating, they rest on the planet for a while. Adalyn and
Rosaline were tired, but the alien’s are not tired, they have so much energy. While
Adalyn and Rosaline were resting on the planet, the alien’s kept moving around. The
alien’s wait patiently for Adalyn and Rosaline. Until Adalyn and Rosaline finally got
their energy and strength back, they went back to the rocket ship. Adalyn and
Rosaline have forgotten where their rocket ship was, but luckily the alien’s
remember. So Rosaline and Adalyn followed the alien’s to the rocket ship. Finally they
got back to their rocket ship, they both tried to turn on the rocket ship, to see if it
works or not. Rosaline, Adalyn, and the alien’s were all happy because all of them got
what they needed. Rosaline and Adalyn got their rocket ship fixed and they also got
to eat and the alien’s got to find their food. Finally it was time for Rosaline and Adalyn
to go back to earth, Rosaline was quite sad that they would leave this unknown
planet, so was the alien. Rosaline and Adalyn said goodbye to the alien’s and thanked
them for helping to explore this planet and fixed their rocket ship.

Rosaline and Adalyn started the rocket ship and they flew off from the
unknown planet. After a while, they finally got back to earth, their boss came to them
and asked “How was the trip? I heard something happened to the rocket ship, are you
both alright?” Their boss was worried about Rosaline and Adalyn’s condition. “We’re
both alright, we met some friendly aliens actually,” said Rosaline.

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