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Trends, Networks, and

Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600

Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Email:; Website: Grade Level/Section: Senior High School
Module 3 – Trends Subject Teacher: HUMSS Faculty


Learning Objectives:
A. Define intuitive thinking;
B. Analyze real-life applications of intuitive thinking; and
C. Construct one’s own ways to apply intuitive thinking in personal life.

Intuitive Thinking

Sensing or knowing without using rational processes such as reading facts and instructions;
making choices and decisions according to ones’ hunch and gut feeling without knowing
the reason why

• Intuition - the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need of

conscious reasoning (Oxford dictionary)


1. Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurvedic medicine is India’s traditional medicine system. Ayurvedic doctors agree that
both intuition and intellect are necessary to give a person a correct diagnosis and treatment
of their specific disease.Pulse diagnosis which is done by the physician placing three fingers
on the patient’s pulse allows him to know the types of energetic imbalances he has and to
some extent how to correct them. The mind and heart of the doctor have to be in tune while
this takes place. It is impressive to know that pulse diagnosis has been used for over 5,000
years and it continues to be used today – with some doctors in the West having also
implemented it in their practice.

2. U.S. Airways Collision

In 2009, pilot Sullenberger became a national hero after saving hundreds of lives in an
airplane collision. The U.S. Airways airplane crashed with a flock of birds causing the engines
to fail. Since the engines couldn’t be restarted once in the air, Sullenberger made use of his
unconscious mind and decided to land the airplane in the Hudson River – which wouldn’t
have been deemed a normal course of action for such an incident. This happened in a
matter of seconds and what was thought to be a very hard thing to do (land on the Hudson
River), was done with ease by the pilot.

Intuitive Thinking | Page 2 of 4

Trends, Networks, and
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Email:; Website: Grade Level/Section: Senior High School
Module 3 – Trends Subject Teacher: HUMSS Faculty

3. Business Success

Aileen Mahoney director of Evotive Marketing usually never calls back when she has missed
calls with no voice messages. However, one day there was a missed call and she felt the
urge to call back – although she had ignored those probably hundreds of times. She called
her husband and told him about it and her husband said she shouldn’t worry about calling
back. Nevertheless, the gut feeling didn’t allow her to forget about it. At last she decided to
call and she reports having contacted one of her best clients so far.

4. The Fake Statue

In 1983 the Getty Museum received a statue that was thought to be original. However, when
experts in the field came to check it, they all declared that the statue was fake. They didn’t
specify any particular reason but only recognized that a gut feeling told them there was
something wrong with it.

How to Become an Intuitive Thinker

To make intuitive decisions, you need to be able to weigh the situation in front of you. You
must weigh how it’ll affect you, your business, and your environment. You need to look at the
past, present, and future to understand what’s happened and what could happen.

Your experience can help you make an intuitive decision. Prior experiences are already
stored in our brains and can help us figure out what to do next while understanding why we
feel that way.

To access your intuition, trust your instinct and follow your gut. The craving or desire you feel is
often the result of an unconscious threat or deficiency in your body or mind that requires
your attention.

It’s also important to be aware of the risks involved in any action and to be prepared for
mistakes. Since there’s no perfect path to guide us at all times, we’re bound to make
mistakes throughout our lives that lead us down different paths than we originally intended –
these mistakes are simply learning experiences that help us develop our character and
shape our brains into more powerful thinking machines.

Tips for Developing Your Intuition

1. Developing your intuition is a skill you can practice and improve. Meditation will help a
2. Consider the context when you make a decision.
3. Free yourself from analysis paralysis and choose what feels right. Then assess whether you
made the right choice as soon after the decision as possible.
4. Use your intuition in a way that makes sense for you and the situation.
5. Use your intuition to check your work.

Intuitive Thinking | Page 3 of 4

Trends, Networks, and
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Email:; Website: Grade Level/Section: Senior High School
Module 3 – Trends Subject Teacher: HUMSS Faculty

Can Emotions Help?

The role of emotions in intuition is important. Emotions can be a source of information, and
they also motivate people to pursue that information. You can use the power of emotions to
support your intuitive thinking.

Often we’re more familiar with negative emotions than positive ones because it’s human
nature to focus on problems rather than solutions. However, there are many other positive
emotional states that provide valuable information besides happiness or contentment.

In Summary

Intuitive decision-making is a natural part of you and your way of making decisions. Intuition
can help you find the best path in difficult situations and keep you from making unnecessary
mistakes. Intuitive thinking is a combination of experience, emotion, and subconscious
processing that allows people to trust their instincts about what’s right for them.


Jenkins, P. (2022). What is Intuitive Thinking? Retrieved from


Rob (2015). Amazing examples of intuition. Retrieved from


Urgel, E. (2017). Trends, networks, and critical thinking in the 21st century culture. Diwa Learing
System Inc: Makati City, Philippines.

Intuitive Thinking | Page 4 of 4

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