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Head Of Department

Lloyd Institute of Engineering and Technology

Greater Noida

3rd April 2024

Subject: Request for Early Leave due to Unexpected Circumstances

Dear Mam,

I hope this letter finds you well.

I am writing to request your kind consideration for an early leave due to unexpected circumstances.

As a diligent student pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science (2A) at your esteemed institution, I have
encountered challenges securing an education loan for the past 1.5 years. After persistent efforts, I
finally received the education loan form from SBI Bank on the 28th of March, with a submission
deadline of the 1st of April. The bank has indicated approval by the 15th of April And I have to be
over here.

In light of this, I humbly request your permission to grant me leave until the 15th of April. I assure
you of my commitment to make up for missed classes and maintain a minimum of 95% attendance
Mam. During this period, I intend to focus on my studies from home and complete all assigned tasks

I appreciate your understanding and support. Please be assured of my dedication to fulfilling all
academic requirements and upholding the standards of excellence set by the institution.

Thank you for considering my request.

Yours faithfully,

Mazhar Ansari


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