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Ielts Speaking:

Các tips mở rộng câu trả lời bài Speaking:

- Dùng What, Where, When, Who, Why, How

- Dùng câu “Big fan of”: Fan cứng của cái gì đấy

Tả người:

1) Mở đầu (Người ấy là ai):

 If I have to talk about someone who is…, it would have to be…

2) Thông tin cơ bản:

 Tên: Her/his name is…
- Tips kéo dài câu: Tên Tiếng Anh: She/he also has an English
name…, she/he really want me to call her/him by this way.
 Tuổ i: Over … years old. Ngườ i già trô ng rấ t trẻ: Hale and hearty.
- Tips kéo dà i câ u: She is 70 years old. Next week she is
going to turn 71, I will definitely come home and
celebrate her birthday.
 Nghề nghiệp: Her/his job. Ex: She is a diligent teacher.
- Tips kéo dà i câ u: Kinh nghiệm. Ex: She has 30 years
experience in teaching and educating people.
 Số ng vớ i ai: Ex: She lives with… in…
- Tips kéo dà i câ u: Ex: She used to live in… but now she move
 Sở thích: He/she loves cooking for her/his grandchildren.

3) Nộ i dung chính (Tính cá ch, kỷ niệm):

 Ex: Why I love his/her so much
- She has a gold of heart.
- She treat everyone around her with kindness, that is reason
people around her always respect her.
- She join a lot of charity organisation to help poor and
disabled people.
- She is such an independent woman.
- She has been to a lot of countries such as: the UAE and
China,… alone without knowing the native languages.
- She has taught me several life lessons and diffrent
experiences that change my mind a lot. I really admire her, I
can not do the same thing she has archieve at her age.
- At the age of 70, everyone think she has retired, but actually
she still working hard and can earn money by herself, I
think it is really cool and she has always the superwoman in
my life.
- My grandmother has also a sense of humour. Everytime she
talks, we can not help but laughing.

4) Cả m nhậ n:
 I really love my grandmother. She is my biggest inspiration and
motivation for me to look up to. I hope that she can always be
healthy and happy as she is now.
 Im gonna study abroad for a long time, I know that I will miss
her so much. So I will try my best to take time visit her as much
as possible.
5) Tổ ng kết:
 So when it comes to… (đề bà i) I will absolutely talk about
beloved grandmother.

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