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Children are reported to be increasingly put under too much pressure to succeed by their parents.

phenomenon, I believe is the direct result of the competitive state of current society, therefore I will
make the case that it will deliver devastating impacts on children.

The predominant factor of parents obsessing with their child’s success is the competitive attitude among
parents. As a matter of fact, adult reunions today are the only occasions for them to brag about their
kids’ academic achievements. In order to prepare their children for a successful life in the future, parents
frequently make them participate in a variety of activities, both academic and extracurricular, which
stress the kids out. Additionally, parents feel proud when their child succeeds in numerous endeavors
and frequently link it to their social standing, which adds to the pressure. That is why children now are
exhausted with adults’ too-high expectations.

I do believe that over-pressurization has adverse influences on youngsters’ mental health. Children may
experience a lot of stress when forced to participate in activities that are beyond of their interests and
abilities, thus there would be no positive effect. Moreover, when they make an effort to deal with this
pressure to succeed, their mental health suffers, which can lead to issues like depression and low self-
esteem. In certain cases, the youngster's incapacity to handle the stress might even result in some
situations where the child decides to leave the house, or even worse, suicide to be free of pressure.
Another point worth noting is that excessive focus on achieving success may hinder children from
exploring their own passions and pursuing dream endeavors.

To conclude, I consider parents’ competitive expectations to be the culprit of tiring kids out with too
much pressure. Consequently, children’s mental stability is adversely affected which leads to terrible

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