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6 Macroeconomics MULTIPLE-CHOICE

Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

Circle the letter of each correct answer. 4. Which of the following transactions represents a
deficit in the current account of the U.S. balance
1. When does the law of comparative advantage of payments?
indicate that mutually beneficial international (A) The Moscow Capital Investment Corpora-
trade can take place? tion makes a loan to a U.S. firm.
(A) When tariffs are eliminated (B) A U.S. subsidiary exports raw materials to
(B) When relative costs of production differ its French parent company.
between nations (C) U.S. firms and individuals receive dividends
(C) When transportation costs are almost zero on U.S. investments in Latin America.
(D) When a country can produce a product in (D) U.S. tourists in Great Britain purchase
less time than another country can pounds sterling.
(E) When a country can produce more of some (E) Foreigners purchase U.S. securities.
product than other nations can
5. An increase in U.S. interest rates relative to the
2. According to the principle of comparative advan- rest of the world can be expected to
tage, worldwide output and consumption levels (A) encourage investment spending by U.S.
will be highest when goods are produced in firms in the United States.
nations where which of the following are true? (B) decrease the capital flow into the United
(A) Opportunity costs are lowest. States.
(B) Absolute advantages are highest. (C) cause a net outflow of foreign capital from
(C) The balance of trade is in a surplus. the United States.
(D) The exchange rate is falling. (D) increase the international value of the dollar.

(E) The exchange rate is rising. (E) improve the situation for exporters.

3. What does a balance of trade deficit imply? 6. Which of the following is true if a nation does
not have an absolute advantage in producing
(A) Exports of goods and services exceed any good or service?
imports of goods and services.
(A) It cannot have a comparative advantage
(B) Imports of goods and services exceed either.
exports of goods and services.
(B) It will have a comparative advantage in the
(C) Investment income received from abroad production of the good or service in which
exceeds investment income paid to foreigners. it has a lower opportunity cost.
(D) Investment income paid to foreigners exceeds (C) It will export raw materials and import fin-
investment income received from abroad. ished products.
(E) Investment by foreigners exceeds domestic (D) No country will want to trade with this na-
investment in other countries. tion because it is not cost effective to do so.
(E) The international value of its currency will
be fixed.

Advanced Placement Economics Macroeconomics: Student Activities © National Council on Economic Education, New York, N.Y. 321

6 Macroeconomics MULTIPLE-CHOICE

7. Assume a contractionary monetary policy causes 10. If a nation chooses to specialize and trade,
interest rates in the United States to increase rel- which of the following situations could be
ative to Japan. In the short run, the value of the expected to occur?
U.S. dollar, the value of the Japanese yen and the (A) Lower prices
U.S. balance of trade will most likely change in
(B) Fewer domestic jobs
which of the following ways?
(C) Decreased resource availability
U.S. Balance
Dollar Yen of Trade (D) Decreased dependence on other nations
(A) Appreciate Appreciate Move toward (E) Decreased quantity and quality of goods
(B) Appreciate Depreciate Move toward Use the information in the following table to
deficit answer questions 11 and 12.
(C) Appreciate Depreciate Move toward The table below shows the amount of cotton and
surplus corn per acre that can be produced in each country
(D) Depreciate Depreciate Move toward with one unit of resources.
(E) No change Appreciate Move toward Corn Cotton
deficit Egypt 400 bushels 500 bushels
Venezuela 300 bushels 200 bushels
8. If a nation’s currency appreciates, in the short run
its net exports and aggregate demand are most 11. In the absence of international trade, the
likely to change in which of the following ways? opportunity cost of producing one bushel of
cotton in Egypt is
Net Exports Aggregate Demand
(A) Decrease Decrease (A) 0.8 bushel of corn.

(B) Decrease Increase (B) 1 bushel of corn.

(C) Increase Decrease (C) 1.25 bushels of corn.
(D) Increase Increase (D) 400 bushels of corn.
(E) No change Decrease (E) Impossible to determine from the infor-
mation given.
9. If exchange rates are allowed to fluctuate freely
and the U.S. demand for Japanese yen increases, 12. If Egypt and Venezuela begin to engage in
which of the following will happen? bilateral trade, then
(A) The U.S. balance of trade deficit will worsen (A) Egypt will export corn and import cotton.
in the long run. (B) Egypt will import both corn and cotton.
(B) Americans will have to pay more for Japa- (C) Egypt will export both corn and cotton.
nese goods. (D) Egypt will import corn and export cotton.
(C) It will be more expensive for the Japanese to (E) It is impossible to determine which coun-
buy American real estate. try will import and export which good .
(D) The dollar will appreciate.
(E) More Americans will want to travel to

322 Advanced Placement Economics Macroeconomics: Student Activities © National Council on Economic Education, New York, N.Y.

6 Macroeconomics MULTIPLE-CHOICE

13. The following data show the quantities of soda 15. In the United States, an increase in which of
and cheese that can be produced in the United the following will cause an increase in U.S.
States and France with one unit of resources. imports?
I. Per capita real income
Soda Cheese II. Price level
United States 20 bottles 60 pounds III. Interest rates
France 10 bottles 40 pounds IV. Tariffs
(A) I and II only
Which of the following are true statements?
I. France has an absolute advantage in pro- (B) I and III only
ducing soda. (C) I and IV only
II. The United States has a comparative (D) I, II, and III only
advantage in producing soda.
(E) II, III and IV only
III. The United States has an absolute advan-
tage in producing cheese.
16. The following data show the number of hours
IV. The United States has a comparative
it takes in Brazil and Colombia, using one unit
advantage in producing cheese.
of resources, to produce one ton of coffee or
(A) I only one ton of cocoa.
(B) II only
Coffee Cocoa
(C) II and III only
Brazil 5 hours 3 hours
(D) II and IV only Colombia 6 hours 3 hours
(E) I, II, and III only
Which of the following statements are true?
I. Brazil has a comparative advantage in pro-
14. If the U.S. dollar appreciates in the foreign
ducing coffee.
exchange market, U.S. imports and exports are
II. Colombia has an absolute advantage in
most likely to change in which of the following
producing coffee.
III. Brazil has an absolute advantage in
U.S. Imports U.S. Exports producing cocoa.
(A) Increase Remain unchanged IV. Colombia has a comparative advantage in
(B) Increase Increase producing cocoa.
(C) Increase Decrease (A) I only
(D) Decrease Remain unchanged (B) II only
(E) Decrease Decrease (C) I and II only
(D) I and IV only
(E) I, II and III only

Advanced Placement Economics Macroeconomics: Student Activities © National Council on Economic Education, New York, N.Y. 323

6 Macroeconomics MULTIPLE-CHOICE

17. Suppose that the price level in Country A in- 19. If interest rates in the United States are increas-
creases relative to the price level in other coun- ing faster than interest rates in other countries,
tries. In which of the following ways are Country which of the following is most likely to occur?
A’s imports and exports most likely to change? (A) The demand for dollars will decrease, and
Country A’s Country A’s the value of the dollar will increase.
Imports Exports (B) The demand for dollars will increase, and
(A) Increase No change the value of the dollar will increase.
(B) Increase Decrease (C) The supply of dollars will decrease, and
(C) No change Decrease the value of the dollar will increase.
(D) No change Increase (D) The supply of dollars will increase, and the
value of the dollar will increase.
(E) Decrease Increase
(E) The supply of dollars will increase, and the
18. In the short run, in which of the following value of the dollar will decrease.
ways is an expansionary monetary policy most
likely to cause the interest rate and the value of
the domestic currency to change?
Interest Rate Value of Currency
(A) Increase Increase
(B) Increase Decrease
(C) No change Decrease
(D) Decrease Increase
(E) Decrease Decrease

324 Advanced Placement Economics Macroeconomics: Student Activities © National Council on Economic Education, New York, N.Y.

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