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Ban hành lần: 05
KỲ THI: Quá Trình
NĂM HỌC: 2024 Hiệu lực từ ngày: 07/01/2019
Ngày thi: …/…/… Giờ thi:............Nhóm: …...
Thời gian: 45 phút
Họ và tên SV: Thái Ngọc Doanh Doanh MSSV: 023H0023
Huỳnh Ngọc Bảo Hân 023H0045
Nguyễn Ngọc Hân 023H0047
Tô Lâm Ngọc Hân 023H0049
Phạm Ngọc Mai Hân 023H0048
Lê Nguyễn Thiên Ân 023H0004

CÁN BỘ CHÁM THI ĐIỂM BÀI THI (thang điểm 10) Giám thị 1 Giám thị 2
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Đề thi:

Bài làm

Exercise 7/page 6
2. An opinion for the reasons why cell phones should not be allowed in class.
3. A descriptive for the disks that are served in Cancun Restaurant.
4. A process which an athlete would be trained for the marathon.
5. An opinion for the reasons why TOEFL test is hard for many students

Exercise 9/page7,8
2. A wedding
A. Purpose: to tell a meaningful story of a wedding.
Topic sentence: wedding is an important ceremony at marriage.
B. Purpose: to tell the preparation steps at a wedding
Topic sentence: Preparation is an important part in the wedding.
3. An adventure
A. Purpose: to describe a scary journey.
Topic Sentence: the adventure into the forest left many hauntings.

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B. Purpose: to tell a memorable moment in a trip.
Topic Sentence: last year I was received the most unforgettable trip.
4. Fear
A. Purpose: to explain how the fear happens.
Topic Sentence: fear appears in many different situations.
B. Purpose: to compare fear and cowardice in each situation.
Topic Sentence: People often misunderstand fear and cowardice.
5. Desserts
A. Purpose: to give an opinion about the popularity of desserts in the world.
Topic Sentence: most people around the world are desserts lovers.
B. Purpose: to tell the most basic steps in making desserts.
Topic Sentence: there are five basic steps to making dessert.

Exercise 5/page12
1. Team members can learn to work together. Team members can enjoy meeting new people.
2. I met interesting new people. My new friends are happier and more talented than my old friend.
3. Visitors can explore famous architecture and scenic area. The streets are colorful and filled with hotels,
entertainment areas and restaurants.
4. Firstly, we need to think about what we will need when we arrive. Secondly, we should pack it
conveniently so we can easily grab it when needed.

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