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Republic of the Philippines


Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 3


Prepared by:

Ms. Ajenth Jacel R. Aro

BEED 2-1 Eve

April 2024
Second Semester
At the end of a 40 minutes class, the Grade 3 students are able to:
a. Define the meaning and identify the parts of a Diary
b. Appreciate the value of writing a diary by knowing the importance of it
c. Write a diary entry that contains personal experiences, thoughts, and feelings


a. Topic: Writing Diary
b. Materials: TV, Laptop, Pictures, Big Diary etc.
c. References: English 3 Week 4 Quarter 1: Writing a Diary
d. MELCs: EN3WC-Ia-j-2.2 – Write a diary

Teachers Activity Students Activity

Class lets all stand for a short prayer. (The whole class will stand for an opening

Class, please remain standing lets sing (The whole class will remain standing to
the Hello Song. sing the Hello Song.)

Good day my wonderful students, I’m glad Good day teacher, we’re glad to see you
to see you all again! again!

You may now all sit down.

Checking of attendance
Let’s check the attendance, find your 1st Row will stand and find their picture in
picture in the Home Column and put in the attendance chart, followed by the 2nd Row,
School Column. 3rd Row and so on.
Yesterday we learn how to write reflection
about short story right?
Yes teacher!
Now, I will read a story about The Lion and
the Cows and after that tell something
what you’ve learned about it.

Four cows lived in a forest near a

meadow. They were good friends and did
everything together. They grazed together
and stayed together, because of which no
lions were able to kill them for food.

But one day, the friends fought and each

cow went to graze in a different direction.
A lion saw this and decided that it was the
perfect opportunity to kill the cows. The
lion hid in the bushes and surprised the
cows and killed them all, one by one.

What is the moral in the story that we

Don’t fought with friend’s teacher.

What else?
Teacher Unity is strenght.

Very good!
Give yourself three claps.

Before we proceed to the main topic, I
have here a simple activity for you.
You are going to read the following
routines and write the proper activities in
each column.

I will call 8 students to participate in our Direction: Read the following routines.
activity. Write the proper activities in each column.

Day Time Night Time

a. Eat breakfast
b. Read bedtime stories
c. Wear pajamas
d. Play
e. Eat midnight snacks
f. Pray before sleeping
g. Exercise
h. Go to school

Very Good my dear students!

Give yourself three claps.

Do you have a best friend to whom you
share your secret? Yes/No Teacher!

Do you know what is this? Teacher it’s a diary!

Very good, it’s a diary.

No/Yes teacher!
Do you know what diary is?

Diary is a book in which you note down

Who wants to read?
your day-to-day experiences, feelings,
memorable moment and adventures.

Thank you.

It is just a way of expressing your feelings,

emotions, and experiences in your own

A diary entry helps you relieve old


It can be or

A diary entry has different parts.

a. Day/Date
b. Salutation/Opening
c. Body
d. Closing
“Here is my big best friend.”
“My diary! Look what I have written on it in
one of my memorable day in my life.”

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Dear diary,
Today I woke up early because we are
going to Enchanted Kingdom. I am so
excited because it’s my first time to go
there with my friends. We spend the
whole day enjoying the place, rides and
foods in EK. The ferris wheel is the best
ride for me, because it’s very high and
the view is very nice. At the end of the
day we watch fireworks. We are so tired
and slept in our way home.

Let’s identify the parts of diary in the

example of a diary entry that we read.

Saturday, 15th of July 2017 is the Day and


Dear diary is the Salutation or opening


This is the Body which includes the

feelings, emotions, experience and

And lastly the complimentary close such

as a name, signature or goodnight and

Now here’s a tip in writing a diary.

Who wants to read the first tip in writing a 1. Write in a chronological order

We write the events in the correct order,

start with events that happened early in
the day and end with events that took
place in the evening.

Who wants to read the next tip to write a 2. Write in the first person

Use pronouns such as I, We, Us, We’re

and I’m, since it is your personal
experience so it will make you feel part of
the story.

Please read the next tip. 3.

Talk about events that involved you, your

family or close friends. Avoid talking about
strangers and events you are not involved.

Read together the 4th tip.

Familiar events
Give detailed imformation about places,
objects, people and events. Avoid
describing what is not needed.

Please read the last tip in writing a diary.

4. Detailed Description
In writing a diary we need to write what we
feel and why we feel that way. If you are
sad, remember to explain why (don’t just
write “I am sad today.”)
If you are happy, tell your diary why are
you happy. 5. Explain Why?

Don’t be afraid to write about your feelings
and emotions. After all, it is your personal
diary and you share everything with it.
Group Activity
“Now for your Activity, I will group you into
four groups and you just need to arrange
the following parts of the diary in their
appropriate place.”

Direction: Arrange the following parts of

the diary in their appropriate place. Put
your answer on the space provided.


Dear Diary,

Today I got a special birthday present

from uncle Jay. I was surprised to saw
the basketball jersey that I really want
to have. I love playing basketball
because I really want to be a
basketball player when I grow up.

22 February, 2020


Day/Date __________

__________ Opening


Individual Activity ______________________ Body

I will give you an activity sheet, make your
own diary entry contains your today ______________________
personal experiences, thoughts, and ______________________
feelings. Closing __________

Direction: Make your own diary entry

contains your today personal experiences,
thoughts, and feelings.

Writing a diary can be fun and exciting.
Diary is like a good friend to whom we
share our everyday experiences, what we
think, and what we feel. Memorable
experiences that we collected and kept in
a notebook or book and can be shared
with our child and grandchildren when we
get old.


a. A. Direction: Draw happy face (🙂) if the statement describes a diary and sad face

(🙁) if the statement not describe a diary.

____1. It is where you write your everyday experiences.

____2. It is where you write happy moments that you want to remember.
____3. It contains the experiences of other people.
____4. You can express here your feelings and emotions.
____5. Diary is written by a close friend.

B. Put a check (✅) on the box if the statement tells how to write a diary and cross (❎) if

1. We write the date.

2. We use I, my, we ours in our sentences.
3. We write about the experiences of other people not related to us.
4. We express what we think and how we feel.
5. We use capitalization and the correct punctuation mark.

Direction: Do you still remember your birthday last year? What are the three things that
made you happy on your birthday? Write a diary by drawing these things and writing
two sentences about it.








References: English 3 Week 4 Quarter 1: Writing a Diary


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