GEMSS-E-16 Rev 01voltage Transformers

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Revision No. 01

Voltage Transformers



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Generation Projects Engineering Department

Generation Engineering & Materials
Standard Specifications
GEMSS-E-16,Rev.01 Volume - 1
Voltage Transformers
Document Responsibility:- Engineering and Design Division
Next Planned Update : Based on new development & technology with the consent of designated division

Table of Contents

1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------- 7

2.0 SCOPE --------------------------------------------------------------- 7



5.0 MATERIALS -------------------------------------------------------- 8


7.0 MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS ----------------------- 9

7.1 Instrumentation and Control System -------------------------- 9

7.2 Electrical System --------------------------------------------------- 9

7.3 Factory inspection and testing -------------------------------- 10

7.4 Field Quality and Control --------------------------------------- 10

8.0 TECHNICAL DATA SCHEDULE ---------------------------- 10

Document Responsibility: Engineering and Design Division Volume - 1
Next Planned Update:- Based on new development & technology GEMSS-E-16,Rev.01
with the consent of designated division Voltage Transformers

List of Abbreviations

- Minus
% per cent
± plus or minus
+ Plus
< less than
> more than
° Degree
°C degree Celsius
AABC Associated Air Balance Council
Ac alternating current
Ac/h air changes per hour
AFFF aqueous film forming foam
AHU air handling unit
ANSI American National Standard Institute
API American Petroleum Institute
ARI American Refrigeration Institute
ARU automatic run-up and loading
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
AVR automatic voltage regulator
AWWA American Water Works Association
B&W black and white
BFP boiler feed pump
BMCR boiler maximum continuous rating
BOD biological oxygen demand
BOP balance of plant
BS British Standard
Btu British thermal unit
BWRO brackish water reverse osmosis
BIL Basic insulation Level
I&C instrumentation and control
CCB central control building
CCD charged couple device
CCR central control room
CCTV closed circuit television
CD ROM compact disk read only memory
CEMS continuous emissions monitoring system
CFC chloro-fluoro carbons
CFD computational fluid dynamics
CIF carriage, insurance and freight
CIP clean in place
CO carbon monoxide
CO2 carbon dioxide
COD chemical oxygen demand
COI Critical Oxygen Index
Cr/SS chromium/stainless steel
Cos Cosine
CPP condensate polishing plant
cSt centistoke
CT current transformer
CV curriculum vitae
CW circulating water
CCCW closed circuit cooling water
dB(A) decibel (audio)
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Document Responsibility: Engineering and Design Division Volume - 1
Next Planned Update:- Based on new development & technology GEMSS-E-16,Rev.01
with the consent of designated division Voltage Transformers

Db dry bulb
dc or DC direct current
DCS distributed control system
DEH digital electro hydraulic
DEHG digital electro hydraulic governor
DFO distillate fuel oil
DFR design flow rating
DGP data gathering panel
DIM design intent memorandum
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung
DL dead load
DLT digital linear type
DM dual media
DNB departure from nucleate boiling
EEC European Economic Community
EHV extra high voltage
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EN Euro Norm
EOTC electric overhead travelling crane
EPC engineer, procure and construct
EPR ethylene propylene rubber
EPRI Electrical Power Research Institute
EPRS effective projected radiant heat absorbing surface
ESP electrostatic precipitator
ESV emergency stop valve
EVER epoxy vinyl ester resin
EWS engineer’s workstation
FAC Final Acceptance Certificate
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
FCB fast cut back
FD forced draft
FFFP film forming fluoro-protein
FGD flue gas desulphurization
FM Factory Mutual
FOC fibre optic cables
FOPH fuel oil pump house
FTIR Fourier Transform Infra Red
G gauge (pressure)
G/Y green/yellow
GCB generator circuit breaker
GE generator end
GGH gas/gas heater
GIS gas insulated switchgear
GR gas recirculating
GRP glass reinforced plastic
GT gas turbine
GTMDO gas transfer membrane de-oxygenation
H&S health and safety
H2 Hydrogen
H2O Water
HAZAN hazard analysis
HAZID hazard identification
HAZOP hazard and operability
HB Brinell Hardness
HCFC hydrochlorofluorocarbon
HCISS High Commission for Industrial Safety and Security
HCL hydrochloric acid
HDPE high density polyethylene
HEI Heat Exchange Institute
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Document Responsibility: Engineering and Design Division Volume - 1
Next Planned Update:- Based on new development & technology GEMSS-E-16,Rev.01
with the consent of designated division Voltage Transformers

HFO heavy fuel oil

HMI human machine interface
H-OH hydrogen-hydroxide cycle
HP high pressure
HRC high rupture current
HV high voltage
HVAC heating, ventilation and air conditioning
Hz Hertz
I/O input/output
ICEA Insulated Cable Engineers Association
ID induced draft
IBC intermediate bulk container
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IP Ingress Protection
IPB isolated phase busbar
ISO International Standards Organization
ITP Inspection and Test Plan
JIS Japanese Industrial Standards
KCl potassium chloride
Kg Kilogram
kg/cm kilogram per square centimetre
kg/m kilogram per cubic metre
kg/s kilogram per second
kJ/kg kilojoule per kilogram
kJ/kWh kilojoule per kilowatt hour
KKS Kraftwerk Kennzeichen System
Km Kilometre
KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
kV Kilovolt
kVA kilovolt amperes
kVAr Kilovar
kW Kilowatt
kWh kilowatt-hour
Lb pounds (Imperial weight)
l/s litre per second
LAN local area network
LCD liquid crystal display
LED light emitting diode
LHV lower heating value
LL live load
LP low pressure
LSF low smoke and fume
LTSA long term service agreement
LV low voltage
M Metre
m/sec metre per second
m metres cubed
m /h cubic metre per hour
mA Milliampere
MCB miniature circuit breaker
MCC motor control centre
MCMS Machine Condition Monitoring System
MCR maximum continuous rating
MCWP main cooling water pump
MDF main distribution frame
MDI methylene diphenyl disocyanate
MDPE medium density polyethylene
MFT master fuel trip
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Document Responsibility: Engineering and Design Division Volume - 1
Next Planned Update:- Based on new development & technology GEMSS-E-16,Rev.01
with the consent of designated division Voltage Transformers

mg/m milligram per cubic metre
mg/Nm milligram per normal cubic metre
MICC mineral insulated cables
MIG metal inert gas
Min Minute
MJ Megajoule
Mm Millimetre
mm millimetre squared
MOV motor operated valve
MSL minimum stable load
MV medium voltage
MVA megavolt-ampere
MVAr megavolt ampere reactive
MW megawatt
MWh megawatt-hour
MWth megawatt (thermal)
N2 nitrogen
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers
NaOH sodium hydroxide
NB nominal bore
NC noise criteria
NCR non-conformance report
NDT non-destructive testing
NEC National Electrical Code
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NER neutral earth resistor
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
ng/J nanogram per joule
NH4OH ammonium hydroxide
Ni-Cd nickel-cadmium
Nm nanometre
NO2 nitrogen dioxide
NOx oxides of nitrogen
NPSH net positive suction head
NTP normal temperature and pressure
NWL normal water level
O&M operation and maintenance
O2 Oxygen
ODAF oil directed air forced
OFNR optical fibre non-conductive riser
OFWF oil forced water forced
ONAF oil natural air forced
ONAN oil natural air natural
OPC OLE (object linking and embedding) for process control
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
P&ID piping and instrumentation diagram
Pa Pascal
PABX private automatic branch exchange
PAC provisional acceptance certificate
PC personal computer
PDF portable document file
PED Pressure Equipment Directive
PF power factor
pH potential hydrogen
PIMS plant information management system
PLC programmable logic controller
PME Presidency of Meteorology and the Environment
Ppb parts per billion
Ppm parts per million
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Next Planned Update:- Based on new development & technology GEMSS-E-16,Rev.01
with the consent of designated division Voltage Transformers

PPTB pounds per thousand barrels

PSA Pressure Swing Adsorption
PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene
PTZ pan/tilt/zoom
Pu per unit
PVC polyvinyl chloride
PWM pulse width modulated
QCC Quality Control Certificate
QCR Quality Control Record
RAH regenerative air heater
Rms root-mean-square
RO reverse osmosis
Rpm revolution per minute
RSA rolled steel angle
RTD resistance temperature detector
RTR reinforced thermosetting resin
RTU remote terminal unit
SAC strong acid cation
SAH steam air heater
SASO Saudi Arabia Standards Organization
SAT site acceptance test (or saturation)
SBA strong basic anion
SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition
SCR selective catalytic reduction or silicon controlled rectifier
SDI silt density index
SDR standard dimensional ratio
SE steam end
SEC-WOA Saudi Electricity Company – Western Operating Area
SF6 sulphur hexafluoride (insulating gas)
SFC static frequency converter
SI International Systems of Units
SIL Safety Integrity Level
SLD single line diagram
SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air-conditioning Contractors National Associated
SNCR selective non catalytic reduction
SO2 sulphur dioxide
SOE sequence of events
SSD Safety and Security Directive
STG steam turbine generator
SUS saybolt universal seconds
swg or SWG standard wire gauge
SWRO seawater reverse osmosis
T Tonne
TDS total dissolved solids
T/G turbine generator
t/h tonne per hour
TDH total differential head
TDI toluene disocyanate
TEMA Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association
TFC thin film composite
TI temperature index
TIG tungsten inert gas
TIMS Tank Inventory Management System
TKN total kjeldahl nitrogen
TL thermal load
TMCR turbine maximum continuous rating
TOC total organic carbon
TP terminal points
TSI turbine supervisory instrumentation
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Next Planned Update:- Based on new development & technology GEMSS-E-16,Rev.01
with the consent of designated division Voltage Transformers

TSS total suspended solids

TSV turbine stop valve
UBC Uniform Building Code
UF ultrafiltration/ultrafilter
UHF ultra high frequency
UL Underwriters Laboratories
UPS uninterruptible power supply
UV ultra violet
V Volt
VA volt-ampere
VDU visual display unit
VGB Technische Vereinigung der Graskraftswerks Beteriber
(Technical Association of Large Power Plant Operators)
VOC volatile organic compounds
VSD variable speed drive
VT voltage transformer
VPI Vacuum pressure Impregnated
VWO valves wide open
WAN wide area network
Wb wet bulb
Wc water closet
WHO World Health Organization
WL wind load (or water level)
Wt Weight
WTI winding temperature indicator
WTP water treatment plant
XLPE cross-linked polyethylene
TEWAC Totally Enclosed Water to Air Cooled
TIAC Turbine Inlet Air Cooler

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Document Responsibility: Engineering and Design Division Volume - 1
Next Planned Update:- Based on new development & technology GEMSS-E-16,Rev.01
with the consent of designated division Voltage Transformers


Voltage transformer shall mean instrument transformers intended for measuring or protective

All voltage transformers supplied under this Contract shall comply with the requirements of
IEC 61869-3 or IEEE C57.13.

A complete overview of the instrument transformers shall be provided, consisting of information

on both voltage and current transformers, to enable the power station maintenance and/or management staff
to have a thorough knowledge of the technology.


This specification details the technical requirements for the design, construction and testing of
the voltage transformers.


The latest version of the following codes and standards shall be followed, unless stated
otherwise by this Specification:

International Electrotechnical Commission

- IEC 61869-3, Instrument transformers - Part 2 : Inductive voltage transformers.

- IEC 60282-1, High-voltage fuses. Current-limiting fuses.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

- IEEE C57.13, Requirements for Instrument Transformers


The plant and equipment shall be designed, constructed and installed such that every
reasonable safeguard and provision for the safety of all personnel concerned with the construction,
commissioning, operation and maintenance of the plant is incorporated.

All equipment shall be designed, constructed and installed to ensure satisfactory and safe
operation under all operating conditions including load and voltage variation, frequency variation, transients
from starts and stops, transients due to short circuits and other internal and external fault conditions.

The failure of any single electrical component or piece of equipment shall not compromise the
safe operation of the plant and shall not cause a loaded generator to trip.

The design, construction and installation of the plant shall be carried out under the consideration
of maximising the continuity of supply, availability of service and reliability.

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Next Planned Update:- Based on new development & technology GEMSS-E-16,Rev.01
with the consent of designated division Voltage Transformers

The equipment shall be provided with suitable means for electrical disconnection, isolation and
earthing of connections to facilitate maintenance and reconfiguration of any part of the electrical power
system during the normal operation of the power station.

All equipment shall be of proven concept and design under commercial operation and shall be
manufactured by reputable and approved manufacturers to ensure high reliability.

Prototype or experimental equipment that has not been proven shall be excluded.

All equipment shall be designed to IEC and IEEE standards as appropriate.


All equipment and components shall be new and designed and manufactured for the specific
purpose for which they shall be used within the plant.

The design, construction and installation of the plant and equipment shall be such as to minimise
the risk of the outbreak of fire and to minimise the potential and consequential injury to personnel and
damage to equipment.

Materials shall not support combustion and shall be fire retardant where possible.


Voltage transformers shall be provided for all metering, instrumentation and protection

Each generator shall be provided with the following three phase sets of voltage transformers as
a minimum:

- one set for tariff metering;

- one set for statistical main metering;

- one set for relay protection channel A, automatic voltage regulator channel A and

- one set for relay protection channel B, automatic voltage regulator channel B and

Three phase sets of voltage transformers shall be installed in the isolated phase busbars for unit
transformer and station transformer statistical metering and any other necessary requirements.

Voltage transformers shall comply with the requirements of IEC 61869-3.

Unless otherwise stated voltage transformers shall have a secondary voltage of 110V/√3 for
phase-to-earth application and 110 V for line-line applications and the following accuracy classes:

- Tariff metering Class 0.2

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Next Planned Update:- Based on new development & technology GEMSS-E-16,Rev.01
with the consent of designated division Voltage Transformers

- Statistical metering Class 0.5

- Instrumentation Class 1

- Protection Class 5P

- Synchronising Class 1P

- Automatic Voltage Regulator Class 0.5

In MV applications the primary windings shall be connected to the switchgear through readily
accessible renewable fuses complying with the requirements of IEC 61869-3.

Secondary fuses or circuit breakers shall be provided on or adjacent to each voltage


The voltage transformer secondary circuits shall be earthed at one point only through separate
earth link .

Tariff meters and generator statistical meters shall each be supplied from a dedicated voltage
transformer secondary winding.

Dedicated secondary wiring shall always be used to connect voltage transformer secondary
windings to the associated meter to avoid additional items affecting the lead burdens.

Where voltage transformers are supplied which are, or may be connected to different sections of
the busbar it shall not be possible for the voltage transformer secondary windings to be connected in parallel.

For voltage transformers consisting of single phase units, separate earth links for each
secondary winding shall be provided at the voltage transformer.

On metal-clad switchgear, voltage transformer spouts and the connections to the main copper-
work shall be capable of continuously carrying the rated current of the switchgear in order that primary
injection tests on protection gear may be carried out.

Documentation confirming that the voltage transformers have passed type routine test as
stipulated in IEC 60044-2 shall be provided.


7.1 Instrumentation and Control System

Not applicable to this specification.

7.2 Electrical System

Not applicable to this specification.

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Document Responsibility: Engineering and Design Division Volume - 1
Next Planned Update:- Based on new development & technology GEMSS-E-16,Rev.01
with the consent of designated division Voltage Transformers

7.3 Factory inspection and testing

The equipment provided is subject to inspection and tests by the Company during the course of
manufacture and on completion in order to ensure compliance with this Specification. For further details
refer to section GEMSS-G-03 Factory inspection and testing .

Routine and type tests and methods, taking account of applicable codes and standards, shall be
agreed with and approved by the Company

Quality control and quality assurance refer to section GEMSS-G-05

7.4 Field Quality and Control

The CONTRACTOR shall submit for approval a comprehensive quality control plan covering the
erection, testing and commissioning activities . This document shall identify the degree of inspection and
testing to be carried out by his personnel .The following minimum witnessed tests shall be conducted by the
Contractor after installation of the equipment.

1) Ratio check

2) Insulation resistance test

3) Polarity test

The site test or measurements shall ensures that all equipment and site works are carried out and completed
in compliance with the relevant specifications. For further details refer to section GEMSS-G04 .


Technical Schedule and data sheets shall be completed and submitted along with the proposal for Company/
Engineer review. (Please refer to Volume 2).

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