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What are the advantages and disadvantages of enlisting in the army in the US?

Dennis, Katie

Vietnam Australia International School

Global Perspective


April 2024

Joining the American army is an unmatched chance to proudly serve and protect your nation.
Serving in the military is an honourable, multi-generational tradition for many American families.
Enlisting in the military offers several benefits, such as a consistent salary, on-the-job training, and real-
world work experience.

It is important to carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of military life before deciding to
enlist in the United States Army because it is a major decision. On the one hand, enlisting in the military
provides prospects for travel, exciting jobs, adventure, and career training. But the work is perilous by
nature, and you never know where you'll be stationed or how long a deployment to a far-off war-torn
nation might take.


People often join the military because they want to serve their country. This sense of duty, or
"calling to service," can stem from patriotic family values or the desire to do something meaningful.
People who join the military for this reason feel a sense of pride and accomplishment at their jobs.
Based on, there are lots of reasons for joining the Army, for example: To learn new
skills or a trade, to find purpose, to pay for college or to gain experience and many others.


The military supports professional development and encourages lifelong learning. Along with
military training on base, active duty and Reserve military service personnel are eligible to receive up to
100 percent of their college tuition paid, according to In addition, service members and
military veterans can access other government sources of funding for their intended college studies and
vocational training, including licensing and certification courses.

The greatest disadvantage of enlisting is the risk of being killed, seriously injured, or
permanently crippled while on military duty. Soldiers promise to give their all for their country. Broken
bones, shrapnel wounds, blindness, eardrum perforations, limb amputations, paralysis, and nerve
damage are all common battlefield casualties. According to Brown University researchers, the most
common physical and psychological conditions affecting soldiers returning from Afghanistan and Iraq are
traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD-affected veterans may also
struggle with substance abuse or suicidal thoughts. It can be difficult to maintain a career while
reintegrating into the community.

Global Perspective

Views on the US Army from throughout the world might vary from respect for its technological
prowess to disapproval of its interventionist tactics. Enlistment in the US Army may be seen with
mistrust in certain countries, but as an opportunity in others. The activities of the US military in other
areas also influence the world viewpoint.
National Perspective

Depending on variables including age, political party, and geography, national attitudes
on enlisting can change. While some studies may indicate a fall in interest in military duty, others may
emphasise reasons such as patriotism or the opportunity to further one's education.

Last Name, A. B. (Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Pages #-#. URL.

Last Name, C. D. (Year). Book Title (Edition). Publisher Name. URL.

Last Name, D. E., Last Name, F. G., Last Name, H. I. (Year). Report Title (report number). Publisher. URL.

Last Name, J. K. (Year, Month Day). Article Title/Headline. Periodical. URL.

Organization Name. (Year, Month Day). Webpage Title. URL.

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