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PART 1: Read this email from your English-speaking friend Pat and the notes you have made.
Write your email to Pat using all the notes.

PART 2: Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.

Your story must begin with this sentence.

The island didn’t look far away, and I felt sure that I could reach it.

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Part 1:
Hi Tim,
Great to see your email. I’m excited to see you next week too!
I’ve planned so many activities for both of us. In the morning, we will go to the theme park, and
then, in the afternoon, we will go to the water vehicles museum and the aquarium nearby. At
night, we will go to the largest night market in the area so you can buy any souvenir you want.
As I just said, I planned some outdoor activities but none of them is fishing. So, I’m sorry to say
that but you aren’t going to need to bring your fishing rod and raincoat.
Well, as for your gift, I suggest that you should buy anything you like as it will be more
Can’t wait to see you!
Take care,
Part 2:
The island didn't look far away, and I felt sure that I could reach it. Besides, a man was fishing in
a boat between the beach and the island. If I got in trouble, he could help me. I put on my
swimming costume, walked into the sea, and began to swim. I felt confident because I am a
strong swimmer. But soon, I felt the sea pulling me to one side. It pulled me away from the beach
and away from the island . I tried to swim back to the beach but it was impossible. I got very
scared. Fortunately, the man in the boat rescued me. 'It's dangerous to swim here. Didn't you see
the warning signs?' he said. I had seen them, but I had ignored them. I'll know better next time!

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