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Full name: Nguyen Tran Thien Phuc

Student ID: 22206260

Major: Public Relations - PR
Course: Introduction to Public Relations
Lecturer: Dao Thi Ngoc Linh

I am a Impact Development Specialist at the Living Fund organization. My role

is pivotal in advancing impactful initiatives and disseminating the organization's
mission and outcomes to stakeholders. This involves effective engagement and
communication with various parties, including sponsors, businesses, experts,
communities, fostering understanding, connections, and appropriate support to
generate positive impacts on society and the environment.

On December 12th, 2023, I attended a press conference regarding the 10B

Urban Area in Cam Pha City, Ha Long Bay. In my capacity as a representative
of the Living Fund, a non-profit organization dedicated to environmental
protection and sustainable development, I was responsible for introducing our
organization, its mission, activities, and projects. Moreover, I shared our
perspectives and recommendations concerning the land reclamation issue in
Cam Pha.

The press conference took place at 1:00 PM at Room 406, Hoa Sen University.
It was attended by multiple stakeholders, including Do Gia Capital Company
Limited, Quang Ninh Provincial People's Committee, Cam Pha City People's
Committee, Quang Ninh Department of Natural Resources and Environment,
Quang Ninh Forest Protection Department, Halong Bay Management Board,
Interdisciplinary Inspection Team, and various media agencies. The purpose
was to clarify the causes, procedures, and consequences of encroaching upon
the coast in Cam Pha, an ecologically valuable area recognized as a UNESCO
World Natural Heritage Site.

During the press conference, I encountered several challenges and difficulties,


Insufficient accurate and transparent information from Do Gia Capital Company

and relevant authorities regarding the land reclamation. Do Gia Capital
provided vague technical documents lacking verifiable evidence. The
governmental agencies also failed to provide adequate explanations about
permitting and monitoring the land reclamation.

Debate and tension among involved parties. Do Gia Capital asserted the legality
and economic benefits of the land reclamation, supported by Quang Ninh
Provincial People's Committee and Cam Pha City People's Committee, claiming
no adverse environmental impact. Conversely, civil society organizations,
including the Living Fund, vehemently opposed the land reclamation,
presenting evidence and scientific studies on its harmful effects on the
ecosystem, human health, and local food security.

Lack of concern and complacency from some stakeholders. Some businesses

and media agencies demonstrated disinterest and disrespect towards the land
reclamation issue. They made irresponsible statements and disregarded
environmental and sustainable development scientific knowledge.

From the perspective of the Living Fund organization, I believe that the coastal
encroachment in Cam Pha is a wrongful and perilous action. This not only
violates the law but also causes severe consequences for the environment and
society. I firmly believe that economic development cannot be exchanged for
the destruction of nature and human life. I also trust that there are various
solutions to develop the Cam Pha industrial zone without the need for land
reclamation. I hope that the involved parties can listen, understand, and respect
each other while seeking reasonable and sustainable solutions to this issue.

During the press conference, I had the opportunity to hear from the involved
parties about the project implementation process, the economic and social
benefits of the project, as well as the measures to address arising issues during
construction. I also had the chance to ask questions and express the Living Fund
organization's concerns related to the project.

I feel that the press conference provided a fair and transparent platform for all
involved parties to exchange information and opinions. I also felt respected and
heard by the involved parties, especially the investors and governmental
authorities. I hope that following the press conference, the involved parties will
take specific actions to ensure that the land reclamation project in Cam Pha will
be carried out responsibly and sustainably, without negatively impacting the
environment and the lives of the local community.

I also feel that the press conference was an opportunity for me to learn and
enhance my communication and persuasive skills. I endeavored to use
professional, clear, and objective language to present the viewpoint of the
Living Fund organization. I also attempted to listen to and understand the
perspectives of other involved parties, not just opposing but seeking common
ground and cooperative solutions. I believe these are crucial skills for a
development impact specialist like myself.

In summary, the press conference regarding the land reclamation issue in Cam
Pha, Quang Ninh, was a beneficial and interesting experience for me. I was able
to fulfill my role in promoting the development impact initiatives of the Living
Fund organization and spreading its mission to the involved parties. I also had
the opportunity to learn and improve my communication and persuasion skills
with the parties involved. I hope to have more opportunities like this in the

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