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History and Development of Civil Defense

One of the main functions of every government is the organization of civil defense.

According to historians over the past five and a half thousand years about 15,000 wars broke
out on the planet. As a result, more than three and a half billion people have been killed.
Throughout the entire history humanity has lived only 292 years without armed conflicts.

The primary aim of the civil defense is to protect the civilians and help them during hostilities
and peacetime emergencies.

On the basis of the statistics it is clear that the number and scale of emergencies that have
arisen in the world as a result of military operations, terrorist acts, industrial accidents and
disasters is increasing steadily.

The civil defense has its own history of incipience and development. In 1931, French
General of medical service George St-Paul founded the "Association of the Geneva Zones" in
Paris, which later was transformed into the International Organization of Civil Defense. The
"Geneva Zones" was a neutral zone, where certain categories of civilians (women, children, the
sick and the elderly) might find refuge in time of war.

General St. Paul died in 1937. Upon his request the Association was moved from Paris to
Geneva and converted to the International Association for the Protection of the civilian
population and historic buildings in wartime. Henry George led the Association and became its
Secretary- General.

In 1947, Henry George published a book called "Modern war and the protection of the
civilians”. This work became a manifesto of the Association and contained a project of the
international convention for the creation of secure zones called "Geneva zones".

The Diplomatic Conference ratified the existence of «hospital districts and zones" for the
wounded and sick soldiers. At the same time, safety zones and areas were created to protect the
wounded, the sick, the elderly, the disabled, children under 15 years of age, pregnant women and
mothers with children up to seven years old. Governments of various European countries came
together to develop plans for the evacuation of the civilian population to safe areas.

In 1954 Berlin hosted an international conference on the protection of civilians in time of war
through the creation and recognition of the neutral zones. This conference is known as the "First
World Conference on Civil Defense." The Second World Conference on Civil Defense was hold
in 1957 in Florence. During the meeting, delegates requested the International Association of
“Geneva Zones" to reorganize the Association into an international organization on Civil
Defense problems. In January 1958, the International Association of "Geneva Zones" (non-
government organization) was transformed into the International Organization of Civil Defense.
Nowadays the International Organization of Civil Defense is open to all states. The Assembly is
its supreme authority. The Assembly meets in regular sessions, the interval between them does
not exceed two years. The official languages of the organization are: Arabic, English, French and
In 1990 the 9th session of the General Assembly of International Organization of Civil
Defense was held. It was decided to celebrate the new holiday- Day of Civil Defense- each year
on March 1st.

As for our country, it joined the International Organization of Civil Defense in 1993.

The decree № 700, signed by the President of Azerbaijan Republic on April 18, 1998 , the
Resolution №193 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic dated 25 September 1998,
the Regulation №511 of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan Republic on civil
defense forces dated 29.12.2006 and the Regulation №394 on the creation of the Ministry of
Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan dated 19.04.2006, define the goals and objectives of Civil
Defense, state and government as well as citizens’ behavior, regarding Civil Defense.

The general management of Civil Defense is controlled by the President of the Republic of
Azerbaijan, and the direct leadership is in the hands of Prime Minister. The Ministry of
Emergency Situations provides day to day management, plans and controls the execution of

Civil Defense is a system of actions in time of peace or in time of war to protect the public
(citizens of Azerbaijan Republic, foreigners and persons without citizenship) and territory (earth,
water and air space, industrial and social facilities, as well as the environment) with the
participation of government agencies, businesses and individuals.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of Azerbaijan Republic № 700 dated 18
April 1998, the republic's territory is divided into areas and group of cities, and household
objects are divided into categories based on their political, economic, defense, and other factors.
These areas, group of cities and categories are approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of
Azerbaijan Republic.

The division of the territory of Azerbaijan Republic into the zones is defined by the
Supplement number 1.
The division of cities into groups: Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3 is defined by the
Supplement number 2.

The most important objects are divided into the objects of the first category and objects of the
second category. These categories can be extended to the following objects: existing objects,
objects under construction, remodeled and designed objects, special industrial, transport, energy
and communications agencies, Special Design Bureaus, oil and gas companies, sites of national
importance (archives, museums, libraries, art galleries), grocery and material bases, water
utilities and other objects of national importance.

Regardless of the form of ownership production associations, institutions, factories and other
economic entities may be given categories to when their institutions, workshops and controls
are located on the same production area.
The rest of the objects are not given any categories. The categories are not given to
construction companies, underground buildings, administrative agencies, community
organizations, health resorts and rest houses, theaters, cinemas, circuses, and residential
facilities, agricultural facilities, reserves and objects located in the dangerous areas of flooding.
Ministers, heads of major institutions give the list of objects that can be given categories, to the
Ministry of Economic Development for agreement. Ministry of Economic Development sends
an agreed list for approval to the Cabinet of Ministers.

Main responsibilities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations according to Civil


1. The protection of population and objects in case of emergency situations.

2. Warning people about the threat in emergency situations of war and peace, and the rules
of behavior in such conditions
3. The organization and conduct of rescue and other emergency operations in the aftermath
of emergency
4. Preparing managers and government forces for the protection of the civilians, as well as
the organization of training people how to protect them appropriately.
5. Participation in the development and implementation of engineering, technical and other
measures aimed at improving the sustainability of industries, businesses, institutions and
organizations in emergency situations in peacetime and wartime.

Main responsibilities of the civilians

1. To fulfill the requirements of the legislation of Azerbaijan Republic according to Civil

2. To be able to use individual and collective protection means.
3. To study and know main means of protection in case of any emergency.
4. To follow the established rules in case of any emergency.
5. To know the main rules of first aid.
6. To know the main signs of Civil Defense and to be able to use them appropriately.
7. Immediately notify the appropriate government authorities and neighbors about possible
8. To perform all duties assigned to them by Civil Defense with honor.

Organizational principles of Civil Defense:

Civil Defense in our republic is organized according to the following principles:

1. The territorial principle (Civil Defense activities must be performed on the territory of
the republic)
2. The principle of individuality and integrated approach (Civil Defense activities must be
individually planned and held in conjunction, regarding the strategic, economic zones and
other features, cities, industrial and social objects.
3. The principle of constant readiness (Civil Defense system of AR must always be ready for
active work in case of emergencies).
4. The principle of mass and coercion (the participation of all citizens of the republic in
activities of Civil Defense which should be mandatory).
5. The principle of immediate notification (immediate warning of the civilians about
potential or already existing emergencies).
6. The principle of interaction (a close and coordinated activity of state bodies and Civil
Defense forces).

Main aims of Civil Defense:

1. Preventive measures to prevent emergencies..

2. Minimizing the amount of damage and possible loss during an emergency
3. Liquidation of Emergency Situations.

Baku area – Baku city and its 12 districts, Absheron district
Ganja area – Ganja city and Naftalan, Akstafa, Kazakh, Tovuz, Dashkesan, Kedabek,
Kelbajar, Shemkir, Gek-Gel, Geranboy, Samux.
Sumgait area – Sumgait city and districts – Shabran, Qubа, Qusar, Xaсhmas, Siyazan, Khizi.
Shemakha area – Shemakha city and districts – Aksu, Ismailli, Qebele, Qeychay, Kurdemir.
Mingechaur area – Mingecaur city and districts- Qakh, Zakatala, Balaken, Aqdash, Udjar,
Yevlakh,Oquz, Sheki.
Shirvan area – Shirvan city, Adjikbul, Beylagan, Imishli, Saatli, Sabirabad, Salyan,
Agdam area - districts- Khankendi, Shusha, Agdam, Ajabedi, Barda, Tartar, Zardab,
Khodjavend, Khodjali.
Jabrail area – districts – Jabrail, Fizuli, Zangilan, Qubadli, Lachin.
Lenkorаn area - Lenkoran city, Astara, Lerik, Yardimli, Bilasuvar, Jalilabad, Masalli.
Nakhichevan area- all the districts of Nakhichevan Republic.

City groups
1st group - Baku city
2nd group - Sumgait city
3rd group - Ganja city
- Mingechaur city
- Shirvan city
- Nakhichevan city

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